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Presentation for the lesson the world around, Grade 1 EMC "School of Russia" Author: Nikiforova Natalya Vasilievna, teacher primary school MKOU "Gremyachenskaya secondary school" Khokholsky district, Voronezh region

"Where do the birds winter?"

Sparrows, swifts, penguins, bullfinches, rooks, peacocks,

Parrots and tits:

In a word, it is...

They fly past the side of the forest ...

Come back, darlings! We will wait in the spring.




Live with us in winter and summer

Fly away in autumn warmer climes

They fly from place to place in search of food.

Do you know these birds?

Which ones fly south?




Guys, do you know why birds fly into warm nests?

Birds fly away not because of the cold,

and because of the lack of food, as insects disappear in autumn, there are fewer berries and seeds of plants.

click on the question



Migratory birds

wintering birds

Guys, do you know where the birds spend the winter?

Nesting and wintering places and routes of most birds are constant and do not change over the years. In the spring they return to the same places where they hatched or nested.

In the past year.

click on the question

In the past, when bird flights were not yet studied, there were many of the most incredible inventions. For example, in the 18th century, one naturalist claimed that birds fly ... to the moon. They get there in like 60 days and go into hibernation because they don't find food.

Other scientists recognized that birds fly to distant lands. But they believed that not everyone can fly on their own, but only big and strong ones. The little ones and the weak travel on the backs of the big ones. But swallows do not seem to fly anywhere - they hibernate under water,

buried in silt.

Now it is known: no matter how far, no matter how

the bird's path is difficult, they all fly independently. They can rely only on their own wings, although they sometimes travel thousands of kilometers. Where do the birds fly?

Scientists have found that our little

birds - swallows, swifts, common redstart, pied flycatcher and others - fly away not just anywhere, but to tropical Africa!

Before departure, many birds gather in flocks. Flocks can be different: from a dozen birds (for ducks) to tens of thousands (for starlings).

Cranes and geese fly in a wedge or angle, ducks in an oblique row or angle, lapwings and pelicans in a wide, stretched chain, and cormorants change formation in flight. Other birds fly in closed flocks.

Guys, how scientists found out where they winter migratory birds?

Scientists learned about this with the help of banding. They put on their paws

rings for birds. Each ring has its own number and address where the bird was ringed; when someone in other countries met a ringed bird, he reported it. So scientists managed to find out where

birds winter.

click on the question

Bird ringing

ornithologists- scientists who study the life and habits of birds

Thanks kids

geese Sparrow swift Bullfinch Penguin Rook Parrot Teacher

Martin Nightingale Starling Crane lark Cuckoo Sparrow Goldfinch Tit Jay Bullfinch Woodpecker flight of birds Bird building Ringing 2 3 4 5 6

ornithologists 2 3 4 5

Birds wintering Birds

Figure on slide 5 scanned from workbook around the world by A. Pleshakov, part 2

Internet sources

slide 1

World around us
Where do birds winter

slide 2

Sparrows, swifts, penguins, Bullfinches, rooks, peacocks, Parrots and tits: In a word, this is ...

slide 3

slide 4

slide 5

Where do birds winter?

slide 6

Let's get acquainted with the birds that do not fly away in the fall, they winter in our area. These are winter birds.
Since autumn, they have formed a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, which helps them endure cold and hunger.

Slide 7

Slide 8

Large and small spotted woodpeckers are typical "doctors" of our forest. Woodpeckers really heal forests. Beak - a tool with which a woodpecker extracts from trunks or from under the bark of insects. But, no matter how long and strong the beak is, they cannot grab an insect. The tongue helps the bird to pull out the insect. It is long, sticky, with sharp and hard notches along the edges of the woodpecker. The woodpecker sticks his tongue into the hole made by his beak, sticks the prey or pricks it on a notch, and then pulls it out.
A huge number of bark beetles live in our forests. Already by the name you can understand what they eat. These beetles are the worst enemies of trees. Sometimes several thousand of them can accumulate on one tree. If the woodpecker does not arrive in time, the tree will die.

Slide 9

Woodpeckers build nests in hollows that they hollow out themselves. The male and the female take turns hammering. The chicks are also hatched in turn. Hollow woodpeckers hollow out in trees with a rotten middle. Woodpeckers do no harm to healthy trees with such construction. After the woodpecker, other birds use this hollow, since the woodpecker does not settle twice in the same nest. Harsh times for woodpeckers are autumn and winter. Since there are no insects or they are very deeply hidden, woodpeckers switch to plant food. They hustle buds, eat the seeds of other plants that can be found.

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Owls are very interesting birds. There are many legends, beliefs and fairy tales about them. Because of their unusual appearance, terrible voice, silent flight and nocturnal lifestyle, people were afraid of these birds. An owl is often called a forest, or feathered, cat. Why? Both animals are nocturnal, see well in the dark and catch mice. The owl is the only bird that has both eyes "on the face" and not on the sides of the head. Turning its head, the owl can see its back, such is its neck. Hearing in owls is fifty times sharper than in humans. Such hearing is necessary for an owl to find running mice under the snow. Scientists have calculated that one owl destroys an average of 1000-1200 mice per year. This means that she saves about a ton of bread, that is, as much as about 10-11 people eat in a year.

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Let's get acquainted with the birds that fly to warmer climes for the winter. In the spring they return to us again. These are migratory birds.

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The nightingale is the famous singer of our forests. This bird is painted modestly. It is brownish-brown-grayish in color with redheads, large dark eyes and long thin legs. The nightingale arrives to us late - in the middle of May and begins to sing. The nightingale sings for a month and a half, until he has chicks. Once again you can hear the nightingales in the autumn when they gather in flocks. But these are no longer songs, but bird talk before departure. Nightingales always fly away in the evening, and always arrive in the spring at night.

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And this is a finch. Its color is bright and elegant. The back is brownish, the breast is reddish, the head is gray-blue, the wings are black with white stripes, the beak is blue in spring and summer, and red in winter. It is still chilly in the forest, and the bird sings its song loudly. The chaffinch builds a nest from twigs, blades of grass, inside it is lined with fluff and feathers, outside it is entangled with hairs and pieces of bark. It turns out a ball with an open top, disguised among the branches of a tree. Great amount Insect pests are destroyed by a chaffinch over the summer! Sometimes at the height of summer a chaffinch sits down, fluffs up, as if chilled. Strange ... But it turns out that the cloud is approaching. The finch guesses when it will rain. But why the bird was called a finch is not clear. Maybe because he arrives one of the first, when the street is still slush and frosts are not uncommon. Maybe that's why they gave this bird the name finch, because it flies in a chilly time.

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Slide 25

Nesting and wintering places and routes of most birds are constant and do not change over the years. In the spring they return to the same places where they hatched or nested last year.

slide 26

Look at the pictures and try to guess why many birds fly to warmer climes for the winter.

Slide 27

Birds fly away not because of the cold, but because of the lack of food, as insects disappear in autumn, there are fewer berries and seeds of plants.

Slide 28

In the past, when bird flights were not yet studied, there were many the most incredible inventions. For example, in the 18th century, one naturalist claimed that birds fly ... to the moon. They get there in like 60 days and go into hibernation because they don't find food. Other scientists recognized that birds fly to distant lands. But they believed that not everyone can fly on their own, but only big and strong ones. The little ones and the weak travel on the backs of the big ones. But swallows do not seem to fly anywhere at all - they hibernate under water, buried in silt. Now it is known: no matter how far, no matter how difficult the bird's path, they all fly independently. They can rely only on their own wings, although they sometimes travel thousands of kilometers. Where do the birds fly? Scientists have found out that our little birds - swallows, swifts, common redstart, pied flycatcher and others - fly away not just anywhere, but to tropical Africa!

Slide 29

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Slide 31

Where do migratory birds winter? Scientists learned about this by putting rings on the paws of birds. Think about how these rings could help scientists?

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Slides captions:

Where do birds winter? Where do birds winter?

Flocks of birds flew away, Forest in snowdrifts to branches. That's when we waited for Our northern guests. Winter forest does not sleep, but dozes, Silver is shrouded all over. Without leaving this land, Many birds remained here.

Birds that stay with us to winter or fly to us in winter from the north are called wintering. What winter birds do you know? A little boy In a gray Armenian coat Sneaks through the yards, Collects crumbs.


I knock on wood, I want to get a worm, Although I have hidden under the bark, You will still be mine.

Red-breasted, black-winged Loves to peck grains. With the first snow on the mountain ash, He will appear again.

Who is on the Christmas tree, on the bitch Everything sings: "Ku-ku, ku-ku"?

Jays flicker in the distance - Blue cowboys.

Flocks of bright waxwings flew to us with the winds. The waxwings have flown in, The song of the north has been sung.

Shrubs blushed Not from the morning dawn. These red lanterns Light up the bullfinches.

The back is greenish, the tummy is yellowish, the little black cap And the strip of the scarf. D. Tit.

How to help birds in winter?

Who eats what?

Help us guys!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Winter. Wintering birds. Summary of speech therapy classes.

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson (with an appendix) from my methodological manual "Wintering Birds. Development of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent oral speech in the classroom in a special (corr...

Lesson Type: General Educational Objectives: Expand your understanding of wintering birds. Form the concept of wintering birds. Clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer the question ...

Welcome to winter. Birds in winter.

This presentation was created for the entire lesson. Some slides are combined into 1 slide in order to reduce volume. To use, you just have to scatter everything in its place ....

Lesson of the world around in grade 1 EMC "School of Russia"

Where do birds winter?

A tropical forest


All birds can be divided into 2 large groups: migratory and wintering.




Geese stretched to the far south.

They fly past the side of the forest ...

Come back, darlings! We will wait in the spring.

Let's get acquainted with the birds that fly to warmer climes for the winter. In the spring they return to us again. This migratory birds.

Birds fly away not because of the cold,

and because of the lack of food, as insects disappear in autumn, there are fewer berries and seeds of plants.

In the past, when bird flights were not yet studied, there were many the most incredible inventions. For example, in the 18th century, one naturalist claimed that birds fly ... to the moon. They get there in like 60 days and go into hibernation because they don't find food.

Other scientists recognized that birds fly to distant lands. But they believed that not everyone can fly on their own, but only big and strong ones. The little ones and the weak travel on the backs of the big ones.

But the swallows do not seem to fly anywhere -

hibernate under water, buried in silt.

Now it is known: no matter how far, no matter how

the bird's path is difficult, they all fly independently.

They can only rely on their own wings,

although sometimes they cover thousands of kilometers.

Where do the birds fly?

Scientists have found that our little

birds - swallows, swifts, common

redstart, pied flycatcher and others -

fly away not just anywhere, but to tropical Africa!

Each ring has its own number and address,

where the bird was ringed; when someone in

met a ringed bird in other countries, he reported it. So scientists succeeded

find out where the birds hibernate.

Let's get acquainted with the birds that do not fly away in the fall, they winter in our area. This wintering birds.

Since autumn, they have formed a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, which helps them endure cold and hunger.



Let's take care of winter birds!



Feed the birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich

Need a handful of grain

One handful - and not terrible

They will have winter.