Dixie company. The story of Dixie: the thorny path to success Dixie title

I have been working for the company for over a year now. Salaries are paid on time, the staff is friendly. It's a lot of work, but everyone can do it. There is an opportunity for career growth and a decent salary.

13.06.19 14:55 in the Moscow regionAlexandra Mishina,

I have been working in the company for almost 1.5 years, white salary, 2/2 schedule, good career growth, we have a very friendly team (I don’t know about other supermarkets). HAVE NEVER BEEN DELAYED

More staff may be needed or other responsibilities may need to be taken on.

12.05.19 04:57 MoscowOlga,

Close to home. All

People tend to believe in fairy tales. The salary is not very good. But you will eat 250% more. http://goldenmines.biz/?i=1040324. Really earn $$$, 100% passive income. I checked it myself and recommend it. After 3 months no less than 20,000 rubles/month.

20.01.19 22:12 MoscowConscience is your best friend

They don’t beat you and don’t take away your passport, but not everyone has it...

I have been working as a driver for almost three years. Conditions are getting worse and worse. Salary for December 26 tr. with promises of 50 thousand rubles. For all fines: even for dust or dirt on the carpets in the cabin, for fastening a seat belt, for garbage and returning containers from stores, for scratches and chips on cars, mirrors, etc... Fines for traffic violations are double and triple, although all entrances to stores where unloading zones are located...

04.12.18 02:46 MoscowEvgenia,

Salary on time.

Dear Russians! It's time to take off your rose-colored glasses. Don't get a job there. Stop giving them credit!!! They zombify our psyche, management methods are aimed at servility and sycophancy, economy. It’s time to rise from our knees, we are RUSSIAN people. Morals for such a dick are not written down like Dixie. The leaders are tyrants, they humiliate people and trample them into the dirt. Stop humiliating yourself in front of this schmuck!!! If YOU are there...

14.11.18 22:26 in the Moscow regionAnonymous,

1. injustice towards employees - we work 13 hours, but they pay for 11, well, let’s say there’s an hour for lunch, but they just steal 1 hour! lunch maximum 15 minutes! and come to work 50 minutes before the start of your shift! That's a total of almost 14 hours at work! 2. Holidays are not double paid - violation of the Labor Code! 3. They save on the number of staff; cashiers do not have time to lay out goods and serve customers! Not...

Good evening, I want to tell you what happened to me, currently an existing employee of the Dixy company in Yaroslavl. Employed on February 1, 2018 as a regional manager in the Volga regional department under the leadership of director Alexey Alexandrovich Gabidulin. During my time working in the company I made every effort to rectify the situation in the sector entrusted to me, consisting of 8 stores. She responded to all work issues instantly, tried to get results, had no reprimands or penalties. Then it turned out that I went on sick leave and was informed that the company had made decisions with me leave without explaining exactly how to leave. The sick leave was long, more than 2 months, during this time they called me on the phone and offered to write a letter of resignation of my own free will, although I still don’t understand how this could be done while on sick leave. As a result, the management made a decision and hired another regional manager while I was on sick leave. As a result, the sick leave was over, I returned to my workplace on September 10, 2018, and this is the result. Director of the Volga regional department Gabidulin A. A. called me and offered to write a letter of resignation, stating that there was no question of any other format for terminating the contract, stating that the company would not pay anything. In response to my refusal to write a letter of my own free will, it was immediately announced that I already have some kind of reprimand, about which I know nothing and I have not signed a single document, I also did not understand the reaction about the reluctance to continue the dialogue, how can I work as an existing employee, because the sector for which I am responsible has already been transferred to another regional manager. The solution to this issue was forwarded to the territorial manager, who also most likely does not understand how I should work further. Having left the DRU office with complete lack of understanding, I moved to the managers’ office and began to wait for further instructions from the immediate manager. At the same time, All resources were completely turned off for me, e-mail, corporate portal, PBI. An hour passed, the second went, the head of the security service P.N. Akimov came to the office. and called me for a conversation, but at the same time insistently demanded that I leave my personal belongings and phone, otherwise the conversation would not take place. And the conversation did not take place, because... I refused to do it. What is happening? What are the methods? Throughout the civilized world, the process of terminating an employment contract is not some kind of blatant fact. At the moment, I am under pressure from my managers, who are not ready for a dialogue on terminating the employment contract by agreement of the parties, who have clearly decided that I will be fired under any article, the goal is clear, to squeeze me out by any legal means and at the same time be covered with paperwork as much as possible .How can a multimillion-dollar company, represented by DRU, treat its employees who hold leadership positions this way? Why should simple issues be resolved in the form of threats, indirect of course, but with a clear understanding that they will ruin my life? The situation hung in the air. , all the managers left for a strategic session. By the end of the working day, after contacting the hotline, I was connected to an email. What next.... I would really like to reach an understanding of the situation and resolve the issue in a civilized manner, without infringing on anyone’s interests. Please Please pay attention to this fact and provide feedback on the situation if possible. Otherwise, I will be forced to defend my rights in court with the involvement of a lawyer.

History of the Dixy company, Dixy range and quality, own brands

Owners and management of the public company Dixy, strategy and marketing in Dixy, performance indicators of the Dixy store chain

Section 1. Open joint-stock company "Dixie Group".

"Dixie" is a Russian group of companies that owns one of the largest food retail chains in Russia. The parent structure of the group is the Dixie Group Open Joint Stock Company. Headquarters - in Moscow.

"Dixie" is the largest retail food chain in Russia. The headquarters of the organization is located in Moscow. The first name of the company is Uniland, which was created in 1993 by entrepreneur Oleg Leonov. The company was engaged in wholesale trade, and in 1999 the first retail outlet opened in Moscow.

"Dixie" is one of the companies that received government support during the crisis in 2008. Currently, the company operates 552 stores, 15 of which are Megamart compact hypermarkets. The company continues to develop. Dixie stores are mainly located in St. Petersburg, Moscow and the three largest districts of Russia.

Dixy has its own fleet of vehicles and several distribution centers located in key regions. Transport supplies are organized at a very high level, this allows us to constantly update the range with fresh products.

Dixy has been actively developing its own brands for several years now, which allows it to offer customers products at low prices without overpaying the manufacturer. At the same time, the quality of the goods sold remains high. All products, both our own production and those purchased from suppliers, meet all quality standards and are manufactured using high-tech equipment.

In addition, the Dixy company has extensive experience in the Russian market. Dixy strives to optimize costs and increase operational efficiency. Before opening a new store, the company carefully selects the location and assortment, depending on the needs of people living in the area.

In Dixie stores you will find a huge selection of food and non-food products. The Dixy retail chain is characterized by: a modern self-service system, high quality goods, a constantly updated assortment, and modern equipment.

In addition, Dixy publishes a printed, constantly updated catalog in which you will find great deals for yourself and your family.

Open Joint Stock Company "Dixie Group"

History of Dixie. The Uniland company (former name of the Dixie Group of Companies) was founded in 1993. The founder of the company, which was mainly engaged in wholesale trade, was the Russian entrepreneur Oleg Leonov. The chain's first retail store was opened in Moscow in 1999.

In 2004, the company sold 30% of the additional issue of shares to portfolio investors - funds Citicorp International Finance Corporation, Cube Private Equity, Van Riet Capital, etc. for about $60 million. On May 18, 2007, Dixie Group held an IPO (Initial Public Offering) on ​​the Russian platforms - RTS and MICEX. During the placement, investors were offered 10 million shares of an additional issue and 15 million shares of current shareholders. In total, 41.67% of the company's increased authorized capital was put up for sale. The offer price is $14.40 per share, which corresponds to the lower limit of the price range. The total amount of funds raised is $359 million. The underwriters were Renaissance Capital, Trust Investment Bank and Deutsche Bank. The order book was oversubscribed by 1.39 times.

At the beginning of 2008, Oleg Leonov sold his stake in the company (a controlling stake) for about $600 million to the Mercury holding, the largest Russian distributor of cigarettes.

At the end of December 2008, Dixy was included in the list of companies that received government support during the “crisis”.

In May 2011, the company began rebranding. The face of the new commercials is Pavel Kabanov, known as Klara Zakharovna.

At the beginning of February 2011, it became known that Dixie shareholders had agreed with the owners of the Victoria chain of stores to purchase the latter. Dixy is expected to pay about 20 billion rubles. (excluding Victoria's debt). As a result of the transaction, the Mercury group (the main owner of Dixie) will receive 50% plus 1 share in the merged company, and the current owners of Victoria will receive slightly less than 15%. According to analysts, as a result of the merger, a retailer will be created that will take third (fifth, taking into account foreign chains) place in Russia in terms of revenue. The deal was closed in mid-July 2011.

In May 2011, it was additionally announced that the discounters Kvartal, Deshevo and Semeynaya Kopilka, owned by Victoria, would be renamed Dixie stores (with the exception of the Kaliningrad region), and supermarkets under the brand Victoria" (19 stores) will retain the sign.

The DIXY Group of Companies is one of the leading Russian companies engaged in the retail trade of food and consumer goods. The company specializes in the development of universal retail stores in the convenience store format in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in three federal districts of the Russian Federation: Central, Northwestern and Ural, as well as in the Kaliningrad region, which in total account for more than half of the retail volume market of food products and consumer goods of the Russian Federation.

In May 2007, the Company conducted an IPO on the RTS and MICEX for an amount of approximately US$ 360 million. The company's shares are included in the calculation of the RTS and MICEX indices: the consumer goods and retail industry index (RTScr) and the RTS-2 second-tier stock index (RTS2) , as well as in the calculation of the industry “MICEX Index - consumer goods and services” (MICEX CGS).

The controlling stake in OJSC DIXY Group is owned by the diversified holding Group of Companies "Mercury" (at the end of 2010, the consolidated turnover of the Group exceeded 15 billion US dollars), the main assets of which, in addition to the DIXY Group of Companies, are:

trading company "Megapolis" (Russia's largest distributor of consumer goods, which is also one of the world's largest distributors of tobacco products);

OJSC SovInterAvtoServis is one of the largest motor transport enterprises in the CIS with more than thirty years of history of road transport within Russia and in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe and Asia;

GC "Mercury Development", known for such projects as the construction of a multifunctional class A+ complex "Mercury City Tower" on the territory of "Moscow City", the development of a sanatorium named after M.V. Frunze in Sochi and others;

OJSC Gorevsky Mining and Processing Plant, the largest enterprise in Russia for the extraction and processing of polymetals (lead, zinc);

Plant OJSC "Turboholod" (creation of turboexpander units for the oil and gas industry);

JSC "Plant named after. V.A. Degtyarev" (production of civil and military equipment).

The first DIXY store was opened in Moscow in March 1999; At the same time, MEGAMART retail stores began operating in Yekaterinburg. Since 2000, the development of the DIXY store chain in St. Petersburg began. The company initially focused its activities on serving the mass segment of consumers in the most popular economical format in Russia. As a result of rebranding and changes in positioning, the DIXY Company is developing stores in the “close to home” format, which implies a higher level of service, an appropriate assortment and strict quality control of the goods sold.

The DIXY company is rapidly developing and expanding the geography of its presence, opening new stores in various regions of Russia. The company is successfully developing various store formats within the modern supermarket format, which allows for dynamic sales growth by reaching a wider range of customers with a wide range of consumer preferences and incomes.

By building a business in each new region, in each new city, we bring to the development our corporate culture, our attitude to business, the values ​​of our business - honesty, decency and openness. The company places great importance on customer loyalty, striving to constantly provide low prices, a wide range of products, and fast and friendly service.

Assortment and quality. The assortment and number of product items for each store is selected taking into account the specifics of consumer demand in a particular region. Much attention is paid to cooperation with local producers and suppliers, which allows us to quickly resolve issues of providing store chains with fresh locally produced goods.

Logistics and distribution. The company has created an effective system of logistics and distribution of goods - eight distribution centers with a total area of ​​over 127 thousand sq.m., located in key regions where DIXY stores are present, are used for supplies to stores. The company also has its own fleet of vehicles, which allows it to optimize transportation costs and ensure timely delivery of products to stores.

Technologies. The company actively uses modern information technologies, including the automated management system for the entire product distribution cycle Aldata GOLD system, used by Carrefour, Tesco, Ahold and Casino, which helps to increase the efficiency of all operational business processes, reduce costs and increase inventory turnover.

Marketing. Caring for customers is the main value and basis of the strategy of the DIXY retail chain. The company strives to know everything about the tastes and preferences of its customers in order to best meet their expectations and be as close as possible to their lifestyle. In any aspect, from a comfortable price level for customers to locating stores in the most convenient locations, from a balanced assortment to a high level of service The company strives to meet consumers' expectations of modern retail. Weekly incentive promotions are aimed at creating even more attractive conditions for customers and allow the Company to achieve the highest levels of target audience loyalty in the industry.

Own brands. For several years, DIXY has been actively developing the production of goods under its own brands, offering customers quality goods at the best prices. These are well-known food and non-food brands, such as “Polnaya Krynka”, “Selo Kuvshinkino”, “Odarka” (dairy gastronomy), “Favorite Traditions”, “Tozhinki” (grocery), “Vegetable Family” (frozen vegetables and canned vegetables), “Fruit Parade” (juices, nectars), “Figaro” and “Vertex” (non-food products), as well as many others.

Products under the DIXY chain's own brands are produced by leading Russian manufacturers using unique patented recipes in compliance with all technology and quality requirements (products undergo thorough quality control both at all stages of production and in independent accredited laboratories), and are presented in several segments , meeting the needs of target groups of buyers: “Profitable”, “Quality products for the whole family”, “Organic Life”.

Strategy. DIXY has significant experience in the Russian market and developed business technology, which allows it to successfully implement a large-scale development program. The company constantly strives to optimize operating costs and improve overall operating efficiency, as well as ensure business sustainability through diversification of suppliers and product range.

DIXY is well positioned for further growth and has a long-term goal of becoming an industry leader in the convenience store format in terms of operational efficiency, operating technology, customer and employee loyalty and, as a result, sales volumes.

Private label products – healthy nutrition – are marked with the “ORGANIC LIFE” sign.

Products bearing the Organic Life icon on their packaging are offered to a wide range of customers who pay special attention to their diet and choose high-quality, healthy and natural products. These products take into account modern trends: they are functionally useful, easy to use, and produced under special control of technology and quality characteristics.

Private label products – analogues of brands – are marked with the “Quality Products for the Whole Family” sign.

Products marked with the “Quality Products for the Whole Family” icon are analogous in their quality characteristics to products from well-known national and international manufacturers. At the same time, their retail prices are 15-25% lower than prices for goods of similar quality from well-known brands due to the fact that their prices do not include significant costs for advertising and promotion.

Marked with the "FAVORABLE" sign

Products bearing the "FAVORABLE" icon are widely represented in many product categories and are the most popular in their categories and are represented by both food and non-food products. Products with this sign will always have the most attractive prices for buyers with guaranteed good quality, as they are produced in compliance with all standards, technical regulations and GOSTs. These are truly GREAT products for buyers who prefer good quality at a reasonable price.

Owners and management. Company shareholders: Mercury Group holding (54.4%, controlled by entrepreneur Igor Kesaev), founders of the Victoria retail chain (Alexander Zaribko, Nikolay Vlasenko and Vladimir Katsman) - 13.1%, free float - 32.5% . Market capitalization as of mid-June 2011 - 47.7 billion rubles.

President - Ilya Yakubson. Company shareholders: Mercury Group holding (54.4%, controlled by entrepreneur Igor Kesaev), founders of the Victoria retail chain (Alexander Zaribko, Nikolay Vlasenko and Vladimir Katsman) - 13.1%, free float - 32.5% . Market capitalization as of mid-June 2011 - 47.7 billion rubles.

President - Ilya Yakubson.

As of April 30, 2010, the company operated 552 stores (of which 529 Dixie grocery discounters, 15 Megamart compact hypermarkets and 8 Minimart economy supermarkets). As of June 2011, taking into account the absorbed Victoria chain, the total number of stores was 944; On September 21, 2011, the thousandth store was opened.

The Dixy chain is characterized by a relatively high level of losses from spoilage and theft of products (2.1% of revenue in the first quarter of 2011 versus the industry average of 1.5%).

The number of personnel of the company in 2012 is over 35 thousand people. Consolidated revenue in 2010 according to IFRS amounted to 64.8 billion rubles. (in 2009 - 54.3 billion rubles), operating profit - 1.7 billion rubles. (1.3 billion rubles), net profit - 257.8 million rubles. (in 2009, net loss was 112.4 million rubles).



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Section 1. Open Joint Stock Company (JSC) “Dixie Group”.

« Dixie» is a Russian group of companies that owns one of the largest food retail chains in the Russian Federation. The head structure of the group is Open joint stock company (JSC) « Dixie Group" Headquarters is in Moscow.

"Dixie" is the largest retail food chain in Russian Federation. The company's headquarters is located in Moscow. First title organizations- Uniland, which was created in 1993 by businessman Oleg Leonov. Organization was engaged in wholesale trade, and in 1999 the first retail outlet opened in Moscow.

"Dixie" is one of the companies that received government support during the crisis in 2008. Currently, the organization operates 552 stores, 15 of which are Megamart compact hypermarkets. continues to develop. Dixie stores are mainly located in St. Petersburg, Moscow and the three largest districts Russian Federation.

Dixy has its own fleet of vehicles and several distribution centers located in key regions. Transport supplies are organized at a very high level, this allows us to constantly update with fresh products.

Dixy has been actively developing its own product (trade) brands for several years now, which allows it to offer customers products at low prices without overpaying the manufacturer. At the same time, the quality of the goods sold remains high. All goods, both our own production and purchased from suppliers- meet all quality standards and are manufactured using high-tech equipment.

In addition, Dixie has extensive experience in the Russian market. Dixy strives to optimize costs and increase operational efficiency. Before opening a new store, he carefully selects the location and range, depending on the needs of the people living in the area.

In Dixie stores you will find a huge selection of food and non-food products. The Dixy retail chain is characterized by: a modern self-service system, high quality goods, constantly updated range, modern equipment.

In addition, Dixy publishes a printed, constantly updated catalog in which you will find great deals for yourself and your family.

Open joint stock company (JSC)"Dixie Group"

History of the Dixie organization. The Uniland organization (the former name of the Dixie Group of Companies) was formed in 1993, at the origin of the company, which was mainly engaged in wholesale trade, there was a Russian businessman Oleg Leonov. The chain's first retail store was opened in Moscow in 1999.

In 2004, the organization sold 30% of the additional cash issue of shares to portfolio investors - funds Citicorp International Finance Corporation, Cube Private Equity, Van Riet Capital, etc. for about $60 million. On May 18, 2007, Dixie Group held an Initial Public Offering on the Russian platforms - RTS and MICEX. During placement investors 10 million additional shares were offered issue of securities and 15 million shares of current shareholders. In total, 41.67% of the organization’s increased authorized capital was put up for sale. offers— $14.40 per share, this corresponds to the lower limit of the price range. The total amount of funds raised is $359 million. The underwriters were "", Investment Bank and Deutsche Bank. The order book was oversubscribed by 1.39 times.

At the beginning of 2008, Oleg Leonov sold his stake in the company (controlling stake) for about $600 million to the Mercury holding, the largest Russian distributor of cigarettes.

At the end of December 2008, Dixy was included in the list of companies that received government support in period « crisis».

In May 2011, rebranding of the organization began. The face of the new commercials is Pavel Kabanov, known as Klara Zakharovna.

At the beginning of February 2011, it became known that Dixie shareholders had agreed with the owners of the Victoria chain of stores to purchase the latter. Dixy is expected to pay about 20 billion rubles. (excluding Victoria's debt). As a result of the agreement, the Mercury group (the main owner of Dixie) will receive 50% plus 1 share in the merged company, and the current owners of Victoria will receive a little less than 15%. According to analysts, as a result of the merger of enterprises, a retailer will be created that will take third (fifth, taking into account foreign chains) place in the Russian Federation in terms of revenue. The deal was closed in mid-July 2011.

In May 2011, it was additionally announced that the discounters Kvartal, Deshevo and Semeynaya Kopilka, owned by Victoria, would be renamed Dixie stores (with the exception of the Kaliningrad region), and supermarkets under the brand Victoria" (19 stores) will retain the sign.

The Dixy Group of Companies is one of the leading Russian companies engaged in the retail trade of food and goods everyday demand. The company specializes in the development of universal retail stores in the convenience store format in Moscow, St. Petersburg and three federal districts of Russia: Central, Northwestern and Ural, as well as in the Kaliningrad region, which in total account for more than half of the retail volume market food products and consumer goods in Russia.

In May 2007, the company conducted IPO on RTS and MICEX in the amount of about US$ 360 million. The organization’s shares are included in the calculation of indices RTS and MICEX: industry index consumer goods and retail(RTScr) and index shares of the second tier RTS-2 (RTS2), as well as in the calculation of the industry “MICEX index - consumer goods and services” (MICEX CGS).

The controlling stake in Dixie Group OJSC is owned by a multi-industry holding Mercury Group of Companies (at the end of 2010, the consolidated turnover of the Group exceeded 15 billion US dollars), the main assets of which, in addition to the Dixie Group of Companies, are:

trade organization "Megapolis" (the largest distributor of consumer goods in the Russian Federation, which is also one of the largest distributors of tobacco products in the world);

OJSC SovInterAvtoServis is one of the largest motor transport enterprises in the CIS with more than thirty years of history of road transport within the Russian Federation and in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe and Asia;

Plant OJSC "Turboholod" (creation of turboexpander units for the oil and gas industry);

JSC "Plant named after. V.A. Degtyarev" (production of civil and military equipment).

The first Dixie store was opened in Moscow in March 1999; at the same time they began their work retail stores "MEGAMART" in Yekaterinburg. Since 2000, the development of the Dixie chain of stores began in St. Petersburg. The company initially focused its activities on serving the mass segment of consumers in the most popular economical format in the Russian Federation. As a result of rebranding and changes in positioning, the Dixy company is developing stores in the “close to home” format, which implies a higher level of service, an appropriate assortment and strict quality of the goods sold.

The Dixy organization is rapidly developing and expanding the geography of its presence, opening new stores in various regions of the Russian Federation. The organization successfully develops various store formats within the modern supermarket format, which allows for dynamic growth sales by reaching a wider range of customers with a variety of consumer preferences and incomes.

By building a business in each new region, in each new city, we bring to the development our corporate culture, our attitude to business, the values ​​of our business - honesty, decency and openness. The organization places great importance on customer loyalty, striving to consistently provide low prices, wide range, fast and friendly service.

Assortment and quality. The assortment and number of product items for each store is selected taking into account the specifics of consumer demand in a particular region. Much attention is paid to cooperation with local producers and suppliers, which allows us to quickly resolve issues of providing store chains with fresh locally produced goods.

and distribution. The organization has created an effective system logistics and distribution of goods - for supplies The stores use eight distribution centers with a total area of ​​over 127 thousand sq.m., located in key regions where Dixy stores operate. The organization also has its own fleet of vehicles, which allows optimizing transport expenses and ensure timely delivery of products to stores.

Technologies. The organization actively uses modern information technologies, including the automated management system for the entire cycle of product distribution Aldata gold system, used by Carrefour, Tesco, Ahold and Casino, which helps to increase the efficiency of all operational business processes, reduce expenses and an increase in inventory turnover.

Marketing. Caring for customers is the main value and basis of the strategy of the Dixy retail chain. The organization strives to know everything about the tastes and preferences of its customers in order to best meet their expectations and be as close as possible to their lifestyle. In any aspect, from a level comfortable for customers prices to locating stores in the most convenient locations, from a balanced assortment to a high level of service, the organization strives to meet the expectations consumers about modern retail trade. Weekly incentives are aimed at creating even more attractive conditions for customers and allow the company to achieve the highest levels of target audience loyalty in the industry.

Own trademarks . For several years Dixy has been actively developing the production of goods under its own trademarks, offering customers quality products at the best prices. These are food and non-food product brands well known to customers, such as “Polnaya Krynka”, “Selo Kuvshinkino”, “Odarka” (dairy gastronomy), “Favorite Traditions”, “Tozhinki” (grocery), “Vegetable Family” (frozen vegetables and vegetable), “Fruit Parade” (juices, nectars), “Figaro” and “Vertex” (non-food products), as well as many others.

Products under the Dixie chain's own trademarks are produced by leading Russian manufacturers using unique patented recipes in compliance with all technology and quality requirements (the products undergo thorough testing control quality both at all stages of production and in independent accredited laboratories), and are presented in several segments that meet the needs of target customer groups: “Profitable”, “Quality products for the whole family”, “Organic Life”.

Strategy. Dixie has significant experience work on market Russian Federation and developed business technology, allowing the successful implementation of a large-scale development program. The company constantly strives to optimize operating costs and improve overall operating efficiency, as well as ensure business sustainability through diversification of suppliers and product range.

Dixy is well positioned for further growth and has a long-term goal of becoming a leader in industry in the format of convenience stores in terms of operational efficiency, operating technologies, customer and employee loyalty and, as a result, in volumes sales.

Private label products - healthy nutrition - are marked with the “ORGANIC LIFE” sign.

Products bearing the Organic Life icon on their packaging are offered to a wide range of customers who pay special attention to their diet and choose high-quality, healthy and natural products. These products take into account modern trends: they are functionally useful, easy to use, and produced under special control of technology and quality characteristics.

Private label products - analogues of brands - are marked with the sign “Quality products for the whole family”.

Products marked with the “Quality Products for the Whole Family” icon are analogous in their quality characteristics to products from well-known national and international manufacturers. At the same time, their retail prices are 15-25% lower than prices for goods of similar quality from well-known brands due to the fact that their prices do not include significant advertising and promotion costs.

Marked with the "FAVORABLE" sign

Products bearing the "FAVORABLE" icon are widely represented in many product categories and are the most popular in their categories and are represented by both food and non-food products. Products with this sign will always have the most attractive prices for buyers with guaranteed good quality, as they are produced in compliance with all standards, technical regulations and GOSTs. These are truly GREAT products for buyers who prefer good quality at a reasonable price.

Owners and management. Shareholders of the organization: holding Mercury Group (54.4%, controlled businessman Igor Kesaev), founders of the Victoria retail chain (Alexander Zaribko, Nikolay Vlasenko and Vladimir Katsman) - 13.1%, free float - 32.5%. Market value as of mid-June 2011—RUB 47.7 billion.

— Ilya Yakubson. Shareholders of the company: Mercury Group (54.4%, controlled by businessman Igor Kesaev), founders trading network "Victoria" (Alexander Zaribko, Nikolay Vlasenko and Vladimir Katsman) - 13.1%, in free float - 32.5%. Market capitalization as of mid-June 2011 - 47.7 billion rubles.

The president— Ilya Yakubson.

As of April 30, 2010, the company operated 552 stores (including 529 Dixie grocery discounters, 15 Megamart compact hypermarkets and 8 Minimart economy supermarkets). By data as of June 2011, taking into account the absorbed Victoria chain, the total number of stores was 944; On September 21, 2011, the thousandth store was opened.

The Dixie chain is characterized by a relatively high level of losses from spoilage and theft of products (2.1% revenue in the first quarter of 2011 against the average industry

Dixie (DIXY) is

Dixie (DIXY) is

Dixie (DIXY) is


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