How to make money in contact? You will be shocked how simple it is! How to earn real money in contacts on groups and without investments Earn VK coins.

The boom of VKontakte groups began a few years ago; those who quickly figured it out and began to develop their communities have long since become a millionaire.

In current realities, there is an opinion that such times are long over and now it is no longer possible to make money from groups.

In fact, you can make money on public pages, and as will be seen from the examples, this is quite decent money, and in some cases, this is a lot of money.

And so, let’s take a closer look at how you can make money from contact groups using specific examples with numbers.

Is there money in social networks and is it even possible to make money from VK groups?

On the Kommersant website there is a statement that says that the revenue of publics, groups and various communities on VKontakte in December 2017 alone amounted to 250,000,000 rubles.

This revenue was generated through new tools called “Market Platform” and “VKontakte Advertising Network - RSVC”. We will return to them a little later, but for now let’s estimate the numbers.

If we take 250 million and multiply by 12 months, we get a figure of 3,000,000,000 rubles per year.

That is, at least 3 billion rubles a year can circulate in groups and public pages. Not bad, right? Despite the fact that this does not take into account earnings that pass by the exchanges.

Don’t forget about the fact that there is more and more money in online advertising. Large advertisers actively come here for advertising.

I think we have figured this out, there is money here, now we need to understand how it all works in practice.

How can you make money from VKontakte groups?

There are 2 main types of earnings, applicable to almost all social networks.

  1. Creating entertainment communities
  2. Personal blog

Let's look at each of these types in more detail.

1. Creating entertainment communities

The easiest way to make money in VKontakte groups is to create communities of interests. Accordingly, this is the most competitive way to earn money.

There are a lot of people here who want to earn at least some money, which means you have to work hard with both your head and your hands.

The most common interests (topics) on social networks are humor, cooking, sports, making money, etc. All of this can easily be called entertainment communities.

In such niches you don’t need to think or strain too much, people just want to watch funny videos, beautiful pictures and read someone’s smart thoughts. Although such people are becoming fewer and fewer.

1. Choosing a topic

This is one of the most critical stages. The choice of topic must be taken very seriously. After all, your income will depend on the right niche.

Try to choose only the topic that you really like. It will be even better if you are well versed in this topic.

For example, if you love to cook, then you can safely go into cooking. This way, you can give your subscribers really high-quality content.

From thousands of different recipes, you can give your audience only the most delicious and original cooking recipes for all occasions.

2. Relevance

At this step, you need to understand whether this topic is of interest to someone else besides you or not? If everything is clear with cooking, then with other niches it’s not so simple.

Find all your competitors in VK and be sure to pay attention to the number of subscribers, there should not be few of them, otherwise YOU will take a very long time to promote your group.

VKontakte search bar

This niche is clearly popular. In the search results I came across a dozen groups with millions of subscribers.

Advice! Choose a broad topic. The more traffic it has, the easier it will be to promote!

3. Who will the group be intended for?

Try to target only female or only male audiences.

Women like one thing, and men like something completely different. And it’s stupid to show the same advertisement to both.

Even at the very start, you will have to think about how exactly you will make money from your group.

What will it be? Affiliate programs or will you give advertising management to the automatic VKontakte system?

4. Age

It wouldn’t hurt to think about what audience the group will be aimed at. The younger the age of subscribers in your group, the less you can earn from it.

The older your audience is, the more money you can earn. Students don't have money, but adults do. It's simple.

5. Competition

There is no need to be afraid of competition in contact. If it exists, then it is an interesting and popular topic. I already said: the more traffic, the more income (depending on the topic).

But there is one very important detail. You must correctly assess your financial capabilities in order to compete with others.

The largest subscriber groups earn the most money in their topic.

If you really want to achieve serious financial results, then you need to strive to be No. 1 in your niche.

6. Ideas for group posts

Many beginners have absolutely no idea where to get interesting content from. Everything here is also quite simple.

It's best to create content yourself. If you don’t have such skills, then you can take it from your competitors.

See how it all works with a simple example. When a beginner creates his first group, he tries to put his whole soul into it.

He comes up with interesting posts and selects beautiful pictures to accompany them. He spends hours searching for useful information on websites and YouTube.

What do large group admins do? They know very well that newcomers are trying to “give birth” to such content. Admins simply find such donors and “feed” on posts from them.

This kind of injustice, unfortunately, exists. I in no way encourage you to do the same. I'm just sharing this information with you.

By the way, quite recently VK learned to identify unique content from “copy-paste” and the developers of the social network encourage people to create their own unique content in order to increase their reach and involvement, and these indicators directly affect earnings.

7. Create a group

If you have completed all the steps described above, then it’s time.

Design it beautifully and fill it with the first content. Make at least 15 – 20 of your best posts. Remember, we greet people based on their clothes.

8. Promotion of the group

The most difficult psychological stage for most is investing money in promoting your group.

If you want to make money from VKontakte groups, then you can’t do it without investments. If you invest 0, you will get 0.

You can learn how to promote a group correctly and on a budget from.

Remember! No matter how beautiful and interesting your group is, without subscribers it means nothing.

At the initial stage, you should first concentrate on recruiting subscribers, and only then can you think about making money!

Avoid various mark-ups in every possible way! Sooner or later VKontakte will ban you, and then you will lose not only money, but also time.

Such markups are calculated very simply. Always work honestly and you will be happy in the form of a good result.

9. Earnings

The most interesting point for many is how much you can earn from a VKontakte group.

There is no clear answer to this question. Everything will depend on several factors:

  1. Niche and number of subscribers
  2. Audience Engagement
  3. Monetization methods
1. Niche and subscribers

We have already more or less figured this out. If you have a group for the game Minecraft, then you are unlikely to earn a lot of money here, even if you have 1,000,000 subscribers. Schoolchildren don’t have money, which means advertisers simply won’t be interested in your group.

If you have a group on personal finance, then in it you can earn big money even with a small number of subscribers of 30 - 50 thousand subscribers.

2. Audience engagement

A very important factor. VKontakte is constantly changing its ranking algorithms. For low-quality content, VK simply does not show your posts to subscribers.

This is clearly visible in any community. Go to any group and look at the eye icon under the post. This number will show the coverage of the recording. That is, how many people saw this post.

For example, I went to a culinary group with 6,000,000 subscribers. I found a post that was published a day ago and looked at the coverage of the post. It amounted to only 212,000. Where are the remaining 5,800,000 people? And some posts even received only 100 – 150 thousand views.

The group has more than 6,000,000 subscribers, but only 200,000 see posts

The fact is that VKontakte has a certain algorithm called “smart feed”. So it is he who determines whether a particular post should be shown to subscribers or not.

Artificial intelligence in action! If your posts receive few likes, comments, reposts and views, then the system determines that this content is uninteresting and there is no need to show it to other people.

This algorithm has another explanation. Everyone understands that VK makes money by selling advertising.

Accordingly, it is beneficial for VK that you spend money on the development of your community. .

All advertisers pay their attention to this indicator. They are not interested in the number of subscribers. They are interested in the coverage of the record.

As I said above, at the initial stage you will need to constantly invest money in purchasing traffic.

3. Ways to monetize the group

The VK administration has created very convenient services “Market Platform” and “VKontakte Advertising Network”, which allow you not to think about finding advertisers and allows you to earn income on autopilot.

Earning money automatically

All you need to do is submit an application to connect to these services. As soon as you are connected, you will immediately start earning money on the machine.

This is specifically made for those people who only want to focus on creating interesting and unique content and do not want to think about where and how to look for people who want to buy advertising from them.

Such earnings will directly depend on the amount of coverage of posts in the group. Let me give you an example.

A relative of mine has a small group of 30,000 subscribers in a very small niche.

Remember when I told you to try to choose a broad topic? So we cannot physically disperse this group, because there are not a large number of people there.

What we have at the moment. 30 thousand subscribers, reach 10 thousand per day. Earnings are only 210 rubles per day. This income comes from the VKontakte advertising network (RSVK).

An example of a group's earnings in contact with 30,000 subscribers

Market - a platform for small groups is practically useless, but for large communities it is the main source of income. It was from such advertising that the figure of 250 million rubles in revenue per month was obtained.

I showed you this example so that you can clearly see and understand. There are a lot of small contact groups, but they earn very little. That's why you should always strive to become No. 1 in your niche.

Earnings from affiliate programs

As you can see, small groups should not count on automatic income, as it brings in very little money.

In such cases, they come to the rescue. By the way, there are million-plus groups in VKontakte that earn decent money only through affiliate programs.

Here's what it looks like in a specific example. An advertising post from an affiliate program is posted in a group with 1,200,000 subscribers. For each order, the group admin will receive 500 rubles.

Advertising a product from an affiliate program in the VK group

One can only guess how many orders there will be in this group. You can post up to 5 advertising posts in 1 day.

Search for advertisers

If you are not used to sitting idle, then you can look for people who will want to buy advertising from you from the very beginning. You may not have many subscribers, but the price for advertising will not be high.

This method is more like spam, since you will have to write to many people in a personal message and offer your advertising. Be careful, otherwise VK will easily block your page.

Over time, you will make new acquaintances with other group admins. So it will be possible to offer advertising space directly to them. Since everyone always needs traffic and new subscribers.

Selling the group

The VKontakte administration does not support such resales. But in any case, a good group that brings in money can always be sold very profitably.

If you want to initially promote a community and then sell it, then register as a new user on VK and link this one to another SIM card. This will simplify the selling process in the future.

Do not forget that with such transactions it is very easy to fall for scammers. Always do this through guarantors.

If you are deceived, then VK is unlikely to help you. Since the sale and purchase of groups is prohibited by the rules of the social network itself.

Case: 370,000 rubles per month for a women’s themed group

In contact there is a group “Ranevskaya.LIVE”. It is led by a simple girl. The net income from this community is more than 200,000 rubles per month.

More than 1,500,000 rubles were invested in this group for traffic. Of these, 350,000 are our own. 1,150,000 rubles were invested back. 1 subscriber cost 1.8 rubles.

In December, the group brought in 370,000 rubles in revenue. Of this, 150,000 was spent on advertising. 220,000 came out clean in 1 month.

This is how a simple girl raised her group from 0 and achieved good financial results.

2. Personal blog

If you love publicity and want universal recognition, and at the same time earn a lot, then this format will definitely suit you.

People like to follow other people's lives. This is how we are made. This is why the blog format has been very popular for many years.

By maintaining your blog, you, first of all, promote your personal brand. You create a name for yourself in your niche and become a thought leader.

Your task will be to create very high quality content. This strategy applies wherever there is . Otherwise, people will have no reason to subscribe to you.

There is a direct relationship here. The more subscribers in the group, the more money you can earn.

More and more such personal blogs are appearing in VKontakte. If you choose this path, then you should not count on quick earnings.

It may take more than one year to start earning more than 1,000,000 rubles per month. Think long term.

First you will have to build trust with your audience and only then can you monetize it.

An opinion leader can earn money in completely different ways.

1. Selling your services

For example, you can sell training courses or consultations. This type of activity is also characterized as “Infobusiness”. If you do everything correctly, then this method of earning money brings in the most money.

A great example of this is a personal blog. He has repeatedly said that thanks to his personal blog on VKontakte, he achieved such great results.

He regularly wrote interesting and frank posts about starting a business in his VKontakte group. And he managed to gain enormous trust from his audience, which now brings him millions of rubles every month.

His subscribers constantly buy various trainings and franchises. His personal one costs 1,000,000 rubles, and the guy is only 26 years old.

In February 2018 alone, his educational project earned 75 million rubles. This is an excellent example of the fact that a simple VKontakte group made for a personal blog can bring huge profits to its owner.

Now his group has almost 600,000 subscribers who are interested in the topic of business and personal development.

2. Selling goods and services through an affiliate program

If you have your own audience that trusts you, then any of your advice or recommendations will be perceived as authoritative.

If for some reason you do not want to be an information businessman, then promote other people’s products, goods or services for a commission.

3. Selling advertising

The easiest way for a blogger to make money is by selling advertising. When you become big + 300 – 500 thousand subscribers, a lot of people will contact you and want to buy advertising from you.

But here you should be extremely careful. After all, you will be responsible for everything with your reputation.

At what number of subscribers in a group can you start earning money?

If you can’t get a reach of 10 thousand, then use affiliate programs. You can easily earn several tens of thousands of rubles a month.


To make money from VKontakte groups, you need to form your own community. The larger and more active it is, the greater your income will be.

Naturally, this will not happen by itself. In any case, you will have to invest money in promoting the group.

You can create an unlimited number of such groups. Administrators who earn over 1,000,000 rubles per month usually have several large communities on different topics.

Here's another example for you. The administrator of this group earns from 2,000,000 rubles per month. He has several communities with a total of more than 6,000,000 subscribers.

Our progressive times have given people many ways to earn additional income without leaving home.

Moreover, for some, such entertainment has become the main one, bringing very substantial profits.

Perhaps this option how to make money on VK, will not become your gold mine and a worthy replacement for regular work.

But isn’t it cool to make money doing something you’re used to doing for free?

There are many methods of earning money.

But among them you can easily stumble upon those that will not bring you any income at all, but will only take up your time.

Therefore, this article has collected 6 really working methods with which you can improve your financial situation.

1. How can social exchanges help you make money on VK?

The essence of making money with the help of special social exchanges is very simple: you do everything the same as usual, but you can still earn money!

The list of tasks includes:

Customers post such tasks in order to artificially increase group traffic and imitate activity on the pages.

They pay little for the work.

But isn't that better than not getting paid at all?

To earn money using this method, you will need to have a page on VK, register an electronic wallet (WebMoney is best) and, of course, go to one or more exchanges.

Popular exchanges that allow you to make money on VK

Service Description Minimum salary (RUB) Payment systems
Smmok Consistently ranked among the top social exchanges. It has been around for a long time, pays regularly, reviews are mostly positive. Prices are the same as on similar resources. However, the frequency of tasks appearing is encouraging - dozens of tasks are received every day. 50 WebMoney
VKTarget Another popular resource that cannot be ignored. In addition to VK, it offers part-time work to owners of accounts on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki. The list of significant advantages: higher prices compared to other exchanges and the opportunity to earn income on a group in VK. 50 WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi
V-Like With good average prices, it has not earned as much popularity as the two previous exchanges due to the fact that fewer tasks are offered. However, a nice bonus is that the minimum amount of money for withdrawal is also significantly lower. 15 WebMoney, to mobile account, Yandex.Money
VKSerfing The social exchange with a pleasant interface also attracted many people who wanted to earn money and customers. There is only one way to withdraw money and a fairly large “minimum” of 50 rubles. However, there are a huge number of tasks and there are more of them every day. 50 WebMoney

Those who want to make money in VK on exchanges should take into account the following tips:

  • To earn this kind of money, it is better to create a second page on VK (fake).
  • Take breaks between tasks, otherwise you will quickly get banned.
  • It’s worth registering on several resources at once to earn more money.

2. How to make money on your VK page?

You can earn more money on such tasks if you work on specialized sites.

The tasks are checked manually.

It takes more time, but the income is more impressive.

Service Description Minimum salary Payment systems
SEOsprint If you have ever been interested in making money on axleboxes, you have definitely heard about this site. But among other things, it has a “Social Networks” section. This is where tasks are hidden with which you can earn extra money on your VK page. Payment for tasks is average, while the minimum withdrawal amount is very small. 2 rub. WebMoney, Yandex.MoneyPayeer, Perfect Money, Payza
Advego One of the most popular sites to make money online. First of all, copywriters know and love him. But it’s also possible to make money on VK here. The tasks are not difficult to complete, the main thing is to carefully read the conditions and check the answer before sending. The resource offers relatively high prices for tasks, and the quantity of them is pleasantly pleasing. 5$ WebMoney

It’s also possible to make money on your page if you become an opinion leader.

This is a media person whose opinion is trusted by users.

Example: a personal fitness trainer or a mother of three who has achieved great success in yoga.

If you have knowledge or experience, you can “promote” your page.

For example, a copywriter can publish useful posts on the topic of writing texts. Advertising yourself is difficult, but it is possible.

Opinion leaders can earn money through various thematic affiliate programs and by advertising products.

3. How to make money on VK using public?

One of the popular ways how to make money on VK, - usage .

You can earn income from this in several ways:

  1. Sell ​​products through the group.
  2. Direct visitors to the site.
  3. Place advertisements by contacting advertisers directly, through external exchanges or a special exchange on VK.

Whatever method you choose, first you need to create, fill and promote a group.

How to create a public page to make money?

There is no point in describing in detail the process of creating a public page, because it is intuitively simple.

For the slow-witted, there are YouTube videos with detailed instructions.

Any VK user can create a page.

It is much more difficult to choose a topic if you are going to make money by selling advertising space.

The public must attract attention with the topic.

But there is high competition in these niches, so it is difficult to break into.

It’s a big plus if you order a freelancer to develop a menu design and avatar.

Fill the public with unique and interesting material that will force visitors to subscribe.

How to promote a public page on VK?

Creating and registering a group is only the first step.

As with a serious large business, such a project must be actively worked on so that it can bring in money.

How to get this amount?

  1. First, you need to publish at least 20-30 posts so that visitors are not greeted by an empty group.
  2. The first people to follow your page could be your friends.
    Ask them to join, like and repost something particularly interesting.
  3. Among the first ways to make money on VK we mentioned social exchanges.
    Some recommend using them to “wind up” the first thousand subscribers.
    Whether to do this or not is up to you to decide.
    Remember that it is very easy to get a ban from the administration for such actions.
  4. You can promote a group faster and safer, but at a cost.
    To do this, buy advertising publications in other groups.
    When you cross the several thousand mark, you will be able to participate in mutual PR.
    This no longer requires financial investment.
    The main thing is that your topics are similar.
  5. You can promote a group using spam in other groups or on other people's pages.
    The method is no less risky than promotion through social exchanges.
  6. You can also create and post several thematic videos on it.
    In the description, leave a link to the VK group.
  7. The best and most effective way to promote is to publish truly interesting and unique material.
    This way the number of subscribers will grow naturally.

4. How to make money on VK by creating applications?

This way to make money is not suitable for anyone.

But if you are well versed in programming, you have a chance to make money by creating various applications for this.

On the other hand, it is not always necessary to have the relevant knowledge.

Perhaps you have an original idea that other users will definitely like.

Then you can contact a freelance programmer and order him to create it.

In this case, the management of the process and further promotion of the application will fall on your shoulders.

And, of course, the fruits of this labor, if the application really becomes popular.

This method of earning money has a significant drawback - a high level of competition.

Considering that there is no restriction for application authors, anyone can try their hand at it.

So you need to offer something that is truly in demand, original and of high quality.

  • if you advertise the application enough, you will be able to “rent” advertising space;
  • save a “financial cushion”, because you may have to invest money in the development of the application;
  • analyze possible risks (one of the main ones is violation of VK rules);
  • the best applications bring owners up to several!

5. How to make money on goods on VK?

The above ways to make money on VK assume that you have nothing but desire and free time.

The situation is different for those who can offer users a product.

It can be:

  • Handmade goods.
    Most often these are jewelry and household goods, but there are clothes and even shoes.
  • Used items.
    Some people look for things in second-hand stores, tidy them up and resell them on VK.
  • Products ordered on Aliexpress or similar trading platforms.
  • The fruits of intellectual labor (books, manuals, video lessons).

You can sell these products using groups and public pages on VK, advertising the product using contextual advertising on this social network or simply through your personal page.

6. How to make money in VK by getting a job?

You may be looking for the answer " how to make money on VK“not to sit at home and do nothing.

Undoubtedly, they can offer wages and conditions at the highest level.

So why don't you try your hand?

You will also learn how to make money from a group on VK from the video:

To view vacancies, go to the appropriate tab at the bottom of the site.

Nowadays, making money using any social network, be it Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram and others, is one of the most popular among novice money makers. You can earn money both in a group and only with the help of a personal page on any social network...

Many people don’t even realize that you can not only spend hours on social networks (after all, most people do that), but also benefit your pocket, or rather your e-wallet. For you, are social networks still only a source of communication? Don't lose the opportunity to make money on this!

If you have a promoted account, say, on the social network VKontakte, then you can easily make money with it. And your earnings will depend on how popular your VK page or group is.

Earning money on the social network VKontakte: how to start, what you need to do, where and how much you can earn

First, register a WebMoney e-wallet, this is where you will withdraw money.

Secondly, register on the VKontakte social network. Even if you already have a page, I strongly recommend creating a new one (especially for making money), and then promote it:

  • post your photos(you can do it so that your face is not visible), just don’t download photos of people from the Internet;
  • add friends and the more the better, preferably at least 100 people;
  • ask your friends “like” your posts and photos;
  • make a few reposts on your wall.

This will be enough to make the page look more natural and not look like a fake one.

By the way, with the help of the exchanges that we will consider below, you can easily and quickly promote an account on any social network: VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and others. And the more pages you have created on various social networks, the greater your income will be. So take some time to be prepared.

So, now about making money using VKontakte.

What do you need to do to make money on VKontakte? What work lies ahead of you? Well, everything is simple here! The types of tasks on exchanges are as follows:

  • like;
  • tell friends;
  • join a group or community;
  • subscribe to news;
  • leave a comment;
  • Add as Friend;
  • repost;
  • watch the video;
  • subscribe to the channel;
  • vote;
  • and other...

How much can you earn through Vkontakte? All your actions will be paid at the following rates (current at the time of writing):

  • likes and votes (the simplest actions) - 0.75 rubles;
  • join the community, watch videos, reposts, etc. - from 1 to 4 rubles;
  • leave a comment - from 4 to 30 rubles.

Earning money is quite simple, especially if you need to like, vote or join a VKontakte group, which is done in a matter of seconds. Comments are a little more difficult, but they are paid higher. And if you organize your work correctly, your income can reach several hundred rubles every day.

Thirdly, register on exchanges, study their interface and start earning money.

Exchanges for making money on social networks Vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook

Popular exchanges for promoting and earning money using social networks Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.


Forumok is a posting exchange, as well as a system for promoting websites and making money on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others. The forum has been operating since 2010, has a nice design, here you will be paid for following, tweets and retweets, comments, likes, etc. Payments are made to a WebMoney wallet starting from 200 rubles. It seems like a large amount, but it doesn’t seem to be, given the large selection of various expensive tasks, you will accumulate it quickly.

  • Go to Forumok...


Qcomment is an excellent project for social promotion and more. Also, the exchange provides you with the opportunity to earn income by writing comments and watching videos. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles, payments to WebMoney and Yandex Money accounts.

  • Go to Qcomment...


Vktarget is a wonderful exchange, there is a lot of work available for you every day. The service supports work with several social networks, such as: Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. All accounts can be used in one project. The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles, payments via WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI wallet.

  • Go to Vktarget...


Vkserfing is an exchange for earnings and promotion in social networks, working only with VKontakte. You can withdraw funds from 50 rubles to a WebMoney wallet or to your mobile phone balance. Withdrawals are made every Saturday.


Prospero is a system for making money and promoting on social networks, but more emphasis is placed on the Twitter account. Register on the Prospero project, complete tasks and receive payment from advertisers. There is no minimum withdrawal amount, and payments are made to WMZ and WMR WebMoney wallets. Don't forget to check out the FAQ section.

  • Go to Prospero...

Greetings to all my blog readers. We continue to study ways to make money and today we’ll talk about social networks, which we all love so much. One of the ways to make money on the Internet is how to make money in contacts on groups. The more participants there are, the higher the chances that you will receive income from this activity. The number may vary, but groups with less than 10 thousand subscribers are considered ineffective. If the group already has more than 50 thousand people, this is very good. Also special attention should be paid.

  • Firstly, by regularly publishing articles that are interesting to readers, you will attract even more subscribers to your group. Compare, either 10 people will be interested in the content and perhaps tell their friends about the group, or 50 thousand. The difference is fundamental.
  • Secondly, advertisers will be interested in your group. The principle of operation is this: the advertiser contacts the group administrator, that is, you, and asks to post a post in your group advertising a certain product or service. He pays you money for this. You can search for an advertiser on various exchanges yourself. If the group is promoted, then advertisers themselves search and find you.
  • Thirdly, you can. For example, organize an online children's clothing store and so on. What is especially important here is real, active subscribers, and not fake ones. After all, only an interested audience will agree to buy something from you or order some service.
  • The fourth option is affiliate programs. A large number of different courses and training programs are published on the Internet. Their creators provide the information contained in these courses and programs for money. You register your participation in the affiliate program. Then, publish the source link in your group. If people follow your link, get acquainted with the offer of the creator of the course or program, and subsequently purchase it, then you will receive interest on sales.

How to start making money in contacts on groups and where to start

The question of whether investments are needed to start making money on VKontakte is still controversial... You can create a group to make money and attract people for free. But there is a limitation that you can invite only 40 people per day from those who are your friends on the social network. Thus, it is quite difficult to gain 50 thousand subscribers, or even more. You should make every effort to attract potential readers to your group. But still, 50,000 community members is something that anyone who wants to really make money from the group must achieve. If there are fewer subscribers, then it will be more likely to make casual money on the Internet. And the total income will be less.

The situation is no better when a person invests a lot of money, ends up getting a large number of scammed participants, but cannot make money from it. The reason lies in low user activity. If there is no interest in what is published in the group, there are no purchases, sales from advertising and affiliate programs. No sales - you won't make a profit.

With any type of cheating, you need to understand that the VKontakte administration really doesn’t like artificially invited people and can block the group.

If you have initial capital and a desire to get promoted, then it would be better if you could buy a ready-made, promoted group on a topic that interests you. This is quite possible and it will be easier for you later, since you won’t have to attract visitors.

Actions to promote the group

Group topic

The question of what kind of community to create on VKontakte is asked by many, since it is important to decide on the topic.

  • According to statistics, the most favorable topics for this are business and personal success. Here you can very well promote affiliate programs of famous people who provide training on entrepreneurship, motivation, career growth, and so on.
  • The standard theme is women's. Here you can add a large number of interesting posts on different topics. Manicure, clothes, cooking - all this will be entertaining for the ladies. The men's community operates on a similar principle. But, nevertheless, women's public pages are more popular.
  • Since most people, when spending time on social networks, do not want to strain themselves and rack their brains over numerous problems, but want to relax, humor-themed topics become another common option. The group publishes funny posts that will make readers laugh and they will subscribe to community news.
  • Photo stock or video stock. Beautiful photographs, drawings will attract creative souls who are looking for something beautiful in this world. A photo group will be perfectly created if you are a photographer or artist yourself. A similar case with video. Interesting films and plots will lure film lovers. In this case, you can easily promote your services. Or advertise to other people.

Real prices and examples

  • The well-known public page “Smart Money|Business Magazine” sets a price of about 4 thousand for 1 advertising post per day. On average, 3 such posts are published per day.
  • Groups with an audience of about 10-15 thousand subscribers publish their posts for 100-300 rubles. Of course, the final earnings in contact groups depend on how often they publish an advertising message. The longer the post lasts, the higher the price.
  • Groups consisting of 180 thousand subscribers offer about 400-500 rubles per post.
  • There is an interesting opinion that average monthly income takes values ​​close to the number of subscribers in your public. The difference ranges from 10-20 percent. No one can predict your income with absolute certainty, but this is the figure that you should try to focus on when trying to make money on the VKontakte group.

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to make money on VKontakte.

  1. How much can you earn: from 100 rubles per day.
  2. Minimum Requirements: none.
  3. Is it worth it?: yes, but not with likes .

General information on earning money on VKontakte

People rarely use social networks for... Basically, it is a means of communication and passing time. Interesting posts, news, funny pictures - all this drags on and takes away the opportunity to do something more useful.

But besides just wasting time, for those who are willing to spend time and effort on it. And then, instead of the usual one, you will have the opportunity to make a profit. You can earn good money on VKontakte if you are good at something or are ready to learn it.

In this article we will touch on all the ways to make money on VKontakte, from ordinary likes and reposts for money to making money from a group.

What are the ways to make money on VKontakte?

To close the question right away, let's discuss earnings from likes.

You cannot make money from likes, reposts and joining a group.

So that you understand that only their owners make money on services like vkserfing, smmok and the like, I registered and looked at how much they paid, and then figured out how much time I needed to kill for such work. I was asked to disable adblock and was banned for hiding the list of groups, but I managed to see the list of tasks and their costs.

By registering on the smmok service as a “quality performer,” I can get 21 kopecks for joining the group. There are about 15 proposals. In total, if I join all groups, I will receive 3 rubles. The time I will spend on this is approximately 10 minutes. Find, enter, read the next task - about a minute. Total 20 kopecks per minute. You should not even try to access such sites.

Sites for making money on VK from likes, reposts and joining a group will not bring you any profit if you register as a performer.

Earning money from a group or public page on VKontakte

People have been talking about the creation and monetization of communities since the very beginning of the existence of the social network Vkontakte. Now there are millions of communities, but only tens of thousands of them are successful. You come up with an idea for a group, look for content (or make it yourself) and publish it. If everything goes right for you, people will gather on their own, with minimal advertising investment.

On advertising. , information businessmen, game developers and small companies willingly buy advertising in public pages. It is quite cheap (On average up to 1 thousand rubles) and can bring real clients. In order to monetize the community and get at least some worthwhile money, your group must have at least 50 thousand subscribers.

The price of advertising depends on the topic. Business communities are valued by advertisers much higher than entertainment ones, since in the first place it is much more difficult to attract an audience. In order to make money from advertising posts, you can either directly look for clients, or use the official advertising exchange in VK.

Maintaining groups on social networks

This method is similar to the previous one, the only difference being that you will work with companies that want. You will also need to publish interesting posts, attract new subscribers and work with old ones. But in such cases everything is much simpler.

You will have a clear plan, for example, 6 - 7 unique posts per week, 10 - 12 non-unique ones, or just posting funny pictures and communicating with the audience. Such services are now in great demand, because small businesses in Russia continue to develop and go online. And social networks are very well suited for working with audiences.

Such work is graded depending on its complexity. You can publish memes or copy-paste twice a day and will receive 5-6 thousand rubles per month, or you can create content, work with users and receive 15-20 thousand rubles for it. Of course, the load in the second case will be greater. But over time, creating creative posts that interest subscribers will become increasingly easier, and after some time the labor costs will be almost equal.

Promoting your own product or service

VKontakte can also act as a platform for promoting your own business or personal brand. As an example: you want to sell handmade soap, but you need customers. VKontakte provides the opportunity to create a personal page dedicated to the sale of soap; a small community stylized as an online store; a group in which you can run selling posts as advertising.

This way of earning money will be more difficult than working with groups. After all, in addition to content, you need to create and promote your own product or service. But income will be significantly higher. Just go to communities called “free” to see the number of companies that operate on the Internet and promote their products and services.

Streams on VKontakte

Stream - broadcast for subscribers. Quite a new way to monetize your VKontakte videos. You must have a personal page or group. Better group. You come up with an idea for a stream and launch it. A lot of views are collected by online lessons, broadcasts of games or some sporting events.

You can easily monetize your broadcasts. This can be done in two ways: install a service for donations or sell advertising space. The first method is simpler. You install the program, it allows users to send you money. Yes, many people do send good money to streamers for support or content development. This is a great way to make money from videos.

The other option is more complex, but brings much more profit. You may have seen that some online broadcasts often have logos. Most of them are shown at sporting events. These are bookmakers, companies working with binary options and other “gray” companies that pay the streamer for publishing their logo during broadcasts. The price depends on the audience reach, but will rarely be lower than 1 - 2 thousand per broadcast.

If you have your own group, then, in addition to the fact that you indirectly earn money from subscribers by publishing advertising posts, you will also receive profit from their donations on streams.

Creating an application on VKontakte

This is more for show. Anyone who has encountered a social network has seen more applications. They are often inferior in quality even to their mobile counterparts and are gradually losing popularity. But creating and maintaining such a project does not require a lot of effort and skills. Therefore, novice programmers and developers can create a profitable application with a small team, support it, update it, and it will bring in money. It is only important to undergo moderation.

Earning money on your own page

This method of earning money is suitable for those whose page has at least some weight. Usually these are famous people in one circle or another.

On Instagram, making money on personal pages has long been in fashion. It’s easier to promote products and services there, since users see a picture. But VKontakte can also be used in approximately this way. It is enough to gain a large mass of subscribers on the VKontakte page and find an advertiser who is willing to pay for an advertising post.

An example is Artemy Lebedev. He earns 300 thousand rubles on his Facebook page for one advertising post with 206 thousand subscribers. But this is a very famous and extravagant person, so it would be stupid to count on earning 300 thousand rubles. A good advertising blog post costs from 20 to 100 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn on VKontakte?

If you plan to like, repost and subscribe to public pages for money, then you will not earn anything. In some services you will receive even the minimum withdrawal amount for weeks. If you spend an hour a day on this, very little comes out. Likes rarely cost more than 50 kopecks, reposts are about the same, and for joining the group you will be given 1-2 rubles.

If you create your own public page, post unique, interesting and high-quality content, you will be able to monetize it well. Advertising in the most popular public pages costs from 10 thousand rubles. A beginner should count on 10 - 15 thousand per month after a year of work and minimal investment.

If you are going to maintain a personal page on social media. networks of any company, you can also earn money. The work of publishing non-unique content and periodically moderating messages is estimated at 5-6 thousand rubles per month. Better quality work with the collection of truly unique, useful and interesting content for users is estimated at 3–4 times more expensive: 15–20 thousand rubles per month.

If you are going to work as an ordinary moderator, then you should not hope for high earnings. Yes, and to earn money, in principle. Most people work on a voluntary basis, some are paid 1-2 thousand a month for banal cleaning of comments and maintaining activity in the group. But if you publish posts, the payment rises to the level of a group content manager. And this is the previous point.

Income from other ways of earning money is difficult to measure with any specific figure. Neither the application nor the promotion of your goods or services through VKontakte can be brought to any average payment value. It all depends on how in demand your product is, how you sell it, and what you offer to your customers.

Who is suitable for working on VKontakte?

It’s not written “work” for nothing. Earning money from reposts, likes and joining a group can easily be classified as “play and forget”. Making money online is systematic work, but you will have to work more with your brains, creating something of your own, unique and interesting.

All income on VKontakte is tied either to promoting communities, creating quality materials and retaining subscribers, or to maintaining your brand, selling goods or services. That is why, first of all, you need to be an active Internet user and understand marketing and promotion.

You cannot create a group without investing money in its promotion, and hoping that after some time it will take off. In the initial stages, you will still have to spin around, offering to join, attracting new users and retaining them with interesting content. The same is true for maintaining company pages on social networks.

That is why in order to really work and earn money, you will need the following skills:

  • Knowledge of Photoshop (other graphic editor).
  • Creativity.
  • Ability to present information.