Current government programs to support small and medium-sized businesses. Government assistance to small businesses

What does the 2016 small business start-up subsidy offer and how can I apply for it? Starting a business for many people seems very difficult from a financial point of view. Not all beginning entrepreneurs can realize their own plans due to a simple lack of funds. For this case, a state program to help small businesses was developed.

What do subsidies do for small businesses?

The state is interested in the development of small businesses, therefore, in 2016, a subsidy program is envisaged for implementation in the form of free targeted support for business activities. This is a payment of funds from the state budget that does not require repayment, which makes it very different from a loan or loan.

According to the program, subsidies for small businesses in 2016 are aimed at the following purposes:

  • purchase of production raw materials;
  • purchasing necessary consumables;
  • purchase/rental of machinery, production equipment;
  • on intangible assets;
  • carrying out repairs.

A special executive body is responsible for coordinating subsidies. Upon receiving a positive decision and financial assistance, the entrepreneur must provide a report on how the funds received will be used. This confirms that the subsidy received is distributed precisely for the needs for which it was issued, and the entrepreneur is fully responsible for it.

One of the features of the program is that the unspent balance of the accrued amount must be returned to the state budget. The same applies to situations where misuse of finances has been identified.

Attention: State aid is not issued for opening the production of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products!

Types of government assistance

The amount of the subsidy for starting a small business in 2016 is set in accordance with the purpose:

  • to support an existing business - 25 thousand rubles;
  • to open your own business with the possibility of increasing the amount of financial assistance - 60 thousand rubles;
  • to open a business (if the entrepreneur is disabled, has no employment, and is raising a child alone) - 300 thousand rubles.

In 2016, the terms of the subsidy assume that state aid is also provided for the development of an existing business. The company can continue to operate based on its own idea or as a franchise.

How can I get a subsidy in 2016?

To receive government support in 2016, you will have to go through a difficult path, but nothing is impossible. According to current legislation, even an unemployed person who has previously registered with the employment center can receive financial assistance (providing subsidies to unemployed citizens). You will only need a certificate stating that the person is not employed at the time of submitting an application for a subsidy.

To submit an application, you must draw up a business plan (an example of a business plan), which displays complete information about the type of activity, technology features, type of equipment used, and all suppliers of raw materials. The total cost of the entire project, including the amount of own investments and subsidies, is indicated separately. An analysis of the volume of expected profit, profitability, and payback of the business being opened will also be required.

The prepared project is submitted to the self-employment promotion department in printed or electronic form. After accepting the documents, the center will set a time to appear; in addition, experts usually recommend immediately opening a savings book to calculate the subsidy.

After agreeing on the business plan, you should contact the tax office for registration; registration usually takes 5 days, after which a certificate will be issued. Next, you should visit the employment center and provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • prepared and agreed business plan;
  • completed application.

Based on the package of documentation, an agreement is concluded between the state and the entrepreneur, then the amount of financial assistance will be transferred to the personal account (this usually takes 1 month).

Attention: In order for the subsidy to be accrued, it is necessary to correctly approach the preparation of a business plan and correctly present all the calculations.

Features of receiving a subsidy

What is special about receiving subsidies for small businesses in 2016? Government financing now does not require the return of funds paid if they were spent for the intended purpose, that is, it is not an installment plan or a loan that is provided, but gratuitous assistance. What is the benefit of the state? Such support for small businesses makes it possible to form a new economic unit, ensure economic development and employment of citizens.

The responsibility of an entrepreneur after receiving government assistance and implementing his own ideas is to maintain records. After 3 months After receiving money into your account, you must go to the employment center and provide information confirming the intended use of the amount received. These can be orders, receipts or checks. The provided report and business plan must be identical; if discrepancies are found in them, the funds will be required to be returned in full.

Attention: The subsidy program also provides protection from fly-by-night companies - to use the funds, the enterprise's activity must last for at least a year.

Some of the priority areas for which subsidies are issued for the development of small businesses in 2016 are the following areas of activity: education, agriculture, tourism, healthcare.

Receiving government assistance may cause some difficulties, but this is compensated by the possibility of material support for business development without the need to return the funds received.

April 07. One of the areas of development of the Russian economy is supporting small businesses. Funds are allocated annually for these purposes. In 2016, there are several programs aimed at supporting small businesses. You will learn about how to receive free assistance from the state and what documents are required for this from this article.

Why was the amount of funding reduced in 2016?

Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, the amount of funds allocated from the federal budget to support small businesses has been reduced. According to information received from the Ministry of Economic Development, 11 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget in 2016 (for comparison, 20 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes in 2014, and 17 billion rubles in 2015). Therefore, in order to distribute funds among all subjects of Russia, competitive procedures will be carried out.

Due to the reduction in funding, regions will have to identify priority areas of activity that require government support. Funds will be directed only to the most important areas of the regional economy: trade, agriculture, household and utilities, as well as innovation and the implementation of social projects.

Despite this, every entrepreneur can count on help from the state. This is regulated by Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007 “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation” and regulations.

Different government funding programs differ in budget, terms of issuance and validity period.

Types of government support

In 2016, the following types of state support operate in Russia:

  1. Infrastructure support (business incubators, small business development funds, etc.);
  2. Information assistance and consulting (training courses, seminars, webinars);
  3. Exhibitions and fairs (providing the right to free participation in such events, providing free exhibition equipment);
  4. Promotion of innovative developments;
  5. Registration of licenses, accounting support;
  6. Financial assistance (subsidies, benefits and grants).

Non-governmental organizations can also support small businesses. However, most often entrepreneurs are interested in funds received from the state. However, many do not take into account the fact that much more funds are allocated for other types of support than for financial assistance. Let's look at the types of assistance that are provided to small businesses.

Business Development Grants

A grant is a free subsidy from the state for starting a business. Many entrepreneurs want to receive a grant, so demand exceeds supply. In this regard, in order to receive a grant, you will need to work hard, but it is worth it: the grant amount can be 300 - 500 thousand rubles - and this is excellent support for small businesses.

In order to receive a grant to start a business in 2016, you need to take part in a competition. Grants may also be distributed by charities or investment funds. Entrepreneurs should carefully select a project. You should only choose projects that relate to your field of activity.

What documents are required to receive a grant in 2016

First of all, you need to register, then collect a set of documents:

  • Application;
  • A copy of the entrepreneur's passport;
  • A completed application form;
  • Higher education diploma (if available);
  • Copies of constituent documents;
  • Certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • Documents confirming the right to the premises (certificate of registration of ownership, lease agreement).

Important! Before each competition, you should clarify the list of documents, since this list may change depending on the competition.

Subsidies for small businesses

If less than two years, you can safely apply for subsidies from the state for the development of small businesses. The maximum subsidy amount in 2016 is 500 thousand rubles.

What documents are required to receive a subsidy from the state?

  • Application for a subsidy;
  • Feasibility study (TES);
  • Business plan;
  • A copy of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • Order on the appointment of director and chief accountant;
  • Manager's questionnaire;
  • Certificate from the bank about the status of accounts;
  • Statement of financial results for the last reporting period (accounting statements);
  • Copies of statutory documents.

Important! Subsidies are provided on the basis of cost co-financing. This means that only 50% of the costs are paid by the state, and you must pay the remaining 50% yourself.

Directions for spending received subsidies

  1. Organization of new jobs;
  2. Purchase of machinery and equipment;
  3. Renting premises;
  4. Purchase of raw materials and materials.

All expenses must be documented. The state selects and considers applications for subsidies throughout the year at least once every two months. In case of misuse of allocated funds, the entrepreneur is obliged to return them in full to the budget.

Self-employment financing

This subsidy is provided by the state to unemployed citizens who are officially registered at the employment center. The amount of such financial assistance corresponds to the size of the annual unemployment benefit, that is, about 60 thousand rubles. If you organize your own enterprise and give work to people who have unemployed status (officially registered at the employment center), you will receive the same amount for each employed person.

How to get financial help for self-employment

  1. Draw up a competent business plan;
  2. Officially register an individual entrepreneur;
  3. Receive funds;
  4. Draw up a report and attach documents confirming the intended use of funds to the report.

So, you have decided on your field of activity and are ready to open your own business.

Where to begin

First of all, you should clarify which government support programs operate in your region. This information is usually located on the city administration website or in the employment center.

Then you should register at the employment center.

In order to receive financial support, you will, of course, need to spend a lot of effort going through bureaucratic authorities.

Documents required to obtain unemployed status

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Certificate or diploma;
  • Employment history;
  • Agreement with the bank on opening an account.

After this, you fill out an application form indicating that you want to become an entrepreneur and take the test.

After this, you need to defend your business plan. The effectiveness of your project will be assessed by a special commission. The whole procedure is similar to an exam at school or university. If an entrepreneur clearly knows how to make money during a crisis, his business plan looks realistic, then, most likely, the commission members will approve the project.

After the defense of your business plan has been successful, you can write an application for financial assistance. The application is accompanied by a business plan and other necessary documents. If your project is approved, you will be invited to sign an agreement (contract). After which you can open an individual entrepreneur or register a legal entity. The last stage is the presentation of a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity to the employment center. Receipts for payment of government fees should also be attached to this certificate.

After completing all these procedures, funds will be credited to your account. The main thing is to remember that these funds can only be spent for their intended purpose.

Loan interest reimbursement

Another type of government support is reimbursement of interest on loans. Part of the interest on loans for the purchase of special equipment or machinery can be compensated from the state budget in the amount of 1/3 or 2/3 of the total rate. Funds are paid if there are documents confirming the payment of interest on loans.

There are programs to support small businesses in Russia. Not only that, they work. The main thing is to know where and how to receive free assistance from the state, and also to have the desire to work in order to contribute to the development of the country’s economy.

Business development is one of the highest priority government tasks. After all, business is the basis for budget formation. From this article you will learn what the essence of the small business support program is, how to get a subsidy and what are the conditions for receiving a subsidy in 2019

Economic instability in Russia, which has been observed for more than a year, has deprived many citizens of jobs and decent wages. Small and medium-sized businesses have become an alternative for this category of the population. However, due to a lack of funds, most do not have the opportunity to open their own business. That is why the state decided to issue subsidies for opening and supporting small businesses in 2019.

What is the subsidization of individual entrepreneurs?

A subsidy is a type of non-repayable cash assistance for business entities, which is issued for the intended use (business).

Assistance to small businesses may be allocated for the following purposes:

  • acquisition of premises;
  • purchase of equipment, goods for subsequent sale;
  • purchases of intangible assets.

The allocated funds must be directed to the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Government authorities will later be able to request official supporting documents from the recipient, for example, checks, invoices with the specified amount. If the funds were not fully spent, the rest will need to be returned.

Types of financial assistance and conditions for supporting small businesses

  1. Grants for entrepreneurs who are just starting a business, amount to 60,000 rubles or 12 monthly benefits. Grants to support small businesses are provided to individuals who have been registered as business owners for more than 2 years. Funds are issued on a competitive basis with the aim of using them for business needs, in addition to renting premises and paying wages to hired workers. The grant is also given to unemployed persons, low-income families with young children, disabled children, and former government or military service employees.
  1. To purchase fixed assets- the state program to support small businesses in 2019 guarantees the issuance of up to 60,000 rubles for entrepreneurship, which in the future will increase the number of jobs, tax revenues to the federal budget, and increase the social significance of small businesses.

Private entrepreneurs in the industrial, housing and communal services, economic and social spheres who:

  • prepare and defend a business development project;
  • will provide a complete package of documents upon request of the commission.
  1. Cash subsidies for business from the Employment Center 2019- the state offers up to 25,000 rubles for opening a small private business.
  1. Compensation for loans previously received for the development of small and medium-sized businesses- the 2019 program was proposed by the Russian Government for financial and property support.

To cover part of the interest rate, the entrepreneur provides a business plan and the necessary documents, after which a decision is made to provide financial assistance to this person.

  1. Financial state support for socially vulnerable categories of the population(those released from prison, disabled people, single mothers and fathers, graduates of boarding schools, etc.) - the program provides for the issuance of subsidies in 2019 up to 300,000 rubles to support planned measures for the stabilization and development of entrepreneurship.
  1. Training and internships at the expense of government funds, professional retraining(can be issued with full or partial coverage of expenses).
  1. Business incubators (usually based on Small Business Support Funds)- assistance in expanding the area of ​​working space (renting premises, warehouses, etc.), training in the basics of entrepreneurship, assistance in drawing up a business plan based on a sample for receiving a subsidy.
  1. Assistance in maintaining accounting and tax records free of charge (outsourcing).
  1. Promoting the development of innovative technologies 2019- the state allocates funds to cover the costs of promoting a new product, acquiring a patent and licensing rights for it (maximum 60,000 rubles).

Is it possible to receive subsidies to support small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation and where?

In Russia it is offered state. financing of individual entrepreneurs in special centers and business support funds, as well as in the Employment Center.

Getting help at the Job Center

To receive financial assistance, officially unemployed persons must register with the Employment Center and fill out a standard application form based on the sample.

You will also need to provide the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation indicating the place of registration;
  • TIN in the prescribed form;
  • document on secondary or higher education;
  • a certificate for the last six months indicating the average salary (for persons who were previously employed);
  • other documents (at the request of the inspector).

After submitting documents, service employees will be offered the option of receiving one-time (non-refundable) assistance for starting a business. It is best to first take entrepreneurship courses, draw up a correct business plan and present it to the commission for review.

If the decision is positive, you will need to register with the Tax Inspectorate as an entrepreneur, on the basis of which assistance will be transferred to the unemployed.

State subsidy for starting a business 2019: what is needed?

  1. Select the type of activity you plan to engage in.
  2. Draw up a business plan for a subsidy.
  3. Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  4. Apply to the state. body that provides subsidies to small businesses.
  5. Confirm the need to receive payments.
  6. Compile the approximate costs of opening and developing a business and provide it to the commission for review.
  7. Collect a package of documents necessary for obtaining a subsidy (passport, Taxpayer Identification Number, income certificate, etc.).

Within 60 days, the commission makes a decision to provide a subsidy as a way to support small businesses by the state, of which the entrepreneur is notified by mail and by telephone.

Subsidy programs can be found in detail on the website of the portal of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Social Policy.

In 2019, the system of state support for small and medium-sized businesses became more improved, which makes it possible to allocate assistance to various segments of the population for any type of activity.

See also:

What is state support during the ongoing crisis, and what are its prospects for entrepreneurs in 2016 - material in the light of the new year.
The budget for next year, based on the existing draft law, has already been assessed by experts as quite “tough”. However, the budget plans expenses for the implementation (or rather, the continuation) of a number of government programs, including the subprogram “Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.”

Financing of this budget item in 2016 will amount to 13,065,598.0 rubles; previously the amount exceeded 16 billion rubles, but economic realities forced adjustments to be made to the budget. In addition to this subprogram, partial financing of innovations, priority sectors of the economy, etc. is planned. – basically all areas of state support for the current year have been preserved.

Despite the decline in funding, which affected almost all government spending, state support should not be completely discounted. In times of crisis, entrepreneurs need to use all opportunities – we will list the main ones.

Types of state support for entrepreneurs in 2016

Subsidizing part of the interest rate on loans

A refund of part of the interest on the loan will be available to agricultural producers, as well as entrepreneurs, to compensate for the costs associated with the acquisition of equipment for the purpose of creating, developing or modernizing the production of goods. The area of ​​development and implementation of innovative products also continues to be considered a priority.

It should be remembered that subsidizing the costs of servicing loans is compensatory in nature. That is, an entrepreneur enters into a loan agreement, makes payments on it, submits an application for a subsidy, and if approved, receives compensation for part of the interest expenses. Unfortunately, there is no preliminary guarantee that the subsidy will be issued.

But if you are developing your business and in any case are forced to use credit resources, it is worth “checking” the possibility of receiving government support and be sure to use it, if available. Considering that state programs contain mandatory criteria, it is advisable to know them before concluding a loan agreement. Thus, subsidy programs limit loan terms and purposes.

For example, if an entrepreneur takes out loans for the purchase of goods and raw materials, and now decides to purchase equipment, perhaps the credit policy should be changed: use your own funds for circulation, and use borrowed funds to buy equipment, if such costs can potentially be subsidized.

Subsidies for the payment of the first payment (advance payment) under a leasing agreement

This type of state support was implemented quite successfully in 2015, and it is planned to continue it in 2016. We are talking about the purchase of equipment and transport. Passenger transport, as well as leasing for individuals, are still in question, but it is possible that these subsidies will be preserved.

You should pay attention to the following differences (both pros and cons):

  • The subsidizing mechanism goes through the leasing company: the buyer is given a discount when leasing equipment (transport); the issues of subsidizing the entrepreneur are not directly affected. The danger of “buying and not receiving a subsidy” is eliminated;
  • regular leasing is usually more expensive than a loan. But for each specific case the opposite may be true. For example, lending requires a higher down payment, and if it is not there, raising additional funds can “eat up” all the profitability. In practice, leasing is easier to obtain than a loan. For the general taxation system, leasing has additional “tax” benefits.

Subsidizing part of the costs of business development

Basically, we are talking about targeted support for certain types of business activities, the list of which is established by the region. Thus, in a number of regions, subsidies are provided for educational activities (preschool education, advanced training/retraining of personnel), support for agricultural producers and industries that are “significant” for a particular region. Often we are talking about compensation for the costs of modernizing production. In addition, government financing programs often contain requirements for the number of employees, as well as the effectiveness and importance of the project for the regional economy.

There are separate programs for subsidizing the development of folk crafts, but, as a rule, we are talking about financing participation in exhibitions and fairs.

Subsidizing start-up entrepreneurs and supporting youth entrepreneurship

To support youth entrepreneurship, the budget contains a separate expense item. As a rule, support is provided through grants on a competitive basis.
It is also worth noting the possibility of receiving government assistance through employment centers. Such financing is aimed at reducing unemployment and is carried out in two directions:

  • subsidies for starting a business by a person with unemployed status;
  • subsidies for the organization of additional jobs (accordingly, the employer employs an employee from among the unemployed).

Subsidies from the employment center are the most favorite topic on the Internet. But it is worth remembering that the most valuable information can still be emphasized during a direct consultation at the employment center, since it is there that the future entrepreneur can clarify the actual availability of funds, preferred areas of business and all the subtleties on this issue. Please note that in this case it is necessary to open an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity only after receiving a decision on the subsidy and concluding an agreement (“early” opening will deprive the right to such a subsidy).

Tax benefits

Providing tax preferences also applies to government support measures. The scheme in this case is more transparent, and the volume of such support is not limited by the budget.

Since 2015, the simplified taxation system for certain types of activities has received a reduced rate. Unfortunately, it is difficult to provide specifics within the framework of the article, since this benefit is established at the regional level. You must either refer to local legislation and study it yourself, or get advice from the tax authority at the place of registration or from a regional center (fund) for supporting entrepreneurship.

A general recommendation is that if you are just going to organize a business, you need to obtain information about tax benefits in advance. Some tax breaks have been approved for newly opened entrepreneurs, and in this case it may be important to immediately indicate the appropriate type of activity upon registration and apply for the application of the simplified tax system immediately at a preferential rate.

Advisory and information assistance

There is no point in covering this issue in detail, but this type of state support is definitely worth taking advantage of, at least to obtain information about other state support measures in force in the region.

Official registration of a business is a prerequisite for receiving government support

Providing a state subsidy is targeted financing and is subject to state control. Respectively? It is possible to receive financial assistance from the state only for an officially registered business and with strict adherence to financing conditions.

Starting your own business requires certain financial investments. Their size depends on the specifics of the planned activity, its scale, and the desires of the business owner himself. Not every aspiring entrepreneur has a sufficient amount of free funds to fully implement his project. Today, this problem can be solved quite simply; in 2016, the state actively supports entrepreneurial initiatives and provides various subsidies. Various small business support funds are also actively working, issuing grants to entrepreneurs. Finally, many banks offer business loans on preferential terms. We can confidently say that Russia has now created a powerful system of financial support for small businesses, and the entrepreneur only needs to understand the features of such financing and choose the most suitable option for himself.

Support for small businesses in 2016 - state programs

The most accessible option for financial support for small businesses is various government programs. In 2016, the authorities continued the previously launched areas of support, and also supplemented them with new types of business, for example, at the federal level they began to support developers of mobile applications for smartphones.

For all government programs for subsidizing small businesses, there are several characteristic features that the recipient of the subsidy must meet:

  • absence of debts on taxes and fees;
  • the salary level in the company must not be lower than the industry average;
  • work in priority sectors. Traditionally, these include: agriculture, manufacturing, nanotechnology and high-tech manufacturing, etc.;
  • the absence of foreigners among business owners, as well as grants and other types of financial assistance from them.

State support programs are implemented at three levels:

  1. Federal – aimed at entrepreneurs from all over Russia. These programs are characterized by significant subsidies, but at the same time require the presentation of large projects. Most federal programs provide for subsidizing projects that have already begun or allocating funds on the basis of partial co-financing. As practice shows, these state programs are already available to existing businesses that have a certain reserve of their own funds.
  2. Regional - implemented within a specific subject of the federation. Their number and amount of funding strongly depend on the budget capabilities of the region. In some subsidized regions of the federation, less than a dozen programs to support small businesses are being implemented with a funding volume of several million rubles, while in large regions the number of programs can reach hundreds, and the amount of subsidies per business entity can reach ten million. Regional subsidies are aimed at supporting priority sectors of the economy for a region or region and stimulating the emergence of new companies in these areas.
  3. Local (city and district) - implemented at the expense of the budgets of cities and districts to stimulate entrepreneurial activity. These programs may duplicate regional programs in content, but with less funding. But the small size of the subsidy allows us to reach a larger number of entrepreneurs who receive money from the state and can support or develop their business. It is local programs that take into account the specifics of doing business in a particular locality and allow them to solve problems that are relevant to small businesses. For example, in all northern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Irkutsk Region, where most goods are delivered by air, there are state programs to subsidize the delivery of goods by local entrepreneurs. In fact, the district budget reimburses the transportation costs of owners of retail outlets located in these remote areas. Thus, the business ensures low costs, and consumers receive goods at an affordable price.

Government subsidies for business in most cases are free of charge, i.e. The money allocated for support does not need to be returned. But it should be taken into account that these funds are targeted in nature, so they can only be used to implement the declared projects. The exception is programs for reimbursement of costs incurred, in which case the business has already invested its funds in the project, and the state compensates for the costs incurred.

Advice: To successfully qualify for a subsidy at the regional and local levels, it is important to use other government support measures, for example, seek free advice or undergo training on entrepreneurship. Government agencies keep records of entrepreneurs who are active in receiving assistance, and are always more willing to help the most active.

The goal of any government program to support small businesses is to stimulate entrepreneurial activity in a particular place, as well as in the direction necessary for the economy. Ultimately, the business that has received support should further benefit the state and society in the form of new jobs, solving certain problems with its activities, as well as replenishing the state treasury with taxes.

How to get a subsidy for small business development in 2016

In 2016, many government subsidy programs for small businesses are being implemented at all levels. To participate in a particular program, you must carefully study all the conditions and, if the business meets all the parameters, submit an application.

Most government support programs provide for the provision of a specific business plan, for the implementation of which it is planned to use funds. Most often, subsidies are provided on a competitive basis. Each business entity presents its project, and a commission of government representatives evaluates the proposals. Depending on a particular program, as a result of this assessment, either projects accepted for funding are determined, or one winner is determined. In the first case, the role of the commission is reduced to a formal assessment of the subsidy applicant’s stated requirements, and, if compliant, funds are provided to him. This option provides most subsidies at the local and regional level. In the second case, the commission selects the most serious projects that have the greatest chance of successful implementation. This is how large subsidies at the federal level are distributed, where the size of the subsidy can amount to several million rubles.

The declarative procedure is state funding for reimbursement of costs incurred by small businesses. Most often, these are programs for compensation of interest on loans or lease payments, rent, expenses for participation in exhibitions or carrying out research and development work. The subsidy applicant must provide the administration with information about the costs incurred and, if he meets the parameters of the support program, the state will reimburse the costs he incurred. For example, in 2016, in many regions, agricultural enterprises are reimbursed up to 25 percent of the costs of fuels and lubricants for sowing.

It is important to take into account such a feature of government programs for financial support of small businesses as restrictions on the time of its existence. Most of them are focused on the initial stage of doing business, usually for a period of up to three years. But in some priority areas of support there is no such deadline. For example, agricultural producers can always count on financial assistance from the state; almost all subsidy programs for this industry do not contain restrictions on the life of the business.

To receive assistance from the state for business, it is necessary to ensure its full transparency. For example, failure to pay on time will become a serious obstacle to the allocation of a subsidy, as they show that the business is either operating inefficiently or is evading taxes. Only companies and entrepreneurs who work honestly and are ready to develop not only for their own benefit, but also for society, can count on government support.

How to get money for business from the state free of charge

Particularly prominent among state support programs for small businesses are those that are aimed at beginning entrepreneurs. They allow you to start a business without your own start-up capital - the necessary funds are allocated by the state. There are such programs both at the federal level, for example, financing self-employment for the unemployed, and at regional and local levels.

Such programs provide that the support applicant can prepare a business plan and receive a certain amount of funds for it to implement the project. In some cases, state support projects also provide assistance in creating your own business, for example, for self-employment of the unemployed, specialists from employment centers conduct training seminars on entrepreneurship, help prepare or individual entrepreneurs, and develop business plans taking into account local economic characteristics and the wishes of future entrepreneurs.

Subsidies for starting your own business are free of charge, but a number of conditions must be met:

  • funds must be used only for business;
  • the business must exist for at least a certain period of time: from one to three years;
  • during the entire agreed period, the entrepreneur must not allow the formation of debts on taxes and contributions to extra-budgetary funds;
  • if the terms of the program provide for the creation of jobs, then these jobs must be created on the agreed terms.

As practice shows, almost all recipients of subsidies to start their own business create a really working business that develops successfully.

Amount of subsidy for starting a small business in 2016

Almost any person interested in this can receive assistance from the state to create a business. The officially unemployed have the greatest chance; the federal program to promote self-employment continues in 2016. Under the terms of this program, you can receive 58,800 rubles to open your own business; in addition, in a number of regions, the state also reimburses registration costs, for example, reimbursement of costs for state fees, registration services of lawyers, production of a seal or strict reporting forms, costs for.

There are also programs to help start-up entrepreneurs at the level of individual cities and regions. The size of the subsidy for such programs ranges from fifty to three hundred thousand rubles. As a rule, these funds are issued to business entities within six months from the date of registration for the acquisition of fixed assets or the creation of specialized jobs for quota categories of workers, disabled people, and minors. To receive such assistance, in addition to a business plan, certain conditions are often required, for example, the completion of specialized courses on entrepreneurship by the entrepreneur or the head of the legal entity.

Of course, the money allocated under such programs is not enough to create a large business, but even such start-up capital can help create a business of a lifetime that will allow you to find yourself.

Grants for starting a business for aspiring entrepreneurs in 2016

Help for small businesses is not limited only to government support measures; in 2016, many non-state funds that provide grants to start-up entrepreneurs successfully continued their work.

These funds are created by investment companies, banks, and large financial and industrial holdings. Today in Russia there are more than a hundred grant programs for creating your own business in a variety of industries from agriculture, (for example,) high-tech industries, for example, the production of nanoprocessors.

Conditions for awarding grants vary greatly among foundations. Some provide for refunds after a certain period of time or after the financed business reaches a certain level. Other programs are free of charge, but subject to certain conditions, i.e. The funds received in the form of a grant do not need to be returned, but some requirements must be met.

All grants are awarded on a competitive basis. The conditions and selection procedure are determined by the fund itself. In most cases, the recipient of a grant under the program is one participant - the winner of the competitive selection. Experts note that grant funding is much more difficult to obtain than government subsidies. This is due to objective reasons - when distributing government subsidies, the social component of a business is taken into account, including in relation to its owner, and when distributing private grants, the main emphasis is on the economic efficiency of the proposed projects - only ideas that are interesting from a commercial point of view receive money for implementation .

To receive a grant, a small business must not only meet the requirements of the financial support program, but also the idea for its further development must be many times greater than the proposals of its competitors. Grants are awarded to ambitious but realistic projects that, in the opinion of experienced businessmen, are capable of generating good profits.

Loan for small businesses from the state in 2016

Another source of financial support for small businesses is special lending programs offered by many banks. These loan products are aimed at a variety of business sectors, taking into account their specifics. For example, trading companies may be offered overdraft lines that allow them to purchase goods with prepayment at a favorable price. For seasonal businesses, some banks offer special loan rates when loan payments are lower out of season. In addition, banks can specialize by industry and lend only to representatives of one sector, for example, only construction companies, oil and gas industry enterprises.

The most acceptable for business are preferential lending programs with government support. These offers provide the opportunity to obtain a certain loan product on special terms, for example, with a reduced interest rate or a minimum down payment. For example, it allows you to purchase commercial vehicles on attractive terms.

Other government assistance programs make it possible to cover part of the loan or interest on it through special subsidies. The most popular in practice is interest reimbursement for agricultural enterprises.

Lending programs with state support are most often offered by banks with state participation - Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Gazprombank.

The government can also help you simply obtain loan funds. In 2016, a number of programs are in effect under which guarantee funds specially established by the state act as guarantors for small business loans. The conditions of such a guarantee vary, but in most cases the business is subject to the same requirements as for the allocation of subsidies.

Business lending has certain specifics; in contrast to subsidies and grants, in this case the funds received must be returned without fail. In addition, getting a loan for a beginning entrepreneur is quite difficult, since almost all lending programs are focused on an already operating business and require certain financial indicators from it. At the same time, applying for financial assistance from a bank is available to representatives of businesses that do not qualify for government subsidy programs. Therefore, in certain situations, a loan is a good alternative to a subsidy.

In 2016, small businesses in Russia have many options for receiving financial assistance both for creation and for further development. It all depends on the wishes of the entrepreneur himself; in the variety of subsidy programs, grant financing, and lending, you can always find the most attractive option for a particular project.

Successful development of a business always requires investments and, unfortunately, they are not always available, so obtaining funding from outside is a necessary step, the main thing is that it is deliberate. Various government subsidies allow you to attract funds to your business free of charge, which significantly helps at the stage of establishing your own business. The money received in the form of a grant will also be a good help at the start of the implementation of a business idea or will ensure its successful further development. A loan taken on time will enable the business to reach a new level, begin implementing new projects, and form a new direction.

Regardless of how financial assistance is received, it should always go to the needs of the business; only in this case can a certain positive effect be achieved. Even if the funding is not targeted, then investing these funds in the business will only benefit it.

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An entrepreneur should not be afraid to participate in government support programs for small businesses, grant projects of investment funds - this is all a real opportunity to change his life for the better, and a reasonable approach and utmost honesty will provide reliable protection from any problems.

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