How to open a solarium from scratch: a step-by-step business plan. Opening a tanning studio from scratch: how to make a business profitable? How to open your solarium from scratch

Most Russian regions are located in mid-latitudes and suffer from a shortage of sunlight. This explains the high demand for artificial ultraviolet, because in modern solariums you can get a quick, intense tan without harm to health. Even in Miami there are about 100 studios - after all, the sun is more harmful to the skin than high-quality solar lamps. They are equipped with filters that reflect the aggressive rays of spectrum C and dose the rays of spectra B and A.

In large cities, there is one solarium for 10-15 thousand inhabitants (the service is often provided by fitness centers, beauty salons, beauty parlors). There is an annual expansion of the market by 30%. Many tanning studios pre-record.

The easiest way to enter a niche is to buy professional equipment (about $8,000), conclude an agreement with a salon, and install the device there. A vertical unit will require about 5.5 m². The profit is usually divided in half, the payback period is 1 year.

A more detailed business plan for a solarium is given below.

What are the best solariums?

There are horizontal and vertical solariums. Horizontal ones have a gentle effect, you can lie in them, do not turn on the lamps at face level. The disadvantages include uneven tanning. Usually the sides sunbathe badly - you have to constantly change the position of the body. To achieve the desired effect, it is visited more often.

In a vertical tan lies faster. To make the shade uniform, a person raises his hands or constantly moves. Modern equipment is equipped with elevator lamps and an aroma system.

Subspecies of solariums:

  • Turbo solarium. It has a cooling ventilation system, which contributes to a quick tan (as in windy weather).
  • Sitting. Designed for hands, décolleté and face. High power lamps provide fast results.
  • Collagen. The skin is affected by blue and red lamps with a healing effect. Blue destroy pathogenic microorganisms, red stimulate cell renewal. As a result, metabolism is activated, toxins are removed, collagen and elastane are produced.
  • Studio (professional solarium).

There are salons offering instant tanning. It does not involve exposure to ultraviolet radiation - a bronzer lotion and a turbine (or compressor) spray are applied to the skin. The method is 100% safe.

If you have already decided what type of solarium you will open, it is time to think about what you need to open a tanning studio from scratch.


Solarium as a business does not require a license, which simplifies registration.

Required package of documents:

  • organizational and legal documents (for LLC or individual entrepreneur);
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • production control program;
  • documents for cash register equipment;
  • concluded contracts for disinfection, disinsection, deratization;
  • contract for the disposal of lamps.
Specify OKVED code 93.04 (sports and recreation activities). The staff must have at least one specialist with a medical education.


It does not matter where the premises are located - in the center or in a residential area. The main conditions are a developed transport interchange and distance from competitors. It is desirable that there is an exit to the main street - then the target audience will quickly find the salon. The location of beauty salons, sports centers, shopping and entertainment complexes nearby will be a plus.

A spacious and dry room is required, with good ventilation, temperature no more than + 25 ° and humidity no higher than 80%. Area - at least 25 m², optimally - 40-50 m². You will need to organize a power supply with a power of 350 watts. Decorate the interior in a modern style. It is important that the client feel as comfortable and comfortable as possible in the salon.

Businessmen often rent spaces from owners of beauty salons, hairdressers and fitness centers, which allows both parties to attract more customers.


Mandatory steps at the stage of equipping the solarium:

  • drawing up a layout of equipment;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • examination.

You can buy both a new solarium and a used one. Used devices are cheaper by 30-50%. This is $ 2.5-4 thousand. The prices of new ones are from 5 to 8 thousand dollars. For the full operation of the salon, you need at least 2 solariums.

The best option is vertical solariums. They are used by 90% of customers. They require less space, so they can serve more people. Horizontal devices are cheaper, but not as popular.

It is important to have tanning devices for individual parts of the body: face and décolleté, shoulders and back, arms, legs.

Lamps are changed every 400-500 hours of operation.

The higher the quality of the tanning equipment, the lower the health risks for the client. Modern devices produce radiation, the quality of the impact is indistinguishable from the sun. The ability to get a natural tan will attract customers.


Solarium employees who communicate with visitors are called solar consultants. In most solariums, they perform administrative functions - this is a meeting of clients, escorting to the room for procedures, settlement and cash operations. But their main tasks are to provide information about the features of artificial tanning and skin care methods, determine the client's skin type, and select the type of tanning. Often in solariums they sell cosmetic products for tanning and care, and a helioconsultant helps you choose the best product.

The work of employees is usually organized in 2 shifts. The establishment has no outlets.

Base state:

  • 2 solar consultants;
  • 1 manager;
  • cleaning woman;

In the presence of free time and experience, the owner can take on the duties of a manager. For bookkeeping, it is better to turn to outsourcing.


No matter how high-class your solarium is, without an effective marketing policy, its payback will take years. Consider this moment when drawing up a business plan for a tanning studio.

  • Signboard. This is the beginning of the beginning. The more attractive it is, the more will be willing to look inside.

  • Flyers - for distribution on the street, in shopping centers, subway crossings. Design is also important here. An image of a beautiful, tanned girl or guy on quality paper with a “juicy” call to action is the perfect solution.
  • Announcement in the media. The method is no longer so relevant, but in sparsely populated regions it can work.
  • Advertising on the Internet (own website, ads on forms, in social networks). Focus on the advantages of your solarium: safety, modern equipment, natural tan.
  • Mutual PR with other enterprises. For example, you advertise in your salon a neighboring hairdresser, and in the hairdresser there are flyers for your solarium.

Profitability and payback of a solarium: a plan with calculations

The solarium is cost-effective when calculating 15-20 clients per 1 tanning device per day. A minute costs from 10 to 15 rubles. This is 250-600 rubles per client (including the use of cosmetics).

A ready-made business plan for a solarium with calculations involves the following items of expenses for the start:

Monthly costs:

Expense item (weekly)

Amount (in rubles)

Premises for rent


Communal payments

Is it profitable or not to open a solarium?

Solarium services are seasonal, the peak period is March-April. In October and November, demand drops significantly. This is the first problem. The second "pitfall" is high rental rates (in the center, rent can cost $100/m²) and high energy consumption fees (if many sunbathing machines are used). The situation is solved by expanding the range of services.

The situation in the industry is favorable for the entry of new players. Subject to the use of advanced equipment, impeccable service, a competent advertising strategy, the introduction of additional services (phytobar, cosmetics sales, manicure, pedicure, massage), as well as a loyalty system with promotions and discount cards, your salon will almost certainly be visited and pay off in a little more than a six months.

Every year the demand for the quick tanning service is growing. If you use it correctly for tanning and control the time spent in the solarium, then tanning will only be good for health. Actually the article is devoted to the topic: business plan how to open your solarium.

Those who have been abroad have seen that solariums are located everywhere - in beauty salons, hospitals, airports, hotels, and even schools. In Russia, solariums began to appear not so long ago and there are few professionals in artificial tanning, only a few in every city. But everything is in order:


To open their own business, businessmen buy the cheapest solariums that are installed in beauty salons. The effectiveness of such a solarium is negligible compared to a professional and expensive solarium. solarium service cost is in Tomsk from 10 to 15 rubles per minute. But even at this cost, the solarium pays off in a couple of months, or even less.

If you start doing business and purchase a solarium, you can make good money even on a domestic solarium. The tanning service is popular not only in winter, but also in summer. Everyone wants to look beautiful, so many are willing to pay this price.


For a solarium, you need to choose a good place. If we consider the option of renting in the city center, then the advantages of this choice will be good traffic, more random visitors. Demand from morning to evening. The disadvantages include high rent, lack of visitors on holidays and weekends.

If you place a solarium in a residential area, you will not have to pay a large rent, the majority of visitors are regular customers, namely, those who live in the nearest houses, housewives, workers and other interested people. The downside is the lack of random customers and the emptiness in the salon during the day, the bulk of visitors will come for the service in the evening after work.


It must be understood that solariums are of two types: horizontal and vertical. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. The classic horizontal apparatus causes people to restrict movement and some discomfort. The main disadvantage of a horizontal solarium is uneven tanning. A vertical solarium has a number of advantages, the tan lies evenly, people feel comfortable in the solarium. The cost of tanning services is more expensive than in horizontal.

Solarium equipment:

Professional vertical solarium SUNBREEZE De Luxe (Economy) - price 250,000 rubles.
Horizontal solarium Onyx Pro Line - price 198,000 rubles.

Costs for opening a solarium, business plan:

Rent for the premises;
- Purchase of a solarium (198+250=448 thousand rubles);
- salary of an employee - from 10 thousand rubles;
- The salary of a cleaner is 5 thousand rubles.

Required additions: 463 thousand rubles, not including rent.

Solarium income, business plan:

The cost of one minute of tanning: from 10 to 15 rubles per minute;
Number of visitors per day: 20 - 30 people;
Tanning time per visitor: 5 minutes;
Maximum income per day: 2,250 rubles
Monthly income: 67,500 rubles.

Payback: about 7 months.

This is subject to 30 visitors per day, but in reality a good and high-quality solarium comes from 100 people per day. Therefore, the payback is from a month.

The solarium has become quite a popular pleasure, especially among women, so the idea associated with the opening of a solarium can be safely called successful. And as in any business, for this type of service, you will need certain resources and proper business registration.
How to start preparing for opening a business in this service sector? With the calculation of the necessary costs.

A tanning bed is actually much more than just an offer for people to get a tan. This is a business of the beauty industry, which must satisfy all the needs of the customer with this in mind.

You need to purchase equipment and supplies for your tanning bed that are safe and effective. Your tanning studio should look stylish, but at the same time, comply with all sanitary regulations.

The solarium caters to those who wish to get a tan in the safest possible way. Now the ozone layer is thinning, the sun's rays are becoming more and more dangerous.

In addition, many people are too busy to lounge on the beach or do not live in a climate that is conducive to tanning, except during the summer. However, many people want to sunbathe all year round, which means your business can be successful.

This business requires a significant start-up capital to purchase the necessary equipment. You can, of course, buy used equipment, but you still need to purchase new tanning lamps.

In addition, you need to invest in advertising for your business from the very beginning, until the residents know that your tanning studio is open and ready to help everyone interested in getting a beautiful tan.

Before opening a solarium, you need to evaluate your capabilities and think about which version of a tanning studio suits you best.

There are two main options for opening a solarium:

1. Simplified version

If it so happened that the starting capital is very limited, then you can open the budget version. The purchase of a simple solarium will cost approximately $3,600, while the monthly profit will be approximately $600. That is, already for the first six months of activity, you can fully return the money invested in equipment.

2. Full solarium.

Significantly higher costs are already implied here than in the first option, however, the expected profit will be much higher. A solarium of this level will require a fairly large room, as a wide range of services will be provided: vertical and horizontal solariums, tanning apparatus for individual parts of the body.

Equipment for a professional-grade tanning bed will require an investment of approximately $8,000.

Tasks that you will have to solve

  • Help clients prepare for tanning sessions
  • After-tanning consultations for clients
  • Solarium maintenance
  • Purchase of equipment and components for tanning

Opening hours

Finding a place for a solarium

In order not to experience a crisis with the number of visitors, it is best to open a solarium either on the territory of health centers, spa pools, fitness centers, or in their immediate vicinity.

It makes sense to provide solarium services in remote areas of the city only if you are proud of yourself and have large sleeping quarters on the outskirts. In this case, the residents of the area will be happy to go to the solarium, which does not need to travel far. If the population of the city is small, then the distant quarters of the city are extremely undesirable for opening this business.


Here it is worth knowing the fact that solarium workers have the name of their profession - solar consultants. The essence of the work of solar consultants is not only to meet clients with a pleasant smile and put them on the equipment, but also to assess the condition and type of skin, select an individual tanning program and advise on which cosmetics to use after a solarium.

Of course, solarium employees must have a sense of tact and ethics of communication with the client. Simply put, you need a high level of service and service in general. The client should have positive emotions after visiting the salon, then he will definitely come again. In the service industry, the emotions that the client receives are the main component of success.

Necessary equipment

The more equipment will be presented in the tanning studio, the better. Of course, if the budget is limited, it will not be possible to purchase the full range of necessary equipment, but the fact remains that the wider the range of services, the more customers.
What equipment is needed for a full range of solarium services?

1. Vertical solarium

This equipment is in the greatest demand among visitors. The vast majority of clients want to sunbathe standing up. The advantage of a vertical solarium is that it does not require much space for placement in the cabin, but the obvious disadvantage is the high price - from 5 to 11 thousand dollars.

2. Horizontal solarium

This type of solarium is much more affordable than the vertical one (from 2.5 thousand dollars), but also less popular. In any case, there will be clients who prefer a horizontal tan. Although such people will be less.

3. Solariums for tanning certain parts of the body

The cost of such equipment can range from $150 and up. You can, of course, purchase used equipment, but if you want to positively recommend yourself, then it’s better not to save on the quality of services.

Opening a solarium is a fairly profitable business that pays off, on average, within a year. Plus, if there are free meters, you can allocate a place for a phyto-cafe and earn money by selling teas, freshly squeezed juices and other similar products.

The main thing is not to forget that in our time of severe competition, service determines the leaders in the service market. Give people a high level of service and they will become your regular customers.

Necessary Start-Up Equipment and Materials:

  • Computer
  • Printer
  • Cell Phones
  • Web site
  • Solarium
  • Washer and dryer
  • Towels
  • Sunscreens
  • After sun care
  • Protective glasses
  • Stationery
  • Office equipment
  • Accounting software

Additional equipment: - equipment that you can purchase as soon as your business starts to work steadily:

  • Additional and new tanning products
  • Stereo systems for every room
  • Cold and hot drinks
  • Tanning oils, creams, lotions, etc.

Monthly expenses:

  • Wage
  • Telephone / cell phone
  • Access to the Internet
  • Advertising / Marketing
  • Electricity (high consumption)
  • Communal payments
  • Premises for rent
  • Learn as much as you can about industry trends. Study your competitors, in particular, their strengths and weaknesses. This will help you determine your competitive advantage. In other words, it will help you understand what you can give your customers that they don't get from other businesses.
  • Visit a few local tanning salons and see how they work. Write down what you liked or didn't like about their business.

Pros and Cons of Opening a Solarium

  • It is accessible to many people and therefore in demand
  • This business can be easily expanded to include health and beauty products, professional cosmetics

Minuses :

  • Some clients may experience side effects from UV rays.
  • This business needs to work more hours than most other companies to be successful.

How to attract customers

Finding customers for your tanning salon requires ongoing advertising costs. You can buy expensive advertisements on television, in specialized magazines, if you can afford it.

But you can also try cheaper advertising elsewhere, including ads, flyers informing people about your new tanning bed, offering special offers to attract new customers.

You should hand out flyers in places where there are targeted customers for your business. These include beauty salons, fitness clubs, and cosmetics and perfume retail stores.

Although there are already many tanning salons, more and more people are finding that they don't have the time to get a tan outdoors, so there are still plenty of opportunities for this business.

One of the most popular business areas today is the beauty industry. In the era of gloss, everyone wants to be attractive and well-groomed. You can improve your appearance very quickly with the help of artificial tanning. Many people take advantage of this opportunity.

Nowadays, a tanning studio is a place where not only people with a good income can afford to come, but also schoolgirls, housewives, in general, everyone who wants to look beautiful and young. How to open a solarium? Will such an investment pay off? What nuances should be considered when drawing up a solarium business plan? This will be discussed in the article.

Perspective factors

In developed countries, hardware tanning is quite common. Solariums are installed everywhere: in beauty salons, hotels, health centers, airports and train stations. Even in sunny resorts, where it is summer all year round, many hotels are equipped with sunbathing rooms. Many are wondering whether it is profitable to open a solarium in our latitudes. The answer to it will be positive. And that's why.

  • The climate in Russia is characterized by a small proportion of sunny days per year, and the lack of ultraviolet radiation leads to adverse consequences for the body, both physical and psychological.
  • Now everyone is very concerned about their own image, and a tan, as is customary, is an indicator of a person’s status.
  • A considerable number of people believe that sunbathing in a solarium is less dangerous than under the natural sun.
  • If you are planning to start such a business in a small town where there are not enough offers of this kind on the market, you should not even think about whether it is profitable to open a solarium. Without a doubt, the service will be in high demand.

In addition, such a business is very variable in scale. You can buy just one solarium and open a small salon, or you can form a whole network of hardware tanning studios and include additional services in the range, such as, for example, a phytobar, massage, pedicure and manicure, spa treatments. Of course, for a business of this magnitude, huge investments will be required. In this article, we will present a solarium business plan that implies minimal initial costs.

Business registration

The activity of tanning studios does not require licensing today. You can register a business as a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. The second option is easier and more profitable. For a solarium, the OKVED code 93.04 “Sports and recreational activities” is suitable, and if you plan to sell cosmetic products necessary for tanning, also 52.33 “Retail trade in cosmetic and perfumery goods”. However, registering an IP is far from all that is needed to open a solarium.

Choosing a taxation system

In relation to tanning studios, it is optimal to use UTII or PSN. Officially, solarium services are classified as household cosmetic and hairdressing services, they are assigned the OKUN code 019339, respectively, they are subject to UTII.

The solarium business plan includes the calculation of the estimated income from the activity for the year. If the expected profit exceeds 900 thousand rubles, it would be reasonable to think about acquiring a patent, the cost of which is 54 thousand rubles per year. In the conditions of such profit, it is more profitable to use the patent taxation system than UTII.

Getting permissions

As already mentioned, hardware tanning refers to cosmetic and hairdressing services, therefore, before opening a solarium to visitors, you need to obtain permits similar to those required for the operation of beauty salons. Employees are required to have medical records. The premises and equipment installed in it must comply with fire safety requirements and sanitary and epidemiological standards. Basic requirements of SES:

  • availability of auxiliary premises (bathroom, dressing room, pantry);
  • availability of storage space for garbage and inventory;
  • equipment of the premises with supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical stimulation;
  • equipping the premises with a centralized water supply and sewerage system.

Requirements for the premises

The minimum dimensions of the room in the case of installing one solarium in it are:

  • width - 1.5 m;
  • length - 2 m;
  • ceiling height - from 2.6 m.

If you are planning to install two solariums, then keep in mind that the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in this case should be at least 40 square meters. Humidity in the studio should not be higher than 80 percent, so you should avoid the neighborhood of ponds and pools. Pay close attention to how the supply and exhaust ventilation is arranged - you should ensure the unhindered removal of hot air and the supply of fresh air.

The electrical wiring must also be in perfect condition, the required voltage is 380 V. A five-core wire must be laid to the place where the solarium will be located. The floor in the room must be level and stable. Qualitatively repair the studio premises, think over the design in detail. Clients during the visit should receive positive emotions and feel comfortable.

Choosing a place for a solarium

It is necessary to give preference to premises in the city center (they have only one disadvantage - high rent), in newly occupied houses (the advantage is that there is no competition), on the inhabited outskirts, which have an average distance from the center. Practice shows that it is unprofitable to open a tanning studio in remote areas of the city, because it will be almost impossible to promote a solarium.

The location should be such that the passability of the salon per day is at least ten to fifteen people. The payback of a solarium directly depends on the number of visitors, so the choice of a place should be taken with the utmost seriousness. Pay attention also to the surrounding infrastructure. If shopping centers, cafes, higher educational institutions, gyms are located in the neighborhood, then feel free to rent a room.

Gone are the days of aristocratic pallor. Tan is in fashion! Therefore, if you decide to open a solarium, a continuous flow of visitors is guaranteed. With a one-time cost, the income will be daily. To create your own business from scratch, you should develop a business plan for a tanning studio.

Types of solariums

Classification of solarium types occurs according to the following criteria:

  • cabin design;
  • purpose.

By design:

According to the purpose of the solarium are:

1. Home;

2. Professional (studio).

Homemade are a simple device without multiple functions. Power is minimal. This is rather a solarium not for a full tan, but to maintain a light skin tone. At the same time, the cost is quite high.

Professional units are powerful installations designed for many hours of continuous use. They are placed in public places: sports complexes, beauty studios, salons. They are equipped with modern features, absolutely safe for humans.


First , what it takes to open a solarium choose the right area. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service puts forward clear requirements for a tanning studio. According to the new amendments to the legislation, solariums can be placed in basements and shopping centers, on the ground and basement floors of residential buildings (subject to an isolated entrance and an exhaust hood). It is allowed to install cabins in nail salons if the area is at least 9 m 2. These meters also include the administrator's reception. The minimum dimensions are 3 m 2. This is quite enough to install one device. The air temperature should not exceed +24C.

In addition to sanitary standards, placement is important in relation to traffic and client flow. Decide on the orientation of the solarium business idea. If they are students or working people, consider shopping centers, fitness clubs near universities and educational institutions.

A tanning studio involves a separate room with several devices, preferably of different types. If you want to start a business with one, the ideal option would be to sublease on the territory of a developed complex.

Selection of equipment and consumables

This is the most expensive investment if you consider a solarium as a business. It doesn't matter what equipment you buy, a quality certificate is required. It will be a guarantee of safety for customers and inspection bodies. It is more profitable to contact the official dealer of a large brand. Such companies and representatives provide warranty, free maintenance and customization.

The first thing worth noting is that you cannot save on the device and buy used equipment. Doubtful savings are dangerous to health. An externally attractive shell can contain a lot of problems.

In addition to buying the device itself, lamp replacement is periodically required. They provide an effective tan. The task of lamp manufacturers is to combine safe rays in order to start natural synthesis processes in the skin and get a beautiful skin tone.

The most famous manufacturers: Ultrasun, Megasun, Dr. Kern Tandome. The choice directly depends on the future format of the business. If you're looking for openings studios tanning, choose elite expensive solariums, if it is a budget salon for one device, and there are no competitors, you can start with a simple option, and eventually move to a higher class.

In addition to equipment, before you open a tanning studio, it is important to take care of accessories and consumables:

  • Cap for hair (a disposable cap made of cotton material reliably protects the hair from overdrying).
  • Stickers (stickers with a reflective effect. They are designed to protect the delicate skin of the nipples, moles).
  • Glasses for the eyes (reliably protect the retina from UV radiation).
  • Eye sticks (individual stickers with reflective effect).
  • Slippers are disposable.
  • Rugs (for vertical solariums).

Many clients love special cosmetics: tanning creams with a bronzer, protective, moisturizing, etc.


If you want to open a tanning studio from scratch, get the right staff. Employees are the face of the company. Give preference to girls of attractive appearance up to 35 years old. Some employers prescribe in the employment contract a mandatory visit to the solarium. The skin of employees should be healthy, have a beautiful color.

Prestigious institution, for 4 devices requires:

  1. 2 administrators (in shifts);
  2. Operator:
  3. Cleaning woman.

Administrator and consultant can combine duties. The operator activates the device, sets the session time, disinfects after the visitor. The administrator is responsible for cash discipline, sells additional goods, accepts applications, and advises customers.

Business registration and required permits

Of course, you need to start a business with documents. First, you need to select the form of ownership: . Lawyers argue that it is more profitable and easier for small businesses to open an IP. If you and your colleagues are going to organize a large network, choose an LLC. The reporting of individual entrepreneurs does not cause great difficulties; the state provides for benefits and simplified systems. The liquidation of individual entrepreneurship is faster and less costly in finance.

When processing documents, OKVED for this type of activity - 93.04. At the moment, solariums are recognized as household services and are subject to a Patent. Additional licenses are not required. After that, registration of the cash register, permission from the SES, fire inspection is required. Before renting a space, invite a sanitation officer to evaluate the proposed space. This service is provided free of charge.

Financial calculations

To understand whether it is profitable to open a solarium or not, you need to be aware that this is a seasonal business. In spring - high demand, in winter the figures are lower. Average results in July, August, September.

Properly established pricing policy for the services of your studio is an important task. Different types of solariums have different prices. On average, from 15 to 30 rubles per minute of visit. Look out for competitors in your area.

Profitability depends on the number of devices:

  • for one - from 9 months to 1, 2 years;
  • more than 3 - from 10 months to 1.6 years.

The average price for a turbo solarium is 8,000 euros. The cost of 1 minute is 0.5 euros. In the low season, 6 sessions per day for 10 minutes, about 30 euros per day. For a month - 900 euros. Main items of expenditure monthly:

  • staff salary 100-200 euros;
  • rent from 100 euros;
  • electricity - 50 euros;
  • Internet, communication - 10 euros;
  • payment of taxes - 100 euros.

Total monthly expenses are 560 euros.

Lamps are replaced every 6 months. This is approximately 600 euros. Therefore, the income for the year will be 4080 euros. This is in the worst case scenario. The payback of one powerful unit will occur in 2 years.

All calculations directly depend on the form of business organization. But it is already clear that the benefits of the "artificial sun" are undeniable. It makes no difference whether the future enterprise will be located in a big or small city. Will it be a premium class studio or an economy option for sleeping areas. Anyway, this business is doomed to success.

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