The best ways for children to earn money. How can a student quickly and easily make money on the Internet without investments: real ways How to make money if you are 11

Probably every child wants to have pocket money and not ask their parents for it, and therefore many teenagers start working in the summer to earn money and spend it as they want. Despite the fact that children can officially work only from the age of 14, even if you are 12, you can find an easy part-time job for yourself. Most often, children work in groups of several people, since not every person can complete complex tasks alone.

If you want to earn money, but cannot find a job because of your young age, you need to talk to your parents, maybe they can find you a part-time job at their job. For example, sort through documents, stamp them, place them in folders and files. Of course, your parents will pay you from their own pockets, but this way they will be sure that in the summer you are not just killing your time.

Common vacancies

Summer work at 12 years old can be represented by different vacancies. The most popular are the following:

In order not to be deceived, you need to carefully look at the employer and it is best for parents to do this.

It's worth noting that promoters, posters, and people who hand out flyers are paid for the hours they actually work on the day the job is performed. If your employer starts promising you money at the end of the month or week, then you need to run away from him.

Earning money on the Internet

Since you can officially earn money only from the age of 14, one of the current options for part-time work for a child is the Internet. You can find many ways to earn money on social networks, but you should not fall for those where you need to invest your money. And this is unlikely to interest a 12-year-old child, because he does not have his own funds.

Making money on the Internet is not difficult, and even interesting. In addition, this way of earning money is relevant not only in summer, but all year round. But it is worth noting that you should not expect a lot of money from such work, but a 12-year-old teenager does not have great needs, and therefore such a part-time job can suit them. As a rule, you will be able to earn no more than 100 rubles per day. The most common ways to earn money are the following:

  1. Ad clicks. You don’t have to worry about infecting your computer with viruses, since the sites you need to navigate to are first checked. Parents should not worry, since the child will not be able to come across “forbidden” resources.
  2. Reading letters and taking tests. You need to read short letters and answer questions.
  3. Simple tasks. To earn money, you need to register on sites, write reviews, and like.

You can also earn money on social networks, for example, by reposting posts or completing a simple registration. There are many options for earning money. Of course, there is a lot of work on the Internet, but not all of it is suitable for teenagers 12 years old. For example, you can earn the most money by writing articles.

In addition, you can blog on Youtube and earn money from ad views. In order to become recognizable, you need to shoot something interesting and unique, then your channel on the platform will develop quickly, and you will be able to earn good money. You can advertise organizations or other channels on Youtube on your videos. The most important thing in such a topic is regular content. You can also play games online, and players will pay you money to keep you going level after level.

If the idea of ​​a channel is not close to you, then you can, for example, create your own personal website on which you will post useful information for users. Today you can create simple websites for free, for example, on the Wix platform, which anyone, even a schoolchild, can learn. Is it true It’s better to turn to adults to fill out content and optimize it.

There is a lot of deception and fraud on the Internet. Probably, people who have at least once looked for work online have come across such vacancies: an employee collecting balloon rivers or other office work. It is worth knowing that such vacancies may be scams that offer to pay in advance for work material, and only then they will send you pens by mail that you need to collect. And the most interesting thing is that for such simple work they “pay” not little money, and therefore there are many people who want to try.

Jobs for girls

All girls of any age love to make something and do needlework, and why not combine business with pleasure? Very often children make money from their hobby. Jobs for 12 year old girls can be based on selling the following things:

  • paintings embroidered with cross or beads;
  • bracelets, earrings and rings made of different materials;
  • photo frames;
  • homemade soap;
  • figurines made of salt dough, clay.

If you know how to draw beautifully, you can sell your work. This kind of art is in great demand, as people often order portraits of their friends as gifts. And if your work is of high quality, it is possible to sell it inexpensively, which will attract a flow of clients, you just need to properly advertise your services.

Jobs for boys

One of the most common jobs for a teenage boy is a gardener. Very often, older people look after their garden, vegetable garden or dacha. But not every person’s health allows them to burrow in the ground. And therefore, older people are looking for help for themselves, and most often these are children. A 12-year-old child can already weed beds, water flowers and carry out simple tasks in the garden. The job for 12-year-old boys can be different: a teenager can be an assistant to a car wash, a courier, or just help dad.

Helping neighbors

If you live in a neighborhood with hospitable people, then perhaps they can offer you a part-time job. The most common positions include the following:

Become an actor

If your child has acting skills, can sing, dance, or read poetry expressively, you can try an acting audition. Perhaps he has talent and will be invited to appear in commercials, TV series or films. It’s worth a try, because thanks to a part-time job for children, you can arrange a good future for your child. Very often, auditions for children's roles are held in cities. According to the law, vacancies for children 12 years old with official employment may be as follows:

  • cinema;
  • circus;
  • theater;
  • concert organizations.

These provisions are spelled out in Article 63 of the Labor Code, Part 3.

Is there any danger

If a child finds a job at the age of 12, then first of all he should consult with his parents whether he can earn money this way, even if he earns money on the Internet. Since in our country you can only work from the age of 14, you do not enter into any contract with the employer, and therefore you should not exclude the fact that you will be deceived and will not be paid anything for the work done. And if you contact the police, your parents may be punished for not supervising their child.

Few employers are happy to hire teenagers, since children are a lot of hassle. Very often children are not officially employed; the following should alert a teenager:

  • probation;
  • paid training;
  • purchasing additional items for work.

If you are offered something from this list, then you need to go somewhere further away from this employer; most likely, they want to deceive you. Very often, the employer offers newspaper delivery people to pay a deposit for the material, in case you simply throw it in the trash can and the work will not be completed. You should not cooperate with such employers, as they want to profit from even people.

Since it is difficult to find a job for a teenager without deception, you need to listen to the following tips and recommendations:

  1. Go to the school and find out about available vacancies for the summer. Very often there is a need for assistant counselors and garden workers.
  2. Visit organizations located near your home. This is one of the acceptable options - find a job close to home. Don’t be shy about visiting organizations, as they often need helpers.
  3. Talk to parents, relatives and adult friends. Very often, help in finding a job is provided by adults; perhaps they need helpers at work. And so the child will be under the supervision of adults, which means there is no reason to worry.
  4. Contact the youth agency. But most often such organizations offer part-time work for children over 14 years old. But it's worth trying to contact them.

Before you try to make money, you need to read reviews about this or that organization on the Internet. And if they are scammers, then you will find more than one negative review about them. Part-time work for children 12 years old can be in different industries, the main thing is to talk with your parents and make sure that you want this.

How to make money at 12 and 13 years old: 17 ways to make money online and offline.

How can a child earn money?

Teenagers have always had a desire to have their own money.

They do not want to ask their parents for funds to buy various small items, go to the movies and other pleasures.

So moms and dads shouldn’t be surprised if their child sooner or later wants to have his own income.

At this moment, parents should support their child and help him in his search.

Firstly, having received some money through honest work, the teenager will appreciate your own efforts at work.

Secondly, even the simplest work teaches the child independence and the ability to be responsible for his actions and plan time.

Now let's move on to consider question, or 13.

In general, up to the age of 14, all ways of earning money for a child are no different from each other.

Since officially, according to the law, you can get a job only from the age of 14.

In practice, more or less normal employment is possible only from 16-18 years of age.

How can a child earn money?

How can a 12-year-old or 13-year-old child earn money through temporary work?

1. Wash the family car as a way to make money

Since you can get a job with an employer at least from the age of 14, it’s worth taking a different route. For example, enter into an agreement with your parents about weekly car washing.

To set the price for a service, you can study the average prices in the city for professional performance of such work.

But you should adequately assess your strengths: few children of 12-13 years old are able to wash a car at least 50% as diligently as specialists.

For parents, we can add: such cooperation will simplify the process of issuing pocket money to a child.

In addition, such a service will reduce family expenses (although it is still better to go to a car wash for dry cleaning of the interior).

2. Help grandma or neighbors

If grandparents have a garden, the child can weed it for some money.

This will help the family and allow the teenager to earn some money for their own needs.

The “field of activity” can be expanded by offering this simple service to neighbors.

3. Cleaning the house is a way to earn money for a child

One of the simplest options for how to earn money for a 13-year-old child is to clean the house for a certain amount.

This method can be used not only in your own family, but also among elderly grandparents you know.

The work may include:

  • dust removal;
  • wet floor cleaning;
  • window cleaning ( Please note: only for the first floor of the building);
  • knocking out small carpets;
  • taking out the trash;
  • purchasing basic products or medicines.

As in the case of washing a car, you can plan the price of the service based on the cost of work of professional cleaners (reduce the amount by at least 3-4 times).

An example of cleaning prices from the cleaning company’s website

Bonus for parents: With this offer you can keep your home clean. But it is worth understanding that after such a step the child may find it very difficult to agree to do housework for free.

4. Caring for pets of neighbors or friends

Neighbors or acquaintances of each of us go to the sea, to the country, or abroad in the summer.

Most people cannot take their pet on such a trip.

Often the whole family goes on vacation, so there is absolutely no one to leave the animal with.

This creates another opportunity for the child to earn money - by caring for an animal.

It is best for a child to earn money by caring for small and unpretentious pets:

  • parrots;
  • cats;
  • fish;
  • turtles.

Below is the cost of pet sitter services from the site http://xn--g1acoada4j.xn--p1ai/, from which you can build:

You should be careful with dogs, as this animal requires special skills:

  1. The caregiver must be strong enough to hold the dog. Therefore, it is worth considering options only with small animals (for example, dachshunds or pugs).
  2. A walk with an animal should take at least half an hour. A five-minute walk is not suitable for dogs.
  3. You need to be able to win over a four-legged animal. To do this, it is worth practicing various commands at home. If the animal does not respond to them indoors, then it will certainly not do them outdoors.

5. Make money by cleaning the entrance

How to make money at 12 years old?

Cleaning your own driveway is a great option for a child.

It is worth offering services to residents and setting the amount of payment for each apartment.

This is an easy job: just sweep the floor twice a week and wash it once.

It won’t take much time, because the method can be combined with other earning ideas.

With effort, even a 12-13 year old child can do it.

Below are the prices of professional cleaning companies:

6. Earning money for a child by clearing snow

In this case, you can team up with friends and survey the whole house.

Offer your neighbors the service of clearing snow from roads and sidewalks around your home.

Some will most likely ask you to remove snow from a parking space near the house for an additional fee.

For such work you can earn 20–50 rubles per apartment.

Even with such a small amount, thanks to the large number of apartments, the end result is a good profit.

But here are more detailed price estimates from professionals in their field - companies in Moscow:

7. Mowing the lawn is a way to earn money for a child

If a child can make money with a lawn mower, do not discourage him.

To calm your soul at first, you can go to work with him. The amount of earnings will depend on the size of the plot.

Price list of a lawn mowing company, from which you can base your prices for services:

Before mowing the lawn, your child should clarify the following questions:

  • Where exactly should the area be mowed?
  • Are there any pets in the house? If animals are present, then at the time of work they must be locked in an enclosure or in a house.
  • Ask about colors that are less noticeable. This question will allow you to save your favorite plant.

8. Make money by picking up leaves

To earn money in this way, you need to have the appropriate equipment: a rake and a container for removing leaves from the serviced area.

As a rule, such devices can be found in literally every home.

Otherwise, this way of earning money for a child is no different from lawn mowing services.

9. Selling lemonade

If there is a highway or a busy walking path near your site to some memorable place, a child can earn money by selling lemonade during hot weather.

Of course, this idea is known to everyone from American films and is rarely applicable in Russian conditions.

But if you live in a private house or cottage community, you can try to implement the idea.

In addition to ways to improve their financial situation through various part-time jobs, modern teenagers have ample opportunities to earn money through a mini-format business.

How to make money for a child aged 13 and 12 through trading?

No. 1. Resale of sweets

This method is quite effective if the child wants to earn good money. At schools, during breaks, teenagers love to eat sweets, crackers, and chips.

You can purchase this product in advance at a discounted price in a supermarket and resell it.

For example, buy a package of nuts for 10 rubles, and sell it in class for 15 rubles.

In total, each package yields a profit of 5 rubles.

Or during the big break, collect an order of the desired sweets from your classmates and run to the nearest store to get them.

At the same time, issue an invoice with your own markup.

It is worth understanding that this way of earning extra money should in no case be taken seriously. But especially enterprising guys still manage to get a good profit.

No. 2. Make money from manual work

Some guys are talented in various types of handicrafts (especially girls). If the products turn out to be objectively beautiful, you can try to sell them.

Of course, such products rarely reach the level of handmade fairs and various specialized sites.

But for relatives or family friends, minor shortcomings may be absolutely unimportant.

Ask your parents to mention your talent to friends and family.

It is worth making several samples of products to demonstrate to those who are interested or come to visit you.

If the work is really cute and interesting, you will definitely get orders.

No. 3. Posting advertisements is a way to earn money for a child

It’s quite easy to earn money for your child this way. You should use advertisement posts or Internet sites to find vacancies for posting printed materials around the city or delivering leaflets.

Although you can only be officially employed at the age of 14, at least some employers enter into verbal agreements with children.

As a last resort, you can agree on the guarantee of one of the parents, but the child will do the work.

The cost of such work in Moscow is given:

All that is required is to find the number or email address of a potential employer and agree on possible cooperation.

The only downside to this income is the kilometers traveled around the city.

The work is really not easy, so it’s worth considering your readiness to do it several times.

No. 4. Make money on collectibles

During school years there is always a fashion for certain things:

  • Kinder surprise toys;
  • Pokemon caps;
  • chips with heroes;
  • stickers with rare cars;
  • coins from other countries, etc.

If desired, a smart child can actually earn good money from all this.

Firstly, you can collect your collections and then sell them.

But this option is much more interesting and simpler: find out what chips or stickers other people need, and then find them and sell them at your own price.

No. 5. Job selling milk or eggs

If the parents have their own farm, then you can agree with them to allocate a certain amount of eggs or milk, which will be sold by the child.

It is not always possible to arrange a sale through a regular market place for a minor worker.

But an enterprising teenager can ask friends or classmates to ask their families about their desire to purchase these products.

Additionally, you can offer home delivery service. People receive the freshest milk and eggs, and the child receives pocket money and the first lessons in responsibility.

No. 6. Earning money from selling vegetables and fruits

This process of earning money is no different from selling milk and eggs.

However, picking vegetables and fruits is still a seasonal business.

To implement it, you only need your own plot with fruit trees or berry bushes.

If this is not the case, you can go to the nearest grove for the “harvest”.

The only thing you definitely shouldn’t do is collect “products” on other people’s sites.

No. 7. Homework is a way to earn money for a child

Your child can earn money by completing homework assignments for classmates or assignments from students in other classes.

Of course, this type of work is suitable only for those children who cope well with the school curriculum.

How can a child earn money using the Internet and a computer?

Basically, a child can implement the listed ways to earn money (except for snow removal) in the summer, during the holidays. But thanks to the Internet, you can earn a small income even during the study period.

If you have the Internet and a computer at home, you can earn money in any free time. Overall, this one needs to be ranked first due to its simplicity.

Moreover, for a modern child, the Internet is literally their habitat.

The advantages of this method of earning money for a child:

  • There is absolutely no age limit;
  • no specialized courses are required;
  • there is no employer who can fire you because of a bad mood;
  • there is no risk of any injury.

Let's consider popular options for this type of earnings.

Browsing websites and clicking links

Parents should not worry about questionable adult sites.

All tasks undergo strict control and verification by the exchange administration.

It will be very easy for your child to earn money this way.

Where a teenager can try his hand, read below.

Make money by reading emails

The method is that the child will need to read the text provided by the customer and at the end answer the question related to this letter.

Work on passing tests

It is also based on the texts provided by the advertiser.

After reading, you must answer one question with three possible answers.

These questions are not difficult, and the task will not be difficult if the teenager is attentive and diligent.

All of the above income methods can be tried on the website

You can start earning money immediately after the standard registration procedure.

The following site will also be useful:, a video tutorial from YouTube will help you understand it.

Learn to use a computer

Ask your family if any of their friends need help mastering the computer? This talent can be used as a means of earning money.

No special skills required.

As a rule, adults only need basic knowledge.

And today’s children master them quickly and intuitively.

Presentation in PowerPoint

Knowing how to use such a program will also help your child earn good money.

If a friend or relative needs to present a project, the teenager can create a slide show for him and receive an agreed upon amount for it.

You can learn how to work with the program by following lessons on the Internet (in particular, by watching videos on YouTube).

In this work, 17 methods were presented, how to make money at 12 years old and those who are older.

The main thing is not to give up at the first difficulties and go towards your goal.

Remember! You shouldn't take on work that you can't do.

Even if you are initially confident in your abilities, you should first read the information on this type of income.

For example, when washing a bicycle or car, ask about the chemicals that need to be used in this process.

The same can be said about working on the Internet: the better you have certain skills, the more you can earn.

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You don't have to be an adult to make money. In fact, you don't even have to be a teenager! There is an opportunity to earn money at any age. Traditional ways include babysitting small children, snow removal, and housework. There are also more unique and creative types of work - selling your crafts or growing vegetables. Remember that it is always better to save part of the money you earn for the future.


Look after the children

    Pack your work box or backpack. Pack all the necessary things like a first aid kit, phone charger and something to eat. Also bring things for the child: coloring books, glitter glue, toys and puzzles.

    Set the price. The average cost of nanny services in Moscow is 300 rubles per hour. You should make allowances for your age, experience and the number of children you need to look after. Discuss the cost of services with parents before they leave you alone with their children.

    • There are special applications for paying for services using a smartphone so that you do not have to carry cash with you.
    • This conversation may feel awkward, but don't be afraid to set a fair price. Every job must be paid!
  1. Arrive 15 minutes early to discuss the rules with your parents. This amount of time is enough time to learn all the house rules, expectations from you and contact information before your parents leave. Ask about possible allergies, when the children go to bed and how you should maintain discipline. Write down your answers in a notebook so you don't forget anything.

    • Now is a good time to discuss payment if you haven't already. Give the price, even if your parents pay you when they get home.
    • Don't be late! Even if you are just 1 minute late, you will show yourself as an irresponsible and unreliable person.
  2. Act decisively if children do not obey. Don't be persuaded. If they ask you to do something your parents specifically forbade (like staying up later), it's best to play it safe and follow your parents' rules. Impress them with your maturity and responsibility so that they will use your services again!

    • When in doubt, ask questions. Don't hesitate to call your parents if you're not sure what you should do. God saves man, who save himself.
    • Never use force or yell at children. Speak in a non-negotiable voice to remind them of the rules and consequences if they don't stop acting out.
  3. Complete the training and receive a certificate if you are already 11 years old. Find courses near your home or at your local Red Cross branch. Become certified in first aid and CPR. This way you will learn a lot of useful information and receive a certificate that will help you find a job faster, because your parents will trust you more.

    • Group courses are always cheaper than individual lessons.
    • If you are under 11 years old or are not ready to look after other children yourself, then try helping with a parent present. Sit or play with the children while mom or dad is home but busy with other things.

Get into sales

  1. Have a yard sale to get rid of unwanted items. Clean out your room and put away all the toys, decorations and things you no longer need. With parental permission, place them on a folding table in the yard or in front of the gate. Use stickers to make price tags. Determine prices based on the original cost and current condition of each item.

    • The best time to hold a sale is on a weekend morning. This is the time to attract the most visitors.
    • Ask your parents and siblings what items they no longer need. The more different products you have, the more people of different ages may be interested in your sale.
    • Be prepared to lower your price. Determine in advance the minimum acceptable price for each item in order to negotiate wisely with buyers.
  2. Sell ​​candy if you have a lot of friends. Who wouldn't want to recharge their energy in the form of a chocolate bar? Buy candy from a wholesale warehouse or store at a lower price. Then sell the item individually to make a profit.

    • For example, if you bought 12 bars for 120 rubles, then each bar cost 10 rubles. In this case, you can sell them at a price of 20 rubles per bar to earn 120 rubles.
    • If you want to sell candy at school, check the school rules.
    • If you want to offer candy to people in other households, be sure to walk around the area with a parent to be safe.
  3. Sell ​​lemonade during hot weather. You will need a folding table, a “Lemonade for Sale!” sign, plastic cups, straws, a large jug, ice and the lemonade itself. If you set up a table in the front yard, you can make lemonade in the kitchen and store it in the refrigerator to keep it cold. Set a price per glass.

    • If the counter is located further from the house, then prepare the lemonade in advance and store it in a thermos under the table.
    • Charge extra for ice and straws (more materials, more costs!).
    • You can use store-bought bottled lemonade, but then your income will be lower than if you make lemonade yourself. People are willing to pay more for a fresh drink, but they can buy bottled lemonade themselves in the store.
    • Sell ​​cookies and pretzels along with lemonade to earn more.
  4. Sell ​​baked goods if you like to cook. Use classic recipes to make chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and vanilla cupcakes in large quantities. When everything is ready, place the food in individual portions in cute packaging such as bags with a ribbon. Place the stand in your front yard or on a busy street corner.

    • When selling homemade baked goods, it is very important to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the products. Always wash your hands with soap and water when preparing or handling baked goods. Use only fresh products.
    • Contact your local government sanitary and health department to find out what permits are required.
    • Use ready-made mixtures or buy all products separately. You can also offer specialty items like vegetarian products or gluten-free baked goods to differentiate yourself from other vendors.
  5. Grow fruits, vegetables or herbs to sell. If your parents allow you to grow vegetables in the backyard, then choose simple options like lettuce, tomatoes or cucumbers. If you decide to grow plants in pots at home, choose ones that don't require a lot of sunlight or space. Harvest the ripe crop and sell it in bags or plastic containers.

  6. Sell ​​handmade products. Turn your hobby into a source of income. Candles, friendship bracelets, or homemade cards can be sold at fairs, farmers' markets, or online. Determine prices depending on the cost of materials and time spent.

    • The more expensive the materials and the more time it takes to work, the higher the price should be.
    • If you are under 18 years old, you can open a store on Etsy with parental permission. If you are under 13 years old, ask your parents to set up a store in your name.
    • Some shops and family shops are ready to sell products from local craftsmen. You need to find such stores and offer your amazing crafts.

Work outside

  1. Mow lawns if you can handle a lawn mower. Regular lawn mowers can be used from the age of 12, while models with handlebars are prohibited for teenagers under 16 years of age. Before you start mowing, check with your neighbor about the desired height of the grass, what areas need tidying, and any other special instructions (for example, not mowing near flower beds).

    • Set your price based on the size of your lawn. Find out prices in your area.
    • It is safest to mow lawns during good weather and daylight hours.
    • Always use closed-toe shoes and wear safety glasses to keep debris and grass pieces out of your eyes.
    • If your neighbors have pets or small children, ask them not to let them outside while mowing for safety reasons.
  2. Collect fallen leaves. Grab a rake and large trash bags and start offering your services to locals. Find out which areas need to be tidied up and where to put the leaves (next to the trash or in the compost bin). Rake the leaves into a large pile, then place them in a trash bag and tie them up.

    • Do not collect leaves immediately after rain. Wet leaves are much heavier. Wait until the yard dries out a bit.
    • If you are heaping leaves rather than bagging them, use a large wheeled basket. This will make it easier for you to fold and move the leaves.
  3. Clear sidewalks and roads of snow. Take a light but durable shovel made of a material that does not stick to snow. Decide on a working strategy: You can clear snow from your driveway from top to bottom or diagonally. Move the snow to the edges of the road and do not carry it if you do not want to get tired quickly.

    • Price based on the size of your driveway, walkway or porch.
    • When working, try to bend your knees rather than your lower back to reduce stress on your back.
    • Dress for the weather, as you will be spending several hours outside. Bring a coat or jacket, waterproof gloves, a hat or headphones, and non-flat boots.

Look for a casual job

  1. Do housework. If your parents already give you pocket money, then find out how you can earn a little more. Offer to do laundry, clean toilets and bathrooms, or vacuum carpets. Also offer your services to your neighbors.

    • Your suggestion will be especially useful for elderly neighbors who already find it difficult to do this kind of work.
    • You shouldn't expect to be paid for routine tasks like cleaning your room or kitchen after dinner.
  2. Look after the house while the neighbors are on vacation. Water the flowers, take out the trash, pick up the mail, and keep an eye on things. You may be asked to visit the house a couple of times a day or even spend the night there so that the home does not look empty and does not attract burglars. Follow all neighbors' instructions and always lock your front door after leaving.

    • If you need to stay overnight, invite your parents or older brother or sister with you.
    • Ask your neighbors to write down any important directions so you don't forget anything, as well as a phone number to contact them if you have questions or in an emergency.
    • Treat your responsibilities with respect. You have been entrusted with great responsibility, so you should not undermine your trust by inviting friends over, eating other people's food, or taking things without permission.
  3. Walk your dogs. Encourage dog owners to walk their pets. Always be on time and bring a spare leash, water bottle, dog bowl and poop bags. Walk your dog for the agreed amount of time, set a price depending on the length of the walk and your experience.

    • Write down your schedule in your phone or diary so you don’t forget or get confused.
    • Get to know your dog before your first walk to get used to each other. Ask if you can play with your dog in the backyard for an hour or so.
    • Assess your capabilities soberly. You may not feel comfortable dealing with certain breeds like pit bull terriers or dogs that are overly aggressive. Refuse such offers even if the payment is high.
  4. Feed and look after your pets when your neighbors are away. Pet care is like babysitting, but with animals. If you love animals, then offer your services to your neighbors. Respect their rules and ask clarifying questions.

    • Visit your neighbors before you leave to discuss the exact procedure and cost of the work.
    • Your price should depend on the length of care, the number of pets, and your responsibilities.
    • For example, if you need to feed the fish once a day, the price will be lower than if you walk the dog twice a day and need to take insulin injections.
    • Write down all important contact information such as your neighbor's cell phone number, veterinary clinic name and phone number, and other details.

Why does a child need his own money? It would seem that his parents create comfortable conditions for him, buy toys, clothes and gadgets on demand, provide him with food and a roof over his head. However, during adolescence, the child becomes more independent and suddenly discovers that his desires do not always coincide with the desires of his mother or father.

That’s why many teenagers strive to find out how to make money as a 12-year-old schoolchild: in addition to satisfying the need for independence, work allows them to feel self-confident and gain the first experience of adulthood. But we should not forget that at this age children do not yet know how to distinguish good employers from scammers: accordingly, any attempts to employ a child must be accompanied by constant monitoring and assistance from parents.

Does a schoolchild need to earn money?

Around the fifth or sixth grade, a child leaves the carefree childhood and faces problems typical of adults. For example, he realizes that achieving some goals that are important to him requires the availability of funds, as a result of which he asks the question: “How to make money if you are 12 years old?”

At this stage, caring parents begin to allocate a certain amount of pocket money to the teenager, trying to teach him how to properly manage his savings. However, he does not yet understand the real value of money, and therefore quickly spends it on trifles. Showing a student what work is like and why you need to put in so much effort to get a salary is possible only with a clear example.

Indeed, with the first experience of work, the child begins to realize the true value of things. Now he knows that to buy a smartphone he will have to hand out leaflets on the street for three months, and a bicycle will cost six months of cleaning entrances. Accordingly, not only his attitude towards his parents’ work changes, but also his life position on managing his money.

Advantages and disadvantages of earning money for children

It is hardly worth calling the policy of overly caring parents who limit any attempts of the child to become independent as far-sighted. Indeed, working within reasonable limits is extremely useful for a student:
  • Of course, there are not many places where you can work at the age of 12, but even a simple task allows a child to gain experience interacting with others;
  • Work can make a student study better. Low-paid physical labor clearly shows him that it is better to earn money with his mind;
  • Having figured out how to quickly save money at the age of 12, the child becomes more independent and self-confident;
  • The teenager learns from his own experience that it is very difficult to provide for the needs of the family, and therefore begins to appreciate the efforts of his parents more;
  • Jobs for 12 year olds are a great way to teach a student the basics of saving and managing their savings wisely.

However, the work activity of minors is characterized not only by advantages. Such a radical change in lifestyle may well lead to some undesirable consequences:

  • Constantly thinking not only about studying, but also about how to earn money, the child is deprived of rest and free time. As a result, his health may suffer;
  • The ability to earn money can make a teenager think that studying is no longer necessary - after all, he already provides for his financial needs;
  • Knowing where they can earn extra money at the age of 12, some schoolchildren become overconfident and begin to enter into conflicts with their parents;
  • Children are more easily tempted and spend hard-earned money on trifles, which they later regret;
  • Successful work experience forces a schoolchild to think only about how to earn a lot of money: a teenager may well decide that this is the main goal in life.

Rules for organizing child labor

How can a 12 year old child earn money without interfering with his studies? When studying a student’s employment prospects, this question seems to be key: work should in no case interfere with attending classes. To avoid possible complications, it is necessary to properly organize the teenager’s activities:

  1. You should consider your daily schedule. It is important that the child not only has time to study, do homework and work, but also be sure to rest;
  2. The average teenager can concentrate on a task for no more than an hour. Then he is recommended to distract himself for 10–15 minutes and do some physical exercises;
  3. Part-time work for schoolchildren over 12 years old should not involve regularly moving objects weighing more than 2–3 kg;
  4. Minors should not be involved in work at night or on holidays. In addition, the employer is obliged to provide them with two days off per week;
  5. Organization of work for schoolchildren aged 12 should not be accompanied by stressful conditions or psychological pressure on young employees;
  6. The recommended length of a child's working day is two hours. Prolonged monotonous repetition of operations can cause him to breakdown;
  7. It is better to look for where to earn money for schoolchildren during the holidays. Combining work and study is difficult even for adults, not to mention teenagers;
  8. You cannot force a child to work. When the enthusiasm for work activity passes, it is recommended to invite him to interrupt the experiment;
  9. When choosing who you can work at 12 years old, you need to consider several options. By switching between them, the teenager maintains interest in the process.

Real earnings for schoolchildren

“I want to earn a lot of money - what should I do?” This question arises for all teenagers taking their first steps in adulthood: in the absence of practical skills and work experience, they cannot draw conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular profession. At the same time, not every employer will agree to hire a child: a 12-year-old applicant does not yet have documents for official registration, and the benefits of his employment are doubtful given the possible problems. Fortunately, there are several very realistic ways for a student to earn money.

Posting advertisements

In search of a suitable job, many teenagers from the age of 12 try to post up leaflets. Employers are quite loyal to the age of performers: for them, the main thing is the result. Therefore, they enter into verbal agreements with minor employees or involve their parents as guarantors.

They pay two rubles for one advertisement: the employee is paid at the end of the day, after the latter provides a report on the completed task. But to receive a noticeable amount, a student will have to walk around a large area and spend a lot of time: it is physically very difficult to post up at least 30–40 leaflets per hour.

Distributing leaflets

Advertising agencies often hire teenagers to distribute leaflets: work for children 12 years old to distribute printed materials does not require any special qualities or skills other than communication skills and responsibility.

Promoters take to the streets after lunch or at the end of the working day, which is convenient for schoolchildren: they do not have to choose between earning money and studying. The teenager’s task is quite simple: located near a large shopping center or supermarket, it is necessary to attract the attention of passers-by, hand them an advertisement and say the words specified by the customer. For such work, the promoter is paid about 150–200 rubles per hour.

Distribution of free newspapers

Employers offer conditions acceptable to the student: the performer has the right to choose his preferred days and hours to perform his duties. A teenager who distributes advertising and newspapers for four to five hours every day receives about 2 thousand rubles per week.

Landscaping and cleaning of territories

If a student does not have an aversion to physical labor and is deft with a shovel, rake and broom, he can invite several friends and organize a team to clean up the areas.

How teenagers can earn money:

  • Remove fallen leaves from your yard;
  • In winter, clear snow from paths and parking lots;
  • Offer services to institutions that have flower beds and lawns on their territory.

Parents should help their children in this endeavor: negotiate with neighbors or customers about the provision of services, and ensure payment is received. By cleaning a couple of times a week, a child can earn about 4–5 thousand rubles in a month.

Cleaning entrances

In a multi-storey residential building, you can clean not only the local area, but also the entrances. How to make money for a 12 year old teenager:

  • Sweep and wash stairs and landings;
  • Wipe down railings and mailboxes;
  • Wash the walls in the entrance;
  • Wash and wipe windows;
  • Clean the elevator cabin;
  • Wipe exit doors of apartments and entrances.

Obviously, in this case, children will also have to involve adults in negotiating with neighbors. With a service cost of 200 rubles per apartment per month, a team of three schoolchildren at one entrance of a nine-story building will earn up to 3 thousand rubles.

Attraction management

In parks and recreation areas where parents walk with their children, trampolines, inflatable slides and other simple attractions are often installed in the summer. Watching this business, it’s easy to imagine how a 12-year-old boy can make money.

A teenager can:

  • Sell ​​entrance tickets;
  • Record the time spent by visitors on a slide or trampoline;
  • Explain to clients the rules for using playgrounds.

Obviously, a young attraction operator should not be left alone with visitors, so one of the adults should be nearby at all times. Payment for such work in the summer can reach 8–10 thousand rubles per month.

Help the animator

Animators are involved in organizing children's leisure time and holding holidays. Of course, a teenager cannot cope on his own with a group of young urchins, but he can easily earn money as an assistant to an adult specialist.

The assistant is not required to have any special teaching skills: just loving children is enough. In addition, a certain amount of physical training will be required: the assistant must constantly move and act as a ringleader in various competitions and active games.

For such work they pay about 6-8 thousand rubles per month. The reward can be increased if the student himself comes up with a competitive or holiday program.

Help for the elderly

When choosing who a 12-year-old girl can work with, you should remember that many lonely and elderly people need everyday help. Of course, no one will officially accept a child as a social worker, but a teenager is quite capable of engaging in this activity privately.

The responsibilities of a home assistant are feasible for any schoolchild: you need to visit your student, buy him food and medicine, sweep the floor in the apartment, wash the dishes, water the flowers, take out the trash. For such simple work, pensioners are willing to pay teenagers at least 150–200 rubles a day.

Growing home flowers

Parents who want to cultivate entrepreneurial qualities in their child can offer the idea of ​​a first business for children aged 12 - growing home flowers and ornamental plants. Of course, at the initial stage, the young gardener will need financial help from his elders: he himself is unlikely to raise money to purchase pots, seedlings, tools and soil. But later, the teenager will be able to independently care for the plants, water, replant and tie them up. The easiest way to sell grown flowers is via the Internet or sell them to flower shops.

Fish breeding

To earn money, a teenager can not only grow indoor plants, but also breed pets that do not require complex care - for example, fish. This business is characterized by high profitability: aquarium enthusiasts are willing to pay about 150 rubles for one representative of the popular guppy breed. To begin with, the young businessman must ask his parents to buy him:

  • Medium sized aquarium;
  • Lighting and filtration systems;
  • Fry of popular breeds;
  • Fish food;
  • Several books on fish breeding.

Agricultural work

In the village you can find many ways to earn income for a teenager. The main thing is to explain to the child the difference between selfless help to his own grandmother and paid provision of services to strangers. How to make money at 12 years old:

  • Feed birds and animals, clean cages and enclosures;
  • Weed the beds, water the plants;
  • Collect and destroy pests;
  • Harvest in the garden beds;
  • Become a shepherd's assistant;
  • Help in the preparation of mushrooms, berries and medicinal herbs.

In rural areas, it is not difficult to find busy or elderly neighbors who are willing to pay a child at least 150–200 rubles a day for such work.

Pet care

When thinking about how to make money for a 12-year-old girl, you should first of all consider activities that require typically female character traits - attentiveness, responsibility, care. For example, you can take care of animals: many pet owners need help during a business trip or vacation. Of course, a teenager should not take responsibility for large and aggressive dogs - it is better to limit himself to such small charges as:

  • Parrots and canaries;
  • Cats;
  • Rodents;
  • Fish and turtles.

In order not to go to other people's apartments, the child should agree with his parents and organize foster care at home. By working with several clients at the same time, you can earn up to 10 thousand rubles per month.


It is believed that needlework is more suitable for girls, although boys are no less successful in some types of applied arts. If a teenager knows how to handle tools and has artistic taste, he should think about the prospect of making various products with his own hands.

  • Costume jewelry - beads, bracelets, pendants;
  • Knitted products - scarves, hats, socks and mittens;
  • Figurines and souvenirs made of wood and polymer clay;
  • Handmade postcards and photo albums.

Earning money for children on the Internet

Today, teenagers no longer need to leave home to earn income: on the Internet you can always find how to earn money urgently. However, at the initial stage, it is impossible to do without the assistance of parents: first of all, elders must explain to the child the safety rules and teach him to recognize fraudulent projects, of which there are plenty in the virtual world.

In addition, you will have to solve problems with payment. Earning sites usually transfer money to an electronic wallet, which can only be verified if you have a passport. Therefore, the student will have to register in the payment system on behalf of his mother or father. In general, working on the Internet is characterized by several important advantages for a minor:

  • There are no age restrictions for performers;
  • As a rule, it is possible to make money on the Internet at the age of 12 without education;
  • Customer requirements are the same for all performers;
  • The child works in the comfort of home and does not risk anything.

Earning money from online games

How to make money without working? Schoolchildren are given a similar chance by online games like World of Tanks, which are played by millions of people around the world. An experienced player can earn income from selling game currency, armor and weapons, magical artifacts and virtual characters on special exchanges.

Game fans pay very real money for these items. Practice shows that a schoolchild who plays on the Internet for at least two to three hours a day can earn about 5–8 thousand rubles in a month.

Typing texts

A not too complicated, but quite labor-intensive way for a 12-year-old schoolchild to earn money is typing texts. Such work is paid for by customers who need to transcribe an audio recording of an interview, a video of a presentation or lecture.

The performer will not have to express his thoughts in an artistic style or write abstruse articles. Typing is similar to dictation: you just need to listen carefully to the recording and type out what is said verbatim in a text editor. Where can a teenager earn money? Orders for decryption are often placed on specialized exchanges.

Entering captcha

If a student prefers a relatively simple job and has free time, then he can make money by recognizing captchas. A captcha is a picture with distorted text or a simple graphic puzzle that is placed on a website to protect against robots. The computer cannot bypass such an obstacle, and therefore, when sending out advertisements, customers are forced to resort to the help of real performers.

How can a schoolchild make money on the Internet? You need to create an electronic wallet, register on the most popular service RuCaptcha and start decrypting. For 1000 correctly solved problems, this site pays 50 rubles.

Ad clicks

Clicking on advertisements does not require intellectual effort. By browsing advertisers' websites on special exchanges, a teenager can make his first profit. How to earn money for a 12 year old child:

  • Register on the exchange as a performer;
  • Select the link to the advertiser’s website and click on it;
  • Leave the window that opens active until the timer expires;
  • Perform a test action in this window (solve a simple example);
  • Receive money to your account;
  • Once you have accumulated the required amount, withdraw the money to your e-wallet.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to earn a significant amount of money from clicks: viewing one advertisement brings only 5–10 kopecks, and therefore for several hours of work a teenager is unlikely to receive more than 40–50 rubles.

Part-time work on social networks

Modern teenagers spend all their free time on social networks, focusing mainly on communication and entertainment. When thinking about how to benefit from this activity, you can search the Internet for services that pay for activities to promote different communities. How to earn money for a schoolchild:

  • Like specified posts and photos;
  • Join the specified groups and add customers as friends;
  • Repost certain posts;
  • Participate in voting and surveys;
  • Leave comments under other people's posts.

Completing tasks

Any site looks useful and in demand if its pages host lively discussions and debates between visitors. Therefore, webmasters on exchanges hire special performers who imitate active communication and create the appearance of high popularity of the resource. Where can you earn money at 12 years old:


How can a 12 year old student earn money? Depending on the goals pursued, the customer can offer the contractor for a fee of 5–10 rubles:

  • Register on a website;
  • Vote in the poll;
  • Comment on a post or article;
  • Find the site specified in the task in search engines;
  • Repost a specific website page on social networks;
  • Watch the video, like it, subscribe to the YouTube channel.

Earning money on a smartphone

Today it is difficult to meet a schoolchild who does not own a smartphone or tablet. Thanks to the widespread use of the mobile Internet, the owner of a gadget can earn income at any time: just download and install the special AdvertApp program on the device. How to make money at 11 years old:

  • Download and run certain applications or games;
  • Rate downloaded applications;
  • Write reviews for programs;
  • View advertisements.

You don’t have to worry about your smartphone’s memory filling up: after a few days, downloaded games can be deleted. For each task they pay 5–30 rubles: thus, an active teenager earns about 120 rubles per day.

  • Carwash. Listing, the authors of various articles suggest that children wipe the windows and headlights of cars in traffic jams. However, the teenager will have to run between cars on the roadway, which is very dangerous. In addition, one grain of sand in a dirty sponge can scratch the car body or glass, as a result of which the parents of the young washer will have to compensate the car enthusiast for the damage;
  • Babysitting. It is hardly worth thinking about childcare: few parents would agree to entrust their child to an inexperienced teenager. In addition, such a part-time job is characterized by enormous responsibility and constant nervous tension, which not every minor can withstand;
  • Payment from parents. When a child declares: “I want to earn money, but I don’t know how,” overly caring parents begin to offer him payment for performing everyday duties. However, a student who receives money for good grades or washed dishes develops a misconception about work and develops a desire to seek material gain in everything.
  • For a 12-year-old child, finding ways to earn money can be accompanied by some difficulties: employers are not yet ready to offer him interesting vacancies, and the available activities look boring and monotonous. To prevent the first experience of adult life from causing a persistent aversion to any work in a minor, parents should adhere to certain rules:

    1. There is no need to dissuade a teenager from this idea. If he is trying to learn how to make money at age 12, it is better to support his desire to become independent;
    2. You cannot take money from a student. He has every right to dispose of honestly earned funds and spend them at his own discretion;
    3. The child should not be forced to give part of the reward to the general budget. Providing for the family is considered the responsibility of the parents, not the children;

    Dear friend, I greet you. My name is Alexander Berezhnov, I am an entrepreneur and founder of the website “PAPA HELPED”.

    I wrote this article specifically for schoolchildren who want to earn money and become more independent from their parents.

    Perhaps you, dear reader, student's parent, then your job is to guide him and show him legal and profitable ways to get money for ice cream, movies and other delights of teenage life.

    Once upon a time I was a schoolboy myself and worked part-time in various ways. Now their number has increased significantly thanks to Internet technologies.

    Here I described 20 ways earnings for schoolchildren: 10 of them relate to real life, and another 10 will help a young man or girl earn money on the Internet. Indeed, in the age of online projects, the opportunities for earning income are becoming significantly greater.

    Already interested? Then fasten your seat belts and let's go!

    In the article we will look at working ways to make money on the Internet and in real life, and also get acquainted with schoolchildren and schoolgirls who are already receiving money for their skills

    Is it possible for a schoolchild aged 10 to 17 to make money? Examples of children who earned an income from 8,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles per month

    I'll start with examples in my hometown of Stavropol.

    The first “heroine,” Victoria X, is in the ninth grade, studies in various clubs and, in her free time from school, writes texts to order via the Internet. This is called copywriting.

    Site owners post such texts on their resources in order to attract more visitors to them. Vicky's journey began with running a school newspaper where she acquired the skills of a journalist. The girl knows how to beautifully express her ideas and earns from 4,000 to 12,000 rubles a month. In my opinion, it’s excellent, considering that the average salary in our city is 20-25 thousand rubles.

    My friend Yura Z., while still at school, created original gifts - handmade leather goods and wristwatches with a designer dial. Yura also repaired mobile phones and computers. I found my first customers among my friends and their parents. In general, I never sat idle.

    This activity brought the young craftsman 10,000 “net” rubles a month. In particularly profitable months, Yura managed to earn 30,000 or more, which is very good for the province.

    I still have a gift from Yura - an original watch with the logo of the HeatherBober project, of which I am a co-founder. The watch also has a leather strap and a metal case.

    Here is a photo of this watch:

    By the way, from each sale of such watches Yura earns 1,000 rubles or more...

    Let's continue... And again the girl. Her name is Nastya K. and she is in 10th grade. Nastya makes handmade soap and earns up to 15,000 rubles a month from selling it.

    She received several thousand to start her “business” from her dad; he believed in his daughter and was not mistaken. Moreover, Nastya makes very beautiful soap, in the form of flowers, animals and even a set of herrings and other men’s accessories. Women buy this original gift for their men on February 23rd.

    How to make money for a schoolchild - 10 ways to get a good income without investments in real life

    “Classic” methods will help you at all times. Suitable for most schoolchildren.

    Method 1. Find a part-time job with friends

    I am sure that your parents have many friends who can be helped with something: walking the dog, cleaning the house, or taking some simple technical work home. Adults don't want to bother and do routine work. If you take it upon yourself, they will pay you for such help.

    I have a friend, when she was 16 years old, she worked part-time cleaning entrances in her and a neighboring multi-story building. Yes, the work is not very easy and pleasant, but the girl always had money earned by honest labor.

    At the same time, she studied excellently and managed to participate in the social life of the school.

    Don't be afraid of work, being independent is fashionable now!

    So, as a one-time job, adults may ask you to:

    • free the balcony or garage from old things;
    • buy products according to the list;
    • take a walk with your pet;
    • clean your apartment or dacha;
    • move heavy things from one place to another;
    • Take out household or construction waste.

    At the age of 15-17, I myself worked part-time in similar “schemes”, I found them through friends and acquaintances:

    • washed windows in car dealerships;
    • unloaded construction materials;
    • assembled furniture (wardrobes and kitchens);
    • washed the entrances to my house;
    • provided computer assistance to elderly people and taught them how to use the graphics program Adobe Photoshop (I have been working in it since I was 13 years old).

    Mostly these were summer part-time jobs, but during the school year they managed to get some pocket money.

    Method 2. Make and sell hand-made (crafts)

    I already wrote above about schoolgirl Nastya, who creates “soap” masterpieces with her own hands. It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, there are DIY ideas for everyone.

    If you are a guy, you can create:

    • wooden and leather products: butterflies, wallets, watches;
    • accessories for interiors in “Loft” and “Hi-tech” styles;
    • three-dimensional paintings from different materials.

    Example of a handmade wooden butterfly and leather wallet

    If you are a girl, here are a number of cool hand-made ideas for you:

    • bouquets of sweets and toys;
    • original handmade dolls;
    • figures and crafts made of polymer clay;
    • trees made of beads, coffee beans and other materials (topiary).

    Bouquets of sweets, toys and other items are now in fashion, only a flight of fancy can limit you...

    Method 3. Post ads

    In the age of the Internet, there are fewer companies and entrepreneurs advertising their services through advertisements on porches, poles and special boards.

    But until now, in large and small cities, paper advertisements remain an integral part of the advertising campaign.

    You can earn from posting advertisements from 100 before 500 rubles per day, devoting 1-2 hours to this. This isn’t much, but if you stick it up several days a week you’ll get 2 000 before 10,000 rubles per month .

    For one pasted advertisement you will be paid from 2 before 5 rubles. It turns out if you put up 100 ads, for example 4 rubles per piece, you will earn 400 rubles .

    The faster you move from house to house, stop to stop, or board to board, the more you earn.

    The Internet will help you find a posting job. Type in Yandex the phrase “job posting advertisements” + YOUR city. You will immediately see many offers from employers.

    You can find any job in the same way. The Internet can help you

    Method 4. Work as a promoter

    Distributing leaflets is another way for schoolchildren to earn money. Every company or store periodically conducts promotions where they use young boys and girls as promoters. You've probably seen them near large stores, the metro, and in crowded places.

    In this way you can earn from 100 rubles at one o'clock . You can get a job as a promoter if you have a pleasant appearance, are not afraid to communicate with people, and are active and positive in life.

    Promoters are often involved not only in distributing leaflets, but also in other activities that stimulate sales of the company's goods and services.

    You can work as a promoter as early as high school

    It can be:

    1. Product tastings. You've probably seen how in large stores friendly young people in the uniform of a certain company offer you to try such and such candies, drink juice or eat a piece of sausage. This is called product tasting.
    2. Test drives. Now we're not talking about cars. Bicycles and hoverboards are taken for test drives. Even irons and vacuum cleaners can be taken for a test drive at some companies.
    3. Open days. Another type of promotion. All large companies periodically hold open days: educational institutions, factories, creative studios. Your role is to distribute leaflets, booklets, meet and register guests, escort them to the right place (hall, office).
    4. Exhibitions and presentations. Typically, the exhibition is an indoor pavilion (business center) or an open space (weather permitting). Here, representatives of various companies “stand up” with their own stall or promotional stand. The exhibition is actively advertised in advance, attracting a large number of potential clients and partners who come to the event site. Your task is to attract as many people as possible to the “stall” (promotional stand) of a certain company that hires you: distribute the same leaflets, business cards and take contacts of potential clients.

    Method 5. Work as a courier

    Delivering parcels or mail, documents or goods is a good option for part-time work if you are a high school student.

    Of course, greater preference in such work is given to students, but if you show your best side in a conversation with a potential employer, you will definitely get a job as a courier. You can also find vacancies on the Internet.

    Method 6. Work as a counselor or animator

    Summer camps, playgrounds, and shopping centers require animators and counselors all year round.

    As a rule, in such a job you need to organize children’s leisure time, help adult counselors and educators, carrying out their one-time assignments.

    Do you like children and fun, competitions and loud fur? You have a direct path to becoming an animator!

    An example from my life

    My family and I periodically go on vacation to various hotels by the sea and there are always animators there - young guys and girls who dress up in funny outfits and entertain the children: they hold competitions with them, show theatrical shows, play, dance.

    Older animators (students) organize leisure activities for adults: they hold discos and competitions, and play sports games with vacationers.

    Ask your parents and they will help you find a job as an animator.

    Method 7. Work at a car wash

    You can work part-time at a car wash on weekends or provide car washing services to neighbors and friends. If you are not afraid of such “dirty and wet” work, then you are a great fellow. You need to start small to understand the value of money and then learn to earn more.

    Most jobs require people over 18 years of age, and car washers are no exception. But you can work officially from the age of 16. Sometimes this requires the written consent of the parents, and most importantly, the employer’s desire to hire a minor.

    Method 8. Work as a waiter

    To work as a waiter, you must be friendly and helpful and look good. The job is suitable for both boys and girls. Schoolchildren can earn up to 2,000 rubles per day in tips, if it is a popular cafe (restaurant) with wealthy clients.

    This is one of the most lucrative jobs available to students and young people.

    But it's not just about making money. If you do well, then cheap McDonald's will not be your lot.

    Over time, upon becoming an adult, you will be able to make a career in this field, becoming an administrator, then a restaurant manager. Later, if you want, you can open your own business - the same restaurant or cafe.

    Method 9. Train adults (seniors) to use a computer

    Teaching others is a fun and rewarding activity. Some adults are still not comfortable with modern devices. Computers and smartphones are a dark forest for them, I know this from my mother, who is 63 years old.

    Nowadays there are many courses for adults, they are especially popular for pensioners. You can teach them how to use a computer, office programs and the Internet. Training in website creation, layout, programming, working with audio-video and graphic editors is an excellent opportunity for high school students to make money.

    Granddaughter, how can I create a folder here?

    First, you can work as a teacher, paid by the hour, at any educational institution, and then, after gaining experience, open private courses.

    Method 10. Provide computer assistance

    Nowadays everyone has a computer, some families have several of them, including laptops, tablets and other gadgets.

    From time to time they break down or programs stop working. However, not many people have knowledge at the level of system administrators or programmers. This is where you come to the rescue.

    You can start with a regular ad on Avito and other electronic message boards that are popular in your city.

    Set your own prices.

    Do not neglect paper advertisements; they are read by those who are not internet friendly.

    For example, grandmothers and elderly people whose children are far away but have a computer. These are your potential customers.

    Having sold computer assistance services, you can offer others - computer training (the idea of ​​the previous paragraph).

    How a schoolchild can make money on the Internet - 10 ways to make a profit using a computer or smartphone

    I am sure that every student has at least once thought about making money on the Internet. Most likely, dear friend, you are also among them. Below I have provided current ways to earn money for young people aged 10-17 years.

    Method 1. Become a video blogger

    Popular YouTube bloggers like “IVANGAY” make money from their videos tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles per month . Particularly advanced guys “cut” several million.

    If you are drawn to performing on camera, have charisma and creative ideas, open your own YouTube channel. By the way, according to my observations, video blogging is very popular among schoolchildren.

    Streams and replays of computer games are one of the most popular topics among teenagers 12-17 years old.

    Popular video blogger IVANGAY will make his viewers laugh again...

    You can start shooting video directly from your computer screen or on your phone.

    After practicing for a month or two, you will get better and better. Finished videos need to be posted on your YouTube channel.

    Promoted channels also attract direct advertisers.

    Using the same principle, you can create your own text blog - a separate site on which you will write articles, notes, your thoughts and make money on it using the same advertising.

    Payment can be accepted by electronic money: WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi.

    Do you want to create your own profitable blog and engage in this type of activity professionally? Then take the course “SMM and blogging” at the Foxford online school.

    It will help you successfully develop your own blog or public page. During the course, you will get acquainted with success stories of young bloggers and gain systematic technical knowledge for effective work. The course will also help you sell your services over the Internet, helping others with SMM promotion and creating their blogs.

    Method 2. Make money on streams and computer games

    Online broadcasts of games with commentary are a fashionable trend on which you can make money. Schoolchildren and young people all surf the Internet and play Tanchiki, Dota, WOW and other popular online games.

    By telling how to complete a particular level, find the desired artifact, or defeat an enemy, you will earn money from the “donations” of your viewers.

    Do you like to play? Then make money from it, don't waste your time!

    If you play really well, you can make a good income from your hobby. Now in Russia, the CIS and around the world there are tournaments on popular computer games with prize pools of millions of rubles. This is called eSports.

    In Russia, specialists in the field of eSports are officially trained. Russian state The University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism trains such specialists.

    Esports are especially popular in Korea and China. There, hundreds of millions of young people play computer games and “cheer” entire stadiums at virtual “rubilov” championships.

    Some schoolchildren make money by playing for money with other participants or by selling virtual game artifacts for real rubles or dollars.

    Method 3. Create custom websites

    All companies (businesses) need websites. There are also many people who work for themselves: apartment decorators, furniture makers, taxi drivers, lawyers, accountants, designers, hairdressers. The list goes on.

    It doesn’t matter that you are young and in school, the main thing is what you can do and how well. Now, in just a couple of weeks, thanks to YouTube videos, FREE courses and articles, you can learn how to make websites. This activity allows you to earn from 5,000 rubles per month ad infinitum.

    You can start working alone, and then create a creative team of a designer, photographer, videographer and programmer. So in the future you will be able to open an entire digital agency or a center of marketing services that can be provided remotely.

    That is, you work in Izhevsk, and your customer may be from Moscow or another country.

    You can learn how to create websites and other popular Internet projects in the course “ Web developer from scratch" from the famous online school "Netology".

    Method 4. Edit videos

    Video editing is a great opportunity to earn extra money online. Customers will send you “raw” material and their wishes for the design of the future video, and you will bring their ideas to life, of course, complementing them with your creative vision.

    The cost of his work 1000 rubles in 1 second video. That is, a 30-second video for a client costs 30,000 rubles and there is no end to customers. Because he makes a very high-quality video product.

    You can start by learning the computer programs Adobe After Effects or Adobe Premiere Pro.

    By the way, the modern direction of “Motion Design” is now gaining popularity in video animation.

    You will also be taught this art and finding valuable clients at the online university “Netology” in the course “ Motion design for beginners».

    Method 5. Make advertising layouts

    This method of earning money for schoolchildren is classified as “designer”. If you are proficient in graphics programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw, then you can make good money.

    These are the kind of business cards that schoolchildren create using computer programs and earn from 300 rubles a day! What's worse about you?

    Every company, public organization, even the school where you study requires the design of advertising and presentation materials.

    You can develop designs for business cards, booklets, banners, and all this without leaving home at your computer. You can find customers among familiar adults, as well as by creating your own group on popular social networks.

    All layouts are conveniently made in design programs, the most popular of which is Photoshop.

    To learn how to work in it from scratch and create excellent layouts and graphics, I recommend that you take training in working in Adobe Photoshop by Zinaida Lukyanova. She is a master in this field and has been teaching the art of creating graphics for children and adults for several years.

    Method 6. Complete tasks on sites for money

    There are a number of sites and task exchanges on the Internet where you can like for money, write comments, and be added to certain groups.

    For example, on the Otzovik website, you can register and earn a few rubles for leaving a comment. Reviews will have to be written about household appliances, banking services, and cellular operators.

    I’ll say right away that this is not a very profitable method, but the first 100-200 rubles you can get it without any problems and believe in online earnings for schoolchildren, having “touched” your first online profit.

    First profit you can earn WITHOUT investments on the VKTarget website. There you need to carry out simple tasks to promote VKontakte pages (like, join groups) and get paid for it.

    Method 7. Write texts on copywriting exchanges

    I already wrote above about the girl Victoria, who started earning money in the 9th grade before 12,000 rubles per month writing texts via the Internet for various sites. The activity of writing texts is called copywriting.

    Learn to quickly type on the keyboard and express thoughts beautifully through text, then you will become an excellent and rich copywriter

    The course will help you take your first steps in copywriting and start writing paid texts to order. Copywriting Basics» online university “Netology”.

    You can find clients on copywriting exchanges. The exchange is a site where customers meet - those who need texts and authors - those who write them.

    By the way, it is not necessary to write to order on the instructions of the employer. First you can write the text on any topic, and then simply put it up for sale. An interested site owner will buy it.

    • Contentmonster is one of the most famous copywriting exchanges. Here you will find thousands of customers for your texts. Excellent conditions for authors, high prices for texts and the reliability of this site have been tested for years.
    • is the largest copywriting exchange. It is also convenient to check the text for uniqueness here. This function is required mainly by customers of articles, so that an unscrupulous author does not sell him stolen text from another site.
    • - this year the exchange celebrated its 10th anniversary. Not only article authors will find orders here. Translators and photographers also find clients on The site has its own sections for them. A lot of schoolchildren and young people earn good money here. For example, experienced authors receive more than 100 rubles per 1000 characters of written text.

    The main skills in this type of earnings are the ability to beautifully express thoughts in writing and quickly type on the keyboard.

    Good copywriters earn up to 5,000 rubles in a day.

    Method 8. Complete one-time tasks on the Workzilla website

    Workzilla is a popular site where employers post small tasks:

    • type text;
    • edit photos;
    • make a simple website and so on.

    I have several schoolchildren I know who work on this freelance exchange and earn from 2,000 to 13,000 rubles a month!

    Even without much experience in any “computer” field, schoolchildren earn money here.

    For example, there are tasks like “ transcriptions» audio file.

    The better you are at the keyboard, the more you will earn from transcription.

    Method 9. Promote people’s pages on social networks

    A great way to earn good income. The trick is that you can charge your clients a subscription fee, that is, a fixed amount per month for the services of promoting their pages on social networks.

    For example, a completely adequate payment is 2,000-5,000 rubles per client per month. If there are three such clients, then your monthly earnings will be from 6 000 before 15,000 rubles .

    You will need to join groups, like, and so on.

    On social networks you can promote not only people’s pages, but also groups of companies and entrepreneurs

    To do this, you must have at least some knowledge of the principles of page promotion, be able to write small texts and edit pictures at a basic level.

    You can learn how to promote people’s pages on social networks and make money on the Internet by obtaining a sought-after profession in FREE online training by Dmitry Chevychalov " Profession internet marketer».

    Method 10. Create a public page and make money from advertising

    Previously, it was quite easy to make money from public pages; schoolchildren, students and adults did it. Nowadays, with increased competition, this is more difficult to do, but it is still possible.

    Public (public page) is a type of page with publicly available materials on a social network with an author or group of authors, which is accessible to a wide range of readers (users).

    Anyone can make money on a public page, although this takes time, because you must first create it, and then fill it with interesting materials, and only after a few months you will receive your first money.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Question 1. I am in 9th grade, I have heard about cryptocurrencies, mining and crypto trading, is it worth doing this to earn money and how much should I invest first? Nikolay, 15 years old, Murmansk

    Nikolay, the topic of cryptocurrencies and trading is really popular on the Internet now, but I’ll immediately warn you that you shouldn’t take this matter seriously at such a young age.

    • Firstly, you need a solid initial capital - several thousand dollars.
    • Secondly, you will most likely lose this money due to inexperience.

    I have a guy I know, although he’s already older than you, who earns hundreds of thousands of rubles a month from crypto trading. He told me that during the first year or two he was understanding this topic, he was losing money. I have not yet met schoolchildren who make profit on cryptocurrency, although I am sure that they exist too.

    Question 2. How can a 12-year-old schoolchild make money if I don’t know how to do anything? Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod

    Vladimir, to be honest, you can try to help the adults you know for money. You are at a wonderful age and the best thing to do now is to study, and you will still have time to earn money.

    I recommend that you pay attention to Internet technologies, since they are the future and earnings here are quite high. Especially if you are good at something: computer hardware, programs, games, and so on.

    Schoolchildren like you walk and relax in the summer. Ask your parents to enroll you in computer literacy courses or study special programs during the holidays.

    Question 3. I have small savings - 20,000 rubles, where should I invest them in order to receive a stable income of at least 3,000 rubles per month? Arkady, 16 years old, Krasnodar

    Arkady, 3000 rubles per month - too much amount for 20,000 rubles investments. It is unlikely that you will be able to invest them somewhere without risks, without losing them and constantly receive such income.

    It's best to buy something with them that will help you make money. For example, a computer if you are involved in programming or design, a camera if you are a photographer, a video camera if you are a video blogger, and so on.

    I bought a new laptop, now I’m ready to earn more!

    Question 4. My name is Maria, 39 years old. My son is eager to work, I want to know how to make money for a 14-year-old schoolboy, he is interested in computer games like many at his age, what do you recommend?

    Maria, first, study the popular ways to make money on the Internet, think about what you would be interested in doing if you were a schoolchild. It's clear that most teenagers your son's age are into computer games.

    Find out what kind of games he is interested in, perhaps you have a future rich streamer (a person who broadcasts his game on video to other players) or an e-sportsman (a professional computer player who makes money from games).

    Be understanding of his hobby. If your child plays professionally and is good at it, try to hint to him about the idea of ​​making money from his hobby, and then you’ll get your bearings.

    Question 5. My parents are not rich, and I want to help them now, tell me how to make money for a 13-year-old student studying in the 8th grade? Maxim, Rostov

    Maxim, first of all, you need to understand what is closer to you, what you can already do now or are ready to learn in the near future. All earnings for a student are divided into two global areas:

    1. Real life(waiter, animator, promoter).
    2. Internet (online environment): computer games, website creation, YouTube channel.

    What is better for a student: making money in real life or on the Internet (comparison in the table below):

    What are we comparing? Earning money on the Internet Earning money in real life
    Quick income generation Quickly find a client to complete a simple order (+-) Fast if you find a job (+-)
    Earnings amount Limited by your skills (+-) Limited by your skills (+-)
    Interesting thing Creative work (+) As a rule, the work is not interesting (-)
    Parents can help Not always, because parents don’t really understand modern technologies (-) In most cases, parents can help (+)

    Depending on what you want to express yourself in, you should look for options for earning money. Study this article again, ask your parents to help you figure out a certain way to generate income, and financial results will come after a certain time.

    Question 6. How can an 11-year-old schoolchild make money, or rather, I’m a schoolgirl and I want to do something, to buy different things for myself, I need at least 5000-7000 rubles a month, what can I do? Maria, Moscow

    Masha, you are still too young to work. It is commendable that you have such a desire, but to be honest, I would advise a schoolgirl at 11 years old to start studying, and return to the topic of earning money at least after 3-4 years, when you are 14 or 15 years old.

    Think about how you can make money on what you are passionate about, but not now, but in a few years. I believe in your success!

    Question 7. I am the father of a boy, I want him to gradually learn financial literacy and in the future be able to provide for himself, tell me how to make money for a 10-year-old schoolboy, is he interested in design, is he good at drawing? Andrey Fedorovich, 46 years old, Tomsk

    Andrey Fedorovich, thank you for the question. It is very commendable that you are concerned about this topic; not all parents are so wise. I'm a father myself.

    In terms of your son’s professional development, I recommend that you study the work of freelance exchanges, for example, the website, in order to further help your child display his design portfolio on the Internet and find his first customers.

    It’s great if he’s interested in web design, it’s a well-paid profession, I know from myself, since I’ve been studying design since I was 13 years old. I was a 7th-8th grade schoolboy myself when I started getting involved in this.

    In terms of financial literacy, I recommend studying books Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad series and then unobtrusively introduce sound ideas from these books into your son's head. Also Robert Kiyosaki has game "Cash Flow" for school-age children, specially designed for children (tabletop version). If possible, buy it and play with your son regularly.

    External view of the box of the board game "Cash Flow for Kids" by Robert Kiyosaki

    The main universal rule- the more developed the parent himself is, the his children are smarter and more successful. Take time own development and you will become a rare example of a great father. This is exactly what I do.

    Question 8. I am 14 years old, I study in the 8th grade, and I plan to work part-time every summer. I would like to know how a schoolchild can make money in the summer? Arkady, Sochi

    Arkady, you have a wonderful city. The easiest way for you to make money in the summer is from tourists (vacationers on the sea).

    Here are some proven ideas:

    • buy cheap or make marine-themed souvenirs and sell them;
    • sell food on the beach: pies, corn, drinks;
    • Together with adults, develop an excursion route and take tourists along it.


    Nowadays it is much easier for a student to earn money than before.

    The Internet appeared and now you, as a young guy or girl, can work without leaving home and receive 1,000 rubles per month until 100,000 rubles(if you are a real cool professional in your field).

    remember, that assessments- not important !

    For example, my parents’ generation often said that you need to do well in school, then successfully graduate from college, and then you can get a stable job.