Country business ideas and current business plans. How to make money from a garden and what to grow for sale

Each business idea is a specific activity, “tailored” to making money. But you can always combine business with pleasure - do what you love at your dacha and have additional income. Even if this does not become your main income, there is always an opportunity to minimize standard dacha expenses due to the fact that the dacha itself will now pay for its own development!

the site offers to consider some business ideas for a summer residence, which have become excellent financial help for many. Some of them will be familiar to you, since sometimes, in our articles, we mention the opportunity to make money from summer cottage products, but the rest of them will give you reason for new thoughts and calculations.

Cottage for rent

It often happens that for certain reasons our activities at the dacha are temporarily stopped.

There can be a lot of reasons, for example, the birth of a child and lack of time or even a long business trip. And, in this case, the dacha sits idle and accumulates expenses, because you still have to pay for the land, as well as some utilities and security. Therefore, our first proposal is no longer even a business idea, but an option to save money.

A summer cottage for rent is an excellent option to reduce expenses and, if the issue is resolved correctly, to earn a little money. You can rent out your cottage to neighbors who plan to grow more vegetables or fruits this season, or to friends who enjoy spending time outdoors. Of course, for this you need to find people who will not only cover stable dacha expenses, but also maintain order on the territory. A mandatory condition of the lease should be garden care, weed removal, fertilization and other aspects that will prevent the summer cottage from becoming unusable during your absence.

Earnings remain a very important point. If you are the owner of a large dacha with a residential building, as well as a swimming pool and a bathhouse, you can generally make good money, because every weekend, as well as some weekdays, the dacha can receive guests who will pay not only for electricity and water, but also for the rent you set .

In this case, it is advisable not to chase big money, but to rent out the house, bathhouse and surrounding area only to stable companies of people who will not cause damage to your property.

Bathhouse for rent

We decided to talk in a little more detail about how you can make money from a country bathhouse. At one time, you invested a lot of money in the construction of a bathhouse, but you only use it a few times a week at most.

You can change your approach and make good money from a bathhouse, especially if you have a modern version of it.

The most important thing for a bathhouse that can be rented out is a short distance from the city limits, a natural area, and good quality workmanship. Next is just marketing and your personal desire to earn money. Today, there are a lot of people who want to “hide” away from people and relax to the fullest, especially with a bathhouse, near which there is a green garden, a cool pool, a barbecue, and a place to relax.

Such a bathhouse can be profitable at any time of the year, you just need to correctly target it to the client. But the most important thing is not to forget about providing a bathhouse. It must be clean here, the bathhouse must be heated at the exact time and to the required temperature, the supply of firewood must not run out, the client must be satisfied, because only then will he pay money.

Many people today immediately build bathhouses with an eye to making money, and this is a very profitable enterprise, because all expenses are covered literally in a year. Another plus is that the bathhouse that brings you money is yours personally, where you yourself can have a great steam bath at any time!

In addition to earning money, you can sell everything you need for a bathhouse - brooms, tubs, hats, beer, water, shish kebab, dishes for a more serious feast, etc.

Growing fruits, vegetables and herbs for sale

We touched on this topic several times; we even talked in detail about growing greenery in the country. But if you approach the dacha and in general from the point of view of making money on everything that is grown, then the approach needs to be changed somewhat.

It just so happens that you can’t make a lot of money in a medium-sized dacha. Yes, you can bargain for something to provide for yourself and reduce dacha expenses, but it is too difficult to replace your main income with the funds received. At the very least, it will be necessary not only to hope for a harvest of apples or early strawberries, but to invest in development, cultivation of industrial varieties, equipment, and fertilizers.

You can make money in a greenhouse! For example, here you can grow early tomatoes and cucumbers, herbs and other crops. But in view of the fact that enough people are engaged in such activities, it will be possible to find a sales market, but it will not be possible to win with the price.

You can grow something unique in a greenhouse, for example, expensive spices, but this is also not an option to quickly make good money.

A greenhouse for flowers is an excellent solution. But even before providing conditions for the flowers that you decide to grow, you need to decide where and how much the flowers can be sold. Only at first glance it seems that flowers are needed everywhere and always, and that they will be sold out very well. But check for yourself; every point selling fragrant and beautiful plants has long had its own suppliers.

Growing mushrooms in a greenhouse. This is also not bad, because mushrooms grow quite quickly, giving the summer resident a serious harvest. But they also require special care, so you will need to prepare for such a summer cottage business, and be sure to provide the mushrooms with all the necessary requirements.

We can talk about making money in a greenhouse for a long time, but we want to briefly summarize. Earnings are real, but only under certain conditions:

  • The greenhouse should operate year-round so that you receive a harvest not only in spring and summer. This will have a positive impact on demand, because you will always have the goods, as well as on profits. You can earn a little from one harvest, but if the harvest is constant, the profit will increase significantly;
  • In addition to year-round cultivation, quality provision is necessary. Equipment, high quality seedlings and seeds, fertilizers, special substrates, constant watering, lighting and compliance with other requirements for each individual crop;
  • But the most important thing is the amount of harvest. It is necessary not only to correctly calculate the future harvest, which is almost impossible to do accurately, but also to initially work with large areas. You won’t make money with 10-12 square meters of even the most modern greenhouse. Approaching industrial volumes, everything becomes much more real.

You can also make money on fruits and berries, which you collect just a few buckets a season, but this will be one-time money, and it simply cannot be attributed to the profit of a business idea. You need to seriously grow crops for sale, and then any business idea will bring you closer to a positive result.

How to grow fresh herbs (video)

How to make money from a smokehouse in the country

Here everything is much simpler, of course, if you work with high quality and only with fresh products!

The smoked meat business is an interesting job if you have learned the art of marinades and smoking. There are many smokehouses in dachas, but almost everywhere the work is done at the level of amateurs. Summer residents smoke meat and fish only for themselves, without even trying to go to market. In view of this, there is an opportunity to settle down a little and try to prepare products for sale.

Another problem is further from the competition; it lies in complex documentation. Such activity is entrepreneurial and must be registered, but the main enemy of entering the market is Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision or Rospotrebnadzor.

We think that here you need to decide the issue yourself, we are simply presenting an idea and even guarantee that in any region of the country you can find a buyer for high-quality smoked meats.

Shops, market outlets, restaurants and cafes, private consumers, neighbors and acquaintances, relatives - they are all willing to pay for something tasty and fresh.

Moreover, the business idea is also good because the price tag for the products is quite high, and often more than 100% is added on top of the cost, which is quite a lot. And only the product for a good marinade and high-quality firewood will need to be written off as expenses. Naturally, there are also initial costs for building a smokehouse and equipping storage facilities, delivery and wages for your assistants, but such expenses are present in almost any business.

Quail farm in the country - a business for risky people

You can make great money on quails and quail eggs, but there are certain “buts” that make this venture risky.

  • Firstly, it is not so easy to sell eggs and quail meat, although everyone around says that such a useful product is sold out very well.
  • Secondly, caring for quails is not an easy and very expensive matter, and therefore the issue should be approached only if you have studied the business and take it seriously.
  • And thirdly, quails are quite vulnerable and demanding birds. Any serious epidemic can wipe out most of a farm in just a couple of days, and this is simply a huge expense!

But if everything is done correctly, the income can be significant. The first money will appear in one and a half to two months, when the hens begin to lay eggs, and the young quails are ready to “migrate” to restaurants or to your customer’s home table. But the same rule applies here as with growing crops in a greenhouse. It is difficult to make money from a small number of quails and quails; for serious profits you need hundreds and thousands of small birds, and this is already a large poultry farm in the country.

Growing and selling mushrooms

Before you perceive this business idea positively or negatively, we recommend that you read our articles on growing mushrooms, which describe in detail the methods and requirements for the same oyster mushrooms and champignons. You can also work with more exotic, rather than industrial varieties, but this is much more difficult, even technically.

Selling grown mushrooms can even become your main income if you have space at your dacha to build special greenhouses, or ready-made greenhouses. Remember that different varieties of mushrooms have different requirements, and they are often complex. This includes temperature conditions, ventilation, humidity, and lighting. In addition, there are a lot of fertilizers, supplements, and special substrates for planting mycelium.

But if you are ready to begin such a difficult task, please find a market and become an entrepreneur. It's not that difficult. Mushrooms grow well, no one has ever had any problems with selling them, the main thing is to set a price that is favorable to everyone.

Organization of a seedling nursery at the dacha

In this section we want to include not only seedlings, but also spring garden seedlings, which can also be transformed into cash.

If your dacha has several greenhouses that are equipped with everything necessary for growing seedlings, this is a huge plus. Such greenhouses will give you the opportunity to grow seedlings not only for your own garden, but also for sale. In a small area you can grow several thousand bushes of tomatoes, peppers, cabbage and other crops, which you can sell at the right time even to your neighboring summer residents. If the area allows, the volume can be significantly increased.

What about seedlings? But you can also switch to more serious and larger vegetation, for example, seedlings for ornamental and berry bushes, fruit trees. This will require a lot more space, and therefore more work, but each seedling will be able to bring more profit. Current varieties that can produce a harvest within a few years are in great demand, and finding a market for young shrubs and trees is quite easy!

An apiary in the country is a great business

It is very difficult to become a beekeeper simply by choice, because you will need to undergo special training, practical and theoretical, re-read a lot of literature and communicate with experienced people. But such a business idea is worth it, because bees in the country are useful and financially beneficial. We will not talk about all the advantages of installing several bee hives in the country, but we will outline the serious profit that is possible already in the first season.

It is clear that to open a business you will need to prepare a place, buy hives and bee colonies, special equipment and feed, but if you approach the issue of an apiary in your dacha thoroughly, then in the first year you can recoup your costs 2-3 times. Yes, it is very difficult, and there are many pitfalls that will not allow you to develop in such a business so easily, but if you set goals for yourself, they are quite achievable.

It’s easy to find a sales market, because honey is bought by the population just fine. You can sell honey to relatives and neighbors, offer it to market sellers at a slightly reduced price, or certify your own production and sell honey under your own brand. But this is much more difficult and more expensive in terms of initial deposits. However, you will always have healthy honey for yourself and for sale, and for this it is enough to start with just 5-7 hives in the country.

There are a lot of ideas for dacha business, and we have already indicated the main ones. Next, we will talk about less popular, but also quite profitable. True, we will do this quite briefly.

What else can bring profit in the country?

In fact, there are hundreds of such business ideas. Everyone earns as much as they can, because in addition to dacha expenses, we also have our own needs that must somehow be covered. What will help us do this?

  • Breeding worms in the country. Quite interesting, especially since the initial costs are not that high. You will not need special buildings or expensive tools, only the creation of a place for families to live, the purchase of “starting material”, as well as special feed and additives;
  • Breeding rabbits in the country. A very simple and interesting thing! The only negative is the animals’ low resistance to diseases, and therefore you will have to spend money on vaccinations. In terms of feed and growth rate, you can get quite serious money from rabbits. They eat a lot, but food is inexpensive and they grow quite quickly;
  • Earnings from poultry. At the moment, this is not a good business idea, since large poultry farms have long been meeting the demand of the population. But if we take into account the fact that among us there are many lovers of natural poultry, and not the vitamin ones from supermarket shelves, then you can try the business. The only problem is the high price of feed and the sales market. Otherwise, everything is quite simple, especially considering the fact that there are many special breeds of poultry that are aimed at eggs or meat, and grow and develop very quickly. The same can be said about ducks and geese, although here the specifics of cultivation and marketing are slightly different;
  • A little from living creatures to production. We will immediately offer building materials - stone, brick, decorative blocks. All this is not so difficult using special equipment. Yes, these are considerable costs, but the cost of each unit of finished product is approximately 2 times lower than the market price. You can save for your own construction, and also sell ready-made materials even in a dacha cooperative, because all dacha residents are constantly building something;
  • Sawmill. An excellent solution for a summer house if you can afford to invest in woodworking equipment. The demand for lumber today is simply off the charts, but to break into the market, you need to maintain standards and show high quality;
  • Pressing fuel briquettes. There are separate topics on the production of fuel briquettes, but here we simply remind you that you can earn a little money from such activities.

Paving slabs, decorative concrete products, production of wood concrete and SIP panels, creation of country furniture, production of homemade wine from grapes and apples, production of cages, pens, and other outbuildings - this is still a small percentage of the ideas that are generally available. Therefore, you just have to think about what you are more predisposed to, write a business plan and move on to active action.

But remember, before you start a business, be sure to study its direction, write a business plan, and find a market. In general, only a correct and serious attitude will lead to profit and pleasure.

Having your own business in the country is a good opportunity to replenish the family budget and, over time, make it a permanent and stable source of income. Surely each of you has thought about such an idea, but something always stopped you: doubts, fear of losing the money invested, or lack of experience.

In the dacha business section of the site you will find only relevant and really working business ideas. Clear step-by-step instructions, as well as advice from people who have already mastered various types of such businesses, will help you decide on the direction and avoid many problems and failures at the initial stage of development.
And the choice of areas is really huge, including vegetable gardening, horticulture, poultry farming, landscape design and even the production of building materials. In general, we read, share our impressions and thoughts, and of course, open our own business in the country and start making money.

Business on conifers

Naturally, decorating a suburban area is not only the prerogative of landscapers, but also the owners themselves. One of the most common methods that is widely popular among gardeners is planting evergreen conifers.
So let's make money from this!

Details Author: natanikola

Forcing tulips

One of the very interesting types of business in the country will undoubtedly be forcing tulips for sale. This kind of business will especially appeal to those who like to grow beautiful flowers - a wonderful opportunity to also make money! Let's look at all the nuances associated with such earnings, as well as an approximate business plan.

Strawberry business

For some summer residents, the strawberry business has always been an attractive way to make money at their summer cottage, but this income was limited by seasonality. This article will help solve the problem of seasonality and, in fact, provides clear instructions on how to collect the necessary package of documents and how to sell strawberries.

Details Author: Morozov Pavel

Breeding rabbits as a business is an excellent opportunity to do not only your favorite thing, but also make good money from it. And in order to avoid all sorts of problems in this business and get a confident start, we read detailed instructions about running a rabbit business in summer cottages.

Details Author: Morozov Pavel

Duck Breeding Business Plan

The article presents a clear business model for creating your own mini-farm for breeding ducks in the country.
From it you will learn how to properly organize the entire process, from breeding and raising poultry to selling meat. First, let's draw up a business plan.

Details Author: Morozov Pavel

Growing greens

Have you ever thought about creating a highly profitable and low-cost business on your dacha acres - growing greens for sale? In that case, this article is just for you. How to get 5 harvests of greenery in one season and how and to whom it is profitable to sell it - read on...

And again about making money during a crisis. This time we are considering options for making money on our own land, and these are by no means farms, but relatively small garden plots or summer cottages. I in no way pretend to cover all possible options completely - on the contrary, I hope that there will be many more additions from readers: for the benefit of everyone who is interested in this issue.

So, your own piece of land. What can you get out of it, other than growing food for your own needs? To begin with, let’s divide the areas of activity according to the principle crop production And livestock farming(including poultry). The first can be done by both summer residents and residents of the private sector, the second - mainly only by the private sector.

So, crop production. Here two directions can be distinguished: growing food directly and growing seeds and seedlings. The second direction is often more profitable.

Potato. Second bread. And if the first bread (grain) can be grown profitably only on hundreds and thousands of hectares, then potatoes can be grown on several tens of hectares. Especially in the northern regions, where little else grows besides potatoes. The technology is simple: we plow, plant, hill, dig, sell: if there is nowhere to store, we sell in the fall, if there is, it is more profitable in the spring. The income is, of course, small, but it comes with potatoes. In the south, there is a different technology: we plant early, early ripening varieties, dig up and sell young early potatoes, then we plant them in the same area again and late in the fall we harvest the second crop - for storage and for sale.

Tomatoes. Where I live now, this is a traditional way of making money. For some, the entire area is built up with so-called “booths” - film greenhouses with a width of 6 meters and a length of 10. They are made of wooden slats or metal structures, covered with film in early spring, some install stoves, wood-burning or gas. Those who have their own transport take them to sell the harvest directly to Moscow, the rest are given to resellers. Tomatoes bear fruit from late May until late autumn. The profitability of this business can be judged by the fact that “tomatoes”, as a rule, do not work anywhere, they are engaged only in their own business, usually with their entire families. The volume of planting is several thousand roots per plot of 12-14 acres.

Early vegetables and greens. They go very well in spring and early summer. Of course you need a greenhouse, preferably a stationary one made of polycarbonate with heating.

Flowers. In a crisis, plants are certainly not the most necessary, but in many cases you cannot do without them. Therefore, they will still be in demand. It is appropriate to note here that it is best to do what you are passionate about, what you know and can do well. If you don’t like growing tomatoes, you won’t make money from them, no matter what the possibilities, but flower lovers manage to make money even from such a product that is not very popular.

And again tomatoes, this time seeds. I know a guy who does this professionally, grows dozens of varieties, and collects them all over the world. And it sends it out by mail to everyone, of course not for free. It’s worth saying here that any business requires a professional approach, even growing banal potatoes: planting a bucket and collecting a bucket - this happens to beginners, alas. To achieve commercial success in any business, you need to learn how to do it better than anyone else, or at least better than many. Dry the seeds from a couple of tomatoes and advertise - who will buy them from you? You need to work for several years, create an assortment, a customer base, guarantee quality - only then will success come. Of course, not only tomato seeds are in demand, this is just an example.

Strawberry. In many places it is grown with great profit, especially early. But you will get even greater profits. if you grow and sell varietal strawberry seedlings. This is of course more difficult than simply growing berries, but it is also more profitable.

Seedling at all. Many plants are grown through seedlings, such as tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, many flowers, etc., at the same time, many people do not have the opportunity to grow seedlings, but need them. Seasonal, but quite profitable income.

Mushrooms. Growing has its own characteristics, but it is quite accessible, and the products are in demand. Favorable conditions - a warm basement, you can grow there all year round. Seasonally - in a greenhouse. The simplest and most proven technology is growing oyster mushrooms. Champignons are more complex and require the preparation of high-quality compost. These are the mushrooms that everyone knows and loves. Little-known varieties - you need to first study the sales market, most likely these are restaurants.

Saplings. Along with seedlings, it is a very profitable business, but it requires a certain base, knowledge, and preparation. Perhaps the simplest thing is grape seedlings. Even on a summer cottage you can place 30-50 varieties. Every autumn we cut the chibouks; further steps can be found in any winegrower’s reference book. We sell them at the market every spring. Of course, everything should be neat: a tag on each bush, color photos of the bunches, planting instructions.

Tree seedlings are more difficult, but the profit can be very significant. Those who buy seedlings from nurseries and then sell them in markets earn relatively little. Of course it’s more profitable to grow it yourself. I read an article in “Homestead Farming” about a family who, on their plot, started growing seedlings of fruit trees with a closed root system. Such seedlings can even be sent by mail. So they have a record for years to come.

Well, perhaps that’s all about plants. Now livestock farming. Perhaps the most accessible and widespread here is poultry farming.

Direct rearing of poultry for meat and egg production is currently low-profit due to the high cost of feed. However, the trend is that the cost of poultry meat and eggs will grow at a faster pace, so it’s worth doing this now. You can increase profitability either by growing your own feed (corn, chickpeas, root vegetables, greens) or by using paddocks - if possible.

But the greatest benefit, of course, comes from production hatching eggs and young poultry. A hatching egg is 10 or more times more expensive than a food egg, and even more expensive than a chicken. The price of course depends on the breed. Meat breeds with good output per unit of feed are valued. For example, ducks, geese, turkeys. Egg-laying chicken breeds are always at a premium. In recent years, quails have been actively bred. But I don’t recommend working with decorative and exotic bird species now - interest in them will fade.

Rabbits Much fewer birds are common, however, amateur rabbit breeders often achieve very good results in their business. Again, it is very profitable to sell young animals to those who simply raise rabbits for meat. Summer residents often do this during the summer season.

Bees- Lots of amateurs do them. Honey and other bee products are always in price.

Lately they have been actively breeding goats. A goat is much smaller than a cow, which means less feed and hassle are required, and the space is smaller. A purebred goat produces up to 5 liters of milk per day, which is quite enough for a family. Experienced goat breeders believe that it is more profitable to keep several goats than one cow. Plus, the goat provides valuable fluff. If you take your business seriously and keep several goats, you can sell milk and its products, as well as purebred kids.

Well about fattening pigs Everyone knows that in our villages many people do this because there is simply nothing else to do. True, in recent years the African plague has been raging, if you find yourself in a quarantine zone - that’s it, it’s over: the animals will be destroyed, the compensation is meager.

Cow- in modern times this is generally a feat! Old people no longer have the strength to keep cows; young people don’t want to or don’t consider it profitable. I can’t say how profitable it is to keep cows, but judging by the fact that in our markets there are quite enough sellers of homemade milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese, this is not a unprofitable business. Although, of course, not everyone can do it.

Well, I can’t ignore it in silence worms, since I recently started it myself. These quiet and inconspicuous animals actually bring great benefits. In fact, the fertility of the soil is their merit. Millions of worms process biological residues into humus, which feeds plants. But mineral fertilizers kill worms, the soil becomes dead, and to maintain productivity it is necessary to apply them again and again.

Worms are unpretentious, they process plant residues, manure and droppings, kitchen waste, etc. They can bring considerable income; it is not for nothing that worm farms grow all over the world like mushrooms after rain. What can worms give? So many. Firstly, it is an excellent fertilizer, ten times more effective than compost. You can use it for yourself, and with large production volumes you can sell it. Worm biomass is an excellent high-protein feed, primarily for poultry, as well as for fur-bearing animals, pigs and cows. Worms are readily purchased by fishermen and aquarium keepers. Worms are a natural food for pond fish. Keeping worms is one of the few times that waste is turned into income. The process of growing worms is simple, there are many technologies, you just need to choose the right one.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 12 minutes


A plot of 20 acres is an ideal springboard for starting your own business. A dacha or personal plot of this size can be adapted for growing vegetables and seedlings for sale, renting it out, and raising animals on it. There are many other productive ideas for using land as a valuable resource. Let's consider the most effective and profitable of them.

Growing herbs, vegetables, fruits for sale

The most common way to use land to organize a business is gardening and vegetable growing.

It can be organized in two directions:

  • Firstly , growing seasonal vegetables and fruits in open ground.
  • Secondly , construction of a greenhouse for the cultivation of heat-loving fruit and vegetable crops, as well as for growing vegetables.

The first option is characterized by minimal investment: the entrepreneur will only need to purchase seedlings and seedlings, as well as take care of timely watering, weeding and fertilizing. The second option requires the construction of a greenhouse structure, the organization of a heating and watering system in it.

It's important to understand that the sale of seasonal vegetables and fruits will not provide the entrepreneur with such a significant profit compared to the sale of exotic crops, including berries and herbs in the cold season.

At the first stage of organizing a business, you can manage on your own, but with the gradual expansion of the business, you will need to hire hired workers seasonally - during the period of planting seedlings, harvesting, etc.

There are also several options for selling finished products:

  1. Wholesale supply to large retail outlets (supermarkets).
  2. Independent retail sales at the market or in a stationary vegetable stall.
  3. Selling products directly from the farm , which requires advertising in local print media.

Business benefits

  1. Consistently high demand.
  2. Significant cost of agricultural products in the winter season.
  3. Relatively small investment.

Business Disadvantages

  1. High probability of a force majeure situation (death of seedlings, crop failure, pests).
  2. The finished product does not have a long shelf life.

Breeding and raising domestic animals

If the available land plot is not at all distinguished by fertile soil, then it makes sense to adapt it for breeding domestic animals.

In this case, you can choose one of two options:

  • Firstly , if there is space for grazing, you can make a choice in favor of cows or sheep.
  • Secondly , in the absence of these, you can start raising chickens, rabbits or ducks.

Caring for pets is daily systematic work. That is why, already at the first stage of organizing a business, you should take care of hiring 2-3 employees.

What are the nuances of this business:

  1. On the site it will be necessary to equip pens for animals, protected from rain, wind and cold.
  2. It is extremely important to follow the calendar of preventive vaccinations for animals, which will protect the business from unexpected deaths of livestock.
  3. Care should be taken in advance to create channels for the supply of feed and vitamins for animals.

The most profitable and popular options for a livestock business in a summer cottage include breeding geese, rabbits and ducks:

  • Duck breeding . First, you will need to purchase about 100 ducklings (the price of one varies from 80 to 120 rubles) and purchase food. It is worth noting that ducks are very unpretentious to food and can even eat boiled potatoes. In 3-5 months, the animal reaches a mature state and is ready for sale (the cost of a mature bird is 400-800 rubles).
  • . Small rabbits are sold on the market at a price of 70 rubles each. Their maintenance does not require large enclosures or swimming areas. Food for rabbits consists of grasses and grains (corn, wheat, barley). In 4-5 months the animal reaches adulthood and can be sold for 700-1000 rubles. Moreover, rabbits produce very significant offspring.
  • . Raising geese is similar to raising ducks. However, these birds do not require serious structures (they are not afraid of cold and rain). In addition, they consume less feed. Goslings can be purchased for 90-110 rubles each, and adult birds aged 4-5 months can be sold for 1000-1500 rubles.

The most convenient way to sell products is through wholesale deliveries.

Business benefits

  1. High demand for products from supermarkets, restaurants, and meat production.
  2. Medium-sized investments.
  3. A simple organization algorithm.
  4. Acceptable in any climate zone.

Business Disadvantages

  1. High probability of a force majeure situation (illness and loss of livestock).
  2. High level of competition in the industry.
  3. Requires significant labor costs.

Growing seedlings, seedlings for sale

In spring, seedlings and seedlings are in high demand on the market. Moreover, in Russia only 40% of the market is occupied by such products created on an industrial scale. Mostly seedlings are supplied by summer residents.

There are two directions for organizing such a business:

  • Growing seedlings . To do this, wild trees are grown from the seeds of apples, cherries, pears, etc., which, at the age of one year, are decorated with twigs from different cultivated varieties of fruits and berries. Within a few months after the plant takes a cutting, it can be sold on the market.
  • Growing seedlings . In this case, you will need to purchase special containers or boxes in which the seeds are placed. Since seedlings will need to be presented for sale in early spring, special greenhouses will be required to grow them.

The most popular products on the market are:

  • Berry bushes - raspberries, currants, gooseberries, blackberries.
  • Fruit trees - apple trees, pears, plums, apricots, cherries.
  • Vegetables – tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, eggplants.

The sale of seedlings and seedlings will have to be carried out independently: as a rule, large agricultural farms independently provide themselves with young plants.

Business benefits

  1. High seasonal demand.
  2. Minimum investment.

Business Disadvantages

  1. Seasonality, high probability of force majeure (plant death).
  2. Significant competition in the industry.
  3. The need for knowledge of agrotechnical subtleties in matters.

Organization of a recreation center or boarding house on the site

If there is a forest, grove, picturesque lake or river near a personal or dacha plot, organizing a private boarding house becomes the only correct solution. You should not think that this is an overwhelmingly difficult task: you can start with a fairly simplified version.

  • Firstly , for renting to vacationers, you can equip an existing house on the site or install several cabin trailers on it, designed for different numbers of people (from 2 to 5 people).
  • Secondly , it is necessary to take care of water, gas, electricity, and sewerage.
  • Third , a bathhouse or sauna, gazebos with tables and benches, barbecues, children's and sports grounds, a frame pool, etc. should be built on the site.

If we are talking about a specialized recreation center, then it is possible to organize the provision of special equipment for rent (for hiking, swimming, rock climbing), and also provide positions of instructors and guides on the staff.

In general, the staff of such a company should consist of an administrator and security guards. Cleaners, medical workers, mechanics, as well as cooks and waiters (if you plan to organize a canteen).

An important aspect is the organization of guarded parking for clients' cars. Houses can be rented on an hourly or daily basis. With an efficient heating system, cabins in picturesque surroundings can be rented out all year round.

Business benefits

  1. There is significant demand.
  2. High incomes.

Business Disadvantages

  1. High initial investment.
  2. Complexity of the organization.
  3. Payback in 2-3 years.

Delivery of land, cottages for rent

The simplest, but least profitable option is to rent out the site.

There are several options for this business option:

  • If there is a house on the site – it can be rented out for recreation.
  • If there are shrubs and fruit trees on the site – it can be handed over for harvesting seasonally.
  • If the soil of the site is fertile , then it can be handed over to farmers during the warm season.

Announcements of delivery are usually posted on electronic bulletin boards online, as well as in local print publications.

Business benefits

  1. Ease of business organization.
  2. No initial costs.

Business Disadvantages

  1. Low profitability.

Organization of a petting zoo

An innovative idea for using the land is to create a petting zoo. It can be imagined as numerous open and closed enclosures housing horses, rabbits, ducks, geese, turkeys, sheep, goats, and perhaps even ostriches.

It is noteworthy that such a zoo can be combined with a subsidiary farm (“exhibition” goats do not stop giving milk, and chickens do not stop laying eggs). That is why it makes sense to organize a sales point for agricultural products on its territory.

What interesting activities can such a petting zoo offer for visitors:

  • Firstly , standard excursions.
  • Secondly , classes for schoolchildren.
  • Third , feeding animals with visitors.
  • Fourth , horse riding, etc.

The entrepreneur will need to take care of the competent organization of the zoo space, installation of enclosures, purchase of feed, landscaping of the territory, and creation of a work schedule.

To service the animals, 3-4 employees will be required, including a full-time veterinarian. In addition, it is important to take care of hiring 2-3 guides.

Advertising can be placed in local print media. The zoo's income comes from the sale of tickets, agricultural products and additional services (photos with animals, feeding pets, rental of a playground, sale of cotton candy and ice cream)

Business benefits

  1. Possibility of combining with agricultural activities and providing a range of additional services.
  2. Significant profitability.