Karaoke guide - the most "singing" clubs. How to open a karaoke bar? Marketing activities to promote the institution

Whatever one may say, but the Russian soul really loves the holidays. And not just, but in a big way. So to say, this is our distinguishing feature. Here, for example, on Youtube you can find a lot of videos with the adventures of our people in different countries. But even within the territory of the Russian Federation, our residents also know how to have great fun. And of course, any holiday is not complete without alcohol, dances and songs. A Russian man loves to sing songs with vodka and caviar. Although not everyone knows how to do it. And we are leading this conversation to this. We bring to your attention a great idea for a business: “Karaoke from scratch”. This business will be relevant both in a large metropolis and in a small town. And so in this article we will talk about how to open a karaoke bar.

Business Idea Analysis

From this article, you can learn about how to open a karaoke bar and how to start this business. However, before opening such an institution, we recommend conducting a market analysis.

  • the cost of opening (launching) a karaoke bar will range from 1.5 million to 3.5 million rubles;
  • demand in cities - from 100 thousand people;
  • market situation – this segment is not completely filled;
  • level of difficulty in opening - three out of five points;
  • payback period - from two to three years.

Let's assume that you have never visited this type of institution before. But we think you can imagine how everything is arranged there: the interior is like any bar, and plus everything there is a small stage, just for those who want to perform. Of course, each of us is a little star inside. And the song gives us the opportunity to feel it in reality. And if alcohol helps you with this, you can’t stop a Russian person here. And what? At least one for one evening to become the star of the scene. And sing so that everyone applauds.

Karaoke bar in a small town

You probably got acquainted with other articles on our site and know how to open an ordinary cafe in your city. It's time to talk about karaoke bar. It is a little different from other types of entertainment. The principle of opening a karaoke bar is similar for a large city and for a small town. There are only two differences.

  • First, the amount of financial costs. Well, the second difference.
  • Secondly, the difference lies in the repertoire of the songs performed.

On a note! For the first time a karaoke bar was opened in Japan. The discovery took place in the second half of the last century. Drummer Inoue (the founder of karaoke) in 2004 was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize, it is awarded for the most useless achievements. But in the end it turned out the opposite, karaoke is known all over the world, and also popular. But the translation of the word "karaoke" from Japanese sounds like "empty orchestra".

Organizing karaoke is easier for those entrepreneurs who have an existing bar. The procedure for remodeling a bar for karaoke will take a couple of days, and of course you will save a significant amount of money. The role of the name here is not huge, so name your ship whatever you want, whether it be a karaoke - restaurant, karaoke - cafe, or something like that. The principle of operation is absolutely the same for everyone.

We present to your attention the instructions for opening a karaoke bar from beginning to end:

  1. We register a limited liability company;
  2. We issue a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages;
  3. We receive appropriate permits from the San Epidemiological Service and from firefighters.

In addition, you will have to start looking for a suitable room. In accordance with the law on the sale of alcohol, the premises must be at least 50 square meters, this is together with a warehouse. The ideal place for karaoke is a bar away from residential buildings in order to avoid plaintive statements. For the enterprise to be successful, as many visitors as possible must pass through it, for this the atmosphere inside the institution must be inviting, and the interior must be attractive.

In real karaoke - bars are decorated in three styles:

The list of the most necessary for a karaoke bar

This publication will let you know how to open a karaoke bar from scratch. And now it is worth listing those things that are needed for such a case. Naturally, you will need appropriate furniture for the bar (table, chairs, bar counter, etc.). But that is not all. You also need special equipment that is typical for karaoke:

  • Acoustic system. It is needed for the stage and plus if you have booths, then a mini system will fit there.
  • Professional equipment for karaoke.
  • The so-called color music.

There is one more detail. You will need the copyright for the songs you play. As a rule, discs are sold together with karaoke systems. The number of songs on the disc varies up to several thousand pieces. In order to avoid troublesome litigation, you will have to pay a monthly fee to the person from whom you bought the discs, of course, if he himself has the right to distribute them.


In addition to the staff of any bar (bartender, security, cook, cleaning lady and others), you will need highly specialized karaoke specialists. Employees such as karaoke system maintenance specialist, general affairs administrator. Well, over time, we recommend that you invite professional artists to your institution in order to diversify the atmosphere (little known ones can also be).

As a rule, visitors decide to sing while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, then there is a very high probability of various situations. To insure yourself, develop a special menu for those who like to "play hooligans." For example, suggest:

  • Sing a song with profanity for 25,000.00 rubles;
  • Perform songs by a group for 10,000.00 rubles;
  • Undress during the performance for 8000.00 rubles.

We think, after reading such a menu, visitors will change their minds to indulge in all serious. Well, if not, then an increase in daily revenue is provided to you.

Let's calculate the costs

Of course, we cannot say about the exact amount of costs for opening a karaoke bar, because there are a number of factors:

  • Rental payments. They are naturally different, depending on the region.
  • The price of karaoke - systems. The price range is scattered from 50,000.00 to 300,000.00 rubles.
  • Design of a karaoke bar, and so on.

Now you have learned how to open a karaoke bar. Here is a step by step guide for you. If you do not have at least the amount of 1,500,000.00 rubles (now we are talking about a city with a population of 150,000 people), then you will not be able to open your own karaoke. But of course, everything is individual, and to begin with, draw up a business plan for the future enterprise. And special studies and specialists who will help you draw up a business plan correctly will be able to help you.

In recent years, meetings in a karaoke bar or have become one of the most popular types of leisure activities. Unlike ordinary clubs, cafes or restaurants, those who like to not only listen to, but also perform their favorite songs on their own gather here. Here they spend birthdays, corporate holidays and just get together with friends.

Karaoke clubs usually come in two varieties: Japanese and American. Of great importance for a successful karaoke bar is the quality of equipment and soundtracks. If you are thinking about starting your own business, then opening such a club can be an alternative to a cafe or restaurant.

You can do it yourself, but for aspiring businessmen, a karaoke bar or club franchise may be of interest as the first step towards self-employment.

How to open a karaoke bar

At its core, a karaoke bar is the same catering establishment, in which, in addition to food and drinks, visitors are also provided with the service of singing songs to the soundtrack. To open your own karaoke club, you will need to take several important steps:

  1. Registration with the tax authorities as a legal entity or as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Selection of suitable premises. It has special requirements, not only marketing, but also plumbing. Its placement is desirable in a place where residents of the city most often spend their leisure time, that is, either the city center or some busy place. It is important that the room is away from residential buildings. The interior of the hall should also be decorated accordingly. It is imperative to provide for good soundproofing of the walls and floor, as well as the presence of a stage. Otherwise, the design of the room can be done in accordance with what genre or direction you choose for your club, for example, bright and shiny in the style of the 80s or “brutal” for a rock club. The interior of the club may also depend on what direction your club will have - Japanese or American. For American clubs, one common room with tables and a stage is enough. The speaker is located on the stage, and the guests are in the hall at the tables. And for Japanese, more private, you need separate small soundproof rooms for each company.
  3. Purchase of equipment. The success of your club will directly depend on the sound quality. To do this, you need to take care of good equipment: microphones, subwoofers, wires, amplifiers, etc. The total volume of all the necessary devices will also depend on whether you choose an American or Japanese club model.
  4. Music library. The number of your clients will also depend on what phonograms you can offer them. You can choose a certain genre and open a club by selecting the soundtracks of the corresponding songs, however, a more extended theme of the club offers much more possibilities. It is desirable to have phonograms of the most popular melodies. Only licensed recordings should be purchased, so that later you do not have to participate in legal proceedings due to copyright infringement.

Why do people love to sing? Because at this moment they are happy! However, not in every karaoke club the same voice sounds the same, which means that the pleasure of singing is different. How to choose a good club? On the example of a new club "STUDIO" we have compiled a list of 10 signs of great karaoke.

1. Relaxing atmosphere

The first point is not the most obvious, because in karaoke, it would seem, the main thing is the sound. However, the atmosphere is what sets the mood for singing. Comfortable sofas, flowing wall draperies that evoke associations with a curtain, thoughtful lighting design: when you get into STUDIO you feel free, comfortable - like visiting good friends, and therefore you can sing along with pleasure to the speakers and applaud heartily.

2. Good sound

Not only the performer, but also his “listeners” should enjoy singing. This is provided by professional equipment and competent sound engineering. High-quality backing tracks show the respect with which the organizers of the club treat you: you are a real artist here. However, not every lover of singing has a beautiful voice - instant computer processing, professional backing vocalists smooth out the lack of natural talent, turning "drunken screams" into a real artistic number. That is why in "STUDIO" everyone experiences positive emotions - both "artists" and "spectators".

3. Rich selection of songs

Great list of songs. There are... 40,000 of them in "STUDIO"! You can choose among styles, directions, performers, and the list of popular music is almost endless, as it is regularly updated with new songs! You don't have to worry if you don't remember the exact name - a caring attitude is different just in that they will help you find the song you want by an approximate name or a line from the text.

4. Opportunity to develop

Every true hobby can be a source of personal growth. If you love to sing, then STUDIO karaoke club will offer you the opportunity to improve your voice and performance technique. You can take vocal lessons and then even record your own CD - there is a professional recording studio here.

5. Having a scene

If you are ambitious, then just holding a microphone is not enough - you want to get up on stage. In "STUDIO" it is - when you find yourself in a circle of light, all attention is riveted on you. Your way out!

6. Feeling of togetherness

Dissolving in the sounds of music, it's nice to feel among like-minded people. If you want the audience to sing along with you, they will support you. In STUDIO, all the staff, including waiters, are singing, and therefore nothing prevents them from arranging a real musical. What do you like more - "Chicago" or "Mamma Mia"?

7. Good menu

A point that does not have much to do with singing, but is directly related to the concept of "club". An evening in good company means a delicious dinner and fine drinks. The exclusive STUDIO cocktail card deserves the highest praise.

8. Personal space

Sometimes even if the soul sings, I want only close people to listen to her song. A good karaoke club always takes care of the psychological comfort of its guests. STUDIO has a VIP room with its own karaoke machine, by booking which you can give yourself free rein to create.

If you understand the details of how to open a karaoke bar, you can become the owner of a profitable and easy-to-start startup.

♦ Capital investments of a karaoke bar – 4–4.5 million rubles
♦ Payback of a karaoke bar – 1.5–2 years

One of the favorite modern entertainments of people from different countries is singing in karaoke bars.

Many have already formed a tradition: go to a karaoke club on Friday or Saturday night to sing your favorite songs and enjoy delicious alcoholic (much less often non-alcoholic) drinks and snacks.

So why not use the tastes and habits of people for your business purposes?

If you understand the details of how to open a karaoke bar, then you can become the owner of a profitable and easy-to-start startup.

How to open a karaoke bar: business history

If you decide to take a closer look at the opening of a karaoke bar, then it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the history of the origin of this business.

The habit of singing in karaoke is relatively new, originating in Japan in the 1970s.

Daisuke Inoue, the drummer of one of the Japanese bands, noticed that when their band takes a break during performances, the audience is frankly bored.

And then he, along with other members of the team, recorded a dozen melodies and, having distributed the printed words to the audience, invited them to sing songs while the group was gaining strength.

It was not yet a business, but simply a way to entertain the audience.

Despite the public's interest in such entertainment, then no one began to think about how to open a karaoke club, and Daisuke's invention was forgotten for a decade and a half.

Again, attention was paid to him already in the late 1980s. It was then that karaoke bars began to open en masse throughout Japan.

Gradually, the fashion to while away the time singing songs in karaoke clubs was transferred to other countries.

Types of karaoke bars that you can open

Those who decide to open a karaoke bar from scratch should decide what type of this institution will be.

There are two types of karaoke clubs:

  1. Nari-ban.
    Similar karaoke bars come from Japan and are very popular in this country.
    To open such a karaoke club, you need to equip separate soundproof booths so that people can completely relax while singing songs within their company.
  2. American version of the karaoke club.
    Residents of the United States are more relaxed than the abodes of Japan, so they decided that they should only perform in karaoke bars in public.
    If you do not know how to open such a karaoke club, then do not worry: everything is extremely simple.
    We need a spacious hall to accommodate a certain number of tables, a bar and a common stage.

Both types of karaoke clubs have their own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, nari-ban is not very common in our country, so you can earn good money by offering a novelty to the residents of your city.

But to open an American version of a karaoke bar, more modest capital investments are needed, and it will be much easier to find a suitable room.

How to open a karaoke bar: market analysis

Interesting fact:
Karaoke is a Japanese word. Kara means empty and Oke means orchestra.

To understand whether to open a karaoke bar or better choose another business, you need to analyze the market and consumer needs in your city, especially during a crisis.

Today, there is a decline in consumer interest in restaurants, nightclubs and other entertainment establishments that belong to the middle price category.

But original expensive business projects are popular, and people are also happy to visit cafes, bars, discos, clubs where you can have fun without spending too much money.

Karaoke bars just fall into the latter category, so this business is suitable for launching in any period of time, including the crisis.

As for potential customers, the main visitors of karaoke bars are quite mature people (average age is 30 years old) who like to have fun and are not shy about public speaking.

Men and women visit karaoke bars in approximately equal numbers.

Diagram of visitors to karaoke clubs: age indicators.

How to open a karaoke bar: calendar plan

Opening a karaoke club is a rather lengthy process, because you need to take care of all the nuances of the registration procedure, find a suitable room, make a good repair in it (the interior of a karaoke bar affects the number of visitors), purchase equipment, hire staff, take care of numerous small details, etc.

On average, businessmen who are interested in how to open a karaoke bar need to focus on 6-8 months of preparatory work.

Rent and repair
Purchase of equipment

How to open a karaoke bar: registration

The first thing to do is to decide which legal form to opt for in order to legitimize the business.

You have two options: IP (ideal for a small karaoke bar) and LLC (a legal entity that is necessary for those who decide to open a large-scale business and sell alcohol).

The second point is obtaining a license to sell alcohol.

Despite the fact that you will have to spend money on a license, you should not open a non-alcoholic karaoke bar, because where they sing, they usually drink there to relax and gain courage.

A retail license for the sale of alcoholic beverages with an ethanol content of more than 15% is suitable for your business.

It costs 300,000 rubles and is issued for a period of 5 years.

Well, of course, you need to bring the premises of the karaoke club in line with the requirements of the Fire Service and the SES.

As you can see, the registration procedure for opening a karaoke bar is not easy, so you should think about involving a lawyer.

How to open a karaoke bar: location

For opening a karaoke bar, the choice of location is not as important as, for example, for a store or cafe, but still occupies not the last place on the list of things that should be taken care of.

You can not look for a room in the very center (high rent can ruin your business at the initial stage), but you should not be content with the outskirts or remote sleeping areas with a small number of inhabitants either.

In order to open a karaoke bar, you need to look at:

  1. Densely populated residential areas, which are located at a small distance from the center.
  2. Shopping center with high traffic.
  3. Central part of the city.

How to open a karaoke bar: equipment

Its popularity depends on how high-quality equipment you buy for your karaoke bar. A set of equipment only for karaoke should be as follows:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:300 000 rub.
Karaoke system
200 000
Acoustic microphones
50 000
20 000
Other30 000

But in order to open a karaoke bar, you will need:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:450 000 rub.
Tables and chairs for the hall
80 000
Bar counter and shelves for alcohol

70 000
Kitchen equipment (kitchen surfaces, stove with oven, refrigerator, cabinets, fryer, etc.)
100 000
50 000
Bathroom equipment (service and client)
40 000
Cash machine
10 000
Service room equipment (lockers, table, chairs)
50 000
Other50 000

How to open a karaoke bar: staff

It is most profitable for your karaoke club to work seven days a week with a schedule from 12.00 to 24.00.

It is clear that with such a work schedule, you will need to hire two shifts of employees.

One shift for serving a not too big karaoke bar should consist of a cook, a bartender, 2 waiters, a security guard and a cleaner.

You also need a manager/administrator and an accountant, although if you feel strong in yourself, you can perform their functions yourself, although this is not easy, because running a karaoke club and doing bookkeeping takes a lot of time and effort.

The total approximate costs for the personnel of a karaoke bar will be as follows:

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
Total: 200 000 rub.
Manager1 30 000 30 000
Part-time accountant1 10 000 10 000
Bartender2 15 000 30 000
Cook2 20 000 40 000
Waiters4 12 000 48 000
Security2 12 000 24 000
Cleaning woman2 9 000 18 000

How much money does it take to open a karaoke bar?

Opening a karaoke bar cannot be called a cheap start-up, especially if you are serious about doing this business.

Capital investments for opening a karaoke bar must be at least two million rubles in order to pay for:

If you want to feel as confident as possible, then you should include in the capital investment of a karaoke bar the amount of mandatory monthly expenses multiplied by 3.

The monthly amount of maintenance of an average karaoke bar in a small town is about 500,000 rubles:

That is, the amount of capital investment required to open a karaoke bar in a small town increases by another one and a half million rubles and averages 4–4.5 million rubles.

where the owner of a karaoke bar shares his experience:

How to open a karaoke bar and how much can you earn on it?

Get ready for meager earnings in the first months after opening a karaoke club, because any business needs time to promote, which ranges from 2 months to six months.

The profit of a karaoke bar depends on how many customers will visit you and how much money they will leave with you.

There are several types of payment for the services of karaoke clubs:

  1. Entrance tickets to the karaoke club + drinks and snacks.
  2. Hourly payment for being in a karaoke bar + drinks and snacks.
  3. Entrance ticket to the karaoke club, which includes a stipulated assortment of drinks and snacks (in this case, you do not need to buy elite alcohol for the bar, and overseas delicacies for the kitchen).

As the experience shared by the owners of existing karaoke bars shows, the first business option is optimal.

Entrance ticket to the karaoke bar - 500 rubles.

The average bill for the bar and kitchen is 1,000 rubles.

Our mandatory monthly expenses for the maintenance of a karaoke bar are about 500,000 rubles, which means that the net profit for the business owner remains 200–250,000 rubles.

With such indicators, you can recoup the capital investment spent on opening a karaoke club in one and a half to two years.

It's up to you to decide how to open a karaoke bar, how much money to invest in it, in which premises to open a business, etc.

And you also need to take care of a lot of additional nuances: interior design, menu, business feature, bright advertising campaign, etc.

As you can see, in order to open a karaoke club, you need to have a decent capital investment, which is quite difficult to raise on your own, so you should consider attracting a financial business partner who will take part of the costs of opening a karaoke bar.

But borrowing the required amount at interest is unprofitable, since the payback period for your business in this case will increase significantly, and besides, not all banks will agree to give money to open a karaoke bar.

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