How to sell an unsold product. How to sell a product that no one is buying? For a good deal

Conspiracy "From trouble in trade and commerce"

From a letter to a personal mail:

"I am disturbing you with my letter, because there are no longer any forces. Several years ago my husband and I decided to go into trade, there are no factories or factories in our city, and everyone survives as best they can. We have two children, my husband's mother is disabled I group, and you need to eat, drink and pay for the education of children. The mother-in-law needs expensive medicines. She needs clothes, payment for telephones, travel, electricity and gas. In addition, annual taxes for an apartment, car, roads, etc. there are no such people, they are not enough. We took a loan and almost became homeless. So we took up a new and, as it turned out, very difficult business - trade. We, of course, understood that this bread would not be easy, but all the same First, there is wild competition, and, believe me, there is nothing more terrible than competitors in trade. People went mad, so that they only took goods from them, and not from other people, they take forbidden measures.

There and then gossip persecution, damage to our property, threats, the use of contacts in all kinds of structures, up to the Department of Economic Crimes, firefighters and tax authorities. They run over from all sides, impose fines, find fault and constantly harm.

I understand that everyone who organizes this wants to buy goods only from them. Well, what about us, how then can we survive and raise children? It’s sickening and scary to live, but in the Moscow Duma they still sit and invent more and more taxes .. It’s even somehow strange that if the motherland wants us to live with dignity, in good apartments and houses, drive decent cars, then why then it is a blessing to impose unbearable taxes so that people get rid of the good and live in shit? And then, if, for example, parents somehow managed to earn money and build good housing for their children, whether children will be able to pay huge taxes for what their parents have created for them is still a big question! Indeed, in fact, the new generation, our children, have nowhere to work, which means they will have nothing to pay unbearable taxes with! As soon as people get up from their knees, they will be hit on the head by leveling. You work hard, but there is no joy, because you understand that everything goes down the drain.

We write to you with a big request, give us a good prayer so that they do not interfere with the work of the enemy.

hi. So that the inspectors do not torment us, for the sole purpose of extracting money from us, which is so hard to get and which is always in short supply. My son asked me: “Mom, why is something that belongs to all people, for example, natural gas, is sold to us for such a lot of money, and the price is growing and growing, because gas was inexpensive?” And what can I answer him? I remember the film about Chippollino, where the authorities sold everything to vegetables, including air and rain! Where are we heading for, and what awaits us all? "

Once a month, on a full moon, walk around your work area where you trade from one corner to the other (crosswise). Then, standing at the entrance, read the conspiracy:

A stream with a stream runs down,

Forest grows together with forest,

Color sticks to color.

Also merge my affairs,

Stick with deeds my words.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The mountain looks up to the mountain, says nothing,

So all the auditors would be silent,

Enemies of ghosts did not inflict.

Wouldn't the sorcerers whisper at my door

Wouldn't make false speeches.

No one would wish me evil

And he did not curse my trade.

The officials would not scold me

My treasury would not be taken away.

The people would come to me to buy,

Give your money for my product.

Conspiracies for good trade, sale (many).

Conspiracies for good trade, sale.

Girls who are engaged in needlework and want to sell their needlework, there is a good conspiracy)) I highlighted it in red.

Good trade conspiracies

Each of us, in one way or another, is involved in commercial affairs: some have their own outlets, others work as sellers in state-owned stores, and others as distributors for the "owner". And of course, we all systematically act as buyers.

Despite the various "hypostases" of traders, they are united by one thing: the desire to sell as much of the product as possible, and not just sell, but with maximum profit. In addition to business qualities, honesty and commercial "vein", in trade, as, probably, in other areas, luck and luck play an important role. I suggest you, dear trade workers, to adopt the conspiracies below, designed to increase trade, and, consequently, profits.

Sometimes it happens that the buyer leaves some part of the change to the dealer. Basically, this is, of course, a trifle, but it will come in handy for a magical ritual, so do not use it in your work. Take the change home, and say it, holding it in your left hand:

A month, a full month,

Middle month, month young.

Give me a treasure from a penny.

How my mother gave birth, a slave

(mother's name),

I swaddled in the first diaper.

I do not girdle with a belt,

And the gold-silver tuesky.

My word is strong

business is stucco. Amen.

I hope you are friendly with the buyer, but so that no one leaves without a purchase, do so more often. Look at the customer, smile and rub your hands together and say out loud:

Please take,

inexpensive! And about myself:

Take mine, give yours.


The ritual is performed on any day of the week, except Saturday and the 13th, 22nd and 27th numbers. During it, you must be alone in the room. Take a paper bill, preferably 100 rubles, measure its length 49 times on a red woolen thread. Cut the thread with scissors and wind it around the left wrist, tucking the ends under the wound thread. While wrapping it around your wrist, say seven times:

Money for me, trade for me.

All for me.

And you - the goods and delivery. Amen.

Take a handful of salt to work; before you start trading, throw it with your right hand over your left shoulder with the words:

Hiking, driving, come here:

Money for me, goods for you.


Buy a prosphora on a holy day. Before going to trade, take it in your left hand, cross yourself and say twelve times:

Lord, Lord, help.

Then bow to the front corner of the room and read:

King Herod had

twelve daughters,

And how true that there were

twelve, not thirteen,

So true and true

That I will sell my product.

After that, eat the prosphora and go to the trading place.

Sell ​​stale goods

The following will help to sell stale, low-moving goods. Go to the forest and, after finding an ant pile there, take a handful of ants. In a bag or handkerchief, take them to workplace and pour on this product with the words:

Like goose bumps in that house

many, so many buyers

for my item send to me,

Lord. Amen.

Such a conspiracy will help to sell the "difficult" thing:

I am a merchant, always well done.

I will sell our goods to you.

Money goes to money.

Your money for us -

Our product for you. Amen.

Speak to water, which you then spray on your ready-to-sell item, especially for wholesalers:

Deeds, Lord,

Thou rivers with pure lips

Own, as without me it is not

you can do nothing

My Lord, Lord, by faith

the volume of our soul, help

me, a sinner, Thy servant

(name), this is our life

trade, in buying, selling,

change and in everything. You,

Lord Lord,

do it yourself in the name

Father and Son and Holy Spirit.


Holy angel Michael,

we trade in your holy name,

save, save and bless

with your holy prayers<

Servant of God (name)

start and do

happy and prosperous

trade. In the name of the Father

and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For a good deal

To trade deal and the trade itself was successful, read over a financial document, over an item in stock or just received for sale, over your wallet, etc.:

Gold, gold

Sprinkle to me

Like peas in the bin, like

grains of barley on the threshing floor,

Like rye on the current!

Gold, gold, stick to

To my hands,

What flies to honey

Butterflies to the light

Grass to the sun!

Gold, gold, pour into mine

pockets without a count.

Without measure, by handfuls,

By the handfuls!

Gold, gold

Stay with me

Like ice with water

Like a nightingale with spring, like

Fish and grass!

I'm not a morgue huckster,

And the merchant is a fine fellow.

I sell it in pieces

I hang in abundance,

I measure with powder

I cut with an increase,

Pour with the remainder.

Be in my barn

Treasure and well,

Yes, everything is ergot.

Without protesters, without ruin,

No burnout and no burnout,

All the days of my bazaar.


This is a very powerful tool for successful trade, consisting of a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov, the first assistant to all those who ask, and a conspiracy.

First, read a prayer that will not bother you with other requests, being one of the most important prayers of Orthodox believers:

About the Great Father Seraphim, the great SarovMiraculous!
A hasty helper to all who come running to You!
In the days of Thy earthly life, no one else From Thee is thin and inconsolable in leaving,
But all in sweetness was the vision of Thy face and the Godly voice of their words.
To this, the gift of healings, the gift of insight, the gift of weak healing souls is abundant in You.<
When God called You from earthly labors to heavenly rest,
Nothing more Thy fingers are from us, and it is impossible to count Thy miracles,
Multiplied, like the stars of heaven: Behold, on all the ends of the earth is ours
Appear to the people of God and grant them healings. The same we cry to Ti,
O prey and meek Grace of God, Bold prayer to him,
Nicholizha calling thee off! Exalt Thy beneficent for us
prayer to the Lord of forces, may he grant us all the good that is needed in this life
And everything useful to spiritual salvation, May it protect us from the falls of sinful
And let him teach us true repentance,
Into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, Thou art now in the everlasting glory,
And there to chant with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity for ever and ever. Amen.

After reading the prayer, a conspiracy for a successful trade follows:

The works of the Lord, His
pure lips
They will pray for me.
My Lord, Lord, by faith
help my soul,
Multiply all my deeds by
In the change and purchase,
And in everything that he lives
In Thy Holy Name, my bargaining.
And your protection will be.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Taking the first bill from the buyer for the sold thing, they immediately give change, and when the buyer leaves, they sweep the goods with a slander with this bill:

The merchant took all the goods.
I bought one, saved up the second,
Everything will come to me.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

The bill is placed in the cashier, in a wallet or other place where the proceeds are added.

When you receive money for a product sold, say to yourself or quietly aloud:

In our wallet - your
money. Your treasury -
my treasury.

Speak a small amount of honey:

How fervent bees swarm yes
flock, so to us,
merchants, merchants

Lightly smear with this honey, but, of course, so as not to create inconvenience to yourself: whiskey, chin, etc.

Sell ​​a DIY product

Selling a handmade product (painting, embroidery, bookcase) is not always easy. And it is a pity for labor, and for wasted time, but what to do, how to interest buyers? Before selling such a thing, read over it:

Evil angels of darkness
we will entangle with hemp
nets and shackles!
Evil spirit! Are you coming out of
wood, or from water,
Or air, do you rush
by the wind,
Are you from the sun or
Move aside, so after all you -
evil spirit!
My cross protects me
With me God the Father, God the Son,
God the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Holy Trinity, we
confuse evil spirits
And we will seal with words
Matvey, Mark,
Luke, and John.
You, God, save and protect
By your merciful cross
the roof of my house.

Unfortunately, in trading, not every person has impeccable honesty. If you are a member of a brigade contract and notice that they want to deceive you, then before handing over the shift, say:

Go Judas, don't be cunning, Jesus,
save me,
Give the head of a slave (name
trying to deceive you)
His tricks, his impudence -
fig. Cunning (name). Yes me
you can't buy it. Amen.

If you, the owner of trade enterprises or even one stall, notice that your distributors are not entirely clean on the hand, protect yourself and your income. On Sunday, buy a candle in the church and put it on the icon of John the New Sochavsky, a former merchant involved in commercial affairs. In the same place, in the church, take holy water and take it to your outlet, spray it all the corners and doors and read on them 3 times:

My copper money, money
my gold,
Any money is mine.
Come to my hands,
to my wallets. Go to
monday, go to
tuesday, go wednesday,
go on Thursday,
Go friday and saturday,
Go on Sunday too.
And who will take my money,
Who will steal my money
They will lose theirs a hundred times.
Let every penny and ruble
they know me.
Not to someone else's hands
but to my wallets.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

As in any field, envy and competition are possible in trade. For example, you are more attractive and friendly to customers than your “products” standing alongside you. As a result, your goods are sold well, and they are bypassed. We already know that there is only one step from envy to the evil eye, so try to protect yourself from such a phenomenon by making a talisman. Speak on a handkerchief, pin, comb or something like that - the main thing is that no one knows about this and you yourself do not use this thing for its intended purpose, but simply have it with you as a talisman that brings good luck and protects from the evil eye, or, even worse, spoilage.

Oh my God,
I am in front of you,
Please keep me
to defend with a talisman.
I ask all the holy men
save and protect:
Ivan the Theologian, Ivan
Ivan Bezglavy,
Ivan the Baptist,
Ivan the Postitel,
Michael the Archangel,
Archangel Gabriel,
Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Great Martyr.
Faith, Hope, Love
and their mother Sophia. I get up
under your shield,
which will protect me.
In the Name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In order not to jinx your income, you can do so.

Facing east, read the prayer, "which I do not quote here, since each of us must know it by heart. After that, this conspiracy:

I will go to an open field
I will pray to the Lord God.
There are three roads on the way,
The holy Apostle is walking.
As an apostle, evil is not
Neither to his body nor to his face
The enemy doesn't touch
Neither to his deed, nor to his word,
Not to his holy feet,
So it would be for my money
Wouldn't touch or
Neither evil people nor
envious eyes
Not a willing people.
They didn't oink, do not gasp,
did not ask, did not judge,
How are you, holy Apostle,
God is blessed.
By the power of the holy is strong,
So I have three holy powers:
One near, one behind
And the third force is ahead.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If the product sold out well, but then suddenly ceased to be in demand:

Find a knot in a birch board, remove it so that you get a ring that can be put on the little finger of your left hand. Every month, on a full moon, at 12 o'clock at night, put it on your little finger with the words of a conspiracy, then take it off and go to bed. In the morning, take it with you to work, and when you come, put it back on the same finger. Then drag the ring crosswise across the product:

Whom would I take, but not
me. Whom would trouble love
and bypassed me.
Take care of me, bereginya,
Mother Birch, Forest Goddess:
From damage, from harm,
from misfortune and shame.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
and forever and ever.

Also if you suspect the evil eye. Prepare the previously mentioned water. Once a month, on every full moon, take her to work and spray your place. Table, chair, merchandise, and if there are flowers, water them. The conspiracy is this:

Purgatory water
Wash it out, drive it out
splash out:
Lessons, ghosts,
frills, cinnamon,
Of an evil man of speeches,
cleaner eyes,
Marmot, marmot, marmot,
From the female evil eye,
from the male.
Friday mother
a kind of peasant,
Take this evil eye:
From the walls, from the windows, from the doors,
From me, from my affairs,
from my speeches,
From my clear eyes
From blood, from relatives, from the head,
from the back,
From things, from a wallet,
from gold, from silver,
From windy, feigned,
from the evil eye.
How my mother gave birth to me
The beard blessed.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Not only envy and the evil eye can harm your trading business, but also racketeers and small (however, big ones too) thieves. To protect yourself, before leaving the house, stand on the doorstep and say:

Prayer to the Mother of God
grieving, deliver us
from troubles, save from sorrows,
deliver from evil people,
from an evil spirit.
Saint Father Nicholas,
help us with your
petitions to
Lord Jesus Christ.

If you have to travel to other cities for goods, in order to avoid all sorts of troubles, use this conspiracy.It is read three times: the first - before the trip, the second - before the purchase, and the third - before the sale:

Like a mother church with a look
do not break,
You can't get sand from the ocean
Black eye, brown eye,
blue and green
In my business, not
may interfere.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

Often the goods are handed over "for sale", and after some time they either take the proceeds or what remains unsold. But if the seller is dishonest and you cannot get either one or the other, proceed as follows Prepare the aspen flakes and burn them for three evenings in a row, slandering the coming smoke:

As the splinter burns, so do you,
slave (name),
You will smolder and burn
You can't fill with holy water,
Until you return mine. Amen.

Buying various goods from private sellers, we, in accordance with the laws of the market, usually bargain, and now companies also offer various discounts. If you are looking for a solid price concession, arm yourself with two of these conspiracies.

After spitting on your palms, run your hands through your hair, as if licking it. At the same time, quietly say:

Oh, I'm a merchant,
Oh, I'm great.
To every merchant, to every
well done,
A merchant to all merchants, to all<
well done.
Bargaining by auction
with all sorts of merchants,
Their first word,
my second word.
Their word is brass
my word is golden.

When bargaining with a seller, say to yourself:

Break off, merchant
from your piece,
half is enough for you.

For a good trade

They say salt, throw it with the right hand over the left shoulder at the "workplace".

Hikers, travelers, come here, here is a place for you, food and water.
Money for me, goods for you. Amen.

For the same

When they wash themselves before trading, they read, wiping themselves with a handkerchief, and take the handkerchief with them to the market.

For profitable trading

Look at the person (buyer), smile and rub your hands, say out loud:

"Please take it. Inexpensive!" And about yourself: take mine, give yours. Amen.

To be successful in trading

If you have acquired a store, which is no longer new, take care of your trading success. So that you always have a lot of buyers, do this. Take oats from nine horse feeders, then from two canteens or cafes from the doors of the litter. Sprinkle this in the corners of your store while saying:

How many oats in nine decks, how much rubbish in two taverns, so many buyers in my shop. Amen.

To make a profit

Take dirt from the place where there are livestock or animals. Get hot coals out of the stove, throw mud there. The time should be about 12 days, that is, the time when the service is in the church. Along with the coal, leave the threshold of the house and immediately run back into the house. Going through the threshold, say three times:

As these animals walked and ran a lot, so there would be a lot of work and profit for me.

Fumigate all the rooms of your house with this smoke.

For successful bargaining

As bees swarming furiously, so all the merchants would come to me, the merchant, to praise the goods, grab rich boxes from their hands, full of bins. Amen.

Strong bargaining conspiracy (to lose in price)

This is necessary when buying a house, garden, goods, etc. Spit on your palms and run your hands over your head (as if licking). Speak quietly:

Oh, I'm a merchant. Oh, I'm a good fellow, every merchant, every good fellow. A merchant for all merchants, well done for all good fellows. I bargain with all sorts of merchants. Their word is first, and my word is second. Their word is brass, mine is golden. Amen.

So that the merchant gives you the price

Break it off, merchant, from your piece, half is enough for you. Amen.

If one of the goods is covered with a thick layer of dust, and the storekeeper does not remember its location, then you can heartily rejoice for the entrepreneur, since he has a wonderful opportunity to practice selling illiquid assets. It is by successfully selling stale goods that the true art of trading and the talent of an entrepreneur is manifested.

Before you start thinking about a plan for selling stale goods, you need to conduct at least a superficial analysis of the market and decide on the most favorable time to start a company.

There are seasonal fluctuations in demand for virtually every product that must be taken into account in order to maximize benefits and minimize advertising costs.

Plus, the upcoming event can kill two birds with one stone, because if any holiday is expected in the near future, then the sale of illiquid assets timed to coincide with it can not only help get rid of old stocks, but also have a good effect on the implementation of the main segment.

The simplest ways to sell illiquid assets are advertising companies. Promotions, issuance of certificates, intensive publications in the media, booklets - all these are proven schemes over the years. The disadvantage is that all of these sales tools come with a certain cost. Therefore, before spending money on advertising, you can try a number of other standard measures that are practically not associated with costs.

The first thing to try is to change the product display by placing the slow-moving product on the most prominent shelves. Usually this gives a certain result, and part of the product is sold out.

The second is to start motivating sales personnel, and it is not at all necessary to base the motivation on material promises. The competition for the title of the best manager is sometimes enough to awaken in people the desire to demonstrate their own professionalism.

For an experienced manager, this will not pose any particular problems, because selling is a pleasure, courage, a subtle game of psychology and it is much better to captivate people with this than to instill in them a dangerous craving for bonuses and bonuses.

In addition, a very popular way of selling illiquid assets is to compose sets or gifts from stale goods, where they are sold along with popular products. At the same time, you can make a fictitious discount on this set, due to which the buyer will go home very pleased with the bargain.

What you should not do when selling illiquid assets is to play with your reputation and brazenly deceive the buyer. This is especially true for low-quality goods or food products with an expiring date.

Of course, you can repack them in another container or use them in cooking, but if some buyer gets poisoned or discovers a forgery, the store can have very big problems. It should be understood that many of the clients will not return after a deception, and even spread throughout the district about your dishonesty.

A well-built company for the sale of illiquid assets will help the manager to better know his mistakes, train staff in working with clients more deeply and, as a result, will bring the trading enterprise to much more advantageous positions than firms where there are no illiquid goods.

Sooner or later, every online store is faced with a problem when the product is lying and no one buys it. This can happen to absolutely any product, regardless of price and characteristics. Of course, it is very important to monitor the needs of consumers and try not to purchase goods that will not be in demand among the target audience of the online store.
It is very important to understand that the goods must be not defective, have a neat appearance and packaging so that buyers do not perceive them as stale.

If you still have a product in your online store that no one is buying, then try following the following recommendations to sell it.


The most popular, uncomplicated and, most importantly, working way to sell a product that no one buys is to give discounts on the purchase of the product. During discounts, there is a great chance to sell all unsold goods and make even more money.


Another great way to sell a product is to create a promotion to buy a product. The promotion must be valid for a limited amount of time, so that the buyer can purchase the product for a long time without hesitation.

Promo codes

Give your customers the opportunity to use a special code that gives a discount on the purchase of goods. The number of promotional codes may be limited and issued as part of a promotion.


Give a gift to your customers when they make a purchase of another product, if there is no chance to sell an unclaimed product. This will help increase customer loyalty. Perhaps, having received a gift at the time of purchase, they may wish to buy something else.

Items included

Add an item that no one buys to the kit to the alternative items. Thus, they will complement each other and sell well. For example, if an online clothing store cannot sell bags, then they should be added to the shoe set for sale.

Here, perhaps, we have considered the most basic ways to submit a product that no one has been buying for a long time.