How to promote massage services. Massage business at home for beginners - how to start? Service comfort

Good afternoon dear friends!

Every time you start communicating with a potential client, the question is “where are the cases?”. After the fifth such question, I nevertheless decided to allocate N hours of time and write my case for promotion. Case first, do not judge strictly.

Favorable price 1500 rubles. for an hour of massage.
The ability to quickly process applications from potential customers. Always in touch.
Good quality of services and, as a result, high LTV (80% of repeated entries), and this allows you not to save much on the price of an attracted client, even at an initially low price of services.
Recording by the customer of all requests from potential customers in the table (example below).

Create groups from scratch with 0 members.
Lack of reviews in groups.
I had to convince the customer of the importance of content.
No time/money for beautiful design and branding.
There is no demand for Thai massage as a service. People do not understand what it is and why.

*Spoiler: all problems are solvable.


Created and designed groups in VK and FB. We uploaded a photo of the office, diplomas, a photo of the massage process, some personal photos from a trip to Thailand. Filled in the block with goods.
- Prepared a file for tracking applications from potential customers (example table).
- Created a content plan for social media posts networks

First job

Characterized the target audience of massage lovers

Although men go for massages, their wives record them. Themselves rarely.
- Girls and boys under 30, although they go for a massage, but these are one-time visits. They cannot afford regular massages.
- People over 50 don't go for massages. If they go, then if their children write down.
- We thought over the geography more carefully according to the principle “where the client will not go to waste”. Because even the most loyal clients, having moved to another district of Moscow, stop going for a massage. Therefore, only local residents. It turned out within the nearest major highways.
- There are no special interests and hobbies among massage lovers. Office workers lead a sedentary lifestyle, constantly at the computer. They have "everything is clamped, tense."
- Clients for a massage for a figure go in fits and starts, they are always urgent, after a course of massage they disappear.

Massage advertisement template.

Spinning ads

Then we decided to go back to what we originally planned. Narrowed the age of the show from 30 to 50 years, the gender of the woman living in the desired radius. This audience seemed too simple to test just one. 🙂 They didn’t restrict by categories of interests, the coverage was initially small, only 9,000 people.

In contact with


Today, one of the most developing activities is the provision of services in the field of rejuvenation and relaxation.

The influence of acupressure (massage) on certain areas of the body can lead to a decrease in the risk of joint disease, and blood flow contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin as a whole.

Massage parlors are an excellent way to get rid of most ailments, and many businessmen, noting the high demand for this type of service, have begun to open these centers.

Indeed, massage as a business brings a solid income, due to the constant “influx” of customers, which contributes to the fastest payback of the event.

But what if you are a novice entrepreneur and simply do not have an impressive start-up capital to implement your idea?

To solve this problem, you can open your own massage parlor at home, which will hit your wallet much less.

At the very beginning of your activity, in order to form your own ready-made cabinet, you need to:

  • two relaxation chairs (approximate cost from 10 thousand rubles per unit of goods);
  • specialized couch (50 thousand rubles);
  • various warming and relaxing creams and oils (cost about 7 thousand rubles);
  • advertising costs in social networking communities (cost 10 thousand rubles for 1 month);
  • a set of white towels and sheets for massage (cost 8,000 rubles).

Thus, the total cost is 85 thousand rubles, which almost anyone can afford.

It is worth noting that in 1 session you can earn up to two thousand rubles, and this is a solid income at the initial stage. It all depends on your capabilities and ideas.

Expand your customer base by placing advertisements on the World Wide Web.

Business expansion

How long can you wait until you come up with a unique business idea? After all, sometimes it’s enough just to start doing something and develop. In the end, this will bring much more fruit than the empty expectation of a miracle.

Over time, you will accumulate a certain amount of capital and be able to afford to rent a room to open a massage parlor.

Form your own unique design of the finished office for the provision of services. Buy more chairs and couches.

Surround your customers with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Ask them to tell their friends and acquaintances about your center, take recommendations from them.

At this stage, it is worth thinking about replenishing the staff. This will allow you to abstract from the work process and completely go into solving organizational issues.

Indeed, sometimes start-up entrepreneurs cannot pay due attention to the promotion of their activities due to the presence of a permanent job, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the number of customers.

Hold promotions, start selling subscriptions for a certain number of procedures, reduce the cost of services provided at the most unpopular morning time.

This series of activities will significantly increase profits.

The formation of new massage centers will require a considerable amount of money, but the total turnover will quickly recoup all organizational activities.

For example, you will need about 900,000 rubles to open and maintain a new point afloat, while the monthly income, taking into account the cost of salaries and equipment maintenance, will be 150-200 thousand.

Positive aspects of massage

The idea of ​​making money on a network of massage centers is undoubtedly an attractive activity for many entrepreneurs.

We highlight the main positive aspects that contribute to the most rapid development and promotion:

  1. Due to the absence of strong pressure from competitors, this line of business is the most promising and in demand today.
  2. The absence of complex equipment, which eliminates the constant breakdowns and frequent need for maintenance.
  3. Relatively high income, due to the demand for the type of services provided. This has the best effect on the payback of all activities.
  4. The opportunity to implement the services provided in different areas, ranging from warming and relaxing to anti-cellulite massage. Indeed, today all types of this activity have a high level of demand among various segments of the population.
  5. Low costs for consumables (creams, oils and specialized massage products).
  6. No need for a large staff of employees, which saves more money, which can later be invested in expanding the business.
  7. The possibility of concluding partnership agreements with cosmetic companies through advertising and recommending their products. It is worth noting that some beauty centers "live" only on deductions through the promotion of certain product lines.

Summing up and highlighting the main points

As a result, the result of your activity will depend on the amount of applied forces, and not on a lucky coincidence. As a rule, nothing is given just like that.

On the one hand, there is a huge demand for massage services today. On the other hand, a large number of courses, a free work schedule, good pay and usefulness of the case create intense competition among private craftsmen. There is a lot of demand and a lot of supply in this market. Properly compiling sales texts for advertising massage is like building a springboard for a dizzying rise in sales of your office or studio.


Question price. There are only 2 possible answers, or " Yes", or " No". To increase the likelihood of a correct answer, experienced copywriters write several packages of tariff plans.

  • The first service package is the cheapest. It has a number of shortcomings that a person has to put up with.
  • Second- the most optimal, brings 80% of the profit and is singled out as a bestseller.
  • Third- the most expensive, but comparable in value to the second. Its main task is to show the contrast that the optimal package is not so expensive.

An ad can be compared to a human seller. Who will you be more willing to buy massage services from: smiling charms or gloomy bores?

Let's look at how to write beautiful texts for a massage advertisement with examples taken from real advertisements in newspapers and the Internet. For clarity, I exaggerate a little. So,
  • Make a short text for a massage master without water. Otherwise, it loses its meaning.

Badly : Our qualified craftsmen will provide you with professional assistance. You will be pleased with the beneficial result.

Fine : We specialize in anti-cellulite massage. The skin acquires tone, elasticity and rejuvenates, and the fat layer becomes thinner.

  • Don't talk about yourself, talk about the benefits. No one likes narcissism, but everyone likes the result. Here's a nice example:

Badly : Our masters constantly improve their skills and win regional competitions.

Fine : Our therapeutic massage at home is excellent for diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis, sciatica, paralysis of the limbs and recovery from injuries. And also with diseases of the intestines, respiratory tract and problems with blood circulation.

  • Empty words. Avoid clichés and clericalism without evidence: " you will receive the necessary highly qualified and professional assistance from us», « we are glad to offer you services», « we look forward to fruitful cooperation". Water is poured by stock exchange copywriters who write text for the sake of text for 30 rubles/kiloznak. Be natural. Here's a good example:

Badly : We do massage inexpensively. The price for a professional massage performed by our specialists depends on various factors.

Fine : The cost of a general massage at home ...rubles for an hour session. The price of an express massage is…rubles for 10 minutes.

  • "Creative" design. I exaggerate for clarity.

Badly : UsL Oogie mA C soot is Ta .

Fine : Masseur services.

  • header. This is a showcase of text. I wrote in more detail on this topic in an article about an article about.

Badly: Massage is a real panacea for stress, tension and the best armor against an unfavorable environment.

Fine: Rejuvenating facial sculptural massage in a salon or at home in Moscow.

Texts for advertising massage pictures

And now let's move on to examples of texts for an invitation to a massage.

An example of a radio massage advertisement (running time 1 minute 20 seconds)

(relax music playing) To relax after a hard day's work, to put yourself in order for an important meeting, to relieve stress after an intense workout, to recover from an illness, the magic hands of Zebra massage therapists will help you.

Gentle therapeutic and sports massages. Massage almost any part of the body:

From back pain, heaviness in the legs, aches in the neck, buzzing in the head. Thermal wrapping, cupping, vacuum, lymphatic drainage, edema, stiffness and hernia massage, hydromassage, anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks, thighs, barrels, abdomen, sculptural facial massage. Against salt deposits, osteochondrosis, scoliosis with elements of manual techniques. With nourishing oils and creams. Massage of the internal organs, with needles, stone massage, Chinese, traditional Thai massage…

Do not list everything! I can only say that there are deep hourly massages, and express programs for a few minutes for the busiest. For details and a personal selection of massage types, feel free to go to the girls and guys at the reception. The hardest thing is to relax. We are located at: Moscow, —–. Phone: 000 000, again 000-000.

10 secrets for writing the best texts for massage (based on the undying classics):

  1. Get to the most important first. The best advertisement for a massage parlor or a private master at home should be short. The first 3 paragraphs of the text should be loaded with interesting (profitable) information as much as possible. And if you want to create a competent advertisement for massage services in Direct or AdWords, then you need to fit everything into 70 characters. Isn't this art?
  2. Be Specific. Six faithful servants of Kipling will always work - What, Where, When, Who, How and Why. It is they who will help to close all the objections of the client and convince him of the need for a high-quality session of therapeutic therapy. That is why Q&A advertising is so popular. The more detail you can describe the service, the more you will sell.
  3. And God loves a trinity. Repeat the most important idea in the ad 3 times in different wordings. To make sure everyone understands.
  4. Write in present tense. It's like you're already having a session.
  5. Specify the price! A buyer who does not know the price tends to exaggerate it.
  6. Promotion“Order a back massage and get a neck massage for free” will work much better than “half price back massage”. Since the largest attendance of lovers to improve their health is on weekends and in the evening, it is best to hold promotions on weekdays during the day. Even the wealthiest client is happy to hear about the discount. Although it is like a rug for him as a gift when buying an apartment.
  7. Gift certificates and promotional codes also increases the effectiveness of the ad by increasing the volume of word of mouth several times.
  8. Write about yourself only towards the end of the story. When you have already interested the person enough.
  9. It doesn't matter how long the ad ends up being. The main thing is to read simply, freely and clearly.
  10. Call to action. This is the culmination of the selling text. Give the visitor a clear set-up by answering the question, "What's next?"

Example: texts for advertising massage on the Internet and social networks

Sedentary work in one position? Muscles clogged after intense workouts? Or just back pain? Welcome to my table!

Therapeutic massage is the best means for a good mood, a positive attitude and well-being. Improve muscle tone, disperse lymph or lactic acid, straighten the joint, relieve spasms, remove salts, toxins, toxins and excess fluid, get rid of spasms, swelling, adhesions, scars and seals, improve ligament flexibility, recover from injuries.

Without bruises, stretch marks and ruptures of blood vessels (blood mesh). Book a back massage and get a free hand massage. Sign up for an appointment right now!

For reposts - from me personally, sincere gratitude and pluses in karma, and from my cat - affectionate murmurmur 🙂

The structure of a competent selling invitation is standard, and has not changed for centuries: introduction (client's pain), decision (offer, proposal), objection handling (proof), call to action. Only the names and interpretations of technologies change. Follow them and you will be happy with sales.

Order texts for massage advertising from a copywriter

Some pretty words are not enough. The main income is obtained from regular customers, and not one-time passers-by. Slightly exceed expectations - people feel when they are genuinely cared for. A hack is a validated coupon, and it's pretty stupid to ride on it a second time in a tram of successful sales. And to order texts for massage advertising from a copywriter means to talk about the service beautifully, briefly, honestly and clearly.

View prices

Today we will talk about how to attract clients for a massage, whether it is a procedure in a specialized salon or the service of a private master. In a crisis, finding and maintaining a customer base often becomes a difficult task. Let's talk about ways to attract and retain an audience for a massage therapist.

How to start?

At the start of practice, many novice masters have a hard time - a lot of competition, lack of experience and other factors that prevent them from earning a lot do not make life easier. The following 5 ways will help you jumpstart a career in this highly competitive business, or at least understand how to get clients to a massage parlor quickly and reliably.

1. Gain experience in a specialized salon

Today, massage services are offered by many organizations in any city. This is not only about salons - it also includes yoga clubs, spa centers and so on. The advantages here are obvious - you immediately get customers, you can earn a reputation and accumulate your own base.

In addition, working in the salon, you will receive relatively decent money for your work. Having gained experience and formed the backbone of loyal clients, you can move to a more interesting salon or open your own practice and think about how to find clients for massage at home.

2. Look for your first customers among your acquaintances

It sounds doubtful, but this is where many people start - and not only in the field of massage. Just tell your friends about your new activity, immediately indicate the price of the session and give a discount. Be sure to ask to leave a response - this is how you earn the first money, again - experience, and accumulate social proof.

3. Ask colleagues and partners for help

The point is this. If you have a hairdresser friend, for example, ask him to recommend you to his clients who are expressing an interest in a massage or who could potentially come for a session. This kind of “affiliate program” offline can bring a lot of orders.

How to keep?

Having mastered the new business and received the first loyal customers, it is worth thinking about retaining them. Of course, the main advice here is first-class service and honest work. But there is more.

1. Increase Enrollment and Remind Customers of Free Hours

The fact that you have to collect the email addresses of all your customers is not even worth talking about. Let's say you do it. Then, at the beginning of each week, view the salon/office schedule and send information about free hours to the database. Surely someone will use this data.

2. Always Offer Extra Sessions

Suppose a new person came to you and he liked the massage. Tell how many more sessions you need to fix problems, offer a tentative schedule, etc. Remember, clients come to solve health problems - and the initiative should come from the master.

3. Call the contact database

People who stop going to classes should be attracted by discounts or special offers. You can send them a letter, but it's better to call and offer in person. This is how you get the most out of your customer base.

Of course, in order to promote massage services, attract new customers and build a contact base, you need a landing page. Internet marketing tools are extremely effective for small and medium businesses. There is one template in our Sales Landing Shop that is perfect for a massage parlor or private practice. You can buy it