Growing greens in a greenhouse: business plan and its implementation, technologies and prospects. Growing greens as a business

The demand for greens is consistently high. This makes the cultivation of spices a promising area. However, significant investments will be required to make a good profit.

Profitability is assessed based on the scale of the business. For large and successful entrepreneurs with an established sales market, it reaches 65%; at the initial stage it is 20-30%; on average - a little more than 40%. Among the advantages are:

  • inexpensive planting material;
  • ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness of crops;
  • year-round demand, increasing in winter and spring;
  • compactness: does not require large areas or expensive equipment;
  • quick payback;
  • the ability to harvest 4-5 harvests per year.

However, building a business on greenery is risky because:

  • high production costs;
  • products are not stored for long;
  • the crop may die from diseases and pests;
  • The costs of heating greenhouses are significant.

Interesting direction for business?


What you need to start a business

To grow greens you will need:

  1. Insulation: film, polystyrene foam, foil (for indoor growing).
  2. Soil, fertilizers and planting material.
  3. Containers: pots, boxes, pallets, water bottles.
  4. Thermometer for monitoring air temperature.

There are several places where you can grow herbs for sale:

  • in the apartment;
  • in open ground;
  • in the basement;
  • in the garage;
  • in the greenhouse.

Growing greens at home allows you to get a small amount of harvest all round
year. Plants will need a place away from radiators and artificial lighting. The same goes for basement growing. You can't make much money this way.

One option: sow plants in open ground or a greenhouse in the summer, and move them indoors in the winter. But the most effective way of growing is a greenhouse.

A favorable microclimate is always maintained in the greenhouse. Its design allows you to conveniently fertilize the beds and harvest the crop. In addition, plants are comfortable in heated greenhouses even in winter.

Types of greenhouses

The business plan will be built and adjusted based on the characteristics of the greenhouse.

The type of heating is selected depending on the available fuel resources and the thermal conductivity of the greenhouse material (the higher the thermal conductivity, the more productive the heating system should be).

Reference! Some entrepreneurs install wood stoves for heating and solar panels to provide electricity.

A lighting system and a well-functioning irrigation system are also required. For lighting, fluorescent lamps are preferable.

A watering system is required to minimize manual labor. The most affordable is a mass watering system. A more expensive and effective option is a drip irrigation system. Advanced farmers will benefit from hydrogel, a productive and cost-effective technology for preserving moisture.

Depending on the type of greenhouse covering, there are:

  1. Glass. Strong, durable, transmits color well. The main disadvantage is that they cause plants to get sunburned. Also, such greenhouses do not retain heat well, which makes them unprofitable in winter.
  2. Polyethylene. In polyethylene greenhouses, plants are not afraid of burns, but they receive much less light. In addition, film shelters are short-lived. The only advantages are low cost and ease of use and installation.
  3. Acrylic/polycarbonate. Quite expensive, but effective option.
  4. -thermoses. The design of such greenhouses provides for a double covering, which allows minimizing heating costs. In mid-February, the greenhouse is cleared of snow and lined with black film. The soil will warm up sufficiently by the beginning of March.

What plants are more profitable to grow?

The basis of the business is growing dill and onions. These are the most popular and profitable
plants. It is also advisable to plant:

  • parsley (leaf, because root parsley is not in demand);
  • salad (green and leafy, watercress);
  • spinach;
  • cilantro;
  • sorrel;
  • celery (leaf, root and stalk).

Before sowing, the seeds are briefly soaked in water. Planted in rows (in conditions of limited space - in a checkerboard pattern) to a depth of no more than three centimeters. The sowing density indicated on the packaging must be observed.

Advice! Give preference to ultra-early and early ripening varieties.

Before purchasing seeds, you need to read reviews regarding a particular variety. Well proven: Uzbek dill, Prima and Curly parsley, Vulcan onion, Curly celery, Lolla Rossa and New Year's lettuce.

There are several varieties of onions: hot, sweet and semi-sharp. Acute is the fastest to ripen, but is not suitable for pen. Sweet takes a long time to ripen. Semi-sharp onions are the golden mean, allowing you to grow both greens and bulbs.

After receiving the first harvest, you can grow the seeds yourself, changing the variety every two to three years to avoid degeneration.

Greens require less attention than vegetables or fruits. Many varieties are resistant to cold. But minimal care is required: watering, loosening, weeding and fertilizing. The landing order should also be observed. With rational crop rotation, after one plant is harvested, another is planted in its place.

Here are some tables to help guide you when boarding.

Table 1. Dill planting dates

Table 2. Onion planting dates

Table 3. Planting order when growing several types of plants.

PlantSowing time:
Basilfrom May 10 to June 10
Mustard leaffrom April 10 to August 10
Cilantrofrom April 20 to August 10
Watercressfrom April 10 to September 10
Onion setsfrom March 30 to May 10
Leekfrom March 10 to May 30
Onionfrom April 15 to May 10
Melissafrom April 20 to May 20
MintMarch, April, September
March, April, October
Radishfrom April 10 to May 25
Saladfrom April 10 to August 20
Leaf celeryfrom May 1 to June 10
Asparagusfrom May 1 to July 10
Dillfrom April 1 to July 31
Sorrelfrom April to June
Spinachfrom April 10 to July 20

Advice! If the “standard set” sells well, you can plant other herbs for testing: basil, cardamom, coriander. Or sow a bed of radishes. You don’t need to grow a lot: the volume can always be increased if there is demand.

On average, 3 kilograms of greens are obtained from one square meter. Based on these numbers, a business plan will be calculated.

Business plan for growing greens

The plan is attractive because it requires minimal investment at the initial stage. Seed material
it's very cheap. If you have your own plot, there is no need to purchase or rent land. The main expenses will be on greenhouses and equipment, as well as “little things”: fertilizers, pest control, shelving, containers for plants.

Calculating expenses

  1. Purchase of two greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate with an area of ​​18 square meters. meters – 60,000 rubles.
  2. Seeds - about 2000 rub.
  3. Fertilizers and remedies for diseases - about 7,000 rubles.
  4. Transport costs (not included here, as they directly depend on the region and points of sale).

In total, you need to invest about 70,000 rubles. In the future, as the business expands, the assistant’s salary will be added to the expense item - 120,000 rubles per year, as well as registering a business and paying fees - 15,000 rubles.

Income calculation

  1. The useful area of ​​greenhouses is approximately 30 square meters. meters (you can increase the area due to additional tiers and racks). An average of 3 kg of greenery can be grown on one square meter. This is 90 kg from two greenhouses.
  2. There are 4-5 harvests per year. Let’s say we managed to grow 450 kg.
  3. The price per kilogram of dill varies from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the season and sales volumes. Onions are more expensive. The average price per kilogram of greens will be about 150 rubles/kg.

In total, you can get 67,500 rubles for the sale. This means that in the second year the greenhouses will reach self-sufficiency. Every year, profits will grow due to a decrease in costs for greenhouses (only fixed costs for fertilizers and seeds will remain) and an increase in the consumer audience.

It is worth considering that greenhouses can pay for themselves in the first five months by increasing the usable area. The average profit of a developed business is 200-250% per season.

Growing greens in winter is more expensive, but at the same time demand increases, so it is worth considering the possibility of growing greens in a greenhouse year-round.

Business for growing greens all year round

From mid-autumn to mid-spring, plants in greenhouses require lighting and heating, which is expensive. However, growing greens for sale in winter is profitable, since it is during this period that demand and price increase.

Additional costs will be:

  1. Heating system (50 meters of polypropylene pipes) – 12,000 rub.
  2. KamAZ coal for a year - 10,000 rubles.
  3. Electricity (fluorescent lamps) – 15,000 rub.

Advice! To save heat, place the greenhouses nearby and make a common entrance.

If the business plan comes true, then you can gradually add new greenhouses and reach the industrial level.

Harvest and sale of crops

Pre-sale preparation of goods includes several stages:

  1. A few hours before harvesting, the crops need to be well watered.
  2. Carefully remove from the ground, wash the roots and dry.
  3. Sort plants by size (long/short feather). Subsequently, different prices are set for different types.
  4. Plants are placed in a special container with their leaves facing up.
  5. To keep greens longer, they are placed in water with the addition of an aspirin tablet (per liter).

Advice! You can grow and sell greens in special mini-pots. Greens in a pot last longer and attract consumers with their beautiful appearance.

Those who have had personal experience with growing greens say that the main problem is not production, but profitable marketing.

The markets are constantly highly competitive, and the need for greens can be fully satisfied by local farmers. A retail outlet on the market will only do for the first time; when production volumes increase, you will have to look for additional sales channels:

  • cafes and restaurants;
  • the shops;
  • vegetable warehouses;
  • wholesale warehouses;
  • companies engaged in the preparation of ready-made food;
  • schools, hospitals and other public institutions (by tender).

Sometimes documents may be required for sale - a certificate of availability of a personal plot and special certificates about the product.

Large production must be registered as an individual entrepreneur in the field of agricultural production (OKVED code - A.01.12.2). In this case, the form of taxation is Unified Agricultural Tax - 6% of net profit. To officially hire workers, you will have to register with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

To increase sales, set the price slightly below the market price. Seasonal discounts, several types of payment, and the possibility of deferred payment are effective.

Reading time: 9 min · Viewed:.

A business growing greens is just a godsend for a novice businessman. This type of activity does not require large expenses at first, and payback can be obtained in just a month. It all depends on the choice of plants, method of cultivation and other nuances.

Growing greens as a business: niche analysis

Growing greens as a business is beneficial because, having 10-20 thousand rubles on hand, you can start your own business. Businessmen are attracted to this method of making a profit by its simplicity and high profitability - up to 500% of the money spent in one season. Greens are in high demand all year round, but more income can be obtained in winter.

The advantages of this business include the following:

  1. Seeds are very cheap. In comparison, for example, with tomatoes and cucumbers, the prices for greens are cheap. In addition, one bag contains not 8-10 seeds, but 80-100.
  2. Unpretentiousness of varieties when growing. Greens do not require special care, fertilizing, abundant watering, or tying up.
  3. High demand for this product.
  4. For growing no need for much knowledge in gardening and gardening, even a beginner can easily cope with planting.
  5. Fast payback with minimal investment.

With all the advantages, this business, like any other, has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Big competition. Due to the fact that the business is profitable, many people do it, and in most cities it is not easy to break through and organize profitable deliveries.
  2. Equipment premises for planting and renting land will cost a pretty penny. At first, you can start growing greens at home in pots, but for further development it is necessary to increase the area, because the more planted, the higher the profit. For greater turnover, it will be necessary to equip greenhouses over time.

In the northern regions, most of the profits are spent on heating greenhouses with gas or electricity to grow greens all year round.


When do you need to register your activities? If the scale of production is small, you can sell the greens on the market yourself or hand them over to resellers, but their prices are always several times lower. To sell several bundles, you do not need to register an individual entrepreneurship.

When the volumes are large and it is possible to supply greens to shops, cafes or restaurants, you should register. The first one is easier to register.

Agricultural businessmen in our country have an advantage over other entrepreneurs. They pay only 6% of total profits at tax time.

Technology selection

To begin with, an entrepreneur should decide on the method of cultivation. There are 4 types of them:

  • in your own apartment;
  • on a plot of land;
  • in the basement or garage, which are equipped as a greenhouse;
  • in the greenhouse.

Growing in an apartment

At first, especially if the investment is small, you can start with growing in your apartment. Of course, you can’t enter the wholesale market here, but you can understand whether it’s worth doing or not. Perhaps in your city this area of ​​activity has long been so busy that a newcomer simply cannot break through and find objects for sale.

To plant seeds at home, you should prepare pots or boxes; cut plastic bottles and disposable cups are suitable if it is not possible to purchase ready-made containers for planting.

The advantages of growing in apartments are low costs and the ability to grow greens all year round, but there will not be much revenue from such a business.

On a plot of land

If you have your own land plot, this is a big plus for a novice businessman. The costs will be quite small, the area will be larger than in an apartment, and the very quality of greenery grown in the sun will be many times higher.

The disadvantage of this method is seasonality. You can grow greens on the site only in spring and summer, when the demand for it drops. In addition, most of the plots are located outside the city, so transportation costs must be deducted from the total income.

In the greenhouse

The need is obvious purchasing a greenhouse with time. Thanks to its use, the volume of production and timing increases; in warm regions, planting and harvesting is possible all year round with heating and lighting.

Like any method, this also has its disadvantages:

  • Installing a greenhouse is an expensive proposition.
  • not all crops can grow in a greenhouse.
  • in northern latitudes, such a business can go into the red due to huge bills for electricity or gas, which will be used to heat the greenhouse.

The investment in this method is large, but in many cases the income is over 50%. Glass greenhouses are better suited for year-round growing of greenery.

In the basement

Vegetable gardening is also possible in the basement of a house or garage. In this case, the room is equipped with heating, lighting, and an irrigation system, just like in a greenhouse. It is easier to keep the same temperature in the basement, unlike in an apartment.

When planting in a garage or basement, you can avoid the appearance of dampness and fungus in the apartment. There are no transportation costs required, since the site is very close by. Greens can be planted all year round, but the quality will be lower than that grown outdoors, and the lighting costs are high.

Soil, equipment, care

When thinking about starting a business growing greens, you should consider the cost of soil. The following types are suitable:

  1. Ordinary land from the site, it is poured into containers for growing. It is advisable to fertilize in any convenient way, then plant the seeds and place in a warm, well-lit place.
  2. Hydroponics – This is a special installation where plants are planted not in the soil, but in artificial environments. The roots are fed with special solutions, which accelerates the growth of greenery.
  3. Gravel and crushed stone as an analogue of hydroponics. The roots are well enriched with air, but this soil does not retain moisture well.
  4. Expanded clay, vermiculite. These materials retain water well and are beneficial in use.
  5. Special granules. You can buy granules for planting in the store; they are optimal for growing not only greens, but also almost all vegetable crops. True, such a mixture is expensive.

For more information about what hydroponics is and how to grow greens with its help, listen to the research report by expert Anton Privolnov:

Most varieties of greens are unpretentious and do not require maintenance. It is enough to loosen the soil, sow the seeds and provide them with sufficient moisture, light and heat. It will not be superfluous to feed the soil at least 2 times a month with special chemical fertilizers, urea, and humus.

At first, planting on your own plot or in an apartment is enough, but if a distribution channel is found and the business is profitable, part of the income should be invested in the purchase of a greenhouse. Film greenhouses are cheaper than glass greenhouses, but the latter are more durable.

When growing greens in the garage, it should be insulated. The cheapest insulation material is polystyrene foam. You can use isolon on top; it will also retain heat and also reflect light. Although, if funds do not allow, ordinary foil will be suitable for reflecting light. Then you should make shelves for pots of herbs and provide lighting and heating of the growing room in the winter. You can monitor the temperature in the room using a regular thermometer.

For greater profits, you can combine different growing methods: both outdoors and indoors.

Selection of greens

The most profitable in terms of ease of cultivation and market demand are dill, parsley, green onions, lettuce, spinach, sorrel, and basil.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type of greenery.

Type of greenery pros Minuses
Dill and parsley Great demand, unpretentiousness, quick return on investment, cheap seeds, fast growth. High competition
Salad Grows in different types of soil, great demand throughout the year, high price for the product compared to dill and parsley, does not require much care, first harvest in 2 weeks. For more income, modern agricultural technologies should be used, which are very expensive.
Green onions In demand among housewives all year round, the price is high in winter, which contributes to a quick payback. It requires a large area and care, it can turn yellow, become sick, and there are a number of pests that can spoil the greens.
Spinach, sorrel, basil They tolerate low temperatures well, and the price of the product is high. Not always in great demand, they are difficult to grow; spinach and basil require constant care.

At first, you should start with simple types of greens that do not require much care. Plants such as spinach and basil can be grown in addition to others to avoid incurring losses at first.

It is important to find a good seed supplier. Initially, you should not take large batches; over time, it is better to choose the one whose seeds have a higher percentage of germination. When choosing seeds, you should not buy into the colorful pictures on the packaging. Ordinary, unattractive, cheap packs are no worse than bright, expensive ones; you don’t need to overpay for the design.

Over time, you will be able to collect your own seeds, and then you will not need to spend money on buying them.

Sales options

A novice businessman should not invest all his savings in this business. You should start with low turnover, research the market, the presence of competitors. After analyzing the difficulties and advantages, in the future, part of the profit can be invested in expanding the business.

Initially, the greens can be sold independently at the market or to resellers. Such a sale will not bring much income, but it will recoup the costs several times over.

Over time, it is worth finding consumers, these could be:

  • the shops;
  • canteens;
  • cafes, snack bars;
  • restaurants;
  • vegetable bases.

Here the supply volumes are larger, but the wholesale price is always lower than what could be sold on the market. Another feature of this sale is the cultivation of only one, maximum two crops.

You can also open your own store selling herbs, but you need to weigh the pros and cons, calculate the costs of renting premises, and the costs of utilities. Usually, if the volume of grown products is large, all expenses are more than recouped.

Business plan for growing greens

Let's give an example of calculating the profitability of growing green onions in your own apartment. In a room with a total area of ​​20 square meters, 30 square meters can be used for planting when installing shelving.

Expenses at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey:

  1. Buying seeds – 4-5 thousand rubles.
  2. Containers for planting are free; boxes and crates, cut plastic bottles, and juice containers are suitable.
  3. Lighting – 1.5-2 thousand rubles.
  4. Purchase of fertilizers – 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles.
  5. Transportation costs for supplying onions to wholesalers are 4 thousand.
  6. Installation of lighting with fluorescent lamps - 10-12 thousand rubles.

Thus, on average, the maximum expenses will be 25,000 rubles.

Let's move on to counting possible income.

From one square meter you can grow 10 kg of onions. If you plant 30 m² twice a month, you get 600 kg.

The wholesale price is always lower than the retail price, but even if you sell onions for 100 rubles per 1 kg, it comes out to 60,000 rubles.

To sell greens wholesale, you need to register an individual entrepreneur. When doing business with agricultural products, the tax is 6% of income, in this case it is 606 rubles. If we subtract this amount from the total profit and other expenses, the net profit will be 34,394 rubles. This is one month's income. Undoubtedly, there are benefits even with small investments.

With an increase in the volume of cultivation, the construction of a greenhouse, and the rental of large areas of land, investments will amount to hundreds of thousands, and income in this case will increase in direct proportion.

The main aspects of small business development using the example of growing greenery in a village can be found in this video:

A business in growing greens is a profitable activity, since income can be obtained after just a month of fruitful work. You can start with small turnover, and accordingly, your income will not be in the millions. This type of activity is perfect for beginners. Well, in the future, if there are good options for sales, the business can be expanded.

For many summer residents, additional income in the form of growing and selling greenery turns into a full-fledged, working business. In one season they earn up to 1 million rubles. Some entrepreneurs purposefully change their type of activity and create a business in growing fresh herbs. What can we say about pensioners, for whom such additional income is a decent payment for their favorite activity and an increase in their pension.

It is difficult to plant a garden or grow vegetables in large quantities in the areas that the average summer resident has - approximately 30 acres. But you can earn your first million on 6, having on greens. Taking into account the fact that on 1 hectare you can grow 1 ton of greens per season and sell for 150 rubles per kilogram, then on 6 you will earn a million rubles of net profit. But growing greens as a business requires a different approach to management - close and competent participation in the process of planting, growing and harvesting.

When growing greens in a greenhouse, the business will generate income all year round, since the microclimate in the greenhouse is the same at any time, the result is independent of weather conditions. And all that remains for harvesting is caring for the grown greens - regular weeding and watering the beds. The greenhouse approach to cultivation increases the yield by 2 times.

Exterior view of a thermos greenhouse. Plastic polycarbonate transmits light and retains heat.

Fertilizers also affect the amount of greens grown. It is easier to fertilize the soil in a greenhouse than on a personal plot. Important and decisive features and advantages in growing greens in a greenhouse are the ability to harvest up to 6 harvests per season, since the gardening season is artificially extended by 4–5 months. Schedule the first sowing of greens for March, and harvest the last harvest in November.

Preparatory process for growing greens

A novice entrepreneur must keep in mind that the scheme presented below for planting and growing greenery will be justified when using a thermos greenhouse. Such a greenhouse will eliminate additional heating costs, since the solar collector provides the necessary heat, and the double coating keeps it inside.

The greenhouse is prepared for the start of the season in mid-February. Snow is cleared from both the greenhouse and the surrounding area. To speed up the process of thawing and warming up the soil, cover the soil cleared of snow with roofing material or black film; these actions are also done inside the greenhouse - covered with 2 layers of film.

Black surfaces actively absorb sunlight, so the soil in the greenhouse will warm up by 10–15 cm by the beginning of March. What is enough for sowing onions, radishes, dill - these crops are cold-resistant and will survive early planting without loss. The following are in active demand:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • all kinds of salads;
  • green onions (feathers separately and together with root vegetables);
  • radish.

Other types of greens are grown to complete the range, but not as the main product.

Dill growing business

Dill is a common type of fresh herb. Dill seeds germinate in soil heated to just 2–3°C. Before planting dill, the seeds are soaked, but not for long, to prevent germination, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the young shoots during planting.

Sow dill in rows in the direction from north to south. The distance between the rows is 10–12 cm - this will give the emerging shoots maximum light, nutrition and warmth, which will lead to an excellent harvest. Regular weeding and watering have a beneficial effect on the quantity and quality of grown greens.

When buying seeds, choose ultra-early varieties. By purchasing varietal dill seeds, you can later grow them yourself without updating them every couple of years, as is the case with other vegetable crops.

Planting pattern:

Don't waste your energy growing fresh herbs in winter; this is not a profitable activity when it comes to your garden plot. The cost of heating a greenhouse exceeds the income from the sale of crops. The quality of greenery drops many times due to lack of sunlight and heat - the plant stretches out and loses color, which leads to dill not being in demand on the market.

Collection and transportation

To harvest, water the beds 5-6 hours before the planned time. To preserve its presentation, dill is not pulled out, but dug up with a shovel, to prevent damage to the leaves and stems. The roots are washed with water and the remaining soil is removed. Fresh dill should be transported in a waterproof container, where the bunches are placed with the leaves facing up and pressed tightly against each other.

An important point in storing and transporting the harvested crop is maintaining quality characteristics for a long time. To do this, add water with diluted fertilizer to the container with dill, as well as ordinary aspirin at the rate of 1 tablet per liter of liquid.

Green onion growing business

The second most popular item is the onion feather. Growing it as a business involves planting not perennial varieties, but annual ones. An important point in growing is the use of a semi-sharp onion variety. This is explained by the normal maturation period and feather weight. There are 3 types of green onion varieties:

  • spicy;
  • semi-sweet;
  • sweet.

For an entrepreneur, the ripening period and growth of greenery matter. When choosing a particular type of onion for planting, take into account the following data:

  • sharp varieties ripen faster - 3 months after germination, but are not distinguished by the abundance of greenery;
  • semi-sharp ones ripen a month to a month and a half later than acute ones, there is enough greenery for entrepreneurial activity;
  • sweet green onions have a long ripening period - up to six months, but there is more greenery than the previous two.

More often, entrepreneurs grow semi-sharp varieties, such as Stuttgarter Riesen. It belongs to the early-ripening semi-sweet varieties with a ripening period of 2-2.5 months and is distinguished by impressive feather growth. The variety is annual, which requires full maturation of an onion head weighing 70–80 g. This feature makes its cultivation optimal in the created conditions.

Another fun idea in the field of agriculture: .

During the first two plantings, it is not the sets that are used, but black onion. To do this, in early February, seeds are sown in containers in a continuous carpet. When the soil in the greenhouse warms up to the optimal temperature for planting, the sprouted sprouts are picked and planted in rows with a distance of 5 cm between them.

2–3 weeks after planting nigella, a second batch of seeds is sown in the greenhouse, then moved to the garden bed after the first harvest. This is done throughout the season, although the third batch of seedlings is planted directly in the garden bed.

Onion seeds are grown on your own plot for 2–3 years, during which time the variety does not degenerate and this does not affect the quality of the product. In the greenhouse, 2 beds are allocated for onions - on one of them will grow onions for collecting seeds, and on the other - green feathers for sale.

Onion planting scheme

Sowing seeds

Picking seedlings


Harvesting and transportation

Onion harvesting begins with watering the beds within 5–6 hours. The onion is removed along with the head, pulled out by the base of the leaves near the ground. This is done so as not to disturb the wax layer that covers the feathers. The coating protects the green from external damage and drying out, and also gives it an attractive appearance.

Growing green onions is no different from growing dill, and transportation is identical to that previously described.

Sales of harvested crops

The sale of greens is carried out in large quantities - the full sale of the freshly harvested crop does not involve the risk of losing the presentation of the greens. Establish contacts with catering establishments where greens are in demand, especially at the end of winter, when the body requires vitamins in any form and quantity. Companies that produce and sell salads and ready-made meals actively purchase green products.

Interior view of the greenhouse.

Selling greens as a business is an easy way to make money with documentation. When establishing trade relations with public catering establishments, they will be asked to present a certificate of availability of a land plot. and restaurants are not the only way to sell home-grown greens. The market is also an option for people with enough free time.

Proper retail sale of greens allows tens of tons of harvest to be sold on a simple agricultural market.

The quality of the product is the main point in attracting regular customers. In order to reach the entire audience of buyers, onions and other types of greens are sorted by feather (or leaf) size, and different prices are set for them. Well, and the quality of the products sold - yellowed, withered plants are disposed of so as not to scare off potential buyers. And adequate, slightly reduced prices for greens will attract a large number of buyers.

Business plan for growing greens

The calculations given are approximate and are presented for informational purposes and to confirm the profitability of the enterprise. Initial expenses when organizing a business are formed from the costs of constructing thermos greenhouses measuring 6x3 m. When using wood as a frame, covering the greenhouse with a frost-resistant thick film, and decorating the roof with cellular polycarbonate, one greenhouse costs on average 20–25 thousand rubles. Fixed expenses are the purchase of seeds. Save on growing your own.

This is what the production of fresh greens on an industrial scale looks like.

Income is calculated from the sale of harvest from 18 square meters, but these figures are averaged and assume the cultivation and sale of dill. On average, up to 4 kg of greens are harvested from one square meter in the first harvest. The price for 1 kg is 150 rubles. – for 4 kg the revenue will be 600 rubles. The area of ​​the beds in the greenhouse is 12 sq.m., the profit from the sale of the entire harvest will be 7,200 rubles. Taking into account the fact that the crop is harvested 5 times per season, the net profit from the sale of fresh herbs is 30–35 thousand rubles. The business will pay off in 1 season!

Be sure to read the article - how profitable the business is.

The success of a business rests entirely on the shoulders of the entrepreneur. At first, they start with one greenhouse, and by the next season, build more. This also applies to the range of grown greens. When there is opportunity, desire, specialization, they expand and grow and sell greens, vegetables, berries and fruits.

Is it possible to earn a million over the summer? You can, and growing greens in a greenhouse and then selling onions, dill, parsley will help you with this... However, in order for the business to take off, you will have to try.

Great business idea

Particular attention should be paid to the greenhouse. You will need this, and not a greenhouse or open ground.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. It is much more convenient to fertilize the beds.
  2. The crop growing season is extended to 9 months, and accordingly the harvest will be larger.
  3. The weather won't stop you from doing business.

If we talk about greens, the greatest demand is for:

  • feather bow;
  • spinach;
  • dill;
  • basil;
  • salads;
  • sorrel;
  • radish;
  • onion.

All the other greens will not sell well, but if you want to diversify the assortment, you can include them too. The main thing is to know and take proper care. This will allow you to achieve your goal in the shortest possible time.

Project profitability assessment

You can prove that the profitability of an enterprise is high using a simple example. Each summer resident has a plot of land, the area of ​​which ranges from 6 to 20 acres. With a good harvest, you can harvest up to 2 tons of greenery per acre in one season!

The average cost of one kilogram of greens is about 150 rubles. Now do the math for yourself.

Two tons of greenery is about 300 thousand rubles (for one season). And since when growing in a greenhouse you can harvest about 3 crops, it’s quite possible to earn a million.

Greenhouse preparation

The best option for growing greens would be to install a thermos greenhouse. What's good about her?

The double coating of the structure allows you to do without additional heating.

You can begin preparing for planting as early as mid-February. It is first recommended to remove the snow around the greenhouse and lay down black film or roofing felt. Black covering material is also laid inside the room - it attracts the sun well.

As a result, in March it is already possible to sow dill, onions and radishes. The soil will thaw by about 15 cm, this is quite enough.

Growing green onions

There are 3 types of onions:

  • sweet;
  • spicy;
  • semi-sharp.

Which one should you choose? Spicy onions ripen the fastest, but their feather mass is small. Sweet onions have the largest mass of feathers, but they take a very long time to mature. It turns out that semi-sharp varieties will be the best option.

Onions are planted in boxes in February. Then in March they are picked and placed in a greenhouse.

The distance between the bulbs should be 5 cm. After you plant the first batch, you should think about the second. To do this, new seeds are planted in boxes. By the beginning of the first harvest (after 20 days), the seeds will sprout and can be planted.

Before harvesting the onions, the beds should be watered thoroughly. Then wait 6 hours, and the plant is pulled out along with the heads.

Growing dill

The most popular greenery is dill. In view of this, approximately 50% of the harvest should consist of this plant. Varieties must be selected early. Varieties need to be updated every three years.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked but not germinated. Sowing occurs in beds located from north to south. It is necessary to carry out watering and weeding in a timely manner. The distance between dill plantings should be 10 cm.

But before you start growing this or that additional type of greenery, you need to pay attention to demand. Undoubtedly, the variety of assortment will attract customers, but if you grow unclaimed crops, you risk being at a loss.

How to grow greens in a greenhouse (video)

Collection and transportation

  • A few hours before harvesting, the beds are watered abundantly with water.
  • Then the dill is pulled out, the roots are thoroughly cleaned of soil and dried.
  • Next, the greens are placed in special waterproof containers, the leaves should be at the top.
  • Placing the product in water with fertilizers, fertilizing and an aspirin tablet will help to store the product longer. In this case, the dill will be fresh for a week.

How to sell your harvest

Greens are often used in restaurants, cafes, and snack bars. It is sold in markets, supermarkets and grocery stores. Retail sales require the provision of special information. At the market, it will be enough to show a certificate stating that you have a household plot.

Greens must be sorted by size. So, a bow with a long feather is supplied separately, and a bow with a short feather, accordingly, goes in a different batch. The cost of the product depends on who purchases the product from you. Old, dried, unsalable greens are removed from the container, it is better not to be greedy, lower the price a little relative to the prices of competitors. Thus, you will be able to sell more, and accordingly, the profit will be greater.

Investments and profits

When starting a business from scratch, the most money will be spent on the greenhouse. For example, a thermos greenhouse costs about twenty-five thousand rubles. You should also consider the cost of purchasing seeds, but you can grow them yourself, in this case there will be no costs.

The area of ​​the greenhouse is 10 square meters. The total profit from one harvest should be 6800 rubles. Several harvests can be harvested per season. The amount of profit will increase to about 32 thousand rubles. The number of greenhouses is not limited, it all depends on the area of ​​your site.

The profitability of the business “Sale of greenhouse greens” is high. Costs are low, payback is quick, demand is constant. In order for people to buy greens from you, you need to monitor the quality of the products and slightly reduce the price relative to competitors.

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Greenhouse owners considering what to grow for maximum profit are advised to look to fresh greens. It is growing quickly, is sold at a good margin, and distribution channels are not difficult to find. In one small greenhouse you can grow different varieties of lettuce and herbs, harvesting them several times a year.

Gradually, the business can be expanded, which will allow the entrepreneur to confidently take his place in the market. So how can you grow greens at home all year round?

Before you begin implementing a business plan for growing greens in a greenhouse, evaluate all the advantages of the project:

  • a wide variety of green crops can be grown in a greenhouse depending on market needs;
  • greens grow quickly, which allows you to harvest several harvests a year;
  • the product is in demand, which allows you to find sales channels;
  • Both wholesale and retail sales are possible.

Despite the obvious advantages, small pitfalls can also await a novice entrepreneur. It is worth knowing about them before starting work in order to correctly assess your strengths.

Growing greens for sale at home as a business has a number of the following disadvantages::

  • seasonal nature of the business, demand decreases in summer;
  • short shelf life and rapid loss of presentation;
  • high cost of entry into business;
  • high heating costs.
  • Organize lighting using fluorescent lamps mounted under the ceiling. Some types of greens are very demanding of light (dill, parsley), others calmly put up with its lack (green onions). Plants can be grown in the ground or in a shelf method. The second is ideal for greens in pots; the racks can significantly increase the yield per 1 square meter. m.
  • Don't forget about the irrigation system. For large greenhouses, an automatic drip system is ideal, providing optimal humidity levels depending on the needs of a particular crop.
  • Consider your heating system. T The greenhouse can be heated with an infrared cable, an electric boiler, potbelly stoves and even fires that will pump warm air through the pipes. To save energy, it's worth making a bet for biofuel. It is made from a mixture of horse, pig or cow manure with straw.

The mixture is collected in heaps, spilled with water and left for several days under a thick film. The rotted mixture is spread under the top layer of soil. Biofuel provides temperatures up to 15 degrees and operates for at least 3 months.

  • During the cold season, you can further insulate the greenhouse by covering the passages between the ridges with roofing felt and laying its sheets outside, along the entire perimeter of the greenhouse. Combining different heating methods will help maintain the desired temperature without overpaying for electricity.
  • Choose a way to grow greens at home. It is best to sow the seeds in the ground; the greens turn out juicy and have a bright taste characteristic of a particular variety. However, this method is quite expensive.

The cheapest option is to grow plants hydroponically, in a liquid nutrient solution. The greens grow quickly and have a good presentation, but the taste suffers greatly. An alternative option is to grow green crops in individual plastic mini-pots with a nutrient substrate.

How to sell products?

Greens grown in greenhouses can be sold at retail or sold in bulk to stores and supermarkets. Another sales channel is restaurants and cafes. To work with legal entities, a product certificate is required.

The difficulty of sales lies in the short shelf life of the product. Cut greens quickly lose freshness even in sealed packaging.

A more promising option for retail sale is greens grown in a pot and sold along with it. Lettuce, arugula, parsley, cilantro, dill, and mint are most often grown in such containers. Pots of herbs look very attractive, in addition, the markup on them is significantly higher, and the sales period is longer.

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