How to make money on binary options. How a beginner can start making money on binary options and how experienced traders do it

This article will discuss a new approach to investing money on the Internet called binary options. We will consider all the risks and prospects of doing this business, and we will start by defining what it is in general.

1. What are binary options

Binary options- these are special contracts with a broker about the price forecast for a predetermined period with a predetermined rate in case of winning.

There are only two options: more/less than the price value relative to the moment you placed your bet. You can play on anything:

  • metals (gold, silver, nickel)
  • indices (RTS, SP500, DAX, etc.)
  • raw materials (oil, sugar, coffee, etc.)
  • all currency pairs (EURUSD, GPBUSD, CHFUSD, JPYUSD, etc., I note that this is the most common direction in options)
  • cryptocurrencies (bitcoin, litecoin, ether, dash rates)

The word binary means that there are only two possible events, either more or less (analogous to a computer bit, it is either there or not - “1”/”0”, true/false), you either win or lose everything - there is no third option .

For example, it is now 18:56 and the price of gold is $1252.789.

You can open a binary option that, for example, at exactly 19:00 on this day gold will cost above $1252.789, if it costs at least $1252.790 at 19:00, then you win. If the prediction is correct, the reward will be 70%, otherwise you will lose everything you bet. In short, you need to guess whether the price will be higher or lower by a precisely agreed time.

This mechanism is very similar to betting in bookmakers. It’s as if you are betting on only two outcomes: the price will be higher/lower at some specific point in time. Despite this comparison, the services that provide these services relate exclusively to brokerage companies.

The big advantage of options is that rewards and losses can be somehow planned. That is, you know for sure that you will not lose more than what you bet, and the winnings are on average 60-80%. For example, in Forex you need to set a stop price to predict losses.

Now let's talk in more detail about making money on binary options. Before you start playing, you need to seriously consider choosing a reliable broker.

2. An honest broker is the key to success

There are quite a few brokers that allow you to play binary options. Moreover, all of them have a Russian interface. I advise you to read articles about brokers:

Here is a list of the best brokers:

After choosing a broker you need to register. We will not consider how to do this, since each broker has its own registration form. I can only give important advice: indicate real data everywhere, since serious problems may arise when withdrawing funds if the data does not match.

There are a lot of binary options brokers. It's difficult to make your choice right away. I singled out one broker from all of them because I play with them myself: Alpari (which is also the largest broker of Forex services).

3. Instructions for making money on binary options

3.1. Choosing a broker and registration

We talked about brokers a little higher. Your task: choose what suits you and provide real data when registering.

I would also like to note that regardless of the choice of broker, all you need to make money on binary options is access to the Internet. You can also play from smartphones, tablets, and at the same time be located anywhere in the world.

3.2. Opening an account

And there are two options here

  • Demo account(virtual account)
    The point of this account is rather to understand where to click and what to do. In other words, familiarization with technical nuances (training). It’s clear that playing on demo is pointless, since you can’t learn to play like that. Any trader begins to think and develop only when playing with real money.
  • Real account
    I recommend opening a real account only after you have learned the intricacies of the terminal. So that you have no doubts about what and how to do.

3.3. Refill

How much money should you throw at a beginner to play binary options? This question probably arises in your mind too. I would base it on an amount of $100 and above. To begin with, it’s better not to throw away all your money, because you need to learn how to play. All comes with experience. After playing in the market for at least a year, you will look back and understand how many points and nuances you did not understand. But you have to understand these nuances only with real money.

When you replenish your account, you will receive a pleasant bonus for your first deposit. It doesn't make much sense, because... this money is given only for the game (and most likely with some validity period and restrictions).

3.4. Let's start playing - choosing a strategy

In general, there are a lot of strategies for playing binary options. Each of them has periods when the strategy does not show the best results. Don't be afraid of this. There are no always profitable strategies. Any approach gives results only over a long distance.

5.3. Choose a longer time frame

Do not play on too short time frames (time intervals). The probability of random noise is very high; technical analysis does not work well in such conditions. When playing at short intervals, we will slowly lose our deposit due to the fact that the average mathematical expectation for a long period is not in our favor.

5.4. Game by signals

There are so-called signals for playing binary options. They can be obtained on specialized websites. They can be either paid or free. Naturally, free signals work worse, since they are issued simply on the basis of some indicators and do not take into account the subtleties of the market, news, etc.

Paid signals come either from traders or from much more advanced systems. I recommend trying Grosl

5.5. Use a more convenient chart for analysis

Usually the broker's interface with its chart leaves much to be desired. Since the quotes are the same everywhere, it doesn’t really matter where you study and analyze the charts. There are many systems and programs for analysis.

For example, even metatrader4 has all the indicators. If we want to add our own indicator, this can be done in just a couple of minutes.

6. Risks when trading binary options

In binary options you can lose 100% of your deposit on one bet. Therefore, the risks here are higher than anywhere else. If you completely ignore common sense and play binary options as bets or in a casino, then naturally a loss is inevitable.

It is impossible to earn money without taking risks. In any case, there are risks. You need to understand this and adequately approach your capabilities. Do not gamble with credit or borrowed funds under any circumstances. At a minimum, this is important for the trader’s psychological state of comfort.

Risk-free trading

There is a certain point at which you can try to play risk-free. This is the case if you are given a no deposit bonus. This is often practiced by brokers to attract new audiences. As a rule, the no deposit bonus is lost, so the broker does not even have to pay anything. But if you treat it more responsibly, you can try to play with it. Is there really any point in playing for small change (usually this bonus is less than $10).

When a person is engaged in self-development and a business that brings him a good income, then he can be truly happy and independent. People who work for themselves receive the highest income, because they do not depend on their superiors, since they solve their own problems. The same can be said about independent binary options trading on the foreign exchange market.

  • Binary options are capable of bringing benefits to the trader large and stable income, the size of which depends entirely on itself.
  • Working on his own capital, a person freed from constant orders from superiors and a small salary.
  • In order to conduct successful trading on the foreign exchange market, you must have access to the Internet, basic knowledge and ability to control your emotions.
  • The trader decides independently when and how much to work so that trade brings a certain income.

Initial Investment

It is binary options trading that can bring good profits without multimillion-dollar initial costs. To enter a trade, you need to have minimum 10 dollars. With the advent of binary options, learning to trade in the foreign exchange market has become much easier. Now there are various thematic forums for a novice trader that help them master trading skills.

Basic strategies for making money with medium and small deposits

Binary options allow a trader to receive unlimited profits, because the only thing needed to trade on the foreign exchange market is knowledge. The level of income is limited only by the initial investment. There is an unspoken rule among traders “Invest no more than 1% of the deposit per transaction”. It is called money management(abbreviated MM). Often, the main mistake of a trader is not observing the MM, that is, instead of 1%, traders begin to bet 5-10-20% of the deposit. Psychologically, it is much easier to bear a loss of 1% compared to 10%. If you lose 10% of your deposit on one trade, the trader may become overwhelmed with emotions. And emotions are the worst thing in trading. Must be as cold-blooded as possible and follow your strategy.

Read more about the main binary options trading strategies.

Binary options work schedule

Trading on special platforms is available at any time of the day or night, with the exception of weekends and major holidays (Catholic Christmas).

Trading binary options is a unique activity that allows you to make a profit while doing what you love. There is no need to treat this like gambling or roulette. Everything here is quite predictable, if you understand it a little and practice on a demo account, which brokers can now open for you for a certain time.

You set your own work schedule and set your own goals. You won't have to listen to moral lectures from your superiors, because you are the boss.

Binary options are a product of the future. To start earning money now, you need to register on the broker’s website and open a trading account, take the first steps and start earning money.

  1. First. When choosing a broker, you should first of all pay attention to simplicity of the platform, since the more bells and whistles there are, the more distractions there will be, it will be more difficult to figure it out and the deal will take longer to open.
  2. The second selection criterion is similarities between demo and real accounts. In most cases these are completely different things. On a real account with many brokers, transactions take longer to open. And if there is also confirmation of the transaction, then there is nothing good about it.
  3. Third criterion. No bonuses! If this is your first time hearing about binary options, then most likely you will be indignant: “What’s wrong with bonuses?” In ordinary life, we are accustomed to the fact that bonuses are a pleasant addition that does not obligate us to anything. But not in the case of binary options. The bonus that the broker gives you needs to be worked out in a size that is 40-60 times the initial deposit. There is nothing wrong with this, but you will not be able to withdraw your funds until you have used up your bonus. Be careful.
  4. Fourth. Fast withdrawal of funds. Isn’t it for the sake of money that we come to this field of activity? Most people come for this. As a rule, people want to see the fruits of their labor right away. But when a broker requests a bunch of documents, then reviews them for several days, then takes another 3 days to withdraw, then the mood drops. Remember, any broker has the ability to withdraw funds within 1 day, but for some reason the vast majority do not do this.
  5. And lastly, fifth. Competent and unobtrusive technical support. The ideal technical support is the one that only calls when you ask for it. Nowadays there are many brokers who call at any time of the day or night. They learn about your strategy, offer signals and win-win trades (the same as bonuses), and encourage you to deposit more into your account. At first, this concern will seem pleasant to you, but after the second or third time the enthusiasm will disappear. A very important addition! You cannot learn from a broker. Firstly, there are “specialists” there, just like you, only they have a little more knowledge, but nevertheless they don’t trade, which means they won’t be able to teach you anything good.

You need to study third party resources, which have nothing to do with the broker at all. And it is very important that there are no broker advertisements or links on this resource.

  • WorldForex is a broker specializing primarily in the Forex market, but at the same time, the functionality for binary options is very well implemented. One of the advantages is the quick opening of a transaction. Works faster than (2nd fastest opening). But the main disadvantage is that the payouts from one option on a minute interval are too small (52% and 57%).
  • Perhaps if you google about binary options now, you will be given brokers in the list that are not included in this rating. Most likely this will be the case. The less a broker spends to attract a client, the better. It risks much less, which means it will not interfere with your trading. Choose brokers from the above rating, study and you will be able to earn money equal to your salary, and possibly more.

    From time to time, among friends or in the vast expanses of the Internet, a term such as “binary options traders” slips past the attention of users.

    As a rule, these words are associated with a high income on the Internet, which allows you to have a good level of comfort and not at all depend on a specific place, and especially on a strict and misunderstanding boss.

    But on some forums you can also hear echoes of disappointment in options trading. Considering the popularity of the topic and the ambiguity of the information background associated with it, this area of ​​​​earnings is worth studying in more detail.

    Binary options: the whole truth

    To begin with, it makes sense to define exactly what options are and what they are used for. So, transactions are called options because they have the form of a regular options contract. The term “binary” was given due to the extremely simplified trading system in which there are only two options to choose from.

    Essentially, the point of working with options comes down to correctly determining where and in what direction the price of a specific asset will go: up or down. If the direction has been determined, the trader earns money correctly; if the forecast is incorrect, he loses money.

    Online binary options signals can be used to purchase various types of assets. These can be securities, currency pairs for financial goods in global demand, as well as stock indices.

    Obvious advantages

    Considering the ease of trading and the possibility of making money fairly quickly, many people who want to change their financial level pay attention to binary options. “Divorce or not?” This is the question many inexperienced users ask when they hear from others about the prospect of making such attractive money. In order to get an answer, it is worth considering both the positive and negative aspects of this method of financial growth. Let's start with the advantages.

    • Simple process. For those who intend to try their hand at making money using the Internet, it will be difficult to find a simpler tool for making a profit. After all, all you need to do is correctly guess the direction of movement of the quote.

    • High level of profitability. This aspect is one of the main ones within the framework of the topic “Binary options - the whole truth.” The essence of the financial miracle of options is that a trader has the opportunity to double his capital in one trade. But only if the forecast is correct, of course. This level of return allows you to earn a decent amount in a short period of time.
    • Minimum entry. One of the main problems when creating any source of income is the need for capital investment. In the case of options, you don't need a lot of money to try your hand. It is possible to start with $10 in hand.
    • Both risk and return are known initially. Everything is very simple here: before buying an option, the trader already knows how much he will lose in case of failure and what his possible earnings will be. Moreover, the size of this indicator can be determined independently, thereby regulating risks.
    • Unlike the Forex market, binary options trading is available around the clock on any day of the week, including Sunday.


    There are also disadvantages that inevitably involve such a earning tool as binary options. The truth about the negative side of trading comes down to a few key points.

    • Very high level of risk. If we compare this type of options with other stock trading instruments, we can confidently say that its use is associated with the highest risks. Capital can be lost just as easily as it can be doubled - in one transaction. But even if you regulate the risks, you can part with your deposit with such trading much faster than in the case of the Forex market.

    • Short trading periods. Binary options have a transaction prediction time that is either short or very short. Such large time frames, as is the case with classic options, are not used here. But trying to predict the movement of quotes on minimal time intervals is extremely difficult, and in most cases it simply cannot be done. For this reason, the vast majority of traders, especially those who have just entered this field, simply guess the outcome of the transaction.
    • There are few tools that allow you to conduct a binary options chart both on trading sites and on terminals, which does not allow the player to carry out a technical analysis of the selected asset, with the help of which it would be possible to make forecasts. Under such conditions, it is very difficult to earn a stable income.
    • Difficulties with brokers. Quite a lot of people, before opening an account, try to decide whether binary options are a scam or not. And it is fair to say that in some cases, inexperienced enthusiasts are deceived. There are many facets of fraud in this area: from incorrect data to banal non-payment of earned funds. It will be difficult to make any claims subsequently, since most companies are registered in offshore zones. To avoid negative situations, it is worth studying broker ratings. For example, if you type “binary options” into a search engine, IQOption will turn out to be one of the leading companies in this area. Having found out this fact, you need to carefully study the reviews about this broker and others like it, and then make a decision.

    Obviously, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons before choosing an exchange instrument such as binary options. Reviews, real and on various forums, are also necessary to read. This will help you determine the most reliable broker and protect yourself from unpleasant situations in the future.

    What does the trading process look like?

    In order to make money on binary options, you first need to install an online platform that will allow you to receive signals and open trades. Such a platform gives the trader access to various assets, among which he can choose the most predictable ones. Quotes of these assets are constantly changing due to various economic processes.

    The platform used for trading also allows access to economic news. To help the trader, some companies offer both free binary options signals and those for which you have to pay. This means that a trader can use not only his subjective opinion regarding the movement of quotes, but also use information that helps make a certain decision.

    But, as mentioned above, it is extremely difficult to predict the direction in which the chart will go, even with auxiliary tools.

    In most cases, companies offer to try virtual trading with a tool such as binary options. A demo account makes it possible to understand the essence of the process and evaluate the chances of success by making the required number of transactions.

    But even with certain successes in trading on a demo account, you need to understand that when using real money, the trader’s emotional state actually always changes, which has a direct impact on the player’s decisions.

    When choosing binary options, training should be considered as a necessary condition for successful activity. Of course, the knowledge gained will not be enough for stable trading, but the trader will at least be aware of the processes he is dealing with and will be able to develop more dynamically.

    Features of trading signals

    First of all, it should be noted that there are three key types of signals for binary options:

    • brokerage;
    • free;
    • paid.

    The basis for their issuance is the following information:

    • individual opinions of analysts;
    • indicator readings;
    • duplicate analysis;
    • regional and world news;
    • calculations of professional traders and analysts.

    Finding out which signals are the most optimal is possible only through trial and error in working with a specific asset. Moreover, you need to try both paid and free signals, since both categories contain irrelevant and valuable information.

    Brokerage signals

    We are talking about information provided directly by the brokers themselves. Its goal is to help the trader make the right decision. They are often relatively accurate. This is due to the fact that companies want to attract as many players as possible to their platform. It makes sense to take such signals into account if binary options were chosen as a source of income. The whole truth about this type of earnings boils down to the fact that no one can reliably predict the movement of quotes, so you should not place absolute hope on such signals.

    This means that it is always important to consider the possibility of losing and distribute risks wisely.

    But there is definitely some benefit in such information. If a broker is serious, then he forms a team of professional analysts who monitor the economic situation in various regions, analyze news and test the market on an ongoing basis. The fruit of this work is the signals from the broker. That is, we are not talking about a subjective opinion, but about a summary analysis of the market and specific assets.

    Paid and free signals

    If you wish, you can find a significant number of offers on the Internet regarding paid signals for binary options. When choosing a specific option, you need to be extremely careful, since along with experienced traders and companies, amateurs who want to get easy money can sell signals. Therefore, in a topic such as binary options, reviews (real and in large quantities) will always be relevant.

    You need to check any offer and every company with which you intend to work. This will save a lot of money by avoiding fraud.

    It is worth noting that in the vast majority of cases, buying signals is offered by experienced groups of traders who combine their efforts to conduct high-quality and extensive analytics and provide up-to-date information to those who are not sufficiently competent in the topic.

    But in any case, buying a signal is always a risk, since the degree of their effectiveness can only be known after purchase.

    As for free signals, they can be useful and in some cases even more relevant than paid ones. To the question “Why would someone give such information for free for free?” There are several possible answers:

    • If a trader gives high-quality signals for free, he quickly gains a high rating and can subsequently attract money from investors, which will significantly increase his earnings.
    • There are resources that are focused on promoting brokers. For such sites, issuing free signals is also beneficial. This allows you to attract the attention of beginners who, after receiving quality information, will be motivated to open an account with a specific broker.


    In a topic like binary options, the whole truth, naturally, will not be revealed to a beginner after a few weeks of practice. But the path to awareness and acquisition of the necessary skills can be significantly shortened if you undergo training.

    Such information can be offered either by brokers or experienced traders. This applies to systematized data divided into topics. If they teach for free or ask for little money, then you can take a couple of courses. This will eliminate initial illiteracy and understand the essence of trade. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to one source of information. It is better to monitor suitable resources and compare the presentation of topics.

    The best option would be to check various brokers using network resources, determine which of them is the most honest and then undergo training there. This recommendation has its own logic. The bottom line is that those companies that are focused on making money through commissions will do everything to ensure that their services are used by the maximum number of traders. This means that they will provide high-quality training.

    If we talk about brokers interested in mass draining of deposits, then you shouldn’t count on honest training that will help you make money.

    You can and should supplement your knowledge base by visiting specialized forums. Usually it is on such resources that the most interesting information is found. In addition, on forums you can ask questions and receive answers from a significant number of users. Thus, having chosen binary options, you must undergo training, but do it competently.

    Use of robots

    This is another way to make a profit, but without active personal participation. options trading is nothing more than an electronic program that is customized according to the trader who purchased it. Subsequently, the robot will perform these actions automatically, without the participation of the trader.

    The robot independently analyzes charts, quote movements, and opens trades in accordance with the algorithm specified by the trader.

    The developers of such programs, naturally, do not reveal the secrets of the built-in schedule evaluation systems, but in most cases they are based on working with indicators produced by various indicators. It is the fact how many indicators will be used and how competently the robot settings have been made that determine the degree of effectiveness of the program.

    You also need to select robots with the accompanying study of reviews and recommendations from real users.

    It is also possible to automate trading through advisors that will copy the transactions of a specific trader. Finding companies offering such a service will not be difficult.

    The essence of such trading comes down to the fact that a novice trader who bought a robot from a broker can receive automatic duplication of those transactions made by successful players. Moreover, the robot’s capabilities allow you not to be limited to one platform, but to collect and analyze information about transactions of various traders. Afterwards, according to a given algorithm, the best candidates for duplicating transactions are filtered and selected. In this case, the one who purchased such an advisor can only observe active trading.

    There are companies that offer a beginner to study the ratings of traders and select a specific player to copy his transactions. This option is also quite attractive, since without experience you can use the strategy of a person who has developed his skills for quite a long time.

    How to choose an option

    Another issue that the trader must decide is the choice of a specific type of asset for subsequent trading.

    If we are talking about starting a business, then it is better to focus on classic assets, since they are easier to trade and understand in general. After the terminal is mastered and certain skills appear, you can move on to more exotic options. But it is always worth remembering that it is possible to use a demo account to test a new line of work.

    Also, during the trading process, it is worth finding out which time frame is the most optimal. For example, you may feel more confident working with options on 60 seconds than on longer time frames.


    When choosing binary options with a deposit of any size, you need to be aware that this earnings have both the potential for ultra-high returns and extremely high risks. As for the possibility of stable earnings, it exists, but you can really achieve a permanent profit only if you have a wealth of experience.

    It would be reckless to use this tool as the main one. Binary options are best used as an additional opportunity to make a profit, risking only the amount that you can lose without deep regrets.

    In this article I will explain in detail what it is and how to make money on binary options for beginners with minimal risks for your investments. But first things first.

    Do you think it is possible to earn 500 rubles per hour on the Internet by pressing just a few buttons? In fact, you can earn more by investing in binary options.

    Binary options- this is the purchase of assets (options) for a short period, where you need to indicate whether the price will be higher or lower within a specified period relative to the moment of purchasing the option.

    For example, we place a bet of $1 that the price of oil will be higher in 15 minutes than it is now. The broker accepts the bet and if it wins, he will pay us 85% of the profit (85 cents), and take 15% of the profit from the transaction for himself.

    In theory, brokers bring traders' bets to the market and buy options for a given amount, but in practice almost all work on the casino principle, when money circulates within the company. Often such brokers are called “kitchen”.

    With such brokers, 90% of all traders lose their deposit, but 10% are in the black. This is because betting on 5, 10 and 15 minutes is a big risk because... It is very difficult to predict the price in the short term.

    But who are these 10% of traders who manage to make money? Ordinary people are just like you and me, but what makes them different is that they use smart strategies that help them win.

    Is it possible to make money on binary options, example:

    I would like to remind you that our goal is to get into the 10% of successful traders, but first we need to choose a binary options broker who will provide the best conditions on the market, let me introduce the best.

    Greetings! Oh, how tired I am of the intrusive advertising format: “Earn money for an apartment in Moscow by trading binary options”! And everyone understands perfectly well that freebies do not exist. But in the soul of each of us there glimmers a faint hope: “What if?”...

    There's nothing wrong with options themselves. This is a serious and legal financial instrument. Binary options can, for example, be traded on the Chicago Stock Exchange. And it’s unlikely that anyone will call this exchange a “scam”.

    But you need to understand that in Russia, banal scammers are hiding under this sign. And their activities have nothing to do with foreign exchange. The role is played by ordinary bets on the price level, brokers are bookmakers, and “traders” actually do not sell or buy anything.
    In general, today I will tell you whether it is possible to make money on binary options and what paid reviews are silent about?

    Imagine that you are tossing a coin. Before each throw, bet 100 rubles on heads or tails. If you guessed right, you get your 100 rubles back plus 80 rubles of winnings (80%). If you don’t guess correctly, you lose your bet of 100 rubles.

    The same thing applies to binary options trading. Let's say you choose a dollar/ruble pair and bet that on November 25 the rate will be higher than today. If they guessed right, they returned the bet with a 60-90% win. If you make a mistake, the broker takes the bet for himself. A bet on a price increase is called a “Call”, and a bet on a price decrease is called a “Put”.

    At first glance, everything is as simple as two and two. But in practice everything is much worse. And it is always more difficult to win with a broker than with a casino. Why - let's find out!

    How do simpletons get deceived?

    I’ll say it again (this is important!): when trading binary options, you are playing against the broker! Your profit is his direct loss. And any “normal” broker is vitally interested in you guessing less often than vice versa.

    Fly-by-night brokers

    Every day dozens of new pseudo-brokers appear on the Internet advertising “risk-free” earnings. Such offices have nothing to do with brokerage activities!

    They do not have a license and there is no... second party for whom they act as an intermediary. But the fake broker has a website, a trading platform and an account for collecting money, as well as a bunch of paid reviews, an affiliate program and very aggressive advertising.

    Bets on the platform of such a broker are no different from bets in an online casino or on a bookmaker’s website. After a couple of months of “work”, the broker collects the players’ money and... evaporates. What is the scope of this problem? Quite large: every week I consistently receive about 10 letters asking for help in returning the money that went to the “brokerage account”...

    Unfortunately, in Russia the activities of such offices are not covered by the Criminal Code. And you can only protect your money in one way - do not transfer money to their account. By the way, if you have already fallen for this bait and transferred money using a Visa or Mastercard plastic card, you still have a chance to get your money back using the procedure. You can read about what this procedure is in my article.

    Honest "brokers"

    I will say right away that in any case the mathematical expectation is NOT on your side. Theoretically, the chances of winning are 50/50 - this is true. But even from the example at the beginning of the post it is clear that you win 60-80% of the bet and lose 100%. In other words, you can lose and win approximately the same number of times. But the total amount of loss will always be greater than the total amount of winning.

    By the way, some brokers today openly talk about this to their clients and immediately helpfully offer a strategy that, in their opinion, eliminates this “shortcoming”. We are, of course, talking about “Martingale”, but I will not dwell on it separately, since that’s what I’m talking about. I strongly recommend that you read the material!

    In addition, even the most honest broker has a lot of ways to prevent you from winning. Here are just a few of them.

    1. Incorrect quotes. The broker gives the client quotes that do not correspond to market prices. Needless to say that such data substitution is always directed against the client?
    2. Account blocking. The client's account with all funds in the account may be blocked on the eve of the withdrawal of a large amount. For example, due to “violation of company policy” or “verification problems”
    3. Refusal to withdraw funds. The method is often used by young companies. And the client is told tales about technical problems for weeks. By the way, refusal to withdraw funds is often followed by account blocking
    4. Platform freezing. At the moment of opening or closing a binary options transaction, the terminal often freezes, playing against the client. Within a few seconds, the platform searches for a point to close the option at a loss for the trader

    Secret signals and strategies from the "guru"

    Binary options bring profit not only to brokers, but also to workers around the market. There are a lot of paid video courses, “secret” strategies, robots and accurate signals on the Internet. All these “secret developments” were either tested by the author for years, or came to him completely by accident.

    Why doesn't all this work? Because not a single normal “millionaire” will share “secrets” and “100% strategies” with someone for... registering using his affiliate link. Any information on the financial market is either priceless or not worth a penny.

    And one more thing that many people forget about for some reason. For any strategy, you can select a tiny part of the market and get great results. It is these test areas that make impressive videos and presentations. But without “greenhouse conditions” such strategies bring complete losses...

    Reviews on the Internet

    Reviews about binary options on the Internet are a wild mixture between complaints of losers (with a lot of exclamation marks) and enthusiastic laudatory odes. The latter are 90% written by copywriters for forums or blogs for a few rubles. There are hundreds of orders for paid reviews on the Advego exchanges.

    TOP 5 “relatively honest” brokers

    The brokers on the list below are not fly-by-night scammers. They have been working on the market for several years and are regulated by the Center for Financial Markets. Some of them are even official sponsors of famous football clubs or athletes! But this absolutely does not prevent them from using the tricks from the “honest brokers” clause.

    FinMax is owned by IK Partners Ltd. In fact, the broker has been operating on the Russian market since the end of 2015.

    The broker offers clients more than 80 types of assets with expiration times from 30 seconds to six months. The first minimum deposit is $100, the minimum bet is $5.
    The FinMax trading platform offers a lot of additional features. For example, the “Wallet” option allows you to fund your trading account and check its status. In the “Asset Manager” section you can see the broker’s entire line of assets: currencies, shares, commodities or pairs.

    Verum Option

    The Verum Option broker is a separate division of the VerumFX company with a CROFR certificate. The trading platform features more than 200 assets and 7 types of options. Expiration period: from 30 seconds to 1 year. The minimum deposit here starts from $5, the minimum bet is from $1. The Verum Option website provides a good selection of educational materials.


    24option has been operating on the market since 2010 (one of the very first brokers). It is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC).
    The first minimum deposit here is $200 or 10,000 rubles, the minimum bet starts at $24. The 24option line includes more than 130 assets with expiration times from 60 seconds to 5 minutes.

    There is a demo account for training. You can withdraw money from your account once a month for free. You may find this funny, but I managed to work with this broker at one time. To his credit, my money was withdrawn almost immediately after I demanded it.


    The company was officially registered in 2014 (activities are regulated by the Center for Financial Markets). The broker's line includes more than 100 assets. A proprietary trading platform is used for betting.

    The first minimum deposit is $10, the minimum bet starts at $1. Withdrawal of money from the account is carried out within 24 hours after submitting the application.

    Broker uTrader, registered in the Seychelles and headquartered in Latvia, has been operating on the Russian market since 2011 (activities are regulated by the Center for Financial Markets). The brand and website are owned by Day Dream Investments Ltd.

    The broker's line includes 80 assets. The first minimum deposit is $250, the minimum bet is $5.

    A simple test or how to test your luck in BO without risk

    • Anyone can make money from BO
    • It's easy and simple
    • This is a guaranteed income of 1000% per month

    Do you want to test your trading performance without risk? Put 1000 rubles in the box. Go to the nearest exchange office tomorrow and write down the current dollar to ruble exchange rate.

    Place a bet on 100 rubles: will the rate in the same exchanger fall or rise tomorrow (at the same time)/in three days/week? For each guessed result, put 170 rubles in the box (100 bet +70 rubles profit). For every mistake, take 100 rubles from there.

    How much money is left in the account after ten attempts? Did you manage to earn at least something? In any case, buy yourself a chocolate bar or a bottle of beer. Well done - you saved a lot of money and nerves.

    What do you think about making money trading BO? Subscribe to updates and share links to fresh posts with your friends on social networks!

    P.S. Friends, if your heart is in trading, it’s better to start working with a real exchange right away. Yes, the convenience of opening an account is not the same as in these “kitchens,” but at least no one will put a spoke in your wheels! Still not sure? Then just visit this one free webinar from the official partner of the broker Dmitry Mikhnov, where he talks about the difference between BO, Forex and the Stock Exchange.