Services for children: business ideas in the field of entertainment, education, etc. Business - children's approach or business ideas related to children Business entertainment for children and adults

Steel Vitalina Alekseevna Researcher at the Kama State Academy of Engineering and Economics

The spectrum of entertainment of modern man is wide and varied and is a kind of "mirror" of modern culture, fashion and technological progress. With the development of the need for entertainment, a significant sector of the economy has formed, including entertainment-oriented enterprises and generating billions of dollars of turnover. However, despite the importance and scale of the modern entertainment industry, neither in modern statistical practice, nor in the scientific research of Russian specialists, there are so far any criteria for identifying a field of activity engaged in entertainment of people, there is no serious classification of its main types and forms. The purpose of this article is to determine possible ways of classifying entertainment methods and typology of entertainment infrastructure objects.

In a broad sense, entertainment is pleasure caused by a complex of positive emotions, impressions that accompany the process of entertainment or are its result. Sources of entertainment can be various activities of the subject that bring pleasure and form a positive emotional background. To date, many of these areas have become objects of commercialization and have formed the modern entertainment industry. Table 1 presents a classification series of the main types of entertainment, which, with a certain degree of conditionality, can be attributed to one or another group, in accordance with the selected classification criterion.

Table 1. Classification of the main types of entertainment

  1. The first group of entertainment is formed on the basis of the type of source of positive emotions and impressions, which can be various types of vigorous activity (including non-professional sports), informal communication, contemplation of public entertainment events. A peculiar source of pleasure is the physical effect on the body, as well as the chemical effect on the brain pleasure centers.
  2. In accordance with the method of organization, it is possible to single out entertainment that is provided by service enterprises, as well as those that do not require the participation of anyone in the role of organizer - that is, amateur entertainment.
  3. With the development of information technology, a significant part of entertainment has moved from the real sector to the virtual one, forming a group of virtual entertainment methods.
  4. Depending on the number of entertainers, one can single out individual entertainment, group entertainment and mass entertainment, which, as a rule, involve the creation of specialized entertainment infrastructure facilities.
  5. The classifier singles out a special group of entertainment - "legal and prohibited". Today, the social orientation of the entertainment industry is becoming essential. It is well known, for example, that entertainment aimed at satisfying human vices ultimately leads to the degradation of society. Thus, the rejection of punishment for drug use and the transition to the legal sale of drugs turned the Netherlands into a kind of Mecca for drug addicts, into a specific “Dreamland”, with a special “entertainment industry”. In some countries, the category of prohibited entertainment includes the "sex industry", and the corresponding "sex tours".
  6. According to the intensity of activity in the process of entertainment, one can distinguish between active types of entertainment that involve the physical activity of the subject, and passive ones that do not involve it.
  7. Depending on age, there is a group of entertainment for children, for people of middle and older age.

Currently, there are many enterprises engaged in organizing and conducting entertainment events.

The totality of enterprises engaged in entertaining people is classified as a socio-cultural service, along with education, health care, physical education, sports, regardless of the form of ownership, and forms a modern entertainment infrastructure.

Creating systems for classifying entertainment infrastructure objects for different market segments has recently become a popular pastime. But many experts believe that it is somewhat premature to talk about the classification of entertainment infrastructure facilities. “This market is developing recently (since the early 1990s) and is largely chaotic. Existing objects are few and scattered.

Attempts to classify entertainment infrastructure objects can be found in various research papers. Thus, the paper presents a classification of entertainment centers according to the type of recreation they are focused on: passive recreation (cinemas, gambling); active recreation (billiards, bowling); sports recreation areas (karting, ice rinks); sports and recreation areas (fitness, swimming pool, tennis, golf). However, such a division is rather arbitrary, since the boundaries between the last three groups are not clear: all sports entertainment can be included in the types of active recreation, and billiards and bowling in some cases can be attributed to sports.

In general, the specifics of the activity of entertainment facilities is determined by their specialization, profile and accessibility for visiting (Table 2). The selected criteria are decisive in matters of management and marketing of these objects.

Table 2. Types of entertainment infrastructure facilities

  1. If we approach the issue of classifying entertainment infrastructure objects from the standpoint of the main specialization, then five relatively stable groups can be distinguished. The first group, in accordance with the presented classification, included facilities that organize film screenings, live performances by pop artists, various shows, sports and other entertainment events. The activity of such objects is focused on aesthetic perception, and is mostly not associated with amateur performances of people who are content with their position as spectators. These can be all kinds of concert halls and venues, cinemas, stadiums, arenas, etc. The second group includes institutions for active non-professional sports and fitness: swimming pools, ice rinks, gyms, sports clubs, etc. The third group is represented by institutions culture: museums, libraries, theaters, exhibition galleries. The fourth group includes enterprises that organize recreation and leisure: cinemas, water parks, clubs, discos, disco bars. The last group is represented by gambling establishments: casinos, slot machine halls, bookmakers.
  2. In accordance with the profile, entertainment centers of the format “family”, “Children's” and “Adults” can be distinguished. The first type of entertainment center is aimed at families who come here to spend their leisure time. Usually in such centers much attention is paid to cafes and restaurants, game attractions and arcades. Almost any type of theme parks, indoor family recreation and leisure centers are suitable for family recreation centers. For the construction of such facilities, rather large areas are selected in places where there is no dense development, and the cost of land is rather low. Of course, the family center must fully justify and fulfill its name. Therefore, operators make sure that all family members can have fun there. In particular, bars are usually arranged for parents and "adult" games are organized - bowling, billiards and so on. The loading of such centers, as a rule, is subject to significant seasonal fluctuations, which affects their profitability in a bad way. Among the first family centers that appeared in Russia, one can note Fantasy Park, Entertainment Planet, Cinema and Domino, Ogo-Gorod (Moscow), Igromax (Kazan), Salen (Anapa).
    • The concept of "Children's Center" involves an entertainment complex exclusively for children. Typically, these objects are located in shopping centers and malls. Even when designing, special areas are allocated there, thus trying to accustom children to spend their free time in shopping centers. Children's centers occupy a smaller area, since there is no need to arrange bars, restaurants, bowling alleys, billiards. As a result, renting premises for children's entertainment is much cheaper than for family recreation centers in the same mall. The first children's play centers (game libraries) "Kosmik" appeared in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa and Kostroma. In Russia, this concept is being actively developed and implemented by Game Zona, Crazy Park, Star Galaxy, Igromax, Dinoplanet, Play Day trademarks.
    • Entertainment centers of an adult format are built taking into account the peculiarities of the psychology of mature people. The essential difference between this concept and those described above is that the arrangement of entertainment centers of this format is more profitable and does not involve serious restrictions. Family centers require land that satisfies a range of requirements and large investments to build a large scale building outside the city. To create children's centers, a shopping complex or a separate room near residential areas is needed. At the same time, none of the first three formats of entertainment centers satisfies the leisure needs of a large category of citizens who spend most of their time in the epicenter of the metropolis. In order to create conditions for communication and recreation for serious and successful citizens, a fundamentally new structure of entertainment centers was needed. This niche was occupied by the concept of entertainment centers for adults, focused on the atmosphere of the city center, offices, corporate parties, business lunches, etc.
    It should be noted that this concept in its pure form has not yet been presented in Russia. It is partly represented in bowling centers and nightclubs. But it can be fully implemented within the framework of four gambling zones, the opening of which is planned for 2010-12. It seems that operators of gambling establishments who know how to work with an adult clientele, this format is the closest. Among the objects focused on this concept, we can name the Nevada entertainment center (St. Petersburg), the Astoria entertainment center and poker club (Moscow), the Atlantida entertainment center (Omsk), the cultural and entertainment complex with the Batyr casino ( Naberezhnye Chelny).
  3. Over the past few years, there has been an active process of the formation of new forms of realization of free time, the essence of which is in the transition from mass to chamber forms. And this is primarily manifested in a certain elitism of a number of entertainment institutions, their inaccessibility to the general population. It is this factor that mainly determines the growth in the volume of sales of entertainment services for the high-income part of the population, which are closed to the mass public. The so-called chamber exclusive needs of the closed club elite are served by vip-halls in casinos, elite clubs and restaurants, specialized closed vip-zones of entertainment centers.
  4. Another distinguishing feature of entertainment facilities is the way they are located. The difference is in functionality. Outdoor entertainment represents the outdoor class. These are all kinds of amusement parks, culture and recreation parks, zoos, playgrounds, dance and stage venues. Outdoor is a seasonal and mostly dependent form of indoor entertainment. These are all kinds of entertainment centers: cinemas, water parks, shopping and entertainment centers.

Another important aspect in describing the objects of the entertainment industry is the size and scope of their operation. The global processes of globalization and consolidation of business have also affected the entertainment industry. The last time has been marked by the emergence of large-scale entertainment projects that combine several areas of entertainment.

The classification of entertainment industry facilities by the range of services offered is presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Classification of objects of the entertainment industry according to the range of services offered

  1. Specialized entertainment infrastructure enterprises are entertainment centers with a pronounced target orientation with little participation of related services. As additional services, there are usually food courts, retailers of goods related to the specialization of the center. It can be stand-alone cinemas, bowling centers, casinos, water parks.
  2. In terms of payback, the most profitable are mixed forms of entertainment facilities. There are two principles of formation of mixed objects of entertainment infrastructure. Firstly, this is a combination of 2-3 areas of entertainment. According to this principle, objects with related areas of entertainment were built - billiards and bowling, cinemas and arcades, rollerdromes and skating rinks. Secondly, this is the use of the entertainment component as an addition to the main specialization of the object. The most typical case is the location of entertainment zones within shopping centers (shopping and entertainment centers). IKEA and McDonald's can be called successful pioneers in the field of "trade + entertainment". The range of entertainment services that can be provided in such a center is quite wide. Among the popular entertainments are billiards, bowling, slot machines with video games and sports simulators, go-karts, a rollerdrome, a shooting range, and children's attractions.
    The main difference between a shopping and entertainment center and a specialized one is that a stand-alone entertainment center is an enterprise of a narrow focus. Such entertainment centers can provide services at a very high level due to their specialization. The task of entertainment in a shopping center is to make the visitor spend the maximum time in it. Developers view entertainment as a "bait", thereby seeking to increase profitability and reduce the payback period of the entire facility. Often, an entertainment zone in a shopping center is used as an anti-crisis tool. In addition, some entertainment in shopping centers is provided free of charge. Examples of shopping and entertainment centers are festival centers (Festival Center), cultural and entertainment complexes, shopping and public centers.
  3. Diversified entertainment centers, geographic entertainment zones are represented by large-scale entertainment projects, including objects of various entertainment specializations and a full range of related and support services. As a rule, such centers are objects of tourist interest and have the appropriate infrastructure. For example, the entertainment city of Las Vegas, famous for the world's largest casinos and the most luxurious hotels, unique shows, a variety of restaurants and nightlife, attracts 25 million tourists annually. Theme parks are also independent entertainment facilities with a complex entertainment infrastructure - these are huge complexes that combine the most incredible attractions, hotels, restaurants and shops in one area. Another example of a large-scale entertainment area is Sentosa Island (Singapore). Its entire territory is reserved for an entertainment center, including museums, an aqua park, a fashionable amusement park and attractions for all ages. Creation of diversified entertainment centers is also planned on the territory of Russia within the framework of the project of construction of four gambling and entertainment zones.

In addition to those presented above, there are several other stable parameters for classifying entertainment infrastructure objects. These are parameters such as: type of entertainment services (targeting a specific group of consumers: youth, children, families, etc.); the size of the entertainment center (the number of visitors for which it is designed); pricing policy (for which segment of consumers, depending on the level of income, it is designed), etc.

The completeness of understanding the main types and forms of modern entertainment allows us to talk about instrumental approaches to managing these enterprises.

Orlov, I.B. / I.B. Orlov. Sociocultural service at the present stage // Bulletin of MGUS. Series. Humanitarian sciences. 2007. No. 2 (2). pp. 16-19.

Nikitina Elena. Profitable place: By income and entertainment // Vedomosti. November 22, 2004, No. 214.

Entertainment services market and investment attractiveness of opening an entertainment facility in Moscow. June, 2006.

Children are the focus of attention. They are provided, educated, developed, invested in education. They are hardly the most important thing in the life of the vast majority of families. They do not save money on children, and the costs for them make up a significant share of both family budgets and the budgets of various social entities. That's why business based on children is considered one of the most stable. And business ideas related to children are constantly updated. In this area, something new, bright, original appears all the time. To be able to independently generate new business ideas, consider the general features of this area and then highlight several possible directions for business development.

Characteristics of the business

  1. The main difference between business for children is its unevenness associated with age characteristics. Services and offerings are highly dependent on the age of the audience they are targeted at;
  2. There are three main components of business: life support, development, entertainment business. Life support is clothes, food, medicines, disease prevention, care, etc. Development includes games, tutorials, sections, consultations and more. Entertainment business - everything related to games, entertainment, travel, etc. All three components of a business intersect to a greater or lesser extent. Finding a healthy balance between the two increases the attractiveness of a business product;
  3. Like the Hermetists said, like attracts like. Therefore, involvement in business in one capacity or another of the children themselves usually has a positive effect on the profitability of the enterprise;
  4. Due to the unimportant development of the country and the crises of the last decades in the field of business for children, as in many others, foreign experience prevailed. Often it was copied one to one, which sometimes led to anecdotal situations. Foreign experience in many cases turns out to be useful, but when implementing it, it is still necessary to take into account Russian reality.

Some areas of business development

It is more convenient to present business ideas for children by age groups. Some universal ideas that are not focused on a specific age, we will also try to group according to certain characteristics after age groupings. Each age has its own challenges, each age has its own needs.. Let us dwell on the classical age periodization by D.B. Elkonin, which is very common in academic circles.

Business for babies

Children under 1 year old. Communication with adults, primarily with the mother, with the help of sounds, gestures, facial expressions. Minimal autonomy. Examples of business ideas:

  • Baby food at home on order. Food production and delivery. Or cooking directly at home;
  • One of the original foreign ideas is reusable diapers.

Business for early childhood

Children up to 3 years old. Children begin to actively play with objects, there is a rapid development of speech. Examples of business ideas:

  • Private nurseries, nannies. Many parents aspire to go to work and a nursery or a nanny is a good solution;
  • Leisure center for parents with children;
  • Master classes on child development.

Business for preschoolers

Children up to 7 years old. Role play comes to the fore. Children begin to cooperate. Initial training. School readiness. Examples of business ideas:

  • Children's houses, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe business is to make toy houses in the growth of a child. A small house can be placed in an apartment, a large house is quite well located in the country. The child will have his own home;
  • Testing preschoolers in kindergarten. On the eve of the transition to school, services for checking readiness for study become popular;
  • . Older children may well visit beauty salons for adults. It can be difficult for children at this age to sit on the hairdresser's chair, and the process itself can be very lengthy. Therefore, the idea of ​​organizing a hairdressing salon for the smallest is justified.

Business for primary school age

Children under 11 years old. The main thing for a child is education. Getting used to order, perseverance. The development of self-control. Examples of business ideas:

  • Foreign language teaching. Usually at school, immersion in a foreign language is not enough and the majority master it superficially;

Business for teenagers

Children under 15 years old. The main thing is communication. The desire for adulthood, independence. Examples of business ideas:

  • Team games. Including detective, sports, economic and other;
  • Business incubator. Giving children the opportunity to generate ideas, implement them, earn some pocket money;
  • Interest clubs. Scientific, ecological, tourist and other.

Business for high school age

Children under 17 years old. It is associated primarily with the child's determination of the future path of life, the choice of profession. Examples of business ideas:

  • Organization of excursions to enterprises;
  • Master classes on various activities;
  • Thematic tutoring.

Life support business

Everything related to the life support of the child. The main feature is rapidly changing requirements and needs. Examples of business ideas:

  • Commission for children's things. Children grow up at lightning speed and parents do not have time to buy clothes. And there are two points: what to do with old clothes and it does not always make sense to buy new ones, you can look for a little worn;
  • Children's clothes with their own hands. In addition to originality, if a child is involved in the process, there will also be an educational and educational effect;
  • Rent of children's furniture. Just as a child quickly grows out of clothes, he also grows out of furniture. In this case, you can offer furniture for rent;
  • Balanced food. It is successful to offer food products that are characteristic of a certain age and occupation.

Development business

Everything related to school is here. Any children's goods and services aimed at the development of the child. Examples of business ideas:

  • Tutoring studio. Comprehensive offers for different ages;
  • Educational games;
  • Master classes for children on making toys, dolls, children's kites.

entertainment business

Any games, shows, entertainment. Including consulting centers on this subject. Examples of business ideas:

  • Organization of shows, masquerades, holidays, concerts;
  • Development of children's entertainment programs;
  • Production of unique toys for gifts.

The choice of which business to open for children is quite large. Since the competition in this area is also great, before starting a business, you should take a closer look at the environment so as not to copy the idea that already exists in this place. There are many ideas for children's business and you can always find something original..

Regardless of the area in which the population of Russia is employed, everyone has a need for recreation and entertainment. Therefore, the entertainment business will never lose its relevance. But the most important thing is to choose the right or form a business idea that will generate income. They can even be very profitable, but before their implementation, it is necessary to conduct a market analysis.

Entertainment business ideas - the most relevant and profitable

Starting any business should be with choosing a business idea and registering an enterprise. Drawing up a business plan with a calculation of expenses and future income will also be an important step in the work.

Advice: Before opening any business, it is necessary to analyze its profitability. The best option would be to contact the experts for this.

Laser paintball

Laser paintball is a kind of paintball that does not require you to buy paintballs and get your clothes dirty. In addition, unlike the usual familiar game, this one does not need instructors, since the registration of defeats is done automatically using a computer. The opening of such an enterprise will be especially profitable in tourist areas, so this idea can be easily implemented as one of the Krasnodar Territory.

Segway rental

Segway is a new generation scooter that has recently gained great popularity among fans of progressive technology. Such a device provides fast movement with less energy and time, ease of operation, environmental friendliness and no noise.

The cost of one device on two wheels can range from 10 to 100 thousand rubles. To organize a rental business, you will need at least 2-3 Segways. The place for rental, as a rule, is chosen crowded - recreation parks are perfect for this. Special premises are not required for this, and you can store the devices even at home. Such an idea will fit as one of the simplest.

trampoline park

How to make money in a crisis? It is unlikely that it will be difficult if you decide to open a trampoline park. On the one hand, in difficult times, any entertainment business is risky, but, oddly enough, trampolines have been and will be popular in the near future. Moreover, there are trampolines for both adults and children, their cost will also depend on the purpose. You can register a business as an individual entrepreneur, and sell it in recreation parks.

Mobile planetarium

An interesting entertainment business idea for parents and their children involves the purchase of a frame made of light-alloy materials and an investment of 100 to 200 thousand rubles. The diameter of the dome, as a rule, reaches 5 meters, the height is 3 meters. This device can be installed both indoors and outdoors. From the equipment you will need a fan for quick inflation of the planetarium, the inner shell of the dome for projection, the fabric dome itself, and chairs for spectators. For showiness, you can purchase or tailor-made special astronaut costumes.

Skate park

The popularization of outdoor activities and sports in Russia is gradually raising them to a new level. For this, grounds are being built and rebuilt, sports equipment is being purchased and installed. Meanwhile, skate parks can be especially popular, because special equipment is installed here for skateboarding and provides free use of the territory, when it can be difficult to ride in ordinary parks.

It is best to install appropriate platforms in the center or near it. The park can be both indoor and outdoor. In this case, the first option is better, since it will be in demand in the winter. In order to open the park, it is necessary to develop its plan and approve it from the architects and the cadastral chamber of the city. Equipment can be offered as additional services, so the popularity and significance of the enterprise will increase significantly.

climbing wall

For several years now, the climbing wall has been one of the most popular places for a pleasant pastime. On climbing walls, you can just get an adrenaline rush, or you can prepare for climbing a real mountain. Climbing walls today are of three types: children's, entertainment and sports. The least expensive are children's, the most expensive in terms of organization are sports. Depending on the composition and configuration, they are divided into modular (assembled in a special room) and mobile (assembled in 2-3 hours and consist of portable structures). In addition to the basic structures, it is necessary to purchase special equipment: safety devices (helmets, ropes, cables), gymnastic mats, and various consumables.

Advice: and children's, and entertainment, and sports installations can be combined in one building, but in different rooms. So the popularity and demand of the enterprise will increase.

House with the ghosts

Along with various quests, various "panic rooms" have been very popular for several years, which become more and more realistic over the years. Scenery and installations can be supplemented with computer special effects and actors. The most important thing is to remember that the more realistic the atmosphere in such a “haunted house” is, the more real emotions visitors will experience and the more popular the site will be. The main expenses for opening a business will be the cost of renting and repairing premises, as well as decorations.

Aerodynamic tube

Before opening a business with, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Firstly, the installation itself can cost from 50 thousand to 1 million dollars, and secondly, since its maintenance is very expensive, the time spent in the wind tunnel will also cost a lot for those who wish. It is not advisable to open an enterprise in small towns. The cost of a wind tunnel depends on the dimensions of the apparatus and on the country of manufacture. Domestic products are cheaper than imported ones. In addition, pipes can run on electricity and fuel.

Where to get money to start a business?

The easiest way to get money to run an entertainment business is to earn and save. But if this is not possible, you can consider one or more of the other available methods:

  1. Take a loan from a bank. The difficulties of this method are that it is quite difficult to get a large amount.
  2. Find a partner. A business partner can be a friend, friend or relative. The most important thing is that he has the opportunity to invest money. However, there can also be several partners - it all depends on the scale of the business.
  3. Find an investor.
  4. Get government subsidies. To do this, you will need to develop and present a well-written business plan.
  5. Starting a related business that does not require investments. Having earned and accumulated a certain amount in such an enterprise, you can change the scale and direction. It is also possible to implement a conceived business idea, but in small volumes, and gradually expand activities.

Children and their parents are fertile ground for earning. The former want entertainment, the latter are willing to pay for their children to have something to do. And children also need educational services, food, vehicles, etc. This is why services for children and business ideas related to children have good ROI and often "burn out" if the demand and the available supply are analyzed correctly.

Business ideas and children's entertainment

What is good about entertainment for a businessman is a wide selection of different options, both expensive at the launch stage and quite budget ones.

We list the classic business ideas for children in the field of entertainment:

  • Paid outdoor playground

Attachments: from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles per 100 sq. meters. The minimum specified amount of money is enough to equip the site with not the most expensive slides, swings, sandboxes, plastic toys. In some places, you will have to make flooring from soft rugs and artificial grass. Separately, it is worth calculating the lease of the territory (if you do not own a suitable plot of land located in a good place), the cost of fencing it, the cost of the observer. We must not forget about the benches for adults who will look after the kids. Payment can be charged for an hour, for half a day, for a whole day of stay on the site (with the right to free entry and exit on a paid day).

Business payback: if the site is located in a park or in a densely populated microdistrict of the city, then it will be able to receive an average of 30 children per day, at least twice as many on weekends. The ticket price will differ depending on the time spent on the site. On average, one child can receive 150 rubles. In total, even with the most modest calculations, the costs of 100,000 rubles will pay off in the first month, larger investments within six months. The business cannot be called 100% seasonal - if you put up awnings, you can ride slides and swings, as well as play in the sandbox, even in the cold season. Although the influx of children will be several times less than in summer.

  • Catching magnetic fish in the pool

Organization of a children's business is a promising solution. Parents try to provide children with exciting leisure time. The business quickly pays off and brings a stable income. There are 2 directions for creating a business in the field of entertainment for children: the production of game goods, the provision of entertainment services.

What kind of game goods can be produced?

The organization of a business for the production of goods for children's games will require significant investments: the purchase of equipment, the rental of premises, the salary of staff, the purchase of raw materials, materials, utility bills. But the risks are minimal.

Competition in the production of goods is low. Products of all price categories find their customers. Goods for games can be conditionally divided into groups:

  • soft toys, used for home games, gifts;
  • themed toys: transport, dolls, railways, constructors;
  • board games: with cardboard cards, dominoes, checkers, chess, loto, puzzles;
  • accessories for sports games: balls, rackets, rollers, skates;
  • production of printed matter: magazines, books, coloring books.

The game goods business has a profitability of 15–20%. Large manufacturing enterprises receive more income due to economies of scale.

Directions of entrepreneurship in the field of leisure

There are various ideas for organizing children's leisure. Unlike the production of goods, the organization of a business in the service sector requires a smaller amount of investment. Most entertainment services are provided by small businesses with small staff.

In order for the enterprise to quickly pay off and generate income, it is necessary to evaluate the following factors when choosing an idea:

  • Place of business. For small towns, the types of services that children of any age can use are preferable: shooting galleries, skating rinks, attractions, trampolines, slot machines. In big cities, you can choose a narrowly focused gaming business: a children's beauty salon, organizing radio-controlled car races. Some ideas are not tied to a specific place, they turn out remotely: organizing children's online computer competitions, writing letters to children from cartoon characters, Santa Claus.
  • The level of income of families that the business will be focused on: open an inexpensive car rental or an elite children's riding club.
  • Competition. You should not create a second circus or puppet theater, it is better to install a trampoline or rides.

Here are the most popular entertainment business ideas.

Electric car rental

Business is seasonal. To provide rental services, they conclude a lease agreement for a land plot, purchase electric vehicles and protective equipment. The cost of rent will be 5-8 thousand rubles. In summer, the rental is open seven days a week, so at least two instructors are required. Daily wages can be set fixed or dependent on revenue.

The average price of a car is 12–25 thousand rubles, 5–7 pieces are required for rental. The cost of starting a business from 100 thousand rubles. You can increase the profitability of entrepreneurship by purchasing models of electric vehicles for different age categories, motorcycles, ATVs.

The payback period depends on weather conditions, the location of the rental, the cost of renting an electric car.

In winter, you can conclude an agreement with the owners of a large shopping center and provide rental services inside it.

Amusement machines

You can install slot machines in the park, near schools, in shopping centers. The machines are:

  • sports orientation (football, tennis);
  • rocking chairs for kids (horses, cars, rockets);
  • with various goods (watches, bracelets, jewelry).

For high profitability of the business, it is better to place several slot machines nearby. The entertainment area will be easier to notice, and the cost of renting land will not differ significantly.

The price of one slot machine is 30-150 thousand rubles. Fully automated machines do not require maintenance personnel. With an average workload, the business of installing slot machines pays off in one year. The specificity of the street location of machines is a high probability of their breakdown by unscrupulous citizens.

To minimize possible damage, you can insure your business.

Dancing school

All parents want to see their children graceful and plastic. The demand for dance schools is constantly growing. To run a business to open a school, you do not need to have special skills, and the profitability of the idea can be 40-50%.

A successful business in this area is possible only if there are qualified and friendly teachers who can captivate children. You need to start by looking for them. The school should be located near educational institutions, public transport stops. The premises are recommended to be rented with the possibility of redemption. At the beginning of the business, expenses will be required to equip the hall with mirrors and a machine tool.

Different dance directions will attract more students. It is desirable to conduct an advertising campaign. The cost of implementing a business idea to open a dance school will pay off in 9–12 months.


Business at amusement rides can have a different scale:

  • a park for a small town on an area of ​​1-2 hectares, the number of carousels - 5-8;
  • classic stationary park, area 2–4 ​​ha, attractions – 15–25 pieces;
  • amusement parks with an area of ​​10–20 hectares, include a water park, artificial reservoirs with an entertainment zone.

The choice of a specific idea of ​​entrepreneurship is made on the basis of financial capabilities. The payback of a small amusement complex will be 3-6 months. Among the entertainment carousels there should be children's models, family and extreme ones. Take into account the capacity of the attraction, maintenance costs, external attractiveness and safety. When choosing entertainment complexes for business, you need to know the range of competitors so as not to purchase duplicate models.

Significance for the payback of the business is the arrangement of attractions: the most attractive ones should be located in the far zone of the park. The seasonality of the business is reduced due to the equipment on the territory of the park of children's cafes, indoor carousels, mini-cinemas, shooting galleries, and the provision of entertainment attractions for rent.

In continuation of the idea of ​​a year-round entertainment business, skating rinks and equipment rentals, tubing tracks are opened in winter.

Inflatable trampolines

Business on inflatable trampolines does not require large investments. The cost of one product exceeds 50 thousand rubles. Trampolines of domestic manufacturers are more expensive than Chinese ones, but their quality is better.

Inflatable trampolines are made of high density PVC, equipped with an electric pump for pumping air. There are inflatable attractions for kids and schoolchildren. High-quality trampolines are certified and safety tested. The business of installing an inflatable structure will require an area of ​​30–50 m2. The lease agreement is concluded with the owner of the land. It is recommended to install an inflatable attraction in crowded places, near shopping centers. 2 people are enough to service the trampoline.

The entertainment attraction is open in good weather seven days a week. The duration of 1 visit session is 10-15 minutes, the cost is from 100 rubles. During the season, you can fully recoup the costs and get a business income of 30 thousand rubles from one inflatable structure.

Entrepreneurship in entertainment is sure to become profitable. You just need to choose the right direction and place of the gaming business.