Copywriter description. There is such a profession - copywriter

Hi all. Vasily Blinov is with you, and today I will begin to take apart another, I would say, the most popular and in demand - copywriter.

Who is a copywriter and what does he do? A question that remained a mystery for many beginning guys trying to make money at home. In this and several subsequent articles, I will try to answer it and explain who he is, how to make money working as a copywriter, why I recommend everyone to master this specialty, and what it can give you.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands the essence of this profession.

What are the responsibilities?

In addition to the task of writing texts, the responsibilities of a copywriter may include services such as:

  • rewrite,
  • editing,
  • proofreading (grammar, error correction),
  • writing headlines and slogans,
  • selection of thematic images,
  • text design,
  • SEO optimization.

A good copywriter, of course, must know everything, especially be able to write without errors and know SEO optimization (correctly use keywords in the text).

It happens that a person writes really well, his works are interesting to read, they contain a valuable informative component, but there are a lot of errors in the text. Therefore, it is easier to hire another proofreader to check. I myself write in this way, the main thing for me is to convey the essence and answer the question, and a proofreader checks errors and typos.

Why will copywriters always be in demand?

In my opinion, this is the most important and sought-after profession on the Internet. Lately, I’ve been seeing more and more advertisements for this vacancy on very large and popular sites.

Now I will explain the reason, so to speak, the opinion on the part of the employer, and tell you the principle of operation of the entire Internet. For beginners without experience, it may not be entirely clear, so you can always ask your question in the comments to the article.

The demand for writers and text authors is explained by the fact that our entire Internet consists of symbols. Websites consist of titles, phrases, descriptions and various texts. Millions of news, posts, articles, etc. are written and published every day.

The fact is that text is so far the only source of information that is easily perceived by people and search engine recognition algorithms. These algorithms give us answers to our questions that we ask in Yandex and Google.

If we look at our global network from the other side, 99.9% of the sites we visit are created in order to attract an audience of readers/viewers and earn money by advertising our own or other people's products and services. And in order to attract more audiences, you need information that interests them, that is, texts that are written for money by copywriters or the creators of these sites themselves.

Finding good authors is not easy. There is a stereotype on our Internet that copywriters earn little, so read my article. Dozens of copywriters I hired have already passed through me, but, alas, there are few people who really wanted to learn how to write well and understood the prospects of this skill in life.

Basically, people only want money and don't care if they write complete incoherent nonsense. Having tried once and not meeting their expectations in income, they of course merge. In the next article I will definitely tell my story,

I’m also ready to take on a couple of people on the team who are ready to seriously master this area. You will have to write on the following topics: travel, freelancing, remote work, making money at home, reviews of various projects, programs and much more. If you are ready, then write to me in a personal VKontakte ( marked “Vacancy copywriter”.

Advantages of the profession

Why did I decide to study this profession? One of the mistakes beginners make is that they do not understand why they should learn to write and master this skill, and how it can be useful in life. It is clear that by fulfilling orders you can earn money. But when you write, compose the structure of the text, it could be an article, a book, a series of letters, a product description, etc., you learn.

You learn to think, find and process information, express your thoughts, understand the reader and make his life better. I’m talking about information copywriting now. It’s not for nothing that they say that a book is the best teacher. And when you write a book yourself, you learn even more.

Another advantage is when the copywriter’s task is to sell. The richest people on earth are those who know how to sell. Sell ​​yourself, your time and your services. Here psychology is used in the text, the influence of words, fonts, colors, etc. on the audience of buyers. Everyone needs to study this science when you write - you think, choose words, gain experience, experiment.

If you associate the word “selling” with something negative, then I’m sure you’re not making much money. We need to change our attitude.

Another pleasant bonus, which is already clear, is that the work can be done from anywhere in the world. As I said earlier, many of my friends travel and write articles for various online magazines. Starting from legal topics, ending with health and beauty.

I, as a blogger who looks for and works with copywriters, can say that there are a lot of people like me who need authors on any topic. There are hundreds of good vacancies. If you learn to write well, any site will hire you because content is their main problem.

Chat of all copywriters and authors of Runet in Telegram.

Friends, we have created a general chat so that you can exchange experiences, share useful information on copywriting, communicate, search for employers and performers.


It seems that everything that I wanted to tell you today about the profession of a copywriter, in the following articles we will analyze in detail individual questions about how to become one, and wages.

Stay tuned. If the article was useful to you, then share it with your friends on social networks.

Below in the comments you can leave your questions and what you think about all this. Have you ever tried to write, and how would you rate your abilities?

I wish you all success!

P.S. Don’t forget about the offer to work on my team.

Most modern people “get” information from the Internet. Some people watch training videos, while others, like you now, read articles. Many people think, but not everyone knows about what copywriters fill information resources with. Now we will tell you in detail how to become a copywriter, as well as who he is and what he does.

Who is a copywriter

Advantages and disadvantages of being a copywriter

As with any profession, there are pros and cons to being a copywriter. We will look at them now.

Positive sides:

  • Anyone can become a copywriter, regardless of age, gender, social status, higher education or experience;
  • The amount of your salary depends solely on you. The more you work, the more you get;
  • You don't have harsh bosses who are constantly dissatisfied with you. If necessary, you can change the customer;
  • The work of a copywriter can be combined with your main job or study. At the same time, you don’t need to go anywhere, because you can work from home.

Negative sides:

  • If your activity is related to freelancing, then no one will officially be able to employ you. Accordingly, there will be no entries in the work book. Therefore, for many people, the work of a copywriter is an additional form of income;
  • There is no fixed salary. The amount earned may fluctuate due to the lack of the required number of orders;
  • If there are no regular customers, you will have to spend a lot of time looking for suitable work.

Secrets of successful copywriters

  1. Constantly raise your bar. If the fee for the first articles can be minimal (5-10 rubles per 1000 characters), then over time, when you gain a little experience, choose orders for which you will pay a little more (15-20 rubles per 1000 characters). Thus, by improving your skills, you will take on more complex orders that will be well paid;
  2. Do quality work. It is better to take one complex order than 5 simple ones. Thus, you save your time, effort and increase your professionalism;
  3. Competently format your text. A copywriter must be able to work in text programs. Thanks to this, he will be able to format his work well, highlight the main thing, make the article interesting and easy to understand;
  4. Treasure every order and try not to spoil your reputation. Before submitting your next order, be sure to read all the requirements and adequately assess your capabilities. If you cannot complete the order, discuss this with the customer. Try to refuse to complete tasks as little as possible and do not conflict with customers. Your rating, reputation and reviews depend on this;
  5. Communicate with the customer. If you have been assigned to perform a task, but during the work you have questions, ask them to the customer. Communication allows you to quickly resolve a problem or controversial issue. Customers, although your temporary employers, are also people who are interested in quality work.


Many people don't believe that . But this is true. An example of this would be working from home as a copywriter. People of this profession, sitting at home in front of a PC, earn good money. But at school everyone wrote a presentation and an essay. Therefore, if you are still in doubt about trying yourself in this field or not, then we can safely say “Act, and you will succeed!”

Yandex gives a rather interesting definition when asked “who is a copywriter”. The search engine displays the answer in the card: “Specialist in copyright, advertising activities.” This definition is somewhat incorrect. Nowadays, copywriters are anyone who writes text: descriptions of sections in online stores, blog articles, product characteristics and many other types of content.

A copywriter searches, processes and processes information, creates original materials, interviews and comments from experts, monitors literacy and is responsible for the result. Some specialize in those that answer the user’s main request, some specialize in advertising: their goal is to sell services or goods. Copywriters write:

  • texts for landing pages- one-page websites created to sell a specific product;
  • - content with keywords, optimized for further promotion in search engines;
  • blog articles- useful cases, opinions, detailed longreads on a specific topic;
  • for service pages - it is placed on corporate websites;
  • for bulletin boards and social networks;
  • — for distribution to the media;
  • many other types of content.

The scope of a copywriter’s responsibilities depends on the employer’s requirements. In general, the correct range of responsibilities is searching for information, fact-checking and writing texts according to the provided technical specifications. Less often, the responsibilities of a copywriter include posting materials on a website, that is, working with a CMS. But the wider the range of responsibilities, the greater the responsibility, and, accordingly, the level of earnings.

The market dictates its conditions, and today various tasks are added to the responsibilities of a copywriter:

  • searching for experts to interview, writing questions and interviewing;
  • , corporate blog or social networks;
  • editing your own and other people’s texts, correcting various errors;
  • posting texts, photos and videos on the website via CMS;
  • monitoring reviews about the company and addressing negativity;
  • creating a positive image of the company on the global Internet;
  • development of memorable slogans and headlines;
  • selection and clustering or individual article.
Screenshot of one of the vacancies on a list of the main tasks of a copywriter

Copywriters often find themselves underestimated or, conversely, overestimated. In the first case, they are trusted only to write the text according to the prepared technical specifications, and the editing and finalization of the text is carried out by a proofreader, editor, or content manager. In the second case, the copywriter himself conducts the analysis, searches for a topic, selects keywords, writes and edits the text, uploads it to the website, carries out optimization and responds to user comments. Such a “multi-armed many-legged” is beneficial to the employer, because he can be paid less than all the specialists individually. But the speed and efficiency of work in this case are reduced.

Most often, employers have simple requirements for a copywriter. Among them:

  • literacy - it is needed so that the specialist does not make grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors;
  • education in the field of journalism or philology - journalists know how to work with information, and philologists usually write competently;
  • ability to work with a CMS - this is necessary so that the copywriter can upload articles or edit texts on the site himself.

Employers may also impose many other requirements on a copywriter - for example, knowledge of English, free access to the Internet for most of the day, and presence of accounts on social networks. The list of requirements depends entirely on the tasks that the copywriter must solve, and the personal preferences of the employer or customer.

An example of requirements for a copywriter from a vacancy on

Many customers who really monitor the quality of content require certain competencies from the author, for example - understanding the basics of Internet marketing to write texts for a marketing agency blog, medical education to create content for a medical information site, or experience in the construction industry, almost like in the example above. This way, the customer has a greater chance that the author will not make factual errors and will produce good material the first time.

There is a lot of debate on this topic. This is because everyone has their own truth: someone works all day on the stock exchange at meager rates and barely earns 100 rubles a day, and someone takes from 10,000 rubles for one article and writes it for several days.

The range of prices in copywriting is huge. Dumping appears thanks to newcomers who come to the profession from maternity leave, with the desire to earn extra money in addition to their main job or “out of nothing to do.” Orders for them are calculated at 5, 10, 15 rubles per thousand characters of text. On the same Etxt exchange, for example, there are a huge number of them.

Example of a “five-ruble” order on Etxt

If a copywriter does not “grow,” he risks becoming disillusioned with the profession. Because you can get a lot of money for articles if you actually solve the customer’s problem with them. And this is possible with constant training, improving skills, and mastering new competencies. Top specialists easily earn from 200,000 rubles per month. Copywriters who do not promote themselves in any way, but write well, can earn 100,000 rubles a month or even more. It all depends on your skills, desires and ambitions.

Copywriting training

Due to its characteristics, many people try to teach copywriting. But you shouldn't trust everyone. It is better to choose proven courses.

The course is called "Commercial editor/copywriter." The course includes three modules, each of which is designed for a different level of readiness. The first module is for beginners, the second is for experienced authors, for those who are ready to manage authors. The cost of one module is 18,900 rubles, the entire course costs 44,900 rubles.

Instead of a conclusion

  • copywriter writes texts. Miscellaneous: texts for landing pages, storytelling, SEO articles and others;
  • The responsibilities of a copywriter are to write texts. Various, in compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications;
  • requirements for a copywriter - to write according to specifications, to be literate and smart, and a bunch of other things depending on the customer;
  • a copywriter’s income depends only on him, because freelancing you can take on an unlimited number of projects, and you can always learn something new

Are you planning to develop in copywriting? If yes, ask your questions - we will be happy to answer them.

Who is a copywriter? How does a professional copywriter do his job? Where to look for vacancies for aspiring copywriters working from home?

Hello, dear readers of the HeatherBober business magazine! With you is Denis Kuderin, a professional copywriter and journalist with 15 years of experience.

In today's publication we will talk about the profession of a copywriter.

I will tell you what the advantages of working on a content exchange are, what typical mistakes beginners make, and I will teach you communication skills with customers.

So, go ahead!

1. Who is a copywriter and what is his job - a full description of the profession

The classic definition of the copywriter profession is as follows:

Just 20 years ago, the profession of copywriter as such did not exist in Russia. However, at all times there were people who wrote commercial texts, scripts for advertising, and image articles in magazines and newspapers.

A copywriter today is a universal writer, a specialist in creating texts and, part-time, a generator of ideas. As a rule, he studies and writes articles, news, and advertising texts on any topic proposed by the customer.

Most sites in the current online space have a commercial purpose. They must bring benefits to their owners, working through the sale of specific goods/services or through advertising.

The constant development of the Internet requires filling resources with relevant and high-quality content. Visitors and consumers need interesting, useful and fresh content: website traffic and its conversion (commercial effectiveness) directly depend on this.

Conversion is the ratio of the total number of visitors to a resource to those who perform any conversion action - fill out an application, make a purchase, order a call back or directly offer a service.

A professional copywriter is a person who fills resources with useful content and directly or indirectly influences the traffic and conversion of the resource. Everyone needs a good text writer. It depends on the copywriter’s activities whether the visitor will leave the page immediately or linger until he or she has read its contents completely.

The list of responsibilities and skills of a copywriter includes:

  • creation of information texts;
  • writing selling content and;
  • creation of technical texts;
  • processing large amounts of information with subsequent analysis;
  • the ability to express thoughts competently, concisely and literary;
  • SEO optimization of text content – ​​filling articles with keywords and phrases to promote the text (and, accordingly, the site) in search engines.

It is the last skill that is especially important. In order for the article to be read by the maximum number of users, it is necessary that it is not only interesting, but also noticeable to the search robots of Yandex, Google and others. To do this, the words that make up the so-called “semantic core” of a specific search query fit organically into the article.

Sometimes journalists who work remotely are also called copywriters. It is the easiest way for a journalist to retrain as a good copywriter - you just need to slightly change the specifics of the letter and learn the basics of Internet marketing.

Good specialists come from graduates of philological faculties, sales consultants, and teachers.

2. Where to start and where to find vacancies for a beginner copywriter without work experience

Copywriting is almost always work from home, in freelance format. Less commonly, copywriters are required full-time by large advertising agencies or Internet marketing companies.

Finding remote work for beginners in copywriting is relatively simple - you need to register on a content exchange and start working through an intermediary. Any of the exchange’s clients can order a text for a novice writer: the copywriter’s task is to beat competitors and win the tender for a specific order.

Lack of experience and articles in your portfolio is not a reason to give up. If you are determined to become a professional text creator, be prepared to work a lot and at the initial stage - for practically pennies.

Gradually, your skills will improve, your professional knowledge will accumulate, and your qualifications will increase. Income will grow accordingly.

According to studies conducted by statistical agencies, good copywriters who have regular customers have income 600-800 thousand rubles per year and more.

Top Runet copywriters earn several million rubles in year.

Working as a copywriter from home through a content exchange - advantages and disadvantages

Working through an exchange is almost the only way to start a career for a novice copywriter. Later he may have direct customers, but first he must achieve a certain status and master basic skills.

Even one hundred percent literacy and virtuoso mastery of language does not guarantee high earnings from the first month of work. Few customers will immediately pay decent amounts to an unknown novice specialist.

The exchange provides an opportunity to express yourself, acquire regular clients and develop professional skills. A qualified copywriter must be able to write quickly, competently and on any topic.

Specialists in technical and highly specialized topics (construction, automobiles, repairs, computers, digital technologies, business, medicine) are especially valued.

I will list the main advantages of working through the exchange:

  • extensive customer base;
  • opportunity to improve qualifications;
  • opportunity to learn professional skills and techniques;
  • guarantee of payment for the order;
  • the ability to select topics and areas of work that are closest to the author.

There are also disadvantages:

  • low pay (especially in the first few months of work);
  • great competition (for example, there are 330,000 authors on the popular Advego exchange - do you think it will be easy for a newcomer to break into the TOP?);
  • deduction of intermediary interest for services.

As a rule, on exchanges it is prohibited to contact a client bypassing the resource: for providing personal information in the form of telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, links to pages on social networks, the administration can deny access to the account.

Choosing an exchange for permanent work is not easy. We advise you to register on several resources and work on each of them for a while. Gradually, you yourself will understand which exchanges bring you more profit and are more comfortable to work with.

I have prepared a table for you containing basic information about the five most popular exchanges on the RuNet:

Exchange name Requirements for new authors Average cost of 1000 characters for beginners Advantages and distinctive features
1 ETXT Open Exchange20-40 rub.Loyal attitude towards beginners
2 Advego Anyone can become an author30-50 rub.Huge selection of orders
3 Work-Zilla Performers undergo testingFrom 50 rub.Lots of different tasks for writers of all levels
4 TextSale Admission is free for everyoneFrom 20 rub.Possibility of selling finished texts in the article store
5 Content Monster Mandatory literacy test30-50 rub.Opportunity to receive free training

All you have to do is choose the one you like and start working with customers.

3. How to become a professional freelance copywriter – TOP 5 main qualities of a professional

Without interesting and competent text content, no project can exist, or rather, it will not be commercially successful. More and more resource owners understand a simple truth: to increase income from a website, you need to invest money in its professional content.

All components are important - comfortable navigation, interesting and original design, functionality, useful text content. The latter is what the copywriter does.

How to become a copywriting professional? As in any other field, what matters in the field of writing attractive and useful texts is a strong determination to become a master of your craft. However, there are several very specific qualities that every professional writer should possess.

Quality 1. Literacy

A beginner must soberly assess his capabilities: competition in the field of copywriting is high, and at the initial stage not a single copywriter has high profits.

What is needed to acquire at least the initial status? Write competently and concisely. Be sure to check your spelling in Word or other editors, look for stylistic errors yourself.

Quality 2. Ability to express thoughts clearly

Briefly... you know whose sister it is. Clarity is another relative of talent. If your texts are concise, consist of sentences of optimal length and express specific and clear thoughts, you will be interesting to read both for customers and direct consumers of the text.

Clarity and specificity are especially valued in commercial texts.

For example, online stores (the number of which is constantly increasing on the Internet) require concise and attractive descriptions in product cards. Most inexperienced authors write lengthy texts in the style of “a high-quality and useful product at an affordable price.”

A professional approaches his work creatively - his description always contains specifics and evidence of the usefulness and quality of the product: “Japanese marker. Writes brightly even after you throw it away.”

To create catchy and attractive articles, it is important to correctly format texts and structure them. No one reads a full-screen canvas, divided into a couple of paragraphs: dilute the text with lists, tables, bold and italics.

Quality 3. Ability to write interestingly and unconventionally

A non-standard approach to complex tasks is an indicative feature of a professional. You can create completely readable texts that do not irritate the reader and are read by 30-50% (a very good indicator), or you can generate content that is read from the first to the last word and forwarded to friends.

To do this, you need to constantly expand your horizons and vocabulary and, most importantly, learn to get rid of verbal dross: clericalism, verbal nouns (such as “construction work”) and other constructions that clutter up the text.

It is always necessary to focus on the perception of the target audience. When creating a text, think in advance about how the reader can benefit from it. Put yourself in his place, try to understand what motivates him, for what purpose he came to the site and why he started reading this article.

Quality 4. Ability to talk with the customer

Another important quality of a professional is conversation with the customer. Find out what the client wants in advance and you will never have to redo the job. Do not hesitate to ask the customer questions if you are unclear what the text should be about.

If the topic is clear, it is worth finding out for which site the article is being written and familiarizing yourself with other materials on the resource so as not to fall out of style. Constructive dialogue with the client is the key to success.

But what you shouldn’t do is argue with the customer, especially if you are not confident in your competence. If you feel that the client is problematic and not entirely adequate, just calmly complete the work in accordance with the technical specifications and look for other customers.

Quality 5. Willingness for continuous learning

Be willing to constantly learn and learn new things. Copywriting is a relatively new specialty that is being created literally before our eyes. You can find several training courses for copywriters on the Internet, some of them are paid, others are freely available.

Buying training or learning the basics on your own is up to you. Both ways are quite effective, but the first is somewhat shorter. Good basic knowledge can be obtained on the exchange, which provides everyone with the opportunity to take SEO and “selling texts” courses.

I found a good video for you, I suggest you watch it in addition to what you have already read:

4. Basic mistakes of beginning copywriters

Briefly about typical mistakes and misconceptions of beginners. The most important and destructive misconception is a lack of understanding of the specifics of one’s own profession.

- this is not a storyteller, not a novelist or a poet - this is a person who increases the conversion of network resources with the help of texts.

Realize this fact, and further development will become a matter of technology.

Other beginner mistakes:

  • neglect of literacy;
  • lack of feedback from the customer (even when working through the exchange, it is worth maintaining personal contacts with the client);
  • work at the lowest rates - if you have been working for more than a month, you should gradually increase the cost of your services, otherwise you will remain at the level of a beginner;
  • neglect of the structure and design of the text;
  • irresponsibility – a significant part of authors do not realize the seriousness of their activities and let customers down by missing deadlines or refusing rework, which affects their rating and reputation;
  • inadequate response to criticism;
  • incorrect distribution of energy and time.

Freelancing mode is not a reason for laziness and

Hi all! Today I will talk about the in-demand profession of a copywriter. If you are ready to learn new skills, it will be a source of additional or main income. But to achieve your goal, you need to know who a copywriter is and what he does. Once you understand the intricacies, you will find ways to realize your potential!

Copywriter: key features of the profession

Copywriters are people who master the word and compose competent text for posting on the Internet. Their articles must meet the customer's requirements, so you will need to familiarize yourself with key terms. The most common are selling and informational texts, but all works have an important requirement: the presence of new and interesting information for the user.

What are the responsibilities

What does a copywriter do on the Internet? Responsibilities are determined individually depending on payment. The professional's arsenal includes the following:

  • writing text “from scratch”;
  • retelling other people's articles in your own words;
  • search for information;
  • analysis of competitors' websites;
  • proofreading and editing;
  • selection of images;

In some cases, copywriters are involved in project management and planning marketing campaigns, creating copy and coming up with slogans.

Writing remains a key aspect, but you won't necessarily spend the bulk of your time on it. Searching for information, thinking about text, formatting and other tasks that seem secondary take up a significant part of the working day. But don’t be afraid if you don’t have the necessary experience: you can learn along the way.

Who is the lesson suitable for?

There is an opinion that anyone can become a copywriter. This is true because there are no gender or age restrictions in the profession. Students, mothers on maternity leave and pensioners successfully find themselves, although they need to develop certain skills. After all, a copywriter needs the following skills:

  • mastery of written language;
  • knowledge of the rules and norms of the Russian language;
  • the ability to structure information and determine what the reader wants to see;
  • knowledge of the basic concepts of copywriting and knowledge of text evaluation criteria.

Representatives of the profession can find work in an office, but a portfolio will be required for employment. Therefore, many decide to start online: they can find their first orders and hone their skills on freelance exchanges. This option is beneficial for residents of small towns, where it is difficult to find decent payment offline.

Basic professional qualities

How to determine if you can make money with copywriting? Start by assessing your qualities! The main ones should be perseverance and self-confidence. No matter how trivial it may sound, doubt about success prevents you from achieving it.

Many were raised with the idea that creative work did not bring a stable income. As a result, although you have talent and motivation, deep down you are sure of failure. Essentially, you give up before you even get started! But be inspired by examples of successful copywriters: Peter Panda and Dmitry Kot achieved an income that most businessmen would envy.

The next quality a beginner needs is the ability to not give up after a refusal. The author must look for clients, submit applications on freelance exchanges, and send out commercial proposals. As a result, you have to deal with refusals and criticism, which is not always fair. It is especially difficult to cope with it when one successful project appears in your professional baggage: you feel like Hemingway, and your self-esteem soars above the clouds. But you soon realize that others may not agree with you.

At this stage, remind yourself that a person gets used to everything. I’ll share my own experience: when I decided to earn extra money as a copywriter, I was sensitive to every e-mail notifying me that my candidacy had not been approved. But I barely noticed the 50th refusal, because I was busy completing tasks I had already received and looking for interesting offers.

Remember that the field is highly competitive: learn to compete with colleagues and endure failures.

You cannot do without the ability to process information: even if you write articles on topics in which you are competent, you will need to refresh your knowledge. Also, newcomers have to work at low rates, spending hours in front of the monitor. Without the ability to analyze and absorb information, as well as patience, it will be difficult to succeed.

Who orders articles

Unlike professional writers and journalists, online writers create custom articles. The clientele is divided into the following categories:

  • owners of blogs or websites who want to expand their audience through informational articles;
  • owners of online stores who order attractive product descriptions;
  • manufacturers seeking to promote a product.

To satisfy the needs of different categories, the writer must be flexible. Clearly define the client’s goal for yourself, adapt the style, calmly accept wishes and edits. Learn to write the following types of text:

  1. Blog posts are often in the form of brief overviews, but sometimes reach 2,500 words or more. The text should be lively and easy to understand.
  2. Newsletter emails are designed to grab and hold a customer's attention. They encourage certain actions: buying a product, subscribing to a magazine, placing an order.
  3. Posts for social media are created taking into account the specific features of the site. A freelancer must be able to both express an idea in a few hundred characters for Twitter and write intelligent text for Facebook.
  4. Case studies require in-depth knowledge of the field. Often the text turns out dry, but an experienced copywriter will make it exciting.
  5. Industry reports are based on actual research. They are usually aimed at introducing a wider audience to certain events in the area.

SEO and LSI copywriting are presented separately, implying that the author adapts the text to the requirements of search engines. This is essentially a separate profession, but many writers learn additional skills.

Where does a copywriter get his knowledge?

You have learned a lot about the profession of a copywriter: who it is and what it does, for whom it writes articles and where it publishes them. It remains to be seen where online authors gain knowledge in numerous areas:

  1. Site owners will appreciate the unique information you share based on your own experience. Lawyers and builders, doctors and gardeners will write reliable and memorable articles.
  2. Printed sources often contain reliable information. Using magazines and books is preferable to articles on the Internet.
  3. Works of other authors posted online will help you understand the structure of your text. But you should treat the information critically, since Internet sources may contain gross errors. This is especially true for RuNet, so if possible, check with English-language articles.

With a variety of sources, you won't have to limit yourself to a specific category. The more information you gather before writing your own text, the better! Connect at least 3 sources to expand on the topic: as a result, the reader will not continue to look for information on other sites.

Where do copywriters usually work?

Having understood the essence of the activity, you will wonder where to find vacancies. The following options are at your disposal:

  1. Freelance exchanges contain offers for everyone who works online. Separate platforms for writers are presented: “Advego”, and
  2. You can go “free swimming” and send commercial offers to the administration of well-known sites. Contact copywriting agencies as well, because they won’t let a talented author pass by.
  3. You can find a job on websites with vacancies, and you will agree on transfers directly to the card.

The main condition remains financial security, because you may simply not get paid. This option is excluded on exchanges for writers: the customer, when placing a task, transfers to the site’s account an amount equal to the cost of the order. When you submit the text, the administration sends money to your electronic wallet. The disadvantages of the method include the need to pay a percentage for intermediary services, as well as low prices on the exchange. But at the start this method is suitable, and when you create a name in the field, you will start asking for an advance payment.

Copywriter profession: 5 reasons for its popularity

Why is the profession growing in popularity? The fact is that it pleases with the following advantages:

  1. There is always enough work, because both large companies and small businesses order competent sales text. Informational articles for blogs and websites are also in demand, and copywriting exchanges are full of orders even during the holidays.
  2. If you want to be creative, you will find opportunities even when working on a mediocre project.
  3. The variety of activities allows you to choose a task to suit your taste. You can write about health care, talk about gardening, reveal the secrets of needlework. As you gain experience, you will determine the niche that suits you best.
  4. The ability to work remotely or go full-time in the office will allow you to choose a convenient format.
  5. The main advantage of copywriting is that anyone can master the profession if they put in enough effort. You don't need a college degree to find gainful employment. Study the intricacies of the matter, read specialized literature, take courses if necessary: ​​over time, you will create an impressive portfolio and collect reviews. They are the ones who determine how easy it will be for you to get a new order.

You shouldn’t delude yourself, because the profession has drawbacks: you will need the ability to write even in cases when the Muse keeps you waiting. The desire to express oneself creatively has to be curbed, since the client wants to receive a text that fits into the concept of his platform. A good writer knows how not to be guided by his own criteria, but to proceed from the wishes of the customer. If you are ready for systematic work, get down to business!

The most difficult stage for a writer remains the period of formation. Inspired by reviews about the profession, you register on the exchange, view orders... and see only incomprehensible terms. What do you need to know for a successful start?

How is copywriting different from rewriting?

First of all, understand the terms: what is copywriting and rewriting? The difference lies in how original the text is expected by the customer:

  1. A copywriter writes an article based on his own knowledge and experience.
  2. The rewriter studies several sources and presents the information in his own words. There are superficial (without changing the structure of the source text) and deep rewriting, which implies a complete rewrite.

In practice, the concepts are mixed, since most authors write articles based on sources. If you have flipped through 5-10 books, analyzed the content of competing sites and created your own text, it can be regarded as copywriting.

Do not make the mistake of taking the technical uniqueness of an article as a criterion. It is determined using special programs: they compare your text with those posted online and highlight matching fragments. Both rewriting and copywriting can be brought to 100%, and the main criterion remains the originality of the content.

Types of copywriting

Whether you are writing an article from scratch or relying on sources, you should clearly understand the tasks. Depending on them, the type of copywriting is determined:

  1. Direct response text is also called sales copy. It encourages the reader to take a certain action: make a call, place an order, use a service.
  2. Image articles are aimed at creating the image of a brand, company or entrepreneur.
  3. News articles are often classified as a subfield of webwriting. This area includes product reviews, analytics, and instructions. Authors specializing in informational articles also do optimization to increase search engine results. SEO writing means that you enter “keys” into the text: certain words and expressions.

Having understood the type of text that is to be created, you will not wonder what a copywriter and rewriter does in a particular case. If you understand the goals, then the article will be useful to both the customer and the readers.

Becoming a copywriter

It’s not difficult to take your first steps in the field: register on the exchange, fulfill orders, receive money. Any student or young mother on maternity leave can cope with the initial stage. But then newcomers fall into a trap that prevents them from moving forward. What is it?

The easiest way to make money is to engage in rewriting, superficially processing other people's texts. Even beginners can borrow ideas, occasionally inserting their own. Having filled their hand, they write thousands of characters without thinking about the content. And as a result, they don’t learn new skills!

In order for a copywriter to grow professionally, it is necessary to constantly look for ideas and develop a creative streak. If you only do rewriting, then you lose the habit of creativity. Although every order cannot be original, try not to limit yourself to a boring retelling of someone else's text. Develop the ability to write, otherwise you will freeze at one level, and over time, slide down.

Don’t rush to pay rewriting “gurus” who promise to tell you revolutionary techniques, because useful information is available in accessible blogs.

How much does a copywriter earn per month?

Beginners invariably wonder whether it is possible to make money on this path. It is possible to achieve a stable income after just a few months, and the level of profit will depend on you. It is determined by the following factors:

  • the amount of time allocated for work;
  • skill level;
  • prices;
  • presence of a customer base.

When agreeing on payment with the customer, set the price for 1 thousand characters without spaces. If you go to the exchange, the average cost will start from $1. In 60 minutes at high typing speed you will write 3 thousand characters. But don't make the common rookie mistake of thinking they can work 8 hours straight and get $24!

The following factors must also be taken into account:

  • When working for a long time, the printing speed decreases;
  • time is wasted searching for information and studying the topic;
  • finished articles must be proofread and checked using various programs;
  • a freelance copywriter looks for clients himself, which takes time.

How can you determine how much professional copywriters earn? You can roughly calculate your income based on the top indicators of one of the RuNet exchanges. Considering that the rating is awarded on the basis of “1 point for every 10 rubles earned,” you will get an idea.

What is SEO copywriting: more about what’s important

To increase your prices, learn the secrets of SEO copywriting: you will write articles that are interesting to users and tailor them to the requirements of search engines. The pay in this area is higher, but to optimize you will need to master a number of concepts.

  1. Keywords represent common user queries. You need to fit them organically into the text so that it is easily perceived by the reader. Their location is indicated in the technical specifications, but uniformity of distribution remains an indispensable condition.
  2. The frequency of repetition of the “keys” is called nausea. It is classic when the value is equal to the square root of the most repeated word (the standard indicator is 7 and below). There is a widespread requirement for academic nausea, determined depending on the frequency of words in the text (the norm is up to 9).
  3. Knowledge of the basic rules of HTML markup is necessary, although some modern platforms allow untrained users to post articles. Learn to work with tags - alphabetic characters or words located between brackets “<” “>”.

Knowing these terms, you will learn how to write articles that get into the TOP of Yandex and Google results.

Don't ignore LSI-writing, which is focused on new trends. Unlike SEO, the technique takes into account the interconnectedness of the topic and keywords. As a result, articles are written taking into account criteria that convince search engines of the usefulness of the material. The area is one of the developing ones, as it is aimed at cleansing the Internet of low-quality content. There is no need to delve into the depths of search engines: all you need to know is that the emphasis is on the quality of information and relevance of the topic to the keywords.

Important secrets of the profession: your path to success

To succeed in the field, you just need to know the answers to a few questions:

  1. Should you quit your job to take up copywriting? Before making article writing a source of permanent income, combine it with offline activities. During this time, you will check whether freelancing is right for you. After all, many employees who work effectively “under the supervision” of their boss fail to cope with the task of self-organization.
  2. Will the profession lose its relevance? Despite the development of neural networks, which in the future will be able to compose texts without human intervention, a creative author need not fear for his prospects. Writing a “working” sales text cannot be entrusted to a machine, so writers will not be left idle.
  3. Do I need to pay for copywriting courses? You will receive initial information from literature posted on the Internet. It is not necessary to sign up for paid courses, because practice is more useful. But independent learning is necessary: ​​read books by famous copywriters, follow blogs, communicate with colleagues on professional topics.
  4. Does freelancing really mean freedom? If you don’t want to listen to your boss’s nagging or go to work in crowded transport, then copywriting will give you this opportunity. But you shouldn’t expect freedom from work: you have to work hard to make a profit.
  5. How to find profitable clients? First, work on the stock exchange and gain experience. Then build a regular clientele by contacting the owners of popular sites. At this stage, the question will arise whether to do a low-paid test assignment for a copywriter. The answer depends on the requested volume: 2 thousand characters are enough for the potential customer to get an idea of ​​your level. If you are asked to provide several articles of 5-6 thousand characters, raise the issue of an advance payment of 50%.

Thanks to these tips, you will take your first steps in the field and achieve stable profits.

Criteria for a successful copywriter

To ensure that the road to success is not thorny, objectively evaluate your current skills. This will give you an idea of ​​what gaps need to be filled. The following tips will help you navigate the situation:

  1. A successful writer will initially take on all available assignment types, although competence in the chosen topics will be a prerequisite. After learning how to create different types of content, he compares client specifications. At this stage, the author analyzes the situation and identifies which customer needs remain unsatisfied. If it turns out that the writer has not previously used popular verification programs, he learns to work with them.
  2. Knowing how to sell your own services will be key, because what should every copywriter do? Self-presentation! But the inability to “praise yourself” remains a threat for beginners. The client thinks: “If the author cannot sell his services, how will he sell my product?” A successful writer does not hesitate to emphasize his merits and conducts a well-thought-out marketing policy.
  3. To achieve results, realistic expectations are essential. At the beginning of their careers, even today's writing stars wrote large volumes of text at low rates. Don’t expect to receive 200 rubles right away. for 1 thousand characters: you will have to work hard for this.
  4. When a writer develops a portfolio and creates a client base, he is faced with a new problem - the need to refuse some of the applicants. A successful author knows that it is impossible to write 20 thousand characters of high-quality text in a day. If you sacrifice level for volume, even a talented writer will ruin his reputation. The ability to calculate strength is an indispensable criterion for a successful copywriter.
  5. The author, striving for the heights, tries to captivate the reader. And to achieve the goal, he determines his audience: age, education, interests of the person for whom the text is intended. Sometimes writers imagine that their reader is sitting in front of them and focus on him.

I told you who a copywriter is, what he does, and how to reach the top in his profession. If you still have questions, watch the video with the story of a practicing master of his craft:

Why copywriters will always be in demand

The main advantage of a copywriter’s work remains its relevance. After all, new sites are appearing on the Internet, social networks are developing, online stores are opening: each site will need high-quality articles. The emergence of video blogs has not become a threat, since many users prefer to skim the text with their eyes in 60 seconds rather than spend 5-10 minutes watching a video.

Even the development of neural networks that generate text automatically will not supplant “live” writing. Do not forget that developments are slow, and the result requires human intervention. But even if the expectations are met, the machine will not be able to provide original works. If you are not going to become an author who monotonously rewrites other people's articles, then neural networks will not leave you without work.

What a copywriter and rewriter with a creative streak does cannot be repeated by a machine.


By learning a new profession, you will receive a source of additional income, which in the future may become your main one. The field is good for its accessibility; fortunately, there are no requirements for formal education, age or gender. Website owners are not interested in your diploma, but in practical skills! Start learning the intricacies of copywriting, and soon you will receive your first order.

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