How to set up a photo studio at home. What do you need to set up a home photo studio? Financial plan - expenses and projected income

Setting up a simple home photography studio can be a very rewarding endeavor for any photographer. Whether you're a professional portraitist or a product designer looking to shoot, a home studio gives you the opportunity to work, and most importantly, learn and experiment. Let's take a look at a few basic things you need to set up a home photography studio.


First of all, you need free space - the more the better. If it is possible to free one of the rooms or at least part of it from furniture and other things as much as possible, do it.

Ideally, it would be great to completely empty the room before filling it with photo equipment. In real life, this is unlikely, there are a lot of things in the house besides a photo studio, so you have to put up with crowding.

In a room, you will need tight control of the lighting conditions at any time of the day or night. Natural lighting can certainly come in handy, but make sure to close the windows tightly, completely blocking out any natural light that can ruin the light picture.

Another thing to keep in mind is the temperature. Especially if you are going to work all the time and keep the equipment in the studio. For example, in the summer, a room can heat up by itself from the sun and working lighting equipment to very high temperatures, which is not very good for photographic equipment. In addition, models sweating from the heat or shivering from the cold are not the best subject for shooting. Therefore, think about maintaining an optimal climate and temperature in the room.

And the last thing you should also think about is soundproofing. If you are going to shoot only photos, then this will not bother you much, but if you are planning a video, then you should think about how much extraneous sounds can interfere with you, for example, the noise from a busy road outside the window. In this case, it is worth considering investing in some soundproofing.

Backdrop (background).

Every good studio has a few backdrops against which pictures are taken. You would be wise to ditch the expensive "professional" backs you may have seen in hardware stores in favor of something simpler. You need something with a dense, uniform color and an inconspicuous texture.

Backs are usually made from a variety of materials, including cotton, canvas, vinyl, and plain paper. The easiest and cheapest choice for a backdrop is plain paper, especially when found in large rolls.

But if you want to get a more professional studio and get better results, it's still worth spending the money and picking up an inexpensive backdrop material from a photo store or having it made to order.

However, for starters, for the first experiments, a simple white sheet or a roll of wrapping paper is quite suitable, with which you can build something similar to the photo below.


Light is the most complex and expensive part of the studio. The choice of studio light is not an easy task and is the subject of a separate discussion.

In short, there are two types of light. Permanent and impulsive. The permanent one is cheaper, but generates a lot of heat in the studio and is not as versatile as the pulsed one. With pulsed light, you get much more power, very good light quality, and a lot more options. But it also costs significantly more.

To get started, you can purchase a simple inexpensive studio lighting kit. But for a good result, be prepared to fork out a decent amount in the future. And no matter how much you would like to save money, it is better to immediately buy an inexpensive set of pulsed light with two or three flashes and not a constant one. For a small home studio, this will be enough to get excellent results in various situations, and over time you can expand the kit.

Umbrellas and softboxes.

Looking at different lighting kits, you can start to toss between what is best for your studio - an umbrella or a softbox. Unfortunately, there is no exact answer, since both have their pros and cons. At the same time, both perform their task - softening the light.

Umbrellas are usually cheaper and more versatile. They often come with a reflective surface that allows you to control the light output - you can make the most of the light by bouncing or dim it by removing the reflector and shining the light directly through the material of the umbrella. Umbrellas spread light over a fairly large area and they work well in large rooms or when photographing a group of people. In addition, umbrellas are more mobile than soft boxes, they are faster to assemble and install.

Most professional photographers work with umbrellas and softboxes at the same time to achieve the best results. But if your budget is limited, then an umbrella is a great choice to start with.

Entourage and costumes.

What people often don't think about is a lot of crazy and at first glance completely unnecessary accessories and other junk. Creating a portrait is insanely boring for most people, so using costumes for dressing up and anything that can make shooting fun and enjoyable and get models excited can be quite relevant.

So it will be useful to keep in the studio all sorts of nonsense such as stupid sunglasses, wigs, toy jewelry and other nonsense that will “stir up” the most notorious clients - from clerks to children, causing a smile, good mood and liberated state.

The main thing is to make the person relax. A photograph of a person with a tense face “like a passport” will always lose to a photograph taken in a relaxed atmosphere.

Photo accessories.

Do not forget about the specific and often necessary equipment for the studio. It can be a refrigerator and a plasma TV or a laptop, but first of all think about the most necessary things. For example, you will definitely need a tripod or even two. You may need remotes or cables to remote control the camera.

If you use flashes, consider wireless controllers for them. Do not forget that a small stepladder can be very useful to choose a specific angle or hang a backdrop. And also a mirror, for those who, at the last moment before shooting, decide to check how it looks.

And further. Treat your spending wisely and try to be aware of your goals. Otherwise, creating a home studio can milk you a lot of money, some of which you will spend on expensive, but not needed or rarely used things. Therefore, always think carefully about what will be useful for you and what is not. Perhaps an inexpensive constant light is also suitable for your specific purposes, so there is no need to invest in a pulsed one, etc.

Well, the main thing. Don't be afraid to learn and experiment - shoot more, try new approaches, and you'll see for yourself what you need the most. Remember, a home studio is only the first step in getting your hands on the basics of working in a studio. And then you either start to improve your own studio or find the right professional one.

Home photo studio This is a great start for your own business. But before you let your first clients into your home, make sure you have everything you need to get the job done right, the kind that every client expects from their photographer.

Follow our tips and you will see how a simple hobby at home turns into something worthwhile.

1. Ideal location for filming

Your home photo studio should occupy a certain corner in the house, where every detail and equipment has its place. You don't want someone in the family to accidentally get caught on the cord, or they have to carry wires, move lamps from place to place.

A dedicated space for a photo studio is no less important for clients. When they come to your shoot, they will feel much more comfortable that they are not invading your privacy. After all, sooner or later someone will become uncomfortable and this will be reflected in the quality of the photographs.

In addition, having a separate room or corner will help you isolate your work from the rest of the house. You will simply need this if you have children who want to watch cartoons or run around the house. These and similar distractions keep you or your clients from focusing.

Sometimes it's not easy to allocate an entire room for a photo studio, but believe me, it's worth it. Assess the situation, think creatively, and finally see what you can do in your home.

2. How much can you accelerate in the room

The first hurdle you're likely to run into in your home photography studio is is there enough room in the room for a zoom? If the shooting room is small, you will have very few options for a variety of photos, the worst thing is if the photos turn out to be distorted due to the focal length.

If you use wide-angle lenses and stand close to the subject, your shots will be distorted. In this case, you will have to take a couple of steps back and the main thing here is not to climb out onto the wall. In other words, you physically need enough space.

If you are shooting full-length, the room should be 5-6 meters long, no less. If you don't want distortion in your photo, don't take a lens wider than 50mm.

3. Be mindful of low ceilings

The depth of the room is a serious limitation, but the height of the ceiling is no less important for shooting. If you have a low ceiling, the light will most likely be reflected from it. So you don’t notice how the ceiling becomes a huge reflector, adding a lot of extra light.

You will have to work with your settings in the studio, learning how the light behaves with a low ceiling in order to avoid unnecessary backlighting.

Another limitation of the low ceiling is that there is not enough space to place the hair light. This backlight is used to highlight the subject from behind and separate it from the background.

If you have low ceilings, such lighting can only be used for a sitting position, but not in full growth (unless children can be photographed like this). You will need an average of 1 meter between the lamp and the object.

4. Use the light from the window

If the light from the window is used correctly, then it will be a great advantage for you. But the window in the home photo studio has negative consequences. Let's look at the pros and cons:

- soft, smooth
- need not
- easy to remove if necessary with the help of thick curtains

- direct sunlight if the window is not directed to the north or south
- hard to control
- limited creative use

5. How to manage natural light?

Light from the environment appears when you least expect it. The reason for this may be the light from the window, the room itself, reflections, etc. With our naked eye, we rarely notice unwanted extra light until we look at photographs.

Have you ever thought that the mixture of incandescent and flash light can be that unwanted light that ruins all your work?

The soft, warm, yellow light from an incandescent lamp is very different from your flash. This problem can be solved very easily: change the light bulbs in the room to daylight bulbs that shine with white light.

To better manage natural light, you must first determine its source. Once you find it, try to get rid of it in every possible way.

6. Choose a decorative background

A decorative background is just a backdrop for your composition. Good "backs" do not have seams that detract from the subject in the photo. You can purchase a variety of decorations: pure white backgrounds, graphic prints, cities, etc. The only thing that will limit you in the number of backgrounds is the place where you can store it all.

Monochromatic wallpapers are considered the most fashionable. Take some neutral tones and use helium light to change the background color, you can also do it in Adobe Photoshop with .

In addition to a good background, it will be just fine if you learn how to get rid of distractions, increase professionalism, and get better and better control over the quality of photos.

If you don't have much space to store your wallpaper, buy a wall mount that you can hang 2-3 rolls on and lower or raise as needed. If this is not an option for you, use stands.

7. Creative workshop

By adding even the smallest element to a photo, the overall look changes. In the studio it is difficult to disperse your imagination, as in nature, and after a while it begins to seem to you that all the pictures are identical. You need to dilute the same type of shooting with some creative elements.

You can use anything: clothes, accessories, furniture, creative background. Start collecting ideas and adding them to your workshop. Look at sales, thrift stores, climb in your grandmother's attic and friends closet, because there may be the most fun and creative things for your photo studio, plus they will cost you cheap, or maybe even free.

And at home, prepare a closet for trinkets and use it to your health.

8. Let there be light

Among studio lighting fixtures, there are many options for shooting with flash. The three most important are:

stable lighting
A lamp for all occasions (too abstruse name for a lamp). With their help, you can see how the light falls on the object, but you will not expect brightness and power like a flash from them.

Such lamps are not portable, and it is almost impossible to use them on the street. Therefore, before buying them, read about other types of lighting, more versatile.

These lamps are easy to install and are best used in combination with radio triggers and a receiver. This method will greatly facilitate your work, and you will not have to drag cords around the studio with cords.

You can also take them with you, because they are not bulky.

Studio strobe lights
Strobe lights are a powerful flash that plugs into an outlet. Compared to conventional flash and other lamps, this is just a dream of any photographer, but the price of this device is rather big. With this flash, your work will noticeably speed up, but you need to remember that it is quite bulky and works from the outlet. If funds allow, you simply must have this device in your professional home photography studio.

9. Light modifiers

Modifiers control the amount of light from the flash. They are of different types: from umbrellas, boxes, beauty plates and ending with pipe benders. There is plenty to choose from, they also come in different sizes.

We will focus on just two main modifiers that you can use in conjunction with the lighting described earlier.

Umbrellas are used to diffuse light. This is a great fixture to light up a large area or a group of people.

There are many different types of umbrellas, but for a home photo studio, you only need to focus on two: a white umbrella that allows light to pass through and a reflective silver one. They are portable and affordable.

With their help, you can easily control the flow of light. They are more expensive and less portable than umbrellas, but with their help you can control the light, which, in principle, is necessary for a home photo studio. That is, the light will not scatter in all directions.

10. Take it easy

Do not rush to buy at once everything you need and do not need in your photo studio. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you will build the structure in stages.

All studios are different and therefore each needs a unique set of devices to bring empty walls into the workspace and use it to its fullest. Over time, you will learn how to properly select the missing devices, and this will undoubtedly improve the quality of your work.

11. Hang up your best work

Show your customers your creativity. The studio is your personal space, so unleash your talented personality! Hang your best work on the walls. Perhaps customers have already seen them somewhere before, so now they are working with you. In addition, the printed photograph has something special about it, it seems to come to life right before your eyes.

There are many ideas you can use to start your own business and start earning more than your main job. In almost every field at the moment there is a high level of competition. At the same time, the level of demand for various kinds of goods and services is not always the same.

One of the most profitable ideas is the organization of a photo studio.

In order to organize any type of business, you need to register an enterprise. For a photo studio, as for other types of activities, there is a standard choice - registration as. The advantage of the first option is the simplicity and low cost of registration, and the second - greater consumer confidence.

The choice of legal form should be chosen based on the concept of the institution.

So, if it is planned to provide services only to individuals, it is enough. If the studio will carry out advertising shooting, where the customer will be a legal entity, it is best to prefer. After that, you need to register with the tax office.

To carry out activities no license required, therefore, from a legal point of view, a photo studio is one of the simplest types of business. In addition to registering a company, it is necessary to prepare the constituent documents and make copies of them, as well as obtain permission from the fire department.

Varieties of photo studios

  • The simplest type of studio (which many experts do not perceive as such) is photo studio. It practically does not require expenses for organization and maintenance. Narrow specialists work here, and the main target audience is people who urgently need to print a photo or take a picture for a document.
  • The second, more preferable and profitable type is the opening of an institution in which room with multiple backdrops for filming. At the same time, it is desirable to have various thematic and interior halls in it to attract a wider audience.
  • Finally, the third option is universal. It is the most difficult to organize, since such a studio provides all the typical services, and can also complete complex individual orders. In addition, the opening costs are much higher than in the first two options. However, it is for this type of photo studios that there is the greatest demand, and, as a result, it becomes possible to obtain a high level of profit.

List of possible services

Any studio, regardless of its size, can provide a range of services. Most of them are relatively simple in terms of organizing work, but at the same time they can seriously increase the level of profit. So, first of all, all establishments provide photography services in various formats:

  • Outdoor photo session;
  • wedding;
  • Studio of various subjects;
  • Photos for various documents;
  • Advertising shooting;
  • Family photo sessions;
  • Baby.

For most photo shoots, people require additional services, among which are:

  • Makeup;
  • Hairstyle creation;
  • Image selection;
  • Rental outfits;
  • Interior design for a photo session;
  • Search for the necessary premises;
  • Photo processing;
  • Print photos, etc.

In addition, a photo studio can specialize in additional services. However, it is advisable to add them only after attracting a sufficient number of customers and reaching a payback. So, you can design embroidery, painting and photos in baguettes and frames, sell standard frames, restore old photos, do photomontage, and also create collages or entire albums.

An interview with the owner of such an institution about opening such a business is on the following video:

Premises selection

In order to attract a large number of customers, you need to carefully choose the location. So, the institution should be located in areas located near the city center. At the same time, it should have convenient parking.

The area of ​​the room must be at least 60-70 square meters with successful zoning. A separate place should be allocated for a dressing room, wardrobe or locker room, as well as a workplace for administrative staff. In addition, you need a place to place lighting equipment.

The rental price varies from 30 to 55 thousand rubles per month, depending on the size of the room and the location of the studio.

An important requirement is the ceiling height, which must be at least 3 meters. This is necessary in order to be able to conveniently place equipment for work. Finally, it is important to understand that the studio must create a pleasant experience for the client and set him up to relax in front of the camera.

In the case of thematic photography with a lot of makeup, it is advisable to organize not only a bathroom, but also a small shower.

Design and decoration

As for the design of the room, it should not be pretentious and stylish. The central place in the photo is occupied by the model, so the design should not be too distracting from her. It is important to understand that the choice of design depends on what services the studio will specialize in. In particular, for studio shooting of various subjects, it is best to paint the walls white.

The background in any case must be considered as a key detail in the design. There should be at least 4 zones in total, each of which will have its own background color. In this case, it is desirable to use various materials:

  • Smooth fabric;
  • Drapery fabric;
  • Paper disposable;
  • Silkscreen;
  • plastic, etc.

Among the required colors should be highlighted White and black. As additional preferred beige and pink, as well as gray and green. An interesting solution would be to imitate various natural and non-natural materials (for example, brick). Thus, the approach to the formation of design should be non-standard, but have certain boundaries to prevent the presence of excessive variegation and bad taste.

Necessary equipment

Equipment and furniture play an important role in achieving success. Their purchase is the main cost item. To get started, the studio will require the following types of equipment:

  • Various backgrounds and mounts for them;
  • Lens set;
  • Sfotboxes;
  • Curtains;
  • Tripods;
  • reflectors;
  • Professional camera;
  • 5-6 light sources and holders for them;
  • Reflective umbrellas;
  • Portrait plate;
  • holders;
  • Flashes and synchronizers for them;
  • Attachments for reflectors, etc.

A separate cost item is the purchase of props and interior items. It can be armchairs, sofas, high chairs. It is desirable that there are large windows in the room - in this case, you can arrange the window sill so that you can shoot on it.

To organize a dressing room, you will need screens, a dressing table, a large mirror, an iron and ironing board, chairs and hangers. In addition, you should buy several computers and install photo software on them, as well as install a telephone line. Finally, you will need devices for printing photos and Internet access.

Pillows, soft stuffed ottomans, flowers, soft toys, etc. can be used as interior items. Props and small decor items are optional and depend on the chosen areas of work.

Organization of work, personnel

Depending on the size of the studio and the chosen specialization, it is necessary to decide whether it is necessary to have your own staff. The role of administrator and accountant at first can be performed directly by the entrepreneur himself. If he is also involved in photography, then there is no need for a staff.

In the absence of a stable flow of orders, it is most profitable to hire photographers for a specific event or photography.

This approach is less costly than keeping people on staff who need to be paid wages even in the event of downtime.

If the photo studio is universal, as well as in a situation of increasing orders, it is advisable to start forming your own staff in order to be sure of the final result and complete satisfaction of the client's demand. So, the studio will need:

  • Administrator;
  • Photographers;
  • Part-time cleaner;
  • Part time accountant;
  • Designer (who can deal with photo processing, layout, etc.);
  • Makeup Specialist;
  • Stylist;
  • Hair specialist.

It is important to understand that the last three positions are required only for establishments specializing in portrait photography or outdoor photo shoots. In other cases, it is enough to have specialists who are hired for a specific order.

Finding customers with the help of competent marketing policy building

For a small studio in the early stages of work, it makes no sense to turn to expensive advertising. The best means of promoting services is own site. For all such establishments, it is rather template and therefore inexpensive in terms of development. The site should provide services, approximate prices, as well as a portfolio of works in various shooting genres.

You can engage in attracting customers through social networks and specialized forums. At the same time, it is a good idea to provide discounts and promotions for new customers.

If you want to work with corporate clients or carry out reportage shooting, you should contact advertising agencies: it is in this area that such orders are most often needed, and there are no photographers in the state.

A huge advantage for a photo studio is the fact that after recruiting a certain group of clients, investments in advertising are significantly reduced (and often even reduced to zero), since the “word of mouth” effect operates. To maintain demand and the emergence of new orders, it is enough to distribute booklets or business cards in various outlets where photography equipment is sold.

Costs, estimated income and payback period

The studio, in comparison with other types of business, is quite simple to organize and does not require a large amount of investment. The entrepreneur will incur the following costs:

  • Payment for renting a room for several months in advance - from 35 thousand rubles per month;
  • The cost of repairing the premises is about 200 thousand rubles;
  • The cost of purchasing equipment and furniture is about 250-350 thousand rubles;
  • Costs for the purchase of additional interior items - 50-100 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising expenses - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • Website development - about 25 thousand rubles;
  • The cost of preparing documents and registration is about 10 thousand rubles.

The total investment varies within from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. At the same time, the profit of a small photo studio for 12 months of work is about 600 thousand a year. Accordingly, the payback period for such a company is from a year to a year and a half.

Thus, the studio is a profitable and easy-to-organize type of business. Despite high competition, subject to high quality work and competent promotion, you can quickly attract regular customers (both individuals and legal entities) and seriously increase the level of earnings.

It's much easier than it looks

The thought of setting up a photo studio with the right lighting, background, and all, in the comfort of your own home is often daunting and seems out of reach. But rest assured, the portrait lighting equipment you'll need has become much cheaper and easier to use. In addition, it does not require a lot of space.

The beauty of a home studio, especially for portraits, is that you have complete control over the light sources. And also decide what accessories you need and where to place them.

You decide what equipment to buy, focusing only on your preferences and budget. Get by with a foam panel as a reflector, or shell out for a full-size softbox? You decide.

If you want to save money, you should pay attention to sets of studio equipment for beginners, equipped with 2 pulsed light sources. At a cost in the range of 15 - 25 thousand rubles, you can purchase a kit suitable for the first time.

Newcomers to studio photography often wonder how to control exposure when the scene is lit by flashes. It is possible to evaluate the intensity of light using a hand-held flashmeter using the "shooting" method. But you don't have to use this rather outdated method.

The histogram is ideal for checking and adjusting exposure. The histogram can be displayed on the camera screen for any shot taken. Using the histogram, it is enough to check that the tones of the image are evenly distributed within its boundaries.

The following shows what the three exposure states can be - normal, over- and under-exposure - which histograms correspond to each of the states.

By decreasing or increasing the aperture value, you can control the amount of light passing through the lens. This is the best way to work with exposure. Or try adjusting the power of the light pulse on the lights to increase or decrease the light intensity.

Add some drama

Most beginner studio kits include an umbrella that reflects light. This is a very useful accessory. It is very convenient to put two umbrellas "on reflection" on both sides of the model. They create soft, evenly covering and pleasant lighting.

However, "energetic" lighting was used to create the shot above, creating deep shadows. This was achieved due to the fact that only one source was installed with an umbrella to the right of the model and above the level of her head.

Due to the proximity of the source to the right side of the face, the largest "portion" of light falls on the model, and the opposite side of the face is less illuminated. Shadows were deepened by a black foam panel mounted to the left of the model.

There are no rules that define your camera settings for a studio portrait. But there are parameters, adhering to which, you can get better results. Let's start with ISO. It should be minimal so that digital noise is weakly manifested in the images.

It's best to shoot in manual mode. In it, you control the aperture value and shutter speed. In automatic and semi-automatic modes, the camera takes over these duties.

Shoot in RAW format. Even if you follow the exposure on the histogram on the camera screen, you can miss a slight “overexposure” in certain areas of the image. Shooting in RAW format will allow you to correct the pictures taken in the photo editor.

If you shoot at a shutter speed faster than the sync speed of your camera, then you will see a black bar on one side of the frame in the photographs. This strip is the “curtain” of the shutter, which is still moving at the moment the pulsed light source is triggered.

Obviously, a picture with a black stripe is a marriage. To avoid this, just set the shutter speed to be longer than the sync speed. Most modern cameras have a sync speed of 1/200 second. Some cameras can sync with flashes at 1/500th of a second.

One of the most useful studio accessories is the radio synchronization kit. With it, you can remotely control the moment of operation of pulsed light sources. Connect the receiver to one of the sources, install the transmitter on the “hot shoe” connector, which is located on the top of the camera. Now you can take pictures without worrying about wires or inadvertently knocking over the light stand.

You should also purchase a large softbox. This versatile item can be used to create a variety of lighting effects.

Take a few shots, then move the source. Place it on different sides, at different heights. Also, try lighting the model's face on one side to get dramatic shadows on the other side.

As you can see, today it is not difficult to create a photo studio at home. So if you have enough space at home - go to the store!

It may seem that a photo studio or photo salon is a business idea only for professional photographers. In fact, any enterprising person can open it. It is very profitable to rent a room ready for photography. This business is characterized by a quick payback and relatively small investments. We will talk in detail about how to open a photo studio in this article.

  • Opening a photo studio from scratch
  • Deciding on the format of the photo studio
  • Choosing a room for a photo studio
  • What equipment do you need to open a photo studio?
  • How much money do you need to open your own photography studio
  • Step-by-step plan for opening a photo studio
  • How much money do you need to open a photography studio
  • How to choose equipment for a photo studio

Opening a photo studio from scratch

First of all, you need to figure out how such an institution differs from a photo salon. There really is a difference. In the photo studio you can take creative, artistic pictures, change images, scenery. Ideas here are born in a creative stop. In addition, the photographer not only shoots people and objects, he can also make their computer processing. In the photo salon, the choice of services is much more modest. There, clients are rarely offered outdoor photo shoots, album or book design, although any creative person can do it with their own hands. The photo studio, on the other hand, offers customers a full range of services, a creative approach and always high quality.

The art of photography is developing rapidly today. First of all, this is due to the emergence of new technology, and, therefore, new opportunities.. The equipment is always selected only professional. In addition to technology, the studio should have several options for interiors. Ideas for its arrangement should be fresh and exclusive. Creative people can make it with their own hands. There may be several options for decorations. Usually they are made for generally accepted holidays. Often people cannot pay for the full rent of the premises. In order to attract customers, promotions and mass thematic photo shoots are held. For example, you can invite several couples to take pictures on Valentine's Day, arrange a costume shoot for Ivan Kupala, and so on.

Here are some types of services to offer to clients:

In addition, you can arrange master classes in teaching photography to beginners. Usually any photographer can rent a professional studio. If the equipment in it is at the proper level, then there will always be those who wish. For pictures on documents, a small room is usually allocated indoors.

Deciding on the format of the photo studio

Now a little about what ideas can be for a photo studio. One of the most common themes is love. The scenery for wedding photo shoots or love stories can be very different: from Chicago in the 30s of the last century, to cute angels and clouds. Most accessories can be made by hand. If there is no time for this or the ability, then hand-made masters will always offer not only original things for decorating the room, but also accessories for the shooting itself: three-dimensional letters, pictures, and so on.

Another business format is a children's photo studio. You need to create the right environment. For example, equipment for a children's photo studio can be built with your own hands. These are various swings, slides, decorations with “cartoon characters”. Here you can offer parents to rent several costumes.

Some photographers set up a do-it-yourself workspace in their home to cut costs. If the area is limited, then the maximum that can be done is portrait photographs and photographs for documents. Another option on how to make a photo studio at home is to always work on the road, and at home in the office only refine your masterpieces.