What you need to open an individual entrepreneur - detailed instructions! How to open an individual entrepreneur: complete step-by-step instructions.

You have decided to start your own business: you have an idea, a plan and agreements with investors. It would seem that all that remains is to take it and do it. But the most unpleasant thing begins - paperwork. We have compiled a checklist to help you. Follow the steps in order, and you will register an individual entrepreneur yourself.

How much does it cost to open an individual entrepreneur in 2019?

  • free if you submit documents electronically, through the MFC or a notary;
  • 800 rubles if you submit documents in person;
  • 1,000 -1,500 rubles - for a notary, if you submit documents by mail or through a representative. When visiting the tax office in person, you do not need to have your application certified by a notary.

Step 1: Choose a tax system

Decide in advance how you will pay taxes in order to submit an application for choosing a tax system along with registration documents.

There are currently 5 taxation systems in Russia. We recommend paying attention to the simplified tax system, UTII and patent. They are created specifically for small businesses to reduce the tax burden and simplify accounting.

Step 2: Determine your type of activity according to OKVED

In documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur, you must indicate the activity code according to the OKVED directory. Identify a few codes that you are or will be working on.

Step 3: Prepare documents for registering an individual entrepreneur with the tax office

To register an individual entrepreneur you will need the following documents:

  • Passport with a photocopy or its notarized copy.
  • Application for state registration. If you send documents by mail or submit them through a representative, have the application certified by a notary.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty 800 rubles.
  • A copy of the TIN certificate. If it is not there, then the TIN will be assigned to you during the registration process.
  • Power of attorney for a representative if someone will submit documents for you.
  • Notification to apply the simplified tax system if you have chosen this taxation system. Prepare two copies. The tax office will take one, and the second will be marked as accepting the application.

Step 4: Submit documents to the tax office, MFC or electronically

The second way to submit documents for registration as an entrepreneur is through the MFC (multifunctional center for public services). There are such centers in every region. Call the MFC in advance and find out if they accept documents for registration. Not everyone does this. MFCs in Moscow accept documents only if you have a residence permit in the Basmanny District.

If you can’t come in person, send the documents to the tax office by mail or submit them through a representative by proxy. But before that, get your application and a copy of your passport certified by a notary.

The tax office will give you a receipt confirming receipt of the documents. Save it, you will need it when you pick up your individual entrepreneur registration documents.


What to do after registering an individual entrepreneur

  • . In 7 lessons, he will help you figure out how, when and what reports to submit, how to draw up documents, and how to properly receive money from clients.
  • Receive a year in Elba as a gift - a web service that calculates taxes and helps you submit reports via the Internet. For entrepreneurs without an accountant and accounting knowledge. We give young individual entrepreneurs who are less than 3 months old, one year of service at the Premium tariff. This is the most comprehensive tariff: it includes tax calculations and reporting for individual entrepreneurs and employees, preparation of documents for transactions, work with goods and consultations with an accountant.

Wanting to start his own business and engage in entrepreneurial activity, the founder of a small or medium-sized business is faced with the inevitable procedure of documenting his company. Complete and detailed information on how to register an individual entrepreneur, what papers to prepare and where to submit, is absolutely necessary for correct and timely registration.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, individual entrepreneurship (IP) is this type of economic activity, the subject of which is an individual. The staff of his company may consist of one person (founder and manager) or include several employees.

Preparatory stage: once again weigh the pros and cons

The decision to register is a responsible step. After its implementation, the entrepreneur will not be able to “reverse”; from this moment his economic activity begins. By this time, the founder of the company is obliged to make a list of his economic goals, develop a strategy for future activities, that is, have a real business plan in hand. In the process of collecting information on how to correctly register an individual entrepreneur, as well as when studying various legal aspects of all activities, an entrepreneur should pay attention to his responsibility to the state. It consists of timely submission of reports, mandatory deduction of certain amounts to the budget and payment of taxes.

Is it worth registering as an individual entrepreneur?

It is no secret that many entrepreneurs may try to run their business in the so-called shadow sector. This means that they do not have any permits to carry out their activities, do not reflect the income they receive in any way and do not pay taxes. The reason is the fear of having to collect a package of documents and interact with government agencies, as well as the desire to reduce their expenses.

In contrast to dubious savings, several arguments can be made in favor of a legitimate business:

  • The entire period during which a person is engaged in entrepreneurial activity is taken into account when calculating the pension period.
  • There is no need to hide from representatives of the law or conceal your source of income.
  • The procedure for obtaining visas to some countries may be simplified.
  • The range of opportunities and business contacts is significantly increasing, since many company owners prefer to cooperate only with individual entrepreneurs or legal entities.
  • It becomes possible to make non-cash payments.

Thus, we can conclude that any growth and development of a company involves searching for information on how to register an individual entrepreneur independently or through the mediation of special companies.

How are intermediaries useful?

In the case when the future entrepreneur is well versed in the bureaucratic intricacies of domestic legislation and is able to understand numerous certificates, statements and reports, he may well begin to formalize his activities himself.

For the rest, those who have no idea how to register an individual entrepreneur on their own, the services of intermediary organizations are available.

Their employees will readily help you collect the necessary documents, make a seal, open a bank account, and also tell you which government agency you should contact at what stage.

Of course, their work requires appropriate payment.

How to register an individual entrepreneur: step-by-step instructions in general terms

Knowledge of the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur and the sequence of actions is necessary for both categories of citizens: those who carry out the procedure themselves, and those who turn to intermediaries.

All actions can be divided into several stages:

Today, there are several taxation options for individual entrepreneurs. You should decide on the choice of system before registering an individual entrepreneur.

The differences between the types are related to the type of activity of the entrepreneur and the amount of his planned profit.

Types of taxation and their characteristics: general system

This is the name given to the system that is used by default. That is, it comes into force when no other is selected. Its main condition is mandatory control of financial transactions, as well as quarterly reporting (submitted to the tax inspector).

Before registering as an individual entrepreneur and choosing a general system, you should find out that the entrepreneur will have to deduct 20% of the profit (the difference between income and expenses).

Also on the list of mandatory deductions are:

  • Property tax. It is paid when the organization owns any equipment, real estate or machinery.
  • Value added tax. Its size is 18% of the amount of goods sold or services provided.

The amount of deductions depends on the size of the business. It is paid every quarter.

Interestingly, an entrepreneur is not required to use a cash register to record transactions made for cash.

Patents and the patent system

Only some entrepreneurs are eligible for taxation under this system. The patent is relevant for companies with a small staff (up to 5 people) and an annual income of up to 60 million rubles.

The use of cash registers is also optional. An entrepreneur does not have to submit reports, he does not need to visit a tax inspector often, he just needs to pay for a patent (valid from one month to a year) and correctly keep records of income in a special book.

Code selection procedure

Each type of business activity corresponds to a specific individual code, which is indicated in the all-Russian classifier.

This document lists all the main industries and areas: food industry, agriculture, various types of trade and construction.

By indicating the selected code when registering an individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneur determines which taxation system will be applied to him.

When thinking about how best to register an individual entrepreneur and selecting a code, you should use only the new classification (compiled in 2014). Additionally, the structure of this document may be subject to change, so you should pay close attention to any updates.

What documents will be needed for registration?

The package submitted to the tax office must include:

  • Passport or a copy of it if registration is carried out by mail.
  • A receipt certifying payment of the state fee.
  • A copy of the identification code.
  • Application with a request to open an individual entrepreneur (in the case when the package is sent by mail, the application must be certified by a notary).
  • A document notifying which taxation system has been chosen by the entrepreneur.

The collected papers are submitted to the tax office branch at the place of registration or sent by mail. One day after receipt, the entrepreneur becomes the owner of a registration certificate, taxpayer identification number and an extract from the unified state register.

After this, information about the individual entrepreneur is automatically sent to the Pension Fund.

Current account and printing

Even before drawing up an agreement with an individual entrepreneur for the purchase or sale of goods, provision of services or other type of cooperation, many companies and firms are interested in the possibility of conducting financial transactions by bank transfer.

Often, the lack of an official account with an individual entrepreneur becomes an obstacle to making the most profitable transactions. Therefore, those entrepreneurs who are determined to receive large contracts and orders immediately after registration apply to Rosstat for OKVED statistics codes.

A day after submitting a receipt for payment for the services of this state body, a copy of the identification code and documents received upon registration with the tax office, the entrepreneur receives the necessary codes in duplicate, as well as a letter certifying registration. Now you can open a current account, which will need to be notified to the tax inspectorate and pension fund.

A stamp, like a bank account, is not a mandatory requirement for individual entrepreneurs. However, with this attribute, the status of the company increases significantly and the possibility of promising cooperation with other organizations appears.

A seal is also needed to fill out work books for employees. If the head of a small company needs information on how to register an employee as an individual entrepreneur, he should refer to the Labor Code and other administrative documents.

When hiring the first employee, the entrepreneur will have to comply with several mandatory rules and register as an employer (pension and social insurance funds).

In the future, the hiring procedure will practically not differ from standard employment.

Before planning an expansion of staff, the head of a small business should find out about the existing restrictions:

  • Working according to a simplified system, the owner of a company can hire no more than one hundred people.
  • For a taxation system that provides for a single tax, the limit is the same (up to one hundred employees).
  • Individual entrepreneurs who have paid for the patent can hire up to five workers.

It should be taken into account that we are talking about the average number of employees. Therefore, if an entrepreneur has two employees and the shift of each of them is half a working day, then the timesheet indicators will be equal to the productivity of one person.

Knowledge of the rules and regulations governing the provisions of the law on how to register an individual entrepreneur for the work of performers and assistants will help to avoid fines and other penalties.

On how to open an individual entrepreneur - complete step-by-step instructions and a list of required documents.

How to open an individual entrepreneur many people think.

Working for yourself is the dream of every second person who works “for someone else.”

The fear of the unknown and paperwork makes you abandon your plan.

Although this process is much simpler than it seems.

When a future entrepreneur wonders: what is needed to open a sole proprietorship, this speaks of the absolute seriousness of his intentions.

As a businessman, a person himself determines his work schedule, the level of effort applied, and the amount of money invested.

And upon registration, it also confirms its special status and responsibilities at the legislative level.

This is a new, more important step in business management.

However, an absolute lack of understanding of what and how to do makes some people shelve the idea of ​​opening an individual entrepreneur.

Let's take a step-by-step look at the process together to make sure there's nothing complicated about it.

Why do they decide to open an individual entrepreneur?

The question of whether it’s worth opening a private enterprise at all worries “private owners” especially often now.

Not so long ago, the amount of payments for individual entrepreneurship was an impressive amount of 36,000 rubles.

And although this year the mandatory payment was reduced to 24,000, not everyone is ready to give that kind of money easily.

The main argument for every entrepreneur should be fines for not registering.

What is the point of saving on mandatory payments for the decision to open an individual entrepreneur if you will pay much more for the lack of permission?

Moreover, there are types of activities that cannot be started at all without going through documentation.

Another thing is niche testing.

You can observe the startup business for some time and draw conclusions about its feasibility and profitability.

And if everything goes according to plan, register an individual entrepreneur.

The main thing is not to get carried away and not to stretch out the testing for a long time.

There is also another important argument for opening an individual entrepreneur – the ability to use payment systems.

In order to complete financial transactions with their help, it is now impossible to do without documentary personification.

It is believed that in the future there will be more ways to regulate tax evasion.

We can sum it up with the advice of experienced entrepreneurs: you better think about increasing your profits than about evading opening an individual entrepreneur and paying taxes.

Who can open an individual entrepreneur?

It may seem to some that opening an individual entrepreneur is only available to a select few.

What image appears in your head when you hear such a status?

Surely, something like a middle-aged man in a suit and with a leather wallet.

And to find out that your 18-year-old student friend also managed to open an individual entrepreneur will be a surprising fact for most.

So let's start with who has every right and opportunity to open an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have already reached the age of majority.
  2. The activities of a person who wishes to open an individual entrepreneur should not be limited by a court decision.
  3. Foreign citizens who live in the Russian Federation on a permanent or temporary basis.
  4. Stateless people who live in the Russian Federation on a permanent or temporary basis.
  5. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have not yet reached the age of majority, but meet the following requirements:
    • parents or guardians have given their consent for the minor citizen to engage in business;
    • have a marriage certificate;
    • the court ruled that the citizen meets the status of full legal capacity;
    • The guardianship authorities recognized the citizen as having the status of full legal capacity.

As you can see, almost anyone can open an individual entrepreneur if they have the appropriate desire or need.

What documents are needed to open an individual entrepreneur?

So, you have weighed the pros and cons, and decided to open an individual entrepreneur.

In fact, none, except for the passport.

In simple terms: get your passport in your hands and go ahead - and on the spot they will explain to you what to fill out, where to pay, where to take it.

The general list of documents that are needed to open an individual entrepreneur looks like this:

  • an application from a citizen, which is written in a certain form, signed by him and must then be certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the citizen's passport;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the established state duty.

Step-by-step instructions: how to open an individual entrepreneur?

Business people value specifics.

If you need fewer words, more precise instructions, you will definitely need the instructions below.

This is a step-by-step manual: what you need to open an individual entrepreneur:

    The first step, of course, is to go to the tax office.

    There you will be given the same form that is indicated above in the list of required documents.

    Select the appropriate OKVED activity code.

    There are many of them and, at first glance, difficult to understand.

    Therefore, below in this article we will look at how to choose a code in more detail.

    Fill out the tax form provided, while carefully monitoring the accuracy of the data.

    By the way, even blots are unacceptable.

    So be careful and diligent.

    An important but obvious clarification: write only real data.

    If you try to hide or embellish something, only you will be worse off.

    You must certify the completed application with your signature, and then have it certified by a notary.

    Without the appropriate stamp, the tax authorities will not consider documents.

    The next step is to take another form from the tax office, this time about the transition to the “simplified tax system” and fill it out.

    It is important to do this within 30 days.

    Take and fill out a receipt stating that the standard state fee has been paid (800 rubles).

    Please check the details provided carefully.

    The final “chord” is to register with the tax office that applies to your place of actual residence.

    Moreover, it is not necessary to go there. Documents can be sent by mail.

    All that remains is to visit the inspectorate one last time and get confirmation that you were able to open an individual entrepreneur.

    In addition to the real certificate, confirmation of registration will also be sent to you by mail.

  1. A considerable number of entrepreneurs stop there. But it’s worth doing one more thing after opening an individual entrepreneur: order a stamp and open a current account.

Congratulations! You have become a legal individual entrepreneur.

How to choose an OKVED code to open an individual entrepreneur?

You will have to choose an OKVED code at the initial stage of opening an individual entrepreneur. There are really a lot of them in the All-Russian Classifier.

But they don’t force you to choose just one.

But you can also work fully and equally using all the other codes specified during registration.

Although most often they are chosen, let’s say, “in reserve.”

So the option “specify, but do not use” also has a right to exist.

Perhaps some are not relevant to you now, but will be useful in the future. And if you decide to add them later, you will be faced with the necessary payment of a fee.

However, they should not be mentioned thoughtlessly.

Each OKVED code refers to its own taxation system (this can be a general regime, simplified regime or UTII). Differences may even appear depending on the region of business activity.

If you are deciding how to open an individual entrepreneur in order to legalize freelance activities, do not worry: all types of such work fall under a simplified taxation system.

More precisely, you can select the appropriate codes for them.

If you have seriously set out to open an individual entrepreneur,

You may also find it helpful to watch the following video:

How to open an individual entrepreneur for a foreign citizen?

As you already understood from the list of citizens who are allowed to open an individual entrepreneur in the Russian Federation, foreigners can do this legally.

Moreover, the registration procedure will not differ much from the standard one that citizens of the Russian Federation undergo.

In order for a foreign citizen to open an individual entrepreneur, you need to have any document assigning your residence address in the Russian Federation.

This may be a temporary registration or residence permit.

It is in relation to this address that you will be assigned to a specific tax office.

But if you don’t have any documents of this type, you won’t be able to open an individual entrepreneur.

Most likely, after reading the article you have no questions left, what is needed to open a sole proprietorship.

This process is really very simple and is not worth much delay and thought.

Register according to the law - it will be calmer.

And besides, you can proudly and rightfully call yourself an individual entrepreneur.

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How to open an individual entrepreneur in Moscow: where to apply and how to create a package of documents + 4 ways to submit papers to the tax office + innovations in 2017 + review of frequently asked questions.

Register an individual entrepreneur in Moscow- It’s not a difficult task, but it’s troublesome.

Resolving this issue will take you some time, as well as money to pay the state duty.

It is worth noting right away that this guide will exclusively discuss how to open an individual entrepreneur on your own.

Of course, you can contact a law firm, where, for a fee (from 3,000 rubles), experienced specialists will arrange everything on a turnkey basis within 1-2 days.

But does this make sense if everyone can do it on their own?

It is better to save this money for the development of future entrepreneurship.

Study the manual we have prepared, and you will have no questions about this process.

What do you need to decide before opening an individual entrepreneur in Moscow?

The idea of ​​a business is not the only thing you need to decide on before registering an individual entrepreneur in Moscow.

At the very beginning, you must select the appropriate OKVED codes and tax format.

It will not be so easy for a beginner to figure it out on the go, so take enough time to carefully study the following sections.

Then the choice will be easy to make, and you will avoid possible negative consequences.

Select OKVED codes to open an individual entrepreneur

The wording “OKVED code” sounds official and a little scary.

In fact, everything is extremely simple: any type of activity that an entrepreneur can open in Russia has its own code.

They serve for systematization and are necessarily awarded to each individual entrepreneur upon registration. OKVED is a document in which all these codes are collected.

Once you have decided what you want to register, you need to find a code that will match that activity.

Attention! Previously, everyone used codes from OKVED-1. For several years the state “threatened” to introduce a new classifier, but the decision was constantly postponed. But on July 11, 2016, OKVED-2 was launched. When you decide to visit Moscow in 2017, take information only from there!

You have to decide on the main code, but not necessarily the only one.

On average, for an individual entrepreneur it is enough to indicate 5-10 codes.

You shouldn’t go too far and write out a hundred pieces “in reserve.”

They can still be changed later.

Find the code you need here: http://xn—2-dlci2ax1i.xn--p1ai/ or here http://okved2.ru/.

Choosing a tax system to open an individual entrepreneur

The second thing to think about is the future tax system.

Let this issue seem like the most difficult step for you.

Don't let things take their course!

You are, and should know about all the intricacies of how to register it, and how it will work. If you choose the wrong tax system, you will create headaches for yourself.

And if you fail to pay taxes at all, you will face fines and penalties.

It is worth knowing that if, when deciding to open an individual entrepreneur, you do not make a choice towards one form of taxation or another, you will find yourself on OSNO.

This taxation format is a dark forest, especially for beginning entrepreneurs.

So prepare for the decision to register an individual entrepreneur in advance. Rate the three most popular individual entrepreneur taxation systems:

simplified tax system 6%One of the most popular forms is the so-called simplified form. The entrepreneur pays 6% of the profit + to the Pension Fund and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
simplified tax system 15%Another simplification option. The difference from the previous one is that the individual entrepreneur does not pay a percentage of the money received, but 15% of the amount that is obtained from the “income - expense” equation. Additional contributions are the same as in the simplified tax system 6%.
UTIISingle tax on certain types of activities. To briefly describe the system: you pay a fixed amount for engaging in activities required by law for this form of taxation. The list includes household, automotive, veterinary services, and some types of retail trade. More details on the Federal Tax Service website: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/taxation/taxes/envd/.

Follow the updated information on the Federal Tax Service website: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/taxation/tax_legislation/.

Step 1: Payment of state duty in Moscow

When you have dealt with the theoretical information, you can move on to practical actions.

The first step that is taken before (!) submitting documents to register an individual entrepreneur in Moscow is paying the state fee.

Look for the receipt for which you will pay the state duty on the Federal Tax Service website: https://service.nalog.ru/gp2.do

Using the service, you will generate a “payment” with which you will go to a Sberbank branch in Moscow that is convenient for you.

The amount is small - 800 rubles. Of course, save the payment document - it will be included in the package of papers to register an individual entrepreneur, which you will take to the Moscow Federal Tax Service.

Step 2: Choose where and how to submit documents in Moscow

There are 4 options for submitting documents to register an individual entrepreneur:
Personal visit to the Federal Tax Service in MoscowOur most popular and recommended option. Find the address of the inspection that corresponds to your place of registration on the Federal Tax Service website (list in Moscow - https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/apply_fts/#t1). Check the opening hours and go there in person. You can also transfer papers through a representative (only by power of attorney).
Submission to the MFC in MoscowMultifunctional centers are an alternative to the Federal Tax Service. Find addresses and work schedules here: http://mosopen.ru/goverment/group/52.
Sending papers by mailNot everyone’s actual place of residence in Moscow coincides with their registered address. If you cannot come to the desired branch of the Federal Tax Service in person, you will have to send a package of documents by mail. For this purpose, registered letters are used, always with a description of the contents. Find the inspection address here: https://service.nalog.ru/addrno.do.
Internet submissionThe state keeps up with the times, therefore it provides the opportunity to register an individual entrepreneur through an online service. Detailed instructions and a link to the section of the Federal Tax Service website you need: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/service/gosreg_eldocs/.

Step 3: We prepare a package of documents to register an individual entrepreneur in Moscow

“Let’s put together” all the above instructions by making a list of documents that you need to open an individual entrepreneur:

Step 4: Process of submitting documents to the tax office

Let's assume you have chosen the easiest and most reliable way to submit documents - a personal visit to the Federal Tax Service.

In this case, when the inspector accepts the package of papers, he will give you several important papers:

  • A receipt confirming that documents have been submitted.
  • Your copy of the application for the transition of an individual entrepreneur to the chosen taxation system (mainly the simplified tax system). Let's repeat: do it right away, otherwise you will be in for a MOST.

Check: the copy of the transfer must have the inspector’s marks - signature, stamp with the date of filing.

If you send papers by mail or via the Internet, this step is skipped.

Step 5: The final stage - obtaining papers on registration of individual entrepreneurs

After submitting the documents, you just have to wait for the result.

If you have submitted all the necessary papers and filled out the applications correctly, after 3 business days you will receive a certificate of individual entrepreneur registration.

You will be given (or sent by mail) the following documents:

  1. A certificate that will confirm that you have successfully registered an individual entrepreneur in Moscow.
  2. If you did not have a TIN before, a certificate of its assignment will be attached.
  3. The list of papers must also include an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Attentive readers will notice that there is nothing in this list that would confirm a successful transition to the chosen tax system.

You don't need this kind of paper. You submitted the required application during registration, therefore the chosen system begins to operate for you from the moment the individual entrepreneur is registered.

If for some purpose (even your own repose) you need a piece of paper confirming it, request it from the tax office.

For this purpose, a letter is drawn up in the prescribed form 26.2-7.

You can download the form here: https://www.nalog.ru/html/docs/4010_7.rtf

The tax office sends a notification to the Pension Fund independently. A paper confirming that you managed to register an individual entrepreneur will arrive by mail some time after you managed to open an individual entrepreneur.

Save this notice, it may be useful in the future.

The most common questions from beginners about how to open an individual entrepreneur

Why can I be denied the decision to open an individual entrepreneur?

Indeed, sometimes your individual entrepreneur may end up being registered. The reason for this will be indicated in writing.

Looking ahead, we note: in 95% of cases, the matter is simply a matter of incorrectly filling out the documents for opening an individual entrepreneur.

Why does the manual not mention searching for a legal address for an individual entrepreneur?

Because it is not needed to register an individual entrepreneur.

Instead, your registration address will be used everywhere on official papers.

However, the state does not oblige the entrepreneur to use only it. You can open an office and indicate its address on business cards and a website.

To register an individual entrepreneur yourself, watch this video:

Is it necessary to open a current account to operate as an individual entrepreneur?

An inquisitive reader who turns to the legislation may notice: the state does not require individual entrepreneurs to open a bank account. So, you can do without it?

Indeed, many entrepreneurs use cash only.

Should you refuse to cooperate with the bank? Of course!...if you want to add headaches to yourself, spend a lot of time making payments and keeping records manually.

And if you are determined to work for a long time and want to optimize all processes, it is better to go to the bank and open an account.

After reading such a detailed guide, you should not have any questions, how to open an individual entrepreneur in Moscow.

The only thing worth adding is to keep the information up-to-date on the official website of the Federal Tax Service (https://www.nalog.ru), because additions and changes to legislation occur quite often.

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The world economy does not stand still. Every day an increasing number of new small, and then large, enterprises appear. Having your own business is a profitable business for an entrepreneur. Legal business is beneficial for the state. How to open your own individual entrepreneur? This is a question many people ask today.

Individual entrepreneurship is the key to stability and prosperity

An individual entrepreneur is always an individual who has legalized his activities. Legalization implies registration of a business entity as an individual entrepreneur. Only a person can become an individual entrepreneur, unlike an LLC. In the case of a business company that acts only as a legal entity, there are exceptions. And this happens when a limited liability company is formed by one individual. However, opening your own individual entrepreneur is much easier than becoming a “single founder” of an LLC.

How to register your business?

On the Internet today you can find many recommendations on how to start your own business, how to generate start-up capital and how to “stand” on the rather shaky path of entrepreneurship. After all, business is always a risk. Let's consider the question of how to register your individual entrepreneur.

From the very beginning you need to do the following:

  1. . Individual entrepreneurship begins with a person determining the type of activity that is suitable for him, in which he plans to earn a living as an individual entrepreneur. This will help you figure it out.
  2. . What is it for? Start-up funds are necessary to create working and non-working funds of the enterprise. This could be money, property, property rights, etc.
  3. Before registering as an individual entrepreneur, an individual needs to collect and prepare.
  4. After filling out forms, obtaining permits and certifying documents, you can go to the tax service to undergo state registration of an individual entrepreneur.

According to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the following can open an individual entrepreneur from scratch in our country:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • persons who have no citizenship at all.

It is also stated that these subjects are equally equal before the law, except in certain specified cases. In particular, the document that has the highest legal force - the Constitution - states that foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same rights and bear the same responsibilities as citizens of the Russian Federation. Persons who are not citizens of our state should remember that registration of individual entrepreneurs takes place at the place of registration of residence. Therefore, before opening an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to deal with this problem. There are two solutions:

  1. Obtain a temporary residence permit in the territory of a certain region in which you intend to do business.
  2. Get a residence permit. This document, unlike a permit, gives its owner the right to indefinite residence in Russia.

Once these documents have been completed and all the necessary marks on the place of permanent or temporary residence have been made in the identification documents, you can prepare the registration package.

What is required to register an individual entrepreneur?

If you do not know how to open your own individual entrepreneur and where to start the process of preparing for state registration, then you are recommended to study Law 129-FZ in detail. It contains all the detailed instructions that will help you make a balanced choice in favor of one type of business or another and assemble the registration package the first time.

It is worth noting that many people who want to register as an individual entrepreneur are faced with the problem of multiple returns of documents by the registration authorities for certain reasons. Sometimes this happens if the entity is not authorized to carry out business activities, for example, has not reached the age of majority, or has not received the necessary permits and licenses.

Before you create an individual entrepreneur, make sure that the type of activity you choose is legal. Some types of private business related to the provision of medical services or detective work require obtaining certificates or other documents confirming the right of the entity to engage in this activity. In such cases, the presence of “paper” confirming the level of education of an individual entrepreneur is not enough.