Business for pensioners in the country. What to do in retirement to earn money: examples and tips

Retirement is perceived differently by people. For some, this is a tragedy, because they lost their favorite job, for someone - a long-awaited event. In any case, for a pensioner, this time can be a great start for new discoveries, including in terms of business.

Business for pensioners: all the benefits

What are the benefits of starting a business in retirement?

  • You do not have small children and work, but it all takes a lot of time and effort.
  • You have experience accumulated over the years, while young people start a business almost blindly.
  • Many retirees need less time to sleep, some complain of insomnia. So why not spend that time on something more useful?
  • By this venerable age, you most likely have accumulated many friends and acquaintances who can come to the rescue at different stages of the development of your business.

TOP 10 best ideas for pensioners

There are many things to do in retirement. Many older people complain that the state benefit is too small to provide a normal standard of living. Therefore, a business in this case will be an excellent solution.

Before choosing one or another idea, correlate your financial capabilities, health status and personal preferences. The chosen business should be of interest to you, you should have enough strength to implement it. And, of course, an important component is the availability of the necessary initial capital.

  1. Growing vegetables and fruits

What retiree doesn't like to dig in his garden? By this age, most have a house in the village or in the country, where it is so pleasant to spend time, equipping your own garden and growing fresh vegetables or fruits. So why not make money on this lesson?

We invite you to read our articles on this topic:

In such an area, it is important that there are no direct competitors nearby. But in general, it should be borne in mind that trading is a rather complicated area. It will require considerable investments, as well as a constant struggle with competitors.

  1. Services sector

Surely, having lived up to retirement, a person over the past years has learned to do something perfectly: sew, teach children, repair cars, decorate an apartment. All these skills can be easily transferred to the business sphere.

Or maybe you have always dreamed of opening your own cafe or bakery? In general, the service sector is quite extensive and the main thing here is to choose what is closest to your liking and what is not too complicated for implementation.

If you have worked as a teacher all your life, retirement is a great opportunity to take up tutoring. Nowadays, this occupation is very highly paid, so you will not lack funds.

We also present you a selection of simple business ideas in the service sector:

Don't be afraid to make your dreams come true!

  1. hand-made

Handmade items have been in great demand lately. No wonder the sphere of hand-made has long been attributed to an independent business direction. You can do anything: postcards, bouquets from or, souvenirs, and much more.

Such ideas require implementation on the Internet, best of all - in social networks. Not all retirees are active computer users, so it will not be superfluous to learn this skill.

  1. Internet business

By the way, there is a category of pensioners who are “you” with a computer. For them, there are a lot of business ideas that you can do without leaving your home. All you need for this is a laptop or PC, as well as Internet access.

The advantage of such ideas is that they do not require initial capital. So, let's list what you can do:

It is a writing of various texts for websites.

  • Creation

Here, of course, certain skills will be needed, so this option is not suitable for all older people.

  • Writing term papers, theses, essays

The best option for teachers and teachers of retirement age.

  • Earnings on referrals, clicks, etc.

Such earnings cannot be called highly paid, but it is quite simple.

The pensioner may well give odds to the younger generation

  1. Sports betting, eSports

Retirees have enough time to keep track of news from the world of sports and. After all, to keep abreast of the latest games, you need to constantly watch sports competitions. Only deep immersion in the topic guarantees that what has been done will give a positive result.

  1. Milk business

To start such a business, you will need to have a couple of cows or goats. Then sell milk and products made from it at the nearest market. You can also sell goods online.

TOP ideas

What entrepreneurs don’t invent to make it easier for old people to live in the age of modern technology, move safely around the house and find a common language with their children...

1. Hotel in a nursing home

An unusual hotel operates in the Dutch city of Deventer. You don't have to pay money to live there. Humanitas Residential Care Center is not a hotel or even a hostel, but a nursing home with free rooms for guests. As the latter, only traveling students who do not have money are accepted. Their task is to spend 30 hours a week with the elderly. Nothing excessive from the guests is not required. All that is needed from the guest here is emotional communication with the elderly and easy help.

2. Kindergarten and nursing home 2 in 1

In the United States, under one roof, the elderly decided to unite with children. Five times a week, Providence Mount St. Vincent also turns into a kindergarten. Children are brought to the elderly: side by side, the elderly and kids draw, sing, dance, sculpt, walk in the air and even take cooking courses. Spending time together has a positive effect on both. Children are provided with constant attention and care, cut off from computers and tablets, and old people feel a new taste for life, feel their need and usefulness for society and for a while forget about their age and health problems.

3. Club of young and old knitting lovers

Another example of the “young+old” business trend that the 1000 Ideas portal talked about is a Dutch project called Granny’s Finest. Granny's Finest is a knitting club for young and old. On the cozy platform of the club, young students-designers meet with knitters-grandmothers. Together they create clothes that the club successfully sells in a specific market of lovers of "things with soul". Photographers, models and make-up artists scurry between theorists and practitioners who arrange photo shoots, reports on YouTube and Instagram and help advertise their products.

4. Slow service cash registers for the elderly

Once, in the Finnish city of Espoo, a sociological survey was conducted, according to which it turned out that many people experience stress while standing at supermarket checkouts. It is especially uncomfortable for the elderly. The unaccustomed person needs to do a lot of tasks at a pace, putting products on the tape, counting money and packing products so as not to create a queue behind him and not to anger other buyers. Then one of the large supermarket chains K-citymarket decided to organize slow service checkouts. Neither sellers nor buyers at such cash desks are in a hurry: the process of providing services goes slowly and without unnecessary hassle.

5. Magic phone for the elderly

ClarityLife believes that landlines are not yet out of date. For example, they are used to being used by many elderly people who are not friendly with mobile phones at all. In order not to drive such retrogrades into a lot of stress, the company decided to provide simple landline phones with several features that are typical for smart devices. For example, photos of children and grandchildren that they publish on social networks may appear on their screen, the phone has a Help me button to call for help. It also has the ability to remind you to take your medications.

6. Smart watches for the elderly

Another version of an accessory familiar to pensioners, from which the creators decided to make a gadget for the elderly, was a wristwatch. Kanega watches are able to remind a person to take medication, show the way to the house and quickly contact relatives and the medical center. In order to make a call, you do not need to press any buttons - the command is given by voice. In addition, the watch is equipped with an accelerometer - a fall sensor, which we will talk about later.

7. Topless shoes for the elderly

The ability to dress and put on your own shoes is a privilege of youth that we do not appreciate. In order to insert a foot into a shoe, tie shoelaces or zip up, grandparents have to put in triple the effort. In China, this problem was solved in the following way - they invented special topless shoes. Topless Shoes do not have a full top, which makes the task much easier. The leg entry hole is located along the entire length, so the old men do not need to bend and “grunt”.

8. Touch floors for lonely seniors

It often happens that in old age a person is left completely alone, and it is not possible for relatives to follow his every step. The worst thing is that if something happens to the old man, then there is no one to help him. Especially for alerting about "emergency cases", the German company Future Shape has developed sensory floors. Their main function is to warn of something or someone falling to the floor. Such a miracle of textiles fits under a laminate, carpet or linoleum and has a thickness of only 2 mm.

9. Fall sensor for the elderly

There are a huge variety of fall sensors, but not all of them are able to catch such an insidious type of fall as “slow subsidence”. Unlike most gadgets, the Tellu AS detector can inform relatives not only about those falls when the body of an elderly person hits the floor loudly, but also about common cases of slow “sliding down the wall”.

10. Airbag against fractures

Smart floors and sensors are good, but what about the consequences of a fall in the form of bruises and, God forbid, fractures? Previous gadgets do not give a complete answer to this question. But it gives the invention of the Wolk Company. The Wolk (Dutch for "cloud") airbag, developed by its specialists, is worn over clothing and, by inflating before colliding with the surface, helps prevent hip fracture - one of the most common fractures among older people.

28.05.2019 14:19:56

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With retirement, a person has an excess of free time. But often accompanied by the need for additional sources of income. After all, it is no secret that the size of the state pension usually allows, at best, to survive, but not to live. The combination of these two factors sometimes becomes a reason for doing business. And to him, like love, all ages are submissive.

Business ideas for retirees

Usually, owning a business is associated with offices, a huge number of employees and huge investments. However, this is not always the case. Any form of self-employment that generates income can be classified as a small business. This can be home-based cottage production, provision of services on the client's territory, growing vegetables and fruits for sale on a personal plot or cottage, animal breeding and many other options. Some of them, for example, the organization of a kindergarten at home, require licensing and require strict control by the state. And illegal activity is fraught with administrative and even criminal liability. Therefore, it makes sense to limit yourself to simpler destinations that do not require special permissions.

Business, like love, is submissive to all ages

Ways of earning for a pensioner can be divided into the following groups:

  • home-based;
  • in the Internet;
  • at the cottage / in the village.

Since the status of a pensioner implies the right to benefits, a reasonable question arises whether there are areas of application of forces for them where concessions are provided. But here it is necessary to upset - the answer is negative. The law does not provide for any concessions in terms of business registration, tax incentives, relief on mandatory payments for individual entrepreneurs (IEs) and peasant farms (PFHs). And in terms of receiving financial assistance from the state to start a business, a pensioner is even in a worse position than a person of working age. A prerequisite for the provision of this subsidy is the recognition of the applicant as unemployed. And a pensioner is not entitled to such a status, it is only for able-bodied people. Through the employment center, he can only count on assistance in finding a job for hire without the right to benefits until he finds it, and other benefits due to the unemployed.

In areas where pensioners receive additional money from the region, such as in Moscow, the right to these additional payments after finding a job or starting a legal business is usually lost.

If everything is done strictly according to the letter of the law, a pensioner must fulfill obligations to the state on an equal basis with everyone from the income from his business. But here are the options:

  • pay personal income tax (PIT) in the amount of 13% of income and submit a declaration once a year;
  • register as an individual entrepreneur (IP);
  • create a limited liability company (LLC).

The last two options allow you to use the simplified taxation system (STS) and pay 6% of all income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses. Individual entrepreneurs will additionally have to make mandatory payments to extra-budgetary funds (even if you are already retired, but its size will not increase from this).

When doing business in rural areas, you can register a peasant farm (KFH) or personal subsidiary plot, and for an individual entrepreneur or LLC, choose the option of paying a single agricultural tax.

Ideas for making money at home

This can be the manufacture of various handmade products (it is now also called handmade from the English hand made - made by hand) for subsequent sale.

One of the options for making money at home is hand-tailoring soft toys.

The set of options is very wide and limited only by the circle of human imagination. But there are several popular directions.

Candle production

For this option of earning, you will need a special machine, casting molds and consumables (wax, stearin, wicks). The cost of equipment and raw materials for the first batch in 2017 is estimated at about 10 thousand rubles. It takes an average of four to five months to reach a net profit entirely.

Making candles at home is considered a difficult but profitable business.

An ideal option would be a separate cool room such as a garage. But you have to take care of the exhaust, ventilation and cleanliness.

Demand for these products peaks on the eve of such holidays as New Year, Valentine's Day, etc. However, products are in demand in other periods as well. After all, for example, romantic dates are organized all year round.

The cost of one candle averages 50 rubles, and you can sell them at a price of 100. But a more detailed breakdown depends on the region. And in relation to any line of business, specific data on costs and profits can only be obtained as a result of an analysis of the local market.

Video: an example of making candles at home

Soap making

Handmade soap is bought mainly as a gift. Therefore, along with the quality of products, you will have to take care of the design. The original shape and color of the product itself, colorful packaging are in demand more than ever.

You will have to spend money on organizing homemade soap production by hand: to purchase molds, essence, dyes, packaging materials. However, this business is considered highly profitable, so you should reach payback and net profit in less than six months.

The minimum amount of expenses is distributed approximately as follows:

  • about 1200 rubles will cost a form for cooking and a set of tools (you can buy a ready-made kit);
  • from 300 - ingredients depending on the recipe, which can be found in the public domain in a great variety (olive, coconut or palm oil, ready-made base or baby soap, herbal essences, dyes, aromatic essential oils, coffee beans or nuts for shells, if planning to do a scrub);
  • table scales - from 400 rubles;
  • from 200 rubles - a separate pan (you can not buy if there is a sufficient supply in the kitchen).

The cost of one piece is on average 50 rubles. Studying the range of similar goods presented in your region will help you navigate the prices of finished products.

Vidkoe: how to make soap at home

Provision of services of a lawyer, accountant, tutor

The choice is determined by what you can do. For a number of in-demand services, for example, an accountant, lawyer or tutor, you need specialized education and relevant experience. If the road to a full-time position as an accountant or lawyer is often closed long before retirement (such a negative phenomenon as age discrimination, unfortunately, has not been eliminated in our society). But outsourcing opens up additional opportunities. And your trump card will be a huge professional experience. But a lawyer or an accountant who serves several clients who find it unprofitable to keep a full-time specialist can earn no less, or even more than a colleague from a large company. For example, in Kostroma, an outsourced accountant estimates his services to support small businesses from 5,000 rubles per month per firm or entrepreneur. And such clients can lead an average of 10-15.

An accountant or lawyer who handles several small clients can earn more than a colleague from the office of a large company

Tutors are a direct road for teachers and educators of higher education. In addition, many of them use this option of additional income even before retirement. And some do not disdain to write various educational papers (control, laboratory, term papers, diploma, abstracts) to order.

An example from practice is a former primary school teacher who lives in the regional center, conducts classes according to the program of a Russian school with children of emigrants from the countries of the former USSR. She uses Skype to communicate with students. One lesson of 45 minutes costs $15. She has an average of 5-6 lessons a day.

Since the clients of home-based lawyers and accountants will be entrepreneurs and legal entities, the execution of contractual relations is of great importance. So the status of an individual entrepreneur or your own company is required. However, it is unnecessary for professionals in these areas to explain this.

If you plan to engage in tutoring, the best legalization option would be to register as a self-employed person. To do this, you only need to visit the tax office once with a passport and a completed notice on a special form. Until the end of 2018, self-employed persons do not have to pay taxes and deductions to funds and report income. The opportunity to register in this capacity is also available to those who are engaged in domestic help or care and supervision.

The choice of the application of forces is yours. But do not forget that sometimes a profitable type of activity can be found where you least look for it.

The pensioner registered on the English-language website Upwork, popular with freelancers. Initially, she planned to engage in typing, but quickly realized that she could not stand the competition with performers from India. And then she put in her portfolio photographs of bags that she makes with her own hands as a hobby. Soon, customers from different countries began to turn to her for the development of the design of handbags.

Ideas for making money on the Internet

Opportunities for online business are determined, as in the real world, by your inclinations, skills, knowledge, worldly and professional experience. And if you are already a webmaster, programmer, designer, copywriter, Internet marketer, SMM or contextual advertising specialist, layout designer, etc., you don’t need to learn anything. You yourself know everything about the Internet and the possibilities to extract the main or additional income from it. Those who do not have such a trump card in their assets need advice. And for them, there are enough opportunities on the Internet too.

There is no access to the Internet without a computer or gadget

All that is needed at a minimum level is the presence of a computer and the ability to use it.

In many cities, computer literacy courses are held for pensioners. They can even be free (funding is undertaken by the state). You can find out if there are such people nearby at the social service center (SSC) at the place of residence.

To work as a copywriter, it is not a prerequisite to have a diploma in journalism or philology. But a good knowledge of the Russian language, the ability to write so that it is read easily and with pleasure, and literacy are vital. It is equally important that you have something to say to the world. Of course, you can sculpt texts on any topic. But it is more productive to limit yourself to those in which you are well versed. It is best when they are somehow related to your education, profession or hobby. And you will get more pleasure from the production process.

The disadvantage of this way of earning is low prices, especially for beginners. One thousand characters of text without spaces can cost, for example, 20 rubles. And on content exchanges, where everyone is accepted without entrance testing, offers with even lower rates are not uncommon. Working on the principle of "without fanaticism", you can issue an average of 20-30 thousand characters per day. Of course, there are cases of higher performance, but this is rather an exception. Here's how much you can earn. However, with experience comes an increase in prices. For a high-class copywriter, there is no limit and one thousand rubles for the same number of characters of text. But if such offers are found on the stock exchanges, then perhaps as an exception: the customer comes there just for cheapness.

Bread copywriter can not be called easy

A more profitable direction can be called earnings on your own website. However, for this you will have to spend at least a domain (from 200 rubles) and hosting. It is easy to create a simple site yourself based on a template or using a constructor. You can also take on the writing of texts (as in copywriting to order, it is better to choose a topic in which you are an expert). Another option is to attract copywriters through exchanges or buy ready-made texts there. For example, an article on financial topics on Advego costs an average of three dollars. But this is an additional expense.

You will also have to invest in promoting and attracting visitors. For a rough estimate of such costs, it would be nice to look at auctions where buyers are offered ready-made sites. For example, on Telderi, there are often descriptions of resources put up for sale with detailed layouts.

Passive income from the site can amount to tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. But everything does not happen all at once in this business. First you have to invest and sweat a lot in order to return and increase this money.

Reselling goods from China is also considered a promising way to earn money. Logistics today is set up in such a way that you will not see the product being sold - delivery is carried out from the warehouse directly to the buyer. But you need to invest in the acquisition of the product itself and its promotion. For example, on the famous Amazon website, which is one of the platforms for such trading, there is very high competition, and staying in top positions requires a budget of several thousand dollars a month. These costs are justified in the end, but the necessary amounts must first be taken somewhere.

Depending on your situation, you can use the Internet as a means of promoting your own goods and services (advertising on popular sites or your online store) or make it your main source of income.

Ideas for making money in the country

If you have a dacha or a house in the village, you can form sources of income based on them. But it will be possible to achieve a decent result only on the condition that you have a craving for what you plan to do. If you like to dig in the ground or mess with animals, cards in hand! But since these activities do not give pleasure, it is better to choose something else.

Health opportunities are becoming a key factor in rural areas. After all, peasant labor implies the need to work hard physically.

The choice of direction of activity is determined by how much time you are going to spend on your six or more acres. If you plan to limit yourself to the summer season, the choice narrows down to, respectively, seasonal options. These include, for example, growing fruits and vegetables for sale or beekeeping.

One of the ways to make money in the village can be called an apiary

It should be said right away that all types of business on earth require investments. We'll have to buy at least seeds. If we consider animal husbandry and beekeeping, then the start-up costs will increase by an order of magnitude. Rabbits or nutria need cages, gobies need a room where they will be kept, bees need hives, etc.

In general, we can distinguish such popular ways of making money in the country or in the countryside:

  • sale of vegetables and fruits and canned products from them;
  • keeping bees;
  • breeding rabbits (they multiply intensively and quickly gain weight);
  • cultivation of nutria;
  • fattening bulls;
  • keeping a cow and selling milk and products from it (cottage cheese, cheese, curdled milk, etc.).

Each of these options has its own nuances. Animals need to be fed, cleaned and cared for daily and all year round.

You also have to make sure you have enough food. Purchased compound feed, for example, for rabbits and bulls, significantly reduces profitability. However, land for pasture and haymaking can be rented from local authorities.

It is more profitable to rent additional land for haymaking than to buy compound feed for rabbits or bulls

When breeding bulls, it is better to give preference to meat or meat and dairy breeds. But if you decide to get a cow for the production of milk for sale, you must definitely choose a dairy one.

The beekeeping season roughly coincides with the dacha season. But it is advisable not to leave the bees to the mercy of fate in the winter. They need to be checked regularly and, if necessary, fed or treated.

Along with honey, pollen, perga, propolis, wax become products of beekeeping. The latter, by the way, can serve as a raw material for making candles at home.

A good income from the sale of honey is considered to be from 300 thousand rubles per season from ten families. Initial investments for the purchase of hives, the bee colonies themselves, a beekeeper's protective suit with gloves and a hat, a smoker, a honey extractor, and a filler are estimated at an average of 100 thousand rubles. But you can save money if you make hives with your own hands.

The method of breeding bees in the Vladimir beehive-lounger involves only six types of compulsory work per year. Experts attribute its advantages to the fact that it is as close as possible to the natural habitat of insects. By cons - low against the background of others, suggesting more human intervention, performance.

Whatever direction of activity on earth you choose for yourself, you will definitely have to take care of the sale of finished products. As with the production of handmade goods, it will be more profitable to sell it directly to the final consumer, bypassing intermediaries. You can sell some of the crop at the nearest market or a busy highway. But this is an extra waste of time and effort.

In the summer, when townspeople come and take their children to their dachas and villages, there will be a special demand for your cow's milk.

You can also sell milk, honey, meat and other products of your agricultural activities to your neighbors, especially in summer, when townspeople go to dachas and villages and bring children.

However, you can also advertise your product, including through the Internet. The consumer always has more confidence in household products than in products from the store - and this is your trump card. But you have to take care, for example, of veterinary certificates. You will also need to think about shipping. The goods must reach the buyer without delay and fit for consumption.

Another point to be understood is that the sale of products obtained as a result of processing is always more profitable than the sale of raw materials.

To conduct business on land, it will be necessary to officially register a peasant farm or personal subsidiary plot (PSP). The second option is more profitable and simpler, since it does not involve the submission of reports and the payment of taxes and contributions to extra-budgetary funds. But after the registration of the KFH, there is an opportunity to receive money for its development from the state.

Real estate rental business

If you intend to move to a village or a country house, and you have an empty apartment in the city, it makes sense to turn it into a source of rental income rather than utility costs. In this case, the burden of paying utility bills falls on the shoulders of the tenant, and you gain a source of passive income. And from the point of view of the state, this is the same business as any other.

The cost of renting housing is determined by the situation in the market of a particular region. The larger the city and the higher the income level of its inhabitants, the more expensive. You can find out the cost of rent using sites where advertisements for renting housing are published in your region (the most relevant, in particular, are the regional sections on Avito and CIAN). Or consult the nearest real estate agency.

It is up to you to decide whether to make repairs in the apartment, buy new furniture and household appliances. Practice shows that it finds its tenant housing in any condition and configuration. After all, the main value of such an area is a roof over your head. As for the repair, it can be agreed that it be carried out by the tenant, but usually on account of the rent. Repairs will have to be done at least once every few years.

But what you should take care of is the insurance of the property of the apartment and civil liability to the neighbors. The price of the policy depends on the region, so it is better to contact the insurance companies that provide such services for up-to-date information.

No matter how good the impression the tenants make on you, no one has canceled the “trust but verify” rule. However, the accuracy of paying bills is now easy to control via the Internet in most regions. According to the law and generally accepted rules, you can visit your tenants once a month.

The law allows you to rent out housing without additional permits and business registration. Rent received by an individual is subject to a 13% income tax. An alternative is to register an individual entrepreneur on a simplified taxation system (STS) and deduct 6% of income plus mandatory payments (in 2017 - 27,990 thousand rubles a year and 1% of the amount of income in excess of 300 thousand rubles).

An individual entrepreneur has the right to receive an exemption from the obligation to pay insurance premiums for himself if he is caring for an elderly or disabled person. But when he himself is already retired, he is not entitled to such a benefit.

In a number of regions, a patent is becoming an alternative to the six percent tax. Its cost depends on the period for which it is purchased (from a month to a year), the location of the apartment and its area. For example, in Moscow a patent costs an average of 18,000 rubles per year in residential areas to 27,000 in the center. According to realtors, with a housing price of up to 60 thousand rubles a month, it is more profitable to pay tax as an individual. And the acquisition of a patent is justified when renting large apartments in the central districts of the capital.

Ideas for making money without investments

Any income generation option for which you have the necessary skills and equipment does not require financial injections. For example, they intend to engage in tutoring, including via Skype, and we already have everything you need for this. And the future copywriter by default has a head, a computer and Internet access.

Among other options for generating income, one can single out, for example, the organization of joint purchases. This type of activity is especially popular with women on maternity leave, but there are no obstacles for a pensioner to do this.

A trump card for an elderly person will be his social circle, consisting of the public, mostly of the same age and financial situation, which means that they are interested in saving money.

You can search for participants for a joint purchase in the circle of friends and neighbors

There is no cost to enter this business. It is enough to register on a specialized website, select a product and suppliers and find buyers for completing the minimum lot. Net earnings minus delivery costs usually amount to 10% of the purchase amount, and on average up to 25 thousand rubles can be made per month.

And those who are fond of photography, at least at an amateur level, can try to earn money by selling their pictures through photobanks. Usually such a person already has a camera and access to the Internet.

The statistics of customer requests will help you figure out what to put in the photo bank and what to make marks.

A photographer who is just starting to cooperate with a photo bank receives an average of 60–80 rubles from each sale of one image. But as the number of photos bought from him grows, their price increases.

How to choose what business to start in retirement

When choosing a future field of activity, you need to answer yourself the following questions:

  1. What can you do?
  2. What is your soul for?
  3. Are you interested in learning something new?
  4. Do you have any health problems that may interfere with this or that activity?
  5. What do you already have from what you need to start (computer, land with a house, various tools, etc.)?
  6. How much money are you willing to invest without a guarantee that it will pay off?

The answers you get will help you figure out where to go next.

That the chosen case should please you is of key importance. If an occupation is not fun, you will not earn much with it.

Of course, in one publication it is impossible to consider in detail all the options for doing business for a pensioner. The set of directions for the application of forces is much wider. So in the end, a completely unexpected way may turn out to be interesting and profitable for you.

Retirement is celebrated. But not every pensioner is happy with the appearance of free time. When there is the strength to act and the desire to be useful, the thought of owning a business appears.

What a pensioner can do, what types of business an elderly person can handle - these questions are individual for each pensioner. As soon as a person evaluates his strengths and abilities, it is time to choose a profitable home business for a retiree.

Having rested from work experience and having lost the habit of jumping up at 5-6 in the morning, an elderly person thinks about how to take the freed time. There are many ideas that can be implemented without leaving home. But even better, if these ideas will generate income.

What should be a business at home:

  • interesting;
  • profitable;
  • does not require large cash costs;
  • fast payback.

To choose the type of activity that suits you, take a notebook and a pen and write down all your skills, for example, carpentry, wood carving, gardening, cooking, animal husbandry / poultry farming, needlework, knowledge of languages, music, singing, professional skills (accounting, law and etc.).

From the list, select those items on which you can earn from scratch - without investment or with minimal investment. These can be: teaching, needlework, gardening, repair, carpentry.

Poultry is considered more material-intensive - and animal husbandry, needlework, and crop production. In addition, income from such activities will not be visible in the next 1-3 months.

A type of business for pensioners at home is also considered their own online store. Work in such large network companies as Avon, Feberlik, Oriflame and others brings increasing income, often after a year of work, representatives draw up an IP and a guaranteed pension supplement.

Everyone must choose the field of activity that is most profitable for himself. How to make money for a pensioner at home - see this video interview:

Features of each type of activity

Needlework. In the modern age of megacities, young people are keenly interested in needlework. There are few grandmothers left who teach their granddaughters how to use a needle, crochet and knitting needles.

Videos and photo shoots will be happy to help you shoot your children and grandchildren. Your task is to demonstrate how to knit, embroider or sew this or that thing. A feature of the taste of modern youth is speed (how to do it quickly, beautifully and in an original way).

Along with video tutorials, you can make (sew, knit, embroider exclusive products and clothes for people, dolls, animals).

The most profitable is sewing clothes for four-legged pets. The cost of one jacket for a small dog is from 250 rubles.

There are sites that pay for original recipes. There is a practice of creating master classes that are held via Skype or webinar rooms. Payment for the time of the webinar room depends on the company providing the broadcast.

Usually the cost depends on the number of participants. Advertising in social networks, Internet posters and newspapers will help to gather your audience. Help in conducting webinars can be found in video clips on the Internet.

Gardening, animal husbandry, crop production is a convenient business for those who love nature and have their own plot. The initial capital for raising chickens or other birds consists of the sum of the costs of acquiring chickens, feed and warming the barn if you are going to leave them until the New Year holidays.

The most profitable is - the cost of one kg of poultry, weighing 20-25 kg, rises from 350 rubles and more on New Year's Eve. Minus breeding - too tender and painful.

Needlework is an interesting and promising business idea for retirees.

It is profitable to grow chickens if the food in your area is quite inexpensive. For cultivation for slaughter, fast-growing breeds are preferred.

Gardening and horticulture also does not bring quick income and requires labor investment and the purchase of fertilizers. At the same time, it is highly dependent on weather conditions. The organization of a greenhouse involves additional costs - taxes, if the greenhouse is not for personal use, but for sales.

Tutoring is the most profitable type of business that does not require investments and quickly generates income. Anything you can teach will earn you income from apprentices. Starting from school subjects and ending with woodcarving. How to draw up a contract for the provision of tutoring and educational services - find out

However, even here it is necessary to pay for ads, make sure that there are a lot of them. It takes at least a month to wait for the first students.

Lovers of home flowers can immediately go into business and take plants grown with their own hands to stores.

At first, this business does not bring high income, but as it is acquired, floriculture turns from a hobby into a profitable business.

Own shop can be opened if your neighborhood needs it. All expenses that you incur will amount to at least 500 thousand rubles. How to open a grocery store from scratch? Step by step instructions are located

Check how competitive your offer will be. You will spend the same amount if you organize your company in almost any direction.

Nanny, housekeeper, married couple for housekeeping. This work is familiar, but requires health and endurance. If you and your spouse, after retiring, decide to do this, you will very quickly be able to organize your own company, for example, Cinderella and attract workers - masters of cleanliness - to your staff.

IP for pensioners - are there any benefits

There are no benefits for pensioners who decide to open an IP. But, you will receive your business income on a par with a pension. And contributions to a pension fund with an individual entrepreneur will index your pension in a positive direction.

In your employment center, you can find out what assistance they provide to pensioners in registering individual entrepreneurship.

In total, about 50 thousand rubles. necessary for the execution of all documents and payment of duties and taxes. According to the program, this amount is returned through the employment center, upon presentation of the relevant documents.

To open an individual entrepreneur, a pensioner needs to: appear at the tax office with a passport, TIN, pay a state duty and write an application. can be viewed at the link.

The choice of the type of tax that you are willing to pay depends on the type of your activity. For example, agricultural tax - 6% of income 1 time per quarter can be paid by those citizens who are engaged in fishing and agriculture.

If you decide to open a small production of something, then the PSN tax will do. If the work is related to cargo transportation, then you can choose UTII (imputation), which is charged to the state of the calculated income.

You can change the type of tax at the end of one and the beginning of another annual period.

Before writing an application, think about what kind of activity you want to do. This will be stated on the application. The tax office will help you formulate your idea correctly.

The state duty is 800 rubles. Before applying for an IP, try to take the first steps in the chosen field. See what kind of activity is more beneficial for you and your will.

If you intend to combine several activities, then see if you can handle such a daily load. In order not to waste time, take the first steps - equip the premises, purchase inventory, make test items and try to sell them.

Learn how to raise poultry, animals, walk the path of learning with those who are familiar with this type of activity.

Pensioners can earn money by raising cattle.

Look at what offers are on the market in creative areas, how much it costs, how fast it sells, determine what you do better, what “chip” you can offer - this is called “study the market, competitors, find your niche”.

How much to start a business for pensioners at home

You can start a business with 500 rubles or 1 million rubles. The main thing is that you have money to start.

Minimum investment is required only when choosing tutoring, gathering (mushrooms, berries). In this case, it is better to open an IP after the appearance of the first clients.

They require investments of up to 50 thousand rubles. purchase of poultry and feed, with the condition that May birds be slaughtered before November.

Breeding cattle, piglets and sheep requires considerable investments, the purchase of vaccines, a vast area for pastures and waste disposal. It is better to engage in such farming for pensioners who are knowledgeable in animal husbandry.

About 1 million rubles. - for the store, the amount of turnover and registration of IP, without a loan and debts. The store will pay for itself in 1 - 1.5 years.

The provision of services is free of charge. The work of writing articles for websites and editorial offices does not require investments, but skills in working with computer programs such as Word and Excel are required.

You can complete training in special courses in 1-3 months. Course fees vary by region. If children or grandchildren learn how to use the programs, then the courses may not be needed.

Costs for creating your website

Creating your own sites may be free, but promoting a site and moving it to the first lines of search engines is quite an expensive service. In addition, it is important to find really competent specialists in this field. Better - in your own city in a reputable company.

Therefore, it is better to entrust the creation of videos and video lessons to grandchildren or children. The pensioner's business at home must be supported by the family, then everything will work out with the prospect of prosperity and profit.

What business to do in retirement - ideas for men and women in this video:

Each person expects the onset of retirement age with ambivalent feelings - he is not used to the opportunity to have his time, and he is afraid to remain unclaimed. For those who are terrified of these feelings, there is a great opportunity to finally do what you love and earn a good increase in your pension. And if you are worried about how to start a business in retirement, you can use some ready-made ideas. They will help you to profitably combine two factors - to take your free time and earn money.

From the very beginning: the idea - where to get it?

As a rule, doing business is always associated with huge production, numerous investments and attracting a whole staff of employees. In fact, everything is not so. Any form of employment that generates income falls into the category of small business.

This could be vegetable growing, home tutoring, craft making, babysitting services, and more. Many business ideas require not only huge investments, but also special licensing. Do not forget that illegal activities, for example, opening a catering establishment, are punishable by an administrative penalty. Therefore, it makes sense for pensioners to choose simple directions for earning money that do not require special permits.

Ways to earn money for a retiree include:

  • services at the customer's premises;
  • home work;
  • at their summer cottage;
  • on the Internet.

Important: try to choose the way of earning that you can master. And you can always find ideas for additional income if you wish.

IP for pensioners - are there any benefits?

It is generally accepted in society that pensioners can always enjoy any benefits. Of course, this would be nice, but in practice this is not the case. Discounts on business registration and tax benefits for pensioners are not provided.

Also, the law does not provide financial assistance for individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs). Sadly, a person of retirement age will not be able to get start-up capital, while an able-bodied citizen who has decided to become an entrepreneur is entitled to benefits.

But if you follow the law and do everything according to the rules, the pensioner will have to declare his income and pay tax. This means he needs:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur);
  • or register as an LLC (limited liability company).

All these actions will allow you to use the simplified taxation system. Then the pensioner will have to pay 6 % from all income or 15 % from the difference between profits and costs.

To do business in rural areas, you will have to register a farm and pay a single tax.

How much can you start a business for pensioners at home

The most convenient and practical way is a business for pensioners at home with minimal investment. If you want to make money, you should choose a type of business that will not be too difficult for a pensioner, but at the same time quickly pay off.

When choosing a business, you need to ask yourself questions:

  1. How much investment can you invest in your project.
  2. What knowledge and skills do you have?
  3. How much time do you plan to spend running the business.
  4. What resources will be used to make a profit.
  5. How do you rate your health status?
  6. How profitable is this type of business?
  7. Population density where you will provide your services or sell products.

Important: successful for a pensioner is the business that pays off quickly. And if your investment paid off within six months, then you are on the right track.

Working from home - efficient and convenient

Home business has always been considered a profitable and convenient business. It has its invaluable advantages. At home or at their summer cottage, everyone can realize their idea of ​​growing greens and vegetables, baking pies, weaving baskets or knitting brooms, making wooden furniture, repairing household appliances, knitting decorative pillows or sewing patchwork quilts.

Such types of home business, along with income, will bring moral satisfaction and a sense of self-worth. Use your own knowledge and skills to the fullest, do what you love and allocate your time on your own. With retirement, everyone has the opportunity to work for themselves and not for someone else.

For women of retirement age

It will not be difficult for a woman to find an idea for a business if she turns her hobby into a form of income. Remember what your soul is more for and what your hands can do in an original way. Simple business ideas for retired women will help you create your own project and get a good profit for it.

  1. Production and sale of caramel apples. This delicious dessert will appeal to connoisseurs of healthy food. Although sweet caramel with a stretch can be attributed to useful products, it is applied to apples in a thin layer. It does not take a lot of time and equipment to prepare treats. You need to choose selected apples, string them on a stick and cover with caramel icing. There will always be a demand for such a product.
  2. Knitting fashion clothes. Handmade products are always highly valued, so to implement the idea, you need to stock up on different threads, knitting needles or hooks. You can invent patterns yourself, look for samples in catalogs or knitting magazines. Things can be knitted to order or for sale on the market.
  3. Growing indoor plants for sale. Unpretentious cacti, violets or orchids are suitable for a home greenhouse. You can focus on growing one species or you can do several at once.

For men of retirement age

Men of retirement age will easily find application for their skills. It is enough to remember what you know how to do well. The simplest business ideas for a retired man will help you fulfill your dream of extra income.

  1. Repair of watches, umbrellas and bags - suitable for jacks of all trades. You do not have to rent a large room or kiosk for these purposes. You need to advertise your services, and customers will find you.
  2. Production of wooden furniture. This type of activity is in demand and highly valued. In addition, if you have a set of carpentry tools and a rich imagination, your customers have a chance to get an individual model. Buyers really appreciate exclusive things.
  3. Earnings on training dogs. Do you know all the subtleties of proper dog training and can you even make an aggressive dog obedient? Then this type of business is for you. Do not hesitate, there will be no end to those wishing to receive the service of an experienced cynologist-instructor.

Personal Compound - the opportunity to open your own business

Own territory is a good place for growing organic products and breeding livestock for sale. In his garden, a pensioner can set up a mini-flower garden or grow ornamental plants for sale. The collection and preparation of medicinal herbs will also bring additional income for those who want to earn money.

Breeding and further selling poultry promises good profits, provided that you properly care for and follow the diet for your wards.

Important: each type of business has its own nuances, they must be taken into account.

Intellectual abilities of pensioners - a profitable business

You can get a significant profit by exploiting your own intellectual abilities:

  • writing diploma and term papers;
  • tutoring;
  • courses to teach any skills;
  • master classes;
  • online consultations;
  • individual sessions.

Ideas for making money on the Internet

The Internet is intended not only for communication, but can also be a good helper for making money. Many pensioners are advanced PC users and know how to use it to their advantage. You can do this business at home without investment. Such businesses include:

  1. Writing articles and reviews (copywriting).
  2. Earnings on sports betting.
  3. Solving problems and writing checklists
  4. Earnings on transitions, clicks and links.

Examples of the best ideas for your own business

  1. Making handmade soap. The production of original products in the form of soap is not too costly. You need to purchase the necessary ingredients and study the manufacturing technology. You can start selling the fruits of your creativity from the market, retail outlets or souvenir shops.
  2. Photographers Service. If you are a creative person and always choose the right angle for your photos, this idea can easily be turned into profit. Business in the photo is always in demand, besides, they pay well for it.
  3. Baking original cakes and rolls. If you are a specialist in this field, and your culinary masterpieces are highly appreciated by relatives and friends, you can consistently earn money on this type of entrepreneurship. Even if your town is very small, or you live in the provinces, delicious products will be popular.
  4. Nurse services. If you have a medical education and you have the necessary skills at a professional level, then you will be able to give injections, put droppers and take care of the sick at home.