Tesla turbine efficiency. Bladeless turbine for thermal power plants, as the invention of Nikola Tesla

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Steel rotor.

The extreme disks of the Tesla turbine are made thicker, as the gas jet passing between the disks tries to push the disks apart, as well as to press the remaining disks to each other. Also, the outer discs have radial protrusions above the windows, which serve as part of the seal.

Tesla turbine side disk with radial protrusions.

The rotor is placed in a housing that has an inlet nozzle and side covers with holes in the center. Two more parts are attached to the covers, I don’t know how to call them correctly, I called them “ears”, in which bearings are fixed and the waste medium is removed.

Radial grooves are cut on the inner surface of the covers. They can be divided into two groups according to their purpose. The first group of grooves is located closer to the center, these grooves include the radial projections of the side discs, which provides a good seal. The grooves and ridges that make up the seal must be carefully matched to each other. The gaps should be as small as possible, but also not allowing friction, which requires high manufacturing accuracy. The second group of grooves is cut through almost the entire remaining surface and there are no such stringent requirements for manufacturing accuracy. The side discs move relative to the fixed housing covers. In order not to create additional resistance, the distance between the disks and the case must be increased. It is this purpose that the radial grooves of the second group serve. Since the flow always seeks the path of least resistance, and in our case these are the grooves between the covers and the disks, the main part of the flow would pass in this way, and only a small part would pass between the remaining rotor disks. Due to the compaction, an increased pressure arises in the grooves, which does not allow the medium to pass only in this way, and the medium passes where possible, i.e. between other disks. It would be possible to make one wide groove, but this would increase the leakage. Therefore, the best result can be achieved by using several grooves.

The turbine nozzle is located tangentially, i.e. tangential to the inner surface of the body and can be made in the form of a rectangular slot, or a round tapering hole.

Rectangular nozzle for Tesla turbine.

The clearance on the periphery between the housing and the rotor is kept to a minimum, given the small increase in the diameter of the rotor when operating at high speeds.

Now, having a rough idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe design of the turbine, let's consider the theoretical base and workflow. If you direct the flow of a liquid or gas along a flat surface, then this flow will begin to drag this surface with it. This behavior is due to the fact that the very first layer of molecules adjacent to the plane is immobile. The next layer moves very slowly, the next one a little faster, and so on. Below is a short excerpt from aerodynamics.

An important characteristic of a moving medium is its viscosity. Viscosity manifests itself through the property of adhesion of the fluid medium to the surface, while a non-viscous medium freely slides along the streamlined surface. To illustrate the effect of viscosity, which generates a force that slows down the flow (drag force), consider two large plates parallel to each other A And B (Fig. 1), one of which moves relative to the other. The viscous medium adheres to each of the plates. Random movements of molecules create the effect of "mixing", seeking to equalize the average flow rates, the speed of which on the plate B is equal to V, and on the plate A- zero. The resulting velocity distribution is also shown in fig. 1, where the length of the arrows is proportional to the magnitude of the velocity at a given point in the flow along the height between the plates. So on a moving plate B there is a force that slows down its movement. To ensure the movement of the plate B in the presence of braking, an opposing force must be applied to it. The same force tends to move the plate A

One of Tesla's earliest memories of childhood was trying to create a vacuum engine capable of constant movement, which resulted in a small, vaneless pump. The inventor perfectly remembered how he managed to launch his model in a small river near the house. The inspiration for his latest invention, which he prototyped, was based on that childhood episode.

Around 1906, Tesla came up with a bladeless turbine powered by air or steam using flat metal disks. It was able to function at a higher speed due to its plasticity and less friction, and could also change the direction of rotation more quickly. Tesla set aside the traditional notion that a turbine must have a solid element that would be acted upon by air or steam to propel it. Instead, he decided to use two other characteristics of substances known to physicists, but not used until that time for mechanical devices - adhesion and viscosity.

The heart of the Tesla turbine is the rotor, which consists of several very thin cupronickel discs mounted on a central axis. The size and number of disks depended on the specific circumstances of the application. Tesla conducted experiments with different configurations. To separate the disks, washers of 2-3 mm were placed between them, tightly pressed and fixed with brass nuts. There were also holes on the discs (see Figure 1).

The assembled rotor is located inside the stator, the stationary part of the turbine, which is a cylindrical metal box. To position the rotor, the diameter of the inner chamber of the cylinder should be slightly larger than the rotor disks with a gap of about 6 mm. On each side of the stator there are bearings for the axle. The stator had one or two inputs, which housed the injectors. In Tesla's original design, there were two of them - so that the turbine could change the direction of rotation. Due to this simple layout, when the injectors started the flow into the stator, it passed between the rotor disks, causing them to rotate. The flow then exited through a bleed hole in the center of the turbine (see figure 2 on page 153).

RICE. 1 Tesla turbine rotor consisted of several smooth disks with a distance of several millimeters between them. The flow must pass over the surface of the discs and then exit through the outlet holes.

How did it happen that the energy of the flow caused the metal disk to rotate? If the surface of the disk is smooth and free of blades and notches, then logic tells us that the flow will flow over the disk without setting it in motion. The explanation lies in such properties of the substance as adhesion and viscosity, which we mentioned earlier. Adhesion - the ability to physically adhere together different molecules as a result of the action of attractive forces. Viscosity is a property of a substance, opposite to fluidity, and depends on the friction between molecules. These two properties are combined in the Tesla turbine to transfer energy from the flow to the rotor.

As the flow passes over the disk, the adhesion forces act on the molecules in direct contact with the metal and reduce their speed due to sticking to the metal. The flow molecules immediately following the surface layer collide with adherent molecules and slow down their movement. So layer by layer the flow stops. However, the outermost layers collide less with others and are less susceptible to adhesion. In addition, viscous forces simultaneously act on the molecules: they prevent the separation of molecules from each other, a traction force arises, which is transmitted to the disk, and as a result, the disk begins to move.

In mechanics, a thin layer of liquid or gas interacting with the disk surface is called the boundary layer, and its properties are described in the theory of the boundary layer. As a result this effect the flow follows a rapidly accelerating spiral path across the surface of the discs until it finds an exit. Since it moves naturally along the path of least resistance, without encountering any restrictions, obstacles, the action of third-party forces from the blades and notches, a gradual change in speed and direction occurs, this gives more energy to the turbine (see Figure 3). In fact, Tesla assured that the efficiency of his turbine is 95%, that is, it significantly exceeds the potential of the turbines of that time. At the same time, in practice, its turbines were not so easy to apply. Tesla failed to achieve the desired efficiency of the turbines.

His idea was even accepted by the US Department of Defense, although Tesla received only gratitude from him, but no money. Again he needed investment and sold licenses to make a turbine in Europe. The inventor believed that he could find enough money himself to create a turbine in his country, but the funds were still not enough.

Finally, he managed to interest a group of investors and build a prototype: a huge double-steam turbine at Waterside Station, controlled by the New York Edison Company. It immediately became clear that not everything was in order with this turbine - apparently, because of the materials used in the manufacture. In that era, there were no alloys that could withstand 35,000 rpm for a long time; a huge centrifugal force deformed the metal of the rotating discs.



But it is also true that Tesla was never sympathetic to the plant engineers (who claimed that the turbine scheme was wrong), and the workers did not like him for forced overtime. Thus, Tesla failed to conduct the required tests and improve the prototype.

Shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, he tried to convince the German Minister of the Navy, Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz (1849-1930), to develop in Germany, which has gigantic industrial power, an improved prototype of his turbine. But his efforts bore no fruit. However, this was not the best moment for such negotiations.

). Bioengineers call it a multi-disc centrifugal pump. Tesla saw one of the desired applications of this turbine in geothermal energy, described in the book " Our Future Motive Power» .

Principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages

In Tesla's time, the efficiency of traditional turbines was low, as there was no aerodynamic theory necessary to create efficient blades, and the poor quality of materials for the blades imposed serious restrictions on operating speeds and temperatures. The efficiency of a traditional turbine is related to the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet. To achieve a higher pressure difference, hot gases are used, such as, for example, superheated steam in steam turbines and products of combustion of fuel in gas, therefore, to achieve high efficiency, heat-resistant materials are needed. If the turbine uses a gas that becomes a liquid at room temperature, a condenser can be used at the outlet to increase the pressure difference.

The Tesla turbine differs from the traditional turbine in the mechanism for transferring energy to the shaft. It consists of a set of smooth discs and nozzles that direct the working gas to the edge of the disc. The gas spins the disc through boundary layer adhesion and viscous friction and slows down as it spirals.

The Tesla turbine does not have blades and the disadvantages arising from them: the rotor has no protrusions and is therefore durable. However, it has dynamic losses and flow rate limitations. A small flow (load) gives a high efficiency, and strong flow increases the losses in the turbine and reduces it, which, however, is typical not only for the Tesla turbine.

The discs must be very thin at the edges so as not to create turbulence in the working fluid. This results in the need to increase the number of disks as the stream speed increases. The maximum efficiency of this system is achieved when the interdisk distance is approximately equal to the thickness of the boundary layer. Since the thickness of the boundary layer depends on the viscosity and pressure, the statement that the same turbine design can be effectively used for various liquids and gases is incorrect.

Modern multistage vane turbines typically achieve 60-70% efficiency, while large steam turbines often show turbine efficiency over 90% in practice. A helical rotor suitable for a reasonably sized Tesla turbine for common liquids (steam, gas, water) is expected to show an efficiency in the region of 60-70% and possibly higher.

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An excerpt characterizing the Tesla Turbine

After two such trips, in one of which two out of twenty departed guys returned (and dad turned out to be one of these two), he got drunk half to death and the next day wrote a statement in which he categorically refused further participation in any such “events” . The first “pleasure” that followed after such a statement was the loss of a job, which at that time was “desperately” needed by him. But since dad was a truly talented journalist, he was immediately offered a job by another newspaper - Kaunasskaya Pravda - from a neighboring town. But, unfortunately, I didn’t have to stay there for a long time either, for such a simple reason as a short call “from above” ... which instantly deprived dad of the new work. And dad was once again politely escorted out the door. Thus began his long-term war for the freedom of his personality, which even I remembered very well.
At first, he was the secretary of the Komsomol, from which he left several times "on own will” and returned already at the request of a stranger. Later, he was a member of the Communist Party, from which he was also thrown out with a “big ringing” and immediately climbed back, because, again, there were few Russian-speaking, superbly educated people in Lithuania at that time. And dad, as I mentioned earlier, was a great lecturer and he was gladly invited to different cities. Only there, away from his "employers", he again lectured not quite about what they wanted, and for this he got all the same problems that started all this "rigble" ...
I remember how at one time (during the reign of Andropov), when I was already a young woman, it was strictly forbidden for men to wear long hair, which was considered a “capitalist provocation” and (however wild it may sound today!) The police got the right to detain right on the street and forcibly cut people wearing long hair. This happened after one young guy (his name was Kalanta) burned himself alive in the central square of Kaunas, the second largest city in Lithuania (that was where my parents already worked then). It was his protest against the suppression of individual freedom, which then frightened the communist leadership, and it took "increased measures" to combat "terrorism", among which were the most stupid "measures" that only increased the discontent of the normal people living in the Republic of Lithuania at that time of people...
My dad, as a freelance artist, which, having changed his profession several times during this time, he then appeared, came to party meetings with long hair (which, we must pay tribute, he was simply gorgeous!), which infuriated his party bosses, and for the third time he was thrown out of the party, in which, after some time, again, against his will, he “hit” back ... I myself was a witness to this, and when I asked dad why he constantly “runs into trouble," he calmly replied:
This is my life and it belongs to me. And only I am responsible for how I want to live it. And no one on this earth has the right to forcibly impose on me beliefs that I do not believe and do not want to believe, because I consider them a lie.
This is how I remember my father. And it is precisely this conviction of his in his full right to own life, thousands of times helped me survive in the most difficult life circumstances for me. He madly, somehow even manic, loved life! And, nevertheless, he would never have agreed to do meanness, even if his very life would depend on it.
So, on the one hand, fighting for their “freedom”, and on the other hand, writing beautiful poems and dreaming of “exploits” (until his death, my dad was an incorrigible romantic at heart!), the days of young Vasily Seregin passed in Lithuania .. who still had no idea who he really was, and, apart from the "biting" actions on the part of the local "authorities", was an almost completely happy young man. He didn’t have a “lady of the heart” yet, which, probably, could be explained by fully loaded days with work or the absence of that “only and real” that dad has not yet been able to find ...
But finally, fate apparently decided that it was enough for him to "bachelor" and turned the wheel of his life in the direction of "female charm", which turned out to be the "real and only one" that dad was so stubbornly waiting for.

Her name was Anna (or in Lithuanian - She), and she turned out to be the sister of my father's best friend at that time, Jonas (in Russian - Ivan) Zhukauskas, to whom on that "fatal" day, dad was invited to Easter breakfast. Dad visited his friend several times, but, by a strange whim of fate, he has not yet crossed paths with his sister. And he certainly did not expect that on this spring Easter morning there would be such a stunning surprise waiting for him ...
The door was opened to him by a brown-eyed, black-haired girl who, in that one short moment, managed to win daddy's romantic heart for the rest of his life...

Snow and cold where I was born
Blue lakes, in the land where you grew up ...
I fell in love with an asterisk as a boy,
Light as early dew.
Maybe in the days of grief-bad weather,
Telling her girlish dreams
Like your one-year-old girlfriend
Loved the star and you? ..
Was it raining, was there a blizzard in the field,
Late evenings with you
Knowing nothing about each other
We love our star.
She was the best in heaven
Brighter than all, brighter and clearer...
Whatever I do, wherever I am,
Never forgot about her.
Everywhere her light is radiant
Warmed my blood with hope.
Young, pristine and pure
I gave you all my love...
The star sang songs about you,
Day and night, she called me into the distance ...
And on a spring evening, in April,
Brought to your window.
I gently took you by the shoulders
And he said, without hiding a smile:
“So I didn’t wait for this meeting in vain,
My beloved star...

Mom was completely subdued by dad's poems ... And he wrote a lot of them to her and brought them to her work every day along with huge posters drawn by his own hand (dad drew superbly), which he unfolded right on her desktop, and on which , among all kinds of painted flowers, it was written in large letters: “Annushka, my little star, I love you!”. Naturally, what woman could endure this for a long time and not give up? .. They no longer parted ... Using every free minute to spend it together, as if someone could take it away from them. Together they went to the cinema, to dances (which they both loved very much), walked in the charming Alytus city park, until one fine day they decided that enough dates were enough and that it was time to take a look at life a little more seriously. They soon got married. But only my father's friend (my mother's younger brother) Jonas knew about this, since neither from my mother's side, nor from my father's relatives, this union did not cause much enthusiasm ... My mother's parents predicted for her a rich neighbor-teacher, who they really liked and, according to their understanding, my mother “suited” perfectly, and in my father’s family at that time there was no time for marriage, since grandfather was put in prison at that time, as an “accomplice of the noble” (which, for sure, they tried to “break” the stubbornly resisting dad), and my grandmother went to the hospital from a nervous shock and was very sick. Dad was left with his little brother in his arms and now had to manage the entire household alone, which was very difficult, since the Seryogins at that time lived in a large two-story house (in which I later lived), with a huge old garden around. And, of course, such an economy required good care ...

Nikola Tesla was such a great scientist that humanity has yet to truly appreciate the scale of his discoveries. Most of his inventions, which are still legendary today, relate to the possibility of transmitting over a distance. However, among the patents, and there are many more than a thousand of them, that this outstanding theoretician and experimenter-practitioner received, there are others relating exclusively to the mechanical components of machines. One of them describes the principle of operation of an unusual design that converts the energy of a gas stream into a Tesla Turbine - this is the name of this mechanism.

Each invention must be unique, these are the modern rules for registering a patent, they were the same in 1913, when the great scientist received another copyright certificate. The originality of Tesla's invention lies in the absence of blades, which are equipped with the rotor of almost any turbine. The transmission of the air flow, or any other gas, is carried out not due to direct pressure on the blades set at an angle to it, but by the movement of the boundary flow of the medium surrounding completely flat disks. The Tesla turbine uses such a property of gases as their viscosity.

All the inventions of this extraordinary man are very beautiful. The Tesla turbine is no exception. Her beauty is in simplicity, not in primitiveness, but precisely in that refined conciseness that has become the handwriting of a genius. It never occurred to anyone before to spin the disk with a gas flow directed in the same plane with it.

Of course, in order to increase the efficiency of the entire device, it was necessary to increase the number of disks and minimize the distance between them, so the Tesla turbine is a rotor mounted on a drive shaft, consisting of many flat "plates", and the stator is a space in which it rotates with nozzles directed tangentially, that is, perpendicular to the radius of the rotor disks. This design provides a huge advantage in the event that it is necessary to change the direction of rotation. To do this, simply switch the inlet pipe to the nozzle that was previously the outlet, and the entire turbine will begin to rotate in the reverse direction.

Another advantage is in the nature of the gas movement, it is laminar, that is, vortex flows do not occur in it, to overcome which useful energy is spent, and which turbine designers struggle so hard with. In general, at the time when Tesla invented his turbine, engineers had a lot of problems with materials for making blades, so he figured out how to do without them at all.

The design also has its drawbacks. Among them are low speed gas flow at which the Tesla turbine is efficient. However, this does not in the least detract from the importance of this invention, which may suddenly be needed and become simply an indispensable solution to a technical problem, as happened with other N. Tesla patents.

Simplicity of design is an obvious quality that the Tesla turbine possesses. You can make it with your own hands, however, this will still require considerable qualifications and high accuracy in the performance of all work. After all, the quality of the discs and the small gap between them, which must be very uniform, as well as the casing with nozzles, are practically impossible to perform with the help of simple tools.