The church apologized for the reflection of the clock. Patriarch Kirill spoke about the Breguet watch and the apartment in the House on the embankment Gundyaev Clock

This year, the Russian Orthodox Church has often found itself in the media spotlight - and not only in connection with Christian holidays.

BBC correspondent Steve Rosenberg met with the head of the department for external church relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) and asked him about the hours of the patriarch, reproaches against the clergy and the threat to Orthodoxy.

BBC: Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' said the church had come under a "planned attack." What kind of forces, in your opinion, attacked the Russian Orthodox Church?

Metropolitan Hilarion: The church is attacked by the enemy of the human race, whom we call the devil. And he usually acts not on his own, but through people. In addition, the church is sometimes attacked by people who do not want to see the real picture, but live with some kind of prejudice. We often meet with constructive criticism of our actions and try to be very attentive to such criticism. But sometimes we also meet with criticism that does not carry any constructive in itself. Such criticism is tendentious, biased, deliberate, and is not so much criticism as slander of the church.

BBC: There are people who accuse the church of corruption. How seriously do you take such accusations?

M.I.: These are accusations not so much of corruption as of luxury. They say that the clergy, for example, drive luxury cars. If a priest drives such a car, then, as a rule, it is an official car and it is connected with his official position.

BBC: But they also talk, for example, about luxury watches. For example, there were many publications and stories about Patriarch Kirill's expensive wristwatches. Such topics cause people to have a negative attitude towards the church and its ministers.

M.I.: You know, I must confess that I also had such a watch. They were given to me. I don't understand watches - I had no idea what kind of watch it was. Gave them for my birthday and they lay along with a bunch of other gifts. And then one of my assistants asked me: "Do you know how much your watch costs?" It turned out to be 30 thousand euros. I then gave away this watch. We often receive gifts whose value we do not know. I, for example, cannot distinguish a gold thing from a gold-plated one.

BBC: Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said that Lenin's mausoleum on Red Square "continues the traditions of world religions" calling for reverence for the relics of saints. How did you react to this statement?

M.I.: I think that the relics of the saints cannot be compared with the remains of people who brought so much trouble and grief. I think that these remains should have been removed as soon as the Soviet Union collapsed. Then it would have been much easier. But sooner or later it still has to be done. This body, which lies in the very center of Moscow and is supported by taxpayers' money, should be interred, I think.

BBC: I would like to return to the topic of criticism. This year there has been a lot of criticism from the West against the Russian authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church. The reasons were different: this is the attitude to various exhibitions, and to some people who spoke in the church with actions. Why do you think this criticism was made?

M.I.: I think that this criticism is biased, because if such events took place in the West, then those responsible for them would receive adequate punishment, including criminal ones.

BBC: And do you admit that this criticism can be to some extent fair?

M.I.: Now, if, for example, the so-called artist arranges a "performance", during which he chop icons into pieces with an ax, then I think that for such a "performance" he should go to jail. Such things, I believe, should not be allowed in a civilized society. And there are certain boundaries for expressing one's views and even protests that a person should not cross. When it comes to constructive criticism, we are always ready to listen to it. But if we are talking about ugliness or public blasphemy and desecration of shrines, then there can be no tolerance here.

Sergei Didenko
Feb 12, 2016 3:24AM

Why were these hours given to the Holy One? Is it a matter of hours? These conversations only distract from the main thing.

From the fact that Patriarch Kirill openly professes Satanism.

From the fact that Gundyaevshchina is the highest and last stage of Sergian abomination.

And also - what is the worst - focusing on watches, yachts and "Mercedes" is very reminiscent of PURE SOVIET psychology - to look into someone else's pocket.

(So ​​that there are no rich, select and divide equally, etc. Sharikov!)

Here I have - in the first place - disgust for the proletariat. (Which made the revolution in 1917.)

I have always said that it is very important not only to fight against communism, but also to oppress the working people.

But seriously, it's very simple.

When you hate communism, it goes without saying that you hate EVERYTHING THAT CAN LEAD TO IT.

As soon as the thought of “social justice” appears, know that this is the very path that leads to all kinds of harmful ideas and revolutions.

Dec 7 2013 7:37PM

What is the value of these watches! Every person wants to live well, including the patriarch. Therefore, do not judge your neighbor. Not things in life are important, but the soul.

Apr 5 2012 10:47AM

They tell you that the priests steal. And you soar your brains.

Apr 4, 2012 9:26PM

That everyone stuck to our Patriarch? It is clear that Bobby pays for articles, everyone reads, comments, resents, denounces. Brothers and sisters, better consider the events of 1991, how they destroyed a great state. Who did it. On what money his offspring lives, lives and breeds. Here is the topic. Not a watch. Another topic, abortion, 6 million annually. Ponder, bloggers, in these figures. Also, think about your life. With what will you go to eternity. How God was served, whether all the commandments were able to be fulfilled (applies only to Christians). How much good they did to their neighbors, but what about their neighbors, their parents, brothers and sisters. What did they do for Russia. Can you say for yourself, I am a patriot, like Alexander Nevsky, P. Stolypin, G. Zhukov, N. Rubtsov, I. Talkov, and not just live in this country. And when your heart is cleansed, you gain holiness, then there will be no point in discussing the clock.

Apr 4, 2012 1:17PM

Or maybe the mansion in Gelindzhik is also a fake? And a yacht worth 30 million. And. And a tobacco factory? Lies and hypocrisy. And bazaars were made from temples.

Mar 30 2012 2:52PM

Irina! The fact of the matter is that I do not have a real Breguet, but a replicant - an exact copy of an expensive Swiss watch model. But visually, only a specialist can distinguish a replicant from the original. I know very well that many Russian politicians and show business stars wear exactly replicants, and not original Swiss watches. And the patriarch may have been given the replicant...

Mar 30 2012 10:41AM

Breguet watches are not cheap. If you have a cheap watch from this company, then it is a fake.

The cost of such watches is hundreds of thousands of rubles and more. See for yourself by looking at the prices in any online store.

Mar 30, 2012 1:29AM

BREGUET 5188 on a large photo - allegedly the watch of the Patriarch.

And here

n/no-5188-1/ real BREGUET 5188, worth 7"475 CHF and sold on November 17, 2002. Read less three-horned media, especially the Yushchenko period.

Mar 30 2012 12:32AM

I also have Breguet. My watch looks no worse than those attributed to the patriarch. But they don’t cost $30,000, but only $400, because they are an exact copy of Breguet’s expensive model. By the way, many Russian politicians and show business stars wear the same fakes...

Mar 30 2012 12:29AM

I specifically studied all the photos of the patriarch with a Breguet watch (including the one that was just posted by someone on this forum and then deleted by the administrator). At high magnification, these photos turn into unprofessional photo montages. Very rough work. The boundaries of the overlap of different objects on top of each other are visible, the proportions are violated, sometimes the sharpness of adjacent details does not match, etc. To me, as a person who knows photoshop very well, all these things are obvious...


Here's a little background. A couple of days ago, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', at a meeting with journalist Vladimir Solovyov, publicly stated that he had never worn a Breguet watch for 30 thousand dollars, with which Ukrainian journalists photographed him a few years ago. At the same time, the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church admitted that he really has such a watch, although he noticed their presence only recently, having found it in one of the gift boxes, but he called the photo with Breguet a collage.

"When we put on a robe for the service, it is impossible to put on a watch, it is impossible to wear a watch. And I looked at this photo and suddenly realized - but this is a collage!" - Patriarch Solovyov said. The watch, which the saint actually wears, was presented to him, according to him, by Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev - "small, neat", "our Russian inexpensive watch with a coat of arms."

But on April 4, Russian bloggers made an unexpected "discovery". Having carefully looked at the photographs posted on the official website of the Moscow Patriarchate, where the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is depicted together with the Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov, they found that there is no watch on the Patriarch's hand, but their reflection is well "read" on the shiny surface of the table. Moreover, there is another similar photograph on the website of the Department for External Church Relations, where the clock, as if nothing had happened, is present both on the Patriarch's hand and in the reflection on the table.

“That is, we have evidence on the official website of the ROC not only that the patriarch wore this watch for quite a long time and put it on repeatedly, but also that the command was given after his recent statement to hide this fact and remove pictures from the ROC website with a watch," says blogger Nikolai Pravdorub.

As noted in the publication of the Ridus agency, the honor of "discovery" belongs to the v-n-zb blogger.

Bloggers wonder whether we are talking about a miracle here, or someone on the website for some reason worked with Photoshop. The incomprehensibility of the situation is aggravated by the fact that photographs appear on the Internet, where the head of the Russian Orthodox Church appears, according to experts, with Russian, but by no means cheap watches.

According to blogger Nikolai Pravdorub, whose remark is quoted by "Ridus", there is evidence on the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church that the Patriarch has a watch (Breguet or expensive Russian ones - it is not clear to a non-specialist. - Note. ed.) that he repeatedly wore them, but also proof that "the command was given after his recent statement to hide this fact and remove pictures with watches from the ROC website."

As recalls, the correspondent of VIP.glavred photographed the Patriarch with a Breguet watch during the visit of the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church to Ukraine. At the same time, in one of the photographs, the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church in full patriarchal vestments carefully examines his wrist, on which a watch is visible.

Recall, meanwhile, that the popular Photoshop program in connection with the name of the Patriarch pops up not for the first time. Almost a year ago, when Patriarch Kirill visited Kharkov, Ukrainian journalists caught the website of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in posting corrected photographs. It has been alleged that, using Photoshop, an attempt was made to inflate the number of believers present in the square in some of the images of the patriarchal open-air worship service. True, the Kharkiv diocese has "disowned" the use of "photoshop".

"In the morning, putting on shorts, Do not forget about the clock!" (Andrey Voznesensky)

Under Putin, fabulously expensive watches of certain brands have become a measure of the importance of the state “husband”. It is worth noting that ex-mayor Yuri Luzhkov accuses his former first deputy of corruption, inviting the investigating authorities in October 2011 to ask where Resin got a watch for a million dollars: “ the authorities should ask Resin where and how he acquired this watch ". And on January 28, 2012, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' appoints the head of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) your adviser :

In the fall of 2009, the faithful and laity in Russia learned for the first time that the newly elected Patriarch Kirill had also joined the "chosen council" of Putin's establishment. This happened in August 2009, during a patriarchal visit to Ukraine, where local journalists saw a Breguet watch on the hand of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church ( see photo) costing from 28,000 to 36,000 €: The case of the patriarchal watch is made of white gold, the strap is made of crocodile skin, the mechanism is automatic, there is an alarm clock.

A little earlier, the same watch was captured on the left wrist of Patriarch Kirill by photographers of the patriarchal press service during the meeting of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church with Russian Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov, but did not attract any noticeable attention. The storm suddenly broke out on April 4, 2012, when bloggers accidentally discovered on the official website of the Moscow Patriarchate a photograph where there is no watch on Patriarch Kirill's hand, but at the same time they are reflected on a varnished table. The left sleeve of the vestment of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in the photo, after retouching the photo, began to cover the wrist, but the reflection of the clock on the surface of the table betrays their presence. At the same time, the original version of the picture remained on the official website of the closest employee of Patriarch Kirill - the head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev). A retouched version of the photo was uploaded to the site on March 31, 2012, as shown by the photo's EXIF ​​metadata with the date March 31, 2012, although the picture itself and the news are dated July 3, 2009:

What was the reason for the falsification of the retouching of the official photographs of Patriarch Kirill with a fabulously expensive watch, and who could decide on such an insulting act in relation to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, on whose instructions?

On March 29, 2012, the INTERFAX news agency, which is personally supervised by the head of the synodal department for relations between the Church and society, Fr. Vsevolod Chaplin, spread the message that on the eve of March 28, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', during an interview with showman and Kabbalist Vladimir Solovyov, clarified the situation with the Swiss watch, which some journalists once “put on” him. " I looked at this photo and suddenly realized - but it's a collage! But after this photo appeared, I went and began to look. After all, many come and give. And there are often boxes that you do not open and do not know what is there. And I saw that there really are "Breguet" watches, and therefore I did not comment anywhere that the patriarch does not have such watches. Because yes, a box with such a watch never worn is, and she lies. And when I saw it, I thought: where to put them? That is, of course, you can re-gift them, but then what will they think of the patriarch? How does the patriarch live if he so expensive makes gifts?”, - quoted Patriarch Kirill V. Solovyov:

The next day, March 30, 2012, a report was broadcast on the Dozhd TV channel (10:06 UPDATED at 12:16), in which it was said that “ many already refuse to believe that someone would forge photos with the Primate of the Church. Eminent photographers do not believe in this either. Levitin : If His Holiness thinks this is a collage, then he should sue for defaming it. Most likely, he is telling a lie, because no one will deal with such small things. Our wife of the president "lit up" with a watch that costs more than her annual salary. Since you are already wearing a watch, then be responsible for it, and do not “nod” at photographers and computer scientists ". In the same report on March 30, photographs of " directly from the website of the patriarchy , where you can see, on the hands of a watch very similar to Breguet».

Thus, it turns out that the retouching of the very pictures that were shown in the report of the Dozhd TV channel took place literally the next day March 31, 2012.! In addition, some photographs from other meetings of Patriarch Kirill in July 2009 have disappeared from the patriarchal website: with Turkish Ambassador to Russia Khalil Akıncı (page , ) and with US Ambassador John Beyrle (page , ). At the time of writing, the photographs showing the watch on the patriarch's hand are not in the galleries, but they are available in copies of the pages made at the end of March 2012.

On April 3, 2012, at a meeting of the Supreme Church Council, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' stated that “ against the Russian Orthodox Church launched an information campaign ». « We should not be like those who lie, slander , comes out of malice. We must not respond in the same way, otherwise the uniqueness of our message to the world, including through the media, is lost.”, Patriarch Kirill emphasized. However, the journalists of the TV channel "Rain" found out that " during the election campaign of the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, church hierarchs themselves did not shy away from information wars. On the eve of the vote, supporters of Metropolitans Clement and Kirill exchanged a hefty portion of compromising material. Metropolitan Clement's team accused the rival of sympathizing with Catholic theology, and an interview with Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov appeared in the Orthodox resource "Russian View", which lashed out at Metropolitan Kirill with rude accusations. Metropolitan Kirill's team was no less active. Deacon Andrei Kuraev became her voice. He accused the brother of Metropolitan Clement, Archbishop Demetrius, of holding “false elections” of delegates to the Local Council from theological seminaries, of raiding the Moscow Theological Academy, and in general of nepotism.

In the "war of compromising evidence" the loudest and most painful of the scandals associated with church leaders surfaced - about the duty-free import of tobacco and alcohol, the permission of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 1990s. received from the Russian government. In several media, Metropolitan Kirill was immediately remembered for the title of “tobacco hierarch” and generally accused of being prone to commerce. Metropolitan Kirill's team immediately turned the information in their favor. References appeared in the press to documents that showed that it was not Cyril, but Clement, who was responsible for preferential excises. And Senator Alexander Pochinok, at that time a government official, did give a short interview in defense of Metropolitan Kirill. He recalled that Patriarch Alexy asked for benefits for the supply of excisable goods through the line of humanitarian aid that came from abroad to Russia, and “Kliment was the chairman of the headquarters of the Russian Orthodox Church for receiving humanitarian aid.”

This was the rarest case of information openness of the Russian Orthodox Church. Since the rest of the time, all the usual methods of state policy were in effect with respect to church news in Russia. The stop-lists of the federal media, journalists admit, included all non-systemic oppositionists of the Church . The fate of Garry Kasparov or Alexei Navalny befell, for example, foreign priests who refused to come under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate. And Bishop Diomede of Chukotka, excommunicated for harsh criticism, in most cases, TV presenters called "obscurantist", inciting ethnic hatred».

It is noteworthy that the press service of Patriarch Kirill did not heed the exhortation of their Primate about the inadmissibility of lies in information wars! The administrators of the Moscow Patriarchy website changed the photo from the meeting of Patriarch Kirill with the Minister of Justice of Russia Alexander Konovalov immediately after the manipulations with it attracted the attention of bloggers. The message about the edited photo spread all over Runet, and on the evening of April 4, 2012, the original photo returned to the original gallery. However, on copies of the same page dated March 25, 2012 from Yandex and March 31 from Google, one more picture is visible. Meanwhile, the head of the press service of Patriarch Kirill, Prot. Vladimir Vigilyansky the day before, in an interview with Kommersant, could not confirm or deny whether the photos were processed by a graphic editor. " I think it is indecent, shameful to look at items of personal toilet or gifts, or other things that another person wears. Regardless of whether it is a patriarch, or a journalist, or some public figure. There is some personal territory of a person, climbing into which is considered complete lack of culture. So of course I won't comment on it.", he stated...

Instead of an afterword . In connection with the questions that arose in the media and blogs regarding the changes made in the photo album dated July 3, 2009 on the website of the Moscow Patriarchate, the press service of Patriarch Kirill issued an official statement. The press service of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) has apologized to users of the Patriarchate's website for the photo editor's "absurd mistake" in processing the 2009 photo archive, which contained a post that caused a wide response photograph of Patriarch Kirill with a Breguet watch . « Employees of the photo editorial office of the press service when working with the photo archive posted on the site, was a stupid mistake was made ", - reported in the Patriarchal press service. " One of the main principles of our work is the fundamental refusal to use photo editing programs to change the look of images. Photo processing always concerns only color and other technical indicators. On what basis in this situation a gross violation of our internal ethics was allowed - a question that will be dealt with very carefully, the guilty will be severely punished ”, the Moscow Patriarchate said in a statement…

It is strange that they completely forgot about the patriarchal shoes: