Business opening and closing statistics by year. Small business in Russia: facts and figures

"Opening" may reduce in 2016 up to 20% of the staff. This is slightly less than in 2015, when the group laid off almost 27% of bank employees.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of FG Otkritie Vadim Belyaev (Photo: RIA Novosti)

Otkrytiye Financial Group may cut up to 20% of its staff in 2016, Vadim Belyaev, the largest shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of FG Otkritie, said in an interview with Rossiya 24 TV channel.

“We will continue to cut,” Belyaev said, answering a reporter's question about whether the group would cut staff in 2016. The reason for the reductions, according to him, is the merger of the group's banks and the elimination of duplicating positions. “When a bank merges, then at least some of the positions can be reduced. In principle, quite a large part,” he said.

The group could cut staff by about 20%, Belyaev said. “It all depends on how events develop.<...>Big number, but times are hard. The fastest survive,” he added.

We are not talking about a target - the group has no plans to reduce a certain number of employees, the press service of Otkritie Holding responded to a request from RBC. “This is a rough estimate based on our previous experience. The group improves efficiency by eliminating duplicative positions that have emerged as a result of the integration of a number of banks into the group,” the response says.

Now the banking business of Otkritie includes FC Otkritie Bank, KhMB Otkritie Bank and Trust Bank, which is undergoing a financial recovery procedure.

The reorganization of Trust Bank "turned out to be the hardest test for the group," Belyaev said in an interview. “It was, in my opinion, a huge factory for the production of false documents, as such, there was no banking business there. This structure collected deposits from the population, and then, using a large number of intermediate companies, reinvested this money in maintaining its own balance,” Belyaev said, adding that 75% of Trust’s assets were “cunningly arranged investments in themselves.” Belyaev added that the money received from the Central Bank and the DIA was not enough to save the bank.

In June 2015, FC Otkritie Bank took over Petrocommerce Bank. According to the banks' quarterly reports, the number of bank employees after the merger decreased by 40.8%. At the end of 2014, 5.1 thousand people worked in FC Otkritie Bank, 4.1 thousand people worked in Petrocommerce; a year later, the total staff of the merged banks decreased to 5.4 thousand people.

Other banks of the group also reduced staff: the rehabilitated Trust fired almost half of the employees for the year, or 3 thousand people, but KMB Otkrytie - only 329 people (10.3 thousand people at the end of the first quarter of 2015 against 10 thousand people at the end of the fourth quarter of 2015).

Vadim Belyaev stressed in an interview that he could continue the merger of the group's banks this year. “Difficult crisis times are the time to unite banks and save on costs. I think that as soon as we are ready and this idea is approved by the Central Bank, we will merge the banks of the Otkritie group,” he said.

“Currently, we are considering various options for an integration strategy, none of which is final yet,” the holding's press service answered the question of whether all banks are planned to be merged. Earlier, Vedomosti, citing its sources, reported that the Otkritie group was considering a merger of its two banks, KhMB Otkritie and Trust.

The development and integration of banking assets is one of the core competencies of the Otkritie group, the press service added. “Our banking business was formed by integrating more than 10 banks of various sizes. As a result of consolidation processes, their number was reduced to three. But further growth in efficiency, especially in the current environment, may require deeper integration,” the press service said in a response.

Statistical reporting on economic indicators is collected and analyzed by Rosstat. In the case of reporting to statistical authorities, the tax regime does not matter. Only the size of the business matters. Large enterprises are required to report to the department on a regular basis. Representatives of micro- and small businesses send reports only if they are included in the sample of the statistics agency.

What business is considered small

The criteria by which it is possible to determine whether a company is a small business are set by Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007 (and are also given in the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of March 10, 2017 No. GD-4-14/4281). Let's outline the main ones. A company is classified as a small business if:
  • in its authorized capital, the share of participation of other large companies does not exceed 25%;
  • the average number of employees is not more than 100 people;
  • the income received at the end of the year does not exceed 800 million rubles.
For micro-enterprises, even more stringent restrictions have been introduced: in terms of the number of employees - up to 15 people, in terms of revenue - 120 million rubles.

A business owner can always check whether his company belongs to a small business or not. You can find out your own business status on the website of the tax service in the interactive register of small and medium-sized businesses.

Who will have to report to Rosstat

What reporting and when to send, according to Rosstat. Usually, a letter from the department with the form of the required report and instructions for filling it out comes to the post office. For an individual entrepreneur, the shipment arrives at the address of registration, and for a legal entity - at the place of registration of the company.

Be careful: regardless of whether your company is a small business, be sure to send the annual balance sheet to Rosstat. The deadlines must be met by the end of March of the year following the reporting year.

What to submit

It is easy to find out which forms of statistical reporting a company needs to submit on the Rosstat website. To do this, go to the address and enter your company details (OKPO, OGRN, TIN). After clicking on the “List of forms” button, a file will be loaded with a list of statistical reporting forms that must be submitted to Rosstat, as well as the deadlines for submitting reports:

The list of reports for small companies may change annually, it all depends on the sample formed by the statistics agency. Therefore, at the beginning of the year, do not forget to check which reports you may need to fill out.

For example, the table shows that the company to which the request was sent needs to submit to Rosstat by January 20 information on the number and wages of employees, and by April 1 send a form with basic information about the organization's activities.

How to complete and submit a report

If the notice of the need to submit the report is received by mail, then filling out the report will not be difficult, since the form will already be inside the letter. If not, then you can download the appropriate form on the Rosstat website.

Reports for the statistics agency are a set of questions, both open-ended and offering a choice of answers, for example, to mark “yes” or “no”, therefore, there are usually no difficulties with filling in.
Send the completed report to your territorial statistics office. You can also find out the address of the desired branch on the website of Rosstat in the section "Territorial authorities (TOGS)".
You can hand over the report both personally and send a valuable letter with a list of attachments by mail. If the company reports in electronic form, then it is also possible to send reports to Rosstat via the Internet.

Can or should I report?

The opinion that it is possible not to submit reports to Rosstat is deeply erroneous. For ignoring the requirement to send or incorrect information in the reporting, a fine is imposed under article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, namely:
  • from ten to twenty thousand rubles will be paid by an individual entrepreneur, as well as an "official" - the director of the company;
  • from twenty to seventy thousand rubles will have to be paid by the organization itself.
For repeated violations, the fines increase. An official can pay 30-50 thousand rubles, a legal entity - 100-150 thousand rubles.

If you are not sure whether you need to report, submit this or that form, it will not hurt to make additional inquiries at the local Rosstat authority. Even if you do not have the type of activity for which the department requested a report, it is better not to ignore the request, but at least send a letter with an explanation.

Follow the form

Pay attention to the statistical reporting forms themselves, unless they came to you along with the department's request. The Office periodically introduces certain changes into the forms, and not only of a technical nature.

So, already in May 2018, when submitting reports for 2017, a new form No. 1 (labor) “Information on the composition of the organization’s labor costs” (approved by order of Rosstat dated December 18, 2017 No. 839) will begin to be applied.

Another example - from January 1, 2018, form P-4 "Information on the number and wages of employees" is filled out according to the new rules (approved by order of Rosstat dated November 22, 2017 No. 772). For example, the average headcount should now also include those who are on parental leave while working part-time or at home while retaining the right to benefits.

Tatyana Evdokimova, service expert SKB Kontur company

Small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia increased by 10% compared to August 2016, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia Oleg Fomichev said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Such dynamics has not been observed for a long time, the business shows good growth, he noted. Now there are more than 6 million such companies in Russia, including more than 5.5 million micro-businesses, 266,000 small companies, and 20,000 medium-sized enterprises. Opora Rossii President Alexander Kalinin also recently noted the positive development dynamics of small and medium-sized businesses. According to him, in 2016 the domestic microbusiness segment increased by 500,000 enterprises, or by 8.5%, thanks to state support.

The increase was not so much due to the emergence of new companies, but due to the restructuring of existing ones, Tatyana Mineeva, vice president of Delovaya Rossiya, believes. There are new benefits for small businesses, such as tax holidays, and large companies are re-registering part of their structures in small or medium-sized businesses in order to optimize taxes, Mineeva knows.

The ranks of entrepreneurs have replenished not because it has become easier for them to work in Russia, Eduard Savulyak, director of the Moscow office of Tax Consulting, agrees. There is no growth in production and sales, small business has become more only on paper, he believes. One of the reasons for the replenishment of the ranks of small entrepreneurs is changes in laws and the increased desire of businesses to optimize tax expenses due to the crisis, the lawyer clarifies. Dmitry Nesvetov, a member of the council of the Moscow branch of Opora Rossii, agrees with him, who believes that there was no real growth last year. He recalls that since January 2017, the state has introduced a more favorable regime for those who work under the simplified taxation system (STS). The marginal revenue at which an entrepreneur is eligible for the simplified tax system was raised from 60 million to 120 million rubles, which allowed larger companies to fit into the limit, says Nesvetov. In 2015, the maximum revenue, at which the enterprise is considered a medium-sized business, was also doubled (it was 1 billion rubles, it became 2 billion rubles), and companies that were previously considered large fell into the category of small and medium-sized businesses, lawyers note.

The current growth is also a compensation for the fall in the number of entrepreneurs in the previous two years, Savuliak says. In the first half of 2015, there were 242,600 small and medium-sized companies, and in the first half of 2016 there were 172,800, according to Rosstat. And against this background, a 10% increase is just a return to pre-crisis statistics, Savulyak notes.

Viktor Zubik, CEO of Invend, a manufacturer of vending machines, says that 2016 was a difficult year for him. Many customers and clients put off orders due to the unstable ruble exchange rate. Partners lived one day, refusing long-term contracts, Zubik complains. "Invend" had to save money - for example, to move to a smaller office. Now the market has stabilized, because of this, clients who previously froze projects have revived, says Zubik. Revenue is up from last year, and the company is hiring new employees, Zubik says.

Trade has revived, demand is recovering, there is a shortage of commercial real estate. The rise in oil prices and the strengthening of the ruble have contributed, albeit insignificantly, to replenishing the ranks of entrepreneurs, Savulyak says.

No one-night-stands

650,000 legal entities in 2016 were excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by decision of the tax authorities, since they had not submitted reports for more than a year and had no account transactions

But most entrepreneurs did not see any improvement. Yuri Panchenko, a farmer from the Rostov region, says that demand for his product - goat milk - will increase in 2016-2017. grew up But this is explained, in his opinion, by the fact that in the Rostov region there were no longer producers of pasteurized goat's milk with a short shelf life. Panchenko notes that in 2017 a new program of concessional lending to farmers was launched (at rates not exceeding 5% per annum). In February, he applied to Sberbank for such a loan, but is still waiting for a response. The tax burden, the farmer says, has remained the same: he pays a single agricultural tax - 6% of the proceeds.

The founder of the Mr.Pit fast food chain, Alexander Kolosov, says that 2017 started off worse than the previous one – they had to increase advertising costs so that sales would not sag. He clarifies that his chain of cafes practically does not collide with the state, recently there have been no conflicts with government agencies and sudden inspections.

Now small entrepreneurs are less afraid of criminal liability, says Artem Chekotkov, a lawyer at the Moscow Bar Association Knyazev and Partners. In the summer of 2016, amendments were made to the Criminal Code - they raised the minimum threshold, upon reaching which the company is held liable for tax evasion, up to 5 million rubles, he clarifies. Being small is more profitable - a small company does not have enough money to evade taxes for such an amount, the lawyer explains. And there are more and more tax crimes in Russia: in 2014, according to the Prosecutor General's Office, there were 6250 of them, in 2015 - 9041, in 2016 - 9283.

IT-company "Telecom-project" revenue for the year doubled, said its CEO Evgeny Tsaplin. Weak competitors went bankrupt, and Telecom-project managed to increase its customer base.

Tsaplin did not notice any indulgence from the state: the tax burden has not changed, the bureaucracy has not become smaller. Thank you for not interfering, says Tsaplin.

statistics in the field of entrepreneurial activity are the analysis of the activities of registered and actually operating business entities, their distribution by form of ownership, types of activity, legal, organizational forms, sizes, where both indicators of the number of employees and the volume of output can act as grouping signs.

Statistical information about entrepreneurial activity is based on a certain system of information sources, which includes lists of state-registered commercial organizations, individual entrepreneurs, and farms.

In its economic essence, entrepreneurship refers to such a type of activity that aims to earn income from its own or borrowed funds, as well as through indirect participation in such activities (investment in the business of one's capital).

The main stimulus and the main statistical indicator in this kind of activity is profit as a form of income that remains after deducting the costs and wages of employees from the proceeds. Profit is the property of the entrepreneur and is spent by him at his own discretion.

Entrepreneurial profit- this is a special kind of income, which, on the one hand, is accompanied by commercial risk, on the other hand, is a reward for commercial success (initiative and activity in the implementation of new ideas, high quality products or services).

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides quite wide economic rights entrepreneurial activities (along with economic obligations):

    formation of a production program, independent choice of suppliers and consumers of their products;

    setting prices for their products within the limits provided for by law and contractual obligations;

    attraction on a contractual basis and use of financial resources, property and certain property rights of citizens and legal entities;

    disposal of profits in accordance with the law, the charter of the enterprise and contractual obligations;

    opening settlement and other accounts in any bank to store funds and carry out all types of settlement, credit and cash transactions;

    independent establishment of forms, systems and amounts of remuneration of employees (at the same time, the maximum amount of remuneration is not limited);

    issuance and acquisition of shares and other securities.

Duties include:

    timely submission of a declaration of income and payment of taxes and other mandatory payments and fees in accordance with the law;

    fulfillment of contractual obligations;

    timely application for bankruptcy of the enterprise in case of impossibility of fulfilling obligations to creditors;

    full responsibility for compliance with settlement discipline, etc.

In the context of the formation of a market economy, the development of medium and small businesses, small businesses is of particular importance. It is small enterprises that are able to quickly and economically solve the problems of economic restructuring, since they do not require large initial investments, guarantee a high rate of resource turnover, and quickly respond to changes in market conditions.

Currently, in developed countries, small and medium-sized firms consistently create up to 50-60% of GDP. In table. 20.1 shows the share of small and medium-sized enterprises at the beginning of the 90s (in terms of the share of those employed in industry and the share in total sales).

Table 20.1

Share of small and medium enterprises

A country Share of employed in small and medium-sized industrial enterprises, % Sales of small and medium-sized enterprises in total sales, %
Japan 79,9 61,4
Canada 75,0 64,6
USA 62,0 53,8
Italy 53,4 45,1
Great Britain 53,2 43,8
France 47,0 37,4
Germany 43,2 33,0

Source: The importance and role of small and medium-sized enterprises in home economies // Small and medium-sized: Transnat, corporation, Role, impact a. policy implication / Un conf. On trade a. development. - N.Y.; UN, 1993, P. 21-22.

In Russia, the small business boom occurred in 1990-1994. and at the beginning of 1998. In Table. 20.2 reflects the dynamics of small business development in Russia.

Table 20.2

Dynamics of small business development in Russia

years 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Beginning 1998 Beginning 2001
Number of enterprises 560 865 869,9 840 877,3 OK. 1 million 850
Man, million 7,2 11,2 11,66 10,92 11,4 13 11,1
GDP, % 6,6 10,4 10,7 10,1 10,5 12 10,2

The table is based on sources: 1. Small business. Revival of entrepreneurship in Russia. M .: State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Support and Development of Small Business, 1997. 2. Interfax of January 3, 1998. 3. NG of February 23, 2001.

The largest number of small businesses are concentrated in trade and public catering (30%), 26% - in construction, 23% - in industry.

As for the development of small business in the printing industry, in percentage terms, its share in the industry is relatively small (about 0.14%), but it is quite consistent with the place and role of the printing industry in the modern Russian economy. For comparison: in Germany, printing enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses account for 1.8% of the total industry.

According to sources involved in statistical analysis in the printing industry, by the beginning of 1998, about 3,000 enterprises were engaged in printing activities. Of these, the sector of mixed forms of ownership accounted for 33.3%, and the private sector - 14.5%.

Small-scale printing is engaged in the production of small-printed, advertising, small-circulation book and magazine products. According to statistics, in developed countries there is one small printing production unit for every 5 thousand inhabitants. If we proceed from this norm, then we can calculate that in Russia there should be at least 29.6 thousand such “points”, and in Moscow - about 2.5 thousand (compare with 3 thousand small printing enterprises in Russia).

According to estimates by domestic statisticians, 2.5-3.5 million small firms are needed for the normal functioning of the Russian economy. Only with this norm, small business will be reliably and organically integrated into the emerging market mechanism of the Russian economy.

For a statistical study of the scale and structure of entrepreneurship, statistical surveys of the entire array of business entities are carried out, which are included in the general population (large and medium-sized ones are surveyed by a continuous method, and small and individual - by a sampling method).

The practice of such surveys in developed countries is limited to annual surveys based on questionnaires, the grouping of questions of which includes the main structural indicators: indicators on sales, output, value added, purchases of goods and services (including for resale), indicators on investments in tangible assets, on the number of employees, the amount of wages and some other indicators.

A single set of indicators for all types of economic entities (defined by the Council Regulation No. 58/57, December 20, 1996) allows you to compare summary data for various groups of enterprises, analyze the structure of business activities.

Russian statistical practice is gradually approaching the European standard of statistical survey based on a structural approach, however, there are also significant differences. For example, in Russia, individual entrepreneurs are not surveyed on a regular basis and information about them is obtained using the imputed volume method, in which a composite indicator is calculated by multiplying the number of business units by the average number of business units of this type, by expert means or from one-time surveys.

Statistical groupings and classifications take into account the threshold value of the indicator for classifying an enterprise as a small enterprise.

Small businesses are those that have:

    1) less than 50 employees;

    2) an annual turnover not exceeding 7 million ECU or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 5 million ECU;

    3) have the status of an independent business entity, in the capital of which the share of participation of one or more enterprises that are not small does not exceed 25%.

According to Russian legislation (Law of the Russian Federation of June 14, 1995 No. 88-F3 “On State Support for Small Business in the Russian Federation”), an enterprise is considered small if it represents a legal entity and meets the following three conditions:

    the share of property of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal property, property of religious organizations, public, charitable and other funds in the authorized capital does not exceed 25%;

    the share in the authorized capital of one or more legal entities that are not small businesses does not exceed 25%;

    the number of employees (persons) does not exceed:

A special group of small enterprises under Russian law is made up of enterprises with up to 15 employees, for which a special legal and economic status is defined. The average number of employees of a small enterprise for a given period is determined taking into account all its employees, including those working under civil law contracts and part-time jobs, taking into account the actual hours worked, as well as employees of representative offices, branches and other separate divisions of this enterprise. Small business entities also include individuals engaged in entrepreneurship without forming a legal entity.

The above Federal Law for small enterprises provides for simplified procedures and forms of statistical reporting, in particular, a limited number of simplified questionnaires are used, while the sample of the survey of small enterprises does not exceed 15-20% of the entire population of small enterprises.

Among a wide range of summary indicators of entrepreneurial activity, special attention is paid to the indicators of the financial statements of small enterprises. Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics dated December 7, 1995 No. 195 approved the form of MP (small enterprises).

The MP form includes information on the main indicators of the financial and economic activities of small enterprises based on the results of their activities for the reporting year.

The MP form has the following indicators.

Section 1. Key indicators

Line number Name of indicator Unit In fact, for the reporting period For the corresponding period of the previous year
010 Average number of employees (excluding part-time employees and non-registered employees) - total Human
020 Number of part-time workers (without internal ones) at the end of the period «
030 Average number of employees who performed work under work contracts and other civil law contracts «
041 Payroll fund for payroll and non-payroll employees (including part-time workers) thousand roubles. (in whole)
042 From line 041 wages of payroll employees (including part-time workers) «
050 Revenue (gross income) from the sale of products (works, services) million rubles (in whole)
060 Balance sheet profit (+) or loss (-) - total «
070 Fixed assets at original (replacement) cost at the end of the period «
071 Capital investments «

Section 2. Products (works, services)

Line number Name of indicator OKONH/OKP code Unit SOEI unit code In fact, for the reporting period For the corresponding period of the previous year
The volume of products (works, services) in selling prices without VAT, special tax and excise duty for the main type of activity (specify which one)
For other activities
Products (works, services) in physical terms

The reports should ensure comparability of data for the reporting period with indicators for the corresponding period of the previous year, based on structural changes and changes in the range of products (products) produced, work performed and services rendered.

When determining individual indicators, it is recommended to use the appropriate standard instructions (on statistics of headcount and wages; on the composition of funds allocated for consumption; on the composition of the wage fund and social payments; on the procedure for compiling statistical reporting on industrial output, on capital construction), which are located in the territorial bodies of statistics.

For example, you should determine on line 030 the average number of employees of a printing company from January to September, if it is known that: a) 11 people signed a contract for March; b) 10 people - for 15 days in April; c) 3 people - for 20 days in June; d) in January, February - May, July and August no contracts were concluded.

Decision: 1) the average number of employees in line 030 in March was 11 people; 2) the average number in April - (10 × 15): 30 = 5 people; 3) the average number in June - (3 × 20): 30 = 2 people. Therefore, the average number of employees in line 030 from January to September will be (11 + 5 + 2): 9 = 2 people.

22.12.2015 00:52

In Russia, there are significantly more small businesses dying than new ones appearing. The share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP in our country accounts for about 20%, while abroad, only for small businesses, this figure reaches 50%.

In developed countries, support for small enterprises is considered a strategically important task for economic development.

According to statistics, only 3.4% of small businesses in Russia live for more than three years, the rest are closed earlier.

The growth rate of the number of registered individual entrepreneurs in our country remains low - annually their number increases by 4%, while the number of individual entrepreneurs who have ceased their activities increases by 11%. According to the Federal Tax Service, as of April 2015, 3.5 million individual entrepreneurs were registered in the USRIP, and 7.7 million people have ceased their activities for the entire time.

The main reasons for this negative trend are administrative and economic barriers. Firstly, this is a rather complex and voluminous legislation, which, moreover, changes very often. At the same time, there is no full-fledged information about the ongoing changes, and it is expensive to use the services of professional lawyers in small businesses. As a result, entrepreneurs often make mistakes and violate the law, resulting in high fines.

Constantly rising prices for raw materials as a result of fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate and high interest rates on loans are one of the main economic reasons for the underdevelopment of this business segment.

Finally, with the development of opportunities for earning money on the Internet, for many people, the desire to register an enterprise has completely disappeared, because. in this case, it is easier to evade taxes. The last straw for many enterprises was the more than doubling of contributions to the pension fund.

Recall that from January 1, 2013, contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia with individual entrepreneurs amounted to 32,479.2 rubles, regardless of the income received. Later, in 2014, they were reduced to 20,727.53 rubles. But as a result of this measure, more than half a million entrepreneurs closed in the country, and new ones were in no hurry to register.

2015 met entrepreneurs with sanctions, declining demand for goods and services, and rising prices. Contributions to the pension fund have grown, now they amount to 22261.38 rubles + 1% of the proceeds, if it is more than 300 thousand rubles. However, from January 1, the so-called law on tax holidays, Federal Law No. 477 of December 29, 2014 “On Amendments to Article 346 and Chapter 26 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation” came into force. According to the document, individual entrepreneurs who open their own business in the industrial, social and scientific fields can be exempted from taxes for two tax periods. In addition, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2015 No. 98-r “On the plan of priority measures to ensure sustainable economic development and social stability in 2015” was adopted, which also provides for a number of tax benefits for small and medium-sized businesses. This noticeably motivated many, and as a result, since January, the number of registered individual entrepreneurs began to increase sharply - by 14% compared to December 2014.

True, the number of those who ceased their activities, unfortunately, also increased.

The introduced amendments to the legislation are designed to stimulate production. In Russia, small business is still mainly engaged in trade, in 2014 the total number of enterprises in this area increased by 2% and amounted to 813,593.

In terms of turnover in small businesses, wholesale and retail trade enterprises also occupy the first place - over 15 trillion rubles in 2014. In second place are enterprises engaged in real estate transactions - almost 3 trillion rubles.

The share of small enterprises in the field of manufacturing is 2456.84 billion rubles in terms of capital, health care and social services - 194.36 billion rubles.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs in general from January 2014 to April 2015 increases monthly by an average of 2%, i.e. for 50 thousand entrepreneurs.

At the same time, the registration of farms is increasing much faster - by more than 3% to 2,000 farms per month on average, with the main peak just at the beginning of 2015.

An interesting fact is that it was in the direction of agriculture and forestry in 2014 that the largest number of small and micro enterprises decreased by 6614 to 55990. thousand rubles. At the same time, the main forces will be thrown at the farms of the south of Russia and in particular the North Caucasus Federal District (the total number of individual entrepreneurs and farms in the region has already fallen by 5% compared to April 2014).

Significant funds will also be allocated to support farms in the Siberian Federal District.

Despite the growth of newly registered enterprises, it is practically impossible for the state to keep the existing ones. Only in 2014-March 2015, the activities of 647 thousand individual entrepreneurs and 21928 farms were terminated.

On average, 43,000 individual entrepreneurs stop their activities every month - this is less than the number of registered ones, but the reduction is at a faster pace, even taking into account benefits (on average, the number of individual entrepreneurs decreases by 5% every month, while the number of new ones grows by only 2% ). The main reason is the decision to terminate activities, in total, as of April 2015, according to this decision, over 5 million individual entrepreneurs have been terminated for the entire time.

The dynamics of the closure of farms also confirms this trend. On average, 1,462 farms stop their work every month, and the growth rate of such enterprises is also 5%.

The high cost of compound feed, great difficulties with the sale of products and low profits still force farmers to close. For many enterprises, the problem of selling products is acute, since they are located far from cities and large towns, it is difficult to bring fresh products, or it is associated with high costs.

The number of foreign citizens who operate in Russia has also changed. So, since the beginning of 2015, their number began to decline by an average of 1.5%.

At the same time, the reduction now affects almost all regions that account for the largest part of such enterprises - the Krasnodar Territory, the Moscow Region, Moscow, the Rostov Region, etc.