What do you need to sell and how to trade on eBay from Russia? What to sell on ebay.

Decided to sell on eBay? Our article will tell you where to start.


Marketplace with auctions eBay helps to find buyers from home around the world, as well as for large businesses and just selling junk from home. Oddly enough, it is very convenient to use it, and at the same time, among more than 180 million customers, you will always find yours. So how do you do business with eBay and make money from it?

  • Go to the main page of the site eBay
  • Be sure to read the information regarding conditions for sellers
  • Look at a few ads - what exactly sellers write, how pages are designed
  • Understand the search job. Try to find something
  • Try using sorting items on the right side
  • Especially pay attention to the very first ads, as they are the ones that get a large number of buyers.

Choose a good account name

  • Of course, eBay itself may suggest that you choose a name, but it is better to use a name that will attract more buyers. Try to avoid any aggressive names, or names that will devalue your products.
  • In the title you can not write the names of sites on the Internet or e-mail. In addition, it is forbidden to use the word eBay.
  • Brand and brand names are not allowed unless you own them.

Register on eBay as a seller

There are two ways to register a merchant account.

Method 1: Create a new page

  • Open the main page of the site eBay
  • Select at the top right "Register"
  • Next will open registration form as a buyer, but we do not need it, so choose "Creating a Company Account"

  • A form will open to fill out, which indicates:

  1. Country of Residence
  2. Company name
  3. Full legal address of registration
  4. Company phone number
  5. Next, enter contact information - phone number, address and email
  6. The last block indicates the login that will be displayed on the site - this is your unique name
  7. The password for the account is also indicated.
  • After entering all the data, select "Save and Continue"

Method 2. Getting the status of a seller

If you already have a buyer page, you can get the status of a seller through it. For this:

  • At the top right of the page, select "Sales"

Sales button

  • Click "I want to sell to buyers from Russia"

  • Next click "Register"

  • A small form will open to fill out. Fill in all the details and select "Register"

  • You will see a message that your information has been submitted for review.

  • After receiving an email and completing registration, you can list your products

Setting the form of payment

Separately, it is worth describing this moment. As everyone knows, on eBay Many payment methods are accepted, but the most popular one is PayPal, so it's worth using it.

That's all! The registration process has been completed. Now it’s time to decide what to sell and, accordingly, start the process.

What to sell on eBay?

If you have not yet decided what you want to sell, then use a few rules:

  1. Trade what you understand. So it will be much easier for you to communicate with customers and select an assortment.
  2. Find out which items cannot be sold. Describes in detail what cannot be sold on eBay in the rules for sellers. You can see them.
  3. To minimize risks, sell what you have in stock or in small batches.
  4. If you're not sure what you want to sell, then it's risky to stock items without having any sales. It’s better to put a few things up for sale to understand what sells well and how the process generally works.
  5. You can start by selling things you don't need.

How to list a product for sale?

Look at ads for similar products first. Especially pay attention to those that have a lot of sales or applications. Think about what kind of thing you would buy and put the text.

Now to put the item up for sale:

  • Open site eBay
  • Login to your page
  • Next, go to "My eBay"
  • Select an item "Account"
  • And click on

  • Next, click on the button

  • Select here "Create List"

  • Write the title of your ad

  • Now select a category for the product

  • Select item condition and click "Further"

  • The system will ask you to enter your username and password

  • Add product photos

  • Select item condition and describe it

  • Set the time of the sale and its type (auction or simple sale)

  • Set the payment method and details for receiving payments

  • After all settings select Save to save the message or Review to see what it will look like.
  • If you click List It, then the list will be published.
  1. The title and description should be such that buyers can easily find your product. Write what kind of product it is, its brand, model, size and other data. Add a subtitle with additional information that will be shown when searching.
  2. Describe the characteristics in detail. It is in some categories. By providing additional information, it is easier for customers to find your product. For example, describe the condition of the item being sold. Or describe these characteristics in "Questions and Answers".
  3. Be sure to describe the condition of the item. Options may vary. It all depends on the category.
  4. Don't be afraid to add characteristics from the catalog, as many products are related to products from it. If your item is in this category, then you can choose a ready-made characteristic and even a photo. This helps save time on placement and get more buyers.
  5. Be sure to include pictures. High-quality photos will help you sell products faster.
  6. Determine how long the trades will be divided. The optimal time is 7 days, because if you install more, you may have to pay an additional commission. In addition, you can select the start time for the announcement.
  7. Select a Payment Method. We, as beginners, choose PayPal for now. Over time, this list can be increased.
  8. Please indicate which shipping method you use. If it is paid, then you can charge some fixed amount for the operation or calculate the price for each product separately. You can also offer a free shipping option to get more buyers.
  9. Write the conditions under which the return of the goods is carried out. Even if you don't have it, you still need to reflect it.
  10. Launch ads for your products through additional options, such as an additional subtitle.

I have a buyer, what should I do?

  • As soon as your product is bought, you will receive a notification. We recommend that you immediately issue an invoice to the buyer if you do not receive payment within a few hours.
    After that, send the goods using the selected delivery method.
  • When the buyer receives his package, he may leave you a review. We advise you to do the same. Only it is worth writing it on the day of sending. So, if you did everything right, then there is no risk and you can write an opinion about the buyer at this stage.
  • If the buyer has not left a review for you, then you can politely tell him about it, but in no case should you annoy.
  • Make the packaging beautiful and of high quality. If the item is easy to break, then poor packaging will be a cause for customer dissatisfaction. But the beautiful and durable packaging will leave a good impression. Be sure to remember how much you pay for shipping the item to determine an acceptable shipping cost.
  • If something does not suit the buyer, then always try to negotiate with him, since it is difficult to remove or cancel a bad review. Bad reviews scare off buyers, so try to keep the buyer happy.

Video: How to list a product on Ebay. How to sell on ebay?

Trading on eBay makes it possible for anyone to open a business without much investment, take an existing business to the world level, and sometimes just make good money by dismantling cabinets and pantries.

How to start selling on eBay

In order to start selling on eBay, you will need an account on the site (you can use a buyer account), a card and a valid PayPal account with the right to receive funds to the account. They must be linked to each other - i.e. the card must be linked to the PayPal system, and the PayPal account must be linked to the eBay account.

You will also need to be verified by the site, in some cases you will have to send scans of documents confirming your identity and that the account belongs to you.

And, of course, in order to sell anywhere in the world, you need to know English.

How to get sales and clients.

Novice sellers need to earn a positive reputation. Forget selling on eBay if you think that selling on the Internet is an easy way to make a lot of money, and overseas buyers are willing to pay for everything, and it will not be difficult for them to sell a fake brand under the guise of the original, a non-working item under the guise of a working one, and the main thing is to sell, and then think about how to deliver the thing to the buyer and how much.

Selling on eBay is the same business as everyone else, and you need to treat it accordingly - take seriously and comply with all the requirements and rules of the site, quickly and competently answer buyers' questions, send goods without delay, be honest and polite - all this will allow you to receive positive feedback, from which the seller's rating on eBay is formed. And don't chase sudden wealth - remember that a million starts with a cent.

What can you sell on eBay.

Before figuring out how to sell on ebay, you need to decide what to sell. The site sells both new and used items. The range of goods is the most diverse - from a rusty nail to cutting-edge electronics

There are a lot of clothes, shoes, electronics on the site. However, it will be quite difficult to compete with old, trusted sellers (especially Chinese ones) in sales of modern goods and clothes, unless you can offer customers exclusive goods or something hand-made.

In general, rare and collectible items are perhaps the best-selling items on eBay. Moreover, collectible goods for Westerners are goods that for us, residents of the former USSR, are of no particular importance. Porcelain figurines from the Soviet era, handicrafts, badges and insignia, Soviet banknotes and even newspapers - all this is sold on eBay and is in great demand.

Criteria for a properly listed item on eBay.

Good choice product categories. Placing a product in the right category will increase the chances of your product being found by a large number of buyers. The site will help you choose the right category. One product can be placed in 2 categories - this will increase the chance of a quick sale, but you will have to pay double insertion fee

Correct Product Name should contain detailed information about it - brand name, size, color. Ideally, a name from the keywords that buyers use to search for a similar product. Keywords can be viewed from competitors selling a similar product.

realistic product description. The key here is honesty. If you are selling a used product with chips and scratches, please indicate each of them in detail, accompanied by appropriate photos that clearly show the damage. Do not be afraid to give a detailed description of the shortcomings - this will not stop Western customers from buying, but it will significantly reduce the risk of receiving a negative review from a buyer who considers himself deceived. Agree, a capacious definition of “liar” in feedback will significantly reduce the reputation of the seller and scare away a large number of potential buyers in the future.

Clear and crisp photos. It is better to make them in the studio, or in conditions as close as possible to studio ones - in daylight, against a white background, with a good camera, so that it is clear what item is being sold and in what condition it is. There are many articles on the Internet on the topic "How to take pictures at home" - do not be too lazy to read and use their advice

The ideal option is to take several photos from different angles, for used or old things and objects, it is necessary to take out all the existing shortcomings of the goods in separate photos - chips, defects, missing parts on objects, scuffs and traces of wearing on clothes. Photo flaws can be corrected in photo editors, but you should not get carried away, because. the item in the photo should look as naturalistic as possible in order to avoid negative feedback from “deceived” buyers.

Adequate prices. Before bidding on a product you are offering, do your research on similar products and see what your competitors are bidding on. You should not overestimate the price too much, but openly dumping is also a bad idea. Competitors can complain about you, and the site will limit the possibilities of your account to the point of being unable to sell more than a few lots. Set an adequate price - remember the principle "more cheap sales are better than one expensive one."

actual shipping cost. You should not include the profit from the sale in the shipping cost - remember that the buyer has the right to dispute the overpriced, in his opinion, shipping cost, and you will have no choice but to return some of the money to him. If you want to attract a buyer, include the cost of shipping in the price of the goods, and make the delivery "Free shipping". This psychological technique has a positive effect on buyers - they immediately see the final price, without hidden fees and overpayments.

Costs when selling on eBay.

Product purchase costs. They can be minimized if you sell using the drop shipping system - post photos of the product on the site, and when something is sold, buy the product from the seller with a request to send it directly to your buyer. Many Chinese stores offer to work on this system, however, delivery times will be considerable and this method of sales is generally not reliable - you are not responsible for the quality of the goods and the timing of their dispatch. You can work on the drop-shipping system only with trusted sellers.

eBay commission– 2 types of fees – insertion fee– for exhibiting goods (Up to 50 lots per month – free of charge), final value fee- for its sale (charged separately from the cost of the lot and the cost of delivery) - 10% of the total cost, but not more than $250. Separately, you will have to pay extra for a more advanced type of store, the ability to highlight the description of the lot, show the lot on different branches of eBay, and other improvements to the account or lot. Read more about Standard Fees for Selling on eBay. Money is withdrawn from your card, which, in addition to linking to PayPal, will need to be linked in your personal account.

PayPal fee– is charged for the transfer of funds from the buyer to your account. There is a separate fee for withdrawing funds from a PayPal account - for countries that allow receiving funds to a PayPal account, withdrawals are usually carried out at a lower rate than the real one, for countries that do not accept funds to a PayPal account, you will have to pay intermediaries.

This is basic information on whether you can sell on eBay and how to do it. You can read more in the relevant articles on the Internet and, of course, in the rules of the eBay site itself.

The mentality of an ordinary person is so arranged that for the most part we do not know other languages ​​and are not going to teach. But how then to put up the goods for sale on Ebay (ebey ru, evau)? Western Bid offers detailed step-by-step instructions in Russian - how to register on Ebay, how to put a product on Ebay in the best possible light in order to sell with maximum profit.

So, if you are ready to sell, then think carefully about how you will do it. There are a huge number of experienced sellers on the pages of the Ebay online store and if you make a mistake, you will buy from them. Therefore, Western Bid offers this instruction for placing a lot on an Ebay auction, we have been trading for a long time and we have great experience. And if you are determined to start making money on the ebay auction on your own, then the first thing to do is to register. Next, press the button Sell. It's at the top of every Ebay page.

Select the selling format "Selling Format"

You must decide whether to put the goods up for auction, or sell at a fixed price. If this is an auction, then "Auction Style", or if at a fixed price, then "Fixed Price".

Select category "Category"

This is the section (part) of the Ebay site that has the most similar goods. Choose wisely. Look closely for other similar products. If it is in several categories, then in one the goods are placed for free, and in the second for a small fee. It is impossible to place goods on "maybe" as it will be withdrawn from the auction. And if this happens several times, your account will be blocked.

How to Write a Title and Description for an Ebay Product

Since Ebay is an online store (auction), it is necessary to sell according to the laws of promoting goods on the Internet. So a catchy, specific and competent headline is a must. Next comes the product description. Simply and clearly list all the main characteristics, the text must be literate (without errors), otherwise no one will simply find the product.

How to post a product image on ebay

Upload a product photo. The photo must be original. Drawings, other people's photos, photos of the manufacturer's website are not allowed. The better the photo is taken, the more likely it is to sell the goods quickly and at a good price. Photo format - jpg. You can add 12 photos for free, the rest are added for money. If you do not want to pay for the rest of the photos, then you can place the photo on a third-party hosting, and add links to them in the product (lot) description.

How to set a starting price for an item on Ebay

Next, you should set the starting price "Starting Price". The starting price, chosen correctly, greatly increases your chance of making good money on Ebay. If the initial price of the lot is low, then there is an option that the final price is unlikely to suit you. And if the starting price is too high, then hardly anyone will buy the product. Therefore, you should carefully study the prices on Ebay for a similar group of goods. It is possible to use such an option as buying goods immediately, without bidding, i.e. listing at a fixed price BuyItNow.

How to determine the duration of auctions on Ebay

The product can be offered for sale within 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 days. It is reasonable to calculate the duration of the auction so that their end falls on the weekend. Ebay is most active on weekends. It is worth remembering the time, that is, the difference in time zones. The product should be put up for auction when the target audience is in the middle of the day.

Below is a detailed instruction in pictures (March 2013):

ATTENTION! About how to arrange a lot for free and beautifully -.

Attention! Find out our email address to accept PayPal payments

What items to sell on ebay.

In a previous article, I talked about . The next sacramental question of any newbie in this field is: what to sell on Ebay?

In fact, you can sell almost anything. Naturally, within the framework of the current legislation and restrictions on postal items. Regarding prohibitions, you can read on the website of the Russian Post. Although, at the post office they don’t particularly check what you send there (at least they don’t look in Ukraine).

In the United States, the shipment of any alcoholic beverages and intoxicants, cigars, cigarettes, tobacco and tobacco products is prohibited.

It is worth walking along the mezzanine of the grandmother and you will surely find something suitable. There is room for fantasy here. If you find your niche with low competition (or no competition at all), you can make good money.

Unusual lots

What just can not be found on the "virtual counters" of the auction.

In 2011 they sold New Zealand. Despite the obvious joke, the lot scored 22 rates, and a whole international scandal erupted around the auction. But Iceland, due to default, was really put up for auction, the country went under the hammer for 10 million pounds.

In 2006, a businessman put a mermaid up for sale. The mermaid left for fifteen hundred bucks. As it turned out later, the “mermaid” turned out to be a hoax by an American sculptor.

They even sell tanks. For example, such an armored car is for sale:


Or you can buy this plane:


What is sold from Russia

Our Slavic brother does not lag behind and trades at the auction very actively. The range of goods offered is very wide and varied: nesting dolls, earflaps, Soviet toys, empty cigarette packs, matchboxes, stamps, beer cans, caps from various drinks. This list goes on and on.

I just went through the search and for clarity I chose some sold lots:

For example. Fresh lot. This empty Zhiguli beer can.

Went for $14 with shipping.

Calculator Electronics 63.

Left with $56 shipping.

Cologne "Lily of the valley".

A whole massacre broke out for this lot - 22 bets were made. Sold in total for $10.50

A bit of antiquity. From the description - Soviet vintage lingerie from the 1970s. It says not worn.

Sold for $21.

My experience

My first lot sold was a Soviet camera "Fet". Surprisingly, I sold it on the first try. I don't remember the final sale price. After that, I decided to actively promote photographic equipment at the auction. It was not profitable to buy such goods in antique stores, so I began to advertise in the newspaper about the purchase of Soviet cameras. For next to nothing (UAH 20-50 each), I bought Fet, Zenit, Moscow, Kiev, etc. cameras. I sold them 5-8 times more expensive. Also skipped the video camera "Quartz". In addition, I successfully traded such goods (I apologize in advance if I "burned" someone's niche):

Radio bulbs (they are still very well bought)

Bronze figurines (such a product is always in price)

Soviet wristwatches and pocket watches Molnija;

Electronic game "Just you wait" (sold and now active)

Books. I would like to talk about books separately. Various reference books were excellent (Manual for the operation of pistols, machine guns, etc.). The space theme is also in good demand.

Sold magazines. I had stacks of playboys, pentahuses, women's magazines about knitting. The markup on them was not very big, but still they were bought well.

He sold a lot of CDs with photographs of foreign celebrities. What I did. I downloaded assemblies of photos on the torrent, sorted, deleted duplicates, recorded on a print disc, printed a beautiful preview on a disc and sold it. Discs with photographs of Michael Jackson and Emma Watson left in years. Soon the shop was closed. The intermediary that accepted the money refused to accept payments for such goods (virtual goods, copyright infringement, etc.).

They buy well everything related to the Great Patriotic War: leaflets, photographs, household items, etc. I hope I gave you some ideas for products to sell. If you have any questions about the article, ask in the comments, I will answer.

In the age of consumption, a person buys various goods in quantities far exceeding his vital needs, and old, but still serviceable, things tend to accumulate in his home. And if old furniture and shabby or hopelessly soiled clothes can be “written off to the dacha”, then what to do with the rest of the “unnecessary” things that are of no use in the dacha? Of course, sell!


How profitable the deal will be and how quickly it will be made depends on the correct choice of the place of sale of the goods. And there are two ways. The first way is the simplest, but not profitable for all goods, this group includes flea markets, classifieds newspapers, thrift stores and local sites selling various used goods, for example Avito.

The second path is more thorny and it is called. On eBay It is possible to sell goods of certain categories with great profit. For example, your old smartphone, which is not even a year old, is more profitable to sell through an ad newspaper or hand it over to a flea market, but if you have an “unnecessary” Motorola released in the dashing 90s, it is unlikely that anyone with Avito be interested in such a rarity. But rare goods are in GREAT demand among users eBay. It's not that eBay this is a community of lovers of rarities and rarities, it's just that there are more than 100 million users in the world and among nicknames there are definitely half a million, maybe 10 million collectors of various goods.

You can try to sell anything on eBay. True, you need to adequately assess the legality of your actions, as well as the possibility of a successful completion of the transaction. For example, one resident of the Republic of Bashkortostan is trying to sell Russia as a whole, he even indicated that the country is in good condition, although it has been used for more than 1000 years! This is one of the screenshots of the page with the lot, the auction was stopped by the administration eBay when the current bid was over $100,000.

If we take the issue seriously, then residents of the countries of the former USSR can sell goods from the following groups with the greatest profit:

  1. collectibles: badges and boxes, stamps, coins and banknotes, but money in any form is prohibited from mailing;
  2. goods that have become symbols of the Soviet era: soldier hats with earflaps, pioneer ties, various “red” pennants, etc.;
  3. various Russian symbols: nesting dolls, bear cubs with hammers, whistles, Tula gingerbread, etc.;
  4. various rare electronics;
  5. products of local industrial and handicraft industries;
  6. HandMade goods, that is, made by hand.

With the first 4 groups of goods, everything is more or less clear. But I’ll tell you a little about “local products”. For example, you know a blacksmith (potter), agree that if you buy a forged rosette or an exclusive clay vase from him for 1500-2000 rubles, you can sell such goods on eBay or other foreign trading platform much more expensive: for 150-200 US dollars . Of course, you will have to study the market for similar products and carefully consider your price offer, it must be competitive and then properly issue your lot. This is an example of the sale of handicrafts.

The same is true for industrial goods. It is also necessary to find a group of goods in demand. For example, in my city there is a shoe factory specializing in the production of shoes for industry and the army. How much do you think a pair of leather boots with metal inserts in the toes would cost for a slinger or other specialist working with heavy objects in the USA or England? And in a store selling goods directly from the assembly line, such shoes will cost about three thousand rubles, which is only $50 at the current exchange rate!

Of course, in both examples, it is desirable to have the item "in stock". Otherwise, an unpleasant situation may turn out when the buyer places an order and it turns out that the desired model or size is not available in the factory’s warehouse or the potter does not wait until you buy an “exclusive vase” from him and sell it to that buyer who is ready to give money right now.

Of course, this is not a complete list of categories of goods that are profitable to trade from Russia on eBay, but it is quite voluminous and everyone can choose something for themselves.

Payment for putting goods up for auction, payment of commission charges for the successful sale of goods

After searching for goods suitable for sale, any merchant who values ​​his time must evaluate all risks, all items of expenses and income. If everything is more or less clear with income, then there is a small snag with expenses. In addition to the costs of acquiring or manufacturing the goods sold, a certain variable appears - the commission, which can be divided into three components:

  1. payment of remuneration eBay for placing goods for sale;
  2. commission payment eBay for the successful sale of each product;
  3. commission for receiving payment through the system PayPal;
  4. some sellers include shipping costs in the price of the goods, if you also want to do this, then this aspect should also be taken into account when pricing.

Let's look at each expense item in more detail. Pay eBay for placing a lot for sale on the site eBay it is called Standard selling fees.

In this case, a fee of $0.30 is charged for each lot displayed. This fee is not charged if the number of exhibited lots for the current month does not exceed 50 pieces (for auctions and goods exhibited at a fixed price). For some categories of goods, the free number of bids is 100 pcs., and $ 0.05 for goods put up for sale at a fixed price if their quantity is 50-100 pcs. per month. Regardless of the number of exhibited lots, a fee may be charged for additional services:

  1. setting a reserve price at promotional auctions: $2 for a reserve price of up to $200 and 1% for a reserve price of more than $200, but not more than $10;
  2. adding an extended gallery of photos to the product description: $0.35 or $1 depending on the duration of the listing;
  3. highlighting a product in the search, displaying the product in the recommended ones, displaying the product in the search on eBay sites in other countries, etc. from 0.10 to 2$;
  4. auction duration over 10 days: $0.40.

Of course, when displaying low-cost goods, it is not profitable to use these options and it is worth striving to reduce the fee for listing goods to zero. It may be more profitable to reduce the price by a few more dollars and then the product will sell out even faster. But if you want to sell a fairly expensive product, then it is much more profitable to use them to attract the attention of a larger number of potential buyers and therefore sell the product faster. After all, the faster your goods are sold, the greater your turnover and profit.

Each successful sale of a product on eBay paid by the seller in the amount of 10% of the total cost of goods and delivery. The maximum payout is limited to $750.

These fees must be paid eBay total bill for all sales once a month. The third type of fee is the commission PayPal for receiving and transferring payment for goods and delivery. Commission PayPal is 3.9% of the payment amount plus 10 rubles. The interest rate is reduced to 2.9% if the sale amount exceeds 1.5 million rubles, but this is not entirely suitable for novice sellers. Commission PayPal is debited from the seller at the moment of receiving the payment, and the payment already reduced by the amount of the commission is credited to the account.

Thus, when calculating the price of the goods sold, you should take into account the total commission fees in the amount of at least 14% of the cost of the goods and delivery. This amount will increase if you use paid options when placing a lot for sale.

eBay requirements to become a seller

Now let's talk about what you need in order to be able to sell goods on eBay:

  1. Auction experience eBay as a buyer;
  2. verified Email;
  3. the account must contain a mobile phone number;
  4. linked account PayPal to receive payments from customers and to pay commissions.

Surely, all or most of these requirements have already been met by 90% of the readers of this article. But despite this, it is worth discussing each requirement in detail: what it is for and how to ensure its implementation.

Selling on eBay requires a shopping experience!

It would be amazing if in order to become a seller on eBay would not need the experience of buying various goods on eBay. How can you allow a non-shot user to accept payments and sell goods. Several users contacted me with help to understand the reason for the blocking of the account, which occurred immediately after the items were put up for sale. Surprisingly, these novice sellers never made a single purchase. On the other hand, to the market of the Russian part eBay came out large sellers of mobile equipment such as Euroset, naturally, they do not have any purchases and reviews from other sellers. But in this case, the initiative rather comes from the Russian representative office eBay, which by the ears draws these big players into its trading floor.

You need a verified email to sell on eBay

Probably when you signed up for eBay You have already gone through this simple procedure. A verified email is required so that the buyer or seller can be informed about various events in his account, such as the sale of goods, messages from potential buyers. Indeed, from feedback with the seller, not only communication, but also the speed of order processing; depends on the success of its activities and the convenience of working with the entire trading platform eBay.

The seller must have a mobile phone number

In many guides to getting started selling on eBay it is indicated that the presence of a mobile phone number and a set telephone PIN code is a prerequisite. Perhaps this is so, in any case, creating such a PIN code is not difficult, but with its help you can very easily restore access to your account or contact the contact center eBay right from your phone. This may be necessary if attackers gain access to your merchant account.

So, to prepare your account eBay to the beginning of sales, go to the section My eBay on the tab Account and in the left side column select the link Personal data.

Before you will be a page of information about your account: its type, registration name and address, payment information. Click the Create link in the line Telephone PIN. The process of creating a telephone PIN code is protected by a user password, so it must be entered in the window that appears.

Now you need to enter the PIN code twice, it must consist of 6 digits and must not start from zero. After entering, click on the button with a slightly strange name Change and send phone number

Check and, if necessary, change your registration data and click the button Change registration data

You will be once again displayed the data that you need to check and click the Submit button

This completes the process of creating a phone code, for one you are once again shown your registration data.

You need a PayPal account to sell on eBay!

PayPal has long been the main method of payment for goods on eBay, therefore, to sell goods on eBay you also need to have an account in the system PayPal. If you have already made purchases on eBay, then you should already have an account in the system PayPal if you paid for purchases directly from a bank card or through the system, then now is the time right now. Pay eBay for placing lots and a percentage for their sale, it is also desirable to pay through PayPal, but you can directly from a bank card or from an account, in the account settings there is the possibility of automatic payment of these overhead costs. In addition, the future seller must give permission for the automatic return of payments under the program - this is a mandatory action without which the seller cannot put the lot up for sale.

So it is necessary to give eBay permission to debit funds from your account PayPal if necessary, reimbursement of funds under the program eBay Money Back Guarantee. When giving such permission, be careful because the write-off occurs unconditionally if the write-off amount is less than $ 2,000. If the refund amount exceeds $2000, then the seller will be given 10 days to replenish the account PayPal or linked cards for the missing amount. You can read this in the conditions. To start this process, click the Add link in the line Reimbursement method In chapter financial information

You will be shown a message Choose a payment method for the refund. In my example, other options than payment from the account PayPal not offered. Perhaps you will have another method, choose the method convenient for you and click the Continue button

You will be shown the terms and conditions of using the account PayPal to pay automatic reimbursement under the program eBay Money Back Guarantee or other debts eBay. Read these rules carefully, comprehend everything written and if it does not contradict your goals and business principles, click the button Agree and continue

In case of successful completion of this operation, you will be shown the following message:

HOORAY! That's all, your account is prepared to sell any goods on eBay! Click on the link Start Selling to see such a colorful offer to find “unnecessary things” and put up the first lot.

If you are ready to sell something, use the List your item button. If you are not ready to start putting up your first lot for sale right now, then be sure to save the link to this page in your browser bookmarks. Or click on the List your item button and save a link to the page shown. This will help you save time later on searching for a link to start listing the product for sale.

Preparing your PayPal account to accept foreign currency payments

Now about a small problem that citizens of the Russian Federation may encounter when selling goods on eBay, or upon receipt of any other payment in a foreign currency. Under the new laws on combating complicity in terrorism and extremism, unverified users - Russian citizens are prohibited from having foreign currency on their accounts. That is, if you received a payment for the goods in dollars, then it will be immediately converted into Russian rubles and in this state they will be blocked on your account for 21 days (partial or complete blocking of funds from sales on eBay is the standard method PayPal anti-fraud). It seems to be nothing bad, but if the exchange rate is constantly changing, as it is now, then you can lose very seriously on the difference in rates.

This happened to me: the lens that was put up for sale as an example for this article was bought by an American on December 31, when the exchange rate was about 55 rubles, I received a payment in US dollars and it was converted into rubles, I could withdraw this money only when the exchange rate became is equal to 63-67 rubles in general, I lost about $ 12 out of $ 52.5.

To prevent this from happening, you must once again confirm your identity in the system PayPal and set the account currency to US dollars. This will allow you to be in the black in case of another change in the ruble exchange rate.

So confirmation of your identity in PayPal will require you to have a photo or scan of the first page of your Russian passport (page 2-3). Log in to your account to start verifying your identity. PayPal and on the opened page Account overview find the link at the bottom of the left sidebar Check your account limits.

On the page that opens, view the transaction limits available to you and the maximum available balance on your account. If there are inscriptions in the description of your limits After increasing limits or similar, then press the button Increase limits

If you have already added and confirmed a bank card earlier, then you will see such instructions as in this example, otherwise you need to follow all the recommendations in sequence, starting with the one that you did not complete earlier. So click the Start button

You will be shown the data for which your account is registered PayPal. You need to accurately fill in the passport data and upload a scan of the first page of the passport. If you have a TIN, you can indicate its number, this is not necessary. After you have filled in all the data, click the Submit button.

As always in the system PayPal the data is never sent immediately, so we check everything again and click the Send button again.

After that, you will be returned to the list of actions that need to be performed to increase the payment acceptance limit and be able to store foreign currency on your account. Instead of the Start button, an inactive Pending button will be shown.

Now it remains to wait for an email notification that your data has been verified and the limits have been increased. After that, you can view your limits on your PayPal account, in my case they are more than 8 thousand US dollars. What do you wish!

In the near future, an article will be prepared describing in detail the process of putting goods up for auction on eBay. In order not to miss the article, subscribe through to new articles of the site and stay up to date with the latest news eBay. Happy selling with !