Screen printing. silkscreen

Applying a multi-color pattern to a panel, a fashionable emblem, a sports flag and a pennant, a T-shirt and a jacket, providing an intricate image with perky inscriptions, replicating all this is a relatively new type of screen printing called silkscreen printing, an activity that is quite feasible for a home craftsman. First, the image is applied to a silk mesh (hence the name) stretched over a frame. The sections of the grid that correspond to the gaps in the pattern are covered with a paint-impervious material. After that, the paint is applied to the mesh, it is pressed onto the surface that they want to cover with a pattern, with a special tool - a squeegee. In this way, a large number of impressions can be obtained. This is provided by simple equipment.

Rice. 1. Working table with cover A and paper cutter B, made from a hacksaw blade

First of all, you need a small table, in which the top cover is replaced by thick glass (Fig. 1. a). Under the table put a lamp for illumination. A regular extendable dining table will do. Having moved it apart, thick glass is placed instead of an additional section. You can not do without a good paper cutter (Fig. 1, b). Naturally, you can use special knives from the set for inlays. But it is not difficult to make a cutter yourself from a fragment of a hacksaw blade. You will also need a strong wooden frame, on which a very thin silk fabric is tightly stretched. It is necessary that the frame does not warp, therefore the best connection of its parts is in the “thorn” (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Frame with silk stretched over it

You can also pull a thin synthetic fabric onto the frame. For example, a faded synthetic silk handkerchief, preferably transparent. A thin nylon stocking is also suitable. Cut off the top and bottom of it. Cut the stocking lengthwise. You will get an almost square flap. In order not to “run” the loops, a metal strip heated on fire is carried out along the edges of the flap. They stretch the prepared material onto the frame, having previously moistened it with hot water - then, after drying, it will sit more tightly. The edges of the material are fixed from the sides of the frame with carnations with large hats and (optionally) adhesive tape. On top of the frame, silk is pressed with thin wooden planks. A very important tool is a squeegee, which is a plate of hard thick, 6 - 8 mm rubber, reinforced with a strip of tin on rivets for rigidity (Fig. 3). The working edge of the squeegee must be carefully aligned. It is desirable to have several such tools of different widths. For 1 squeegee pass

Fig.3. Hard rubber squeegee A - the main working tool; how B works for them - they cover the entire width of the picture, but do not go unnecessarily beyond its limits.

Of the materials, gauze is required, stretched over multi-tiered frames, on which the finished prints are dried (Fig. 4). In the technological process, an important place is occupied by paint, ordinary oil in tubes. Its colors win in brightness and juiciness if it is diluted on the basis of zinc white. The paint is added to the white in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3 (by volume). It is also better to mix white with black paint. Mix the paint on thick wrapping paper. The finished mixture is kept for some time (from 1/2 to 3 days for different paints). This is necessary so that the excess oil is absorbed into the paper, otherwise the paint applied to the fabric forms an oil halo around itself. When the mixture is ready, it is placed on a piece of glass; add pentaphthalic varnish Pf-285 or Pf-286 and a desiccant (liquid calcium resinate). Approximately 3 plastic caps of a desiccant are added to the “cake” of paint 12 - 15 cm (this is how bottles with this liquid are usually closed). It is necessary that the paint as a result of all these operations acquire the consistency of thick sour cream. The mixture is prepared for the upcoming work (in advance), and for the future. Over time, the paint will be covered with a film, which is removed before work and 1. an incomplete lid of the desiccant is added.

Rice. 4. Tiered drying frames

We will consider the technology of silk-screen printing on the example of the manufacture of emblems and pennants. The best material for this is satin, white or colored, which is cut into pieces of the desired size.

But first they develop a drawing. For example, you decide to make an emblem (like the one shown in Fig. 5). It is performed in 2 colors - orange and brown. Color 3 is the color of the fabric on which the pattern will be applied. On whatman paper, draw life-size with paints or pencils what you have in mind. You can apply letters and numbers using ready-made plastic stencils that are on sale. Any emblem, pennant must have a colored border. Through this, beauty is achieved; in addition, due to the paint, the edges of the fabric become rigid and do not crumble. To the right and left of the finished drawing, marks are placed that will help to correctly combine colors. At the pennant or flag, a hem for suspension is marked.

Rice. 5. Tracing paper for emblems- each color matches

Now they take a small piece of tracing paper (best of all, the one intended for ink), put it on the sketch and circle it (all the details are orange (Fig. 5, B). Brown details are circled on another sheet of tracing paper (Fig. 5, C). It is necessary to take into account that the paint that will be applied the second slightly overlaps the pattern applied by the first paint - this way you can avoid unwanted breaking of lines and voids. flag. It will also need to be covered with paint so that “the edges do not crumble. It is enough to turn around the hem with a narrow colored frame. With the pointed tip of the cutter, cut out all the details of the picture from both cripples. After that, rub one side of a small piece of thick glass, so that the tracing paper can easily separate from it.The prepared glass is placed on the main pattern with the processed surface up.On the glass - tracing paper with cut out details, aligning them with the pattern. A frame with stretched silk is placed on tracing paper, glass and a drawing under it, pressed for a while - fig. 3b). If in the intended composition there are details that are cut out separately, then after applying the frame, they are precisely combined with the pattern right through the silk, moving each detail with the tips of 2 needles.

Next, with a thin brush, they begin to apply NC varnish through silk onto tracing paper. Having grabbed the tracing paper to the silk, varnish is applied to the working edge of the squeegee and the tracing paper is passed through the silk. This operation is repeated 4 times, allowing the varnish to dry. As a result, the varnish should cover the entire tracing paper lying under the silk with a thin even layer. Blotting paper is placed on a thick wooden block. An inverted frame is placed on it so that the tracing paper is on top. With a brush dipped in acetone, the varnish is carefully removed from the silk in the cut out areas and blotted with a piece of cotton cloth.

So, the tracing papers corresponding to one color are finally glued with varnish on the silk and the varnish is removed from the exposed areas of the silk. (And the size of the frame allows, so all the tracing papers are placed on silk; otherwise, you can make another frame or reuse the same one).

Satin fabric, prepared for drawing a picture or inscription, is carefully smoothed with an iron, cut to size with some margin. A cut-out flap is placed on the table, and a frame is placed on top so that the tracing paper is between the satin and the silk stretched over the frame. A rubber squeegee is dipped in paint and drawn from top to bottom (Fig. 3, B). When conducting the squeegee for the first time, make sure that its plane is at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface. The paint remains in the open areas of the drawing. The second time is carried out with a squeegee according to the pattern, holding it at an angle of 80 degrees. to the surface of the silk. This operation removes excess ink from the print. The pressure of the squeegee is necessary so that both the silk is not stretched and the paint is pushed through. Raising the frame, the fabric is separated from the silk mesh. With the tip of the needle, carefully remove the fibers of the fabric adhering to the silk. Having made the required number of impressions (more than 100 can be obtained from 1 tracing paper), the silk mesh is washed with a cloth moistened with turpentine. Shreds with prints (so far 1-color) are laid out to dry. After 1 day, start applying a different color. The second tracing paper is carefully combined, using marks, with a colored sketch drawing. At this stage of work, you will need a lower backlight. As already described, the entire procedure for applying paint is repeated. After another 1 day, if necessary, you can apply a third color.

Rice. 6. The location of the pattern, glass, tracing paper and frame before applying varnish.

After the paint has dried, the edges of the emblems or pennants are cut off so that the cut passes through the painted areas - then the fabric will not crumble. As it was said at the very beginning, multi-color drawings and inscriptions can also be applied to clothes using the silk-screen printing method. Cotton fabrics work best for this. It should only be warned that the pattern applied to them can only withstand gentle washing. For knitwear, this method is not applicable; other dyes are required. Oil paint, not elastic enough, can crumble when stretched. Photography on fabric is now becoming more common in the design of interior elements of an apartment, household items. Obtaining black and white images, drawing portraits, drawings on curtains, bags, (scarves, clothes, etc.) is available to anyone involved in photography. flexibility and resistance to light and moisture, often even surpassing a normal image in terms of image quality.The fabric is selected depending on the nature of the transmitted pattern.To get a halftone image (portrait, landscape), light 1-tone fabrics are taken - cambric, silk, knitwear , chiffon. - Line art - any, including coarse fabrics (for example, canvas). Negatives for printing on fabrics are suitable for almost any format - 2.4x3.6 cm, 9x12, 13x18 cm and more. Usually negatives are used medium contrast and density. Shooting is carried out on amateur films such as "Photo" and photographic "FT". They are processed (depending on the goal pursued) in ordinary, fine-grained or 6 contrast developers. Before printing, the negatives are thoroughly cleaned of dust and retouched if necessary. The photosensitive layer applied to the fabric usually has a very low sensitivity. And the fabric prepared in this way is intended only for contact photo printing from a negative, the size of which corresponds to the size of the design intended for decoration. For the same reason, [the copying process can be carried out in very weak daylight or artificial light. The copying process - the technology for obtaining a photographic image on fabric - consists of the following stages. This is, firstly, the preliminary preparation of the fabric. Next - applying a photosensitive layer to the fabric. Drying the sensitized tissue. Exposing it under the negative. Image development. Processing tissue in an intermediate solution (only for some methods). Rinse fabric in water. Fixing an image. Washing the copy in water. Drying and final ironing of the copy with an iron.
The fabric intended for processing is washed in hot water with soap. Rinse properly in running water. Dry and slightly damp smooth with a warm iron. It is not recommended to blue and starch the fabric.

There are many ways to obtain a photosensitive mixture applied to a fabric base. One of these mixtures is based on iron salts. The solution for “feeling” the tissue in this case is prepared with the following composition: 3.5 g of oxalic acid, 5 g of ferric alum, 20 ml of 10% ammonia solution, up to 100 ml of water. A higher sensitivity is created by replacing the alum in this solution with the same amount of lemon-ammonia iron - “brown” or “green”. Ammonia solution will need 2 times less. Oxalic acid is dissolved in 50 ml of distilled (or boiled) water. Alum is dissolved in the same amount of water. In both cases, the water temperature is 60 degrees. Then both solutions are poured together. And after this solution has cooled, a solution of ammonia is added to it, stirring constantly. This recipe is suitable in the presence of "green" iron. If “brown” lemon-ammonia iron is used in the solution, then the solution is heated to a boil and only after that, while stirring, the ammonia solution is added. The “brown” iron salt will then turn into a “green” one. The citric-ammonia iron recipe is preferred when printing under artificial light. The sensitive solution can be stored in a dark, cool place for about 1 - 1.5 ms.

The “sensation” of a fabric stretched on a frame in the form of a hoop is carried out by immersing it in a light-sensitive solution poured into clean glass or porcelain dishes. “Feel” - well impregnated with a solution - only the place on which the image will be printed. Then the fabric is lightly wrung out and hung to dry in a room with a dim electric light. A wooden beam is attached to the lower end with buttons to protect the fabric from twisting. The dried fabric is ironed with a hot iron.

Exposure is carried out in a contact way - by overlaying the emulsion layer of a black-and-white negative on the emulsion layer of the fabric. It is necessary that the light source for exposure is strong (sunlight, fluorescent lamps). Halftone negatives only expose in direct sunlight. Exposure (2 - b min) is determined empirically and depends on the time of year. The alum solution is mainly suitable for imaging normal negatives. The contrast can be increased by adding about 0.2 g of potassium dichromate per 100 ml of the solution. The exposed area of ​​the fabric is again stretched onto the frame and lowered for 3-4 seconds into a developing solution (poured into a cuvette with a layer 1-1.5 cm thick, temperature 20 degrees) of the following composition:

3 g of ammonium nitrate, 1 g of silver nitrate, up to 100 ml of boiled water.

Having developed, the tissue is again wrung out and transferred for 0.5-1 min in a 0.1% (intermediate) solution of hydrochloric acid to clarify the image. And then rinse in water for 5 seconds, removing the remnants of the solution. Fixation (2-3 min) is carried out in 1% sodium thiosulfate solution. Fixing more than 5 minutes or increasing the concentration of thiosulfate leads to a weakening of the image (halftones and small details disappear). Final washing (4 min) - in running water. Drying - at 20 deg. Fixer and intermediate bath - 1-time use. Such an image is quite durable and can withstand repeated washing without boiling.

Color images on fabrics. The method of obtaining them is based on the property of chromic acid salts to pass under the influence of light in a chromium oxide compound and form a mordant, which gives insoluble compounds with coloring substances. The dye obtained in this way quite reliably resists the action of snow, air, acids and alkalis. “Sensing” a cotton or silk fabric (or its section), immerse in a bath of the following composition: 50 g of ammonium dichromate, 5 g of ammonium metavanadium, up to 1 liter of water. The fabric is then dried at temperatures up to 25 degrees. (a higher one causes a modification of the sensitive layer, which is expressed in the color of white areas and veiling of the image). The processed tissue is exposed in a copy frame under the negative until the entire image is developed, after which it is thoroughly washed in water. The washed and dried print can be stored for several days. Before dyeing in any color, the printed fabric is soaked in warm water. Various aniline dyes are used as coloring agents. Moreover, these dyes can be mixed with each other, creating the necessary range. The dye solution with the cloth immersed in it is brought to a boil and kept at this temperature for 15-20 minutes. After that, the fabric with the imprint is thoroughly rinsed with water. And, if the colors have learned not quite clean, they are dipped in a warm solution of soap or soda. At the end of this operation, the print is properly washed.

To get prints on calico, silk and satin, another method is also used, suffering from a photosensitive layer. First, prepare the following solution: 17 g of regular sugar, 1 g of tartaric acid, up to 100 ml of hot water. Boil for about 1 min. Then, removing from heat and stirring, add 0.5 g of borax to the solution. After about 6 hours, the sludge is drained. 4 g of table salt are dissolved in it and filtered. The fabric is evenly spread on the surface of this solution and left in it for 1 minute, until the wrong side becomes damp. Then the fabric is removed, dried, ironed on the reverse side with an iron and silvered for 1-2 minutes in a 10% solution of silver nitrate. After drying, the fabric is printed under the negative. The finished print is dyed and fixed. The method of obtaining a photograph on fabric using an albumin (egg) emulsion gives a moisture-resistant, fragile print. Preparation of the emulsion: protein from 3 fresh eggs is mixed with 100 ml of distilled<или кипяченой) воды. Смесь затем сбивают в течение 5 ми” до образования пены, дают отстояться в вливают в нее 1 л воды, содержащей по 8 г хлористого натрия и хлористого аммония”. Переливают в большую емкость. Сильно взбалтывают. Эмульсией можно пользоваться лишь через 12 ч. Чтобы получить на ткани светочувствительный слой, ее в течение 3 мин пропитывают эмульсией и сушат, предохраняя от скручивания. Перед печатью обработанную ткань “очувствляют” к свету в растворе нитрата серебра 0“ г AgN03 в 100 мл воды). С этой целью ее в растянутом виде равномерно опускают на поверхность раствора. Сенсибилизацию проводят при желтом свете. Сушат ткань в темноте. От слишком быстрой сушки на ткани могут появиться пятна. Ткань при сушке растянута.

Printed in a contact way on a copy frame. Lead printing for 15-20 minutes or longer. For example, at the window. Fixing and staining of the image is carried out using the following bend-fixer: 50 g of lead nitrate, 150 g of sodium thiosulfate, 1 liter of water. First, silver nitrate is dissolved in 400 ml of water, and thiosulfate is dissolved in 600 ml. To obtain a working solution, the first solution is poured into the second and the mixture is allowed to stand for a day. In the bend-fixer, the fabric remains for 5-10 minutes until the image acquires a warm brown tone. The finished print is washed for about 1 hour in running water, but not under running water. If you need to copy large areas of fabric. It is convenient to use special copy boxes or illuminated screens with fluorescent lamps. To correct the image on the fabric, caused by slight overexposure or underexposure during exposure, you can use the usual attenuating or enhancing solution. Complete removal of the image is in some cases achieved by the application of a concentrated farmer's attenuator.

Photo fabric FT-1, which is commercially available, is used to obtain photo prints from negatives by contact and projection printing methods and is made on the basis of artificial silk fabric. FT requires an emulsion coating - it has already been coated with an emulsion of the type used on Unibrom photographic paper. It is characterized by high whiteness and a neutral black color of the resulting image. FT prints convey fine details, shadows, tones and midtones well. It is this material that is most suitable for the manufacture of photo stained-glass windows, photo screens and fireplace photo screens, paintings, lampshades, decorating apartment interiors. Available not only in sheets, but also in rolls, with a width of 90 cm, it allows you to make semi-solid black and white images with high magnification.

In contact with


From this article you will learn

  • Who Invented Screen Printing
  • What are the types of screen printing
  • What other materials are used in screen printing
  • What affects the time and cost of screen printing

Screen printing is recognized as one of the simplest and most economical types of printing today. The technology of its work in large production is similar to the technology of the screen printing printer. The undoubted advantage of this printing method is that it is suitable for many materials: cardboard, paper, synthetic fabrics, textiles, ceramics, glass, wood. Dimensions here do not play any role, because the work goes both with huge sheets and panels, and with objects, for example, household utensils.

What is screen printing and screen printing

In order not to mislead anyone and avoid tautology, first of all, we note that the printing method itself is one, and it has two names: screen printing and silk screen printing.

Silk screen printing is a printing method that transfers an image by forcing ink through a form called a stencil.

It is used in the form of a thin mesh of natural (silk) or synthetic and metallic threads with a ready-made image. To save on production, networks made of artificial materials are more often used. Through their open niches that transfer the pattern, the printed material is colored. It turns out that the combination of a template and a grid is called the form of this printing method.

The quality and technical characteristics of the mesh (fabric) is a combination of material; the number of its threads per centimeter of its length (lineature); mold thickness; the percentage of the total area of ​​all niches to the grid area (network openness level).

The impression is determined by the set template. It is placed so that it is on the side of the grid opposite to the movement of the squeegee. This is done so that the material does not deteriorate or wear out. Templates can be made manually (designed for the wrong side of the mesh) or mechanically, depending on the degree of complexity of the work being done.

In the process of creating a template, only diazo-type light-sensitive copy layers are used. This is required by the progressive quality of printed products. Making a template goes through several stages:

  • Applying a layer;
  • Drying;
  • Material processing with UV radiation (UV screen printing);
  • hardening of the copy mold;
  • Removal of contour excess with water jets;
  • Re-drying;
  • Correction of defects by varnish processing.

The template is ready for use.

The History of Screen Printing

The name "silk printing" (from Greek: "writing on silk") came to us from Ancient Greece, where this term denoted handicraft work, which consisted in decorating silk fabrics with a pattern or inscriptions. It is still not known for certain where silk screen printing originated, but modern historians attribute its appearance to Ancient China, because this country has been called the "Homeland of Silk" for about 2500 years. However, many scientists argue that by the time this art flourished, almost all existing countries had the ability to process silk.

The current methods of screen printing have almost nothing in common with the ancient methods of printing.

If you look at authentic sources, this craft probably originated on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, where states such as Phoenicia and Mesopotamia were located. However, preference in the issue of the emergence and development of silk-screen printing is still given to the Phoenicians.

The Phoenicians are a small people of Phoenicia, whose ancestors are Semitic tribes. In the period from the 9th to the 3rd centuries BC, this state flourished and was the master of the Mediterranean Sea. Phoenician sailors were famous for their stamina and campaigns. Having founded the first port cities, the Phoenicians were actively engaged in trade, selling both self-made and conquered goods. If you look at the modern map of the world, we can say that these sailors traveled to the territory of modern Denmark. Imagine how powerful the state was!

It was the Phoenicians who learned how to extract purple - the first, one might say, dye obtained from the purple glands of some gastropods. It was used as a cosmetic, a substance for processing and dyeing fabrics, and as a material for paintings. In Phoenicia, for the first time, the art of writing on clothes was born.

It is worth noting that the painting of the robes was carried out by the “stamping” method, not by hand. But how? There is an assumption that Phenicia, as the most advanced state of that period, “collaborated” with distant civilizations, which at that time already had equipment suitable for such a thing. The fact remains that it was impossible to do it manually. This is how silkscreen was born. This art has nothing to do with modern printing methods, but the name is still preserved, as is the process of “copying” an image by applying several layers of paint.

As it has already become clear, we do not use the achievement of silk-screen printing as a craft and art, we use its technological progress, which both then and now is based on the transfer of different drawings and inscriptions through various “prints”, templates and stencils. The paint was applied to them with materials similar to modern sponges and rollers. Of course, people did not immediately learn to "stamp" production. In ancient times, “stamping” was almost the most expensive way of applying a pattern: the pigment layer was unsaturated, which allowed craftsmen to use only thick fabrics that could absorb moisture well. Over time, the process has become much simpler, having come a long way of improvement.

Only after 1800 years (somewhere in 1190 - 13337) did the screen printing process jump to a completely new stage of development. In the city of Kamakura, which at that time was the capital of Japan, there was an unprecedented flowering of Japanese culture. Undoubtedly, the whole country prospered, but Kamakura was considered the cultural capital of the world. Medieval Japanese culture embraced all forms of art, not excluding printing. At first, the screen printing method was used to decorate the armor and equipment of the samurai, but after the discovery, the technology spread to many areas of production. So that the material would not be distorted, which subsequently deformed the pattern, something like a mesh was glued under the template, the fibers of which were made from human hair. The image on such a grid did not slip, did not wrinkle, did not tear, and thin hair was not noticeable after applying the pigment.

It was from that moment that silkscreen began to look more like modern printing technology. Later, meshes will be made from natural and artificial thin fibers, as well as synthetic metal threads.

In Europe, the emergence of screen printing was associated with the invention of wallpaper (1750, Jean Patillon). Britain and France were the leading European powers at that time. With them, the spread of silk-screen printing on this mainland began.

Thus, by the second half of the 18th century, this printing method was spreading all over the world. And here America plays a leading role, where silk-screen printing began to be used as an element of any decoration item: dishes, fabrics, furniture, walls, ceilings, metal products. They switched from “hair” mesh to silk and muslin, but they had to be tinkered with.

The second leap in the improvement of this printing method occurred in 1907 in England, when the process of screen printing through stretched silk fabric was first patented, which was more stable, provided an extended range of print sizes and interacted conveniently with rubber rollers (squeegees). Thus, the screen printer himself was born. The invention was called "silk screen printing", its creator was a certain Simon from Manchester.

It can be said that the term "silk-screen printing" appeared precisely from the moment of the patent of this invention. The way we are used to seeing screen printing, it became in the middle of the 20th century, when almost everything was printed with this method: business cards, brochures, posters, fabrics, postcards, and even license plates. Screen printing has completely ceased to be perceived as an art, as a special type of transferring a pattern due to its commercial orientation. Routine "stamping" has turned it into an insignificant medium-sized production, subordinate to corporations.

Today, this method is widely used in various industries. Screen printing has advantages over other types of printing. And most importantly - that it is universal: textiles, electronics, automotive, construction. All of these industries are not complete without screen printing.

What are the types of screen printing today

Small format screen printing

This type of printing includes everything that can be called flat printing (substrates, plastic bags, paper bags, paper, cardboard). The name speaks for itself - the format should not exceed 70x100 centimeters. Printing is suitable for large bulk orders that require high quality prints.

Printing on small items

The image can be applied to pens, lighters, glasses, key rings and other trinkets. To apply a pattern to round objects, rotary semi-automatic machines are used here. Despite the fact that the image made by silkscreen printing is more durable, pad printing is still a competitor of this type of printing.

Textile printing (printing fabrics)

The modern branch of the textile industry is immense. The screen printing method is always in demand here, because this is a universal production, which is the basis of the economy of many countries of the world. Screen printing on fabric in reels, carpet, textile machines and machines designed to work tirelessly.

Screen printing on finished products

Basically silk screen printing. Machines called "carousels" print designs on T-shirts, puzzles, mugs, logos, and so on. However, screen printing on T-shirts is especially popular, as there is a huge selection of prints for every taste. In addition, you can order any pattern of your choice.

Screen printing on plates and metals

A very broad area dealing with sheet printing, roasting, etching, anodizing, metal working.

Screen printing on glass

The main fields of application are electrical engineering and the automotive industry. There are also "exclusive" applications (printing on bottles, windows, cans).

Screen printing on bottles

Mainly used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and some minor other industries.

PCB industry

Full service for electronic multilayer conductive as well as professional circuits throughout the industry.

Additional screen printing

This includes everything that was not included in the previous nine points.

What are the advantages of screen printing

Variety of colors and textures

For promotional items, silk screen printing (screen printing) provides customers with a huge selection of paints with properties and color solutions for every taste. The quality of the image depends largely on the paint, so today you can choose the best option for yourself: drawing a picture with fluorescent, fluorescent, metallized paints. In addition, there is also all-foam printing, which allows you to add volume and realism to the drawing.

The colors of the Pantone model, which are spot, will give color, brightness and beauty to any product. To bring the print as close as possible to achieving such a rich color gamut as Pantone colors have, the design is applied to a substrate.

Permanent application

It is worth noting once again such a plus of screen printing as durability: the pattern does not fade over time, withstands optimal washing, is resistant to temperature changes, etc. This advantage has gained immense popularity among customers. Of course, everything is relative, and each product and each paint has its own expiration date. With careful use and standard washing, an image, for example, on a T-shirt, can serve you for about a year without any problems!

Here it is worth mentioning such a type of application as silk transfer. It is less durable than screen printing and may crack if used carelessly or washed frequently. These things need more care.

Large application area

For screen printing of T-shirts, jackets, T-shirts, vests and sweatshirts, the most optimal image format is A3.

Technologically, it is sometimes not possible to apply a pattern by screen printing on any plastic, wooden or glass object. You need to pay attention to the card with information about a particular product, which usually indicates whether silk-screen printing is possible or not.

Low unit cost for large runs

If you want to print a small print run, the optimal choice is from 50 to 100 copies. This is where the affordability-benefit ratio comes into play. Anything above 50 is available; anything above 100 is profitable!

The cost is affected by the circulation and the number of colors applied.

If color printing is performed, then the substrate is used here as an additional paid color.

What inks are used for screen printing

  • Colored paints. The thickness of the ink layers applied to the printed material during silkscreen printing depends on the type of mesh used in printing. The thickness has its own small range, which can be controlled in offset. The advantage of screen printing is that the thickness of the ink layer here is many times greater than in offset, and therefore the saturation of the image will be much higher. This screen printing method allows you to print, for example, yellow ink on a blue sheet, because it uses "covering inks" that remain as they were originally applied: the blue will remain blue, and will not turn into green, as happens in offset printing.
  • Gold, silver, metallic paints. In general, silver and gold shades can also be printed in offset, but the effect of metallic sheen in silkscreen is certainly higher due to the large thickness of the transfer layer. If you need to do everything at a pace, then screen plating is a real find!
  • Fluorescent paints. The thickness of the paint layer also played a role here. There are many fluorescent inks that are silkscreened to give a colorful, full, vibrant look to the designs. Again, we note that all of the above is used for various printed materials, among which there are plastic, wood, metal, glass, etc., which are slightly unusual in this area. Each material suits its individual color range. Consequently, the ability to combine any paint included in a particular gap is really incommensurable.

What other materials are used for screen printing

Fabrics used in screen printing

They have several selection criteria. Some fabrics are suitable for a certain product, some are not. The material is divided according to the following criteria:

  • The type of thread that makes up the fabric. There are two main types of thread: multifilament and multifilament. The second one is better than the first one, which has more sloppy edges. That is why the price of multi-fiber is usually higher.
  • Net density, which is determined by the number of threads per inch. The denser they are, the more clearly small elements are visible, which improves the quality of the result.
  • Strength, which depends on the diameter of the thread. The larger it is, the stronger the material, but the lower the quality of the finished product.
  • The pattern for fabric in screen printing is divided into three categories: even, one might say, standard, as it is used in most cases; mesh, which, due to its strength, is suitable for printing large runs; twill (diagonal), one might say, “budget”, does not have high quality, but has an affordable price.

Materials from which almost all textiles for screen printing on fabric are made:

  • Silk is the most resistant, reliable and durable material. However, it gradually loses its high status, and other fabrics with similar characteristics, but cheaper, take its place. Synthetic fibers are considered the most expensive of them today.
  • Organdy fabric suitable for small and medium orders. The advantage here is the price.
  • Natural or synthetic nylon, which is an "eternal" fabric. If the surface is uneven (convex or concave), then nylon is the best choice for such printing.
  • Polyester is a versatile, durable, strong fabric. Versatility is a major plus.
  • A mesh made of metal (copper, steel, brass, bronze, stainless steel) is used in the process of applying heated ink to a plastic base.

Stencil types

There are three types of handmade stencils: paper, water soluble and varnish soluble. They are cut out with a scalpel.

  1. For simple drawings and small runs, paper stencils are cut from the appropriate material.
  2. Water-soluble: gelatin is removed from the plastic base of the stencil, which has the ability to dissolve in water. After it is cleaned where the dyes should be applied. The plastic base is placed on the stencil, and water acts as a “glue”, which holds the gelatin and the stencil material together. At the end of the process, the gelatin remaining on the fabric is removed.
  3. Varnish-soluble: the printing process on such stencils is very similar to the previous one, but the main difference is that the substrate is coated with varnish, and different varnish solvents are used during the work.

Automatic stencils are called photo stencils. In the process of their production, the necessary transparencies are used. The materials on the basis of which they are made are photosensitive. Photographic stencils are also divided into types according to the method of manufacture:

    . Indirect way. They are made independently of the mesh and are attached to the mesh fabric only at the end of the process. Direct way. Here, a photosensitive dye applied to the stencil mesh is exposed to ultraviolet light, after which the material is inseparable from the fabric. This method is used only in the manufacture of large print runs, as it is very long. direct/indirect way. "Tandem" of the two previous ways to create a stencil. Due to this, this material is more resistant, and the print quality is higher.


To date, the choice of ink for screen printing is huge. They are resistant to ultraviolet and abrasion (depending on the chemical composition of the substance), but, on the contrary, they are erasable and tarnish. However, all these indicators depend on the type of printed matter. The ink is applied in a thick layer, and therefore they need to dry for quite a long time. This process proceeds naturally only when the print area is small or standard. But in most cases, high temperatures are used in this case for faster drying. This is mainly necessary for products produced on machine tools and requiring high speed and large circulation.

Which screen printing machines are used

If the volume of printing is large, then the manufacturing process takes place on machinery, which increases the speed of printing and reduces the material cost of the goods. Any exclusive printing or products of small circulations are made by hand. There are several types of automated screen printing machines:

  • Tablet. Used for flat printing.
  • Tablet-cylinder. The type of application is similar to flatbeds, but rather large runs are printed here, due to the higher production speed.
  • Cylinder. Used for printing on convex and concave surfaces.
  • Textile. Involved in screen printing on T-shirts, caps, T-shirts, jackets, sweatshirts and other clothing.
  • Tablets of high precision. They are used in the field of electrical equipment in the manufacture of printed circuit boards.
  • Rotary. The ink is in a printing form (cylinder) and is distributed by a special roller, which is located inside this form, which greatly increases productivity.

Features of screen printing that affect the timing and cost

The circulation of products in screen printing, like other types of printing, has a huge range. However, printing criteria are also its cost and production time. Here it is worth noting some features of screen printing.

  • Due to the technology of the process itself, silk screen printing is not a fast printing method. The squeegee, which presses the dye, passes through each cell of the grid, slowing down the process. There are several reasons for the slowness of production, but the main one is the degree of density of the coloring matter or high viscosity, as professionals call it. At the moment, the speed of offset equipment exceeds the speed of screen printing equipment, even if it is the most modern type. There is, however, a rotary stencil, the performance speed of which is much higher than the others, but it is suitable only for printing large runs of labels and is not involved in other areas of the process. Therefore, it becomes clear that screen printing does not have the ability to print quickly, and large print runs still have to wait for some time.
  • To date, the processes of screen printing mainly involve semi-automatic equipment, where the material is fed manually. Because of this, there is a problem of printing large print runs.
  • Drying also takes time, as it is necessary to dry each sheet of product. To perform this process, you need to spread the material on the racks and hangers intended for this. This not only increases the production time, but also puts large print runs within certain limits.
  • However, the invariable advantage of this equipment is the ability to print large formats, which allows you to apply the coloring matter on several units of production at once.
  • Time is also spent on the production of the screen printing form itself. Offset plates are produced faster and are much cheaper, which gives them an advantage in short-run printing.

In order to correctly determine whether it is worth giving a print run to screen printing, it is necessary to take into account all the above-mentioned features of it. The conclusion suggests itself: the optimal circulation for silk-screen printing varies from a couple of hundred to five thousand copies.

Screen printing, the price of which will suit everyone

Naturally, each printing house sets its own price for screen printing. Employees of each of the companies you have chosen will help you to study the price range in more detail.

There are two factors that affect the price of a product: color (one color per stencil) and the cost of the print material itself.

Silk screen printing is perfect for printing on convex and concave surfaces, as well as for printing on a variety of materials: glass, wood, leather, fabric, metal, ceramics. In this matter, screen printing wins on two criteria: quality and material benefits. The optimal number of copies for the order will be 50-100 units.

However, as already mentioned, screen printing is a rather long process, and you will have to be patient and wait for your order. Do not forget that during silk-screen printing a large layer of coloring matter is applied. The downside is that the print resolution is low. There is no possibility to apply a full-color drawing. All these details should be explained to you by the employee of the printing house you are applying to.

Screen printing allows you to apply contrasting, colorful, three-dimensional images. It is also used for printing with velvet or rubber effect. At the request of the customer, glitters (sequins), rhinestones and other decorations are applied to the drawing.

Do not think that screen printing is an easy process that even a beginner can manage. If you want to get high-quality products, you need to apply for this only to professionals in their field, to a top-level printing house. One of these is the SlovoDelo company.

SlovoDelo is the largest offset printing company in Moscow, which is also equipped with the most modern screen printing machines that can produce absolutely any printed product. The equipment is made in Germany and has the highest level of performance. With its help, any orders for full-color printing of A1-A4 formats, as well as non-standard formats chosen by you, are carried out.

Post-printing machines, also available at SlovoDelo, play a huge role in the manufacture of products. Thus, the company undertakes the full cycle of production of advertising and office printing, guaranteeing the high quality of the final product. Working with clients is aimed at minimizing their costs and terms of order fulfillment. Any order is treated as an individual task, which allows us to fulfill all the requirements of the client without delays and flaws.

In contact with

Silk screen printing is a type of printing in which ink is applied to materials by squeezing through a special mesh with a very fine mesh (silk - hence the name).
The main advantages of screen printing are the ability to print small runs, colorfulness (vibrance of the image), the ability to apply on almost any surface, low cost of printing, ease of operation.
Screen printing, like any production, has a good profitability. For example, the cost of all costly materials for printing on 100 pieces of plastic bags will be about 12 kopecks per copy, it will cost the customer 5-10 rubles, depending on your appetite and prices from competitors, if any. The average profitability of this business is, depending on the circulation, from 500 to 5000%!
The possibilities of silk-screen printing are huge, some types of printed works cannot be done in any other way.
The proposed book contains:
1. drawings, diagrams and a detailed description of the manufacture of simple devices. The cost of manufacturing and purchasing the materials necessary for this will amount to no more than 3-5 thousand rubles. Similar imported equipment costs several thousand dollars;
2. contains a recipe for self-manufacturing of consumables and components that will replace imported counterparts. This will reduce the cost of your products by an order of magnitude.
3. a detailed description of the technology of work on a manual screen printing machine (printing form creation, best practices, secrets and nuances developed and based on practical experience);
4. addresses of manufacturers of consumables - nets, paints. Prices, terms of purchase and delivery;
To work, you will need a room of 12 square meters (requires 220 V and water).
With the help of this technology, you will master all the secrets of production and marketing, get regular customers, your income will be up to 100 thousand rubles per month.
Contents of the book - more

1) SILK PRINT capabilities
2) where to start
3) initial investment
4) a brief description of the technology
5) printing squeegee
6) printed frame
7) sieve, sieve stretcher
8) prepare the photoform
9) we start manufacturing a printed matrix
10) exposure-exposure
11) develop the stencil
12) vacuum table device
13) we cook the emulsion ourselves, emulsion recipes
14) retouch the matrix before printing
15) prepare the frame for printing
16) paint, subtleties, tips, secrets
17) Shall we start typing?
18) fight with the "saw"
19) fight against static electricity
20) raster, halftone pictures
21) print full color 1
22) print full color 2
23) color matching when printing
24) color overflow effect
25) regeneration - sieve restoration, washing of matrices
26) substitutes for branded consumables
27) device and types of dryers
29) paint, cook by yourself
30) other printing difficulties
31) a bit about mesh regeneration
32) printing on balloons
33) homemade emulsions 2
34) sieve tensioner
35) Other strainer for sieve
36) print on CDs
37) our answer is "KIMOTO"

38) thermal transfer capabilities
39) thermal transfer technology
40) possibilities of thermal film technology
41) description of thermal film technology
42) calculations for thermal film technology, prices
43) applique on fabric

44) thermal rise capabilities
45) our thermal rise development

silkscreen- this is a type of printing in which ink is applied to materials by squeezing along a stencil through a special mesh that has a very fine mesh (silk - hence the name).

silkscreen- a unique and popular technology that allows you to apply drawings and patterns to any souvenirs such as pillow handles or T-shirts. The practical application of this technology will help you not only do unique things using technology silk screen printing, but also greatly expand the range of services that you will provide. Accordingly, the list of your potential customers will expand: souvenirs and packages may be of interest to very large companies, and young people will be extremely curious about the images on T-shirts, T-shirts and other clothes.

silkscreen- This is a special technology for applying paint to the surface by punching. Patterns are much brighter and more juicy, colors are clear, and your possibilities are diverse and in demand. Silk-screen production is one of the most profitable in the field of printing. With a fairly small start-up capital and a small investment of time, it is possible to organize production that will bring good, constantly growing profits.

Main advantages screen printing method- the ability to print small runs, colorful and rich images, the ability to apply on almost any surface, extremely low cost of printing, ease of use.

Screen printing, like any production, has a good profitability. For example, the cost of all costly materials for printing on 100 pieces of plastic bags will be about 12 kopecks per copy, it will cost the customer 5-10 rubles, depending on your appetite and prices from competitors, if any. The average profitability of this business is, depending on the circulation, from 500 to 5000%!

The possibilities of silk-screen printing are huge, many types of printed works cannot be done in any other way.

So, what I want to offer you as a profitable home business idea from scratch. Application of the image and logo on any surface.

Here are just a few of the screen printing options:
printing on any grades of paper and cardboard in any color;
business cards, letterheads and envelopes, company folders, booklets, leaflets, flyers, posters, posters, diplomas, certificates, invitation cards, calendars and calendar cards;
labels for food and non-food products;
packaging printing, including on corrugated packaging;
covers of books and magazines (moreover, you can print on a finished book);
printing of discount cards;
printing of Internet cards and instant lotteries with an erasable layer;
sticker printing, including on a transparent self-adhesive or “oracal”;
printing on polyethylene, packaging, advertising and branded bags, clothing bags;
jute bags (sugar, flour);
printing on CDs;
printing on metal lids, corks;
printing on pens, lighters, key chains, souvenirs, badges;
printing on plastic containers (canisters, containers);
printing on fabrics, T-shirts, flags, pennants, caps, stripes, overalls, overalls, etc.;
printing on round surfaces, bottles, glasses, medical vessels, perfumes;
printing on metal, glass, plastic, wood, tiles, furniture;
specialist. printing on dials, microcircuits, instrument panels;
mouse pads;
on balloons and umbrellas;
road signs, signs, signboards, car glass.

All this and much more is printed by silkscreen printing.

The list can go on and on ad infinitum. Almost everything can be done at home. The scope of screen printing is simply huge. Screen printing technology necessary and at the same time very simple. 80% of the profits come from constant circulation orders, special printing and urgent orders for images and logos.

With the help of screen printing technology, you will master all the secrets of production and marketing, get regular customers, your income will be up to 100 thousand rubles per month or more.

Many people know what , but I think not everyone thought about what prospects this type of printing has. New technologies in screen printing allow you to do things that cannot be achieved by any other type of printing, these are three-dimensional images and selective varnishing, which gives a special look to printed products, and gilded and silvered printing, and much more.

No need to buy expensive equipment or machine, have a huge initial capital. Do-it-yourself silkscreen printing is a profitable business from scratch at home, which is suitable even for a small town.

Technology content:
1. Screen printing capabilities
2. Where to start
3. Initial investment
4. Brief description of technology
5. Printing squeegee
6. Printed frame
7. Sieve, sieve stretching devices
8. Preparing the photoform
9. We start manufacturing a printed matrix
10. Flare-exposure
11. Developing the stencil
12. Vacuum table device
13. We cook the emulsion ourselves, emulsion recipes
14. Retouching the matrix before printing
15. Prepare the frame for printing
16. Paint, subtleties, tips, secrets
17. Shall we start typing?
18. Fighting the "saw"
19. Fighting static electricity
20. Raster, halftone pictures
21. Print full color 1
22. Print full color 2
23. Color matching when printing
24. Color overflow effect
25. Regeneration - sieve restoration, matrix washing
26. Substitutes for branded consumables
27. Device and types of dryers
29. Paint, do it yourself
30. Other Printing Difficulties
31. A little bit about mesh regeneration
32. Printing on balloons
33. Homemade emulsions 2
34. Device for straining the sieve
35. Another device for straining the sieve
36. Printing on CDs
37. Our answer "KIMOTO"
38. Thermal transfer capabilities
39. Thermal transfer technology
40. Possibilities of thermal film technology
41. Description of thermal film technology
42. Calculations for the technology of thermal films, prices
43. Application on fabric
44. The possibility of thermal rise
45. Our development on thermal rise

And now your main task is advertising. You can start on all fronts at the same time. Hire guys who, for a small fee, will distribute flyers and your business cards in crowded places. Other guys - also for a small fee - will put up your ads in the city at the same time. You can independently advertise your work in major newspapers and magazines, and it is better not to be limited to free newspapers that are distributed on the streets and in underground passages. Your products will be of interest, first of all, to companies, and not to individuals, so pay attention to the newspapers distributed in your city, especially the central ones, which have regional supplements. In these applications, regularly place ads, and in such a volume that it is visible and you do not have to look for the harm of other similarly small lines.

However, the main route for finding new customers for your private enterprise should be direct calls to companies. Take a telephone directory and start calling companies of any size (large, medium and small), and also pay attention to ads from individuals or small offices. They are more likely to be interested in your business cards, while larger companies will definitely pay attention to the souvenirs that you can offer. As a result, your clients will be numerous managers, representatives (trade, regional), computer scientists, lawyers and private practitioners, ranging from plumbers to doctors. Beauty salons and chain boutiques, bookstores and fitness clubs will contact you - they all really need business cards! Thanks to silkscreen printing, you can offer them much more than your competitors. If you also make your own website, on which you describe all the advantages of silk-screen printing technology, and place it in directories, then you will also be found on the Internet by key owls related to your activity.

Please note that on our website in the section, you will find a lot of useful information. For example,

In addition, this technology is part of the disk -.

Make an order.

ATTENTION!!! Technology price “ silkscreen” is 900 rub.

All buyers of the technology will be sent FREE OF CHARGE the infamous online business package “Free Internet to every home!!!”.

Within 24 hours after confirmation of payment, a link to download the technology will be sent to your E-mail.

Get payment details technologies " silkscreen”, You can in the section - MAKE AN ORDER .

If you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail or

For wholesale and small wholesale customers there is a flexible system of discounts!

Screen printing or silk screen printing at home is a method of applying a pattern to different surfaces by forcing paint through a special mesh. The technology provides for the transfer of images to fabrics, stationery, dishes, plastic bags, etc. No complicated manipulations and expensive equipment are needed.

Making silkscreen at home is beneficial because it:

  • handmade (always relevant and valuable);
  • no restrictions on the types of images;
  • brightness and brilliance of the picture;
  • a wide choice of materials - paper, plastic, fabric;
  • low cost;
  • simplicity of technology;
  • compactness - no need for a separate room and bulky equipment.

Screen printing devices take up minimal space

Screen printing mesh

The quality of screen printing depends on the printed form, namely, on its basis (grid). She happens:

  • Polyester. It is used when printing with water, plastisol, solvent paints. The type of weaving is also different: canvas (1:1 - one thread to another) and twill (2:1 or 2:2). The former are used more often.
  • Steel. It is used exclusively when working with thermoplastic paints.

Nets are available in white and dyed yellow. The latter provide maximum clarity of the picture with detailed detail.

White and yellow nets for screen printing

Notice the linework. It is on the label. For example, the marking on the grid "No. 120-34" means that the size of the lineature is 120 lines per centimeter, and 34 is the diameter of the thread. The higher the first parameter, the thinner the mesh.

Mesh fabric is divided into categories depending on the thickness of the threads. Each category is indicated by its own letter (it stands next to the number: S, M, T, HD - from light to the most severe). A fabric with a thick thread is stronger, it is pulled with great effort. The thickness of the thread affects how much paint will pass through the mesh.

When working with a thick canvas, the edges of the pattern lose their clarity. Chips may appear. Choose thin grids for small images.

Screen printing frame

Screen frames are used not only in printing houses, but also at home. They are subject to the following requirements:

  • reuse - in order to reduce the cost of printing;
  • chemical resistance - when washing and applying a photosensitive layer and paint, contact with the frame is inevitable;
  • rigidity - the frames are made of a material that is rigid, resistant to twisting and bending deformation;
  • light weight - the frame should be light, mobile.

The simplest stencil frames for screen printing are made by hand from straight-grained wood. They are light, cheap, but sensitive to moisture.

The alternative is aluminum. It is inexpensive, lightweight, allows you to achieve the required tension. The frame made of aluminum is not affected by the chemicals used in screen printing, is suitable for repeated use, and retains its geometry.

Ready-to-use wooden frames

Stencil without exposure and emulsion

Another way to make stencils for screen printing is using a heat press. It was developed by the Americans. You will need a laser printer. Start by printing your desired image on plain xerox or offset paper. Print in black and white.

Now lay the printout face down on the prepared transfer paper and send it to the heat press. It will take 20 sec. at a temperature of 110 ०С - the image from the printout will be transferred to transfer paper.

It must be placed face down on the frame and put back into the heat press. This step lasts half a minute. Working temperature - 180 ०С. The stencil is ready.

This is what a heat press looks like

Drawing a pattern on fabric

You will need a mesh, frame and paint. In the presence of artistic talent, the drawing is created with a brush, in the absence of - on a computer. For beginners in screen printing, we recommend starting with large solid images, that is, without small details and complex geometry.

Step 1. Image selection. The screen printing pattern at home can be anything: a logo, a picture, an inscription. It is drawn or found on the Internet and then printed on a printer.

Step 2 You can take a finished frame with a mesh or pull it on yourself, securing the edges with a construction stapler. It is necessary to additionally glue them with paper tape or electrical tape - the paint will not spread.

Step 3 The frame is covered with photographic emulsion. This is a light sensitive compound - a dark room is required. It is applied from top to bottom, carefully working through each area. The frame is allowed to dry in a horizontal position - approximately 1-3 hours (the time depends on the thickness of the layer).

Step 4 The dried mesh is covered with a piece of dark fabric. This is light protection. The frame with the grid is placed on a stand, facing towards the light source.

Step 5 The next stage of screen printing at home is the preparation of a sample for printing. They take the image as they need to be transferred to the product, turn it over and place it on the frame.

Step 6 Now you need transparent glass - with its help, the pattern is pressed against the grid. You can turn on the light. For a 60x60 cm grid, it will take an average of 35 minutes with a 150 W lamp 45 cm away from the image. After that, a barely noticeable imprint appears on the stencil.

Step 7 The stencil pattern must be opaque. To verify this, look at it, aiming at a light source. If the rays penetrate the picture, the quality will be lame. You will need to print another copy and overlay the first one. Another option is to paint over the sample with a marker.

Step 8 Now you need to rinse the frame with warm water. As the emulsion is washed out, the print will become more and more pronounced - the stencil is ready.

Step 9 The prepared stencil is placed on the product. The frame with the mesh on the outside must be in contact with the work surface. If it is a fabric, for convenience, something solid and even is placed under the bottom.

Spread the paint on the stencil and evenly distribute it with a rubber scraper. The more you press on the scraper, the clearer the pattern will be. It should be borne in mind that after drying, the paint will acquire a darker shade.

Step 10 The finished product is dried. To fix the image, the fabric is ironed.

The paint must not destroy the stencil material. Choose one that dries no faster than the printing process.

The picture is bright and full color.

The process of silk-screen printing on fabric is shown in the video:


  • Silk-screen printing on fabric is possible at home: it is simple and low-cost.
  • The technology is used to create unique T-shirts, souvenirs, pens, pillows, mugs.
  • You can create a stencil with your own hands, what you need: fabric, mesh, frame and paint.
  • Modern technologies allow you to create stencils without emulsion and exposure.