Advertising business - where to start? How to open an advertising agency from scratch in your city.

Small advertising agencies (2-3 people) engaged in intermediary services rarely manage to survive in the market among strong competitors (large advertising agencies). Therefore, for a more stable business, it is worth considering introducing your own individual product. Namely: to develop a unique trademark, corporate identity, BTL, event marketing.

How to open an advertising agency

Finding a room

By and large, the appearance of the premises for an advertising agency is not of great importance, since basically, the essence of the work will consist only in telephone conversations and some paper movements. But if you want to impress your partners (after all, sometimes they still come for face-to-face negotiations), then you should take care of a decent office.

Office equipment

The most necessary thing you need for the work of an advertising agency is a computer, scanner, printer, copier. Pay special attention to technique for a creative and technical designer. Their PCs must be equipped with professional software to perform quality work. Next, you should take care of multichannel telephone numbers, local area network and the Internet.

Search for colleagues

  1. Two sellers;
  2. Two designers;
  3. Creative concept specialist (creator);
  4. Professional in the field of media buying;
  5. Director.

For unique and rarer works, attract freelancers, as a full-time creative eventually begins to work according to a stamp, losing the spirit of fantasy, and according to the specifics of an advertising agency, fresh, brilliant ideas and templates are unacceptable. As for sales managers, their salary usually consists of a salary and a percentage for attracting customers. The premium will depend on the profitability and scale of orders.

Another type of advertising business device

If your business is aimed at creating a unique corporate identity for an advertising agency, then it will be relevant to cooperate only with freelancers. And for a permanent job, hire only employees-managers - an executive director, an art director, a creative director, who will be engaged in the implementation and generation of ideas.

Service promotion

Connections, connections and more connections! It will be beneficial for you to hire an employee "with connections". In this case, it will provide the advertising agency with a flow of orders (up to 70%). Dedicate the first year of work to developing a portfolio, reputation, focus on medium and small businesses. Specialized media directories can serve as a means for your own promotion of an advertising agency. Such publications are often used by small firms to search for advertising.

Direct selling is good when your firm provides a unique service, otherwise direct selling tends to be offensive.

Agency payback

Creativity is the main condition for the successful work of an advertising agency, that is, the development of extraordinary logos, banners, unique markets. This will bring 40% success.

The price for your services will depend on the client and your acting skills. After all, you are, roughly speaking, selling air, and the price can be set completely different. Everything envy you.

Small advertising agencies ask for approximately the following fee for their services: logo creation from 30,000 rubles, corporate identity - from 70,000 rubles, script - from 12,000 rubles. Placing an advertising market in a magazine - from 12,000 rubles, an original market - from 25,000 rubles, a shield market - from 8,000 rubles. These are approximate prices and do not have an upper bar.

At the first stages, do not neglect small orders. Such deals will strengthen your reputation and build relationships with businesses. Try to establish contacts with the directors of sales services, because it often happens that the discount is 15% according to the price list, and after a positive personal contact with the director of sales, you can get a 25% discount.

The larger the advertising budget, the more profitable the client is for the office. Therefore, large advertising agencies receive large budgets and it is difficult for small ones to compete with them. Profitability from small orders does not exceed 20-25%, from large ones it is about 40%.

And lastly, for a successful and profitable activity, you will first need to work “for thanks” as a mass worker - entertainer, amateur - creative, secure a good reputation, acquire a clientele, and only after that you can try to become a businessman and earn money from an advertising agency.

Advertising has long been no longer just an engine of trade. This is the foundation of the basics. From all sides, wherever you look, we are called to buy this, to try that, they show us how to live and how not to. Eyes begin to involuntarily snatch out familiar words, slogans, logos from all the flashy variety of posters, leaflets, banners, and God knows what else. Advertising on the Internet is one of the main types of income. And the income is such that I just can't help but talk about this type of business. How to open your own advertising agency on the Internet is a simple science, although it requires perseverance in implementation. It is more difficult to stand out from the "crowd" and become a leader. However, "it is not the gods who burn the pots." Let's go in order - how to open an advertising agency on the Internet.

Types of online advertising

First of all, let's define the main types of online advertising.

  • Banner (media) advertising. Everyone has seen such ads on the Internet. In terms of its characteristics and impact on the audience, it is similar to advertising published in the media.
  • contextual advertising. Shown only on pages with a thematic search result, i.e. has a targeted impact on a certain category of users.
  • Advertising in social networks. Covers a huge number of people.
  • Videos advertising. Shooting and launching commercials on the Internet.
  • Advertising campaigns, which include a whole range of measures to promote a particular (or series) product.
  • Advertising in applications for mobile devices.

Work and staff

Internet advertising agencies are primarily engaged in: creating banners, websites, presentations, landing pages (individual pages with a link to a website offering a product or service), and promoting Internet resources. Before launching a project, you need to unite a team of specialists under your command, because it is simply not possible for one person to carry out such a volume of work that lies ahead. The material costs of the idea of ​​opening an advertising agency on the Internet are relatively small: a comfortable room, several computers, and preferably licensed software. The main problem is to attract professionals to the project. You will need:

  • Programmer - websites, contextual advertising.
  • Web Designer - banners, websites, presentations.
  • Creator - " generator of creative ideas.
  • Copywriter - advertising texts, video titles, etc. + SEO promotion.
  • Manager - receiving and processing orders.
  • Artist - all types of advertising.
  • Specialist inSMM- marketing strategy and advertising in social networks..

Think about who you can replace yourself, who can be involved in work from time to time, who will be on a permanent staff. One of the important points is the creation of your own website, which should be the "top" of design art, so that the situation "shoemaker without boots" does not turn out.

Do not be afraid to experiment with ideas, offer your customers the most unexpected advertising moves. Those are the ones that work best. Opening an advertising agency on the Internet is within the power of almost anyone, as they say, there would be a desire.

“Only the mint can make money without advertising” - this statement very well captures the essence of today's highly competitive markets, where you have to fight for each client. The advertising business will always be in demand, especially in times of crisis, when everyone begins to decline in sales and requires the search for new promotion strategies.

To open an advertising agency from scratch, you will not need large investments - you can meet 300-400,000 rubles (without buying production equipment), the main thing is to correctly determine the direction and concept of the new business and make the necessary economic calculations.

Choice of format and concept

The first step is to determine the main direction of the advertising agency. If you are new to business and do not plan to make large investments, it is better to choose a separate direction with a development perspective. The work of a full-cycle agency will require a staff of highly qualified personnel, high costs for renting offices and equipment.

RA can successfully work in the following formats:

  • Full service agency.
  • A narrow-profile agency, whose specialization will be, for example, only printing services or outdoor advertising design, development and promotion of websites, etc.
  • Production company - digital printing, production of souvenirs, exhibition stands, etc.
  • Design Studio. Development of corporate identity, logos, original layouts and preparing them for production.
  • Bayers. Placement of client's commercials in the media - on TV, radio, plasma screens.

Opening stages

  • Market research.
  • Definition of format and concept.
  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (for several partners).
  • Finding office space.
  • Purchase of office equipment.
  • Personnel selection.
  • Development and implementation of promotional activities.

An example for our readers.

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Competitive analysis and identification of the target audience

Market analysis includes conducting a competitive analysis, studying the target audience, as well as assessing the prospects of a particular direction.

In order to identify your competitors, you need to collect information about companies that provide advertising services in a given region. Such data can be found in business directories, on specialized online resources. It is necessary to analyze prices, list of services, location, reputation in the market (from customer reviews). Such an analysis will allow you to form your competitive advantage, as well as the base of contractors in some areas (many advertising agencies cooperate with each other, providing services to each other).

  • Manufacturing enterprises.
  • Trading companies, shops.
  • Food establishments, shopping and entertainment centers.
  • Beauty salons, hairdressers, sports clubs.
  • Representatives of the service sector - lawyers, notaries, lawyers.
  • Private medical institutions, dentistry.

The choice of your target segment should be made after determining the format and scope of services. For example, if you provide printing services (business cards, catalogs, brochures), then the target audience will be manufacturing and trading companies; if placement in the media - only large companies with a large advertising budget can be clients.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC for an advertising agency

Before you open an advertising agency, you need to decide on the organizational and legal form of the future company. At the first stages, you can register as an individual entrepreneur, and in the future already as a legal entity. Individual entrepreneurs have restrictions on sales volume, the number of employees and the type of counterparties (for example, an individual entrepreneur will not be able to work with legal entities, but only with individual entrepreneurs).

RA staff

For example, an RA for the production of digital printing will require the following personnel:

  • Designer with knowledge of the basic technological processes of production.
  • Printer-binder.
  • Account Manager.
  • Accountant (outsourcing).
  • Cleaning lady (outsourcing).

How to calculate a business plan

Even if you are going to invest your own funds, be sure to calculate the business plan. This will help determine the required amount of investment, the level of planned income, the payback period of the project, the main organizational measures and their features. In the case of raising borrowed funds, a properly executed business plan is the main factor in the investor's decision in your favor.

What should an advertising agency business plan include:

  • Project summary.
  • Description of the concept.
  • Marketing analysis.
  • Production plan (if it is planned to manufacture any type of advertising and souvenir products).
  • Organizational plan and personnel plan.
  • Financial plan.

How to promote an advertising agency

What marketing activities need to be carried out before the start of the work of the RA:

  • Development of the concept, corporate identity, logo, slogan, name.
  • Website development, content and SEO campaign launch.
  • Production of RA business cards, signs for the office.

What activities will be effective for promoting an advertising agency:

  • Advertising in print regional media targeted at a business audience. You can place an ad in the profile heading (Advertising Services) or in the headings of related industries.
  • Direct sales. The most effective way to establish contact, which allows you to tell not only about the services of the RA, but also about the advantages and benefits for the client in cooperation. But this method of sales requires managers not only to have a good knowledge of their product, but also communication skills, as well as responsibility (the data of calling on “cold” contacts should be recorded in an electronic document for further analysis and management decisions).
  • Participation in exhibitions. Even if the exhibition is focused on a specialized audience, for example, construction or furniture, there will definitely be potential clients among exhibitors and visitors who need RA services. In addition, participation in the exhibition will help not only to spread information about the company, but also to form a positive business reputation.

To be better than your competitors, you need to take care, first of all, about the success and prosperity of your customers - and then they themselves will look for meetings with you!


We also recommend reading:

First about the main thing:

  • What success have I achieved by starting an advertising business from scratch?
  • Under what conditions did I start the advertising business and why exactly the advertising business.

You can read about what success I have achieved by starting from scratch, creating an advertising agency.

But about why I started my business with the creation of an advertising agency, without having a penny in my soul, and after a few years turned my undertaking into a business empire, I will tell you in more detail in this article.

It all started with a "broken trough". I was left by chance (global reduction and bankruptcy of a large enterprise where I worked at that moment) without a job and with virtually no means of subsistence for my entire family, which at that time consisted of three people.

I didn’t have time to make any financial reserves, because literally six months before these events I bought a new apartment, in which I invested not only all my money, but also a significant amount that I borrowed from relatives.

How to open an advertising agency from scratch?

So, at the time of creating my first business, I had the following:

  • Complete lack of work and complete lack of opportunity to get a job in the specialty;
  • The complete absence of free financial resources to start any own business, literally - not a penny for the soul;
  • Large debts to relatives, which I undertook to pay within the next two years. And this I will report to you - it was not a ram who coughed;
  • A complete lack of any business experience and a complete lack of understanding of what it is - the advertising business, what are the main types of outdoor advertising, the cost of outdoor advertising, etc. and so on.

What was left for me to do in this position and with such “attractive” assets?

There was only one thing left: to do something and somehow mouse

I began to think and analyze my abilities and talents. Quite quickly it was revealed that I do not have any special talents from the word - in general. The most ordinary person.

The only thing I could remember, and what warmed my soul at least a little, was that at school I was the editor of a wall newspaper. For some reason, someone decided that I can and can draw.

Looking ahead, I must confess that this opinion was and remains complete nonsense and nonsense. I couldn't draw, and still can't. But it was these memories that played a key role in my choice and in my future destiny.

For some reason, I thought that since I once knew how to make a wall newspaper, I could draw some kind of poster.

Where can the poster I drew be used?

At the same time, I did not understand the materials for the production of outdoor advertising at all, and what equipment for the production of outdoor advertising currently exists and is used on the market.

By the way, my opinion that the ability to draw would give me a lot of advantages was complete stupidity, and in order to create and run an advertising business, it is not at all necessary to be able to draw.

But then I did not know this and, having decided that it was necessary to start with the advertising business, I began to study this issue.

I began to draw up a step-by-step algorithm of my possible actions in the form of sketches and graphs.

Production of outdoor advertising is the key to business development without money!

As I argued:

  • I find a business in my city that needs to create a new advertising sign. (As it turned out, in a big city there are always a lot of such enterprises and at all times);
  • Then I have to come to the head of this enterprise and convince him to conclude an agreement with me to create a new advertising sign (insolent and projector). This is not an easy task, but for some reason I decided that this was being solved and did not focus much of my attention on this point;
  • This is the most important thing: since I didn’t have any money of my own that I could invest at the first stage to purchase the necessary materials and attract specialists, I decided (absolutely right, by the way, I decided) that in order to start I need to receive an advance payment from the enterprise and already on this prepayment to create the sign itself;
  • After I purchase materials for an advance payment, hire specialists, do all the necessary work, I will hand over the work and receive the remaining remuneration, which will serve as an investment contribution to my next work. And so on and on ad infinitum.

Of course, at that time I did not know at all such concepts as: the outdoor advertising market, investment contribution, acceptance certificate, coordination of outdoor advertising placement, what is an individual entrepreneur, etc. but as practice and subsequent events showed, my calculation turned out to be absolutely correct.

And so, having nothing from the word - in general, except for the desire to get out of the situation where I and my family got into by any means, I began to “spud” nearby enterprises in my area of ​​​​residence with my proposal.

I no longer remember how many enterprises I visited then, but I still found an enterprise that agreed to conclude a contract with me for the production of advertising signs for the store.

At this stage, I quite unexpectedly found out for myself that in order to conclude an agreement with an enterprise, I, as one of the parties to the agreement, must have an official status.

At least - an individual entrepreneur (I don’t remember what this status was called then), but I quite confidently said at the first meeting: “It’s natural”!

The contract for the production of outdoor advertising is a prerequisite for doing business

The second “blow” for me was the news that a sign for any enterprise (shop, bank, trading shop) cannot just be hung up without the permission of local authorities.

What was left to do? Climb and flounder smartly. Sorry, but hunger, as they say, is not an aunt!

Fortunately, at that time the registration of a private entrepreneur in Russia was inexpensive, and the whole process did not take me more than two or three days. How many exactly, to be honest, I don’t remember. I remember it was fast.

Then I went to get permission to place outdoor advertising in the local, district administration. I found out that such a permit is issued by the district architect, I went to see him and quite honestly admitted that I did not know how to issue such a permit.

I was lucky, the architect turned out to be a man with humor and understanding, he quickly told me what to do and what documents to provide to him.

In general, five or six days after the first meeting with the director of the customer enterprise, all the necessary documents were ready, and I signed a contract for the work.

And then the events began, which I call simply - the song!

Making illuminated outdoor advertising increases your chances of success!

The sign is big and bright. Yes, yes - light and seven meters long. Made of metal, plastic and three-dimensional letters. What did you think? The company does not knit brooms.
Well, how to do it and most importantly - WHERE?

Where to create and mount this "monster"? No, of course, it was possible to rent a “nook” in the workshop of some production campaign, but, firstly, I didn’t have such experience and knowledge yet, and secondly, I simply wouldn’t have enough money from the advance that I received for carrying out work.

I did not fit into the budget in this case. No way.

I found the following solution: a friend of my own sister had an empty dacha not far from the city, and I agreed with her that I would “work” in the dacha for a small favor, to help her with firewood. I pledged to buy firewood with the money that would be paid to me when I finished the sign.

Perhaps you ask me why I describe such banal things and in such detail?
For one single purpose. So that many who read these lines and dream of creating their own business understand: “It’s not Gods who burn pots” and it’s really possible to start a business from scratch.

Two and a half months later (strictly within the terms of the contract) I made a sign and hung it on the facade of the building of the enterprise with which I signed the contract.

I received the rest of the remuneration and invested this money in the next work. Before I describe how I found my next job and how I started to develop my advertising business, I will now give a small calculation with which I started my own business.

Note: The calculations are completely approximate, I just don’t remember the real breakdown of prices and costs, but you can safely rely on them (multiplying by today’s coefficient) if someone decides to repeat my “exploits”:

  • The contract was concluded for a total amount = 10.000 rubles. (in the prices of the year to which the described events relate);
  • Due to the limited budget, for the development of the original layout of the future sign (for obtaining permission from the administration and signing an agreement with the customer), I attracted a 1st year student of a local institute and paid him about 200 rubles;
  • All the materials from which the sign was subsequently made were purchased by me for an amount of approximately 25% of the contract amount or = 2,500 rubles;
  • Another 1000 rubles. I paid specialists from the local pioneer art house to make 8 pieces of three-dimensional letters for a sign made of epoxy resin;
  • At 500 rubles. the metal frame of the sign, which I ordered from the locksmith workshops of the local technical school, cost me;
  • At 200 rubles. I paid for transportation costs (delivery of the finished sign from the summer cottage to the store, on the facade of which it should be mounted);
  • My last "big spending" was 100 rubles. which I will pay to local scourges for helping me with all their free crowd to carry, load and mount the finished sign in place.

In total, I spent from the money received as an advance = 50% of the contract amount:

200 + 2.500 + 1.000 +500 + 200 +100 = 4.500 rub.

Advance payment (50%) from 5000 rubles. - 4.500 rubles. (costs) = 500 rubles.

500 rub. - this is the balance from the money I received as an advance, and on which my family and I “lived” while I was doing work under the contract.

As a result, in two and a half months I earned more than 5,500 rubles, which was much more than I would have earned by continuing to work as a hired specialist in an enterprise that, fortunately for me, went bankrupt.

This money was more than enough for the continuation of work and for the tolerable life of my family until I finally “got up”.

High-quality outdoor advertising materials and design is an important understanding that I came to after doing the first job!

I was simply lucky and the 1st year student whom I attracted to create the original layout of the first sign turned out to be a talented fellow, created a very attractive design, and thanks to this very fact, I immediately received a second order.

Things were as follows: when the first sign was completed, mounted and the money was received, I immediately began to look for a second customer. Just a couple of days later, I found the owner of a large store, who, upon seeing a photograph of my first job (now I already had a “portfolio of completed work”, ha ha ha) immediately agreed to sign a contract with me.

Such a quick decision and the unexpected reaction of the new customer led me to a sound idea: the design and quality of the work performed are very important in outdoor advertising.

And for his store, I decided (at the expense of time) to create something truly masterpiece. Such an advertising sign, which was not in the city. I again turned to the student and told him that we needed a design for a sign for the store in the form of a world masterpiece of outdoor advertising.

- Easily! - the freshman answered me and gave me such a sign design that became the hallmark of my advertising agency for many years.

To bring such a design to life, we already needed higher-level specialists like me, and a production facility with access roads. I again hired specialists in the house of pioneers (the leaders of sudo and air modeling circles are very handy people and are able to make a real candy out of nothing).

They did it!

After the second sign was mounted, orders fell on me like from a cornucopia.

Equipment for the advertising business is the key to complete success!

Despite the fact that I had already completed the second order and received decent money, my production was at a primitive level, and I still did not have the opportunity to purchase my own freight transport and, most importantly, I could not purchase special equipment for the production of outdoor advertising.

And without transport and special equipment, my work progressed slowly, I lost time and many customers, since my capabilities were limited. The first thing that needed to be urgently done was to purchase a Gazelle-type truck and a plotter for cutting vinyl film.

How and why I bought a Gazelle truck and a Roland plotter

After I began to expand, renting a production facility in the annex of a local school and hiring two specialists on a full-time basis for the campaign, I was sorely lacking a vinyl cutter.

But I couldn't buy it because I simply didn't have enough money for everything, and I was still afraid to use a bank loan. Suddenly, the decision came by itself.

For the company that ordered a second sign from me for the store, it was necessary to carry out work on the manufacture of a billboard located at a major road junction.

The shield was huge, with an area of ​​approximately 100-150 sq.m.

In this case, all images had to be applied using a vinyl film (a mandatory condition of the customer).

Moreover, he took an active part in creating a sketch of the future billboard and the information was overloaded with text inserts.

No matter how I protested, the principle worked here: "Whoever pays, calls the music."

Paradoxically, it was the billboard in production, which required a plotter for 90%, that helped me purchase this plotter, and the plotter helped me purchase a Gazelle. At the same time, I had no money either for a plotter or for a truck, and I bought them with the profit received from the work done.

Organization of the advertising agency

Cutting plotter Roland or how I got out without it

All work on cutting vinyl film in the production of billboards was done by hand. We cut out all the images and texts with a regular clerical knife and regular sewing scissors.

They did this: after typing all the texts and images in full size on a computer, they printed the reverse image without filling, only in the form of outlines, if the letters and images were large, they glued sheets of A-4 format together and glued the reverse image of the letters onto a paper backing vinyl film.

Then cut straight lines with a knife under a metal ruler, and curves with scissors. As a result, we received individual letters. By cutting the substrate in the extreme corner, they glued a letter or image onto the background.

So we did all the work (all the employees of my agency and even my household worked). Having completed the work, they received a reward and for this reward they purchased an excellent Roland brand plotter, which not only helped me buy a truck, but also served my business faithfully for several years.

How did I buy a Gazelle truck without having enough money to buy it?

As soon as I purchased a plotter for cutting vinyl film, the range of services offered by my agency expanded, and literally in a couple of months, a competition was announced in the city to carry out work to prepare the celebration of the City Day.

As part of this celebration, the local administration decided to decorate the city with images of the city's coat of arms. Moreover, commercial structures were obliged to engage in such embellishment. Basically it was shops.

Where can I get the same images of the coat of arms for outdoor use?

That's right: those who can make and sell them. And who is able to produce? An advertising agency that has a plotter to carry out such work. (Now everyone has the opportunity to purchase a plotter without any problems, but then it was a rarity).

In general, for a whole month, literally in two shifts, we were engaged in the manufacture and sale of the image of the emblem of the city. With the profit received from the sale of coats of arms, I bought my first Gazelle truck.

A truck for an advertising agency involved in outdoor advertising is very important. The fact is that 80% of the services of such an agency are the production of signs that need to be transported and installed, as a rule, at the level of the second floor.

Here we showed ingenuity (the need for inventions is rich): when installation of outdoor advertising was required, we loaded an ordinary wooden "goat" into the back of a Gazelle and mounted signs from it just at the level of the second floor.

From Startup to Success: Opening an advertising business!

Do I need a business plan for an advertising agency at the start?

My example shows that it is not particularly needed. Moreover, when I started, I did not even know what it really was. No, of course, I heard about the need to create my own business plan at the start, but when I started, I was, to be honest, not up to it. I really wanted to eat.

Now, after many years, I believe that a business plan is simply necessary to start a business. Business conditions have changed, including competitive ones, and a good business plan will not hurt.

But here, in my personal opinion, what a “cruel joke” can happen. If you have no money at all, but want to start your own business, how can such a plan help you?

Well, do you think that you need to have two or three million rubles to start, and what will change? Will you have this money? Hardly. Even in the bank you will not receive money to start a new business. Why waste money and time?

But if you have money and want to know how not to lose it by creating an advertising agency, for example, for the production of outdoor advertising, then a business plan is a must.


Once again, I want to explain why this article was written. To illustrate that if you approach creating your own business with ingenuity, then it is quite possible to start a business without serious investments. As my personal experience in the advertising business shows, this is quite possible.

Various firms almost daily resort to the help of advertising companies. The reason for this is that advertising increases profits, the popularity of products. All this leads to the fact that the advertising business is one of the most profitable. In some cases, its profitability can reach 100% or more. The main thing is to choose the direction of the company and choose the right staff.

Main areas of work

  • Branding - involves the development, corporate identity elements, slogan.
  • Event marketing – organization of events: presentations, seminars, summits, exhibitions, fairs.
  • BTL - promotions, during which consumers can get acquainted with the quality of the goods.
  • Placement and creation of advertising - signs, stands, leaflets, placement of information on the Internet.
  • Implementation of organizational work – search for performers, placement or distribution of ready-made advertising materials.
  • Content of advertising platforms – Internet sites, billboards, advertising screens.

Agency Registration

Before starting work, any enterprise must be registered. But this is only relevant if you really open your own company with a staff. At first, you can engage in the advertising business as an advertising agent. Registration is not required for this.

So, before opening a company, you must:

  1. Contact the tax office and choose the form of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in the case of registration of an IP, you will not be able to provide services to large companies, that is, legal entities.
  2. Before starting work, you must familiarize yourself with the federal law "On Advertising" and all amendments made to it.
  3. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the legislative acts at the local level. In some cities there are certain restrictions on the placement of outdoor advertising.

In addition, together with a lawyer, it is necessary to draw up a standard contract that will provide for the rights and obligations of the parties, payment (preferably in stages), cases in which the contract can be terminated, and compensation.

Premises and equipment

At the beginning of work, you will not need a room. Basically, clients do not come to the company's office, often it is advertising managers who come to them. Major issues are resolved over the phone.

The need for an office appears if the company's staff is 5 people or more. This is the place where you can set up a meeting with a client, discuss all issues with him, and also gather the entire team to distribute responsibilities. In addition, the office keeps all the necessary documentation and equipment.

At the initial stage, you will need a minimum of equipment. This includes:

  • computer for designer;
  • Printer;
  • scanner;
  • copy machine;
  • telephone;
  • Internet;