Rules for the sale of vegetables and fruits. Trade in vegetables, fruits and berries as a profitable business

The sale of food products accounts for about 70% of all sales in Russia. As part of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods, a separate chapter II "Peculiarities of the sale of food products" was adopted.

The fruit and vegetable complex is one of the main and most labor-intensive branches of the agro-industrial complex. This industry plays an important role in supplying the population with food products of high biological value, containing a number of necessary components, minerals and vitamins. However, the socio-economic transformations that took place in the country destroyed the previously existing system of centralized organization of the production and distribution of potatoes and fruits and vegetables. Large-scale, by its nature cost-effective agricultural production of vegetables and fruits in the new conditions began to lose its economic potential. In recent years, the contrasting stratification of the population by income level has led to the fact that the objectively existing abundance of fruits and vegetables has brought the consumer level of the wealthiest buyers, especially in large cities, closer to the western level. At the same time, the bulk of Russian citizens are forced to deny themselves natural vitamins due to their low solvency. At the same time, the consumption of potatoes is growing and already exceeds the medical norms by 10%, and the consumption of vegetable products (2006) in the Russian Federation amounted to 86 kg per capita, which is two times lower than the medical norms.

Today, the range of vegetables and fruits is not large. The lack of quality vegetables in the domestic market is compensated by import supplies, the volume of which is growing every year. Most producers prefer to grow a standard set of vegetables and sell them wholesale. Supermarkets are not able to buy large volumes of products, in the absence of the possibility of storage. But the rapid trends in the development of retail trade may soon lead to a reduction in part of the markets.

Large commercial enterprises are looking for ways to normal vegetable trade. Supermarkets are increasingly using offers that come from the vegetable producers themselves. Work with them is carried out on a contractual basis.

The main suppliers of early fruit and vegetable products to retail trade are the intermediaries of the wholesale market.

Now every trading enterprise solves problems with the supply of vegetables on its own. Sellers try to establish direct links not only with local vegetable producers, but also with producers from other regions or large wholesale companies. This will make it possible to offer consumers lettuce, zucchini, broccoli, kohlrabi, Savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, leeks, and various green vegetables fresher and at a time when there is an increased demand for these products. In modern retail chains, vegetable departments are organized closer to the entrance, as a bright color scheme is sure to attract the attention of customers, even if they do not need vegetables and fruits at the moment.

Sellers of food products before the direct sale of the relevant goods to the buyer are obliged to provide him with the necessary information about the product.

The surface of fresh fruits and vegetables must be dry and clean, the fruits and vegetables themselves must be intact, with no mechanical damage and damage by agricultural pests, microorganisms and physiological diseases.

Information about food products, provided similarly to other types of goods (general information). In accordance with paragraph 11 of these Rules, the seller is obliged to promptly, in a clear and accessible form, bring to the attention of the buyer the necessary and reliable information about the goods and their manufacturers, which ensures the correct choice of goods. Such information must contain the following information:

a) the name of the product;

b) company name (name) and location (legal address) of the manufacturer of the goods, location of the organization (organizations) authorized by the manufacturer (seller) to accept claims from buyers and carry out repairs and maintenance of the goods;

c) designation of standards, the mandatory requirements of which the product must comply with;

d) information about the main consumer properties of the goods;

e) rules and conditions for the efficient and safe use of the goods;

e) expiration date, if it is established for a specific product;

g) information about the necessary actions of the buyer after the expiration of the specified period and possible consequences if such actions are not taken, if the goods endanger the life, health and property of the buyer after the expiration date or become unsuitable for their intended use;

h) the price and conditions for the purchase of goods.

When selling vegetables and fruits, the seller brings to the attention of the buyer information on confirmation of the conformity of goods with the established sanitary and hygienic requirements by marking the goods in the prescribed manner with a conformity mark.

At the request of the buyer, the seller of vegetables and fruits is obliged to familiarize him with one of the following documents:

a) a certificate or declaration of conformity;

b) a copy of the certificate, certified by the holder of the original certificate, a notary or a certification body for goods that issued the certificate;

c) shipping documents drawn up by the manufacturer or supplier (seller) and containing information on confirmation of its compliance with the established requirements for each item of goods. These documents must be certified by the signature and seal of the manufacturer (supplier, seller) indicating his address and telephone number.

Information about the manufacturer and the seller must be brought to the attention of the buyer. The volume of mandatory information about vegetables and fruits, their manufacturer, transferred to the buyer along with vegetables and fruits (on the product, consumer packaging, packaging, label, label, in technical documentation), must also comply with the requirements of federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, mandatory the requirements of the standards. Information about the seller and manufacturers is brought to the attention of buyers in Russian.

Information about vegetables and fruits must include:

a) details of nutritional value, weight or volume;

b) storage conditions;

c) the date of packaging of the goods;

d) contraindications for eating in certain types of diseases.

Vegetables and fruits, before they are served on the trading floor or other place of sale, must be freed from containers, wrapping and strapping materials, metal clips (with the exception of packaging designed for optimal storage of goods). The seller is also obliged to check the quality of the goods (by external signs), the availability of the necessary documentation and information on them, to carry out the rejection and sorting of the goods.

Packaged vegetables and fruits shall be marked with the name, weight, price per kilogram, cost per plumb line, packaging date, expiration date, number or surname of the weigher. For the packaging of food products, materials are used that meet the mandatory requirements of sanitary and hygienic rules and standards.

Baskets and slides can be used to sell vegetables and fruits. Baskets are the most optimal container for displaying vegetables and fruits and presenting them to customers. Baskets are installed on shelves or hung on support racks. Slides for vegetables and fruits should be equipped with wire baskets. The shelves on the front side are equipped with high sides (so that vegetables and fruits do not fall), and the closet has a small shelf for buyers' bags.

Food outlets may sell related non-food items (such as disposable tableware) and provide catering services. At the same time, the trade in related products and the provision of catering services should not lead to a deterioration in the quality and safety of food products and the conditions for their sale, established by the mandatory requirements of the standards.

For trading enterprises engaged in retail sales of vegetables and fruits, an important point is to determine the assortment list and the structure of commodity stocks. The peculiarity of such enterprises is that vegetables and fruits have a short shelf life and quickly deteriorate. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on their transportation and storage. In cases where trading enterprises do not have their own warehouses for storing purchased fruits and vegetables, they can use the services of third-party organizations.

Transportation of vegetables and fruits is carried out in containers that protect fruits and vegetables from mechanical damage. As containers, wooden boxes and trays, cardboard boxes, bags, nets, plastic containers, inserts and bags made of polymer films, boxes, sieves, containers are used. The type of container depends on the keeping quality and strength of the skin (bark) of fruits and vegetables. Strawberries are transported in boxes, and potatoes - in fabric bags or containers. Pome fruits and citrus fruits are packed in cardboard boxes.

In retail trade, the formation of the assortment is the prerogative of the trading enterprise itself. The current assortment lists are based on the production and technical sign of the assortment of goods, which does not always allow taking into account the completeness of demand, the mutual complementarity of goods, seasonal features of demand development and other conditions with sufficient completeness.

To characterize the assortment of a retail enterprise and determine the effectiveness of the assortment policy, analysis of the structure of the assortment, its breadth and partly the depth, allow us to characterize only the actual structure of the assortment of goods in stores, since employees do not have information about the preferred assortment, and the study of demand is reduced mainly to elementary accounting for sales. , moreover, more often, the analysis of the assortment of goods is not carried out by the group assortment at retail trade enterprises.

The volume, turnover and assortment of inventory depend on the following factors of the internal and external environment of the trading enterprise (Figure 3):

§ seasonality in the production of certain types of goods sold by small firms;

§ volumes of imports;

§ breadth and renewal of the assortment;

§ links of commodity circulation;

§ fluctuations in demand;

§ saturation of commodity markets;

§ distribution of stocks between wholesale and retail links of trade;

§ physical and chemical properties of goods, which determine their shelf life and, consequently, the frequency of deliveries;

§ the price level and the ratio of supply and demand for specific goods and product groups;

§ the volume and structure of the turnover of a particular enterprise, etc.

Changes in these factors can affect the size and turnover of inventory, improving or worsening these indicators.

Figure 3 - Scheme of the influence of factors of the internal and external environment on the volume of commodity stocks

The financial result of the activity of trading enterprises depends on the structure and dynamics of commodity stocks, that is, on changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the enterprise's commodity stocks. Thus, it is important for an enterprise not to allow the size of inventory to decrease below the required minimum, to comply with the established storage periods, to ensure that all the prescribed types of goods are included in the inventory, to deliver goods in a timely manner and to involve their unnecessarily formed types into circulation.

It should be noted that if the enterprise operates uninterrupted trade with a low level of stocks, timely delivery of goods and constant monitoring of the implementation progress is ensured, then this has a positive effect on the financial results of the organization. However, inventories should not be allowed to fall to levels that could disrupt trade in certain commodities. We must not forget that the slowdown in sales, the uneven replenishment of inventories or the importation of goods in excess of the needs of the enterprise can lead to a decrease in the turnover of working capital, and, consequently, to a deterioration in the financial position of the company. It should be noted that the slowdown in the turnover of commodity stocks has a significant negative impact on the activities of small trading enterprises, since often all temporarily free funds are directed by them to expand the assortment list of goods, and if this does not happen, then the company may lose customers. The result of long-term storage may be the accumulation of hard-to-sell and quickly perishable vegetables and fruits; excess stocks cause additional losses, an increase in the need for loans and an increase in the cost of paying interest on them, which together worsens the overall financial condition of commercial enterprises. Therefore, the issue of quantitative measurement of the value of commodity stocks of a trading enterprise and determining the correspondence of the value to the needs of retail turnover is very relevant.

So, it should be noted that in order to ensure the uninterrupted sale of vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to ensure proper transportation, storage, an optimal assortment list and the necessary amount of information about the product and manufacturer.

The vegetable trade has always been a very profitable business. Large commercial enterprises (grocery stores, supermarkets, etc.) buy fruits in large quantities, but take unripe vegetables. Therefore, unripe fruits are often on the shelves.

But trays and pavilions with a small volume create a reputation as a seller of ripe, fresh vegetables and fruits. On New Year's holidays, income can be more than 1 thousand dollars. It is better to open a pavilion on busy streets, in residential areas or in markets. Although the markets have a lot of rent.

If you want to install a stall, a trading pavilion in the chosen place for trading, you need to contact the district office. There you will need to write an application for the installation of a stall. After that, permission must be obtained from the Land Committee.

When permits are ready, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur. The next step is to obtain permission to use a stall or pavilion for selling vegetables from the SES, the fire department and the State Trade Inspectorate.

To start trading you will need:

  1. Registration certificate.
    2. Permits.
    3. Stall or pavilion.
    4. Cash register.
    5. Trade equipment.
    5. Seller.

What equipment is required

To open a stall or a trading pavilion, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • counters and showcases;
  • refrigeration showcase;
  • freezer;
  • scales;
  • cash register.

If the area of ​​the pavilion is 50 sq. m, the trading floor will take 40 sq. m, and the remaining 10 sq. m occupies a warehouse, a change house, a room for sellers and a bathroom. In order for the interior to comply with SES standards, it is better to carry out repairs and equip the room with ventilation.

How to trade vegetables the right way. All vegetables sold require quality certificates. When buying vegetables in bulk, it is necessary to focus on the location of the trading place and the time of year. Exotic vegetables sell well on holidays or in markets or malls. In stalls, trading shops installed in sleeping areas, these vegetables will deteriorate.

It is more profitable to buy fruits from various suppliers, as it will be easier to find a seller of quality goods at low prices. In order for vegetables to always be fresh, it is better to buy them every day. If vegetables begin to spoil, you can make a reduction in the cost of goods from 30 to 50%. At first, spoilage of fruits can reach up to 20%, but then over time everything will be fine, there will be more buyers, and less losses.

How to position the product?

The most demanded product must be placed on the middle shelves so that it immediately catches the eye of the buyer. Exotic fruits are best placed on the upper shelves. Less expensive goods should be located near the seller on the lower shelves. You can also put frozen vegetables on sale. A great method to attract visitors is the rich smell of vegetables, so you can’t close them with a glass display case.


Transport is one of the main stages when opening this business. When dealing with vegetables, you need to know that this product does not lie for a long time. Therefore, you can not buy them in large quantities. It is better to carry goods often, but in small quantities. This is laborious, but on the counter of the pavilion or stall there will always be the freshest vegetables. This fact is sure to attract visitors.

Importation of products must be considered. Some items are bought more and more often, such as potatoes and carrots, and some less often and less. There is a group of vegetables "for an amateur", such a product is rarely bought or not in demand at all in a certain territory. Starting a vegetable trade is not that difficult. Such a stall or pavilion will never be left without customers. There are downsides to this business, but with a smart business plan, none of that matters.

It is important to understand the specifics of the product. Beginners are not recommended to start with large purchases. It is better to start with several types of vegetables, and as the business expands, it will be possible to increase the range of goods. You should not buy exotic vegetables, such a product is in demand on pre-holiday days, and on other days there is a demand for ordinary carrots and potatoes.

How to find the right staff

There is no compulsory education for vegetable sellers. The main thing is to have experience in this area, the ability to sell and attract customers. It is better to look for suitable candidates on the Internet. During the interview, it is necessary to assess how confident the applicant is in himself and has the intricacies of trade, is pleasant in communication and will be able to win over the buyer.

There must be at least two sellers. Work for 12-14 hours. 2 after 2, 3 after 3 or 4 after 4 days. Their work includes decorating the pavilion, forecasting demand, selling goods. The art of the seller will help to lure customers. He must seduce the client in such a way that he wants to carry out the purchase of vegetables. Maybe not immediately, but in the coming days.

Sale of vegetables and fruits- one of business ideas from scratch though not new. But this is also its advantage, because you do not need to go along the untrodden path. In addition, this is one of the few niches in the trading system that allows even a novice businessman to compete with large retail chains.

Benefits of a fruit and vegetable store

Supermarkets buy vegetables and fruits in large quantities, so the products are unripe, which greatly affects their taste. A small shop can afford to buy fresh fruits and vegetables daily, which means that such a quality product will be sold out quickly. At the same time, the losses of small shops with the correct organization of purchases and sales will be less than 15%, but not more than 20. But this is only one side - the positive one.

The problem may be the selection of premises for organizing a point sales of fruits and vegetables. You will need a retail space of at least 45 sq. meters. It is necessary to provide 2-3 additional rooms where it will be possible to sort out perishable goods. Be sure to make a good ventilation system.

It is better to place the pavilion in sleeping areas at some distance from large retail outlets and supermarkets.

For the successful development of a business, it is important to provide for the possibility of selling related products, because in the summer the demand for fruits and vegetables falls. At this time, you can offer customers the purchase of freshly squeezed juice and drinks.

Another feature of the store, which will sell vegetables and fruits, may be the sale.

To do this, you will need to find farmers and buy fruits and vegetables from them. True, you will have to acquire documents confirming the safety of agricultural products in terms of the content of harmful substances in them.

We open a store

To open a store, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur, take permission from the SES, state trade inspectorate, state fire supervision and electrical supervision to conduct trade.

Since vegetables and fruits are “capricious” goods, it is advisable to draw up a competent agreement with suppliers, which will provide for a clause that allows you to return part of the unsold goods. It is better to conclude an agreement with wholesale depots for several years, and go for purchases on your own. In this case, the risk of acquiring illiquid products will be minimized.

One way to reduce losses from food spoilage is to reduce the price of a product that is starting to deteriorate in a timely manner.

It is better to reduce the price and sell fruits and vegetables even without a trade margin than to incur losses.

Self-purchases will require the constant availability of transport. This is an important point. If the property does not have a car, then it can be rented. You will have to go shopping often. To reduce costs, it is necessary to scrupulously study the demand for vegetables and fruits. Some of them are in very high demand, others are of interest to a narrow circle of buyers.

For example, exotic fruits are unlikely to be of interest to residents of sleeping areas.

If the store is located in a shopping center, then there is an opportunity to sell expensive exotics. Fruit and vegetable pavilions that have been operating for a long time can help in the correct selection of the assortment. If they manage to stay afloat, then they are doing everything right.

It is enough to watch the assortment of several fruit and vegetable shops or tents to understand which assortment of goods is the most in demand. Having analytical information, you can plan the required volume of purchases and calculate fuel consumption for a month.

Every business starts with . Such a plan will allow you to calculate the risks and payback period of the store according to sale of fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of the necessary trade margin, taking into account the payment for energy carriers, the payment of taxes, the payment of wages to employees and the purchase of fuel for transport. The trade margin for fruits and vegetables starts from 30% and reaches 250-300. The payback period for such a store can vary from 6 to 18 months.

Store Equipment

The main equipment for the store - showcases, racks and refrigerators or freezers for frozen products. This is another option for a related product that will help reduce the risks of seasonal demand. To compete with other stores, you need a diverse assortment. A store selling fruits and vegetables must have at least 35 items.

The influx of buyers and, accordingly, such a store brings the greatest income in December. During this period, there is an opportunity to earn more than 200 thousand rubles. In the remaining months, the profit will be about 100 thousand rubles.

A very important point is the display of goods. It is worth using knowledge on the psychological impact of color on the mood and purchasing activity of consumers for the calculation. The more attractive the design of the premises and shop windows, the more potential buyers the store will attract. Therefore, it is necessary to attach importance to such trifles as accessories in the form of wicker baskets, vases or “bouquets” of fruits.

Sale of vegetables and fruits a simple business, but it cannot be said that it is simple. If you manage to reach a profitable level and stay afloat, you can think about opening a chain of stores.

Good luck to you!

Fruits and vegetables will never lose their popularity. After all, they contain so many vitamins, and not a single dish of a modern consumer can do without vegetables. Fruits have always been considered a decoration of the festive table. In winter, they are especially valued due to their high vitamin content. There has always been and will always be a high demand for these products. But to start a business in this direction, you need to learn some important points. The main thing is that fruits and vegetables quickly deteriorate, and also in the sales market, a novice businessman will face a large number of competitors, so you need to be prepared for some difficulties.

Prospects for the development of vegetable business

The first thing that a novice entrepreneur in any field faces is competition. A lot of people just can't stand it. There are enough competitors in the sale of vegetables and fruits. Here and supermarkets, and small shops, and vegetable market rows. But this is no reason to stop. Supermarkets do not always sell fresh and high-quality vegetables, the market is full of products without certificates. If you are serious about going into this business, then a competent business plan will lead you to success.

We need to understand why people visit supermarkets. Many are not satisfied with the quality of the goods, many with the assortment. It is worth noting that leads people to the supermarket lack of alternatives. Many microdistricts of the city are simply deprived of vegetable shops and stores, so buyers have no choice but to go to the nearest supermarket and be content with what is offered there.

Experienced entrepreneurs can say with confidence that the sale of fruits and vegetables is quite a profitable business. Even the most ordinary vegetable shop can bring a good income. The main thing is to correctly choose the location of its location and choose the range of goods corresponding to demand.

There are several options for trading fruits and vegetables:

  • A trading stall specializing in the sale of fruits and vegetables;
  • Vegetable shop;
  • Wholesale of vegetables and fruits, delivery to customers.

The type of activity may depend on several factors: the funds available to a novice businessman, competition in the area, demand for the proposed product.

How to choose the type of activity:

  • Wholesale base. Its opening is possible only if one or more trucks are available, as well as if you have the necessary connections and an established client base;
  • Shop or stall. The best option for a beginner. You can open a store if the entrepreneur has his own premises for the store or has the opportunity to rent it;
  • Counter. This is an option for those who do not have large amounts of money. In this case, it is better to start with several types of fruits or vegetables, and as the business develops and income increases, the assortment can be expanded.

But do not forget about the rules. Any trade must be authorized by certain authorities, the goods must have all the necessary licenses, and the entrepreneur must always have the entire package of documents. Otherwise, such an enterprise will be closed, and the owner will be fined.

Wholesale of fruits and vegetables

Starting a wholesale business is not the most profitable solution. To do this, you need to rent several premises that will serve as warehouses for large consignments of goods:

  • purchase equipment that will allow you to store products that quickly deteriorate;
  • complete all necessary documents;
  • to ensure timely delivery of orders to customers.

All this requires quite large investments. But in addition to money, extensive connections will also be needed here in order to establish a client base. If there are few customers, then the goods will deteriorate, and this will cause quite a lot of damage.

If you have already decided to do wholesale, then it is better to start with potatoes. This is not only the most popular product, but also a product that can be stored for a long time and does not deteriorate. While exotic fruits and vegetables are stored little and require special storage equipment. In addition, potatoes do not require as many permits and certificates as, for example, pineapple.

An entrepreneur who decides to open a vegetable store faces three main problems:

  1. Room. It needs to be redeemed or rented, moreover, it is necessary to obtain the right to trade in this room with one or another product;
  2. Have cash, the minimum amount of which should not be less than 500 thousand rubles;
  3. Conclude agreements with wholesale bases for the supply of products.

The total area of ​​the premises for a vegetable shop must be at least 60 square meters. m., where 30 sq. m. is allocated to the commercial premises, and 30 to the warehouse.

The assortment of the store should not be limited to those goods that are available at the nearest vegetable base. The list of suppliers needs to be expanded, choosing those goods that are not very common in your area and goods for which the demand is highest.

In many cities, trading in street shops is common. These are such trading counters that constantly change their location. Such trade is good in the warm season. People willingly buy fresh fruits and vegetables and the seller is comfortable being on the street. In winter, vegetables and fruits freeze, buyers are not satisfied with frozen goods, and the seller seriously risks his health.

Some entrepreneurs manage to earn so much money during the summer period that they can afford to close a street shop in the winter. But such trade is extremely unstable and does not bring constant income.

With this type of trade, you can start your own business. Thus, you can get acquainted with the demand, earn some capital, which you can then spend on developing a larger business. It is better to start with the most unpretentious vegetables: carrots, potatoes, apples. Gradually, the range can be expanded.

Many large firms now started with such street shops.

Business plan for opening a store

  • Decor

First of all, you need to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur. In the tax office, you need to write an application for simplified taxation. In addition, a number of other documents are required, namely:

  1. SES permission;
  2. Permission of state supervision;
  3. Electrical supervision permit;
  4. Permission of the State Trade Inspectorate for trade.

Before opening a store, it is necessary to find out which products are most popular among consumers, what is the demand for vegetables and fruits in a given area or region. It is also necessary to find out if the future store has competitors, their main direction of trade and pricing policy. Prepare and equip the premises, acquire transport and hire staff.

  • room

The premises for the sale of fruits and vegetables must correspond to their direction. It should be light, dry, maintain an optimal temperature, and be well ventilated. In addition to the trading floor, the store should have several more utility rooms:

  1. For sorting vegetables;
  2. For sorting fruits;
  3. Warehouse with all necessary equipment;
  4. Utility room.

It is better to locate your store in a place where more people live, but fewer stores have been built. It does not make sense to open a grocery store near a supermarket or across the street from a competitor store.

  • Supplies

Vegetable bases are usually engaged in deliveries. Contracts are concluded with them for the supply of fruits and vegetables. Depending on the content of the contract, the base delivers products directly to the store with a certain frequency, usually once a week. The number of deliveries can be agreed immediately, or you can specify the quantity of goods you need before each delivery. The second option is much more profitable, since each time the sale of certain fruits and vegetables goes differently.

Experienced entrepreneurs agree with the bases that they can return some of the damaged goods to them. This allows you to save some money.

One of the supply options is to purchase directly from farms. But these must be proven farms with all the necessary certificates and certificates for their products. If these documents are available, the entrepreneur completely disclaims responsibility for the quality of the goods.

In both cases, everything depends on prices and on the goods offered by suppliers. It is better to conclude an agreement with them for several years at once. It's profitable. After all, if prices rise, many contracts state that the entrepreneur will only purchase goods at a certain price.

It is better to independently go to the base for the selection of goods.

  • Transport

Transport is one of the main points when opening this business. When dealing with fruits and vegetables, you need to understand that these are products that do not lie for a long time. Therefore, you should not buy them in tons. It is better if you carry goods often, but in small quantities. It's a hassle, but your store counter will always have the freshest fruits and vegetables. This fact will certainly attract buyers.

Importation of goods must be considered. Some products are bought more often and more, such as carrots, potatoes, apples, and some less often and less, such as kiwi. Many products are seasonal, such as tangerines and pineapples. There is a group of fruits and vegetables "for an amateur", such products are bought extremely rarely or not at all in demand in a particular region.

  • Risk

There is always risk in business, especially for beginners. It is also present in the sale of fruits and vegetables:

  1. Shrinkage of goods;
  2. Shaking products;
  3. Rotting, can reach up to 15%;

During the transportation of preservation, glass jars may break, which leads to damage to the product and your losses.

  • Personnel and equipment

From the staff in the store you must have:

  1. One distributor;
  2. One worker who could unload goods, sort through fruits and vegetables;
  3. The driver, to save money, the entrepreneur himself can work as a driver.

Depending on the growth of the business, the staff should also be replenished.

The equipment must be of high quality and always in good working order:

  1. Show-windows for a trading floor;
  2. Racks and counters for displaying goods;
  3. Baskets;
  4. Refrigeration chambers for storing "capricious" goods;
  5. Showcase with refrigerator for frozen products;
  6. Scales.

For a store to be competitive, its assortment should not be worse than in other stores. A good store has in its assortment from 35 to 65 items of different goods.

What should be:

  1. Fresh vegetables: potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, eggplant, etc.;
  2. Fresh fruits: oranges, apples, bananas, kiwi, etc.;
  3. Dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, etc.;
  4. Frozen vegetables and fruits;
  5. Exotic fruits: mango, avocado, pineapple, etc.;
  6. Canned vegetables and fruits;
  7. Juices;
  8. Water.

Much depends on how profitable the product is located. Buyers are attracted by the beautiful design of the shop window, fresh and beautiful fruits and vegetables, bright colors on the front rows.

  • Benefit

Of course, the trade in fruits and vegetables is a profitable enterprise. The demand for them never drops. The only downside is seasonality. In summer, the demand for fruits and vegetables drops. This is due to the fact that many have their own dachas, where in the summer they are content with homemade vitamins. This must be foreseen and for this period to protect yourself from significant losses. It is best to reduce the number of products supplied and, if possible, reduce the price.

  • Expenses

The daily revenue of a street shop can range from 6,000 rubles to 21,000 rubles. Which is about 55 thousand rubles a month. From this money, you can immediately deduct 7%, which will go to the salary of the implementer. The average markup on a product is 50% of its wholesale price. It makes no sense to charge more, since the prices around the city are about the same, buyers will immediately notice the difference. Damaged goods is approximately 15% of all available, which is also included in the costs. A trading place needs to be rented, and this is another 1.5 thousand rubles. And another type of expenses that cannot be avoided is taxes, about 2.5 thousand rubles.

Based on these calculations, we can conclude that in order to open a vegetable shop, an entrepreneur must have at least 100 thousand rubles.


Renting a room will cost 13 - 15 thousand rubles, depending on the area. Repair, the most expensive part, from 500 to 700 thousand rubles. Purchase and installation of the necessary equipment - 250 thousand rubles. The goods will cost 150 - 200 thousand rubles. The margin in this case depends on the product and can range from 40 to 250%. Such a business will pay off after 6 months of work.

Not all fruits and vegetables keep well in the refrigerator. For example, bananas in the refrigerator quickly become covered with black spots, and cucumbers become damp. Therefore, these products are best stored at room temperature in separate containers. With such storage, they can lie for several days without losing their shape.

All other fruits and vegetables will do well in the refrigerator. But at the same time, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime, which should not go beyond +8 to +13 degrees.

Greens should not be stored in the refrigerator in an open form. It must be wrapped in cotton fabric, and then wrapped in foil or polyethylene. In this form, greens can be stored for quite a long time.

Do not require storage in the refrigerator potatoes and watermelon. These products take up a lot of space and feel great in a cool dark room.

Berries are stored for a short time, depending on their tenderness. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. can lie in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Stronger, for example, sweet cherries will last about three days.

Do not put onions and potatoes side by side, this leads to rapid deterioration.

  • Tomato;
  • Cucumber;
  • Onion garlic;
  • Orange;
  • Tangerines;
  • Lemons.

As you can see, starting a fruit and vegetable selling business is not that difficult. A store with such a direction will never be left without customers. Of course, this business has its downsides, but with a smart business plan, none of that matters. In this business, you need to study the market, demand, prices well. It is important to take into account the specifics of the product. Fruits and vegetables spoil quickly, which means that in order to avoid serious losses, you need to purchase goods in a minimum amount. It is better to go to the base once again than to throw away kilograms of goods.

It is important to store fruits and vegetables properly. Improper storage or proximity also quickly leads to spoilage. All these points must be taken into account.

Beginners are not recommended to start with large purchases. It is worth starting with several types of fruits and vegetables, and as the business develops, it will be possible to expand the range. You should not buy exotic fruits and vegetables, such goods are in demand during the holidays, and on ordinary days there is a demand for the usual potatoes and carrots.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are constantly in demand products, this product is almost the most necessary in any home kitchen, you can make good money selling vegetables. In this article, you can get acquainted with the features of the business in the trade in fruits and vegetables.


In order to engage in trade, first of all, you will need a cargo minibus like a gazelle, a small van running on gas or diesel is suitable, since it will be expensive and unprofitable to drive on gasoline. In order to save money, some owners of diesel trucks do not buy diesel fuel at gas stations, there are people who sell diesel fuel in canisters 15-20% cheaper than at gas stations. The car will be a workhorse for you, you will have to drive every day, so when buying a car, you should not go to extremes and purchase a dying unit, constant breakdowns and expenses for spare parts will cause significant damage to your business.

There are several options for trading vegetables:

  • Trade directly from the car in the market.
  • Trade from the car in a passing place.
  • Trade in a trading tent or kiosk.

We will consider the least expensive and most profitable option - selling vegetables directly from the car, that is, street trading.

Trading vegetables from a car has a number of advantages over trading in stationary outlets:

Mobility - the ability to immediately check the place for good trade, with poor demand, you can simply change the place of trade to a better one. When renting a kiosk located in a place with poor trade, you will simply incur losses.

The ability to deliver goods, such as potatoes in bags, directly to the buyer's home.

There are fewer problems with inspection bodies, firefighters, SES, and others. All you need to do is to agree with the local district police officer and slowly trade.

Where to buy goods for sale.

Before purchasing goods, you need to familiarize yourself well with the retail prices for fruits and vegetables at the local market and at vegetable outlets. It should be noted that the prices for seasonal vegetables can change every day in the direction of cheaper prices, if today radish is sold at the same price, then tomorrow it may already be cheaper.

Usually, vegetables are purchased early in the morning at the market from wholesalers; when purchasing goods, it is important to guess the amount of fruits and vegetables, this applies primarily to perishable products such as radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens. If the goods do not have time to sell in a few days, it will deteriorate, and you will incur losses. Non-perishable goods (potatoes, cabbage, beets, etc.) can be purchased with a margin, the main thing is that there is a cool room for storing it.

Very often, entrepreneurs buy fruits and vegetables in neighboring more productive regions, usually potatoes, cabbage, carrots, due to weather conditions (frost, drought, or vice versa, heavy rains with floods) in one region, the crop may be lost, then it makes sense to buy it in another more fruitful and make good money on the price difference.

It is profitable to buy vegetables right on the farmer's fields, usually when the harvest is in progress, let's say a tomato, the farmer hires workers to harvest, the workers pick the tomatoes and put them in boxes on the outskirts of the field, wholesalers buy the crop right there on the field. The cost of the same tomato will be the lowest at the price of a large wholesale, and on the market you will sell these tomatoes 2-3 times more expensive. With large volumes, a farmer needs to sell the crop as soon as possible and he will sell it to you at a wholesale price without any problems, you just need to visit several farmers in advance and take contact phone numbers from them, during the harvest season you just need to phone to discuss the price and volume of the purchase.

Where to find a good place for selling vegetables.

You can start trading in the market, negotiate with the market administration, pay for a place and trade.

You can trade in places of spontaneous markets, you don’t need to pay for a place there, when inspection bodies appear, you can simply pack up and leave the place of trade.

Some merchants place their mobile outlets in the courtyards of residential areas, near roads at the entrances to the villages. Here it is important to try several options and choose the most profitable place for trading.

How profitable is the fruit and vegetable trade business? You can immediately say with confidence that this is a profitable business, but how much will depend only on you. There are a lot of subtleties in this matter, the income depends on how the assortment of goods is selected correctly and at what price it was purchased, what markup you put on it and how quickly you can sell it without loss. It is also necessary to take into account the weather conditions, in the rain the trade will be noticeably worse, and in the heat the goods deteriorate faster. In any case, such a product as vegetables is always in demand and people buy them for the table in the first place. The markup on goods is different for some vegetables 50% for others 100% and more, it all depends on the demand for a particular product.

Trade in vegetables and fruits is a business idea.

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