Who did Anton Vorotov marry? Anton Avtoman - people's blogger

Anton Vorotnikov is a popular video blogger in the vast Russian segment of YouTube. The main profile of his videos is auto topics.

This is where his pseudonym "Anton Avtoman" comes from.

He was born in Chuvashia, in February 1986. According to the sign of the zodiac, he is Aquarius. As a child, his main passion was cars. After graduating from high school, higher education at the Agricultural Academy.

There he studied as an economist - an accountant, and at the same time worked as a security guard.


Soon he bought his first car - VAZ-2107. His main hobby was driving at high speeds. By a combination of circumstances, he was drawn into the community of street racers that had just appeared at that time.

quickly becoming popular in narrow circles racing drivers soon spearheaded this movement on behalf of Cheboksary. According to the duties assigned to him, he was involved in the organization and conduct of competitions.

Thus he lived until the age of 21. At this age, Anton opened his first business project - a magazine dedicated to cars, which he called "Avtoman". Unfortunately, the crisis that broke out in 2008 ruined Vorotnikov's publication, and he completely curtailed his business.

Hard times forced Anton to become a "buyer" (a person who buys and sells cars that require minor repairs).

The future auto blogger received his first big money after the next election. Anton created a newspaper, quickly promoted it, and largely thanks to the work of Vorotnikov, whose deputy he promoted, came to power.

After the successful work, he received the money promised, in case of victory in the elections, and opened a separate advertising company for them. The name was chosen similar to that used in the previously closed journal.

It is this publication, created by Vorotnikov back in 2007, that is the main source of his income to this day. His YouTube channel called “Avtoman”, as the blogger himself has repeatedly admitted, is just a hobby and a way to earn extra money, while Anton has the main income from the advertising business.


The first video that Anton added to YouTube is a comparison of two ultra budget cars: Lada Grants and Renault Logan. Soon Anton realized that the video was really interesting to people. Already on the first day the number of views exceeded 300 people, and the next day it exceeded 400!

Since 2010, Anton has been engaged in video blogging on a professional basis. His the target audience these are people who are interested in video reviews and test drives of a variety of cars.

In addition, Anton launched whole line interesting projects that stretched out for a long time. The most popular is “From rags to riches”, the main character of which was an elderly VAZ-2112.

During the project, the car received a powerful engine and sports suspension. Another equally significant project of his is the “Pimped Wheelbarrow” - which was launched in 2015, or another, expensive and large Gelendvagen project, which is dedicated to a car that the autoblogger personally loves very much.

Test drives

Today, Anton makes interesting test drives, on models that people are interested in, and his videos are really nice to watch. He works well on his videos, and now the number of his subscribers has exceeded 2 million, and the number of views of each new video reaches 10 million!

New videos regularly appear on the channel dedicated to a variety of cars - from the Russian VAZ to premium German and Japanese brands. For all the time he released great amount a wide variety of informative videos that can be used to obtain information on any particular machine, and the possibility of its modernization.

Separately, Videoblogger releases videos from the “answers to questions” section. There he answers the most exciting subscribers questions and talks in detail about all the nuances.

This is what, according to many, greatly distinguishes Anton from most of his competitors on YouTube. Vorotnikov is many times more open and ready for free dialogue. This is also facilitated by the complete absence of advertising in his videos.

Vehicle Information

The main disadvantage of his video work is the lack of detailed information on specific machines. Although in general it is impossible to say the same about all Vorotnikov's videos. So, for example, in a series of videos dedicated to Gelendvagen, the most detailed and detailed information was given.

In ordinary reviews, viewers often note a lack of information on the technical component, prices for spare parts and repair opportunities.

Anton Vorotnikov is married. The video blogger says little about his personal life, but according to his words and views on life, relations in his family are obviously going well. It is only known that the name of his wife is Daria Kirilova. For everything else, you can ask the blogger yourself in the comments under the next video.

Today, Anton Vorotnikov cooperates with Gazpromneft. As part of his obligations - to be the leader in the drawing of SUVs among people who refueled more than 40 liters at a time.

A photo of how the blogger hands over the keys to his future satisfied mistress can be tracked on his instagram. To date, 6 more cars are up for grabs.

What will happen next?

Anton Vorotnikov in all his videos tries to explain even the most complex topics as simply and interestingly as possible.

In addition, his videos are interesting for those people who want to know the strengths and weaknesses different cars, or among dozens of fresh models, he wants to find exactly the one that will serve faithfully for a long time.

In any case, an assessment by a specialist is always useful, and if the information is presented in an interesting way, then such videos become very popular.

As a person, Anton Vorotnikov can be called honest, open and interesting. In many ways, we were able to find confirmation of this when we watched the course of his conflict with the once most popular blogger, Davidich.

As an autoblogger, Anton is a person who always knows what he is saying and is confident in his words. He carefully filters the information that he is going to give to the audience, and wraps it in an interesting and bright wrapper.

His opinion is always impartial. To date, he has many ambitious plans that he implements, both within the framework of his commercials and beyond them. In addition to his activity on the Internet, he often arranges live meetings with his viewers, where each of the participants can ask a question of interest to them.

Today we live in a truly unique time. Anyone can become a journalist or blogger and gain fame without graduating from universities and without working for a long time in publishing houses. To do this, it is enough to have your own channel on popular video portals, to be well versed in any topic and present it in a favorable context. Such "people's bloggers" have earned the love and respect of millions of people. And authoritative publications, channels and rating agencies began to reckon with their expert opinion.

One of these bloggers was Anton Vorotnikov, or more widely known as Anton Avtoman.

Anton Vorotnikov. Who is this?

Anton Vorotnikov was born in the city of Cheboksary back in 1986. From early childhood, the blogger was interested in cars. As a student of the Cheboksary Agricultural Academy, Anton Vorotnikov became interested in street racing and became a bright, iconic character in the city's street culture. In addition to street racing, he was involved in organizing auto shows and everything related to cars.

Being well versed in racing and cars, the future blogger decided to found a small print publication Avtoman in Cheboksary. Here he was also the editor-in-chief, starting as a simple journalist. Anton Avtoman published his car reviews, expert opinions and test drives. Everything was going great until the crisis of 2008 disrupted the peaceful existence of the newspaper. Avtoman had to close. But the crisis did not unsettle Anton Vorotnikov, as one might imagine. He started selling cars.

The appearance of the channel on YouTube

As mentioned above, 2008 did not break the blogger. Avtoman (Anton Vorotnikov) decided to promote his publication on the Internet. As it turned out, there are practically no costs for this, and with a favorable outcome, the audience will be much larger.

In 2010, Anton Vorotnikov started his own channel on the famous YouTube portal. From that moment began the popular glory of the popular automotive blogger. The first two videos were a resounding success.

In his videos, Anton Avtoman does all car tests very high quality, combining the professional opinion of an expert and the dynamism of shooting. He now has over 450 videos and over a million subscribers on his channel. In his videos, the blogger does not use advertising at all, that is, this is a completely independent, professional opinion with a complete overview of the pros and cons of any car.

Test drives from a blogger

Anton Avtoman shoots his videos the first time, without staged filming, actors and memorized phrases. At the same time, according to available reviews, viewers like high-quality sound and video the most. This is one of the advantages, since the viewer sees all the information, without embellishment and retouching, which adds naturalness and a sense of the presence of viewers in the video.

In these videos you can find: detailed descriptions of components and modifications of various models, without complex technical terms and abstruse proposals. For example, Anton Avtoman "Kia" tested quite interestingly, without stopping to talk about the characteristics. The whole video is in motion, and Anton masterfully does two things at the same time.

How much does a folk blogger earn?

Many people think about the question of how much famous bloggers earn. Many use advertising to promote the channel and receive royalties from sponsored projects. But in the case of Anton Vorotnikov, things are somewhat different. A YouTube channel is more of a hobby than a job, but it also brings in a lot of money.

If you take money from the video, it becomes clear that the blogger earns only from views by viewers. Analyzing world statistics, on average, Anton Avtoman can earn from $2,000 to $10,000 per month. The number of views and subscribers is growing every day, and this leads to an increase in income. According to many, this is a worthy reward for a person who gives himself completely to people, answering their questions and not using advertising.

Plans for the future and personal life

In addition to the popular YouTube channel, Anton Vorotnikov owns a successful advertising agency, which is also called Avtoman, he created it with income from the resale of cars during the 2008 crisis. This is the main income of a blogger.

Anton Avtoman connects his future, as before, with cars. Now he is actively developing social networks where you can chat with him interactively. In addition, he is engaged in automobile exhibitions, shows and other activities related to the automotive industry.

Little is known about the personal life of a famous blogger. The network has information that he is married. But the blogger himself does not like to tell anyone, and even more so on camera, about his personal life, so everything else is kept secret from public eyes.

The popular video blogger Anton Olegovich Vorotnikov, who specializes in test drives and car reviews, was born in the Chuvash capital in February 1986. In Cheboksary, the future Internet presenter grew up and lives to this day.

Like all boys, at school age Anton was fond of cars. After graduating from school, Vorotnikov went to receive higher education at the Agricultural Academy, where he chose the specialty of an accountant-auditor. To earn a living, the guy worked as a security guard and a builder. But Anton did not forget about his youthful passion. Vorotnikov invested his own savings in the first car, the VAZ-2107. Riding and speed gave Anton's life meaning and drive. The acquisition largely predetermined the biography of the young man.

At that time, the street racing movement was gaining popularity, to which the future blogger joined with pleasure. Soon Vorotnikov was elected head of street racing in Cheboksary. The young man organized championships and auto shows.

At the age of 21, the columnist began publishing the Avtoman magazine. But the crisis of 2008 forced Vorotnikov to close the publication, which requires constant financial injections. Anton Vorotnikov started reselling used cars.

The blogger earned his first capital on sales and elections. By order of a candidate for deputies, Vorotnikov created a newspaper, managing to quickly promote the publication and make it a mouthpiece for the candidate. Largely thanks to the release of this printed edition, the deputy managed to become the leader of the elections.

Anton Vorotnikov, having received a reward, invested in own business- an advertising firm, which he named the same as before closed journal- Automan. This agency, founded in 2007, still brings income to the columnist and vlogger.


If the firm "Automan" is main business car enthusiast, then the video blog on Youtube- the main hobby that brings both money and pleasure.

First, an electronic version of the magazine appeared on the Internet with auto-reviews. The blogger claims that this is much more effective than releasing a paper version of the publication. First, it is not comparable financial costs, secondly, there is an interactive connection with readers who suggest what needs to be corrected, and also order topics that interest them.

Anton Vorotnikov's video blog today reaches one million two hundred thousand subscribers. And the number of views of the YouTube channel "Anton Avtoman" per month is even more - it hits the mark of 10 million. Auto-tests of imported and Russian cars appear on the Vorotnikov portal: Gelendvagen, Toyota, BMW, Hyundai, Mercedes, Ford, Lada, Niva. Anton has already conducted several thousand test drives and created an extensive collection of educational videos.

Channel subscribers turn to Vorotnikov for help and advice when buying a car. In the videos, Anton answers the most popular questions. Sometimes subscribers report that Anton Vorotnikov's reviews lack information on maintenance each machine, the cost and availability of spare parts for the model under study.

The blogger claims that he gets high from the fact that he does not need to coordinate anything with anyone, beg for funding, write reports and beg for money for gasoline. Anton would have been doomed to this if he had made a paper version of the magazine, and not a blog. But the main thing is the feeling of close relationship with people, live communication. The browser shoots its own videos from the first take and without a script. Therefore, each review is dynamic and lively.

Unlike an anti-test drive, a car check by Anton Vorotnikov has a clear and understandable structure. At the beginning of the review, the Internet presenter gives information about the cost, equipment of the car, then there is a block devoted to the study of cars in motion. The final stage is the blogger's subjective impressions of the state of the salon, appearance and other features.

To the positive aspects of Anton's reviews, channel users attribute the fact that the cars are checked in real conditions Russian roads. For tests, cars of the same brand are taken, but with different mileage, the difference between cars of the same brand, but of different assembly is shown - Russian, European, American or Asian. Anton's channel has a number of subcategories that make it easier to find videos. Vorotnikov conducts test drives of compact, mid-size and full-size crossovers, cars of C, D, B F classes, AVTOVAZ, used cars.

In 2015 Anton Vorotnikov launched new project on its own channel - "Pimped Wheelbarrow", an analogue of the foreign program run by Exibit. The goal of the project is to create a full-fledged vehicle from an old used car. Channel users who have applied for participation participate in the program. Filming takes place in Moscow, the work takes one month.

Anton also founded the project "From Rags to Riches", following the example of the "Pimp Your Wheelbarrow" program. Subscribers are invited to familiarize themselves with the basic work of assembling a car after painting and body work. Anton Vorotnikov participates in semi-professional competitions in cars, which he also talks about in the releases of thematic programs.

Personal life

The auto reviewer and popular video blogger has a wife. But the personal life of Anton Vorotnikov does not become a topic for discussion on the Internet presenter's blog. It is known that the YouTuber's family life has developed happily. You can ask the young man about everything else in the discussion under the next test drive.

Anton Vorotnikov now

In 2017, Anton Vorotnikov began cooperation with the Gazprom Neft Corporation as the host of the off-road raffle. The action takes place among the users of dispensers, refueling with diesel from 40 liters at a time. Participants of the drawing are invited to register checks on the company's website.

The first car - Land Rover Discovery 5 - has already found its owner, who turned out to be Elena Pidoprigora, a resident of St. Petersburg. Anton Vorotovov handed the keys to the car to the girl on November 18. Anton conducts a report on the action with the placement of photos of the winners on his own Instagram. Now six more SUVs are participating in the drawing.


  • 2008 - magazine "Automan"
  • 2009 - YouTube channel "Avtoman"
  • 2013 - "From rags to riches"
  • 2015 - "Pimp a wheelbarrow"