Why is it necessary to value life in any situation! Life must be valued - we have only one Life, create a beautiful life, but appreciate it as it is.

Every day, we are in a bustling world filled with both joy and trouble, but life should be valued - we have one, the one who does not value life will not achieve anything in life. Most people do not realize and do not think about their lives, 90% of people live by instinct, doing the same thing every day, going to an unloved job.

Fear overwhelms a person who is afraid of changes in his life, even if he does not like the life in which he is every day. Psychologists have sorted out this problem, and today in this article they will help you learn to appreciate life because we only have one.

Need to be a happy person

To learn appreciate life the way she is, you need to become happy. About happiness, there is a lot of talk and discussion. People cannot find their happiness for the reason that they simply do not know what it is and are looking for it where it does not exist. Some believe that someone is in well-being, health, family, but achieving one of this list, it is impossible to fully experience happiness. Happiness is the union of several life peaks that need to be achieved: health, money, success, peace of mind, joy.

Happiness lets you know that this person values ​​​​his life

Look at yourself from the side and the people who surround you, which of you is happy, of course, not who. Since only 1% of 100%, for today, for real happy people, and this is not always associated with money and material wealth. Even the one who is not rich enough is happy, but he realized that everything in life is enough for him and began to appreciate life as it is. When you realize that life needs to be valued, since we only have one, you will definitely find happiness and begin to appreciate everything that surrounds you, including yourself.

Time is the main instrument of life

Most believe that money is the most important thing today, and that there is nowhere without it. To some extent, they are right, since money is really needed in our 21st century, but we should not forget about time, since it is much more important. For example, a person who has wealth, having lost it, can easily return it if he has sufficient knowledge. But if a person who is successful, happy or rich, it doesn't matter, loses time, he will not be able to return it in any way. First of all, value life and time, which we often spend on the wrong things that we need. A life one and time cannot be returned, even if you are the richest, most successful or happiest person. Everyone is given 24 hours every day to live them in such a way that later they do not regret and do not remember the past. Everyone chooses how he will spend these 24 hours. Every day, it's a choice whether you value life today or not.

Find your favorite business or hobby

For your life to be not in vain, it must be lived happily and with joy. A favorite business and hobby that brings joy will help you begin to appreciate life, at least for the fact that we have one and we are not eternal. Doing what you love, you will always be happy and gain peace of mind. The search is best to start today, so as not to delay, because life is short. Successful and happy people advise you not to rush, because the search itself also brings joy and happiness, as you try to do a variety of things to find your spiritual work and passion.

Stop wasting time on bad habits

Most young people and adults today drink alcohol, smoke and do the wrong things. It is difficult to say that such people value life, since all their time is spent only on bad habits with which they fill their soul, which is empty due to the fact that this person does not fill it with happiness, joy and knowledge. Much has been written about the dangers of these habits and how to deal with them, but you need to realize for yourself what is more important to you. The only way out is by all means, just get rid of all your bad habits and engage in self-development. Read books, play sports, and then your life will become more joyful and happier, which will immediately make everyone think that it is you, appreciate life. Do not waste your time on something that does not bring you joy and happiness, and then you will learn to appreciate life.

Take care of your family and friends

Also, you do not need to think only about yourself, because everyone has a family, children, parents, relatives, friends. Start taking care of them, because they, like you, are not eternal. Tell them everything that you have long wanted to say, do not hide your thoughts and do not hold back your words, because at any moment it may be too late. There are many accidents in life, but you do not need to think about them, it is wiser to start taking care of your loved ones every day, expressing your love to them and telling them everything you want to say. , and not only with us, but also with relatives and friends.

Appreciate and enjoy every moment of life

We are only guests in this world, and we need not only to exist in it, but also to leave at least a memory of ourselves for many years to come. Start appreciating every day, every hour, every minute and every moment, because soon it will no longer belong to us, it will fall into the past and it will be impossible to return it. Enjoy every moment of your life, and then you will learn to appreciate life.

Rejoice and smile as often as possible

It makes no sense to walk around with a frown on your face and anger in your eyes, even if your day or even your whole life, in your opinion, has failed. Remember that there are those in the world who are much more hurt than you, and you should just be ashamed of your behavior and your gloomy face. Give the whole world a smile and it will come back to you when you feel bad. The smile effect has long been developed by psychologists and scientists, it lies in the fact that if a person gives a smile to another person, and he also passes it on, then according to such a system, your smile will go around the whole world and make people happier. So just start smiling as much as you can, and even harder when you're feeling down, because everyone can smile when they're feeling good.

Help people

Those who do not yet know and have not realized, the main thing is to help people. If you want to be happy and appreciate life, just start helping people. By helping people, all your nobility and the help that you provided to people will return to you a hundredfold. Appreciate life, enjoy life, appreciate every moment of life, help people and smile.

If you have any questions or want to discuss this topic, write in the comments.

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List of things that distinguish those people who really appreciate life and those who don't

We are all living people, beings who are incredibly lucky - we have been blessed with life. But the probability that the atoms that now make up our body will gather not just into some kind of living being, but precisely into us, was extremely low. And the fact that we exist is a real miracle.

From a mathematical point of view, the probability that we could ever begin our existence is so low that, strictly speaking, it could be neglected.

Yes, yes, we, in theory, should not be here. But in any lottery there are winners. And, like most winners, you are likely to waste your winnings mindlessly. But you won the most valuable thing on this planet - time. In addition, it is not subject to any taxes.

And what do we spend it on? Often times we don't worry about money until the wind starts blowing in our pockets. It's the same with time - we rarely start to worry about what we spend our lives on until we find that our time is running out.

Yes, but we are starting to do it too late. But mindlessly wasting our time on all sorts of little things simply means not appreciating how lucky we are. Wasting time is not appreciating how wonderful our life is.

But there are those among us who truly value their lives. And they are different from those who do not - and pretty much.

So, those who value their lives:

1. Not working at a job they hate

To hate your job is to hate the time you spend at it. In other words, hate the fact that you have to waste your precious time on who knows what.

Yes, sometimes we all have to do something from which we do not get much pleasure. But that doesn't mean you should volunteer to spend 40 hours a week for several years running at a job that you have to convince yourself to go to every morning of the day.

2. Not friends with people who negatively influence them

On our journey of life, we meet many people. Unfortunately, most of them take much more from us than we receive from them.

This does not necessarily mean that they are bad people, although this may be the case. But this definitely means that it is clearly not worth bringing them closer to you. Respect your life - stay away from them.

3. They don’t get into personal relationships with terrible people, and if they do, they try to break them off as quickly as possible.

We can all fall in love with a person who is completely unsuitable for us. But to live means, among other things, to make mistakes. We cannot guarantee ourselves that we will not fall in love with some bastard, but it depends only on us how long we will stay with her.

Those who value their lives spend it with those who deserve it.

4. They prioritize correctly, because they know what is important in this life and what is not very important.

Perhaps this is the most difficult thing to deal with, because we are all different, and there can be no universal priorities that are equally suitable for everyone. But in what direction to look - I'll probably tell you.

Life, love and prosperity. And how to achieve all this is up to you.

5. Don't take other people's lives for granted.

Appreciating life does not mean appreciating only your life. It means appreciating life.

And that means the lives of other people, animals, plants and everything else. Appreciating life means accepting everything that it is.

6. Don't waste a single day

Time is the fuel on which our life runs. When this fuel runs out, life ends. Your time on this planet is running out. All your hopes and dreams, all that you aspired to, all that you wanted to see one day - all this comes to an end.

Those who understand how valuable our life is, do not allow themselves to live in vain single day. They do not want to regret anything at the end of their lives, and least of all about the wasted time.

7. Do not forget about the past, but do not live only in it

We must not forget what we had to endure. The past of each of us is fraught with many valuable lessons and pleasant memories. We shouldn't forget about it, but we shouldn't spend most of our time looking back with sadness, regret, or hatred. What was, was, and will be no more.

8. Always curious, always trying to get to know life better and answer its most interesting questions.

Curiosity goes hand in hand with the importance of knowledge. Without knowledge, there is no understanding. And without understanding, is it possible to appreciate life as it deserves?

Most living beings are pretty unlucky - they are simply not endowed with the ability to understand the importance of life. However, many people believe that we are just unlucky - precisely because we can do it.

9. They live both fast and slow - because this is the only way they can get a whole picture of life

You should not constantly live in one manner and follow one life motto. The words "Live fast, die young" seem like a good motto until you get to the last part of it. Living slowly and spending your days in meditation... yes, such a life seems very calm. And boring.

If you want to experience all that your life has to offer, you must create your own balance between the two extremes.

10. Understand how wonderful people they are and, in general, know how to love themselves

If you don't love yourself, you don't love your life. Everything is simple. After all, you are your life. And, frankly, how do you know that you are not the only thing that truly exists in this universe? So how can you not love yourself?

We are changeable beings who can become whoever we want to be. And if you don't love yourself, try to become who you can love, who you are meant to be in the end.

Take my heart, at least - a piece ...
Gently stroke, put under the pillow,
It will keep you warm on a dark night
And he will tell a fairy tale if he suddenly becomes sad.
You lie on it if it's hard to sleep
It is lighter than down, more tender than magnolias….
To you, snuggling elegantly, timidly,
He caresses you, relieves you of pain.
And if in this life you have to
To take the road where there is often no light,
It is for you - it will light up brighter than the sun,
You will not betray, will not go out from the wind!
You hide it in a bag - it will come in handy,
It is fearless and does not require payment,
And if something bad happens,
It will be happy to die for you...
And if someone hurts you a lot,
You try to throw anger at him,
It quietly endures being forgotten,
A little sad and will love again ...

Author : Administartor (admin) Rusalina "Zlyuka" Izmailova

Parable. The most beautiful heart

One sunny day, a handsome guy stood in the square in the middle of the city and proudly showed off the most beautiful heart in the area. He was surrounded by a crowd of people who sincerely admired the impeccability of his heart. It was really perfect - no dents, no scratches. And everyone in the crowd agreed that it was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The guy was very proud of it and just beamed with happiness.
Suddenly, an old man stepped forward from the crowd and said, addressing the guy:
“Your heart was not even close to mine in beauty.
Then the whole crowd looked at the old man's heart. It was crumpled, all in scars, in some places pieces of the heart were taken out and others were inserted in their places that did not fit at all, some edges of the heart were torn. In addition, in some places in the old man's heart, pieces were clearly missing. The crowd stared at the old man - how could he say that his heart is more beautiful?
The boy looked at the old man's heart and laughed:
- You might be joking, old man! Compare your heart to mine! Mine is perfect! And your! Yours is a mess of scars and tears!
“Yes,” the old man replied, “your heart looks perfect, but I would never agree to exchange our hearts. Look! Every scar on my heart is a person to whom I gave my love - I ripped out a piece of my heart and gave it to that person. And he often gave me his love in return - his piece of heart, which filled the empty spaces in mine. But because the pieces of different hearts don't exactly fit together, that's why I have torn edges in my heart that I treasure because they remind me of the love we shared. Sometimes I gave pieces of my heart but other people didn't give me back theirs - that's why you can see empty holes in the heart - when you give your love there is not always a guarantee of reciprocity. And although these holes bring pain, they remind me of the love that I shared, and I hope that one day these pieces of heart will return to me. Now do you see what true beauty means? The crowd froze. The young man stood dumbfounded in silence. Tears flowed from his eyes. He went up to the old man, took out his heart and tore off a piece from it. With trembling hands, he offered a piece of his heart to the old man. The old man took his gift and inserted it into his heart. Then, in response, he tore a piece from his battered heart and inserted it into the hole that had formed in the young man's heart. The piece fit but not perfect and some of the edges were sticking out and some were torn. The young man looked at his heart, no longer perfect, but more beautiful than it was before the old man's love touched him. And they, embracing, went along the road.

I don't carry stones in my bosom
And I do not keep an evil memory in my heart,
And I'm content with my conscience
And envy from myself I drive away.

I'm the truth, a lie, I will not replace,
I'm not allowed to wag my soul,
But I'll stop talking to those
To whom it is not worth anything - to lie.

I also do not like flatterers,
When the streams of their words seem to pour,
But just turn your face away from them,
How they immediately, in the back, laugh.

I don't want to give empty praise
But if there is no reason to praise,
Sometimes I'd rather keep quiet
What a hasty blasphemy.

Still in friends I don't want to have
People who dirty tricks on the sly,
They are not allowed to fly on the wings of joy,
All because their "small intestine".

But if a person stumbles
He behaved completely out of his mind,
He won't be my enemy forever
And I will extend a helping hand to him.

This is how I live on earth
Do not hide from yourself and from people,
I hold my heart in my hands,
If you want, I'll give you a piece...

Congratulations, you have a sunny heart
You are a clear sun, warm, kind, sympathetic. It’s nice and warm with you, so people are drawn to you, although they sometimes call you naive. It is people like you who find their own more often than others. true love. If you stay like this for the rest of your life, if you don't stop believing in people, you can be erected a monument or at least be listed in an astronomical atlas like a second sun.
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So, for you, love is... Danger
For you, love is everything. And it takes a lot of your time. That is why you are careful with love, because you want to keep your heart. And once you fall in love, you don't try to express your feelings quickly and easily. You try to keep your emotions to yourself. You love deeply and completely. Once you start loving someone, it's hard to stop. You are true to your feelings.
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