Features of entrepreneurship in Belarus: profitable ideas, facts, opinions, details. Business ideas for Belarus

What kind of business is profitable to do in Belarus?

Are there still any industries left in the national economy where you can actually do business, earn money and be confident in your prospects?

Promising industries outpace GDP

Investors, when identifying promising industries, look, among other things, at the degree of their dependence on fluctuations in economic activity in the country.

A cycle is fluctuations in GDP, crises, falls, or, conversely, a boom in activity, explains Roman Osipov, director of the investment company Uniter. - The most stable sectors of the economy are those least susceptible to fluctuations.

Experts from the Uniter company conducted a large-scale analysis of the development of approximately 300 sectors of the Belarusian economy, taking into account a whole range of factors. It turned out that there are also industries in the country that show growth precisely at a time when the overall decline is occurring. Such industries include telecommunications, food retail, medical services, and rail transportation.

There are also industries that generally developed at a faster pace - potato growing, production of meat and meat products, dairy products, forestry and logging, production of games and toys, plastic products, and finished metal products. These are those sectors whose growth rates significantly exceeded GDP growth.

How else can you assess the prospects of a particular industry?

The main principle is the level of penetration of the industry into the economy compared to developed countries, notes Roman Osipov. - For example, in insurance, the level of premiums per capita in the Baltic countries and especially in Western Europe is several times higher than in Belarus. And any developing market will move towards this model, towards the level of developed countries. And he will grow to it. It's a question of time. This catch-up growth creates the most interesting preconditions for economic activity in certain areas.

The existence of existing conditions for the development of a business is also evidenced by the general consumer behavior of people. Thus, about seven years ago there were no hypermarkets in Belarus, although a completely different situation was observed in neighboring Ukraine. And those investors who began to develop this segment of modern trading formats won.

Expert: “We need to produce here and sell there”

Mikhail Borozdin, director of the investment and consulting company Mikhail Borozdin Agency, believes that in Belarus almost any private business can become profitable and promising, because its share compared to the state one is too small and competition in general is not so high.

The main thing is to find your niche. In addition, according to the expert, it is desirable that the products be exported, since “the domestic market is deflating, and the solvency of the population is decreasing.”

It would be beneficial to work according to the principle: produced here, sold there,” said Mikhail Borozdin. - Produce or trade? Of course, if we talk about some more substantial business, then it is better to produce. But we need to produce something based on local raw materials. However, the cheapest resource in Belarus is labor.

Based on this, the expert considers it most profitable at the moment to organize “a small production that would use a large amount of hired labor, preferably unskilled.” Workers can pick produce by hand for little money. This could be folk crafts, tailoring. Handmade production is valued abroad, and markets could be found there.

In addition, according to Mikhail Borozdin, export projects in the field of information technology would be interesting. True, the risks are higher. This industry typically employs highly qualified and highly paid specialists. So there is a serious risk of attrition if the situation worsens.

Projects to provide services through Internet online services or opening a design studio are also attractive. Overhead costs are the same as in Belarus, and income can be obtained at a world level.

Theoretically, trading would be profitable, but in order to sell, you need to buy. There will not be a large margin, and the profit will not be so great, notes Mikhail Borozdin. - Yes, and competition in trade is always very high. So trading strategically will not be as effective. It's better to try

Find unique things that are unique to Belarus and in demand in other countries. There are brands such as Scotch whiskey, American hamburgers, Italian pizza. They are made all over the world, but it is generally accepted that Scotland, the USA and Italy make them better. It would be nice to find such products here too.

Another profitable niche is to produce goods and provide services that are popular in the West, but which there is simply no one to do in Belarus, the expert said.

Import substitution business will not last long

Chairman of the union of legal entities “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship” Viktor Margelov believes that small and medium-sized businesses will work almost entirely on the domestic market and will never achieve leading positions in exports. They don't have the right volumes.

You can, of course, try your hand at import substitution. Moreover, the real standard of living of the people has seriously decreased. According to Viktor Margelov, he fell by at least one and a half times. So people have less money to buy imported goods.

This situation really opens up certain opportunities for small businesses to produce goods similar to imported ones, but of lower quality,” the expert said. - Naturally, they will be cheaper. Labor and other costs are minimal. For example, women's panties cost 60 thousand rubles. Where do these prices come from? Any seamstress can set up an individual business, buy a sewing machine and easily earn 2-4 million rubles a month. Such schemes are already in place.

However, according to the head of the business union, such import substitution may not last long. As soon as the level of income of the population rises, competitive goods from abroad will again be actively sold in the country, and this type of business will disappear.

By the way, Viktor Margelov considers the advantage of the low cost of hired labor to be controversial.

Theoretically, we have cheap labor. But where is she? I could say that it would be profitable to open a cafe, restaurant or store. But if those who would do this knew what a problem it would be for them to find sellers and cooks, they would never want to open them, he said.

The time for trading is over

The head of the Strategy analytical center, Leonid Zaiko, notes that last year’s currency crisis “cleared” the market for national businesses, and foreigners have nothing much to do with their goods after the devaluation.

According to the expert, now is a good moment for the development of national business. However, Belarus needs an active government policy to stimulate it. Leonid Zaiko believes, in particular, that it is necessary to give free land to everyone who wants it for the construction of enterprises.

The time for trading is over. We need to engage in production,” said the economist. - Enterprises that produce inexpensive products from national raw materials have a chance of success. We need to develop woodworking and the production of simple equipment. Sewing production is very promising. It is profitable to produce food; it is in high demand in Russia. And in Belarus, almost everything in retail chains is imported - fruits, vegetables, potatoes, herbs.

According to Leonid Zaiko, it is necessary to produce “at least just good shovels.” Anything that works for the domestic market is promising. Belarusian business does not need to produce complex goods.

Expert: “Monopolies will be able to survive in the Belarusian market”

The ex-chairman of the XIII Supreme Council commission on economic policy and reforms, Vasily Shlyndikov, is more pessimistic than previous experts. In his opinion, it is mainly the monopolies that have a real chance to survive in the Belarusian market.

They are now being created in almost all areas,” he notes. - In my opinion, the most reliable and profitable now is wholesale trade in medicines, construction (but not directly as a construction company, but as a developer). It is even more profitable to supply fruits, alcohol, and fish. However, monopolists rule everywhere in these markets, for the sake of which everyone was kicked out of there. In addition, monopolists, as a rule, learn about any innovations before anyone else and have time to prepare.

Many experts argue that ready-made business in Belarus, today, the most relevant are 3 areas of doing business:

  1. Pharmacology and medicine;
  2. Agriculture;
  3. Health and medical tourism.

The best business ideas for small businesses in Belarus It’s worth looking based on these three scientifically proven vectors. Let's not focus on the first and third points - let's focus on the middle one. There is a logical explanation for this: urbanization in the country is proceeding at a rapid pace, the demand for quality food products is growing and will continue to increase.

Our everyday milk, cheese, butter, meat and so on are animal products. Livestock and poultry farming are industries that require high-quality modern feed. Scientific research and practice of feeding livestock and poultry have proven that the most effective increases in weight, milk yield, and growth are achieved when combined mixtures are used. Therefore, a business with prospects is the production of compound feed.

Granular feed

Compound feed- consists of various crushed feedstuffs, with the addition of microadditives. The composition of all components provides a complete diet for animals. Combined products are produced on special equipment in specialized workshops or mini-factories.

Feed production is a matter of present and future

Opening a mini-factory for the production of animal feed is a great business idea. A study of the prospects for the development of livestock and poultry farming has shown that the products of these areas are in demand now and there is a tendency to increase demand. And, consequently, the need for feed consumption will increase every year and the invested funds will quickly pay off.

The technological process will fully comply with all established standards only when modern equipment for the production of mixed feed is installed at the enterprise. All equipment is simple and quite affordable for a novice entrepreneur:

  • Universal crusher;
  • Screw mixer;
  • Dosing weighing electronic unit;
  • Screw conveyor and separator;
  • Operator line control panel.

The process of operation of a feed production enterprise

In general, the production of this material looks like this: Grain and other components enter the grinding unit. Here all the material undergoes crushing, weighing and dosing. Next, the prepared raw material enters the mixing unit. This block is designed to obtain a mass of uniform consistency. This is achieved through active mixing. When the mixture is prepared, it is enriched with the necessary additional additives. Additives are added manually by a specialist.

The mixture is packaged automatically and packages with the finished product are delivered to vehicles via a conveyor. All process control is carried out using a remote control.

For the full operation of the enterprise, it is necessary, in addition to equipment, to have the following premises:

  • Production premises;
  • Warehouses for finished products;
  • Warehouses for storing raw materials.

It is clear that all of them must be equipped according to the current standard parameters. The production technology of compound feed should be fully maintained, then the products will be of high quality and competitive. To do this, you need to involve qualified specialists. Well-coordinated teamwork, high-quality raw materials and reliable equipment will make the business successful and profitable.

How do you like your grass business? Or rather, in the production of silage. You just need to start using the country’s natural resources more carefully and fully - beautiful, lush and thick grass. Using modern silage technologies, you can easily begin to produce the necessary feed for livestock. The use of special equipment will help you in selling the correct packaging of silage. You can run a very profitable business with just a mowing meadow and a machine for forming briquettes.

The best business ideas for small business in Belarus- ideas related to the agricultural sector. Pay attention to the meat at the market - pork, beef, poultry. But there is almost no dietary rabbit meat, familiar from childhood. Isn't there another idea here? The most basic rule for any owner in a developing business who is engaged in the selection of equipment for breeding rabbits is not to skimp on the living conditions of the pupils. Next, several pairs of purebred rabbits, food and... The process will begin!

Whatever you start doing, listen to the advice.

There is a misconception that it is difficult to start your own business in the Republic of Belarus. Some argue that competition is so high that it makes no sense to even try to occupy a niche in the market. Others say that the so-called state bureaucratic machine kills any initiative. Both are myths invented by competitors on the one hand, and lazy dreamers on the other.

This article will also be useful to those managers of companies whose business has reached a dead end. Rush hour is easy to recognize. In such situations, there is usually a clear feeling that the moment has come when it is necessary to radically change something in your activities.

According to Ozhegov’s dictionary, entrepreneur - This is the owner of an enterprise, firm, as well as a general figure in the economic and financial sphere. An enterprising and practical person. Therefore, we put forward these theses: “The road can be mastered by those who walk” or, if quite simply, then – “Stop whining.”

Selecting an activity

With a certain approach, it turns out that this is not so difficult. Remember everything that you personally have tried to do in your life. To prevent business from becoming hard labor, you need to do what your soul is about. A person cannot be a salesman if he is embarrassed to trade. Of course, you can break the psychology of a person’s perception of the world, as well as his entire subsequent life, through all kinds of trainings. But is the game worth the candle? In modern conditions of unfair competition, any merchant is faced with a choice - honestly disclose information to customers about the product, or leave something unsaid or embellish. And it doesn’t matter what we’re talking about: a banking product or toilet paper. The principle of building a sales system is frankly identical. If you are not ready to make a deal with your conscience, sales is not for you.

We should not forget that in addition to personal liking for a particular type of occupation, it is also necessary to have certain skills, as well as professional knowledge. In this matter, it is too risky to build illusions and sand castles.

In addition, the state itself has preferences regarding what activities will develop on its territory. Traditionally, this is production and the creation of gross domestic product. But until recently, it was possible to incur quite serious liability for carrying out some intermediary, or, more simply put, speculative trading operations.

Company name

The hackneyed phrase: “Whatever you call the boat, so it will float” is not an empty phrase in our situation. This is, if you will, the cornerstone of the foundation of your business. No one will take seriously a company with a name, for example, Romashka LLC, if it wants to supply equipment for mines. On the other hand, such a name would be very successful for a manufacturer of playgrounds. However, you shouldn’t clutter up and complicate the perception of the brand. The simpler the name is, the more accessible it will be for the counterparty. The experience of such global brands as Apple only testifies to this.

In connection with this circumstance, it is clear We recommend spending time choosing a proper name for your “brainchild” and approach this issue creatively for the future.

Preferential zones for doing business

If you intend to engage in more than just trading in goods, but decide to organize your own production, you should think about registering your enterprise in a zone with preferential rules of the game. Let's say you wanted to independently produce means for identifying animals in agriculture.

In accordance with Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated December 7, 1998 No. 213-Z “On Free Economic Zones,” free economic zones are created in order to promote the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus and individual administrative-territorial units, attract investment in the creation and development of export -oriented and import-substituting industries based on new and high technologies, and (or) for other purposes determined during the creation of a free economic zone (hereinafter - SEZ).

According to the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, currently operating in Belarus six free economic zones:

  1. FEZ "Brest" (1996), www.fez.brest.by,
  2. FEZ "Gomel-Raton" (1998) www.gomelraton.com,
  3. FEZ "Minsk" (1998) www.fezminsk.by,
  4. FEZ "Vitebsk" (1999), www.fez-vitebsk.com,
  5. SEZ "Mogilev" (2002) www.fezmogilev.by,
  6. SEZ "Grodnoinvest" (2002), www.grodnoinvest.com

FEZ residents are provided with the following benefits and preferences:

1) profit of SEZ residents received from the sale of goods (work, services) of their own production for export or to other residents of Belarusian SEZs is exempt from income tax for 10 years from the date of their announcement of gross profit; in the future, a profit tax rate reduced by 50% (but not more than 12%) will be applied;

2) exemption from real estate tax:

  • within three years from the date of registration in the SEZ for buildings and structures that arose (acquired) during this period;
  • for buildings and structures located on the territory of the corresponding SEZ, regardless of the direction of their use (subject to the sale of products for export and (or) to other residents of the Belarusian SEZ);

3) exemption from payment of land tax for land plots:

  • from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2021, regardless of the direction of their use (subject to the sale of products for export and (or) to other residents of Belarusian SEZs);

4) exemption from payment of rent for land plots:

  • for the period of design and construction of facilities, but not more than five years from the date of registration as a resident of the FEZ;
  • regardless of the direction of their use (subject to the sale of products for export and (or) to other residents of Belarusian SEZs);

5) exemption from payment of state duty for the issuance of special permits for the right to engage in labor activities in the Republic of Belarus to foreign citizens and stateless persons attracted by a FEZ resident to implement an investment project on the territory of the FEZ;

6) financing the costs of creating engineering and transport infrastructure required for the implementation of an investment project of a FEZ resident, as a matter of priority, from the funds provided for in the State Investment Program and local budgets, in the event that a FEZ resident implements an investment project with a declared investment volume of more than 10 million. Euro.

In addition, there are certain benefits on customs duties.

Information promotion of the company

Next, we create accessible and public information about the company. In the era of active promotion of commerce on the Internet, any company that needs to be recognized as a partner by potential counterparties must have its own website. website: web- “web, network” and site- “place”, literally “place, segment, part of the network”).

A good website is expensive. Therefore, it is advisable to start with the still free resources. You can register your pages on social networks, for example, Facebook or VKontakte. This will allow you to quickly ensure that search engines (for example, Google or Yandex) will bring customers to your page based on the company name.

The main thing here don’t skimp on original content – another new fashionable foreign word denoting the information content of the site (texts, graphic, sound information, etc.). In addition, it is advisable to register on various electronic trading platforms in Belarus (pulscen.by, deal.by, flagma.by, etc.). Also, it would not be amiss to publish several articles in specialized periodicals.

Very A useful activity is visiting professional exhibitions, for example, organized by the Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Exhibition Center “BelExpo” (the annual plan of events can be found on the RUP website). At exhibitions you can make useful professional contacts and communicate with specialists in a free environment. Don’t forget to make business cards and some presentation material about your company - this way there is a greater chance that your partners will remember you. Go on an official visit to the local administration and the regional branch of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - they will tell you about the possibilities of state policy regarding the support and development of business in our country. With the help of the BelCCI you can visit various economic forums and international events abroad, and hold a presentation of your company.

Financing and turnover indicators

To receive financing, including lending to your business processes, you will have to show active commercial activity for a specific reporting period. Investors, as well as financial institutions, do not like to give money to non-performing projects.

How to achieve this without having initial capital? You can think about trading operations that other market players are too lazy to undertake due to their low profitability. Well, for example, if you still continue to pursue the course of gaining market share in the turnover of animal identification products, contact your competitors. Offer them your services as a small regional dealer. Surely they have on their list of clients agricultural enterprises with low solvency or remote from warehouses. Shift your relationship to the level of cooperation, and your future rivals will be happy to transfer problem customers to you for providing them with their own goods with deferred payment (or for sale). Of course, you will have to tinker with this type of buyer. But this way you will get your first working capital, and numbers will appear on your balance sheet and bank accounts.

Having account turnover and practical work experience to your credit, you can safely turn to moneylenders for financing. Provided, however, that you already have your own understanding of where you intend to spend the necessary funds and, most importantly, how to return them. And for this you it is necessary to draw up a realistic business plan, providing not only for receiving a hypothetical golden mountain of money, but also for all expenses associated with current activities. In this case, most likely, your company will be able to receive targeted financing for the purchase of fixed or working capital.

Tenders and public procurement

Now that your company has a certain image, information about the organization is available on the Internet, and the balance sheet has a certain history of the movement of funds, you can begin to take the first steps in obtaining a large contract for the supply of products.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated August 22, 2012 No. 778 “On some measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On public procurement of goods (works, services)” internet resource www.icetrade.by is defined as the official website for public procurement for posting information on public procurement and legislative acts regulating the scope of public procurement. The operator is the information republican unitary enterprise “National Center for Marketing and Price Research”.

On this site there is an information system (IS) “Tenders”, created to post information on purchases carried out by enterprises and organizations at their own expense. The placement of information on procurement in the IS “Tenders” is regulated by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 15, 2012 No. 229 “On improving relations in the field of procurement of goods (works, services) at the expense of own funds.”

The main task of the resource is to ensure information openness and transparency of purchases carried out by Belarusian business entities.

Of course, officially posted information about the planned purchase is just the tip of the iceberg. And this whole picture is preceded by a lot of painstaking work to prepare for participation in the tender.

For example, at a specialized agricultural exhibition you were able to meet employees of a cattle breeding enterprise. Feel free to contact them and coordinate your visit to their farm. It is necessary to collect information on site about planned tenders for the acquisition of animal identification equipment, the main available suppliers and their products, as well as the prices at which recent deliveries were made.

If your enterprise is not yet ready for its own production, using a similar scheme, you can arm yourself with data on another product (equipment) planned for the next purchase from the farm you are visiting. Having the necessary information, you begin to carefully study the offers of manufacturers on the Internet. Surely there will be a new, not yet popular, brand with low-price product items. Contact the production administration and tell us in an information letter about the prospects for its products on the Belarusian market. The purpose of this communication should be to obtain the rights to sell goods of this brand on the territory of the Republic of Belarus in the most profitable positions for your company.

And the main thing to remember is that nothing is impossible. But making a profit is preceded professionallyplanned activities and a creative approach to project implementation.

Opening your own business in any country has a number of certain nuances that every person who wants to start a business must take into account. In the previous publication we discussed in detail, in this article, let's talk about what kind of business is profitable to do in Belarus.

Let's start with the fact that Belarus is a country that is quite loyal to small businesses and in every possible way encourages people who want to organize their own business. Therefore, we can say with confidence that opening your own business in Belarus is profitable and promising.

But be that as it may, there are a number of nuances that every beginner should know. First of all, it is worth understanding the concept of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is an activity that is legally registered and carried out by a person personally with the aim of making a profit at his own peril and risk.

From this, we can conclude that no one guarantees your success. This is not working for the owner, where you receive your salary every month. In this matter, everything depends on your entrepreneurial qualities, desire, pragmatism, hard work and endurance. Success or failure depends only on you.

What business to start in Belarus. Choosing a niche

No one can answer the question of which business is profitable in Belarus and which business is unpromising. Success depends solely on the right idea and your business skills. In fact, there are a large number that need implementation.

First of all, think about what you would like to do, what you like, what kind of work you are ready to do with pleasure and love, devoting all your free time to it. Believe me, it is very important to find something you love that you like and that also brings profit. Not every person gets this chance, so if you suddenly have such an opportunity, boldly and without a doubt, take it.

What is worth knowing about competition in Belarus?

When opening your business in Belarus, take into account the fact that the product or service that you are going to sell must be not only in demand, but also low-competitive. Finding such an area is not easy, but it is quite possible with the right approach.

Competitors are people who offer a similar product or service to the consumer. You should look for smart ways around it, for example, stupidly placing your bakery outlet next to a competitor, or inflating prices for a similar product. You need to think through every nuance and find the most profitable option for yourself.

Ideas for business from scratch in Belarus

Construction. This area will always flourish. Every year more and more new premises appear, people need repairmen in residential apartments. And if demand does not fall, then finding a job in this area will not be difficult.

You can start your own business in construction by providing repair and design services, or by opening a company specializing in the sale of building materials.

Trade in Belarus

Anyone can work in the trade sector, which is what many residents of Belarus do. This country has established the production of high-quality knitted clothing, which is famous throughout the world.

Agriculture as a business idea in Belarus

Agriculture is a profitable business in this country. The state even establishes special benefits for those wishing to work in this field. Opening your own farm will provide you with a good and quick income. Moreover, with modern technologies, manual labor is reduced to a minimum.

Business registration in the Republic of Belarus

Any activity is considered illegal if not registered in the appropriate manner. There are two options for the material and legal form: legal entity and individual entrepreneurship.

Individual entrepreneurship (IP) is a more simplified form of activity that will not take you much time; you can quickly register as an individual entrepreneur, even without owning a premises.

An individual entrepreneur bears full responsibility for his business. It is also liquidated legally at the request of this person.

Law firm - this registration is more complex and expensive than individual entrepreneurs. But the plus is that it is possible to team up with a companion. But this business will require the presence of premises to determine the legal address, a staff of employees, including the position of an accountant.

A legal entity ceases its activities only in the event of bankruptcy.

Business mistakes

Business plan. Many beginners are dismissive of this nuance. But in vain, because a clear and well-written business plan will ensure you quick success.


At the initial stage, many novice entrepreneurs overestimate the importance of advertising. You shouldn’t invest a lot of money; it’s better to take care of the quality of your product or service provided. Otherwise you will just waste your money and disappoint your customers.

Choosing the right niche

The main thing is not what you like, but what is in demand among the population. Choose the right field of activity and boldly move in the chosen direction.


If you don’t have a lot of money to start a business, try to do without assistants at the initial stage in order to save money. Remember that everyone needs to be paid a salary, and this takes a significant toll on their pockets, especially for newcomers. Proper distribution of money is the path to success and wealth.

After analyzing all the nuances, you can draw a corresponding conclusion for yourself about what kind of business is profitable to do in Belarus. We also recommend reading about the opening. I wish you quick profits.

“If only a businessman had a good grip, the business would go well” - you can hear this often, especially at training seminars for beginners who have just joined the business ranks or are about to open their own business from scratch. But just a good businessman understands that acumen is by no means enough for things to go uphill. What are the most important steps for a novice entrepreneur, where to start - this is discussed in our article.

We start with an idea

Oh yeah. And here, most likely, you will have to choose between what you like and what is really profitable, and this does not always coincide. Start from how you would answer the question “why do I need this?” (for example, to achieve financial independence, simply because there is nothing to do, or maybe in order to try something new, etc.), and everything will immediately become easier.

Of course, it is best to choose a business for yourself. For example, if you are a good seamstress, then you can consider the option of your own atelier; if you are a housewife and at the same time an excellent cook, then you should think about your own cafe or something smaller; if your life and passion are computer games, then it would be quite a business your own internet club. There are many options, depending on what suits your needs.

Ideally, what you love to do in everyday life can be turned into a profitable business. But don’t get carried away, don’t decide everything in a day or two. If you live, say, in Minsk, walk around the city, go shopping, look around, analyze. Ask yourself a question: what is missing in the capital that could be in demand?

If possible, visit representatives of local authorities and talk with officials or their associates. They know exactly which goods or services are in abundance in the city, and which are in short supply. True, it is also possible that they will directly tell you that your business is undesirable. For example, officials may have their own view on something, or simply someone else should do the same thing as you want. So if you can test the waters, go ahead.

Start creating your own business by identifying the needs of society.

We formalize the idea into a business plan

Have you decided on an idea? Great! But this is not enough. Now you need to formalize it into a business plan: formulate goals, as well as describe the concept of achieving them. Calculate, as they say, down to the penny, how much money needs to be invested; describe how long it will take to recoup these costs, etc. A well-drafted business plan will make a good impression on you at the bank where you go (if you need it, of course) for money.

Puzzle over the name

There is no need to rush with the name of your future company; it is better to rack your brains once again to make it memorable. In addition, in order for the name to be approved by the Ministry of Justice, certain rules must be followed. Thus, spellings of names in a foreign language are not accepted; the name must be unique (i.e., one that has not yet been registered). By the way, you can check whether the name you came up with already exists without leaving your home, here, in the database of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs.

It is important to remember that the name should be simple and harmonious (no words or roots in words with a negative meaning or negative connotation!).

Consult the experts

Before getting down to business, it would be a good idea to go to specialists - a tax office, a law firm and other necessary organizations. Each of the specialists, according to their type of activity, will tell you what certificates are needed to prepare all the documents, where to find the right person, what laws you need to study, and will also answer the question of what is better to open (individual entrepreneur, LLC, ALC, UP).

Be prepared to pay extra for more important information.

Looking for money

If you have your own savings, which were precisely intended for some such risky business, you are free to act. However, if they are not there and the inheritance from your grandfather from Canada is not yours, you will have to ask for a loan from the bank, where the business plan you have drawn up will come in handy.

You must come to the bank, well, simply with an exorbitant gift of persuasion, so that the credit commission believes in you and your business, that it will definitely be profitable. But you should understand that the loan will have to be repaid, and with interest, which will fall on the cost of the product or service.

Of course, there is another option - borrow from friends. But the amount you will need is quite large, and not everyone has friends who will simply borrow a large amount without interest or any paperwork such as receipts, and in Belarus there is now a tax on debts. So think about it, in any case, it’s up to you to decide.

Registering a business

Not the most fun part of starting your own business. It will take more than one month to fill out all the certificates, draw up all the necessary documents and submit them to the relevant state executive body, produce stamps and certificates, and open an account. Oh yes, and don’t forget that you will also have to pay a state fee to register a company. And if you have a few hundred dollars spare, then it is better to turn to professionals for help - this way you will save time and nerves.

The fewer companions the better

Depending on the form of business, the number of company founders may vary. But, as practice shows, when there are many of them, there is a high chance that they will quarrel, and this, in turn, will lead the company to a loss. In general, doing business with someone you need to trust with your money is very difficult - just keep this in mind, just in case. Or, as an option, take as your companion someone you trust as you trust yourself.


If the activity you are going to engage in is licensed, then you need to obtain a license. And the newly minted businessman himself needs to go through this process, without the involvement of other persons. Those. if you work in veterinary activities, you need to go to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; in the field of passenger transportation, the Ministry of Transport and Communications is waiting for you, etc.

Get ready for competition

Don’t believe anyone who says that there are no competitors on the most difficult path - that’s a complete lie. Competitors were, are and will be everywhere. Moreover, healthy competition simply must exist. Therefore, there can be no illusions here.

Invest gradually and evenly

The distribution of finances should always be clear: specifically calculate where and how much money is needed. But try not to invest the maximum, and especially at first, since you certainly don’t know exactly how much profit you will get from your next venture. Adhere to a uniform and gradual rhythm; the main thing for a new businessman is to achieve a stable profit.

Here's the step-by-step instructions. So if you have firmly decided to open your own business in Belarus and you are not afraid of paperwork, taxes and high interest rates on loans, as well as enemy competitors on the way - patience and good luck!