Rotary beekeeping. Video "Rotary beekeeping"

We all know that any disease is best eradicated at an early stage. And it is even better to prevent the occurrence of the disease at all. Thisthe goal is the rotational breeding of bees, a video about which can be easily found on the Internet. And we will help you figure out what is the uniqueness of this method, and whether it is possible to apply it in domestic beekeeping.

Method features

Rotational beekeeping is also called round-the-clock breeding of bees. Beekeepers using this method aim to keep their bees healthy by using systematic methods to prevent Varroatosis. The main features of the method are that insects are kept on a mesh pallet all year round and hibernate in the wild. In addition, beekeepers regularly remove drone brood.

Rotational breeding of bees originated in Germany. Remarkably, in this country, beekeeping is mainly done by amateurs. However, the level of development of this industry shows that German beekeeping is moving in the right direction. In addition to the fight against ticks, the rotational method allows you to increase the number of efficient bees, and therefore increase the honey flow.

The method of rotating bee keeping is as follows:

  • regular removal of drone brood as the most susceptible to attack by Varroa mites;
  • artificial formation of new families with disease control;
  • transportation of hives to apiaries, where the most favorable plants for bribe abound during this period;
  • ensuring a comfortable wintering in the wild.

These basic provisions allow you to regularly increase the number of hives with worker bees. Moreover, insects are better at accepting queens and are practically not exposed to varroatosis. We will talk in more detail about the features of the rotational method later.

Part 1. Wintering and spring honey collection

Properly organized wintering of bees has a beneficial effect on the condition of insects. In spring, families come out strong and ready to collect nectar. Therefore, for the apiary, it is necessary to choose an area in which there will be many flowering plants from early spring.

Check the condition of the inhabitants of the hives about once a week, because during the period of abundant flowering, the bees are prone to swarming. To avoid it, it is necessary to regularly remove excess honey and bees.

This and more is discussed in the first part of the video about rotary beekeeping. You will also learn why you need to cut out the drone brood from the frames and when you need to substitute additional boxes in the hive during the spring honey collection. See below for details.

Part 2. Creating new families without layering

When creating artificial swarms, it is necessary to strictly control the level of damage by the Varroa mite, as well as feed the bees while they are in special rooms. Within a day, the bees gather around the uterus, which means the formation of a new bee colony. A week after the formation of new colonies, the quality of the brood and the degree of acceptance of the uterus are checked.

What plants are best for summer bribe? How easy is it to get new bee colonies into the hives and place them in the new apiary? How to prevent wild building under frames? You will learn about all this in the next video. Rotational breeding of winged workers greatly simplifies all processes, allowing bee groups to develop harmoniously.

Part 3. Unification of families. Preparing for winter

Even in summer, the bees may not have enough food, then it is necessary to feed them with syrup or honey. At the end of the honey harvesting season, each bee colony is weighed to determine the amount of honey sufficient for wintering. Maternal families are being disbanded. The uterus is placed in a cell, after which an artificial swarm is created. In this way, layering is done.

Old maternal families are united with young ones. But before that, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for the prevention of varroatosis. How to facilitate the association, see the video - there these processes are shown in an accessible way even for a novice beekeeper.

The video also talks about how to prevent theft in bee colonies, which plants are optimal for the last bribe. As you can see, the rotational breeding of insects thinks through all the nuances of the life of bee colonies: work is regularly carried out with hives, food is provided, new healthy colonies are created.

Video "Rotary beekeeping"

This video is the full version of a German film about the technology of rotary bee breeding.

We all know that any disease is best eradicated at an early stage. And it is even better to prevent the occurrence of the disease at all. This is the purpose of the rotational breeding of bees, a video of which can be easily found on the Internet. And we will help you figure out what is the uniqueness of this method, and whether it is possible to apply it in domestic beekeeping.

Rotational beekeeping is also called round-the-clock breeding of bees. Beekeepers using this method aim to keep their bees healthy by using systematic methods to prevent Varroatosis. The main features of the method are that insects are kept on a mesh pallet all year round and hibernate in the wild. In addition, beekeepers regularly remove drone brood.

Rotational breeding of bees originated in Germany. Remarkably, in this country, beekeeping is mainly done by amateurs. However, the level of development of this industry shows that German beekeeping is moving in the right direction. In addition to the fight against ticks, the rotational method allows you to increase the number of efficient bees, and therefore increase the honey flow.

The method of rotating bee keeping is as follows:

  • regular removal of drone brood as the most susceptible to attack by Varroa mites;
  • artificial formation of new families with disease control;
  • transportation of hives to apiaries, where the most favorable plants for bribe abound during this period;
  • ensuring a comfortable wintering in the wild.

These basic provisions allow you to regularly increase the number of hives with worker bees. Moreover, insects are better at accepting queens and are practically not exposed to varroatosis. We will talk in more detail about the features of the rotational method later.

Properly organized wintering of bees has a beneficial effect on the condition of insects. In spring, families come out strong and ready to collect nectar. Therefore, for the apiary, it is necessary to choose an area in which there will be many flowering plants from early spring.

Check the condition of the inhabitants of the hives about once a week, because during the period of abundant flowering, the bees are prone to swarming. To avoid it, it is necessary to regularly remove excess honey and bees.

This and more is discussed in the first part of the video about rotary beekeeping. You will also learn why you need to cut out the drone brood from the frames and when you need to substitute additional boxes in the hive during the spring honey collection. See below for details.

When creating artificial swarms, it is necessary to strictly control the level of damage by the Varroa mite, as well as feed the bees while they are in special rooms. Within a day, the bees gather around the uterus, which means the formation of a new bee colony. A week after the formation of new colonies, the quality of the brood and the degree of acceptance of the uterus are checked.

What plants are best for summer bribe? How easy is it to get new bee colonies into the hives and place them in the new apiary? How to prevent wild building under frames? You will learn about all this in the next video. Rotational breeding of winged workers greatly simplifies all processes, allowing bee groups to develop harmoniously.

Even in summer, the bees may not have enough food, then it is necessary to feed them with syrup or honey. At the end of the honey harvesting season, each bee colony is weighed to determine the amount of honey sufficient for wintering. Maternal families are being disbanded. The uterus is placed in a cell, after which an artificial swarm is created. In this way, layering is done.

Old maternal families are united with young ones. But before that, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for the prevention of varroatosis. How to facilitate the association, see the video - there these processes are shown in an accessible way even for a novice beekeeper.

The video also talks about how to prevent theft in bee colonies, which plants are optimal for the last bribe. As you can see, the rotational breeding of insects thinks through all the nuances of the life of bee colonies: work is regularly carried out with hives, food is provided, new healthy colonies are created.

This video is the full version of a German film about the technology of rotary bee breeding.

Beekeeping lessons from Krivchikov

Gennady Stepanenko and his video course on beekeeping

Beekeeper Cebro and his contribution to the practice of beekeeping

Do you need advice?

Thanks, very clear and understandable.

It's amazing how one fragile woman famously copes with heavy beehives. Bravo!

Yes, indeed, she can become an example for some men.

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  • In this article, you will learn how to breed bees from scratch and what are the ways to breed these beneficial insects.

    How to breed bees from scratch

    In order for the apiary to be profitable, it is necessary not only to follow all the rules of keeping, but also to select the right insects for further breeding. In addition, there are certain rules for breeding and breeding queens.

    Where to begin

    You can buy bees for breeding in a variety of places: on large specialized farms and from amateur beekeepers. When buying, be sure to check veterinary documents confirming the health of insects. That is why it is better to buy insects on specialized farms, although non-specialized farms with apiaries are also involved in the sale of queens and families.

    Note: A productive family, when purchased in spring, should have 4-5 kg ​​of food, and in autumn - more than 16, as well as at least 10-12 nesting combs.

    Figure 1. The composition of the bee colony
    • It is better to purchase immediately 2-3 families that have already survived the winter. In this case, in the new season, marketable honey can be obtained from them;
    • The purchase is best made in early spring;
    • For beginners, it is enough to buy 20-50 families to make a profit. You can make a profit from them by serving the apiary yourself. Larger numbers require more time and skill to breed. As experience increases, the number of families in the apiary can be increased to 100-150 per person or 200-300 for two specialists.

    For transporting insects, you can use ready-made hives, special bags or cells. Transportation is best done in the evening or at night. Examples of transport cages are shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2. Transport cages

    The letok in the hive is tightly closed and opened only after placement in a new apiary. If transportation is carried out in bags, it is imperative to check that each container contains about 1.5 kg of bees, a queen, four combs and 3 kg of sealed honey. In summer, you can also buy swarms in swarms. In this case, you must make sure that there is a queen in the swarm, since without it the insects will scatter.

    What is needed for breeding bees

    Reproduction occurs by laying eggs in the uterus. New queens and working individuals emerge from fertilized eggs, and drones emerge from unfertilized eggs, which are later used for mating (Figure 3).

    Note: During the year, the number of insects is constantly changing due to the death of old ones and the breeding of new individuals. Workers also sometimes lay eggs, but only dwarf drones hatch from them, which cannot mate.

    Immediately after wintering, approximately in the first three weeks, the size of the family decreases, since the breeding of new individuals does not yet cover the death of old ones. In the future, the indicators are equalized and the population grows. As the number of young individuals increases, the productivity of the uterus decreases and the growth of the young stops. In the future, the number of individuals continues to decrease during wintering.

    Figure 3. Reproduction of insects by eggs

    You can evaluate the strength of the family after wintering. If she occupies 8 frames (4 each with food and brood), the family is considered strong. Medium-productive ones take about 5-7 frames, and weak ones - less than five.


    Under natural conditions, bees reproduce by swarming. This process begins after the accumulation of too many juveniles. The future swarm is formed by young workers who do not have enough work in the old hive. Examples of swarming are shown in Figure 4.

    The process of swarming goes like this:

    • In the second half of summer, bees fly out of the hive (approximately from 10 am to 1 pm). The first to leave the hive are the scouts who are looking for a place for a new family.
    • After that, some of the working insects fly out, followed by the uterus, and the last ones are the remaining individuals.
    • The new swarm stays close to the mother hive for several days (for example, on a branch). At this time, the beekeeper needs to prepare a place for relocation. If this is not done, the insects will simply fly away.

    As a rule, after the removal of a new queen and the departure of the first swarm, the swarming process is repeated: the second leaves the mother hive after 9 days, and the third after another 1-2 days. After that, all young queens are destroyed in the mother hive, since working insects leave only the largest individual.

    Figure 4. Swarming process

    To collect a new swarm, you need a special device - a swarm. As a rule, a hook or rope is attached to them from above to hang the device. Roevnya hang under the collected insects and gently shake them inside. It is better to keep the collected swarm in the winter house until the evening and transplant it into the hive at night. Inside the new hive, it is imperative to install frames with honeycombs and fodder honey. You can make a swarm yourself using the diagram and photo in Figure 5.

    To settle the bees in the hive, a small gangway is substituted to the arrival board and the bees begin to pour out a little bit. Sometimes insects are poured onto the frames from above, treating them with smoke. From above the hive must be covered.

    Note: Young individuals from a new swarm have an increased ability to collect honey, so they are often placed in an old hive, setting a new one next to it.

    To limit the natural swarming, breeding of families is carried out artificially. There are several ways to reproduce:

    • With the help of individual layers: to do this, several frames with brood and adults are taken out of the hive and rearranged in a new empty hive, located slightly away from the old one. After the appearance of the brood, the family is strengthened by substituting several new frames.
    • Division into half-flight: in this case, the family is divided by about half. This method is only suitable for strong families that tolerate wintering well. Half of the frames with brood, food and insects are moved to a new hive and set aside about half a meter from the mother hive. Next, you need to determine in which of the families the uterus remained. It is very simple to do this: working individuals from the hive with the queen run fussily around the tray. After that, a young individual is planted in a queenless family.
    • Temporary withdrawals: this method can be used only before the start of the honey collection. New individuals are placed in the second part of the multi-hull hive, and when the first honey flow is completed, young and old individuals are united, forming a stronger family.

    Separate keeping of families can be practiced only if there is a good honey collection near the apiary. This will not only increase the survival of insects, but also improve the quality of marketable honey.

    Preparation for breeding

    The apiary should always have a supply of queens to replace old, sick or dead individuals. In addition, young queens are needed to expand the apiary and seat new families in the hives.

    Figure 5. Scheme and photo examples for making swivels

    The highest quality and most productive queens can be obtained from specialized farms that breed them. For transportation or mailing of queens by mail, special cells are used, in which not only the queen is placed, but also several accompanying bees and honey for feeding. After receiving a new individual, it must be immediately transplanted into the hive, since long-term maintenance in the cage will negatively affect its productivity.

    Note: It is difficult to breed high-quality breeding queens. To do this, it is necessary not only to carefully monitor the purity of the breed and broods, but also to create special families in which queens will be bred. In small apiaries, queens can be bred on their own, using swarming or popular methods of artificial rearing.

    For example, a productive family is allowed to release the first swarm. After that, combs with maturing queen larvae are cut out from the nest and rearranged into cutouts of combs of families without queens. In the mother's nest, it is imperative to leave one mother liquor to breed a young productive queen.

    Figure 6. Artificial breeding of queens

    Another method can also be used: the queen is temporarily removed from a productive family and placed in a nucleus. After that, honeycombs with eggs are selected, all cells are removed, except for those from which the larvae have already hatched. The larvae are additionally thinned out (no more than two larvae should remain per three cells). Next, the frame is moved to the center of the nest, and the working individuals begin to lay queen cells in them. When the time for larval hatching approaches, the cells are trimmed and transferred to colonies without queens, and the transplanted queen is returned to the hive. Figure 6 shows examples of artificial creation of queen cells for breeding productive queens.

    Queens are bred in late spring or early summer, when the bees are already strong after wintering, and honey plants begin to bloom intensively.

    Breeding bees for beginners: video

    The video shows in detail the features of breeding bees at home for beginners. With the help of this video, you will be able to properly establish the process of caring for insects in the apiary.

    Rotary bee breeding for beginners is considered one of the most effective technologies in beekeeping. This method is also called year-round maintenance.

    The main purpose of this breeding method is to maintain the health of bee colonies during the winter and prevent the development of diseases.

    What is this method

    Rotational breeding of bees involves the implementation of several mandatory activities. First, the beekeeper should regularly remove the drone brood, as it is the drones that are most often affected by Varroa mites.

    Secondly, their old families need to constantly create new ones with careful monitoring of insect health. In addition, the hives need to be regularly transported to apiaries, where there are more honey plants. With the advent of winter, it is necessary to provide insects with optimal wintering conditions in natural conditions.

    Following these rules, the breeding and care of bees will continue without serious difficulties. The beekeeper will be able to constantly form new families with disease resistance.


    If you are interested in how to start breeding bees from scratch using rotary technology, you should know what features and rules you need to consider.

    Among the main stages of breeding according to this method, I single out t (Figure 7):

    • Spring honey collection it is better to carry out in apiaries with a large number of honey plants. Since bees tend to swarm during this period, excess honey and young bees must be regularly removed from the hive.
    • Creation of new families involves moving young insects and queens to a special room. When all the insects gather around the queen, the family is considered to be created, and it can be moved to the hive. A week later, the quality of the brood and the degree of acceptance of the uterus are monitored. If she does not cope with her task, or the bees do not perceive her, the queen is replaced.
    • Checking the readiness of families for winter carried out by weighing. This allows you to determine whether insects have enough honey for wintering.

    Figure 7. Scheme of placement of insects in the hive during rotational breeding

    Before the onset of winter, maternal families are disbanded, and the queens are placed in separate cages to create an artificial swarm. Old families are united with new ones and preventive measures are taken to prevent diseases.

    Rotary breeding of bees: video

    More information about rotational breeding can be found in the video. It describes the main features of the method and the rules for carrying out the necessary activities in the apiary.

    The double-queen breeding method is based on the biological ability of these insects to coexist peacefully and productively in one large colony with two queens (Figure 8).

    Note: In this case, two dividing grids are installed in the hive, through which bees from one family can contact the brood of another, and vice versa.

    With such a content, the theft of honey is reduced, and the bees produce much more products per season, while maintaining the health of the brood, workers and queen.


    Many modern beekeepers prefer not to use the system of two-womb keeping throughout the year, but only some of its moments. In particular, families are united immediately before the start of the honey harvest to increase the amount of production.

    Figure 8. Drawing of a hive for a two-queen content

    Among the positive features of the method, it is worth highlighting:

    • Overwintering of large united colonies makes it possible to save food and maintain the health of insects;
    • Brood rearing requires less feed and labor;
    • Large families are less prone to disease and are highly productive and active.

    However, it should be borne in mind that more bulky hives will be needed to use this method. In addition, insects often begin to swarm, so the beekeeper needs to carefully control this process.

    Rotational beekeeping is also called round-the-clock breeding of bees. Beekeepers using this method aim to keep their bees healthy by using systematic methods to prevent Varroatosis. The main features of the method are that insects are kept on a mesh pallet all year round and hibernate in the wild. In addition, beekeepers regularly remove drone brood.

    Rotational breeding of bees originated in Germany. Remarkably, in this country, beekeeping is mainly done by amateurs. However, the level of development of this industry shows that German beekeeping is moving in the right direction. In addition to the fight against ticks, the rotational method allows you to increase the number of efficient bees, and therefore increase the honey flow.

    The method of rotating bee keeping is as follows:

    • regular removal of drone brood as the most susceptible to attack;
    • artificial formation of new families with disease control;
    • transportation of hives to apiaries, where the most favorable plants for bribe abound during this period;
    • ensuring a comfortable wintering in the wild.

    These basic provisions allow you to regularly increase the number of hives with worker bees. Moreover, insects are better at accepting queens and are practically not exposed to varroatosis. We will talk in more detail about the features of the rotational method later.

    Part 1. Wintering and spring honey collection

    This and more is discussed in the first part of the video about rotary beekeeping. You will also learn why you need to cut out the drone brood from the frames and when you need to substitute additional boxes in the hive during the spring honey collection. See below for details.

    Part 2. Creating new families without layering

    When creating artificial swarms, it is necessary to strictly control the level of damage by the Varroa mite, as well as feed the bees while they are in special rooms. Within a day, the bees gather around the uterus, which means the formation of a new bee colony. A week after the formation of new colonies, the quality of the brood and the degree of acceptance of the uterus are checked.

    What plants are best for summer bribe? How easy is it to get new bee colonies into the hives and place them in the new apiary? How to prevent wild building under frames? You will learn about all this in the next video. Rotational breeding of winged workers greatly simplifies all processes, allowing bee groups to develop harmoniously.

    Part 3. Unification of families. Preparing for winter

    Even in summer, the bees may not have enough food, then it is necessary to feed them with syrup or honey. At the end of the honey harvesting season, each bee colony is weighed to determine the amount of honey sufficient for wintering. Maternal families are being disbanded. The uterus is placed in a cell, after which an artificial swarm is created. In this manner .

    Old maternal families are united with young ones. But before that, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for the prevention of varroatosis. How to facilitate the association, see the video - there these processes are shown in an accessible way even for a novice beekeeper.

    The video also talks about how to prevent theft in bee colonies, which plants are optimal for the last bribe. As you can see, the rotational breeding of insects thinks through all the nuances of the life of bee colonies: work is regularly carried out with hives, food is provided, new healthy colonies are created.

    Video "Rotary beekeeping"

    This video is the full version of a German film about the technology of rotary bee breeding.

    Rotary breeding of bees is the most effective means for combating bee diseases. A distinctive feature of bees from other insects living together is that they hibernate in a bee colony.

    If you feed bee colonies in autumn, then they will remain in winter cubes. Families spend the winter in specially installed folding hives. The base of the hive protects from moisture and cold. In winter, you need to make sure that the cells of the hives do not freeze and are free. For rapid development in the spring, it is worth using willow pollen. During this period, the bees should not be far from the family, because. during this time the number of flights is kept to a minimum. It is necessary that the family meets all the necessary requirements.

    A distinctive feature of apiaries in suburban areas is an abundant amount of pollen and a convenient location. To get acquainted with the state of the family and the amount of food left, it is enough to lift the upper body from one side and look into the interframe street. Dandelion and fruit trees are considered the best source of pollen. If you take the necessary care in winter, the family will continue to develop. This can be achieved by installing another body on the hive. The sealed and built-in frame must be pulled out of the lower hive body.

    Drone brood looks more attractive compared to bee brood. The second frame is filled with mortar. To re-acquaint yourself with the state of the hive, it is necessary to turn the upper body of the nest over. Then the film is removed, the separation grille and the new housing are installed on top of the old one. And only then they begin to put empty honeycombs with honeycombs into the body. With this arrangement, the feed will definitely not fall into the combs.
    Strong bee colonies occupying three buildings are ready for the upcoming massive bribes. Often an important bribe in the spring is rapeseed. After a sufficient amount of pollen has been collected, the colony proceeds to swarm. And this period can be called the most suitable for breeding families. In all families, the swarm state is controlled for 7-9 days. This is done by tilting the second body. In the streets you can see rebuilt queen cells.

    If the bee colony fills the honeycombs with honey by 70%, then you will need a second hive body. Before installing it, it is necessary to remove all wax bridges from the upper bars. Honeycombs are installed in exactly the same way as in the first building.
    After pumping out the spring mod, families need to be taken to the mother apiary to create layering from families. To create an artificial swarm, you need a bag, a funnel, a sprayer with water and a scale.

    A funnel irrigated with water is installed on the bag, because. the bees will not be able to get out of it. The second body is slightly tilted and smoked, so that the young bees will move into the body with honey. Then both cases with honey can be removed . To avoid swarming bees honey must be removed from the hive. The funnel will help drive the bees into the bag. Usually one family is enough to create an artificial swarm, and if there are not enough bees, then you can add from another family. Until the departure of the apiary, bags with swarms must be kept in the shade.

    The mesh on both sides of the bag provides enough air for the bees. At this time, the artificial swarm weighs about 1200 grams. The lid is placed after the bees are shaken in the bag. Boxes are installed in a ventilated place. This work must be done for each family. Packages must be treated with a product containing varroatosis. Fetal queens need to cut the wing by 1/3 to avoid its possible snail.