Investing for beginners - where to start, types of investments. How to start investing money: Instructions and examples How to become a successful investor from scratch

How to become an investor? Theoretically, by depositing 1,000 rubles into a bank deposit, you automatically become an investor. After all, who is an investor? This is a person who invests money with the goal of generating income. But not everything is so simple at first glance. To become a real investor, you need to have capital capable of generating tangible income for its owner, capable of covering a person’s monthly needs and, ideally, significantly exceeding them.

And to achieve this you need to adhere to a certain number of rules.

Firstly, you need to find the money you will invest. Where can I get them? The easiest way is to allocate a certain percentage of your income each month. It could be 10%, 20 or 30%. But the minimum is 10%. The more money you invest, the faster your capital will grow.

What if there is not enough money for life itself? What can we say about allocating money for investment? Try and/or. Sometimes this is enough for “extra” money to appear. In fact, it’s quite a lot and anyone can allocate a certain amount every month, regardless of their income.

Second, this is the frequency of investment. You have to do this month after month, year after year. Such financial discipline will allow us to increase capital many times faster than that of investors who invest money from time to time. Everything is correct! The more money is invested, the more income it generates. The basis is when money grows like a snowball.

Third, this. According to it, the sooner you start investing, the better results you will achieve. 10 thousand invested today has a much higher value than 10 thousand invested a year from now.

If you invest 100 thousand today for 10 years at 12% per annum, then by the end of the term the total amount of your capital will be 310,000 rubles.

And if you add up the same amount only a year later (for 9 years), then your financial result will be 270,000.

The difference in income is 40 thousand. Over longer periods the difference will be even more significant. So for 15 years the difference will be 70 thousand, with 20 year investments - as much as 100,000 rubles.

It turns out that a year of downtime will cost you 100,000 rubles. There is reason to think.

But a much more noticeable difference is obtained over different periods, subject to monthly investments. A year of downtime will cost even more.

If you invest 10 thousand monthly, with a yield of 12% per annum. The amount in 10 years will already be 2 million 400 thousand rubles.

But if you missed one year (and accordingly contributed 120 thousand less), your final amount for 9 years is 2 million rubles. The difference is almost 300 thousand.

A year of inaction cost you 300 thousand rubles.

Over 15 years, a year of inactivity will cost you 700 thousand, over 20 years – 1.1 million rubles.

Further, choose financial instruments for investment. There are a huge number of them, from simple to complex. The investor’s goal is to competently (protect) his investment portfolio by including a variety of instruments with different levels of profitability and risk. What to include in it and in what proportion everyone decides for themselves.

It is no secret that not only successful businessmen and entrepreneurs, but also such a range of subjects of investment activity as investors can have a constant income. Having start-up capital and investing it in a developing idea, they receive passive income. Almost anyone can become an investor; it is not necessary to have huge amounts of investment or many years of experience in this field. For beginners, it is important to know a few golden rules and basic knowledge. Let us solve the question with you: “How to become an investor from scratch?”

The activity of attracting and converting investments is known to many, and everyone would like to imagine themselves in the place of an investor. However, realizing such a dream is not so easy, and most importantly, not everyone understands where to start. To begin with, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of this area in order to start investing.

  • difficulties arising from the implementation of the technical side of the issue;
  • lack of funds for a good start;
  • excuses from relatives and friends;
  • fear of the unknown, fear of losing your savings.

  • gaining enormous experience in the field of capital augmentation;
  • complete self-sufficiency and satisfaction of all your needs;
  • pride in oneself;
  • a successful path that was done personally through trial and error.

Of course, all the pros seem so rosy that they cover all the cons, and you don’t want to pay attention to them. Let's think more judiciously and try to study in detail all the negative aspects of the activity, be prepared for them in order to successfully move towards achieving the goal.

Investment activity is a competent financial strategy that allows you to increase capital with the correct distribution of all available funds. Money can be invested in any amount, since today there are plenty of financial instruments. It is extremely important for beginners that such work can be stopped at any time using liquid securities.

We need to start with decisive steps

Starting is always difficult, especially when it requires increased responsibility, attention to risks, and there is a possibility of losing everything. Therefore, we start with psychological preparation of ourselves. Investing is a business that does not tolerate mistakes and self-interest. You should not expect a huge increase in investments in the first steps and try to extract maximum profits. Everything will come in time. Don't be afraid to leave savings to develop your business if things don't seem to be going according to plan.

The results of the work may appear several years later, in the future. Here it is important to master the skill of optimizing your expenses, as well as constantly analyze prices and the impact of inflation on them. Remember the term “risk diversification,” which is defined as the formation of investments depending on the variety of financial instruments. So, becoming an investor is quite simple:

Being an entrepreneur, and even more so becoming an investor, receiving a constant and independent income, is a tempting idea for anyone. This opportunity allows you to properly manage your free time, which is becoming more and more abundant, and also allows you to have complete freedom from management and higher ranks. Earnings directly depend on the productivity of the production in which the money is invested, and not on the salary part of the salary. In addition, investor activity will always remain in demand and relevant.

What should you be wary of when developing an investor?

A common problem is fear of risk. Solving it is not difficult, since much can be predicted if you have a sufficient knowledge base and practice of its application.

A lack of material resources can scare off a beginner, although today financial instruments allow you to develop and increase your accumulated funds, starting even with a small amount. We have already said that money should always be systematically accumulated and turned into significant amounts. This can be achieved through savings. It is enough to limit yourself to certain desires that do not require urgency. You may have to find additional income: freelancing or any other remote work online.

Every investor learns the ability to analyze and reduce numbers to numbers over time. The process requires you to concentrate and study in detail the area in which you would like to invest. Of course, a business project should be interesting to the investor not only as an idea, but also from the point of view of professional skills.

The path of development has already begun, and there is no need to stop there. Many are afraid to continue due to poorly formed opinions of others or simply as a result of a series of failures. You have decided to invest your accumulated capital, which means that only you can decide when to close your investments.

You always want to be the best in your business. Sometimes such a desire leads to failures and losses. Getting a large amount of money right now is a dubious goal for investing your own money. If you start taking risks, you should do it consciously and understand what it can lead to in the opposite case. In order to get a lot and constantly, you have to work for many years and know your business too well. Show yourself to be a successful investor and do not start your business with “failed operations.”

Finally, the main mistake of a beginner can be the incorrect formation of their own budget. There are situations in which an investor has not accumulated savings and turns to credit institutions for help. Perhaps this can lead to successful investment and repayment of all debts, but not in the conditions of the unstable economy of the country. These operations should be treated with great caution.

In the event of a sharp collapse in market prices, the bank may not be able to cope with the situation and will force the debtor to pay the debt. For such a situation, it is simply necessary to have reserves and spare funds.

Thus, by acquiring skills and self-confidence, trying yourself as an investor is possible and even necessary. When you stumble over your own failures, take them into account in order to have rich and necessary experience behind you for further development.

There are situations when it is important to engage in investment activities right now, and there is no time to gradually study the topic.

Options are offered that will help you get things done without special skills:

  • consulting with a professional for a fee;
  • appeal to mutual funds;
  • copying the work of successful competitors;
  • purchasing shares from large companies.

How to become a private investor using the right financial tools?

Now we know for sure that investing is our calling; all that remains is to choose a financial instrument that will help a beginner to realize his or her potential.

  • Stock

By purchasing a share in the authorized capital of an open joint-stock company, passive income will gain momentum. Co-ownership of an enterprise has its positive aspects, which attract the bulk of investors:

  • if the company is growing and young, it is likely to gain popularity, which will lead to an increase in the value of the shares.
  • the liquidity property of shares allows you to dispose of shares at any time;
  • shares may not rise in price, but you will always receive dividends;
  • The low cost of shares will allow beginners to gain experience with small savings.
  • Real estate

Owning real estate makes it very easy to make a profit: buying and selling, renting. In this case, it does not matter at all how many buildings are handed over for the conclusion of the transaction. This type of property can be commercial or residential. In the case of investing in commercial real estate, the income will be more significant.

  • Stock Exchange

The exchange tool allows both large investors and beginners to invest. Let us note that transactions are possible here for investors of large companies, and for foreign investors, including banks, and for private investors.

  • PAMM account, foreign exchange market or mutual fund

Do you want to take a risk? This place is created for dangerous, but at the same time very profitable investments. There is an opportunity to cooperate with a professional who will help you make money on the stock exchange for an additional fee. Speaking of professionals: we can recall investment funds that are also ready to help you increase your savings. However, you will have to calculate your capital in such a way that there is money left for commissions.

  • Antique or precious metal

The instrument is most suitable for leisurely and long-term investment with minimal losses and damages. Owning such objects as property, it is possible to sell them at your own price or purchase them from banks at the price assigned by them.

  • Own business

Invested profit can always bring a stable income if you invest it in your business. You can try an alternative way of investing capital in the business of other entrepreneurs when you don’t have free time to run your own. Whether it will be a large business or not is up to you to decide, but you should always pay attention to the financial situation and conduct analytics of production forecasts.

Let's put it into practice

In theory, we know almost everything about how to become an investor. It just takes practice to gain experience. After an extensive study of the financial industry, the functions of the market and the selection of the best period of time to enter into business investments, you can get down to business.

A beginner should climb up the stairs gradually and with confident steps. This means that first of all you need to master such tools that will lead to the least likelihood of risks and loss of savings. In addition, the best option would be a gradual investment in production, which is beginning to partially justify itself.

So, with the modern development of the economy, there are many options where you could invest your capital in order to begin to increase it. Despite the temptation to choose the most profitable instrument, you should only choose one that has an understanding of its functioning and an understanding of how to manage it.

The main tasks that a beginner must cope with are:

  • misunderstanding of investment theory;
  • lack of material resources for investments;
  • incorrect approach to the idea being implemented;
  • forming opinions of relatives and friends that are confusing.

Obstacles must be overcome independently or with the help of like-minded people. The prospect will always be in the direction in which the investor understands, wants to gain experience and tries to apply the necessary knowledge. If the idea works and bears some fruit, this will give you confidence in your abilities and help you set yourself up for further development. Take the first step and you won't want to go back.

It’s strange that our community still hasn’t published an introductory article on how to start investing.

To avoid any questions: my investment experience has been since 2008. I invest in stocks, bank deposits, real estate (for rental), land (speculation on rising prices - in fact, this is one of the main areas of my work), I try all sorts of new things. He is a lawyer by training, but has no special education in economics. I try, test, gain knowledge, read available literature. In general, like most on this blog.
I have previously written about where an ordinary depositor should take money, and why bank deposits are unprofitable.

I’m clearly not the best expert on investing in this community, but I was the first to raise my hand on what I’m sure is an important and necessary topic.

Investments and property are the only way to escape poverty!

Three rules for a novice investor:

1. Forget about official inflation data. 5-6%, this is nonsense, look at the rise in prices and estimate the real level of inflation, even according to conservative estimates it is much higher than 30%. Therefore, Baku deposits are a reliable, proven instrument, but frankly speaking, weak. Although it doesn’t hurt to have deposits in your investment portfolio either.

2. Diversify risks. Invest in different tools. Combine both high-risk but profitable instruments with low-yield but reliable ones (high-yield and conservative - are there any? Tell me if you know).

3. Make an investment plan and adhere to investment discipline. Set a goal. In essence, the purpose of investment is to increase capital, to acquire more expensive assets, which in turn generate greater profits.

Determine how much money you need, break the process into stages (this will help you not get lost in the process, plus checkpoints to correct the movement). Decide how much you can save monthly. What instruments will you use and what is their average % of return. Having all this data, determine the time to achieve the first stage.

From practice: note that you will not be able to use certain tools right away, for example, if your goal is an apartment (to rent it out), first you can invest in a bank, as soon as a certain amount has accumulated, buy a plot of land, continue saving, and sell it after a year a more expensive plot, add what you have accumulated and make a down payment in shared construction, then pay off the balance within a year and the apartment is yours (even without a mortgage, although it is often convenient to use it for a short period).

As for discipline, everything is simple - invest in the proportions determined at the start or at the point of the last adjustment, do not violate diversification.

For example, start with stocks and banks. Can you invest 10 thousand rubles every month? Good: divide in half, 5 for a replenished bank deposit at 8-10%, 5 for stocks (a good cycle for beginners: I want to start trading stocks). For example, this is where I started, and I continue to do so now.

It is important to decide on the stages of investment, after which you can draw conclusions and adjust the strategy: invest for 1 month, six months, a year.

A few notes

Don’t listen to any financial gurus who sell courses on how to save a million dollars in 10 years. Unfortunately, their calculations often operate with a 120% annual rate. Where will they give you one? If they give it, then good, but even in all kinds of pyramids they try to offer more realistic percentages.

Don’t be shy if you can invest small amounts in the first stages. I started with 5 thousand rubles a month. Back then it was almost 20% of my income, but proper management of personal finances helps. In general, various books advise saving from 10 to 30% for investments.

Try to understand the area where you want to invest or use tools that you understand.

By trying different options, seeing what others do, you will collect your portfolio, find 1-2 areas that give you the greatest income (again, in this case, do not forget about dividing investments.).

Investment navigator: deposit in a bank, currency (+ FOREX), shares (stock exchange), mutual funds, precious metals, real estate, land, non-state pension fund, business.

P.S.: continuation of the topic -

The popular opinion about investing is that the process requires serious investments. This is justified to a certain extent, especially when it comes to assets with a high entry threshold, but you can start with a small amount.

Investing in shares

When answering the question “how to become an investor from scratch?”, one must understand that such activities do not always require significant capital. It is enough to have a capital of several thousand rubles to become an investor in the securities market.

Shares generate income and are an equity stake in the business., having the form of a joint stock company. Basically it means large companies on the market.

Advantages of investing in shares:

  1. Availability of inexpensive shares on the market.
  2. High profit potential.
  3. Stable dividend payment.
  4. Economic cycles are the constant movement of prices in the market.
  5. Popularity, which makes the cost predictable.
  6. High - this mostly applies to blue chips.
  7. Security of transactions and ease of acquisition, which is guaranteed by exchange control.

The list eloquently characterizes stocks as the optimal instrument for a novice investor. Although we must take into account the existence of risks. A beginner mastering the securities market will have to study a lot to avoid global failures.

This is a convenient business for those who are interested in "".

The difference between an investor and a trader is the purchase of assets that, for one reason or another, have been undervalued, but have good potential for growth over the long term. Trading is based on questions:

  • what kind of papers are they buying?
  • When?

Successful investor - practicing investor

Let's figure out where to start to become successful. The first stage will be a global analysis, taking into account information on the size of dividends. Choose the most profitable stocks. The second question requires an answer based on technical analysis and the correct determination of the moment to enter the market.

Investments will be profitable if the beginner relies on a platform that represents a theoretical knowledge base. You cannot enter the market and become successful without a specific system, otherwise there will be an increase in investment.

Many people want to invest here and now, but there is no time to acquire theoretical skills. For this category of investors, we formulate the following list of recommendations:

  • contact financial advisors - an independent one, and not someone imposed by a bank or insurance company;
  • if you have access to information about a profitable investment fund, copy the structure of its investment portfolio;
  • invest money in parts - this is how shares are purchased in parts, observing the same time intervals. This allows you to average profitability against the background of unsuccessful transactions;
  • consider mutual fund services;
  • diversify risks - use financial instruments of different classes;
  • wait for the economic crisis and invest.

What other ways to invest money are there?

Investors use not only , but also other methods that guarantee stable income:

  • investment funds (AI);
  • bonds;
  • futures;
  • investment coins;
  • real estate;
  • business startups;
  • projects on the Internet.

Understanding the processes that ultimately become manageable is a component of generating income.

Today, most people have already come to the conclusion that saved, earned and otherwise accumulated financial resources should not “lie under the mattress”, but generate additional income. And for this to happen, it is necessary to launch a mechanism called “investment of equity capital.” Having a certain amount of money, after some time you can double or even triple it. You just need to be able to invest your hard-earned money correctly and wisely. However, today there is such a huge arsenal of financial instruments that many begin to doubt: “Will I make a mistake by investing money here and there?” Yes, the risk of burning out cannot be ruled out. But if you have certain knowledge and skills in the matter of proper investment of financial assets, then it can be minimized.

But how to become an investor, and not just an ordinary one, but a successful one? Of course, there are secrets and subtleties of investing capital.

Is this road open to everyone?

Of course, those who have no idea how to become an investor may doubt whether an ordinary person can even master this relatively new profession. Maybe it’s better to keep your savings, as already mentioned, “under the mattress,” or in a bank? Well, hundreds of people do this. But do not forget that your “hard-earned money” can be stolen by ordinary thieves, and a banking institution can suddenly go bankrupt. And you shouldn’t forget about inflation: no one can guarantee that money won’t depreciate in six months or a year. But the golden rule of economics, which says that one euro today is always more expensive than the same euro tomorrow, has not yet been canceled. Money must beget money; this is the only way to achieve financial independence. That's why so many people strive to get an answer to the question: "How to become an investor?" The sphere of investment today is accessible to everyone, and it is a mistake to believe that if someone does not have solid starting capital, then the path to becoming a rentier is closed. You can have a small deposit, and this is enough to increase it significantly. You just need to invest your financial assets correctly.

So, back to the question of how to become an investor.

What needs to be done?

It would seem that everything is simple: in order to invest capital in order to make a profit, you just need to have a certain starting amount and choose an instrument that will increase it. However, this is an overly simplified diagram.


Don't have any idea how to become an investor from scratch? Let's turn to experts in this field - what will they recommend to us? First of all, you must set a specific goal for yourself. Currently, passive income is a very vague, nebulous category for most people. Where to invest? For what? How long should I wait for profit? What if I lose my savings? These questions are usually asked by beginners. It is necessary to understand that it is not enough, for example, to invest capital in some fund and wait for the monthly receipt of money.

Investment is a complex process that requires detailed preparation in terms of knowledge and experience.

Before investing money, experts recommend writing down all stages of the activity on paper: it is important not only to determine the financial instrument for investment, but also to calculate in advance the potential profits and possible losses. Be prepared for the fact that on paper you may have much fewer risks than in practice. Of course, it is difficult to part with your money, but, as the famous saying goes, those who do not take risks are... Financial planning experts especially emphasize the principle of prudence. Its meaning is extremely simple: when drawing up a plan, include maximum risks and minimum returns. In this case, you will know the most unfavorable developments in investment activities.

Knowledge is power

So, what else does someone interested in becoming an investor need to know? Where to begin? Naturally, the successful implementation of the above activities presupposes that the subject has a certain amount of knowledge. We are, of course, not talking about the level characteristic of an associate professor of economic sciences; the basic principles will be enough. Currently, there is a huge amount of literature on the topic of investing.

If you do not feel strong enough to master fundamental theoretical knowledge in the field of competent financing, you can use a service such as trust management. It will be discussed below.

Moral stability

If you want to become a successful investor, you need to have one important quality. Psychologically, you must be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to immediately “feel” your dividends from investments. Only dishonest businessmen can promise fabulous profits in a short period of time. It is in a few months that you will receive real money. At the same time, at first you will be tormented by doubts about the correctness of the decision made, and your friends may even “twist it at your temple.” You should not listen to advice from those who have never invested and have never been an expert in this matter. Continue to monitor the market situation and withdraw money only if there are serious threats of risks.

Preparedness for losses

Of course, you shouldn’t think that becoming an investor is easy. Many people are scared off by the fact that by investing money, you may not increase it, but, on the contrary, lose it. Well, this is entrepreneurial activity, and it was, is and will be fraught with risks. And you shouldn’t think that you are somehow “special”, so you can miraculously avoid them.

We must try to minimize losses. And even if you went bankrupt with one financing instrument, this does not mean that the others are also bad and you cannot make money on them.

What else should you keep in mind?

If you are new to investing, you should not start with huge amounts (if any, of course). The size of the investment should be such that its loss will not seriously worsen your financial situation. Modern projects allow you to work with minimal amounts ($10), so almost anyone can start. However, you need to remember that investing involves a single share. The profit is noticeable when there is a systematic infusion of money into a specific program.

Here is an example of a competent approach to business. Invest a deposit of $10 at 50% per annum. After 12 months, you will already have $15 in your account. Add another $10 to it every month, and in a year you will become the owner of $156, in two - $406, and in three - $807.

After analyzing the above recommendations, you will be much less afraid of the question: “How to become a private investor?”, and after you put them into practice, your financial condition will “straighten out” within a few months. The main thing is consistency in actions and strict adherence to all stages of planning.

Investment methods

There is a certain amount of money, the theory has been studied, a plan has been drawn up... What's next? Now you should choose a specific financial instrument for making a profit, of which there are quite a lot today. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Transactions on exchanges

According to a huge number of experts, one of the effective investment tools is trading operations in the securities and currency markets. In just six months, this business can bring enormous profits. At the same time, experts warn that the most profitable deals are fraught with serious risks. To operate successfully on the stock exchange, you need a lot of experience and knowledge. Even seasoned traders are not immune from losses.

PAMM accounts

If trading on the stock exchange does not appeal to you, you can invest money in this instrument. Its advantage is that the investor is offered the option of “trust management”. By using it, you entrust your money to a professional who will double your capital, and he receives a reward for his work. Naturally, in this case, you are not required to know all the theoretical aspects that explain the laws by which the investment market exists. In certain cases, using a PAMM account you can get up to 100% per annum.

Mutual funds

This tool belongs to the category of the most secure. You purchase securities of several commercial structures and become their co-owner. After some time, the shares bring you profits, so-called dividends. Of course, the cost of securities constantly varies from small to large, and vice versa, so it is very important to be able to predict market conditions.

However, even with the most conservative estimates, a mutual fund can bring a profit of 10-15% per annum.

Bank deposit

A classic investment option. It is very important to choose a bank that offers the most favorable interest rate. The amount of profit here is also affected by the fact in which currency you make the deposit. The ruble is more susceptible to inflation than the dollar and euro.

Real estate

This is a tool that will generate stable income. Do you want to become an investor in construction? Then it is important to remember a few nuances. First, decide on the amount of starting capital. If you invest in residential real estate, the income will be one, but if you invest in commercial real estate, it will be different. Secondly, you must understand the laws by which the real estate market operates. As practice shows, large investors are born from experienced employees of real estate companies. And finally, you should think in detail in advance about ways to minimize potential risks, since the real estate market is quite volatile today.


In general, investing is a profitable and interesting activity. Get rid of laziness, and most importantly, get rid of the thought that you do not have the starting capital to start. A small amount is enough for this. Put a clear plan on paper, calculate your potential profits and losses, and start taking action. Good luck!