How to recover a deleted photo album in classmates. Photo albums in Odnoklassniki

In Odnoklassniki, page owners upload great amount photos. For some users, the number of images reaches several thousand, so for the convenience of viewing or searching for the desired photo, special albums (folders) are created in which images are grouped according to:

  • an event;
  • a certain period of life;
  • theme.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to delete all photos from one or more albums. For example, a girl broke up with a guy and wants to delete everything connected with him from her life. If there are two or three photos in the album, you can do this one by one, but the name of the collection will remain, it will simply be replaced with another one.

However, a photo album often contains a hundred or more images, so the above method is too long and tedious. To do this, there is the elimination of the album with all its contents. How to delete a photo album in classmates?

How to quickly and easily get rid of a selection of pictures

There is no special button on the main profile page. To carry out actions, you first need to go to the "photo" section.

Here are all the user's photos sorted into folders. In this section, you can create new and delete unnecessary albums. Just select the one that needs to be deleted and click it with the mouse, all the images of this folder open.

On the right side of the page there is a line "Edit, reorder". Us there.

On the left, after the "Privacy Options" section, there is the "Delete Album" line, which is what you need to click.

To ensure that the deletion does not happen by accident, a confirmation function is provided. After clicking the "Delete" button, the photo album disappears forever. It will no longer be possible to restore it back, which, for example, can be done when removing single shots.

Separate photos before deletion can be transferred to another album, then they will be saved. It is done like this:

  1. The photo is marked with a green checkmark.
  2. The album to transfer is selected.
  3. The "Transfer" button is pressed.

All other unnecessary pictures are destroyed with one click, as described above.

For mobile version

For users mobile application folders with photos are deleted like this:

  • under the avatar, click the "Photo" section;
  • find the desired folder with images, click on its name;
  • at the top right on the orange strip there are three white dots located one below the other, click them;
  • Click the "Delete Photo Album" button.

As in the previous case, confirmation of the action is required. It is necessary to avoid accidental deletion, since it will not be possible to return destroyed pictures.

Creating entire groups of images - photo albums - has become another convenient feature social network Classmates. With it, you can sort pictures by importance or the topic chosen by the author, as well as delete several photos at once with a couple of mouse clicks instead of a long and tedious procedure. Beginners may not be aware of this possibility and spend a lot of time getting rid of a large number of images, so this topic is worth considering in more detail.

How to delete a photo album in Odnoklassniki

Removing unnecessary materials from your page in OK is quite easy. You should follow the algorithm of simple actions described below, and everything will work out.

Important! Remember that when you perform the delete operation, views, comments, ratings for pictures will be lost forever.

Now the unnecessary photo album will no longer be displayed on the site.

How to recover a deleted album

After carrying out the above operation, many users may begin to wonder: “Is it possible?”. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no such function in Odnoklassniki.

Certain albums can neither be deleted nor changed, only cleaned from illustrations one by one. These include a collection of personal snapshots automatically created by the system. But otherwise, the development team provides users with complete freedom of action, taking care of their maximum comfort.

It is known that Odnoklassniki does not have any restrictions on uploading photos. Therefore, many users take advantage of this advantage of the domestic social network and upload many pictures to albums. Once they become irrelevant and it becomes necessary to remove such photographs from your page. Today we will look at how this is done.

Instructions for deleting photos from Odnoklassniki

Both a child and a pensioner who is unfamiliar with a computer can delete any image or photo from Odnoklassniki. This is done in several ways. Let's consider them.

Deleting one or more photos

To get rid of one photo (or several), you need to go to your profile on a social network. Next, we follow the steps of the proposed instructions.

  1. In the main menu, we find an icon called "Photo xx", where xx is the number of graphic files in our profile, and click on the inscription.

  1. Then go to the album where the photo you want to get rid of is located.

  1. Click on the target graphic file to open the image in view and edit mode.

As a result, it will be possible to perform actions with it that are available to Odnoklassniki:

  • set as main photo;
  • make it the cover of the current album;
  • mark on the photo of comrades who are in the list of friends in the social network;
  • rotate the image by 90 0 in any direction;
  • get a direct link to the graphic file;
  • remove a photo from an album.
  1. The last function is of interest to us. We move the cursor to the lower right border of the open browser window and click on the "Delete Photo" link, which will launch the corresponding java script.

Due to the execution of such a simple instruction, the graphic file will disappear from the album without asking for confirmation of the operation.

After closing the pop-up window, we will see that the inscription “The photo has been deleted” flaunts in place of the picture.

If the page has not been updated, the image can be reanimated by clicking on the "Restore" link.

The same can be done in the full-screen view and edit window before closing it. After switching to another page or updating the current one, objects deleted from the photo album cannot be restored.

Delete several graphic files or an entire photo album

It happens that it becomes necessary to get rid of an album or a lot of graphic files located in one album. It is not advisable to do this manually, because there is a better way to delete a group of photos. Now let's look at how to quickly delete several photos in classmates.

  1. We go to the profile, go to the "Photo" section.

  1. Click on the album cover/title to go to it.

  1. We perform a click on the link "Editing, reordering".

  1. Now there will be several functions that allow you to change the order of the photos, transfer pictures to other albums and delete them. To get rid of certain photos, click on the recycle bin icon located in the corner on the thumbnail of each image.
  1. If you need to get rid of an entire album, click on the "Delete Album" link.

  1. Here you will be prompted to confirm the operation. Click "Delete" to get rid of the photo album.

Be careful when deleting albums - they cannot be restored.


After confirmation, the album with all content (photos, ratings, comments to them) will be deleted without the possibility of undoing actions, which is available for single photos.

Communication in the social network Odnoklassniki is becoming more and more popular among people of various ages and professions. In addition to the fact that you can find friends, relatives, acquaintances here, or just get to know different people with whom you will have something in common.

So, for example, by posting photos of a popular game that you yourself play, other fans of it can start an active discussion with you. But as time goes by, views change. And what if you no longer need photos or images previously posted on the network?

Let's see how you can delete individual photos in Odnoklassniki, or an entire album. If you want to add images to it, you can read the detailed article by clicking on the link.

How to remove an album in Odnoklassniki

So, if you want to remove it entirely from Odnoklassniki, do the following. Open your profile page, then click on the "Photo" button at the top.

Now in the "Photo Albums" section, select the one that is no longer needed and click on it with the mouse.

While in it, click on the "Edit, reorder" button.

A small window will appear in which you need to confirm the action to be performed. Click Remove.

Considering that all photos in Odnoklassniki are in one or another album, using the method described above, you can remove all the photos that have been added to your profile. Just delete all albums.

Delete album via mobile app

Go to Odnoklassniki and click on the "Menu" button, with the image of three horizontal bars.

In the side menu, select the item that suits us.

Go to the "Albums" tab and click on the one you want to remove.

Now click on the button with the image of three vertical dots in the upper right.

Select "Delete" from the list that opens.

Confirm the selected action.

How to remove multiple photos from an album

If at first they wanted to delete it all, but then they found pictures in it that they would like to leave on a social network, then let's remove those that are no longer needed from it.

To do this, on your page, click on the "Photo" button and select the one you need.

Now click on Edit, Reorder.

Move the mouse cursor over the image that is no longer needed. An additional menu will appear. Click on the image of a bucket in it.

If you mistakenly remove the one you need, click on the "Restore" button.

If you need to remove almost all the pictures from it and leave a dozen, then it can take a long time. In this case, select the ones you want to keep with the mouse so that the checkmark turns green at the top right.

Then, from the drop-down list by name, select where you want to transfer the marked objects, and click "Move". The selected images will be moved to another location, and now you can quickly delete the album with the rest, as described in the first paragraph.

To delete an album with photos or an individual photo from an album in Odnoklassniki, you only need to make a few mouse clicks. Fortunately, the developers of the social network have tried in this regard. And even if you are a novice PC user, you should not worry that you will not be able to perform this operation.


To remove a selection of photos from a profile in Odnoklassniki, follow the steps of this instruction in sequence:

1. On the main page of your account, in the horizontal menu located under the first and last name, click the "Photo" section.

2. Left-click the collection of images you want to get rid of.

3. In the gallery that opens, at the top right, click on the "Edit, reorder" option.

4. Under the name of the gallery, click the "Delete album" command.

5. Confirm the action. In the panel with the request, click the "Delete" button.

Selectively deleting images

1. Open: Photo → Album (in which you will delete images) → Edit, reorder.

2. Hover over the photo.

3. Click on the "Trash" icon that appears.

Advice! You can return the picture immediately after deleting it by clicking the "Restore" option in the panel where it was located.

Have a nice rest and warm communication in Odnoklassniki!