We choose equipment for a summer cafe: the required minimum and a complete set. Buy a summer cafe for a restaurant List of documents required for registration of a summer cafe

In May, entrepreneurs are preparing to open summer cafes. We decided to consider automation options for them: operating restaurants that open summer venues and seasonal cafes. About the pros and cons of various schemes, as well as the possibility of renting equipment - in our article.

Consider options for automating a summer cafe, their pros and cons

Summer cafe is always a seasonal business. One of the options is when an entrepreneur rents a territory for the summer and opens a small point, and at other times of the year is not related to the field HoReca. For this case, a simple accounting system is needed (most often based on retail; that is, the cafe functions as a store).

The main problem of public catering. How do experienced restaurateurs solve it?

The complexity of the work is not the fact of sale or additional service in the form of opening tables, maintaining orders, generating receipts, etc. As a rule, this is irrelevant for small outlets. Much more important is the implementation of warehouse accounting in the field of HoReca. Any dish that is sold in catering establishments must have a technological card, which indicates the procedure for its preparation and the number of ingredients in grams. The card is signed by the director andchefbacked up with a seal. By law, the client may require a technological card for any dish.

Any dish that is sold in catering establishments must have a technological map. It indicates the preparation procedure and the amount of ingredients in grams.

Restaurateurs need a warehouse tracking system. For example, when a customer orders a soup, a fixed set of ingredients is written off from the warehouse: 200 g of potatoes, 20 g of greens, 200 g of meat. This dish is sold not once, but several times a day and 50-100 times a month. If there is no automation, the kitchen and warehouse become uncontrollable. Products arrive, a certain number of dishes are sold, the owner receives the gross proceeds. There is no control over exactly how much food was spent on cooking.

If there is no accounting system, the kitchen and warehouse become uncontrollable

To solve this problem, classic restaurants use the following scheme. A costing card is formed in the accounting system (in some part it copies the technological one; more about it below), which indicates that when one dish is sold, a fixed amount of products is written off from the warehouse. Remains are reflected in the inventory sheets.

This is the basic scheme for a restaurant or cafe. It can be complicated, for example, by organizing tighter control over processes.

How do seasonal cafes work?

Entrepreneurs who open a cafe for the season, as a rule, do not pay attention to warehouse control. They import products, sell ready-made meals, pay rent, receive revenue. They do not use a system with calculation cards and balance calculations. They are limited to simply fixing the purchase and sale. They can enter information about orders in a table in excel. The accounting system is not used.

If the owner and seller of the summer cafe are the same person, then control over the sale can be minimized. When the owner uses the services of employees, as a rule, he seeks to control their work. To do this, you can purchase a regular POS system, which is used in stores. Not hundreds of items of goods will be added to the database, but 20-30 items of dishes that are served in the establishment. This automation option has weaknesses. Purchase a POS system worth 40–50 thousand rubles. for three summer months, the owner, most likely, will not want to. Perhaps it will pay off. But whether the business will open next year is an open question. If not, then you will end up with unnecessary equipment. Because of this, the owners do not buy equipment. At best, they install a cashier program on their personal laptop (classic 1C with the ability to generate checks or a cheap analogue) or choose a system with a cloud solution (like MySklad) that allows them to work.

A more complex scenario is needed if the cafe expands its territory for the summer. The restaurateur already has an accounting system, and it is necessary to strengthen it for a short period of time. To do this, you can buy another station. It will be easy for employees to work on it, because these are already installed in the restaurant. The system has a simple scaling: you can buy the necessary modules, blocks, etc. to it. This option is one of the most common for establishments that regularly work with summer playgrounds.

A common option for a cafe that expands its territory for the summer is to purchase an additional station

The third automation option is suitable for experienced restaurateurs with a permanent outlet and for those who have a summer cafe - a temporary business. Companies that develop software or implement automation systems offer rental services. If earlier it was practically unrealistic (technically difficult to organize, because a classic restaurant is a link structure. It has a cashier system, a central server system and a merchandising manager system. These three links must interact with each other and have an established communication channel), but now became available with the development of technology. You can choose to connect to your own server or a cloud solution. The classic option: rent a POS system, which includes a touch monoblock (to buy it along with software, a restaurateur or owner of a seasonal point would have to pay from 50 thousand rubles). The owner of a temporary cafe would also need to buy a workplace for a merchandiser, etc.

To save money, equipment can be rented. The automation company will provide the equipment and set up the connection. Sales reports will be sent to the cloud server either once a day or online. The client will receive a full range of solutions for rent, which will cover all his needs.

The client can rent a full range of solutions that will cover his needs

The solution has limitations and special requirements (for example, over the Internet). Nevertheless, thanks to the affordable price and wide coverage areas of the mobile Internet, the rental of replacement equipment has become easy to sell for adequate money for restaurateurs.

For summer establishments, it is recommended to use the rental system. For restaurateurs, there is another option: to optimize the flow of work with customers within the establishment. For example, if several stations are used on the territory of the restaurant and the owners understand that one zone can be weakened, the automation system is transferred to the summer area. The implementation of this scheme depends on the intensity of the institution, throughput, specifics. For some it will work, for some it won't. More about her below.

Consider automation schemes

Entrepreneurs who are engaged in seasonal business, unlike experienced restaurateurs, do not strictly monitor warehouse accounting. For them, revenue is a priority. Usually such a summer cafe is a small autonomous institution, where 1-2 waiters have time to collect orders from all tables. A complex system with laying networks and a separate place for a merchandiser is not needed. A small budget is allocated for automation. As a rule, owners choose simple laptop-based solutions. Or they buy old stations from large establishments, which will last for a season.

Alternatively, you can offer a convenient and affordable option. Automation can be implemented on a mobile platform. For example, ATOL has a solution - "Own Store". The kit includes: a tablet with software, a fiscal registrar and a scanner. The equipment takes up minimal space, approximately 30 x 30 cm. The software that is installed on the tablet, as well as the software on the POS system, is standalone. It does not require a permanent connection to the network or connection to the inventory program. It is enough to create a base once and you can start trading.

. The kit includes: a tablet with software, a fiscal registrar and a scanner

The database stores data for the period specified in the settings (for example, 5 or 30 days). It can convey information about transactions. Since the solution is on a mobile platform, you can insert a SIM card into the tablet and use the mobile Internet. Then the sales report can be emailed to the business owner. If you need to make changes (for example, to the menu or prices), the manager will send the upload file back to the tablet. The program on the Internet will automatically check the mail, download the file, install it, and the prices or names of the dishes will change. This is the simplest and most inexpensive automation. For the solution, you will additionally need to buy only the 1C program "Trade Management 8. Basic".

For the solution "Your Store" you will additionally need the program 1C "Trade Management 8. Basic"

The total cost of equipment and software is about 40 thousand rubles. The monthly costs for maintaining a telephone number are added to the costs (if it is necessary to exchange information with the computer of the business owner). It is optional to use this function: the solution supports a minimum inventory.

There is no need to store the tablet on the bar counter. If you only want to serve customers and sell dishes, you can turn off Bluetooth and, accordingly, the printing device that works through this network. Instead, a program with a built-in emulator is suitable. Fiscal registrar emulation software works as follows: it does not print checks, but remembers them as posted and printed. The upload is the same as for the solution with the fiscal registrar. The business owner receives a shift close file that lists items sold. The only difference is that you can choose not to print a receipt.

With so many benefits, the solution has limitations. The range of Bluetooth, through which a connection is established between the tablet and the fiscal registrar, is limited to 10 meters. If you go beyond this limit, the equipment will need to be synchronized with each other. At first glance, the procedure is simple. You need to find the device through the search on the tablet and start the connection with it. The fiscal registrar will display information that an attempt is being made to establish a connection. On the device, they press the scroll button, on the tablet - "Synchronization". Nevertheless, it is inconvenient for the waiter to perform these actions every time.

Another option is to place the tablet in a splash-proof case and leave it on or under the bar. When an order appears, the employee performs the necessary actions on it and leaves it. If necessary, the software can be reinstalled on another tablet. This option is economical and suitable for retail, where revenue is a priority and there is no task to strictly control balances. If you already have a tablet, it's easy to use it. It remains to download the program and buy a license for it.

Business expansion for the summer

Consider automation options for an institution that opens a summer playground. The loading of the main room falls on the winter period. Therefore, the most common scheme for the summer: one of the stations, which is not heavily loaded, is transferred. It is temporarily used on a seasonal site, so as not to buy additional equipment. If there is no unloaded station, a set of equipment can be rented.

Vendor companies offer ready-made kits. For example, they may include a monoblock, a scanner. The kit is signed, the equipment has a common identifier. The terms of the lease (term, rules for the operation and storage of technical devices, etc.) are specified in the contract. In this case, the cafe owner will not have the cost of purchasing equipment and the risks that it will remain in the warehouse if the summer area turns out to be unpopular. If you apply for a lease to the vendor that automated the establishment, the company will select options in which data from the cash register will be uploaded to an already operating network.

Automation option: the owner of a seasonal cafe wants to control the warehouse

Install the program 1C "Trade Management" on the laptop. It enshrined the concept of "complete goods". This is an imitation of restaurant inventory programs that work according to the scheme: a dish is served to the client, and the products of which it consists are written off from the warehouse. Transform goods into a dish costing cards.

A pricing card is a document that is used to determine the price of a finished dish. The data in the map is averaged. That is, they calculate the cost of raw materials for 100 dishes and take the average number for one dish.

Pricing cards transform goods into a dish

The following settings are made in the program: they create a product that has a retail price, but no purchase price. After that, a group of simple goods is created. They, in turn, have a purchase price, but no retail price. Further, the program prescribes that a dish with a retail price is equal to a certain number of grams of various goods with a purchase price. When a retail sales report is generated, the system will "understand" that a composite item has been sold. As a result, not the product that is stored on the balance will be written off, but the ingredients of which it consists.

Another option is to make blanks in advance, if the software allows it. That is, prepare a certain number of dishes in advance, store them in a warehouse and take them into account in the program.

Setting up rented equipment

Landlords perform general settings, leaving individual ones to the client (these include the addresses of the servers of the inventory program, the address and name of the organization, etc.). Filling out these columns takes half an hour at most. After that, the equipment is synchronized with the finished working network. Accordingly, a local network or Wi-Fi will need to be installed on the summer veranda, which will be connected to the general one in order for the station to transmit data to the inventory program.

Large restaurateurs rent a large set of equipment and pay a more tangible fee for it. Small seasonal points most often buy equipment on their own. They set up the equipment once and use it.

Types of rental kits

The kits are divided into budget (these include prefabricated stations), medium and expensive. Customers can tell about the working conditions, and, based on them, the company will select the best kit. For example, if it is important for a large restaurateur to maintain a certain style of design, he can be offered a suitable candy bar with a high degree of security, a printer with front-feed receipts, etc. That is, within the framework of ready-made kits, there is flexibility in the selection of equipment.

The choice of technology is flexible. For example, you can choose a monoblock with a high degree of protection

When renting, the client analyzes how long the equipment will work in specific conditions. Puts depreciation into it and calculates how long the set will pay off. It is also important to pay attention to the contract. It may contain conditions of use.

Other equipment rental options

Equipment can be rented if:

  1. The restaurant is just opening and the owner is not sure of success. When the business goes uphill, you can think about buying your own equipment.
  2. Depending on the intensity of work, you can rent equipment for the time of repairing your own. For example, if there are three stations, the load on each of them is about 70%, and one fails, you can just wait for repairs. The load on others will still not exceed 100%. If all three stations are 100% loaded and one breaks down, it makes sense to rent. Often, landlords agree to flexible options: they offer equipment for different periods.

Rent payment

Customers pay separately for equipment and settings. It is rent that includes only resources: equipment and software. To get started, you will need to complete the installation and configuration.

Rental Benefits

If the purchased equipment fails, you will have to wait for the repair to be completed. The leased item (if it is specified in the contract and the operating conditions have not been violated) will be promptly replaced by the company. For large restaurants that open seasonal venues, it makes sense to rent, otherwise the purchased equipment will simply have to be stored in a warehouse until the next season. In the summer it will have to be cleaned of dust, checked for operability, adapted (if the settings of the main configuration have changed over the winter: workstations, inventory program, etc.). The rented equipment will be given out ready for work every time.


Summer cafes, with the onset of the first warm days, traditionally become a favorite vacation spot for citizens. It's so nice to spend time with friends in a cozy and beautiful place in the fresh air, where you can relax after everyday worries and stuffy walls of working offices and have dinner while admiring the city landscape...

The popularity of such a holiday is growing every year, and the number of establishments is increasing. So, in Moscow alone, the number of summer cafes in 2014 increased by about 40% and approximately reached 2536. And other cities of Russia do not lag behind the capital in this regard, and are actively developing outdoor catering. In the warm season, the addition of a summer veranda allows its owners not only to stay afloat, but also significantly increase the flow of customers.

The season of summer cafes and verandas (depending on the weather conditions of the location region) starts on April 1 and ends on November 1. On average, the peak of visiting such establishments is the month of July (but this also directly depends on climatic features, for example, in the southern regions a large number of visitors are already observed in the month of May). But even with the onset of cold weather, the owners are in no hurry to close the season and “use the weather to the last”, because there are a lot of romantics who like to drink a hot cup of coffee or a glass of mulled wine while admiring the autumn city.

Naturally, with an increase in income from summer cafes, their number grows, and the requirements for them become tougher. City governments across the country prescribe various requirements for owners regarding the rules for placement, the use of building and finishing materials, etc. For example, in Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 196-PP dated April 18, 2014 “On measures to improve the procedure for placing seasonal cafes at stationary catering establishments and amending the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 16, 2012 No. No. 57-PP", detailed requirements for summer establishments are spelled out, up to the recommended color scheme, permitted for the use of furniture and the height of decorative fences.

But even if all the above requirements for the interior and kitchen are met, we must not forget about the atmosphere of the establishment, which attracts visitors to it and increases the income of the establishment owner. The right light and pleasant musical accompaniment are its important components.

Sound equipment for a summer cafe/veranda.

The requirements for musical equipment for summer establishments are no different from the requirements for ordinary entertainment venues - the equipment must be of high quality, reliable, mobile, and always with a cooling system (to protect against overheating). When selecting and operating sound equipment, it is necessary to take into account the current “Sanitary norms for the permissible sound volume of sound reproducing and sound amplifying devices in enclosed spaces and outdoor areas” and not exceed the permissible volume norms for musical equipment (for summer cafes, the maximum permissible norm should not exceed LA 90 dBA in 2 -x meters from the sound source).

Many years of experience of the specialists of the company "SHOWLIGHT" proves that the selection of equipment for each project should be, first of all, an individual approach, but the general principles still exist. As a rule, the most popular are projects for sounding a summer cafe, where it is required to select and install musical equipment for two conditionally divided areas of the room - a cafe area and a dance floor area with it. These two zones - the background sound system and the dance floor sound reinforcement system - must have independent sound control.

The background sound system usually includes:

player . The main requirement, to which, is "omnivorous", i.e. ability to work with different formats: CD, MP 3, USB port, etc.

Mixer . It is better to give preference to functional digital options that provide high-quality sound and are quite “flexible” in operation in any conditions, and their choice is quite wide, from the budget 16-channel Behringer P16-M to the 32-channel super-light Behringer X32;

MIXER-AMPLIFIER COMBINED AMPLIFIERS are professional, compact and lightweight devices with the functionality of: power amplifier (with built-in effects processor and equalizer), mixing console and CD / MP3 player, with FM tuner and USB port. They are equipped with all kinds of connectors that allow you to connect various types of speakers and microphones to them. And the quality of sound reproduction in combined systems is beyond praise, and given their mobility and unpretentiousness, they are an ideal option for summer establishments! Proven multifunctional mixer/amplifier combinations include the DSPPA MP-9006 (a popular, inexpensive model) and the DSPPA MP-8035V (with advanced features).

Speaker systems should be compact, accurate, with clear sound. The ideal solution is two-way speakers. A reliable and modern representative of this class is the RCF HD 10-A active speaker system, with a D-class amplifier, small dimensions and a weight of 13.9 kg. To create a uniform sound field in a room S = 100 sq.m, approximately 6 to 8 speakers are required. An excellent choice for small spaces is the Behringer EPA300 portable sound reinforcement system (very compact and lightweight, powerful, with built-in mixer). The choice in the segment of acoustic systems is so diverse that you can choose the perfect acoustics for your establishment, in full accordance with your financial capabilities.

- subwoofer. For summer establishments, when choosing a subwoofer, the initial requirement is the compact overall dimensions of the device, therefore, for the high-quality performance of its functionality, as a rule, 2 subwoofers are required. A budget and reliable option with deep and spacious sound is the Behringer VP1800S passive subwoofer with 400W continuous power. The line of subwoofers, as well as acoustic systems, is well represented in the professional equipment market and easily allows you to choose your own "own" option.

With the arrival of a warm season, more and more people prefer to relax in the fresh air, which means that summer cafes are popular. Quench your thirst, drink beer with friends or have a sandwich or pizza - all this can be done in a summer cafe, which is why demand in this segment always exceeds supply. Opening a summer cafe is not so difficult, but before that you need to research the market and take into account all the risks.

Even beginners can try their hand at the summer cafe business, since this project does not require any special knowledge or equipment.

Registration and clearance

First you need to register an individual entrepreneur and open a bank account. For outdoor cafes, a permit is required, which is obtained from the relevant department of local authorities. Such permission is taken precisely for the period when the cafe will work. Such a resolution will cost about 150-200 USD. per month.

After that, you need to visit the sanitary and epidemiological station for permission to open a cafe. Permission to operate will cost a certain amount of the receipt (about 100 USD) and a certain amount of "gratitude". All of the above actions require an already concluded lease agreement for a suitable premises.

To start the cafe in different instances, you must provide the following package of documents:

  • Rental agreement for premises
  • Sanitary Permit
  • Characteristics of the object of trade
  • Shipping documents
  • Detailed product range
  • When selling stronger drinks, you will also need a special license.

It should be borne in mind that it may take several months to collect all the necessary documents, so it is better to start this process in advance.

Location and premises

Judging by the purpose of a summer cafe, the best place for it is a lively park, places near attractions, embankments and beaches. In the sleeping areas there are also summer cafes, but the attendance in them is low.

For a summer cafe, you will need a pavilion and large tent umbrellas. Now everything you need can often be obtained from brewing companies and their distributors. Tents and umbrellas, furniture and even some equipment can be obtained free of charge, that is, for temporary use. It is necessary to search for a supplier in advance - already in winter or, as a last resort, in early spring. But you should go to the brewers only after you already have official permission from the authorities. In addition, it should be remembered that in this case the owner of a summer cafe cannot trade in competitors' beer.

If it was not possible to get a free pavilion, then you will have to pay about 700 USD for it. (for a standard design) and about a thousand conventional units when developing an individual design. It can take about a month to make a pavilion, so it is also necessary to deal with equipment in advance. Usually, when choosing a pavilion, they immediately choose furniture, a bar counter, shelving and other equipment made in the same style.

Since a summer cafe is a temporary type of trade, it is necessary to think over in advance the issue of storing tents and pavilions during the non-working period. If there is free space, you can leave it all with you, but since the equipment wears out by an average of 30% per year, you won’t be able to use all of the above for more than three years.


The approximate cost of equipment for a summer cafe is 7-12 thousand USD.

In addition to drinks in summer cafes, people also treat themselves to simple dishes, and it is necessary to select technological equipment for the chosen menu. If you want to include fresh frozen puff pastry on the menu, you will need to purchase a convection oven, proofer, etc. For barbecue, you need a brazier or a barbecue grill, for storing ready-made meals you need a refrigerator or vice versa a heating cabinet.

The list of equipment for a cafe with drinks, several main courses and snacks looks like this:

  • fryer
  • Plate
  • Oven
  • Microwave
  • Cooling chamber.

Also, in addition to this equipment, you will need a cutting table made of stainless steel. You may need several of these tables. On average, they spend at least $300 on various kitchen utensils.

It is also necessary to equip a hall for visitors. Of course, you need tables and chairs. They can be plastic, aluminum, or a combination of metal and plastic. Depending on the material, their price also fluctuates. So, an aluminum table will cost about 60 USD, and a steel one and a half to two times more expensive. The economy option is plastic tables and chairs, but they are not very durable.

It is also necessary to purchase cutlery and crockery, and even unbreakable items are consumables. Many people use disposable tableware, in which case it is necessary to provide large garbage bags and bins.

A separate item in the arrangement of the summer cafe is a toilet. If there is a capital building nearby with the right booth, then the issue is easier to solve. If this option is not available, then a dry closet will help. The price of such toilets starts from 100 USD.


After listing all the costs, you can begin to calculate the profitability of a summer cafe. For calculations, let's take, for example, a summer cafe with 8 tables or 32 seats, respectively. Such an establishment can sell about 100 liters of draft beer per day, with an average price of 2 USD per liter. You can also sell sugary drinks and snacks, and the average price in the price tag will be about 3 USD. When calculating, 32 seats are multiplied by the number of hours the cafe is open (despite the fact that usually a person spends about an hour at a cafe table, and 70% is subtracted from this figure - the standard form of loading). The result obtained must be multiplied by the average check amount.

So, as we can see, when all the necessary permits have been obtained, contacts have been established with suppliers, equipment has been purchased and goods have been found, a cafe can open and immediately begin to make a profit. It is also necessary to take into account such an important point as accounting for goods. In the conditions of street trading, when there is no computer and cash register, it is rather difficult to establish this process. You can get out of the situation every day at the end of the working day by reconciling the balances or checking when changing sellers. You can ask friends to periodically make test purchases in a cafe that will help identify problems. Control over trade is necessary constantly, otherwise the proceeds will begin to settle in the pockets of the bartender, and the beer will be diluted. All this will lead to a loss of reputation, which will inevitably affect profits.

total area


Up to 100 sqm. 5500 rub. per square meter.
From 100 to 200 sqm. Summer cafe, veranda with single-pitched or double-pitched roof, open walls size 2.5 m, ridge height 3.2 m, tent fabric roof, prefabricated/collapsible structure. 5300 rub. per square meter.
Over 200 sqm. Summer cafe, veranda with single-pitched or double-pitched roof, open walls size 2.5 m, ridge height 3.2 m, tent fabric roof, prefabricated/collapsible structure. 5000 rub. per square meter.

* Podium podium set, grooved board impregnated with fire / bio protection, thickness 28 mm, humidity 8-12%, front surface painted with wear-resistant paint in two layers, color selected from the RAL catalog, adjustable support frame made of steel profile pipe 40x40, 40x20 mm , sand ballast at the rate of 200 kg per square meter. Price: 4300 rub. per m2.

* Installation price is: 20% of the price of a summer cafe in Moscow and 25% of the price of a summer cafe in the region. The delivery price is calculated depending on the size of the summer cafe and the location of the construction site.

Summer cafes prudent restaurateurs set up near their establishments. This line of business is highly profitable during the season. The public prefers to relax in the fresh air of the summer veranda, and not in the establishment, despite the installed air conditioners. The number of restaurants with summer venues is growing from year to year. A place for a summer playground is usually arranged in front of a restaurant and coordinated with its location in the prefecture. The main advantages of summer construction are:

  • mobility of the summer structure
  • individual design of the summer building
  • low price summer product
  • multiple assembly / disassembly of the summer cafe
RPK "Polaris" products are manufactured quite quickly and we can bring any design project to life. For example, summer cafe Moscow or the Moscow region for the restaurant "Il Patio"

Summer terrace of the cafe according to the new resolution No. 102PP

Summer terrace- since last year in Moscow it has been established in accordance with Decree 102PP. The essence of this decree is that only a certain type of structure can be used for the construction of a summer veranda - the so-called awnings and umbrellas. The operation of any other products for summer verandas is prohibited! In this regard, our company has developed a new line of summer verandas that fully comply with the new requirements of the Moscow authorities. you can follow this link. To install our summer veranda, flooring is always required. the metal framework of a flooring is an anchor for the device of a canopy of the marquise. Now, in most cases, we use decking for flooring. It is quite expensive, but is not afraid of moisture and has a premium appearance.

The season of operation of summer facilities is summer. For the winter period, summer buildings are dismantled. Our company is building turnkey summer cafes. However, production of summer cafes you need to think ahead, because you need to buy materials, develop a design project and finally produce it, this can take about a month. The production of the summer building is launched after agreeing on the price, dimensions, color of the roof, floors, etc. The manufacturing process is also conditioned by the signing of the contract and the receipt of an advance payment. For the manufacture of a summer veranda, you will need to purchase consumables - a steel profile pipe, awning fabric, decking, and more. Upon completion of the procurement process, the stage of manufacturing the metal frame and the pattern of elements from which the roof is welded begins. Frame production is the most labor-intensive process. Cutting, drilling, cleaning, welding, painting - all these operations require professional training and special equipment. After manufacturing the frame, in most cases we paint it with powder paint, but at the request of the customer we can also cover it with alkyd enamel. The manufacture of roofing for a summer cafe takes several days, after the completion of this work, installation can begin.

Individual approach to each client of our constructors and designers are able to satisfy any wishes of the customer. Some of our (individual!) summer cafe projects are presented in , and prices for the production of (typical!) summer cafes in

Business in Russia. Guidelines for starting a business in the regions.
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* Calculations use average data for Russia

600 000 ₽

Starting investments

720 000 ₽

450 000 ₽

Net profit

2 months

Payback period

Summer cafe is one of the most profitable types of seasonal business. The initial investment is about 600 thousand rubles - they can be paid back in 2-3 months and earn up to 2 million net profit per season.

The entertainment industry is actively developing every year. A culture of eating out is also growing. Especially high demand is observed in the warm season. This means that a summer cafe is a great opportunity to earn money. Such establishments are a favorite place for most citizens. Over the past eight years, the summer cafe market has increased by almost 20%, and the average check has grown by about 35%.

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When planning to open a summer cafe, an entrepreneur must understand that he does not have time to build up. Seasonal business requires careful preparation "before" and quick response during work. Open air establishments are open from May to September. In those cities where sunny warm weather does not last long, it is generally inappropriate to open such a format of catering establishments.

Pros and cons of a summer cafe

This type of establishment provides various opportunities in the field of design, recipes, menus, and marketing.

Organizing a summer cafe is much easier than a full-fledged restaurant. And the point is not only in the difference in starting investments, but also in business processes. Therefore, if you wanted to work in the field of catering, then a summer cafe is a great option for an aspiring entrepreneur who needs to gain experience.

In summer, people tend to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Therefore, tables on the street will become your competitive advantage over closed establishments.

Pitfalls when opening a summer cafe

Business is seasonal and depends on the weather. If the summer turns out to be cold and rainy or, conversely, too hot, then attendance will be significantly lower than planned. Also, you will have to collect an impressive package of documents and obtain permission from the mayor's office to rent a land plot.

High competition is also one of the pitfalls of this business. The least difficulty with opening a summer cafe will be on private leased land. With the municipal territory, everything is more complicated. In addition to the problem of renting a land plot, other issues will have to be resolved: the administration makes demands on the improvement of the territory, the design of the facade, the interior and other parameters. In some cases, the fulfillment of all requirements may take several months. So if you want to enter the season with a ready-made business, then first consult the local Business Support Center under the city administration.

Summer cafe formats

The initial stage of opening a summer cafe is the choice of the format of the establishment. The catering industry is developing and offers various formats, each of which has its own consumer. The most common formats:

    Street food. In fact, this is a prototype of fast food, which is organized on the street. The client can eat on the go. A street food cafe is a small trailer kiosk selling shawarma, pancakes, hamburgers, etc. Racks or a couple of tables are usually installed next to the kiosk for those who want to have a bite in more comfortable conditions. The average check of such cafes is 200 rubles. Materials on the discovery of popular types of street food can be found.

    Cafeteria- a small establishment where delicious drinks are served in combination with desserts. This also includes galateria with ice cream. This is a suitable option for families with children. The average check is 350 rubles.

    Terrace cafe- an institution offering a wide range of dishes, comfortable pastime conditions, good service. The average check of such establishments starts from 600 rubles.

    Cafe-barbecue- one of the most common formats of summer cafes. In order to open a barbecue, you need to find a place not only for tables, but also for the barbecue area. Not all areas are suitable for this purpose. Here the average check is already 800 rubles.

    Cafe on the beach- a mini-cafe that specializes in cooking beach food. There will be no gourmet dishes here, but you can have a bite to eat in comfortable conditions. Such establishments are opened on the territory or near the beaches. The format is very profitable, but the rent is quite expensive.

Place to open a summer cafe

The most profitable locations are park and tourist areas, embankments, central streets of the city, areas near attractions or a beautiful panorama of the city, crowded places, etc.

To place a summer cafe, you will need to resolve the issue of renting a land plot. If you have chosen a plot on a private territory, it will be easier for you: you sign a lease agreement and you can start working. But if the land plot belongs to the municipality, then you will have to deal with the local administration, namely, with the Committee for the Management of City (municipal) Property. You will need to obtain permission to install a cafe. And here certain difficulties may arise. You run the risk of getting involved in paperwork, which takes a lot of time. And for a seasonal business, time is very valuable.

A summer cafe will require a plot of 5 to 20 sq.m. – depending on the selected format. The approximate cost of renting such a site will be 40 thousand rubles. Please note that you will have to place the kitchen somewhere. For the full cycle of cooking, there must be a separate room that meets all the requirements and standards. The difficulty lies in the fact that the kitchen should be next to the site for visitors. It will be enough 15 sq.m. to settle down. Thus, get ready to spend about 50 thousand rubles on rent.

Renting urban plots is usually cheaper than private ones. The rate provides only for the payment of tax. But here you can fall into a trap: in 70% of cases, places are unprofitable and will not bring profit. Therefore, carefully analyze the potential place: follow the pedestrian traffic, study what is in the neighborhood. Sign a lease only after you are sure that the place suits you. You will not have time to change your mind and change location.

When choosing a location, also consider the following factors:

    good visibility of the institution from different points;

    availability of parking;

    proximity to busy roads.

Immediately think about how your establishment will look like. A presentable appearance is very important for a summer cafe. Therefore, draw up a design project. It is not necessary to contact the designer. Just create a harmonious space for relaxation.

Business registration

One of the difficulties of the catering business is the collection of permits. This takes time and patience. Even a small summer cafe has serious requirements. It will take several months and about 15 thousand rubles to complete the full package of documents. So start preparing many months before the start in order to have time to prepare everything for the opening.

First you need to register a business. In this case, it is more profitable to issue an IP, because the cafe will only work from May to September. If you plan to sell alcohol in your cafe, then in order to obtain a license, you will have to register as an LLC.

As a type of activity according to the OKVED-2 classification, you can specify:

    56.10.1 Operations of full-service restaurants and cafés, cafeterias, fast food restaurants and self-service restaurants

    55.40 Bar activities (if there is alcohol on the menu).

The next step is to choose a system of taxation. For a summer cafe, the simplified tax system is suitable at a rate of 6% (of income), at a rate of 15% (income minus expenses) or UTII, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe establishment is less than 150 sq.m. Before making a decision, calculate each option in order to choose the most profitable one. Please note that UTII may not be valid in a particular region, so find out everything in advance.

Register the cash register with the tax office, and also register with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund as an employer in order to transfer insurance premiums for employees.

The next stage is the most difficult - to get all the permissions. In order to open a summer cafe from scratch, it is necessary to coordinate with the SES, the fire inspectorate, and the land administration. A basic list of required documentation can be found in this article.

Summer cafe equipment

For a summer cafe, the same equipment is required as for a regular catering establishment. Refrigerators, ovens, kitchen utensils, crockery (ceramic or cardboard - depending on the cafe format), small kitchen appliances, etc. Other equipment can be added here if the cafe format requires it. For example, if you plan to open a barbecue, you will need to buy a brazier and all related tools.

In addition, you should take care of the comfort of your guests and purchase equipment to maintain a comfortable temperature, such as portable irrigation-type air conditioners or fans with a humidifier.

Ready-made ideas for your business

It is also necessary to purchase furniture: tables and chairs. Keep in mind that the use of plastic garden furniture in outdoor cafes is prohibited in many cities, due to low environmental and aesthetic characteristics. The best solution is wicker or metal furniture with soft seats.

It will take about 300 thousand rubles to fully equip a summer cafe. But be sure to recalculate all costs, taking into account your conditions and price level.

Menu and sourcing

Menu development is a very important step. It must correspond to the format of the institution in all respects, and especially in terms of price. It is impossible to give any definite recommendations here. Each format has its own specifics. We can only highlight the key points:

    The menu should be varied, but not oversaturated. Too long a list of dishes is bad for both the client and you. It will be difficult for the client to decide, and for you to stock up on so many different ingredients (it’s good if all positions are in demand, otherwise you will suffer losses);

    For each dish, a technological map should be drawn up. It indicates the consumption of products per serving and its volume. These data will be useful for the cook and SES, as well as for calculating the necessary raw materials;

    Respect the principle of full and variable use of products. Make the menu so that you use the main products in different dishes. This will help to avoid food spoilage if some of the dishes are unclaimed;

    Consider consumer preferences. Be flexible when shaping the menu. Track the history of orders, ask visitors for their opinion, exclude unpopular dishes from the menu or, conversely, enter those that are often asked about.

After developing the menu, make a list of necessary products. With this information, start your search for suppliers. The main requirement for them is the timely delivery and quality of the products provided. It is important that all products meet the requirements of GOSTs and have quality certificates. Using the flow chart and sales forecast, calculate the quantity of products you need. Most likely, these calculations will be approximate.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The list of necessary products for purchase is individual for each institution. So you will have to deal with suppliers yourself. You can work with a comprehensive supplier who will guide you and provide you with everything you need in one delivery. But most often small cafes work with local small suppliers.

Before concluding a supply agreement, discuss all the conditions, voice your requirements or wishes, read the reviews on certain suppliers. Compare different offers. Make the first purchase small and from different suppliers. Compare the following criteria: delivery speed, additional service, product quality, product price, customer loyalty, etc. As you can see, the search for suppliers is a rather dreary business, so also start it in advance.

For a small establishment, the initial purchases of products will amount to approximately 40 thousand rubles. Although here everything is individual.

Summer cafe staff

A cafe is not complete without a chef and a waiter. In addition, if you work 7 days a week, you should organize a shift work schedule - and this is another cook and a waiter. The minimum staff for a summer cafe: 2 waiters, 2 cooks, administrator, cleaner, accountant. You can’t imagine anything with cooks and waiters - you need to look for good, qualified employees. As an administrator, you can try to handle it yourself. Accounting services can be outsourced.

Select staff that matches the format of the cafe. For example, if you are planning a galateria where ready-made ice cream is sold, then you can do without a cook and put one salesman-cashier. And if you are planning a cafe with your own kitchen, then you can’t do without a chef.

Please note that all employees must have medical books. This is a mandatory requirement. With a staff of 6 people, the payroll will be about 120 thousand rubles (including contributions to funds).

Advertising of a summer cafe is as specific as the activity itself. Expensive methods don't work here. It is better to focus on simple but effective advertising. Be prepared to spend about 20 thousand rubles on promotion.

    The location of the establishment is important. Often people on a walk choose a cafe spontaneously. They pass by a cozy establishment, see a sign with an attractive offer and decide to go in. So make sure your cafe looks presentable. You can set up a chalkboard nearby where you will write information about discounts or the dish of the day.

    Announce yourself in advance. While you are setting up the site, put up a notice stating what will be located here and when it is planned to open. Distribute leaflets with discount coupons and an invitation to the opening of the summer playground.

    Come up with your chip - something that will distinguish you from others. The competition in the market is very high. You have to fight for a place in the sun not only within a narrow segment, but also with most establishments in the city that have summer venues (and now many have them). Maybe you will turn on the music on the records, stylizing the cafe as retro; or you will show films through a projector; or arrange a show program ... There are many options. Look at what interesting things are coming up abroad - what if you want to repeat something?

Profit calculation

We pass to the most important stage - the calculation of profit. Be sure to plan the income and expenses of the project to make sure it is effective. Otherwise, there's no point in doing it.

Here are the key business indicators:

    Initial investment: 600 thousand rubles

    Average check: from 300 to 1200 rubles (depending on the format)

    Number of visitors per month: 1200 people (or 40 people per day)

    Monthly turnover: ≈ 720 thousand rubles

    Monthly expenses: 270 thousand rubles

    Net profit: ≈ 450 thousand rubles

    Payback period: 2 months

These calculations are approximate and may vary depending on: region, institution format, price level, etc.

Some features of summer cafes

  • Rule of three "O": lighting, heating installations, insect repellers. If you take care of these three "O", then your visitors will not scatter in the evening, in damp and cool weather, in the first months of autumn.
  • Beer and meat. It is on them that the emphasis is most often placed in summer cafes. But according to the law, it is not allowed to sell alcohol in non-stationary objects (kiosk, stall, counter, tent). Regional authorities have the right to allow the sale of beer in summer cafes, but located only at stationary facilities.
  • White color. All restaurateurs strictly do not recommend using white accessories on tables in a summer outdoor cafe. Why? Everything is very simple: the white color blinds the eyes in the bright sun.
  • Playground + children's menu. Practically obligatory components of open cafes.
  • Zoning. Even for the so-called democratic segment, one rule must be remembered: the territory must be divided into several zones and create a feeling of isolation of the tables. “Architectural details” will help here, such as arches, arbors, walls, wattle fences, decorative forged gratings, fountains, waterfalls.


Summer cafe is a great way to make quick money. But the business is profitable only if everything is done according to plan and in a timely manner. Start preparing for the summer season is already in the winter. Investments at the start are low, and due to the huge margin on products for the season, they can earn as much as a grocery store has for a whole year.

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