Features of landing page promotion. Landing Page Promotion Ways to Create a Landing Page

Landing(or landing page - from the English landing page) is a one-page website created for targeted traffic and maximally focused on its conversion. The purpose of the conversion could be ordering a call back, adding an item to your cart, subscribing to news, etc.

In other words, a one-page website is tailored to a specific action pattern, during which the user becomes increasingly motivated to take the main action (purchase, subscription, etc.). No transitions to other pages, no unnecessary information – just a targeted lead to the required action.

Such sites are used mainly in commerce and for one product (service).

Below is an example of a typical one-page website designed to sell a product:

In this article we will show all the pros and cons of one or another landing page promotion option using the example of the request “buy nike air force sneakers in Moscow.”

Optimization of a one-page website

First of all, of course, we need to determine the group of requests for which we will move forward. The ideal situation is a small group of low-competitive requests, but this does not always happen, so you will have to be content with what you have. In our case, besides the obvious " ", there are a few more queries that you can use to advance:

  • nike air force sneakers for men buy
  • nike air force sneakers buy cheap
  • buy nike air force sneakers
  • Nike Air Force sneakers buy in Moscow
  • buy nike air force 1 sneakers
  • buy nike sneakers air force 1 07

We have decided on our semantic core. It's time to move on.

A one-page website, like a large website, also obeys the laws of SEO promotion, however, what is the strength of modern SEO? Today, the result of promotion depends on three variables: trust, user factors and content. Moreover, the second is directly tied to the third, and the trust completely depends on the age of the site. A typical landing page cannot boast of any of the above due to its one-page nature: the content on it is purely advertising in nature and you won’t have to hope for a large number of shares of the site on social networks, no one will just link to an obviously advertising site, and user factors will be very doubtful, because people don’t really like reading advertisements.

What to do now? Completely abandon the search engine promotion of the promo site? In no case!

Even despite their peculiarities, one-page websites may well make friends with search engines, but under certain conditions.

Internal optimizationlanding page

First of all, you need to optimize your headings and subheadings for the selected keywords. Ideally, one occurrence of the keyword in readable form in the h1 heading and one or two h2 subheadings.

Next, don’t forget about meta tags title And description. Tag title We fill in according to all the rules of search promotion, in particular with the inclusion of a keyword. In our case, the assumed title will look like this:

Nike Air Force 1 "07 sneakers in Moscow - buy men's Nike Air Force sneakers - Site name.

IN description We write the most vivid description of the one-page website using keywords from the list, keeping in mind that it may end up in the snippet. Today, the influence of the meta tag description by search engines it is reduced to a minimum, but this is not a reason not to register it.

Nike Air Force 1 "07 sneakers in Moscow - buy men's Nike Air Force sneakers – “Site name”

Don’t forget to also create and upload a file to the server robots.txt for search robots with instructions on what exactly to index. Here's what it might look like:

* Allow: /images/
Disallow: /js/
Disallow: /css/

User-agent: Googlebot
Allow: /

User-agent: Yandex
Allow: /images/
Disallow: /js/
Disallow: /css/
Host: site.ru

If your main mirror address begins with www in Host we write with www. If an SSL certificate is installed and the site opens using the protocol https://, which means you need to specify it with the protocol https://

So, if the main mirror is from www:
Host: www.site.ru
So, if the main mirror is with the https protocol:
Host: https://site.ru/
Please note that Host is registered only for User-agent: Yandex.

Well, no title makes sense without the text that it precedes. Perhaps the main feature of one-page websites is that the text should not only be optimized, but also advertising, i.e. one that will appeal not only to the search engine, but also to the visitor. Moreover, the visitor – first of all, otherwise, your conversions were crying. However, you shouldn’t forget about search engines, otherwise even the coolest headlines and meta tags won’t get your site into the top 10.

Since, from the point of view of the layout designer, a landing page is often a block structure, the text inside it is best divided into logical blocks by topic, placing in each of them optimized SEO text (i.e. text containing keywords from the semantic core) and an image on this topic.

The internal optimization of a landing page should also include such a phenomenon as a keyword in the domain name. Despite the fact that this feature does not give a decisive vote in terms of promotion, nevertheless, a one-page snippet on the search results page will look much more solid and attractive.

Another feature of one-page websites is the use of a menu with “anchors”, which allows you to quickly navigate through the site structure to the desired block, rather than scrolling through several screens in search of the necessary information.

Here we should finish with internal optimization, but the technical side of internal optimization of landing pages still remains unexamined. About 10 years ago, when landing-pages in the form in which we know them today did not yet exist, but there were just one-page selling sites with a simple design and an order form at the bottom of the page, search engines have not yet taken into account in their ranking factorshtml5 tags and adaptability of layout. Now they are taking it into account and you need to be prepared to design your website according to the new requirements of search engines.

Firstly, use html5 tags

for the address,
for a block of text,