How to open a carpentry workshop. How to open a carpentry shop from scratch Carpentry business plan

Metal and plastic are gradually going out of fashion. A modern city dweller prefers to fill his home with products made from natural materials, the most popular of which is wood. Growing demand, coupled with the availability of wood processing technology, makes this industry extremely attractive to start-up entrepreneurs looking to set up small-scale production.

To determine whether such an idea is appropriate, a business plan for a carpentry workshop should be developed. As part of the project, it is necessary to identify the market demand for a particular product, determine the optimal composition of the technological line, consider supply and marketing issues, and also calculate the expected payback period of investments. Practice shows that many small businesses are closed precisely as a result of erroneous decisions or actions at the initial stage - the wrong choice of a niche, underestimation of competitors' strategies or overestimation of the possible level of demand.

Business Features

The carpentry workshop is a small specialized enterprise with a team of several people, producing products from natural wood. To open such a production, it is enough to purchase several universal machines, stock up on raw materials and find distribution channels. Therefore, many craftsmen who know how to hold a plane and a hacksaw in their hands create and turn it into a source of constant income.

Obviously, the turnover at the garage workshop will be quite modest. For this reason, it is advisable to consider ways to organize a medium-sized woodworking workshop that can take a more prominent place in the market. Why this idea attracts the attention of entrepreneurs:

  • The profitability of a carpentry business at home reaches 30–35%;
  • In the workshop, you can simultaneously produce a variety of products aimed at people with different incomes;
  • If the initial idea for a carpentry shop is not successful, the production line is quickly reconfigured to produce other products;
  • A stage-by-stage expansion of the workshop is allowed as sales volumes grow.

Before organizing a carpentry workshop, an entrepreneur must choose a basic concept - technical or artistic. The first option is more suitable for people with an engineering background and a technical mindset. In this case, the basis of the assortment of the workshop is made up of utilitarian products - furniture, building and finishing materials. The profitability of the business is achieved through the production of products in batches based on the mass consumer.

The artistic direction involves the piece production of decorative items and focuses on their exclusivity. Craftsmen can make to order carved furniture from precious woods, interior elements, patterned frames for paintings and mirrors, office sets for directors and officials. One of the options for implementing this is the production of souvenirs, caskets, panels and other crafts that do not require complex expensive equipment.

Workshop range

Sometimes it is difficult to determine which goods are in demand in the local market. In such cases, it is recommended to use win-win types of carpentry - the design and manufacture of furniture, door panels, window blocks or finishing materials: such products are always in demand. Products must be non-standard and original: otherwise, the workshop will have to compete with large factories that mass-produce standard models.

Or in a medium-sized workshop:

  1. Bedroom furniture - wardrobes, chests of drawers, bedside tables, beds;
  2. Living room furniture - walls, sets, shelving, coffee tables;
  3. Hallway furniture - cabinets, hangers, shelves;
  4. Kitchen furniture - sets, dining tables, chairs, stools;
  5. Furniture for business - showcases, bar counters, tables and chairs;
  6. Furniture and items for the bath - basins, benches, deck chairs, buckets, tubs;
  7. Garden furniture - benches, dining sets, armchairs and deck chairs;
  8. Wooden shutters, carved address plates;
  9. Prefabricated structures - gazebos, animal kennels, swings, fences;
  10. Stair structures, railings, railings, balusters, balconies;
  11. Window frames for conventional glazing and double-glazed windows;
  12. Doors and door frames;
  13. Finishing materials - wall panels, plinths, platbands, parquet;
  14. Kitchen utensils - bread bins, hot pads, napkin holders, curly and ordinary rolling pins, shovels, bowls, cutlery, cutting boards.

Another production format is a creative workshop. With an artistic mindset, you can start by making exclusive do-it-yourself joinery at home, and as your customer base grows, hire assistants and open a specialized workshop that produces:

  • Furniture stylized as antique;
  • Carved jewelry boxes;
  • Corporate souvenirs, boxes for expensive gifts;
  • Photo frames, baguette for pictures and mirrors;
  • Carved vases and candlesticks;
  • Stands for flower pots;
  • Carved panels, icons;
  • Board games;
  • Children's toys, constructors and puzzles;
  • Keyrings, talismans, amulets.

Production technology

An entrepreneur who does not have experience in the woodworking industry will inevitably have a question - where to start carpentry? Obviously, first of all, you need to understand the technology for the production of wood products:

  • At the sawmill, the trunks are cleared of branches, spread on boards and sorted. Material with obvious flaws is rejected;
  • In drying chambers, the moisture content of raw materials is adjusted to 6–8%. After that, the wood is ready for making do-it-yourself wood joinery;
  • The master saws the boards into blanks, leaving certain allowances for planing and grinding;
  • Future parts are given the necessary shape by processing them on jointers, planers, milling and thicknessing machines;
  • The ends of the boards are cut at predetermined angles on trimming machines;
  • To connect the parts, spikes and corresponding grooves are milled on them. If necessary, curly edges are performed on the same milling machine;
  • Further, the surfaces of the elements of the future product are processed on grinding and calibrating-grinding machines, bringing their dimensions to the specified ones;
  • If the terms of reference provide for veneering, glue is applied to the parts and the veneer is pressed in special hydraulic presses;
  • The product is assembled by connecting parts of the structure with fasteners or glue. In the second case, the parts are compressed with clamps until the adhesive mass hardens;
  • At the final stage, oil or special impregnations are applied to the surface of the product, and after they dry, a paint and varnish coating is applied.

Requirements for the premises

If an entrepreneur decides to do business on his own or with an assistant, then he can limit himself to arranging a workplace in the garage and purchasing a pair of wood lathes for a home workshop. However, to achieve more ambitious goals, it will be necessary to choose a warm and dry room of 120–150 m², located at least a hundred meters from the nearest residential and public buildings. Suitable options can be found in industrial zones and on the outskirts of the city, where the rent usually does not exceed 180-220 rubles / m² per month.

When developing a plan for a carpentry workshop with the arrangement of equipment, it is necessary to divide the workshop into zones and separately highlight:

  • Section for preliminary sawing of blanks;
  • Section for planing and molding parts;
  • grinding area;
  • Assembly and final processing area;
  • Isolated painting area;
  • Warehouses;
  • administrative premises;
  • Domestic premises.

In the process of creating a carpentry workshop with your own hands, you should also take into account the basic requirements and standards for production workshops in order to increase safety and productivity:

  • For the convenience of processing dimensional parts, ceilings with a height of 4 meters or more are needed;
  • Some equipment for the carpentry shop is up to 3 meters long, so the dimensions of the room must allow their installation;
  • A solid, level floor is required for machine stability. It is better to fill it with concrete;
  • The specification for equipping a carpentry workshop should provide for a heating system - centralized or local. In order to avoid deformation of the workpieces, it must maintain the optimum temperature at any time of the day;
  • The workshop must be connected to the water supply and sewerage networks;
  • Workshop power supply - 25–30 kW. A hand tool is connected to a 220 V network, while a three-phase line with a voltage of 380 V is required for the operation of industrial equipment in a carpentry workshop;
  • To control the microclimate, it is necessary to provide supply and exhaust ventilation with a separate air intake in the painting area. Other workplaces are connected by flexible ducts to the dust collector;
  • When arranging a carpentry workshop, artificial lighting is provided using fluorescent or diode lamps.

Illumination in workplaces should be:

  • At the cutting site - from 300 lux;
  • Near processing machines - from 400 lux;
  • At the grinding site - from 750 lux;
  • At the painting area - from 200 lux.

Changes in temperature and humidity can cause wood damage and cracking. Therefore, the room is constantly maintained at a temperature of 18–22 ° C and a humidity of 35–40%. The air flow speed should not exceed 0.3–0.5 m/s.

During the production of joinery products, chips and fine wood dust are formed, which increases the fire hazard of the room. A fire alarm system and fire extinguishers must be installed in the workshop.

All employees of the workshop must be provided with overalls. Employees of the grinding and painting areas are given eye and respiratory protection.

Equipment and equipment

What machines are needed for a carpentry workshop? The supplier catalogs contain dozens of items with similar functions and a price range of two hundred thousand to two million rubles: in order to make the right choice and not overpay, it is better for an entrepreneur to take the advice of a professional. In addition, in order to save money, you can buy used machines with a short service life and make some fixtures for the carpentry workshop with your own hands.

For a garage workshop with a small production volume, a multifunctional unit is an excellent choice. Such a woodworking machine for a home workshop costs no more than three hundred thousand rubles and performs all the operations necessary for woodworking - sawing, jointing, planing, milling and drilling. However, when organizing production at least on a medium scale, the production line is built from highly specialized equipment:

Carpentry shop equipment

Equipment price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Workshop equipment
Lathe 65100 1 65100
Trimming machine 86500 1 86500
Planer 113700 1 113700
Planer 135800 1 135800
Milling machine with tenon cutter 125700 1 125700
Vertical band saw 56200 1 56200
A circular saw 132000 1 132000
Used four-sided machine 250000 1 250000
Calibrating and grinding machine 280000 1 280000
Belt sander 69500 1 69500
Drilling and slotting machine 113700 1 113700
Drilling and grooving machine 53700 1 53700
sharpening machine 20800 1 20800
Air compressor 16000 1 16000
Milling cutters, drills, saws, knives 30000
Hand tools and equipment
Vise 4500 4 18000
Drill 2800 2 5600
screwdriver 2100 2 4200
Electric jigsaw 2600 1 2600
Circular Saw 5200 1 5200
Miter saw 10000 1 10000
Milling cutter manual 4200 1 4200
Belt sander 3800 2 7600
electric planer 4900 1 4900
Angle grinder 2800 1 2800
Staple gun 1500 2 3000
Spray 2200 1 2200
Measuring tool 10000
Hand carpentry tools 10000
miter box 1500 2 3000
moisture meter 3400 1 3400
Clamps 300 10 3000
Angle clamps 400 8 3200
Clamps 1500 6 9000
Crafting table 15000 2 30000
Rack 2200 2 4400
Auxiliary systems
Chip removal system 24600 1 24600
Fire alarm 22000 1 22000
Luminescent lamps 1500 10 15000
fire extinguishers 2300 4 9200
Other equipment
Computer 16500 3 49500
Multifunction device 9500 1 9500
router 4200 1 4200
Internet access line 2000 1 2000
Office table 3400 3 10200
Dining table 2500 2 5000
Chair 850 12 10200
Lamp 1000 6 6000
Bathroom and shower 26000 1 26000
Electric kettle 600 1 600
Microwave 3600 1 3600
Dressing room locker 2000 8 16000
Hanger 1500 2 3000
Overalls 1000 8 8000
first aid kit 2000 1 2000
Stationery 3000
Total: 1924600

Workshop workers

Even when organizing a carpentry workshop in a garage with your own hands, it is difficult to do without an assistant. If we are talking about a larger workshop, then a whole team of specialists will be needed here, each of which will be responsible for a certain stage of the production cycle:

  1. Woodworking technologist. Its tasks include the organization of the technological process, the development of instructions for processing parts and assembling products;
  2. Joiners. Industrial machines are very different from the equipment for a home carpentry shop, so you need to make sure that the workers have the appropriate skills;
  3. Ancillary workers. They must also have at least minimal experience in woodworking enterprises;
  4. Painter. This employee must be a professional, since the appearance of the finished product directly depends on his skill;
  5. Accountant. When organizing a carpentry business at home or in a medium-sized workshop, a part-time specialist is enough;
  6. Supervisor. He is also the owner of the business. His sphere of competence includes various administrative issues - the search for suppliers, the organization of sales.

Therefore, the organization of a carpentry workshop will require the hiring of personnel according to the following staffing table:

Carpentry workshop workers

Job title Salary, rub. Qty Amount, rub.
Woodworking technologist 30000 1 30000
carpenter 23000 4 92000
support worker 17000 2 34000
Paint shop worker 23000 1 23000
Part time accountant 13000 1 13000
Cleaner 9000 1 9000
Insurance premiums 60300
Total: 10 261300

Raw materials

Tree species are divided into three types - soft (linden, pine), medium (ash, beech), and hard (oak, maple). Soft ones are excellently cut and processed, and therefore are widely used for making do-it-yourself carpentry wood crafts. Hardwoods are characterized by strength and resistance to damage, combined with a pronounced texture, which is why furniture, parquet, decorative panels and building structures are made from them.

In woodworking, the most common are:

  • Oak. Solid noble breed. Good for furniture production;
  • Beech. Durable heavy breed with a light texture. It is used for the manufacture of strong furniture, flights of stairs and wall panels;
  • Ash. Medium hard rock with a contrasting texture. Suitable for almost all types of joinery;
  • Hazel. Hard rock with a pronounced grain pattern. All varieties of hazel (walnut, American, black) serve as raw materials in the production of expensive furniture;
  • Birch. A common breed that combines low price, ease of processing and strength. Well painted and tinted;
  • Karelian birch. Used to make joinery with a special grain pattern reminiscent of marble;
  • Maple. It mainly serves as a raw material for the production of veneer;
  • Alder. It is characterized by durability and ease of processing. Well suited for elegant curly furniture with decorative elements;
  • Linden. Softwood. Carved elements and cutlery are made from linden;
  • Pine. Easily processed, as a result of which it is ideal for the production of joinery with your own hands;
  • Larch. Somewhat stronger than pine. Retains heat well;
  • Red tree. Relatively rare and therefore valuable breed. It is used for the manufacture of expensive furniture, interior items.

Business registration

And other carpentry can do without registration only when working with private clients. However, sooner or later, every entrepreneur thinks about selling products through retail chains or his own store: in this case, the official status of the enterprise seems necessary.

For a workshop that employs 10–15 employees, an individual entrepreneur on a simplified taxation system is quite enough. If it is planned to reach millions of turnovers and participate in government tenders, it is recommended to give preference to LLC. Technological equipment itself can be used as authorized capital.

No licenses and certificates are needed not only, but also for a larger enterprise. The only type of product subject to mandatory certification is any products for children. However, permits to conduct activities from Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Service will have to be obtained.

Promotion and marketing

No mass-market business can do without a marketing strategy. In the process of developing it, the entrepreneur must come up with a name for the carpentry workshop. Good title:

  1. Easily remembered and associated with woodworking;
  2. euphonious (no abbreviations or compound words);
  3. Does not contain terms incomprehensible to ordinary people;
  4. Easily translated into the Latin alphabet for domain name registration.

You should also think in advance about how to interest customers and lure them away from competitors. To do this, it is necessary not only to produce high-quality original products, but also to provide profitable related services:

  • Deliver overall products to the customer;
  • Assemble and install structures at the buyer's site;
  • Repair or restore wood products.

However, all these benefits will be unclaimed if customers do not know about them. Therefore, advertising is what is needed for a carpentry workshop of any size.

To promote sales, you can:

  1. Distribute booklets in construction and furniture stores;
  2. Publish advertisements for carpentry services in local newspapers;
  3. Post leaflets in cottage settlements where construction is underway;
  4. Send offers to potential customers of furniture joinery production - catering establishments, hotels, entertainment establishments;
  5. Develop your own website with a product catalog and supplement it with a service for placing an order via the Internet;
  6. Create woodworking workshop groups in social networks, attract users from your region to them.

There are at least five ways to sell finished products. When considering how to start a carpentry business, you should study these distribution channels and choose the most effective ones. So, an entrepreneur can:

  • Take part in fairs;
  • Give products for sale to construction stores;
  • Open your own outlet;
  • Sell ​​products directly from the shop;
  • Arrange online sales.

Investments in business

After analyzing the specification of the equipment, it can be understood that the costs of creating a manufacturing enterprise are many times higher than the costs of organizing. To determine the final amount of the initial investment, other organizational costs should be taken into account:

Initial Costs

In addition to the typical costs for any enterprise, the business plan of the carpentry shop should provide for a monthly allocation of funds for the purchase of quality wood and various consumables, which include:

  • Joiner's glue;
  • Antiseptic and fire-resistant impregnations;
  • Paints, varnishes, impregnating oils;
  • Fasteners - nails, self-tapping screws;
  • Paint brushes and rollers;
  • Emery tapes and sheets.

The required amount of raw materials and consumables is determined according to industry standards or empirically - based on the results of assembling one product. Then the indicators are adjusted taking into account the expected output volumes. Accordingly, the structure of the regular costs of joinery production takes the following form:

Monthly expenses

Type of expenses Amount, rub.
Rent 200 rubles/m² per month, 120 m² 24000
FOT 261300
Communal payments 20000
Advertising expenses 10000
Insurance premiums 2700
Fare 10000
Maintaining a bank account 2300
Connection 4000
Garbage removal 4000
Raw material 120000
Consumables 20000
General expenses: 478300

Profit and profitability

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To calculate the profit of a small business, you need to figure out how to calculate the cost of a joinery product. The initial data for the calculation provide the same industry standards that regulate the time spent on each operation, from sawing blanks to assembling the finished product. The material cost is the sum of the costs of raw materials, consumables and finishing materials. Finally, the selling price is determined by the market. Suppose a carpentry shop produces doors from solid pine:

Income calculation

It remains to be determined how profitable the carpentry workshop is as a business. If the source of income of the enterprise is only production (excluding earnings from the assembly and installation of structures), then the profitability indicator will exceed 20%, and the payback period will be 1.8 years:

Business payback calculation


Considering, many entrepreneurs are positive about the idea of ​​​​creating a carpentry workshop. At the same time, it should be understood that a beginner has nothing to do in the mass production market: not a single small or even medium-sized enterprise can withstand price competition with large factories. In order not only to survive in this environment, but also to succeed, it is necessary to actively use the strengths of the chosen format: the ability to assemble products according to non-standard sizes, a quick change in assortment and a mandatory individual approach to each customer.
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Interview with entrepreneurs from Kazakhstan, father and son Vykhodtsev

Products made of real wood give a special status to any home. And if they also contain carved elements, it is impossible to take your eyes off such beauty. Skillful masters of carpentry are not afraid to get lost in the market niche: our Kazakhstani heroes-entrepreneurs Alexei and Denis Vykhodtsev from the city of Karaganda are appreciated by customers for the quality and individual creative approach to the work performed.


Main points of the interview:

  • Kind of activity: production of large-sized products from solid wood
  • Business Locations: Kazakhstan, Karaganda
  • Occupation before starting business: father is a worker in a plastic processing plant, son is a carpenter
  • Business start date: year 2000
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: IP
  • Amount of initial investment: approximately 315,000 rubles (about $5,000) to purchase equipment and rent premises
  • Source of initial capital: personal savings
  • Success formula: Patience, my friend, patience - both skill and orders will come with it!

Denis, how to become a good and successful furniture professional? Is it necessary to get a specialized education?

Of course, this is not the most important factor! Must be drawn to the craft. The history of the development of craftsmanship with my father Alexei Ivanovich is as follows: he worked at a factory whose activities were associated with the production of plastic products. A batch of raw materials came, where there were good wooden boards. The father took them and thought it would be nice to cut something. The idea was not put aside, but, on the contrary, I found special literature and tools.
Started trying. You know, the hands seemed to be just waiting for this - everything worked out! He mastered Bogorodsk carving and began to receive the first orders. Learn about talent. The management of the enterprise allocated a room for a carpentry shop, where he began to seriously engage in his favorite business. And I used to visit my dad as a fifth grader and try to help in some way, to be interested. Naturally, when I finished school, I already knew my future profession. As a result, the business has become a family business.

How long has your business been running?

They tried to become independent since 2000. We rented premises for workshops, bought appropriate equipment. We admit that we entered our current fleet of our own machines only after 12 years. We started with small orders, now we specialize in large ones. We try not to stand in one place and develop.

Where did the original capital come from?

We did not and do not take loans. Resources come from personal savings.

How long after the start of activity in this area makes a profit?

With modern turnover, I can say: a period of 3 to 5 years will be enough (which also depends on the factor of which building is rented). Much rests on the budget, which is laid for the purchase of machines. But then again, today it is much easier to open such a business, even in a garage - there are compact models of equipment that operate from 220 volts. It is enough to connect electricity to the room and you can start.

What product range do you offer?

Literally anything made from wood. Basically, of course, there are large orders and stairs are among the priorities. There are also various headsets. By the way, about the latter, there is an idea to put chairs and tables on stream, but the danger is likely to rivet template sources and lose creativity.

When the first shop selling items for the bath was opened in the city, where we received an order for the manufacture of such accessories - from small to large. Among these was a very interesting one - a church font in the regional village of Botakara. We produce gazebos and swings for private houses. The birth of any thing (small and large) is an individual process. We are sure that our task is to make the original product special.

Raw materials are also important. Can you name Russian companies among your suppliers?

We prefer to buy Russian timber, but, unfortunately, we are still working with resellers. We recommend the excellent Kazakh service Yolki-Palki. The plans (when we reach the continuous volume) are to arrange delivery directly from Krasnoyarsk or Biysk, where there are reputable timber harvesters. Volumes will change: at least we will have to buy a wagon, but now we are working on the basis of certain orders.

And what equipment will you need in order to start making stairs? Is there Russian among the equipment?

We ordered almost all the machines from the shop in Russia. The best brand that can be advised to craftsmen is the modern Corvette. For good performance it is impossible without such equipment:

  1. Circular saw - spreads the board along. A compact semi-automatic option suitable for beginners.
  2. Jointer, leveling boards of boards.
  3. Thicknessing machine (they came up with the nickname "crocodile") will come in handy to calibrate the thickness of the board.
  4. Using a milling machine, we add a pattern to the plinth and frames.
  5. We punch various holes with a mortising and drilling tool.
  6. Grinder machine.
  7. Lathe.
  8. Compressor for painting (as the final stage of any work).
  9. This is the current minimum. Today we have 15 machines on 200 square meters.

And how many workers work at the enterprise?

They serve four people. And the permanent two are me and my father. Assistants often change, as it is very difficult to find the same people in love with their work. (Laughs). Allowance should be made for the specifics of the activity.

By the way, about the specifics. What difficulties do you face in the manufacture of stairs?

Let's start with the fact that very often you have to adapt to existing conditions. Unfortunately, they are not the best - people build houses without thinking about how other specialists will install stairs there in the future. There are standards for such objects (but why someone has already studied the recommendations - they do what they want). We are "perverted", we figure out how to squeeze in marches with transitions.

Describe the whole process step by step.

There are three stages of such work. The first is measurements and layout creation. Based on the conditions, we draw what we present and offer for approval to the customer. After approval, we already proceed to the draft frame, which we build from scratch from plywood.

And already at the final stage we sheathe the “draft” with a tree.

What material can you recommend?

The source material depends on the budget and desire of the client. And steps with transitions are made from birch plywood (the result will be durable and beautiful). Pine is popular. Do financial opportunities allow? Choose oak, walnut.
In order to have some specific numbers in my head, we will calculate the direct sector by ten steps (I will translate into rubles for convenience). The plywood version will come out from 66,000 rubles. Pine already costs about 85,000 rubles. Well, the oak will already approach 190,000 rubles (the walnut is even more). Such a price arises due to the difficulty of processing the material, the rocks are solid.

The order determines our workload, so the monthly volume of work is uneven. And when a client wants a quick deadline, relatives practically don’t see us.

How can you optimize your business?

In a good way, the activities in the carpentry shop must be subdivided - some work with the client base and customers, and the rest of the employees are involved in the technological process. For us, it's just thinking out loud.

What are the most interesting projects you remember?

From the stairs - a spiral beauty in the sauna. Remembering other "beauties": an expensive carved oak kitchen set with patina inclusions - it turned out to be an incredibly beautiful sight!

Are there any risks in such activities?

Certainly! The first is a possible marriage in the incoming raw materials (even with reinsurance, you can’t foresee everything). Not to mention the unscrupulous customers that exist in any business. We take a mandatory advance payment from customers, after payment of which a draft plywood version is provided (we are talking about stairs). It is difficult to demand a 100% advance payment. The presence of a signed contract will not give guarantees, so the performers sometimes have to meet with yesterday's clients in the courtrooms.

Do young people willingly go to carpentry?

If! I know that some will disagree with me, but I will call this profession an endangered species. There is another factor - the wholesale transition to chipboard materials, on which the client is "addicted" because of their availability.

Young people do not have enough patience, which is checked very simply - we put each newcomer who comes to the grinding machine. This work is a little tedious and painstaking, but without it, nowhere. Those who really want to become a real carpenter learn to be attentive - without this, nowhere! A talented student will quickly want to master other instruments. A lot of young people simply can not stand it and leave, even despite decent wages.

How do you improve your knowledge and skills?

Alas, there are no specialized trainings and advanced training courses in Karaganda. We have to look for all the necessary information ourselves (fortunately, there is the Internet) - we watch videos, buy relevant magazines and literature. There is a great desire to visit the annual Carpentry Festival "Meeting of Craftsmen", which takes place in Moscow. I think next year we will decide on such a trip!

Do you have any unusual ideas or projects? Would you like to create something out of the ordinary?

What do you think of the idea of ​​a children's town made entirely of wood? I already see a big hut on chicken legs, which seems to have just escaped from Baba Yaga. And my father and partner Alexei Ivanovich likes to do artistic carving more.

Finally, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs? How can you achieve success in your chosen business?

You have to love your job! Therefore, patience, perseverance, and a desire to improve skills will already appear. Then any order - from small to large - will be of high quality, and your business will become in demand.

A detailed guide for those who want to open their own carpentry workshop and turn their hobby into a highly profitable business. What you need to open, how to register a workshop, what to produce, what additional services to offer and how much you can earn from all this.

A carpentry shop is a good business option. It can produce custom-made furniture, windows, interior or entrance doors, as well as other products that will be in good demand.

An additional source of income can be the repair or restoration of wooden furniture.

How to open a carpentry workshop, officially register it, find buyers, choose the best premises and what tools and equipment will be needed is described in detail in this article.

Business Benefits

Own carpentry is a profitable business that has such advantages as:

  • demand for manufactured products;
  • growing demand for products every year;
  • minimum investment at the start;
  • stable and good income regardless of the season;
  • several options for marketing products;
  • the possibility of expanding the range and range of services.

The demand for wooden furniture, custom doors or windows is really growing every year. Along with this, the turnover and income of carpentry workshops are increasing. Therefore, already from the advantages it is clear that the decision to engage in such a business is the right one. But what and how much money do you need to start?

What is needed to open a carpentry

To start such a business, you need to be a good carpenter yourself or find such a specialist. The workshop must be properly organized:

  • a separate place for storing materials and products;
  • the availability of the necessary equipment;
  • comfortable workplaces for craftsmen;
  • high-quality lighting;
  • and etc.

You also need to understand that even with a high demand for products, immediate profits should not be expected. All investments will pay off not earlier than in 8-10 months.

Moreover, you need to know that a carpentry workshop is a business with a minimum profitability of 25% to 35%. It takes a lot of hard work to break a business like this. Therefore, do not be afraid or work at a loss.

To start this business, you need to go through 6 steps.

Step 1. Registration of business in the tax office.

Step 2 Search and rental of premises for the workshop.

Step 3 Purchase of tools and equipment.

Step 4 Purchase of materials.

Step 6 Search for buyers of manufactured products.

All the steps presented are a summary of the main points. Let's consider each in detail.

Workshop Registration

The optimal form of government for a carpentry workshop is an LLC. It makes it possible to hire workers and expand production without much difficulty.

As an individual entrepreneur (IP), you can register only if the owner himself or 1-2 hired craftsmen will work in the workshop.

To register a workshop:

  • choose a form of government;
  • obtain a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • become registered with the tax office;
  • obtain permission from the CPS.

Also, when a room is selected and rented, it will be necessary to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate. This is an important point, since carpentry involves working with flammable materials.

How much do you need to start

It will take about 220 thousand rubles to open a carpentry workshop. This includes:

  • up to 14,000 rubles - rent of premises (in the absence of your own);
  • about 21,000 rubles. - raw materials and materials;
  • up to 180,000 rubles - tools and equipment;
  • up to 1,500 rubles - payment for electricity.
  • 50 000 rub. - other expenses.
  • 20,000 - 40,000 rubles - salaries of hired workers (2 people).

The figures are approximate. For example, it is not a fact that you will need to spend money on salaries, since an entrepreneur alone can run a business and engage in production.

You may also not need to pay rent if you have your own premises (for example, a spacious garage, a separate room in a country house or a building on a personal plot).

A large amount will be required only for the purchase of equipment and tools. The rest is quite reasonably priced.

Thus, having invested 220,000 rubles at the initial stage, after six months, with a profitability of 23%, you can reach a profit of 70,000 rubles. per month.

Carpentry workshop

The following requirements apply to carpentry workshops:

Area - at least 50 sq. m.

The length of the room is at least 4 m.

Humidity is low.

Temperature - not less than 16°С.

Lighting - 20% natural, 80% artificial.

Ventilation - natural, supply and exhaust filter systems.

Electricity - 220V and 380V.

Fire safety - in accordance with chapter 8 of the Rules of the fire regime of the Russian Federation.

Tools and equipment

The list of basic tools and equipment includes:

  • hammers and mallets;
  • chisels and electric planes;
  • tape measure and caliper;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw and circular saws;
  • milling and jointing machines;
  • devices for applying paint, varnish and antiseptics;
  • fan with bags.

You will also need the following supplies:

  • wood glue;
  • dye;
  • oil;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws.

In addition, packaging materials for finished products may be required.


A minimum of two carpenters is required for the well-established production of products. One may be the entrepreneur himself, the second - a hired worker.

You need to understand that in order to participate in the production process yourself, you need to have the appropriate skills. If they are not available, it is optimal to hire two carpenters.

If you plan to produce unique furniture or other specific products, then you may need a specialist for artistic wood cutting.

The number of employees will directly depend on the volume of work. At the initial stage, you can get by with two masters. As the enterprise expands, it is necessary to attract new specialists. Perhaps in the future, a manager will be required to search for buyers. Although you can do this work yourself.

What can be made in a carpentry workshop?

To understand what products to produce, you need to study the market. You should pay attention to goods that are in excess and those for which there is a shortage.

Be sure to study the pricing policy of competitors and their range.

You can work in the field of production:

  • furniture and decorative interior elements;
  • stairs and doors;
  • gazebos and fences;
  • finishing products.

If there are specific ideas, then everything should be carefully weighed and make sure that there will be a demand for the products. Otherwise, you can guess.

It is best to start a business with furniture, doors or windows. These products are always in demand in the market. For a start, this product is the best. In the future, you can expand the range and add additional services.

Product sales options

Finished products can be sold at fairs, markets or via the Internet. That is, this is an option for delivering products to customers from the workshop.

Construction or furniture stores may be interested in cooperation. To do this, it is enough to call these outlets and make them a unique trade offer for the supply of their own products.

If there is no desire to look for buyers and shops for cooperation, then it is optimal to open your own outlet. Selling products will be much easier and more profitable.

But it should be noted that if you work in the three listed areas at once, you can get large amounts of work and a stable income of over 100,000 rubles. per month.

Additional services

The carpentry workshop opens up a lot of possibilities. In addition to production, customers can be offered additional services, such as:

  • delivery of products to the client;
  • assembling furniture at home or in the client's office;
  • furniture repair or restoration;
  • installation of windows and doors;
  • other services related to the field of activity.

The listed services can become an additional tool to increase the profit of the workshop.

How to attract buyers

To attract customers, you can use different methods of advertising. The most effective of them are:

  • Booklets and flyers. They can be made in the form of a mini-catalogue of products with prices, contacts and addresses where you can go. This method of advertising is one of the most effective, as potential buyers can immediately get acquainted with the assortment (or the most popular products of the workshop) and make a decision.
  • Advertising in the media. Here you need to take care of the advertising campaign on local television, radio, newspapers and magazines. Which of the media to attract depends on the budget allocated for business promotion.
  • Internet advertising. This is another effective way to quickly reach potential customers. To do this, you need to open your own website, place a product catalog on its pages and make it possible to place an online order. The greatest return on the site can be obtained by running in Yandex.Direct. Also, do not ignore social networks, where you can create an official workshop group, advertise it and get even more customers.


To open your own workshop, you need to invest about 200,000 rubles. You will need to register an LLC, rent a room, purchase tools and equipment, as well as search for buyers.

Payback of business - 8-10 months. Monthly profit - more than 70,000 rubles. Minimum profitability - 25-30%.

In this material:

The carpentry business will not lose its popularity in the near future. The thing is that natural wood has a special, only inherent energy and an unusually attractive appearance.

Like many centuries ago, people who make high-quality products from natural wood are not only respected in society, but also have a good income. In addition, having a carpentry workshop, it is not necessary to produce exclusively furniture. It can be other interior items, for example: picture frames, wooden decorative utensils, table and floor vases and much more. If you know how to carve wood or can hire someone who knows how to do it, then this will be a huge plus. After all, carved elements can decorate not only frames and decorative boards, but also the furniture itself. Then the price for it will increase several times. But first you need to draw up a business plan for a carpentry workshop.

How to start a natural wood products business

The question arises how to open a carpentry workshop and start making money on it. First you need to solve the following questions:

  • find a room for rent where your carpentry shop or, at worst, a small carpentry workshop will be located;
  • register as an individual entrepreneur (IP);
  • find suppliers of raw materials;
  • find and install machines, without which it is simply impossible to produce joinery in large quantities;
  • run a marketing campaign.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is a standard procedure in the local administration. It makes no difference whether you register a large workshop or a tiny workshop. If you want to produce something, you must have the appropriate documents and you must pay taxes. Sole proprietors have a fixed income tax.

It should be noted that firefighters show increased interest in workshops of this type (which is quite natural). Try to make sure that all documents are in order. In the room where your workshop will be located, you must install a fire shield.

As for the premises itself, in order not to spend money on rent, at the initial stage, your own garage is also suitable if there is no car in it and its size is large enough. But this is only for a very small workshop. Ideally, you should look for a room with an area of ​​​​at least 50 m² and a ceiling height of 4 m. It is recommended that your workshop (or workshop) be rectangular if you have to process long boards. This is where you will install all the necessary equipment.

Banal truth: your potential suppliers should sell you a quality product at a low price. But your whole business will be based on this truth. Look for cheap and good quality. The inexpensive price of raw materials will subsequently allow you to set a small price for your products, which will surely please buyers.

And good quality will allow to produce appropriate products. The manufacture of joinery as a business will primarily rely on well-organized deliveries.

Machine tools play an important role. Which machines must be installed, and which ones can be completely dispensed with so that there are no extra costs?

The minimum required for a carpentry workshop to work successfully:

  • Circular Saw;
  • end saw;
  • jointer;
  • thickness gauge.

From power tools you will need a drill with a milling cutter, and from hand tools - planers, jointers, chisels, hacksaws, mallets. Production is unthinkable without all this.

Studying the market

So, you have a workshop equipped with all the necessary machines. You have the necessary documents in your hands, which you can safely present to representatives of the tax inspectorate, fire safety officers and even the local district police officer. Now you need to decide what exactly you will produce.

If you do not plan to sell your products yourself, but will give them for sale, then you need to release only what the sellers order. Be ready to fulfill all their whims and not ask too many questions. But then you do not have to look for buyers yourself. Vendors can be found by visiting furniture stores and markets. If the product is good, then many people will want to take it for sale.

If you yourself begin to look for buyers, then the goods will be sold much faster (you will come up with discounts and various promotions). In addition, it will be more interesting to produce goods. The line can be extended indefinitely. So, for example, if there are a lot of summer cottages under construction in the vicinity of your city, produce garden furniture, you can’t go wrong. Add here a swing that can be hung from a tree or mounted on racks.

If the location of your workshop is not far from new buildings, then produce furniture for apartments. Find out the price of new buildings and produce furniture of the appropriate price category. You can also specialize in the manufacture of frames and doors.

Do not forget about the various little things that new settlers will buy to equip their homes. Here is an example that may help you find the right direction in souvenirs. There is a talisman called "Knock on wood". It is a birch log, sawn lengthwise. A stylized figurine of a spirit is carved at the bottom of the log. People believe in such things and willingly buy them in order to install them in the hallway or living room. The cost of such an impromptu amulet is a penny. And the selling price is several times higher.

Instead of a conclusion

Here, perhaps, are the main points that a person who decides to start the production of joinery should pay attention to.

And, of course, the craftsmen working for you must have a fairly high qualification.

Order a business plan

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Small business experts note a growing interest in businesses that can be started from home or in a garage with a small upfront investment. There are entrepreneurs who would like to make products for sale with their own hands or with a small number of faithful helpers. This is explained by the unsuccessful experience of hiring unscrupulous workers.

An effective way to make money on "golden hands" is to open a "carpentry". But before you start a business, you should definitely draw up a competent business plan for a carpentry workshop. This is already a big step towards financial success.

Market and target audience analysis

15 years ago, plastic windows and doors stamped from PVC and rolled steel “gushed” into the Russian building materials market, ruining numerous carpenters. However, recently the wood products production index has been steadily increasing, not only in our country, but also abroad.

Today, wooden window blocks are in demand. According to this indicator in the Russian Federation, the level of 700 thousand square meters has been exceeded. meters. For other joinery products, more than 1 million cubic meters were produced and sold. meters. Consumers are striving for environmental standards and have less and less confidence in plastic products. If in 2010 87% of residents called metal-plastic windows a good choice, then in 2017 this figure dropped to 74%. That is, now the halo of potential customers for joinery is a quarter of the adult population and continues to grow.

What products does the carpentry shop produce?

The carpentry workshop makes a deep processing of wood, turning it into a product ready for installation. Frequently ordered items include:

  • window blocks for double-glazed windows;
  • entrance / interior doors and decks for them;
  • flights of stairs;
  • verandas and gazebos (disassembled);
  • antique furniture and for baths;
  • architectural and finishing products made of wood;
  • boats, carts, sledges.

The production of wooden products with low added value (such as boards, clapboards, bars, block houses, decking) can be afforded by large wood processing industries. A small carpentry workshop will not withstand competition with them.

Professional skills and production technology

Whether the owner of a private carpentry will work himself or hire carpenters, in any case he needs to know his business. And although those who are well versed in woodworking open their workshops, specialized books will help deepen their knowledge, for example, “Illustrated manual for the production of joinery and furniture products” by S. Shumega and “Joinery” by G. Kulebakin. L. Hayrapetyan's reference book will help with carpentry adhesives and methods for their use.

The owner of a carpentry shop must also be able to read complex drawings and learn PowerShape and CorelDRAW programs for 3D product modeling and control of CNC woodworking machines, respectively. With regard to professional skills, special knowledge and skills are required. Even something as simple as sawing with a circular saw requires good preparation. It is also necessary to be able to joint with high accuracy the edges for gluing and mill the grooves.

Andrey Sivov, the owner of the carpentry, told the website portal that, in addition to windows, he had to make complex furniture for the restaurant, a real carriage, an “onion” for a rural church, and much more. That is, he dealt with a fairly wide range of orders.

How to choose a carpentry room

If an entrepreneur decides to work alone or with a couple of assistants, you can limit yourself to what you have. For a small carpentry workshop, a warm, forced-ventilated room with an area of ​​​​20 to 40 square meters is required. meters. It must, of course, meet fire safety standards. The fact that they rely on their own or small rented premises is explained by the unstable market, which comes to life in summer and stagnates in winter.

If the businessman's goals are more ambitious, you need to open a full-fledged production with a warehouse and drying. True, the initial investments in the second case are already serious. A detailed business plan for the carpentry shop should be developed with calculations and a project at the very first stage. We can do this work by experienced consulting companies that are able to calculate the optimal business process.

“Most often, small workshops in basements or garages are opened by pensioners or people over 40 years old. Fortunately, sound and heat insulating materials allow this. The main thing is that you don't have to pay rent, - Andrey Sivov shared his observations. - A carpentry shop with several dozen workers is a serious business with multimillion-dollar investments. The most desperate novice businessmen who are confident in large and stable orders go to this business.


A full-fledged carpentry shop would be more correctly classified as a medium-sized business. Its discovery justifies itself only when it is possible to organize mass production, for example, window blocks or doors. However, large developers, for technological reasons, prefer plastic windows and factory doors, despite the growing popularity of wood. Although working from home simplifies the carpentry business, successful examples are known when 5-6 people worked in small carpentry shops. At the same time, the entrepreneur focused on working with contracts and searching for orders. For carpentry, the following workers will be needed:

The wage fund draws 375 thousand rubles. If we add personal income tax, contributions to the pension fund and other taxes, then you need to have 500,000 rubles for only one month of work, while reaching the design capacity can take six months.

If you focus on the carpentry markets of one-time contracts that are in any locality, it is reasonable to start alone. Then, at the start, you can not pledge anything to the fund: how much you earn - you get so much.

Carpentry shop equipment

For high-quality woodworking, you need to buy a wood moisture meter. This will allow you to purchase material with the required moisture content in accordance with GOST 24700-99 and get away from fire hazardous drying. Such devices are calibrated for different types of wood: birch, pine, beech. Pocket models can be purchased for 1 thousand rubles, better moisture meters cost about 10 thousand rubles.

Of course, you will need a manual and electric tool. Its cost for a workshop with 3 carpenters can reach 50-70 thousand rubles. What you need to buy is well described in G. Kulebakin's "Joinery".

You will also need machines, or at least one combined unit, which has a saw section, a jointing unit, a thicknessing unit, a milling section and a tenoning carriage. The machine does not take up much space, is optimal for a small room, has a relatively low price tag of 220 thousand rubles. Plus, it would be nice to order a CNC wood milling machine, but keep in mind that a good model is sold for 500 thousand and more.

It is necessary to reserve 300 thousand rubles for equipping a small carpentry with 3 employees with the necessary equipment.


To get customers, the owner of the carpentry workshop, even if he works alone, needs to devote time and money to advertising. Otherwise, potential buyers simply do not know about the services. It is unlikely that promoters handing out flyers will help. It is easier and more effective to express yourself in the electronic media. In each city or locality there is a portal of the local administration, where a heading for free ads is formed. The most effective advertising on the basis of building materials. At the entrance to a construction market or a timber warehouse, you should rent a few square meters for a stand. Place your products on the stand. Then you can expect the appearance of calls in a few days.

Total costs and payback period

For a workshop that a single master opened in his garage, it will take from 100 to 400 thousand rubles, depending on the type of equipment purchased. This will include advertising costs. A small amount of start-up costs predetermines interest in this business.

If you rent a room in an industrial complex, you must take into account at least another three months' payment for "squares", as well as payments for utilities and security. That is, you need to add an additional 120 thousand rubles. If you are going to hire 2 assistants, you should increase the initial investment by another 100 thousand rubles.

Joinery, as a rule, is sold with a large added value - about 40%. With a successful start, investments will pay off in one warm season - that is, in 6-7 months.

In relation to a large carpentry shop, the situation looks different. The payback period depends on the size of the business: the larger the production, the further the break-even point from the start - but the income is also higher. Here are some examples in the table:

Amount of investment


Hall area

Owner's Estimated Income

Workshop "loner"

100-200 thousand rubles

6 months

30 sq. meters

20-40 thousand rubles per month

joinery shop

2-4 million rubles

500-700 sq. meters

up to 250 thousand rubles per month

How to open a carpentry workshop: a step-by-step plan

Since most entrepreneurs start alone or with relatives (for example, with a son or brother), it is for this format that we will write the sequence of actions for opening a carpentry:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur if you plan to hire no more than 2 assistants, or as an LLC to open a carpentry shop with several dozen workers.
  2. Find a place for a carpentry workshop. If a garage or basement of a house is chosen, carry out fire safety measures in accordance with the law. If a decision is made to rent a room, conclude an appropriate contract.
  3. Purchase and install equipment. It is logical to purchase a tree for a specific order.
  4. To make samples of goods and place them as advertisements in construction markets and lumber yards. Tell about yourself in local electronic media. This is how you find clients.

Business risks

Although many articles in Runet say that a carpentry workshop as a business is doomed to success, in reality this is far from the case. On the net you can find ads for the sale of almost new woodworking machines, and from the first owners. Reason: "due to lack of demand." Whatever environmentalists say, PVC windows and doors dominate the market.

The carpentry business is seasonal. Window blocks, flights of stairs and garden arbors are usually in demand in the summer. The main risks of the carpentry business lie in the weak order market and strong competition from large players.


A small carpentry shop, open on its "square meters", has an excellent chance of survival, despite the dominance of plastic windows, factory doors and ready-made stairs. For a “young” and full of strength pensioner, this business can indeed bring a good pension supplement.