Chinchilla farm as a business. Chinchilla breeding as a business: is it profitable to produce luxurious fur? Breeding chinchilla rabbits

  • Technology of breeding chinchillas for fur
  • Chinchilla nutrition
  • Maintenance and care
  • Step by step plan to start a business
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • How to choose equipment
  • What OKVED must be specified for breeding chinchillas for fur
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for breeding chinchillas for fur
  • Do I need permission to open

Many people know that chinchilla fur is very expensive, but you rarely see real chinchilla farms today. Experts say that this is due to the difficulties in breeding animals in captivity. Obtaining high-quality expensive fur is the result of painstaking breeding work and daily care of animals. We will talk about how to breed chinchillas below. Before you start planning a business related to these animals, you need to understand the features of their biology and the elements of technology on which the health of animals depends, and, consequently, the quality of the outer cover. Chinchilla fur is valued for having a hair structure and a unique color.

Rodents of this class in nature are of two types: long-tailed and short-tailed. In appearance, they resemble small rabbits. The closest known relative of the chinchilla is the guinea pig, but it eats and breeds a little differently. For those farmers who are interested in the question of how many years chinchillas live in captivity, let us explain that there were cases when they lived to be 25 years old. On average, this time does not exceed 15 years. Young animals and older animals practically do not differ in appearance. Animal breeders are advised to determine the age by the paws of animals. In young individuals, the skin is not yet coarsened. The average weight of an animal, if it is healthy and eats well, is from 500 to 900 grams, depending on the breed and gene pool. However, this information is useful, rather, for reference, because the goal of an entrepreneur is usually to grow chinchillas for the sake of valuable fur. Sometimes small livestock contain animals for sale for fun. They live well in city apartments, as family favorites, for several years.

Technology of breeding chinchillas for fur

Chinchilla breeding technology is distinguished by two methods of reproduction: paired and polygamous.

  1. Pair breeding consists in the selection of a female and a male according to the quality of the fur and color. Individuals from the same hereditary branch can be in a pair, but not closer than three generations later. How many puppies can a female bring? Usually she gives birth to up to 6 young individuals, 2 times a year. The ideal age combination is when the male is several years older than the female, or they are the same age.
  2. Polygamous reproduction involves the fertilization of several females by one male. When calculating how much it will cost to keep animals, this method will be more economical, as it will reduce feed consumption and improve the quality of offspring over the years.

In addition to the above recommendations, there are a number of conditions that allow you to get high-quality chinchilla fur. One of them is the state of the microclimate of the farm. It should be well ventilated, with a constant air temperature. How much should the temperature be? It is optimal not to exceed 25 degrees, and not fall below 16. Chinchillas live better in dry air, so the humidity parameter should not exceed 60%. Animals are also harmful to direct sunlight. In general, you can use any utility room where it is possible to maintain the required temperature all year round. The animals do not tolerate frost well, and in the winter months they can even observe drowsiness and inactivity.

Chinchilla nutrition

Now let's figure out what a chinchilla eats in captivity. It is a herbivore that feeds on grass and hay. This must be taken into account, as well as the natural predilections of animals. In nature, they live in the highlands, where food is scarce, but it is saturated with useful substances. By the same principle, chinchilla eats in cages. Concentrated feeds, which must be in the daily diet of animals, include legumes and grains, cake, bran, spent grains. One animal eats about 25 g per day. Its main diet consists of the following components:

  • Green food that the animal eats with pleasure. It can be spinach, horse sorrel, nettle, dandelion, burdock, and other meadow herbs.
  • Hay that the chinchilla eats all year round. Lack of it in the diet can even lead to the death of the animal.
  • Additional nutrition in the form of willow leaves, birch, aspen bark and needles, root crops and seeds of cultivated plants.

Chinchillas are usually kept in cages. They should be spacious and provide easy care and keeping the space clean. Cells can be of several types, depending on the size and material. First of all, the size of the "houses" depends on the number of animals that are planned to be settled in them. To facilitate cleaning, they make a retractable tray made of metal or plastic. 1-2 animals live in cages measuring 60x80x80 cm. The most important parameter for a chinchilla is height.

A new cage inside is equipped with shelves for movement and a place where the animal eats. At the same time, parts that are too small for animals to swallow should not be used. Cells can be made at home. Plastic, fiberboard, chipboard and resinous wood species cannot be used as materials. Boards for cages should not be affected by rot or fungus, then they will reliably serve for many years.

Inspection of individuals should be carried out daily, especially pregnant or giving birth females, young animals need special attention. If the animal eats little and refuses to drink, then this can be considered the first signs of the disease. From time to time the animals are weighed.

Animal waste and the remains of what the animal eats must be cleaned daily. Pallets are wiped with a rag without detergents, as they are harmful to animals. Once every few days you need to wash the feeder, drinker, bath. Cleaning should be done in silence so that the animals are not frightened. In order for the wool to be of excellent quality, chinchillas are satisfied with bathing in fine sand.

As mentioned above, the animal eats little, but the food must be rich in nutrients. In general, the cost of maintenance, maintenance and care does not require large material resources. This business requires more labor and knowledge, which makes it acceptable for the majority of the population in rural areas and private households.

Step by step plan to start a business

Market analysis and business plan development is the basis of any activity. After that, you can proceed to the realization of dreams in life:
acquisition of breeding breeds;
purchase of feed;
search for sales markets, etc.

How much can you earn

If we talk about making money on chinchilla fur, then it will depend on the quality of the fur and livestock. The average cost of a quality chinchilla skin is about $300. Lower quality, about twice the price. In cases where 4 males and 12 females are kept, the annual profit ranges from 500,000 rubles to 1 million.

How much money do you need to start a business

The cost of one individual is in the range of 6 to 9 thousand rubles. If you purchase 16 pieces, you will need from 96,000 to 144,000 rubles. It will also require financial costs for the purchase of animal feed, equipment. In total, if you do not rent premises, you can invest in an amount equal to 150,000 rubles.

How to choose equipment

Cells act as the main equipment. In addition, they will need to be equipped with drinkers and feeders. The cost of the cage is in the range from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles. You can make your own to save money.

What OKVED must be specified for breeding chinchillas for fur

01.49.2 - breeding of other fur-bearing animals on the territory of the farm. It is this OKVED 2 code that will need to be reflected in the documents that are submitted for registration.

What documents are needed to open

The list of documents for breeding chinchillas for fur will depend on the chosen form of ownership, as well as its maintenance. In this case, it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or open a peasant farm.

What taxation system to choose for breeding chinchillas for fur

When choosing a system that will be used for paying taxes, we focus on the single agricultural tax. If this is not reflected, then the Federal Tax Service will determine the total for paying taxes. The first allows you to pay taxes in a preferential regime.

Do I need permission to open

To breed chinchillas with the subsequent sale of fur, you will need to obtain a special license that gives you the right to engage in the cultivation of rodents. In addition, in order to legally sell the skins of animals, you need a special permit from the veterinary service.

To date, breeding chinchillas as a business at home is an unrivaled type of entrepreneurship. Many farmers are interested in growing chinchillas, they ask questions: is it profitable to breed chinchillas, what is needed for business, where to start planning, how to organize the sale of products. The answers to these questions, as well as reviews of experienced entrepreneurs, can be found in this article.

Breeding chinchillas: weigh the pros and cons

Advantages of the chinchilla business

  • This is a relatively free niche in the Russian business sector.
  • The demand for our products is constantly growing.
  • Good profitability: the cost of keeping the animal for up to 2 months does not exceed 1 thousand rubles, and the income from each individual is 15 thousand rubles.
  • You can start from scratch with a minimum of effort and without investing a lot of money.

Farm maintenance costs

  1. Acquisition of rodents: at least 10 females and a couple of males (100-150 thousand rubles).
  2. Home improvement: the purchase of equipment (cells and much more can be done with your own hands).
  3. Food expenses: an average of 10 thousand rubles a year per head.
  4. Electricity costs: light, air conditioning, convector.
  5. Taxes to the state, state duty for business registration.
  6. Advertising (may not be required if there are well-established distribution channels).

Comparison with other types of fur animals

Chinchillas breed worse than rabbits and bring no more than 3 cubs in one litter. But the chinchilla skin is much more expensive than the rabbit skin, because it surpasses it in quality and beauty.

Chinchilla fur is not as wearable as mink fur, but a mink coat costs less, as it is inferior to chinchilla fur in several ways: softness, lightness and colors.

Possible risks

  • Diseases. The risk of developing the disease in the entire livestock is very low, since chinchillas have good health and are naturally hardy animals. Serious deficiencies in the care and feeding of pets can lead to an epidemic.
  • Lack of distribution channels. This problem will not arise if you think through everything in advance.

How to organize a business

Purchase of animals and equipment

To start breeding chinchillas at home, you need to purchase the animals themselves and equip the place where they are kept. This will require:

  • Cages: 1 cage for 2 rodents, placement of cages in 2 rows of 6 is recommended, the minimum area of ​​the room is 18 sq.m.
  • Drinkers, feeders, sennitsa: nipple drinkers and a hanging feeder protect food and water well from contamination.
  • Cottages and sun loungers: animals need a place for privacy, the size of the bed should not be less than 12 cm wide.
  • Filler: Sawdust, shavings or hay.
  • Bathing suits and sand: you can’t save on sand, the quality of the fur will suffer from this.
  • Toys and simulators for teeth: it is vital to grind the teeth of rodents, the ideal option is a mineral stone.
  • Cleaning and disinfection products: non-toxic specialized products and an ultraviolet lamp.
  • Convectors: maintaining optimal humidity levels.
  • Lamps of 60 W: per 1 sq.m. 1 lamp required.
  • Air conditioning and heater: maintaining the temperature.
  • Feed and hay.

Business registration

To conduct a business legally, it must be registered. Starting entrepreneurs, if they wish, can first register for private household plots (personal subsidiary plots) and avoid the need to pay taxes. Gradually increasing production volumes, the farmer becomes an individual entrepreneur, therefore he must register the farm with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur (individual enterprise). The entrepreneur chooses the type of taxation that is beneficial for him - the UST at a rate of 6% of net profit.

In addition to the Federal Tax Service, the business is registered with the local veterinary service.

To run a chinchilla breeding business, you do not need licenses and permits, you only need 2 documents:

  • a document confirming the ownership of the farm;
  • registration with the veterinary service.

Business plan

A business plan will help you keep everything under control and get the most out of your business.

To begin with, you should do the calculations of potential profit: from the amount of the estimated income (calculated by predicting the receipt of offspring), subtract the amount of the estimated costs for the preparation and monthly maintenance of rodents.

Approximate cost of maintaining a livestock of 50 chinchillas:

  • Chinchillas - 100-150 thousand rubles.
  • Cages - 2 thousand rubles X 25 (2 animals in a cage) = 50 thousand rubles.
  • Feed - 1,000 - 1,500 rubles per day.
  • Other expenses (electricity, taxes, veterinary care, advertising, etc.) - 20 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Income from 50 chinchillas is easy to calculate: offspring of 300 puppies a year will bring about 1 million rubles.

When drawing up a business plan, it should be borne in mind that breeding animals cost about $ 100, which is 2 times more expensive than pets, and the cost of the skin is about $ 80.

Sales of products

Sales channels

Sales of products are possible in three directions:

  • breeding individuals to other farms;
  • skins in ateliers and factories, as well as at auctions;
  • dietary meat can be sold by ad or rented to restaurants;
  • small individuals in pet stores.


Start-up entrepreneurs and farmers whose production is constantly growing may need advertising. For these purposes, you can use:

  • Internet;
  • leaflets;
  • pet stores.

Do chinchillas eat meat?

Chinchilla meat is eaten, it is dietary and medicinal. It is recommended to use it for oncological diseases, sclerosis and tuberculosis.

Carcasses are sold after the animal is slaughtered for fur.

It is not profitable to specially grow animals for meat, because even a novice farmer knows how much a rodent weighs - the weight of an animal reaches 1 kg at best.

Chinchilla weight table

days The average weight of a chinchilla in grams according to the table of M.P. Pavlova Average weight in grams

farm table

0 41 49
5 49 59
10 65 73
15 72 86
20 84 101
25 97 116
30 114 136
35 128 154
40 143 172
45 158 190
50 179 215
55 188 226
60 201 242
90 272 327
120 321 385
150 362 435
180 396 475
210 411 493
240 422 506
270 440 528
Adults 505 Adults 606

This time we will talk about the chinchilla breeding business. How can you make money on breeding chinchillas? It turns out that everything is quite simple, because the main value of chinchillas is their fur, which is very much appreciated among buyers.

Some do not even realize that chinchilla fur is valued much higher than mink or arctic fox fur. Moreover, it is valued higher than sable or rabbit fur.

A profitable business that many do not know about

Due to the fact that this industry (the sale of chinchilla fur) began to develop in the CIS and Russia relatively recently, the demand for this type of product exceeds supply.

Obviously, the higher the demand, the more money an enterprising businessman who has decided to take the step of opening a business in an area that is not yet occupied by competitors can earn.

Key Benefits of a Chinchilla Breeding Business

- Low competition. The vast majority of raw materials used by domestic fur studios and some shops are exclusively of imported origin.

This means that they have to pay customs duties and much more, so they would happily buy locally produced fur, but the problem is that in Russia it is almost impossible to find a quality production for the production of chinchilla fur.

— Great prospects for the sales market. The thing is that almost all large stores selling fur products consider it necessary to offer their potential customers products made from chinchilla fur.

— High profitability. Here we are talking about the fact that the cost of production is quite low, but the cost of the final product exceeds all expectations. A simple example: in order to raise a male chinchilla, you need to spend quite a bit, but animals that have reached 2 months are sold at prices from three to fifteen thousand rubles.

— No need for special knowledge or education. Anyone can run a chinchilla breeding business, so this business can be called affordable for everyone. Also, there is no need to purchase any expensive equipment. The need for a large investment is also eliminated. All that is needed is a small room, several cage batteries and a fairly high-quality breeding material.

Starting a Chinchilla Breeding Business

The first question that arises for every businessman in this area is the correct design of his business. In this case, you do not even need to register an IP. All that is needed is the registration of the business as a personal subsidiary plot. Moreover, this type of production is not taxed. Of course, if things go right, you should take care of obtaining an IP and choose a special tax regime.

This mode is called ESHN. It is worth saying that no other licenses or permits will be required anymore.

Organization of a chinchilla breeding business

In order to equip farms for chinchillas, you must purchase the following:

  1. 22 cells (price - approximately 236 thousand rubles)
  2. Bunker feeders (22 pieces for 9 thousand rubles)
  3. Automatic drinkers (22 pieces for 4.5 thousand rubles)
  4. Bathing suits (22 pieces for 9 thousand rubles)
  5. Convectors (2 copies for 8 thousand rubles).
  6. Air conditioning (1 copy for 24 thousand rubles)

The total cost of equipment can be approximately 300 thousand rubles.

To illuminate the room in which chinchillas live, you will need to purchase lamps with a power of approximately 60 watts. It is difficult to name the exact number of lamps, but one should proceed from the proportion of 1 lamp per 10 square meters. floor meters.

You should also remember about the cells, which should have a total landing area of ​​at least 30 square meters. see one chinchilla.

Also in the cages there should be a supply of food and water.

The presence of a sand bath will also not be superfluous. This is necessary in order for the chinchilla to be able to keep its fur completely clean. Do not forget about the required height of the cage, which should be sufficient so that the animals do not receive any injuries.

In one block of a cage having an area of ​​18 sq. meters, you can place as many as 6 rows of cells.

Room preparation

The temperature in the room where the chinchillas will live should be 18-20 degrees Celsius. Humidity is about 55-60%. This will be enough to make the animals feel comfortable enough.

Choice of young

Remember that the success of the whole business depends on how healthy the young are. In order to acquire a truly healthy and strong young, you will need to contact large breeders with at least 500 individuals. The fact is that selection is carried out on such farms, so the gene pool of these animals is gradually improving.

Chinchilla breeding

For breeding animals, one should proceed from the proportion of 1 male for 4-5 females. This will be enough to have enough animals to get fur.

Business organization

For the first time, it will be better to purchase 10 females and 2 males. Gradually you will be able to bring the number of animals to 50.

fur sale

In order to earn money, you will have to choose one of four options:

  1. Sale of culled animals. These animals are not suitable for obtaining fur, but pet stores may be interested in them.
  2. Sale of breeding individuals. Usually they are purchased by novice chinchilla growers.
  3. Sale of chinchilla fur. If the farm produces approximately 300-350 individuals, then you can count on just such an option for selling your products. In this case, your clients are fur studios.
  4. Sale of fur at auctions. Everything is much more complicated here, because you will need a productivity of 5 thousand skins per year.

General expenses:

  1. Uterine block — 50.000 rubles
  2. Cells - 236 thousand rubles.
  3. Young growth - 120 thousand rubles.
  4. Add. equipment - 54 thousand rubles.

The lack of competition in the market for the production of chinchilla fur is not imaginary, but the real thing, the offered products from chinchilla, as a rule, are imported. The high cost of chinchilla skins, compared with traditional furs (mink, fox, arctic fox, rabbit fur); a good selection of quality individuals from breeders per tribe; the lack of special permits for raising animals - all this makes the chinchilla breeding business competitive and profitable. The high demand for chinchilla skins in fur salons is a good incentive to open a farm for growing a valuable fur-bearing animal. On the territory of Russia, back in the days of the Soviet Union, research was carried out on chinchillas in order to adapt the animals to the wild nature of the highlands of our country, but these attempts were unsuccessful. Nevertheless, the animals feel great on farms.

It so happened that in their habitat in the South American Andes, the animals did not escape the sad fate of many wild animals, exterminated because of the rare fur.

They are almost non-existent in the wild, but as pets they have spread and are kept all over the world.

In chinchillas, the possibility of mating with other rodents is genetically excluded, therefore, reproduction and selection within their species proceed at a slow pace.

Ten years ago, sitting in the office, we were thinking with colleagues about the idea of ​​a small business that is not subject to overproduction and brings excess profit. I remember my first suggestion was to breed chinchillas. Once I heard a legend that the animal is the talisman of treasure hunters and gold miners. Allegedly, gold “sticks to the hands” of the owners of this cute animal. Colleagues criticized me - they said that the animal is extremely small, “the size of a palm”, does not survive well in captivity, is prone to stress and is unreasonably expensive. I abandoned this idea, which I later regretted.

Interesting facts about chinchillas in the video

The experience of enthusiastic chinchilla breeders dispels many myths about this animal. Later, a chinchilla appeared as a pet from a pet store and I, culled for further breeding for a tribe, our female cost us only 3 thousand rubles, and even turned out to be pregnant. After 2 months with a little we already had 3 puppies. One was presented, two were sold, recouping the cost of a mother and an expensive cage. So the prediction about the chinchilla bringing prosperity to the house came true.

"Pros and cons"

The uniqueness of the animal's fur is that in the conditions of natural habitats, it has formed a special hair follicle from which not one or two hairs grow, but a bunch of the finest hairs in the amount of about 70 pieces.

Fur with a pile height of about 3 cm, like a solid dense pillow - perfectly saves heat and insulates from wind and cold outside, neither ticks nor fleas start in dense fur. It is remarkably light and beautifully colored.

The animal does not have sweat and sebaceous glands, so it does not have a pungent smell inherent in all rodents, it does not make loud and sharp sounds. And as it turned out, creating a mini-farm in an ordinary apartment is not difficult. The lack of seasonal molting allows you to grow animals for the skin all year round.

What is a definite plus for starting a chinchilla breeding business, what are the disadvantages and difficulties? It attracts that:

  • this is a highly profitable business (the cost of the skin of an animal pays for its maintenance many times over);
  • does not require significant investments (does not require expensive premises, equipment and feed);
  • a promising market (the value and uniqueness of fur are recognized by producers and consumers around the world);
  • lack of competitors in the Russian market (over 90% of valuable fur is imported);
  • the business has no seasonality (fur is harvested all year round).

The main disadvantages can be considered low rates of reproduction. Females give 4-6 cubs a year, males go for skins, while females are used for further reproduction and population increase. Conditionally, it can be considered a minus the impossibility of keeping the animal in conditions different from the conditions of a city apartment.

The chinchilla is a highly intelligent animal, lends itself to “socialization” and can easily get used to a person, other inhabitants of the house. In the conditions of keeping on the farm, it is necessary to take into account its other features.

The chinchilla is a territorial animal and can be aggressive towards its fellow tribesmen, therefore, at the age of 3 months, the animal needs to allocate its cage, monitor the behavior of adults and young animals in order to exclude the possibility of damage to the fur for which it is actually grown.


It turned out that organizing a chinchilla farm is not difficult, observing certain conditions. The main thing that a chinchilla breeder will need is strict adherence to the recommendations of already accumulated experience in breeding rodents. This applies to the room, cell arrangement, temperature and diet.

  • Keep the animals in a dry room completely eliminating drafts. The temperature should be maintained at the level of 12-22°С, the temperature rise above 25°С leads to depression and death of the animals.
  • Also, chinchillas need sunlight, but not bright, but diffused, this stimulates their mating abilities, so it is better to place cages with pairs closer to the light source.
  • Humidity is best maintained at 50 - 60%.
  • It is good to isolate the room from external harsh sounds in order to avoid losses from the notorious “chinchilla stress”. It is recommended to accustom them to some type of soft music. Many chinchilla farms play classical music.

On 30 sq.m., equipped to maintain the required temperature regime with a split-system room, it is possible to keep a breeding stock of 200 - 250 individuals. Not taking into account the construction of a special room, but only its re-equipment and equipment, the costs will be approximately 55-60 thousand rubles.


Maintaining the high quality of fur is the main task of the farmer. The cage should limit the jumping ability and mobility of the animal, its optimal dimensions should be 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.5m and equipped with automatic drinkers, bunker feeders, waste collection trays. Now they make convenient blocks of 16 cages, the cost of a block fully equipped with all the necessary devices is about 12 thousand rubles.

It must be remembered that the chinchilla is a rodent and the presence of wooden parts must be minimized or the cage must be made entirely of galvanized metal mesh.

To point the teeth in the chinchilla's cage, there must be a mineral stone or a piece of pumice. A small shelf should be attached to the back wall of the cage. On this peculiar perch, the animal will spend most of the day. Feeders and drinkers are attached to the front wall of the cage, and there is also a door for free access to the cage.

Chinchilla in nature receives the water necessary for life from succulent herbs, and takes care of the fur with the help of sand baths. But ordinary sand is categorically not suitable for chinchillas, the sharp edges of grains of sand can ruin the fur. A special plastic or metal bath with volcanic fine-grained sifted zeolite is placed in a cage for a chinchilla. Less often, a sand bath is made as a built-in structural element of the cage. Fully equipped blocks of 16 cages for 112 individuals (7 pieces) will cost 84 thousand rubles.

Chinchilla nutrition

Chinchilla eats surprisingly little, but proper feeding is a very important issue in successful breeding. Due to the small volume of food, the food must be well balanced and highly nutritious. The animal will receive the necessary water from the drinking bowl.

On average, a chinchilla eats 1 to 2 tablespoons of food per day.

Her diet consists of dry grass, seeds and seeds, as a delicacy, chinchillas should receive dried fruits, and even less often nuts. According to experts, the basis of chinchilla food should be hay of clover, alfalfa, and legumes. Greens are added very carefully, the basis is still hay and dry leafy branches of apple trees, cherries.

It is better to accustom the animals to those feeds that are available in your area. Getting used to a certain diet is also advisable because you will avoid problems with the delivery of feed, especially since switching to new feed is stressful for the animal, which is fraught with digestive disorders. Pieces of mineral salt can be given as mineral supplements. Rodents get used to a certain diet from childhood, therefore, having made a balanced diet, many herbs can be grown and harvested in their backyard.

Each adult eats about 15-18 kg of food per year. Agree that this is a meager amount compared to other pets, but this small amount should be of the highest quality.

The cost of food, taking into account the feed of our own production, is difficult to calculate, we will calculate the most expensive option for fully purchased feed for 112 adults. This will be approximately: 40 rubles x 18 kg x 112 pieces = 80,640 rubles per year.

Prospects for a chinchilla mini-farm

Breeding chinchillas is a business that requires systematic development. This is primarily affected by the ability of animals to reproduce. To form a breeding core of 50 individuals at the initial stage, you will have to spend 2 years. Tribal individuals are more expensive and will cost you about 120 thousand rubles.

Avoiding culling at the initial stage, it is better to immediately purchase 12 breeding females and 3 males from well-known breeders, who will give you 40-50 puppies in a year.

Females are left for further production, males are exchanged or sold, thereby paying back all your costs.

It is possible to reach the level of serious fur auctions having the ability to produce at least 5 thousand pieces of the highest quality skins per year. Up to this point, you can make good money selling chinchillas for a tribe to other farms or amateurs. The crisis of overproduction of this new branch of fur farming in our country does not threaten at least another 50 years.

The cost of organizing a mini-farm will amount to 370 thousand rubles:

  • room equipment - 55 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of breeding individuals - 120 thousand rubles;
  • equipped cages - 85 thousand rubles;
  • feed - 80 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (medicines, zeolite, electricity, etc.) - 30 thousand rubles.

With the production of 50 pieces of individuals in the first year and with an average cost of 6 thousand rubles per chinchilla (or skin), you will receive 600 thousand rubles. thereby recoup capital investments and get a profit from the sale. If you manage to get 100 chinchillas (skins) in the second year, you will already receive 1.2 million rubles, and the net profit will be 980 thousand rubles. You can think about expanding the enterprise, hiring additional employees and further development prospects.

Our planet has long been inhabited by thousands of species of living beings and plants, many of which are still not studied or poorly studied. Species that have gained particular popularity among humans are listed in the Red Book. As a rule, these are animals with valuable fur, one of which is the chinchilla. This animal is used for the production of fur, but it is more humane to breed chinchillas as a business: at home, to sell live animals to beauty lovers. Moreover, it brings no less profit, breeding in order to obtain furs.

What are chinchillas

Chinchilla is a fluffy animal of the chinchilla family, belongs to the order of rodents. The chinchilla is native to South America. Northern rocky areas at an altitude of 400-5000 m above sea level are their habitat.

The animal reaches a length of 22-40 cm, of which 10-17 cm is occupied by the tail. Chinchilla is an animal with a short neck and a rounded head, its body is covered with thick ash-colored fur, thanks to which the climate of the mountains is not afraid of rodents. The weight of an adult is 800 g. The eyes of a chinchilla are black, with vertical pupils, which allows them to navigate at night. The chinchilla has a mustache 8-10 cm long, rounded ears that reach 6 cm and have membranes, which made it possible for the animal to close them when taking sand baths. The skeleton of chinchillas is designed in such a way that the animal can shrink in an upright position in order to crawl into narrow gaps between rocks. The front paws have five toes, the hind paws have four. The hind limbs are 2 times longer than the front ones, due to which chinchillas make high jumps. Chinchillas have a developed cerebellum, so they have excellent coordination of movements, which in rocky terrain is simply necessary for survival. Chinchillas live up to 20 years, in captivity this period is halved.

History of breeding chinchillas

When the Spanish conquerors landed on the coast of South America, there was no limit to the admiration of the warm fur clothes of the locals. Chinchillas got their name from the name of the tribe of the Indian people - Chinchas. It was the beginning of the fur trade for delivery to Europe. The wild chinchilla was almost exterminated. All attempts to move them from the mountains for breeding ended in failure, since attempts to breed chinchillas at home as a business failed. The conditions for keeping chinchillas were not known at that time.

M. Chapman was the first to successfully transport 11 chinchillas to North America. The females brought offspring, after which the development of Chapman's experience in breeding chinchillas in captivity began. North America, Canada, Europe and South Africa successfully began to breed animals. Today, chinchillas are very popular with exotic lovers who breed chinchillas as a business. At home, this is quite a profitable business.

Chinchilla breeding business

In today's economy, to open a business, you need to choose still unoccupied niches. Breeding as a business is a great idea that does not require special skills and large initial capital.

This one has a high profitability and a quick payback, therefore, if you develop a competent business plan and take its implementation seriously, you can get a good income. Are you interested in breeding chinchillas at home as a business? Where to start, how to succeed - you will learn about all this briefly. As in any business, the main thing here is patience, accuracy, following all the rules for caring for delicate animals.

In the process of getting acquainted with this type of activity, you can find that breeding chinchillas at home as a business provides several opportunities for profit:

  • sale of chinchillas as pets;
  • sale of cubs for breeding;
  • sale of animals for the production of fur.

Keeping chinchillas at home

Before you start breeding chinchillas at home as a business, you simply need instructions for keeping chinchillas in an apartment.

The first thing you need to start organizing a business is the arrangement of the place of residence of the animals. Chinchilla is a very active and agile animal that needs enough space to jump and run. For these purposes, it is necessary to purchase or build a cage with a minimum size of 100 cm wide, 80 cm high and 40 cm deep. The cage should be located in a dry and bright room and be made of unpainted metal with a cell size of 1.5x1.5 cm for the bottom and 1.9x1.9 cm for the walls and ceiling.

It is desirable that the cage has a retractable tray for changing the bedding. Chinchillas are very clean and do not have an unpleasant smell, so the litter can be changed once a week.

Breeding chinchillas (as a business at home) has only positive reviews. There are opinions about chinchilla sellers as people who are passionate about their business, not only selling rodents, but also helping buyers take care of their new pets.

In the cage, it is imperative to place shelves 15 cm wide at different heights so that the animals can move along them. It is also necessary to have a holiday home.

A drinking bowl and a feeder should be installed on the front wall of the cage. The best option is drinking bowls and feeders with fastening to rods, since bowls placed inside the house are doomed to be turned upside down during the games of animals. A little nearby you need to install a manger for hay.

It is imperative to install an area for taking sand baths in the cage, but not on an ongoing basis. It is enough to put a bath filled with cyalite for half an hour. Excessive sand bathing is bad for chinchilla skin.

If you started breeding chinchillas at home as a business, the content must be carried out in accordance with all the rules, one of which is the mandatory presence of an air conditioner. It is necessary to install a thermometer next to the animal's house so that you can regulate the temperature level. Chinchilla does not tolerate heat, this is especially true for the summer period. The range of comfortable temperature for a chinchilla is 18-23 degrees, the minimum is 14-15, the maximum is 28, going beyond the minimum and maximum can lead to the death of rodents. Animals do not like the sun and prefer silence.


Chinchilla is a herbivore, so you can feed it with herbal plants and specialized food for chinchillas. Dry hay and water should always be freely available in the cage. Chinchillas are very fond of eating, you can give her a piece of dried apple, carrot or hawthorn berry.

Health and treatment of chinchillas

Chinchillas are no more susceptible to disease than other animals. However, difficulties may arise here due to the narrow profile of doctors. Therefore, often the veterinarian cannot determine what the pet is sick with. Basically, chinchillas are prone to problems with the teeth and gastrointestinal tract.

Breeding at home

Breeding chinchillas (as a business at home) imposes a very big responsibility on you. Before you bring chinchillas into your home, you need to choose worthy parents for future babies.

Choose animals of the colors you want to work with in the future, do not start multi-colored animals. Analyze the reputation of chinchilla breeders from whom you can buy adults, find out the purity of lines, pedigrees.

If breeding chinchillas (as a business) at home is your first experience, you should not immediately start a lot of individuals, it will be enough to try your hand at one family consisting of a female and a male. Chinchillas are dominated by females, so when meeting future cohabitants, it is better to plant the female with the male.

Pregnancy and childbirth chinchillas

Chinchillas in the wild gave birth and looked after babies on their own, and they have retained this skill to this day. Usually, childbirth occurs in the morning and unnoticed by the owner, as a rule, it is only a couple of hours. Pregnancy of the female lasts about 105-115 days. In one litter, 1-3 cubs are usually born. The female is able to produce offspring up to 3 times a year. A distinctive feature of chinchillas is the birth of pubescent and sighted cubs weighing 35-50 g. Babies can immediately move, and after a couple of hours they can run around the cage. But the cubs can be weaned from the mother not earlier than the 8-10th week.

Several conditions must be met:

  • For a week after the birth of the offspring, the chinchilla cannot bathe in the sand, so it is better to remove the bath from the cage.
  • It is also necessary to provide mom with vitamins - give raisins, almonds, dandelion leaves, nettles.
  • For the safety of the kids, you need to remove all high shelves.
  • Cover the cage from drafts.
  • Keep your house completely clean.


The chinchilla is an active animal that needs tools for grinding teeth and things that stimulate curiosity and interest. Therefore, it is important to equip the chinchilla house with items that will provide the animal with physical activity and serve as a source of entertainment. If you do not provide toys to the chinchilla, she will begin to gnaw on shelves, houses, a drinking bowl, this will not only bring additional costs for home improvement, but also cause problems with her teeth. Toys must be made of natural material, without sharp corners.

As toys you can use:

  • snags, thick branches;
  • tunnels made of cardboard, wood, plastic;
  • hanging toys in the form of wooden balls, bars;
  • stairs.

Business with pleasure is the key to success

As you can see, keeping a chinchilla will not cause any difficulties. Not only breeding chinchillas at home as a business has high profitability, it is also a very exciting process. If you are a fan of not only exotic, but also small animals, then this activity will appeal to you.