How to promote a product on Instagram. Product promotion on Instagram: make yourself known to millions

Instagram currently has 130 million active users, with billions of new likes added every hour. If you work with this service correctly, you can ensure instant viral marketing success. But if it’s the other way around, then failure is inevitable. For those who have just started promoting a brand on Instagram, has collected 52 useful tips on how to successfully run an advertising campaign using this social platform.

account settings

1. Create a business account on Instagram - it's very easy.

2. Use the name of the company or brand as the name. If it is taken, then choose a name that is most associated with the brand.

3. Fill out your profile information: upload a beautiful branded photo, add short information about yourself, post a link to the company website.

4. Integrate your account with Facebook.

5. Set up automatic integration of photos from Instagram to Facebook, this will increase the number of reposts. Companies like Mercedes Benz get a lot of likes through cross-posting:

6. Come up with a unique brand strategy, rely on it in all aspects of promotion, show people your company’s view of the world, focus all content around a bright, unique idea.

Advertise your account

7. Use tools to promote your Instagram account. For example, in Russia, large brands use - you just need to come up with creative content and an image, and then select the accounts in which you are going to advertise. The average cost of one organic subscriber is from 1 to 3 rubles.


8. Hashtags in updates are one of the key components of the service. It is with the help of hashtags that the user will be able to find photos of the desired brand. Unlike Twitter, there is no limit on the number of characters, but don't overdo it, it looks intrusive.

9. Include your brand name in your hashtag. Write unique hashtags for individual advertising campaigns. For example, if you decide to hold a photo contest, come up with a special hashtag for this. This tactic will not only be a good advertisement for the brand, but will also allow users to establish a connection with each other, thus the competition participants will see who they are competing with. Here's how Dry Soda used #fridayDRYday to engage users and share photos:

10. Use common hashtags in every post. For example, if you own a coffee shop and post a photo of a latte, add the hashtags #latte or #coffee.

11. Use popular hashtags. Trends on Instagram change very quickly, so if you managed to join the fashion movement in time, add a suitable hashtag. This way, your post will be among the most famous, and the number of views will be measured in the thousands.

12. Be sure to follow new and relevant hashtags on Instagram. Add them to your posts. Take a moment to connect with the users adding these hashtags and comment and like their posts. Your activity will not go unnoticed.

13. Monitor the Web and look for users adding your brand name as a hashtag. This is how subscribers use feedback to tell you about something important. Track all mentions just like you do on Facebook and Twitter. Reply quickly to ensure a good and long-lasting relationship with buyers.


14. Prove to your subscribers how much you value them: publish and share their best photos on social networks. But remember, before you leave a post, be sure to ask permission. Starbucks, which is one of the top three most successful brands on Instagram, uses similar tactics very often. Every few weeks, they dedicate a post to one of their followers, featuring their creation of one of the Starbucks products.

15. With a new feature on Instagram that allows you to embed Instagram photos on other sites, you have the opportunity to host full-fledged fan posts. Make sure the user is aware that their post will appear on your site.

16. Like your followers’ photos, especially if they feature your brand.

17. Comment on followers’ photos.

18.Reply to all comments that are left on your photos/videos, even if they are negative.

19. Use @ mentions. Users love to be addressed personally. For example, Coca-Cola highlighted a subscriber who won a photo contest:

20. Use @mentions and tag celebrities. If your image is somehow related to the figure of a famous person, then you should not be afraid to mark the star. Perhaps the photo will interest him/her so much that a repost will follow.

21. Focus on attracting customers, create publications with customers always in mind. An Instagram business should be tailored to the lifestyle your customers lead.

Prove yourself

22. Don’t forget to be creative: use different filters, interesting angles, lighting effects and other photography tricks. Add variety with programs like Photoshop, Diptic or Photoshake. Combine multiple images into one. Here's a great example of how you can combine three photos:

25. Show users how to use your company's products in their lives. Here's an example where Whistler Water showed fans drinking their water at a concert:

26. Always maintain an ideal image: subscribers love cool brands. For example, Pilot Pen USA, which sells pens, is an example of successful marketing. Their Instagram is filled with stylish photos of notes and pens:

27. Illustrate your brand story in a colorful way: Post beautiful photos and videos to show users the fundamental principles and values ​​on which the company lives and works.

28. Open up to the world: post photos of your employees, tell us who is behind the success of your brand. Shoot videos from behind the scenes and share what a typical working day is like in your company. This will strengthen the brand image and the perception of subscribers. Williams Sonoma uses a similar technique:

29. Publish funny, entertaining videos about the CEO of the company to be “closer to the people.” For example, make short, funny videos of him talking about what he likes to do outside of work hours.

30. Post unique content to make users feel special. Share photos that cannot be found on other social networks.

31. If you're launching a product, organizing a band's first concert, or opening a new store, do it on Instagram. For example, on the day of the premiere, shoot a video of the staff preparing for the official moment and the customers waiting in anticipation.

32. Create a teaser that shows the preparation of a product for a market launch or an opening event. But don't give away the secret of what exactly we're talking about.

33. Post a report on Instagram about an event that has already taken place. Feel free to show how company employees work in real life.

34. Build partnerships with other brands, regardless of what business you represent: a small store or an international holding. You can achieve ideal cooperation - mutually advertise the companies’ products in the feed. For example, Wimbledon and Nike:

Be more creative

35. Ask users to write comments. If you want maximum engagement, don't be silent. Questions give rise to discussions. Ask what readers think of a recently published post or image.

36. Ask questions about the company or product, get users to talk about them. Ask if they have used the brand's product today, create a hashtag where followers can post photos on this topic. Target, for example, asks questions like “What flavor of popsicles do you like?”, and users, in turn, begin to discuss the brand online.

38. Create interactive fill-in-the-blank posts. For example, if your business is a grocery store, post a picture of a cereal breakfast and caption, “I like to start my day with a plate of _____.” People will discuss your product and express their opinions.

39. Another original way to grab the attention of users is to ask them to come up with a caption for the image. Be original and post an unusual photo of one of your products. Announce a competition for the best signature and don't forget to come up with a small prize for the winner.

40. Use crowdsourcing: Ask users to post photos of how your brand plays a role in their lives. This will help you understand your target audience and will also be useful for further research aimed at business development. But in order to attract the maximum number of users, you will have to launch a photo competition.

Competitions inInstagram

41. An Instagram photo contest is an opportunity to get tons of user-generated content and new ideas, or just get all the attention for your business. Set the competition theme you need and give clients the opportunity to show their creativity. Here's an example of what you can do if you sell mocha:

42. If you're running an Instagram contest, make sure the prize is good enough to motivate participation as well as further sharing online. Sometimes it’s the prize that can cause a photo contest to go viral.

Don't forget about mobile users

44. Use geotagging - linking photos to a map. Add your location to the post and target local users with these images.

45. Stop separating online and offline reality. Place QR codes on Instagram so that users can scan them to receive, for example, discount coupons.

46. ​​If you are organizing an event, create a suitable hashtag where people can post their photos and check out others.

47. Organize an online meeting for active users who may be potential buyers.


48. Regardless of your follower count, post content consistently. Users will specifically browse a brand's account, knowing they will find interesting updates.

49. Decide on the frequency of publications. Some brands post 2-3 times a day, others 2-3 times a week. Use analytics to determine the frequency that suits you.

50. Find out what is the best time to publish content. Each brand is individual. Therefore, you should resort to analytics to find out when photos get the most likes, or what time followers are actively using hashtags.

51. Analyze the results: track activity by all indicators (hashtags, likes, reposts, etc.)

52. Improve yourself. Based on the results obtained, draw conclusions and improve the content.

Today, there are many services for automated promotion of an Instagram account, which for a small fee will help you attract subscribers and increase brand awareness.

53. The Zengram online service combines in its functionality a wide range of advantages and opportunities related to the promotion of Instagram accounts.

Its main advantages:

  • simultaneous maintenance of an unlimited number of accounts from one personal account;
  • complete control over actions;
  • advanced targeting settings;
  • mutual liking of your subscribers;
  • sending welcome messages to new users in direct messages;
  • instaspy;
  • attentive and responsive tech. support;
  • full analytics;
  • work through a proxy;
  • cleaning from bots and commercial accounts;
  • parser and comment likes.

The cost of the service depends on the number of days of subscription; the more days you buy, the more you save. Every new user gets the first 7 days free of charge.

The Zengram blog regularly publishes useful informational articles about promotion. If you have not yet decided how to create an account for a business on Instagram, pay attention to the article “What to write about yourself on Instagram: creating a business profile.” In it you will find a guide to choosing a name for promoting a small/large business or personal brand, Tips on designing a profile header and maintaining an account.

54. The innovative SMM tool for promotion Instapromo occupies one of the leading positions in all areas of Insta promotion. The service offers a full range of services:

  • promotion (massalaiking, masscommenting, massfollowing)
  • delayed posting

Head of Communication Marketing and SMM Kokoc Group

In Russia, Instagram has followed the traditional path of development of any trend: distrust, interest of individuals, universal recognition. In particular, in September 2014, it surpassed Twitter in terms of daily mobile traffic. But not all companies yet understand how to behave on social networks, attract and retain audiences.

Every day, Instagram users around the world publish an average of 70 million posts and give 2.5 billion likes. Among them there are many advertisements. Every user of this social network has probably noticed new subscribers with the names of online stores. This is because they were the first to promote Instagram accounts using methods proven on other social networks, such as mass following or mass liking. In the first case, companies massively add users as friends, in the second, they like their photos. In both options, marketers rely on people's response. These methods worked for some time, but now the situation has changed. The social network itself has stopped mass following: now the account is blocked for a period of one to ten days if the number of friend additions exceeds the established limit. Mass liking disappeared on its own: users began to perceive companies’ likes as “white noise” and stopped reacting to them.

In our work, we use other methods of promoting brands, thanks to which the products will be seen not only by account subscribers, but also by their friends and acquaintances. For example, for one of the Moscow bars with paid entrance, we launched campaign with geotargeting: they liked and invited people located near the establishment to come visit. Already in the first days of advertising, Instagram brought from 20 to 40 guests to the bar. Was no less successful mascot Robot Fedya, owned by Panavto (official Mercedes-Benz dealer). On his behalf, we organized a campaign for Defender of the Fatherland Day. The promotion was one-time and lasted for 1.5 months, but more than 600 people subscribed to Robot Fedya’s account.

Advertising in the accounts of top bloggers also brings effect. Thus, one small company selling phone cases increased sales by up to 200%. If earlier she distributed one case a day, now she distributes at least 200. Sellers of beautiful trinkets: decorative items and jewelry also face a similar effect. But the cost of goods should not exceed 9 thousand rubles, because users are less likely to make impulse purchases on social networks for large amounts. If an item is more expensive, considerable time is spent choosing it, both in online stores and in reality.

If we talk about successful Russian examples of brand promotion on Instagram in general, we can name Kalabasa , PODIUM market, T elechannel 2X2. Here are the ways to engage your audience that, in our experience, really work on Instagram.


Offer your subscribers a nice bonus for posting a photo of your product on your account. This can be a fixed discount (3.5 or 10% of the purchase price) or summed up for the number of likes (for example, 1 like = 1 ruble). Then the user who posts a photo of your product with the desired hashtag will receive a discount equal to the number of likes from his friends. Sometimes marketers are afraid that this will give subscribers too much of a discount. But think about it, if the discount is even 500 rubles when the cost of the product is 550, this means that the product was seen by 500 people, most of whom probably did not know about the existence of your account before. And the more people know about it, the more they will subscribe.


All people love gifts. Especially when the gift is given by a brand and when you don’t need to do anything special to receive it. Invite your subscribers to post a photo of a product with a branded hashtag on their account and promise that the user with the most likes will receive this item as a gift.

Invite users to take photos with your product, the best of which you will post on your account page. And to stimulate subscribers, promise a small gift to the author of the selected photo.

Help from the stars

Today, there are two types of “stars” on Instagram: people known outside the social network, such as singers, actors, politicians, TV presenters, and bloggers. You can contact both of them with an offer and talk about your product, but there are some subtleties.

Showcasing a product on a popular Instagram account can be expensive. But you can try to offer the blogger your products as payment. For example, if you sew dresses, then give one of them as a gift. In the case of very popular accounts, there are practically no options: publishing will cost money. The main task in this case is to choose the right place where the desired target audience is concentrated.

In the case of a media personality, it is advisable to avoid direct advertising: this option is inconvenient for both you and the “star”. It’s better for a top blogger to post a photo of the product with the caption “A friend gave it to me.”<>, and I am very grateful to him. And also thanks to the manufacturer, here is the link to it.” Then subscribers to the blogger’s channel who follow the opinion leader will most likely want to buy the same product.

You can negotiate with both bloggers and sites either yourself, or outsource this task to exchanges that sell placements on Instagram (for example LabelUp) and provide a list of top bloggers with whom they cooperate. Posting through the exchange can cost from 800 rubles to several tens of thousands of rubles per message. Of course, this amount includes a percentage of the exchange, so if the budget is limited, it is better to negotiate with bloggers and public page owners directly.

Use Russian hashtags. If the company operates only in Russia, you should not use hashtags written in Latin or English words. Otherwise, the audience is eroded, since they are used not only by Russians, but also by residents of other countries.

Add hashtags based on your interests. Determine which ones your target audience checks most often. For example, if you do something in fashion style, then your hashtags are “lift look” or “girls”.

Mark places. Geotargeting allows you to target advertising materials as accurately as possible to the target audience based on region. Few people know that even if a person does not georeference, the photograph is still tied to the place of “his birth.” Therefore, all that remains is to configure the campaign so as to show advertising materials to users located within the selected geographical area: region, country, region, city or several cities.

Create personal accounts. Try using mascots - accounts that are maintained on behalf of the character. For example, the famous cat Sailor of the Admiral hockey club. The character can not only give likes, but also behave charismatically. With this approach, people themselves are more willing to react to the account and show it to their friends.

More beautiful photos. Even if you are selling a visually unattractive product, such as cans of paint, this does not mean that the path to Instagram is closed. Think more broadly: photograph not the product, but what can be done with it. Let it be doors painted with your paint or a floor covered with your laminate.

Open up behind the scenes. Show your account subscribers not only official photos of your products, but also how the work process goes. If you sew clothes, take a photo of yourself at work; if you sell electronics, show what the warehouse looks like.

Add an insider. Reward subscribers with first-hand information: show new products before they appear on the site. Alternatively, you can form a focus group and let them test the product. Don’t be afraid of negative reviews: even in this case, you will maintain contact with the audience and once again demonstrate your interest and loyalty.

Always respond to brand mentions and work with reputation. In this case, you can turn even negatively-minded users into your subscribers.

Don't distance your Instagram account from other social networks. After posting the photo, after a while share it, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook, adding text accompaniment. In this case, users will know that you are present on many social networks and will choose the most convenient method of communication.

Instagram is one of the most promising social platforms for business promotion. Firstly, the popularity of this network is growing steadily. At the same time, Instagram users demonstrate high engagement in interaction with each other and with brands. Secondly, Instagram allows you to publish and consume visual content, which is perceived by users tens of thousands of times faster than text content. Add to this the ability to use Instagram literally on the go using mobile gadgets. It turns out to be almost an ideal social platform for a modern person living at a frantic pace. Third, unlike traditional social networks, visual content sharing platforms successfully generate immediate conversions.

After reading this article, you will no longer doubt the effectiveness of promotion on Instagram. You will also learn how to promote projects using Instagram.

Why business needs Instagram

This question can be answered using statistics. According to the Pew Research Center, 17% of total social media users over 18 check Instagram daily. The core audience of this social network is represented by young people aged 18 to 29 years. We are talking about the millennial generation, who often make purchasing decisions influenced by social platforms. In terms of gender, women dominate on Instagram. Instagram users are very active on this network. 57% of owners check their account at least once a day, and 35% do so several times a day.

The following materials were used in preparing the material

A new marketing method in the entrepreneurial sphere that a huge number of new businessmen are interested in is how to promote a store on Instagram on your own (especially considering that many professionals have been choosing this method as their main one for a long time). Instagram is called a portal that makes it possible to increase the number of sales. It also helps promote the brand. Next, we’ll talk about how you can promote your own store using Instagram.

How to set up a page on a resource

We follow these step-by-step actions:

  1. First, a page is created in the application. The information must have a business direction.
  2. We select a name based on product and brand.
  3. It is mandatory to fill out all proposed profile user lines. That is: we make and upload an attractive image of the product, indicate information about your online store, leave a link - where to look for you on the Internet.
  4. Next, we integrate the service with Facebook - the latter should also have your profile and store advertising.
  5. Think about how you will promote your products, find unique expressions. In other words, prove to potential customers that your product will benefit them.

How to promote a product on Instagram

Promoting an online store on your own is a question that every novice businessman asks. At first, every such entrepreneur faces the most unexpected problems. And here it is best to use expert recommendations.

Today, the Internet is the best option for starting your own personal business. Thanks to Internet marketing, you can attract a huge number of customers to your new store. It’s just that from the very beginning it is important to correctly provide information about the product, and then only minor adjustments to the information will be required.

Not every Internet visitor can correctly execute the entire step-by-step algorithm. It is best to use the services of specialists. Yes, you will have to pay a considerable sum of money for this, but you will only need to do this once - to promote the store. If you do everything right, the money invested will quickly pay off.

Experts have identified the following areas that allow you to promote an online store:

  1. Transfer the marketing procedure to a reliable company with professional specialists.
  2. Carry out the entire promotion process independently – if you have the appropriate skills and knowledge.

The most important thing is for the store to gain popularity and profitability without the help of specialized companies. In addition, this will reduce costs several times.

How can you independently promote your online store on Instagram?

Promotion of an online store online is never free - you still have to pay a certain amount of money. Experts recommend adhering to the following rules when promoting your store on Instagram:

  1. All images must correspond to the theme of your account.
  2. Post images of products with people so that the buyer can quickly figure out the dimensions and shape of the product (for example, what size the product is, and so on).
  3. All images should be taken in good lighting. It's best to edit them using a graphics editor!
  4. To showcase your product from different angles, use collages.
  5. Be sure to post photos of your happy customers - along with the products they purchased.
  6. Let your customers know how much your product costs and how they can get it.
  7. When choosing a name, do not use words related to sales. You need to be noticed against the background of other competitors - so it’s better to come up with something more original.
  8. On your avatar, put a bright image that matches the theme of your online store.
  9. Pay special attention to the “About Me” section. Indicate your contact information (how potential buyers of your products can contact you), as well as possible methods of delivery of the ordered goods.
  10. Write everything down clearly - so that the visitor immediately understands how to order and buy the product he likes (so that he does not have to search for additional information on his own).

Of course, you should pay special attention to the content. Next, we’ll look at the importance of content when promoting on Instagram.

Instagram content

Always remember the following rule: The online store must have a positive reputation!

Thanks to Instagram, products sold can gain popularity and demand in the shortest possible time. As a rule, images with entries on this portal are of a personal nature: who had breakfast and what, who rested and where, and so on.

The images posted in this application (with text comments) should reflect all the advantages of the product and make you want to purchase it!

To correctly insert comments with text, you need to analyze the market for potential products. Study how competitors use this tool, what format and quality of photos their visitors like.

Proper placement of images

Promoting an online store on Instagram also involves working with images. They must be useful and of high quality. Photos should not be blurry. Clarity only - no blurry spots, no other defects. Otherwise, the whole impression will be immediately ruined.

When starting to master this resource, avoid indifference in the first stages - it is better to immediately order the services of a professional photographer if you yourself are not able to take high-quality photographs. To make your images more vibrant, you can use various editors and Photoshop.

The main condition for the image is its uniqueness. It must be remembered. It is worth using original ideas, that is, being creative:

  1. Shoot the image from different angles, use different filtering. Add lighting effects.
  2. Product categories of the same direction can be photographed in one general photo.
  3. You can shoot short videos. The most important thing is that they are not meaningless, that they contain something intriguing for your potential buyers.
  4. Write in the comments how you can use the products in your home. Pay as much attention to this as possible. Indicate for what purposes this or that product can be used.
  5. Your products should evoke only positive memories, so be sure to monitor feedback on images and provide rebuttals if there are negative comments.
  6. Always remember the following: images should be colorful and vibrant. Not a single person will be interested in a dress against the background of a curtain - it will look much more attractive on a girl’s figure.
  7. Provide more information about the store itself - it is worth showing images not only of the products, but also of the consultants who sell them. In this way, you will show that you can be trusted - that the online store is not “fake”.
  8. You can also post information about who made your products. Thus, a potential buyer will not doubt its high quality. This will help you increase the number of orders and visitors.

Be sure to inform your visitors what events have already been held by your online store and what the number of happy customers is. Find partners among other stores. It is best if they promote the same ideas.

Using hashtags

No online store can be promoted on Instagram without using hashtags. All required information is found exclusively in this way. Any text or post must have such hashtags - they serve to display the image in text form.

To correctly use the tool in question, It will be necessary to optimize the descriptions under the image. Keywords must be used, that is:

  • Do not overuse the frequent use of key phrases.
  • Always use the name of the brand you are promoting.
  • For each photo, sign a hashtag common to your store.
  • Study fashion trends on the portal, use common posts with tags.
  • Make sure the tags you place are relevant to your images and page.
  • It is also necessary to establish feedback with similar partner stores.
  • If any problems arise that you are not able to fix on your own, it is better to order services from a specialist.

What other tools can be used to promote an online store on Instagram?

To make your store popular, you can come up with an action on the main page, when performed, the visitor will be able to calculate his location in relation to you. It is possible to introduce a game element. Secondary Tools is a competition about products being sold with prizes for the winners.

It is possible to use images with riddles so that the products sold are recognized. This is done like this: the image is divided into certain parts, then the required fragment is added to the required location. This way you can understand what exactly the store wants to offer. This will appeal to many potential clients, namely:

  1. Reflection of competition comments and images.
  2. Make sure that the winner of the competition receives a good prize. If the prize is “second-rate,” the reputation of the online store will be ruined, and people will no longer be interested in the goods sold.
  3. Take a vote for the products you sell.

Think about your potential clients

Any aspiring businessman should be aware of the following: customer base is the main component of success. The followers that appear in your store will really like it if you report them on social networks. The most important thing is to first obtain their consent.

When working with a potential buyer, you can use the following expert recommendations:

  1. You can publish posts from potential buyers about your products from Instagram to other portals.
  2. Be sure to “like” client photos.
  3. Respond to every client.
  4. Highlight messages to customers to create a positive image.
  5. Post posts with interesting and useful information that will attract more visitors and clients.

Show what you are capable of

Encourage potential customers to leave notes under your products - this way you can create an educational conversation. Experts believe that you can also use the following inventive methods:

  1. You can ask visitors what they know about the products offered and what they prefer.
  2. In the entries under the images, ask other general questions. Perhaps someone will tell you something interesting.

A potential client can always be found on a social network. The main thing is that the online store should be competitive and offer products of really high quality. So watch this point carefully. Another mandatory point is creating a profile on Facebook.

Write about potential products in as much detail as possible, and you will not have problems finding clients.

How to promote your Instagram page for sales yourself? What bots exist for promoting a store on Instagram? How to attract new followers for free when promoting an account from scratch?

For an enterprising and energetic person, Instagram is not only a convenient application for storing and displaying photos, but also a tool for enrichment. A well-promoted Instagram account brings its owner a stable income through sales of own and other people’s goods, advertising and high popularity.

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial issues from the HeaterBober publication. I will tell, how to promote Instagram and attract new subscribers on your own, as well as with professional help.

Read to the end - at the end you will find life hacks for keeping followers on your page, as well as a review of popular paid services for Instagram promotion.

1. Instagram promotion – expanding the client audience for your business

Social networks are a territory of unlimited possibilities. Instagram is no exception. Initially the resource was created as mobile application for shooting, storing and distributing photographic materials, but gradually the site expanded its functions and became a full-fledged platform for exchanging impressions, comments, news and likes.

The popularity of the service increased many times in 2012, when Facebook acquired it from the original owners for $1 billion . Many new functions immediately appeared here, including the option for recording and posting videos.

Today Instagram is hundreds of millions of registered users, a huge viewing audience, thousands of new pictures and videos every day. And unlimited prospects for earning money.

I will list the main ways to make money online:

  • selling your own and other people’s goods and services through a promoted account;
  • companies, products, events and anything that can be sold and advertised;
  • promoting accounts on a professional basis;
  • making money selling photographs.

The most profitable option is to own your own business. It doesn’t matter what you do – any products and services can be beautifully presented, shown and sold.

Instagram does not charge money for registering online and using all functions. All that is required for success is free time and desire. And a well-promoted popular account.

Page promotion – an indispensable condition for monetization. Popular accounts are visited by thousands of users per day, and with the number of visitors, sales volume inevitably grows.

What is promotion from a technical point of view? This is the deliberate and targeted popularization of your profile using various methods. Promotion can be natural or artificial.

The first option is when the page’s popularity increases due to truly unique and interesting content, non-trivial design and other features. Artificial promotion implies use of specialized programs, applications and services. For maximum efficiency, use both methods.

Profile promotion itself is one of the ways to make money on Instagram. This is done both by freelancers on exchanges and by entire agencies promoting websites on the Internet.

Instagram successfully integrates with Facebook and VKontakte. By connecting your accounts, you can automatically publish everything you filmed on Instagram on the pages of other social networks.

Businessmen, athletes, actors and other media persons have accounts on Instagram. A lot of people who take pictures on their phones use this network. Such popularity has turned Instagram into a kind of cult for an entire generation.

To promote your account, it is important that the posts are regular and the pictures are bright.

So, a promoted page on the Internet is a kind of capital, an asset that you use at your own discretion. It makes more sense to use the asset to the benefit of your wallet.

When your page turns into full source of income, you no longer have to waste time on promotion. The account will promote itself or with the help of a hired administrator.

But remember a few important rules:

  • the resource is created for communication, entertainment and content publishing: perceive monetization as a useful side effect;
  • You won’t be able to promote your account quickly – be prepared to waste time;
  • the main thing in this network is unique content, everything else is secondary;
  • The topic must correspond to the content.

Which account is considered promoted? This indicator is quite arbitrary, but among businessmen and money makers it is generally accepted that real popularity starts with several thousand followers. There are accounts on the network with hundreds of thousands of subscribers - this is a truly promising platform for a stable income.

2. How to promote Instagram yourself - step-by-step instructions for beginners

First of all, “Insta” is friendly community, i.e. a community of people who exchange impressions, experiences, observations and useful information with each other.

Here they hold competitions, organize promotions, collect likes and votes. A citizen of any country or a group of people can create their own page and use it for any purpose - within the limits of law and ethics.

I won’t write about how to create a profile and what the interface is - you’ll figure that out for yourself. The topic of the publication is promoting and monetizing your account, keeping followers on your page.

Most participants try to use their pages for their intended purpose - adding pictures from their lives, sharing observations and adequate content. Compared to VKontakte and Facebook there is less useless garbage here, the content is more lively and people are more open.

Act consistently and success is guaranteed!

Step 1. Create and design a profile on Instagram

Your photo (avatar) or image of a profile product is the first thing a potential follower will see. There will also be a short text here - personal information, a description of the company or product.

For many, the design and first impression of a profile is a decisive factor. By looking at the image, people decide whether to follow you or not. If you treat your profile photo carelessly, you will scare away the consumer audience.

The description should be concise but informative. Indicate your location, type of activity, topic and link to the main site, if there is one. This is the only place on Instagram where you can put an active link.

We need a call to action - not a vague “if you want to see more, then...”, but a specific one - “ Click here, you will see a lot of interesting things" Or something like that.

Step 2. Prepare a content plan

Since in our case the purpose of creating an account is commercial activity, you need to think through a content plan in advance - what, when and in what volume we will publish.

Posts should contain high-quality photographs, short accompanying text and several thematic hashtags– important keywords that will make it easier for users to find the pages they need.

Don’t overload your page with intrusive advertising - combine promotion with information useful for followers.

Think ahead:

  • what consumer needs are you going to satisfy;
  • what audience are you targeting?
  • how best to design or present goods and services;
  • What else, besides the sales object, can you give the visitor.

Even business account owners are not prohibited from periodically creating personal posts and sharing their observations, knowledge, and impressions. But don't stray too far from the theme and stick to your own unique style.

Step 3. Publish new content

If you are promoting yourself - you first want to attract an audience, gain followers, and only then make money from your image, then personal photos will be the main content. If you are promoting your business, stick to the pre-selected style. The optimal frequency of posts is 1-2 per day.

For example, you cook deliciously and beautifully. Why not post photos on Instagram and thereby increase your popularity?!

  1. Use filters and don't be afraid to create– the more creative the photos, the more subscribers.
  2. Post only high-quality images– no one is interested in passing pictures.
  3. Make a little story out of every photo.
  4. Post videos periodically– but not too long, no more than 5 minutes.
  5. Sign your photos– where, when and why they filmed it.
  6. Use hashtags– then your photos will be easier to find.

Attractive visuals encourage you to study the text content. The more interesting the photo and video content, the more comments, subscribers, transitions to the base website and customer calls.

Step 4. Attract subscribers

The first subscribers will be your friends, acquaintances, and sometimes strangers who came to your page by accident. If you synchronize your profile with other social networks, you will quickly gain an audience.

Further promotion depends on your activity and creativity. The more time you spend promoting your page, the more you will achieve. If you don’t have time, but have free funds, use paid methods to promote your account. About them - in the following sections.

Step 5. Analyze page traffic and make changes to the strategy

Performance analysis is the study of indicators of audience coverage (how many subscribers), involvement (likes, comments), number of clicks (how many people followed the link).

If the indicators do not suit you, it is time to make changes to the strategy - slightly adjust the topics of the posts, make the page more “hooligan” or, conversely, academic.

3. How to attract new subscribers - useful tips and tricks

Free ways to promote Instagram require free time. But you also need to manage it wisely.

If you follow useful tips, things will go faster.

Hashtags are a useful thing: they help users find publications that interest them. Tags will attract your target audience and new subscribers to your page. But do not use common and popular keywords - otherwise your posts will be lost among hundreds of others.

General rules:

  • come up with your own label - it will increase your brand recognition;
  • do not make tags too long: 3 words in a hashtag is the maximum;
  • separate elements in hashtags with underscores;
  • Place tags not only in the explanatory text, but also in the comments.

The app remembers all the hash marks you've entered previously - as soon as you enter the first letters, a list of words will appear that you can use. The maximum number of tags for one photo or video is 30.