Grants for small and medium-sized businesses. Small business grants: where to find and how to get them

To implement any business idea, you need a certain amount of start-up capital. If you don't have the money to open your own business, don't give up on your dream. The easiest way out of this situation is to seek help from the state. You will learn how to get grants for starting a small business for aspiring entrepreneurs in 2019 from this article.

Who receives grants?

Almost every entrepreneur dreams of receiving a grant to start a business. However, only unemployed citizens who are registered with the employment center, or entrepreneurs who want to expand their existing business, can apply for a cash subsidy.

When issuing grants for starting a business in 2019, foreign sponsors insist that the allocated funds be spent in full accordance with the business plan. The state pays more attention to social protection of the population and employment of citizens. In this regard, foreign investors usually finance enterprises that have already participated in similar programs, and government funds more often issue business start-up grants to aspiring entrepreneurs. At the same time, they give preference to socially vulnerable segments of the population:

  • University graduates;
  • Citizens who have been laid off;
  • Single moms;
  • Disabled people, etc.

According to the law, a grant for opening a small business in 2019 can be received by citizens over 18 years of age who want to engage in entrepreneurial activity in our country.

Application deadlines

Now let’s try to figure out where to get a grant to start a business. First of all, visit the district small business development center. There they will tell you where to go and what documents you need to collect. In addition, information about holding competitions for government grants to start a business can be found in regional print media or on the Internet. Application deadlines and requirements for competition participants can also be obtained from the Ministry of Economic Development and local administration.

If you try hard, you can find a fund that will finance the most extravagant project. And yet, to be guaranteed to receive a grant, you need to look for more. Experts recommend that beginners focus on the service sector.

You can open:

  • Training courses;
  • Auto repair shop;
  • Cleaning company;
  • Design studio;
  • Marketing agency.

If you don't know, you can rent out commercial and residential properties. But in this case, one cannot count on state support.

Requirements for applicants

Each foundation that issues grants has certain requirements for competition participants. As a rule, these requests are similar, so there are a number of general requirements that applicants for receiving financial assistance must fulfill:
  • Filing an application;
  • Project development;
  • Project protection;
  • Project implementation;
  • A full report on the funds spent.

There are also many small nuances that should not be overlooked. It often happens that a person presents a brilliant project, but cannot figure out the intended use of funds, and is rejected. At first glance, it may seem that spending money is easy, but if it is someone else's money received for the implementation of a specific project, everything is much more complicated.

Therefore, before submitting an application, carefully study all the reporting rules - deadlines, report form and procedure for providing information. In this case, you can easily account for every penny spent.

The easiest way is to get a grant for renting or purchasing premises, as well as purchasing equipment, raw materials and supplies. In addition, it should be taken into account that almost all government programs for financing small businesses are aimed at combating unemployment, so the commission gives preference to entrepreneurs who create new jobs.

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How are applications decided?

The most important question that many aspiring entrepreneurs are looking for an answer to is how to win a grant to start a business?

The commission that makes decisions on applications carefully checks all documents, and in particular the business plan. It must contain all the necessary financial and economic indicators and their detailed justification. Describe in detail. In this case, the commission members will get a clear idea of ​​the prospects for the development of your business and the effectiveness of the project.

An entrepreneur who does not provide such calculations will most likely be refused. In addition, the business plan must clearly indicate where the money received will be spent. You need to calculate everything in such a way that the commission members are convinced that these funds are not your main funds. The state does not support newcomers who want to open their own business solely through gratuitous subsidies. It is advisable that the amount of your personal starting capital is approximately twice the size of the subsidy.

Another important point is the creation of jobs. The more people you can employ in your enterprise, the better, since every project that is subject to government funding must be aimed at combating unemployment. But at the same time, the number of jobs should not have a negative impact on the profitability of the project.

Moving to the countryside confronted our family with a fact: there is no work in the village. This means you need to create your own workplace and generate income yourself. The choice of direction of activity was also obvious - agriculture in the Novgorod region needs to be improved.


Nine of my mistakes on the way to a grant

There were no special savings left - everything was spent on moving, and starting such a seasonal business from scratch is difficult. You will want to eat tomorrow, but the income from livestock or crop production will not be received soon. The same fact predetermined the refusal to apply for a loan - the bank will have to pay regularly, and it is impossible to grow agricultural products taking into account the loan repayment schedule.

Entrepreneur Petr Tatarintsev received a grant for starting a business of 150,000 rubles and shares his experience with visitors to the Moneymaker Factory.

The all-knowing Internet comes to the rescue, where you need to look not for how to earn 100,000 rubles in two days with minimal investment, but for very specific information about financial support for aspiring entrepreneurs. It turned out that in every region of the country there are at least two different programs to support newly minted businessmen:

  1. Subsidy under the self-employment program, provided based on the results of an interview and defense of your business plan at the Employment Center - 58.8 thousand rubles for every unemployed person who will be employed in a newly created enterprise;
  2. Grant for aspiring entrepreneurs from the Ministry of Economic Development with the direct participation of regions organizing competitive selection and evaluation of applications - 300 thousand rubles for the implementation of the project.

I failed with the first option - back in March, 5 people had already applied for the only subsidy allocated to our district under a quota. Having decided that I could not withstand such fierce competition, and the amount was not so attractive to fight for, I went to the administration for information to find out the conditions for receiving a grant under the second option.

In the department of economics and agriculture I was welcomed with open arms. Our area is not particularly prosperous and business is tight here, so they are ready to support every new business “from start to finish.” It was thanks to this that I eventually went through all the steps of the procedure for obtaining a grant - in any local authority they were willing to meet me and help me correct my mistakes. Otherwise I won’t see this money.

Error 1. Information about the program: a territorial reference is needed

I naively thought that the information I received on the Internet about government subsidies was quite sufficient. It turned out that the federal program operates throughout the country, but its main conditions are left to the regional authorities. Current information can only be obtained from the regulations of the relevant region.

The peculiarity of this procedure for preparing and approving specific criteria and program activities is that first the region must approve its version of the program, and on its basis a comprehensive document will be developed directly in the region. As a result, the main parameters and conditions for issuing grants to start-up entrepreneurs in our locality were adjusted only by June.

Mistake 2. Registration: no need to rush

I studied the final version of the competition regulations after the registration of the individual entrepreneur. If I had not listened to the tax inspector and chosen other OKVED codes, I would not have been able to take part in the competitive selection, because only businesses in the following areas can count on state support:

  • agriculture (OKVED 01.1 - 01.4);
  • construction (OKVED 45.2 - 45.4);
  • manufacturing (OKVED 15, 17-22 and 24 - 37);
  • social, communal and personal services (OKVED 74.7, 74.84, 93);
  • craft activities.

A specific area sets its own priorities, so in our case these types of activities included livestock farming, and in the neighboring area, all other things being equal, a grant was allocated to manufacturing enterprises. Although, even if the type of activity I had chosen had not been classified as a priority, there was still enough time to make changes and add the necessary OKVED.

Mistake 3. Collecting documents: pay attention to their expiration date

After quickly registering with the tax office and registering as an employer in extra-budgetary funds, according to the requirements of the program, it was still necessary to acquire a bank account. At the Sberbank branch, an account was opened for me in a few days; all I had to do was fill out a signature card and write a corresponding application with a request to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur. The received bank account agreement had to supplement the following package of documents for submitting an application for participation in the grant competition:

  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur;
  • Passport and TIN certificate;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • Information letter with statistics codes;
  • Certificate from the tax office confirming the absence of debt;
  • Certificate from the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund confirming the absence of debt to them;
  • A personally written certificate of the amount of revenue for previous reporting periods (why is it needed if I have just registered as an entrepreneur?);
  • Certificate of the average number of employees for the past year (of course, all zeros).

Addition: Leave an application to open a current account with Sberbank.

It was necessary to take into account two factors - the speed of issuing all these documents and their validity period. An extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs loses its relevance in 30 days, a certificate from the tax office in 10 days, and it is better to take confirmation of the absence of obligations to extra-budgetary funds on the same day when you plan to submit the application.

I had to order certificates several times that had lost their “freshness,” but it’s good that they were free. In addition, at the last moment I was saved by the opportunity to order an urgent extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which takes 1-2 days to prepare, rather than 5 working days.

Mistake 4. Business plan: following a specific format

To participate in the program to support beginning entrepreneurs, you need not only to present registration documents, but also to describe in detail your upcoming activities. For this purpose, not just any business plan downloaded from the Internet is suitable, but a comprehensive document drawn up based on the results of training in courses on business fundamentals.

In Veliky Novgorod, on the basis of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund, training was organized for everyone who wanted to receive government support in the form of a free subsidy.

As someone who has a higher education in economics, I did not need to take these short-term courses; I only needed to use the proposed scheme to draw up a business plan when submitting an application. The rest underwent training and attached a certificate of completion of these courses to their application for participation in the Entrepreneurship Support Program.

The business plan needed:

  • indicate the features of production;
  • describe the products manufactured;
  • characterize the organizational processes at the enterprise, taking into account the calendar plan;
  • calculate the required amount of investment;
  • forecast financial flows;
  • list possible risks and ways to minimize them.

In the additional application form attached to this document, it was necessary to calculate the budgetary efficiency of the project - the volume of tax deductions, and also indicate the number of jobs created. It was necessary to calculate other project indicators using the given formulas.

Mistake 5. Expense items: you can’t spend on everything

Funds received from the budget can be spent exclusively on those purposes that are specified as clearly and transparently as possible in the business plan and application. No deviation is provided. An additional limitation is the fact that only fixed assets that are directly involved in the business and generate income can be purchased with the grant funds. You cannot pay off debts to creditors or pay salaries to employees or make other current expenses using the grant.

For this reason, when filling out the application, I had to immediately think through the process of acquiring assets, taking into account the fact that I would have to confirm the intended use of funds - with payment documents. Difficulties arose - it was difficult for me to confirm the fact of the purchase and sale transaction of farm animals in private household plots.

It was necessary to draw up an agreement between an individual and an individual entrepreneur, which took into account all the main parameters of this transaction. Subsequently, this agreement became part of the report on the expenditure of budget funds and they did not immediately agree to accept it.

Mistake 6. Competition: important selection criteria

The commission takes into account only a few of the most important criteria to evaluate applicants, assigning points to each indicator:

  • Job creation - from 1 to 5 points when employing 1 to 10 workers or more;
  • Applicant's age under 30 years - 1 point, over - 0 points;
  • Own investments from 0 to 100% of the project cost - from 1 to 5 points;
  • Priority activities - 1 point, any other permitted activity - 0 points.

A prerequisite is that the entrepreneur must register for no longer than one year, as well as carry out activities in the territory of the region where he was registered. There are other indicators that the commission evaluates; they are spelled out in the regulations of the competition and, as it turns out, differ significantly in different regions of the country.

Mistake 7. Regional characteristics of the grant program

I was very mistaken that I had comprehensive information about the program, having studied the experience of several regions. It turned out that in the Novgorod region a grant can be received in the amount of 70% of the cost of the entire project, and also based on the fact of expenses.

That is, in order for me to receive 300 thousand from the budget, I would first need to make documented expenses for a similar amount and plan to shell out at least another 130 thousand rubles from my own pocket for business development.

In 2013, in other regions, for example, in the Sverdlovsk region, to participate in the program it is enough to undergo training, write a business proposal and pay 15% of the costs of launching a newly registered company, the rest will be paid for through a grant from the budget. In St. Petersburg, the ratio of own and requested funds from the budget should be 30 and 70%, respectively. Well, I had to curb my appetites and be content with the amount of 150 thousand rubles, because I had already invested approximately that much in my farming and could confirm these expenses with receipts.

Error 8. Deadlines for receiving funds: delay in payments from the budget

But I was unable to meet the expected expenses at my own expense in order to compensate them with funds from the budget - I decided to wait for the grant to be paid and then buy all the necessary equipment and young animals. This was another mistake of mine. During my first visits to the administration, when I was still conducting reconnaissance, I congratulated the employees on March 8, and when I came for the money, I congratulated them on the New Year.

Despite the fact that the money arrived in my account on December 20, I had to report on the expenses made on the 25th so that the administration would have time to accept the report before the end of the year. It was this feature of budget subsidies that cost me many lost months and nerves. The procedure for submitting grant reports turned out to be the simplest - I brought sales receipts for the purchase of equipment and an agreement for the purchase of farm animals, in the amount corresponding to the application with a business plan.

Mistake 9. Reporting: late implementation of the project

Since I did not receive the money in June, as expected, my entire project execution schedule shifted somewhat. In the spring of next year, I should have already received a solid income and given work to 3 residents of the area. However, this was only done with a delay of six months.

To report at the end of the first quarter, I must provide the administration with a certificate of the average number of personnel and a certificate of tax deductions and the absence of debt before payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds. As a result, they only asked me for an explanation about the reason for such a delay in the development of my farm and did not demand a return of the funds received, although under the terms of the agreement they could well have been forced to return this money. By the end of this year, I reached the planned sales volumes and capacity of my enterprise.

Now that I have experience interacting with local administration and knowledge of the nuances of receiving and using budget funds, I understand that free cheese is not only in a mousetrap.

Five years ago, three friends decided to open a fitness and health center. There was no money for training equipment or large-scale construction, but there was experience in coaching and confidence that the city needed such a center. Now they have two clubs in different parts of the city, and clients sign up on a waiting list. A grant support program helped make their dream come true: the girls managed to receive 1.5 million rubles. In this article we will tell you how to receive grants for small businesses, and entrepreneurs will share their stories and advice.

How to decide on a business idea

There are no “win-win” ideas for obtaining a business development grant. If you dream of opening your own business, thoroughly study your competitors. For example, when it comes to a coffee shop, visit several establishments, count the number of visitors per hour, estimate the average bill, find out the cost of rent, try working in a cafe. If you have no entrepreneurial experience, it is easier to start in a well-known field. This could be a hobby or your professional competencies.

Natalya Mantel,

We were were the first to install decompression simulators in our city and began to introduce kinesiology techniques- the science of correct movement. Our clients are people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, the main task is to help without harming.

“We root for those who are in pain.”

Marina Matashkova,

The idea of ​​opening our own bakery has been floating around in our family for several years. By education, I am a bakery and confectionery technologist; I have worked in public catering all my life. That's why I can replace any employee- knead the dough, beat the cream for the cakes, stand at the counter. I think this is the strength of our business.

Who and how can receive a grant for business development A

The state is interested in the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Therefore, grants to companies are given in the form of subsidies that do not need to be repaid. Business, in turn, creates products, new jobs, and pays taxes. It's like a snowball - such an increase in funds makes it possible to issue grants again and again to the next generations of aspiring entrepreneurs.

There are many programs to support start-up entrepreneurs, each region has its own. In the first three years of a company's existence, an entrepreneur can receive support on several levels.

Marina Matashkova, owner of the family bakery "Good Bread"

Still at the stage business plan, we described in detail all the expenses. For example, we included accounting expenses - our accounting is maintained by an outsourcing company, it is convenient and profitable. We pay for services from our own funds.

The cost of outsourcing services depends on the size of the company and the taxation system. You can learn more about the conditions and cost of accounting for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

Tatiana Lisovskaya,

We have a simplified taxation system; we also outsourced accounting and reporting.

To receive a grant from the state to support small businesses, as a rule, you need to provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • a certificate from the tax office confirming the absence of debt;
  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP);
  • a copy of the certificate of completion of courses for beginning entrepreneurs or, if the applicant has a higher legal or economic education, a copy of the diploma;
  • business plan of the project with cost estimates.

You can find out what grants for small business development are being issued in your city in 2018.

The survival rate of grantee businesses: 2018 – 84%, 2012 – 36%.

How to determine how much money you need to start a business

A grant is not the solution to all the problems of a novice entrepreneur. To receive funds to open your business, you will have to prove that they are really needed and confirm your interest with your own investments. Typically this is from 10 to 20% of the grant amount.

Marina Matashkova, owner of the family bakery "Good Bread"

A bakery is a business with large investments at the initial stage. Renting premises, renovating them, installing communications, installing fire alarms, purchasing equipment and furniture.

We had about 400 thousand rubles in our savings, we took another 1 million 300 thousand on credit and received 500 thousand as a grant. The amount turned out to be considerable, but still every ruble was counted. We wrote the business plan in the spring and received the grant in the summer. Our stoves are Italian, their prices are in euros. During the approval of documents and the competition itself, the cost of the equipment increased, we had to make changes to the project, change suppliers. This amount, over two million, was just enough for us to open. We partially did the renovations ourselves, but we ourselves figured out how to decorate the sales area.

Tatiana Lisovskaya, owner of the knitwear studio “Oblaka”

When I was writing a business plan, the curators explained, “You don’t need to add chairs,” that is, you need to ask for exactly as much as you need. In 2017, when I received a grant to open my studio, its maximum amount was 500 thousand rubles. I thought that 350 thousand is enough for me to purchase knitting machines and rent premises. And I received this amount. That is, the business plan must be real.

“I knit without imposing.” P Production of the studio of knitted products "Oblaka"

Natalya Mantel, co-owner of the Kinesis chain of physical education and health centers

People are surprised when they find out that for the opening of Kinesis we received a grant of 1.5 million rubles. Although at that time the maximum amount of support for a regular business was 300 thousand. Everything is very simple. There were three of us founders, each wrote our own project as part of the opening of one center: classes for adults with disabilities in the musculoskeletal system, a children's direction in the same area, and a yoga and soft fitness studio. The first two points, as socially significant, received a double amount of support, that is, 600 thousand rubles each. That's the whole secret.

We have invested a lot of our efforts and resources. You could say they lived in these rooms and did the renovations with their own hands. For the first few months we couldn’t even afford to hire an administrator and a cleaner. After training, I picked up a mop and went to wash the floors.

Even after the business reaches a stable income, you can not hire individual specialists and thereby optimize costs. For example, the services of an accountant, HR specialist and lawyer can be obtained at a price lower than hiring one of these specialists for work.

How to spend a grant on business development effectively, and what difficulties you may encounter

The number of applications is many times greater than the number of grants issued for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. The commissions that decide to support start-up businessmen include not only officials, but also existing entrepreneurs. They know from their own experience what services and goods the market currently needs. Experts advise applicants to set realistic goals for themselves and not to overestimate the planned indicators.

The commission immediately sees whether the business has a chance to stand on its own two feet. Now there is a trend that can be called “coming out of the shadows.” It happens that a person tried to provide some services, saw that they were in demand, after a year and a half he registered as an individual entrepreneur and wrote a business plan with an application for a grant in order to reach a new level.

There are no restrictions on receiving a business development grant, even based on age. As soon as a citizen can register as an individual entrepreneur, and this is possible from the age of 16 with parental permission, he has the right to apply for government support.

Marina Matashkova, owner of the family bakery "Good Bread"

We must be prepared for difficulties. My husband and I thought that as soon as the bakery opened its doors, we could breathe freely. It turned out that from that moment the main difficulties began. You must be involved in the process 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At first, going home at 11 p.m. was a blessing, and my work day started at 4:30 a.m., when I came to the bakery and kneaded the dough so that at 8 a.m. customers could already come in for hot bread and buns. Then we could afford to hire bakers and a salesperson. Now I come to the bakery later - at 6 am.

From August 1st we closed our doors for one day only, September 2nd. We just slept all day because we were tired. We warned customers in advance, but they were still upset that they could not buy fresh hot bread.

"We care about people." Products of the family bakery "Dobriy Bleb"

Tatiana Lisovskaya, owner of the knitwear studio “Oblaka”

A smile on a customer's face is what gives strength. When I see that a person likes the thing that I knitted for him, I understand that ready to work from early morning until late at night. There are more and more clients who value unique designer items. People are tired of consumer goods and want to wear beautiful, extraordinary things.

Natalya Mantel, co-owner of the Kinesis chain of physical education and health centers

Our clients are people with health problems. As sad as it may sound, there are more of them every year. We move little, lead a sedentary lifestyle, work late at the office and travel by car. Think, the secret of Kinesis's success is as follows:

  • we were the first in the city to begin to develop this direction;
  • there were three of us;
  • we believed in our cause, even despite the fact that our loved ones tried to stop us;
  • we were ready to work from morning to evening;
  • we did everything ourselves.

You create your own success. If you are charged with the right idea, no difficulties will stop you!

Physical education and health center "Kinesis"

What is important to consider: grants are not complete without reporting

A grant for small business development is not only assistance from the state, but also a responsibility. Your company must report for every penny of the grant spent and justify every indicator achieved or not achieved. Otherwise, the grant recipient may be required to return the money. Spending funds for purposes other than those stated in the project is unacceptable. Responsibility - up to criminal.

Artem Maryshev, Head of the Entrepreneurship Support Center of the Murmansk Region

It is difficult to predict with absolute certainty how successful a business will be. This is always a risk area. Members of the grant distribution commission evaluate the relevance of the project, market demand, and even the personality of the applicant, how passionate he is about his own idea.

Subsequently, this self-confidence and a realistic view of things will help the businessman achieve the stated indicators.If the business does not reach the planned level, members of the commission invite the entrepreneur to dialogue, help find a way out, give recommendations.

Reporting forms for all grants are different, but as a rule, filling out these tables is not difficult. They compare the planned indicators and those that the individual entrepreneur or LLC achieved in reality.

Marina Matashkova, owner of the family bakery "Good Bread"

Regardless of whether you will qualify for a grant or not, before starting your business I recommend writing a business plan. The project that we drew up for the first year of work allowed us to get to know our enterprise in every detail. See where, when and what expenses we will have, how much our income will be and how we can increase it.

We wrote a “business plan in reverse”. That is, they deliberately overestimated probable expenses and underestimated income. There are no mountains of gold in our project, but there are real numbers. By comparing planned and achieved indicators, we understand how the work is going and see our prospects. Production cannot be unprofitable if it is built correctly. Don’t be afraid to take risks, quit your job if you want to devote your life to your Dream Cause!

Natalya Mantel:

To be successful in business, you must know your business inside and out. When the manager is a professional, the staff will strive to achieve better results. I am proud that over the 5 years of our clubs’ existence I have almost never had to fire employees. We rarely write statements and for very good reasons. For example, when a person moves to another region. I still conduct training myself, clients have been coming to me for years. Our trainers regularly go for training, we bring specialists in new techniques. Without constant development, a business has no future.

Three months of accounting, HR and legal support FREE. Hurry up, offer is limited.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, state financial assistance is provided for the development and support of small businesses.

But what programs are provided? How will you receive a subsidy if you are just planning to open a business?

The legislative framework

Small business subsidies today are regulated by the following: legislative acts:

  1. Federal Law No. 209, which regulates the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation;
  2. Order of the Ministry of Economic Development, which provides the opportunity to receive subsidies for the development of small businesses;
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which guarantees the provision of state assistance for the development of small businesses if certain conditions are met.

For what needs can a cash subsidy be allocated?

It is worth remembering that this subsidy is free financial assistance for business entities that can be provided for a specific intended use.

For small businesses, the subsidy may be provided for the implementation of one of these purposes:

  • purchasing or leasing the necessary premises;
  • acquisition of necessary equipment or goods for further sale;
  • acquisition of intangible assets.

Funds allocated by the state must be be sent solely to promote your small business.

After a certain time, local regulatory authorities may require the entrepreneur to provide confirmation that public funds were used for their intended purpose; in the absence of reporting, administrative or criminal liability may be imposed on the entrepreneur.

Types and amounts of subsidies

All federal subsidy programs are implemented with the help of the Small Business Assistance Fund.

Today there are such subsidy programs:

Let us consider the amounts of financial assistance provided separately for each type.

“Umnik” program

Under this program, an entrepreneur aged 18 to 30 years has the right to receive financial assistance in in the amount of 500 thousand rubles.

This program is intended for young entrepreneurs who operate in the field of innovative technologies.


The main goal of this subsidy program is to assist innovators who seek to develop and launch production of a new product in any field based on the results of scientific and technological research.

It is necessary to take into account that this program operates on the principle of public-private cooperation. This means that part of the funds is taken from the country’s budget, and the second part is sponsored by investors.

Thus, the first year is financed by the state, and the second by investors.

Under this program, every entrepreneur working in the field of small business has the right to claim the amount up to 5 million rubles in several stages (50% is paid by the state, the rest by investors).


Under this program it is possible to receive a grant of up to 15 million rubles. These funds should be aimed at improving productivity, creating new jobs, and modernizing production equipment.


This program is primarily aimed at helping a young entrepreneur establish international cooperation with foreign partners.

This support consists of the development of non-commodity export-oriented products. There is no maximum threshold for financial assistance in this program as such. Size is calculated on an individual basis.


This financing program helps small businesses expand their capacity, and as a result, increase jobs.

Amount of financial assistance is calculated purely on an individual basis.


This subsidy program allows you to receive financial support in the amount of up to 20 million rubles. These funds should be aimed at improving production capacity, developing and establishing cooperation between small businesses and large industrial production in our country.

Receipt procedure

Obtaining a subsidy in itself is a very lengthy process for a beginning entrepreneur.

Initially, you need to register your status as unemployed.

To do this you need to do several conditions, namely:

  • do not have an official place of work;
  • lack of registration of entrepreneur status.

After this, you should contact the employment center at your place of residence and register.

It is necessary to provide such list of documents:

  • original and copy of passport;
  • TIN certificate;
  • certificate of education;
  • original insurance certificate;
  • certificate of average earnings from your last place of work.

When registering, you should indicate that there is a desire to open a small business and that the person is applying for a subsidy for its further development.

Drawing up a business plan

A business plan is an integral part of an applicant for a grant to start a small business.

This type of documentation must be contain such information:

After drawing it up, you must present the document to the department for working with citizens.

Passing the commission

After the business plan has been submitted to the appropriate structure, the applicant is informed of the date when he must appear for commission.

During the meeting, the commission asks the answers they need, and the applicant provides arguments why he should receive financial support.

Based on the results, a decision will be made to refuse or provide financial assistance.

The final stage

After receiving a positive response, you must register yourself as an individual entrepreneur and present a tax registration document to the employment center.

After this, the required amount will be transferred to the entrepreneur’s bank account.

Types and amount of subsidies in Moscow

Small businesses in the capital of the Russian Federation are provided with many subsidies. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the fact that capital entrepreneurs have every right to count on financial assistance up to 5 million rubles.

In this case, there is only one condition - it will be necessary to present a report on where the funds allocated by the state were spent.

But what kind of subsidies are they for small businesses in Moscow?

Let's consider each type separately.

Opening and supporting small businesses

This subsidy is provided in the amount 500 thousand rubles. The funds themselves are allocated directly from the city budget of the capital.

This financial assistance can be sent:

  • necessary equipment to purchase;
  • purchasing the necessary software;
  • other components that are necessary for the successful creation and development of a small business.

At the same time, do not forget about the conditions under which you can receive financial assistance. It's about about such conditions:

  • no more than 2 years must have passed from the date of registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • a company that is classified as a small business must employ less than 250 people;
  • The company must be registered with the tax authorities and must not have various debts.

Subsidy for the return of interest on the loan

This type of subsidy is most in demand among beginning entrepreneurs. It allows small business owners to provide significant loan repayment support, who was registered to open his own business.

Under the terms of the subsidy, the local municipality repays the loan debt in part.

For this it is necessary meet some conditions:

  • presence of individual entrepreneur registration;
  • The individual entrepreneur is registered with the tax authorities;
  • availability of a valid loan agreement that is no more than 2 years old.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the key condition - the individual entrepreneur should not be from the trade sector, and the loan itself should not be aimed at purchasing current assets of the company itself.

If we talk about the maximum amount of such a subsidy, then this figure is about 5 million rubles.

Reimbursement of expenses for leasing payments

This type of financial assistance for Moscow entrepreneurs is very relevant, since under this program you can get up to 5 million rudds.

Financial resources are provided by local governments if the entrepreneur has a financial lease agreement, which was signed no later than 2013 (if it was signed in 2012 or earlier, it can no longer be used).

The financial support received for this subsidy must be confirmed by a corresponding report after several months.

Features of obtaining subsidies for small businesses in Moscow

Moscow entrepreneurs have many advantages compared to their colleagues in other regions. After all, Muscovites can count on financial support in the amount of up to 5 million rubles.

In order to receive any subsidy for a start-up entrepreneur must submit a corresponding application with all accompanying documents to the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow”.

The main condition for receiving a subsidy is the implementation of entrepreneurial activity in the range from 6 months to 2 years - no more, no less.

In order to confirm financial activity, it is necessary to submit an application provide:

  • financial statements of the enterprise;
  • existing rental agreements;
  • various cooperation agreements and so on.

The entire package of documents with accompanying documentation is reviewed by a specialized Industry Commission.

If we talk about priority areas in the capital, then these are:

  • sphere of innovative technologies;
  • healthcare field;
  • education;
  • social sphere;
  • hotel business or tourism.

After the commission’s decision, the entrepreneur receives the necessary financial support, and after the same commission, a few months later, a financial report is presented on the intended use of the allocated funds.

For information on this type of state assistance for entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation, see the following video:

You have decided to step into entrepreneurship, and all you have to do is find start-up capital. Or for more? Everyone knows that without investments the business will not get off the ground. Should you seek help from friends or try asking for money from the government? Small businesses in 2017 can count on some types of grants and subsidies.

In any region, a start-up entrepreneur is provided with at least two types of government assistance:

  1. Subsidy under the self-employment program at the employment center. Unemployed citizens will be allocated 58,800 rubles for these purposes.
  2. A grant of 300 thousand rubles from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.


Each region of our country has certain quotas for the provision of subsidies. You can find out their number at the employment center. If there are few subsidies in your region, consider whether it is worth fighting for - the amount is low. There are regions where, since 2015, such subsidies have been allocated only to residents of single-industry towns or existing entrepreneurs.

It is possible to obtain the approval of the commission - it consists of no more than 6 people. Half of them are employees of the employment center, and the other part are invited guests. You will have about 7 minutes to answer questions from guests. There is no need to talk about the project, because experts get acquainted with it in advance. The main thing for them is that you understand the intricacies of your business.

You will have about 7 minutes to answer questions from guests.

Business ideas that are not eligible for subsidies:

  • stock exchange fraud;
  • network marketing;
  • sale of alcohol;
  • pawnshop.


Having received money from the employment center, you can safely go for a grant. Or you can go there right away - this time the Ministry of Economic Development will help you. The federal program operates throughout the country, but local authorities are responsible for the distribution of funds. This means that you don’t need to go to Moscow - contact local funds to support small and medium-sized businesses.

There are chances

  1. You registered as an entrepreneur for the first time, and less than a year has passed since that moment.
  2. You have completed training in the basics of entrepreneurship. For those who have a legal or economic education, it’s even easier - you don’t need to complete any courses.
  3. You are ready to invest at least 25% of your own funds from the amount of the desired grant. By the way, the percentage is different for each region. You need to check this with your fund.

No chance

  1. The company is at the stage of bankruptcy, reorganization or liquidation.
  2. You have overdue debt on tax and non-tax payments, fees, and insurance premiums.
  3. Your company has wage arrears.
  4. You pay your employees wages below the cost of living.

According to specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development, first of all they pay attention to the social significance of the project and the real possibilities of recoupment. The state does not want to give out money left and right. It is important for them that the company does not go bankrupt in a couple of months, but develops and grows. If the company develops, then stable budget replenishment is guaranteed. Each region identifies its own priority areas. Somewhere it is agriculture, in another place it is industry or handicraft production.

Package of documents

If you have decided, then start collecting documents:

  1. Application for a subsidy. The application form is different everywhere - look on the website of the Ministry of Economy of your region.
  2. Business plan.
  3. Costings.
  4. Documents that confirm the availability of production space (if premises are needed for the implementation of the project).
  5. List of creditors and debtors.
  6. Copies of contracts or draft contracts.
  7. Copies of required licenses or permits.
  8. Copies of documents for hiring the manager and chief accountant.
  9. Questionnaire for an individual entrepreneur or head of a legal entity.
  10. Certificate of availability and status of a bank account.
  11. Copies of constituent documents, if any.
  12. Copies of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or.
  13. Copies of registration certificate of individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  14. Certificate of absence of tax arrears.
  15. Certificate of completion of training.

Do not forget that collecting documents will take some time. Pay attention to the “expiration date”. For example, a tax certificate is only valid for 10 days. Call the Small and Medium Enterprise Support Fund and find out about the start date of the competition. Applications from participants are accepted for 1 month, so you need to submit documents on time.

What's in a business plan?

Entrepreneurs should remember that they not only need to collect the necessary documents, but also provide a business plan for their activities. This is a complex document that requires detailed study. It will be easier for those who have an economic education. And for those who have never had to compile one, entrepreneurial training courses will help.

The business plan must include:

  • production features;
  • calculations of investment amounts;
  • presentation of products or services;
  • description of organizational processes at the enterprise, taking into account the calendar plan;
  • forecasting risks and finding ways to minimize them.

Remember that the commission will evaluate each indicator and assign its own points. For example, the more people you can employ in your company, the higher the score you will receive. If you are under 30 years old, this is one more point for your project.

That's what you get points for.

What are they giving for?

There are some statistics on the issuance of grants. Judging by it, among the entrepreneurs who received the grant, about 30% are engaged in the provision of services, 20% have their own production, 12% are from the trade sector.

The easiest way is to get money for the purchase of fixed assets, for renting premises and for the necessary raw materials. As a grantee, you will benefit greatly from being willing to invest your own funds in purchasing the equipment. This will convince the commission that you are serious and believe in success.

As a rule, the state more often finances projects in the field of production and agriculture, science (mostly natural sciences) and education.

Among the entrepreneurs who received the grant, about 30% are engaged in the provision of services, 20% have their own production, 12% are from the trade sector.

Agricultural Grants

Agricultural grants occupy a special place in the system. As part of the state program for the development of agriculture for 2013-2020, the subprogram “Support for small businesses” was adopted, aimed specifically at helping small businesses.

There are several options here:

1. Grants for beginning farmers.

Available for specific purposes:

  • acquisition of plots of agricultural land;
  • development of design documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of industrial and warehouse buildings, premises intended for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products;
  • acquisition, construction, repair and reconstruction of industrial and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions, utility networks, barriers and structures, as well as their registration;
  • construction of roads and access roads to production and warehouse facilities;
  • connecting production and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions and structures to utility networks: electrical, water, gas and heat networks, road infrastructure;
  • purchase of farm animals;
  • obtaining agricultural machinery and equipment, trucks, equipment for the production and processing of agricultural products;
  • purchasing seeds and planting material for planting perennial plantings;
  • obtaining fertilizers and pesticides.

To receive a grant, you need to contact the regional competition commission for supporting beginning farmers, where grants are distributed on a competitive basis. The Commission annually publishes the terms of the competition before January 15.

To participate in the competition, you must submit an application in the prescribed form. Contacts of regional competition commissions can be obtained from state agricultural authorities in the regions.

This grant can only be received once. At the same time, it must repay no more than 90% of your costs for the acquisition of material resources for the development of the farm.

2. Grant for home improvement.

WITH funds can be used to build housing, purchase furniture and other items for a farmer’s home. However, such a grant does not provide for the purchase of secondary housing. It is assumed that the beginning farmer builds a house himself or buys a new one.

Each region has different terms and conditions of the competition. To participate, you need to track information on the websites of relevant regional departments, as well as regional ministries of agriculture.

3. Grant for a family livestock farm.

The grant can be spent on:

  • development of design documentation for a family livestock farm;
  • construction, reconstruction or modernization of a family livestock farm;
  • construction, reconstruction or modernization of production facilities for processing livestock products;
  • supplying family livestock farms and livestock processing facilities with equipment and machinery, as well as their installation;
  • purchase of farm animals.

The grant amount cannot exceed 60% of your costs. To receive a grant, you must submit an application in the prescribed form for a grant to the commission under the governing body of the agro-industrial complex of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

With the participation of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, an agricultural consulting system has been created in the country. The system's consultants will assist beginning farmers in applying for grants and resolving other issues.

Rules for "granting"

    1. Money is given to the organization to perform these tasks, and not to the entrepreneur personally.
    2. According to statistics, preference is given to the most realistic or most original projects.
    3. Not all grants are right for you. Spend maximum time studying the information: how much money is allocated, for what exactly. Otherwise, you risk being rejected - most often they are rejected precisely because the application does not correspond to the subject of the grant.
    4. If you really need money, then try to adapt your own tasks to the goals of the grant. But even here, be prepared for refusal: it is unlikely that a fireworks retailer will be given a grant as an organization producing agricultural products.

The purpose and amount of the grant are finalized in the business plan and then do not change.

  1. Money never arrives all at once, but comes gradually - in tranches. Each stage of the project will be financed separately. Moreover, where it is necessary to supply you with equipment, for example, office equipment, they will supply it, and will not give you money to buy it.
  2. Even paying off a bank loan can be delayed, but spending grant funds on other purposes is unacceptable. Any mistake is an indelible stain on your reputation.
  3. Complete all reports correctly and on time. Do everything as described in the instructions and do not violate deadlines.
  4. There is no need to wait for maximum grants for the first time. Ask for the minimum for what you can’t do without. Such an application has a much greater chance of being selected: it will immediately be clear that you will be busy with business, and not with furnishing your own office, for example.
  5. There is no free cheese here either: you will still have to pay income tax on the grant, so be prepared for this.

Remember that problems in the economy are not a reason why you should refuse to start your own business. You can always find optimal solutions. The main thing is to move forward towards your goal, and it’s up to you to decide whether to turn to the state for help or rely on your own strength.

There are people whose power lies in the money they loaned. And there are others whose power lies in the money they borrowed. Auguste Deteuf, economist, writer