Needlework that brings a good income. Myths and reality of making money on needlework

Surely you are interested in the question of how realistic it is to start making money on what you like to do with your own hands, how much money it can bring, how to organize the process and find your target audience. No matter how trite it sounds, but you can make money on everything, you just need to put a little desire and a drop of love into what you do, and the rest will come with experience.

Who may need to work from home:

  • Moms on maternity leave;
  • People with disabilities;
  • Schoolchildren who want to earn extra money;
  • Pensioners;

Well, to all those who want to leave a boring job and work only for themselves =))

What are the advantages of making money on handmade?

  • Handicrafts are quite highly valued;
  • Work from home, in comfortable conditions;
  • Possibility to choose your own work schedule;
  • There are no obligations to anyone but yourself.

Whether you are engaged in any kind of needlework or are just looking at various techniques, first of all try to answer a simple question: “Are you ready to devote maximum time to your favorite hobby?” Imagine that on the one hand you will improve day by day, come up with something new, expanding the boundaries of your own hobby.

However, on the other hand, reality may not be so wonderful, and at first you will have to create dozens of copies of handicrafts and things that the audience liked. After all, not every needlewoman is ready to lose potential customers from the position of "everything in a single copy."

Will you lose interest and retreat before the first difficulties? After all, starting your own business cannot be easy. Will not self-doubt and an insidious thought on the border of consciousness interfere: “maybe I'm not doing well enough?” - fear of criticism and lack of interest from other people.

If you are serious about turning your hobby into a business, there are a few basic steps you need to take:

1) Choice niches(if only you plan to do needlework);

2) Study target audience, competition and works of other masters;

3) It's good to make at least the simplest business plan. It will help you clearly plan in which direction to move on.

Consider the following points in your business plan:

  • Audience;
  • Necessary materials and equipment and their costs;
  • Possibility of advertising campaigns;
  • Venues for sale.

Look at the work of other masters in the selected area, where and how often their creations are bought, read reviews on forums and portals. Keep in mind that in order to become a sought-after artist, you may need to be trained by masters in your field.

4) Arrangement workplace. After all, it is no secret to anyone that a comfortable workplace is the key to successful work.

Types of earnings on needlework

First, let's highlight the main areas of earning money on a hobby (our own or someone else's). At first glance, it seems that there are only 2 options: selling finished products and teaching others - well, let's dig deeper:

  1. Sale of finished products;
  2. Handmade works to order;
  3. Training in needlework (offline and online MK, sale of photo and video MK);
  4. Sale of materials for needlework;
  5. Affiliate needlework programs.

Sale of finished products

Surely, the most logical thing in this business would be to sell finished products or make them to order. This is the most common way of earning money for mothers on maternity leave and lovers of needlework. Here, of course, who is capable of what.

Someone likes felting from wool, someone likes to embroider or knit to order, and some are very good at drawing on fabric. There are many examples when girls keen on needlework opened their showrooms or small shops. However, at first you are unlikely to have funds that can be invested in something large, so you should pay attention to the following options:

  1. Search for the first buyers among friends, relatives and their acquaintances. Remember the rule of 5 handshakes and word of mouth? Then be sure that if your products are of high quality, super-duper cool or just useful, buyers will not keep you waiting.
    The first time of work can be simply prepared as souvenirs for the holidays, for example, to colleagues at work =) The main thing is not to get carried away, getting used to a freebie is still very easy.
  2. Shops accepting handicrafts for sale. There are such offers of stores as open shelves, where everyone can exhibit their products for a minimum amount per day, and all the income from the sale goes to the creator. This practice is quite common in craft stores. And once I saw it in a nearby bookstore)
  3. Internet sales. You can also sell your products through social networks, your own blog or special sites-platforms, which are done by quite a few needlewomen around the world. We will discuss this implementation in more detail below.

Making money teaching needlework

Remember, when you mastered some kind of needlework, you made an effort to do this - went to courses, asked friends who were more competent than you, watched training videos on the Internet and devoted a lot of time to this. So do other people who want to knit, sew, make gifts with their own hands in various techniques.

You can conduct training master classes offline by gathering an interested audience. To do this, you will need to organize a room for the course and buy a minimum of materials and tools for each participant. If you take an advance payment, then it will not be difficult to prepare everything in advance.

Often such master classes are organized in creative cafes or anti-cafes, and sometimes even in large shopping centers that are interested in attracting customers.

You can also hold master classes in studios and at fairs, if such an opportunity exists in your city. Often on the Internet you can find ads for the search for masters.

A good way would be the possibility of conducting lessons at home, if family circumstances allow. At one time, I dreamed of a private house and my own small workshop over the garage, where it would be possible to conduct master classes.

Online tutorials suitable for those who do not want to deal with organizational issues. Online training is perfect for mothers on maternity leave, but it should be borne in mind that in our country the sale of master classes has not yet gained due popularity - people are used to finding everything on the Internet for free. However, do not lose heart, you can consider foreign sites;)

The choice of formats is somewhat larger here:

  • Organization and holding of webinars;
  • Maintaining your own blog and / or group in the social. networks;
  • Video recording of master classes;
  • Photo master classes.

A computer, a camera, a camera, a microphone, an Internet platform - you will need certain equipment to make quality products. Often, interested women cannot take part in an online lesson due to inconvenient times or other circumstances. To do this, it is advisable to make video recordings of master classes and further distribute them for a certain price.

And if you take a photo or video of all stages of work and describe them, then such MK can be offered to be published on needlework sites or put up for sale.

Needlework to order

Those who are engaged in needlework know that handmade things are distinguished by individuality, originality and originality. This is what attracts many people who want to have their own style, and products that are unlike anything - be it a knitted sweater, a gift made of wool or a scrapbooking notebook. Therefore, finding customers will not be difficult at all.

And if you already have examples of your work, and you exhibit and show them somewhere, then, most likely, the first ones who want to order something from you will find themselves. Remember your friends who, seeing your new thing, began to ask - “Can you tie me (sew, dump, etc.)?” This is your first circle of customers - your friends, friends of friends and colleagues.

Someone buys a magazine and says that he needs just such a thing as in the picture, and someone should help with the choice and be able to offer options for the execution of a handmade item. There are many customers who prefer to create even in their fantasies.

Sale of materials for needlework

If you are passionate about something, then, naturally, you know what materials and tools are needed, how one or another material differs from another, what quality wool or fabric is, etc. In a word, you are a connoisseur and master the nuances of the work. Therefore, if you approach the issue of earnings in a comprehensive manner, it would be advisable to sell materials.

You can do this through your own groups in the social. networks, open an online store or use special platforms (for example, the Fair of Masters).

You can buy materials, for example, on Aliexpress, where they are several times cheaper or in bulk from manufacturers.

Earnings on affiliate programs

What is an affiliate program? This is when you sell someone else's services or goods and get a percentage of it. For example, you have a site dedicated to needlework, where you post your products. And another, equally enthusiastic person conducts master classes.

You can recommend it on your site, and a visitor to your site who comes to another site on your recommendation will become your source of income. Each affiliate program has its own conditions - someone pays for a click, someone for showing pictures, someone for a sale. But, following the logic, it is easier to work together with someone. Yes, and additional income will not hurt you.

Here are some types of affiliate programs:

  1. Advertising materials from the online store. Imagine you have your own website or page in contact, where you publish your master classes and lessons. People who visit the site will want to repeat the product following the instructions, and they will face the question - what materials? And if, after MK, you have a link to a needlework store, with which you will conclude an agreement in advance and will receive a percentage of sales from the site, this is convenient for both visitors, and you, and the store. Of course, the sale of materials can also be organized when you conduct training sessions in the classroom.
  2. Advertising master classes or courses of another author. For example, if you run a blog, you can write a review article about a course or just place a banner.

Below I will give examples of some affiliate programs of hobby shops, as well as from the authors of training courses and trainings. Those that interested me, if you have any other thoughts - share =)

Partner from the Creative Academy


Through this affiliate program, you can earn money by helping other needlewomen develop their own hobby business. The deductions are pretty good, it's worth saying.

Pretty Toys Online Magazine


Affiliate program of a bright and interesting hobby magazine. In it you will find patterns and master classes for every taste. The magazine is published free of charge, you can read it on the website =)

You can earn on:

  • Finding potential advertisers for the magazine;
  • Subscription to the extended version of the magazine (10% of the sale);
  • On partners of the 2nd level (5% of earnings).

And several affiliate programs from online stores. You can find both affiliate programs of hypermarkets: Ozon,, Top-Shop, and themed handicraft shops.

  • Uvaleronchik(felt and materials for needlework) - link;
  • Planet Needlework(beading, knitting, ribbons, patchwork) — link;
  • House Hobby(soap making, scrapbooking, quilling, candles) — link
  • Elite Fabrics(wonderful fabrics for every taste) — link;
  • Online Fabrics(fabrics from manufacturers from all over the world) — link;
  • Lizzy Stones(beads and accessories of awesome beauty) - link


  • large number of goods for hobbies and creativity, deductions up to 12%) - link;
  •, materials for needlework) — link;
  • a huge selection of goods, commission up to 20%) - link.
  • Aliexpress(very small commission - 2-5%)

And here is the third video about the creators who inspire. In it you will see:

  1. Petr Porobov - store link
  2. Layla Baek - store link
  3. Olga Boyko - store link

Where to sell handicrafts

Of course, if you already have hand-made products, the question will arise - where to sell them, on which platform to find buyers, since not every one of you has your own website. The sites that are most famous are eBay, Etsy, artfire and the Crafts Fair, I will list several other Internet sites below.

  • Arts and crafts fairlink;
  • etsylink;
  • ebaylink;
  • Fintiflulink;
  • City of Talentslink
  • largest handmade fair in Ukraine) — link;

You should not get hung up only on Russian-language resources, there are similar sites in English, from which you can get orders, perhaps even more expensive than in Russia. Naturally, each site takes its own commission from sales, but by placing your shop on the site, you can also see what is in demand, exchange experiences with other needlewomen. In short, this opportunity should not be missed.

Naturally, for sales on foreign sites, knowledge of a foreign language will not hurt, but you can simply order a text from a translator;)

How to sell finished work online - webinar video

As we already wrote, social networks are an excellent platform for selling products with your own hands. Surely, you can create your own group, post photos of products, attract an audience. You can learn more about selling handicrafts through social networks from the training: link

Sales of photo master classes

Content is king, you know? During the years of the rapid development of the Internet, new, unused content, new photos are in great demand among site owners.

You can take pictures of everything that you create with your own hands:

  • Stages of cooking;
  • Stages of creating handicrafts;
  • Creating a Gift Wrap

In general, everything that comes to mind. Well, of course, the photos should be more or less high quality. Then, using the photo, describe the creation process, and voila - the master class is ready.

You can put up photos of MK for sale on article exchanges (at present, an article with photos is very good compared to others), offer it on specialized forums or watch ads on websites. Here are a few sites:

  • advego(one of the largest exchanges) - link;
  • Textsale(stock exchange) - link;
  • Webledi(a forum of women webmasters, MK of women's topics are in demand) - link;

Offline sales

Undoubtedly, the Internet is a great helper in product promotion, but a successful business will be organized only when several sales channels are involved, so no one has canceled offline sales. There are many people who trust only when they can feel, measure, touch.

Find out what stores are in your city that sell similar products - you can simply offer them your own for sale. Each city hosts a variety of fairs and exhibitions - also a great opportunity to show the product in person.

And finally, the opening of a small shop or showroom. Don't expect a quick and easy income, starting something is never easy. Your hard work will certainly be rewarded. What will envy your earnings? First of all, focus on the quality of your products. No one will buy things that are carelessly made and have flaws.

If your customers like your products, then they can recommend you to their friends. We understand how difficult it is for creative people to delve into organizational issues, however, you will have to learn how to attract customers, study demand, set the price for products, and so on. Try to learn something new step by step and implement it.

What does earnings depend on?

In order for your creations to be successfully sold, it is not enough just to open your store (online, I mean). You will also have to take care of presenting your work in the best possible way.

Quality photos

The product should attract attention, cause a desire to receive it right now =)

  • Take care of the lighting, show all the benefits;
  • If you sell clothes, it is advisable to take photos on models.


Oddly enough, it is also one of the success factors. After all, it is much more pleasant to receive a parcel not with a plastic bag, but in a beautiful box.

I made simple burlap bags:

Attractive description

This is the third element for representing work on the Internet. Try to inspire confidence, the buyer should want with all his heart to get your creation. Have you been hit by a creative crisis and the descriptions of the works are not invented in any way? Check out the training "Copywriting for needlewomen", with its help you will learn how to create selling job descriptions, and knowing the word never hurts =)

In addition to the above, do not interfere:

  • Adequate pricing (study the market situation);
  • advertising companies;
  • The peak of sales is the holidays, make themed products

So, dear needlewomen, we have touched on the most important aspects of the work. While on maternity leave, you can organize your own business, which will become a source of income for the family. But the most important thing is that even after the decree, this can become a favorite job in which you are the most important boss. We wish you good luck and do not be afraid to start something new, and we will always help you with our advice.

What do you think are the main components of successful earning on a hobby?

    It all depends on how you present your handicraft creations. For me, the most profitable are knitting and sewing. Knitted hats, scarves, sweaters, mittens - all these things are necessary and they buy different things for each season, they can even buy different things every year. Don't wear the same hat for the rest of your life. Knitted things are usually knitted from high-quality natural yarn. Such products are warmer and more durable.

    I also consider sewing dresses to be profitable. Dress is always not enough for girls) But again, you need to be able to present all this beautifully and stylishly.

    In my opinion, the most profitable type of needlework is the manufacture of film stained glass. It's not difficult, it takes a little practice, in my opinion, even less than for knitting or embroidery. The film stained-glass window is cheaper than the classic one, but it looks no worse. On sale there is everything you need for this at affordable prices: stained glass film, stained glass tape, a set of tools. On the Internet you can find master classes that will help you master this interesting and profitable business.

    It seems to me that much of what belongs to the category of needlework can be profitable. Knitting, sewing to order, making stylish toys, for example, tilde dolls, woodcarving, with which you can earn money by decorating wooden residential buildings, applying airbrushing to cars, which has recently been in demand, but you never know what else is possible come up with ... It also depends on personal talent, skill, and personal interest in some kind of activity.

    Any needlework can generate income if a person is a master of his craft. Exclusive things have always been in demand, and if a thing is done with talent and quality, a buyer will not be found easily. Create, earn.

    In my opinion, the most profitable type of needlework sewing clothes to order. But not for children, they grow up quickly, so parents prefer inexpensive Chinese. And not for fashionistas those prefer brands.

    You need to sew clothes for dogs to order. Firstly, dogs are different, they need to adjust their clothes to fit. Secondly, dog owners who buy clothes for them are usually not poor people. Thirdly, buyers prefer unique clothes, otherwise it will not work to show off.

    So sewing clothes for dogs is the most profitable type of needlework You just need to find clients.

    Demanded items that will always find their new owners are considered profitable. Relevant for all ages is sewing and knitting to order. Recently, the production of cakes and pastries with mastic, as well as professional photo shoots, have become popular.

    If we consider everything made by hand as needlework, then here we can consider construction, and many types of medicine (dentistry, plastic surgery), jewelry and much more.

    And if we consider needlework in the modern sense, then almost any kind of creativity will bring income, if the creator really has a talent for the production of specific products and he knows how to properly sell what he does.

    For example, an icon embroidered with beads 20 * 30 can be sold for ten thousand.

    Approximate prices for various items of needlewomen can be found here.

    quote: I embroider such icons to order, the work is done within two weeks approximately. Delivery by mail to any countries and regions of the country. I already had the experience of sending icons to Kazakhstan, Moscow, Russia. in principle, it is quite expensive and the demand is good. I consider this to be a good handicraft.

    Different types of needlework can be profitable, depending on which segment to work in. Look, you can sew on ads to order and get not very much, or you can sew outfits for some star and get great money. The same goes for knitting. The main thing is to find a good demand for a good product. Wood carving, burning, drawing - all this can be profitable.

    First of all, in order for a business to be highly profitable, you need to choose a business for which people are willing to pay a lot. For example, jewelry. They are purchased by people with money and usually ask little questions about the cost and do not bargain. Car tuning can also be profitable.

    The most profitable in needlework is creativity. Any needlework to which creative thinking is applied can become profitable. It is pointless to single out some type separately, since manual labor is more expensive than machine labor and cannot compete with it without a creative approach.

    In general, the master himself can make his work profitable.

It is unlikely that hard and unloved work can give. Who wants to work long and hard for pennies in a factory, or work in public places? That's right, no one. So, you need to think about other sources of income.

One of the best ideas is a way to make money on needlework . It may seem to some of the women that this method of making a profit is not entirely realistic, and long-term work will bring too little income. But it's not. Many needlewomen around the world share their creative successes and contribute money earned at home to the family budget.

Where should future craftswomen start?

If you recently chose this path and unequivocally decided on the creative beginning, then it's time to take care of your workplace in a cozy part of the house.

It is no secret that for any type a separately equipped corner should be allocated. For women who knit exclusively, we advise to use the minimum space for materials and the maximum for the overall comfort of the knitter. Just imagine how wonderful your back will feel in a comfortable easy chair. And most importantly, a small table and a chest of drawers can be located next to it, in which you can compactly fold all your favorite threads and knitting needles. In this case, the question of how to make money on knitting will disappear by itself. After all, you can definitely know that comfort and earnings will go hand in hand. Therefore, the way to make money on needlework is quite real.

Earning opportunities for future seamstresses

Talented people are all around us. Some prefer to work in a tailor shop and Others may not even think about developing their skills. But they all know for sure that there are people for whom making money at home has become stable, as well as a strong beginning of financial independence.

Each of us has been to needlework stores more than once and paid attention to the works exhibited by little-known masters. Is it worth mentioning seamstresses when we are interested in what kind of needlework you can earn at home? The most famous designers also began their journey as apprentices in the cellars of famous stores, where diligent creative hands gently stroked the fabric they liked. Subsequently, these people, not afraid to say their word in the history of fashion, became celebrities, their masterpieces strove to put on millions of fans. To rise to the same level with famous masters, you can, for example, buy a manual "Needlework for Beginners".

Ideas for making money at home

Strange, but, according to fashionistas of our generation, the more stupid and ridiculous the thing looks, the better it seems. The pursuit of the opportunity to stand out from the crowd has brought modern youth to shocking. For needlewomen and designers working at home, this is just a godsend.

If you decide that it’s not enough for your creative spirit to plagiarize and repeat masterpieces that have been released earlier in needlework, then scrapbooking is exactly what you need. This type of decoupage is ideal for making money at home.

The most sought-after needlework in the 21st century

As everyone knows, fashion is secondary. What was popular a couple of decades ago can easily become relevant today.

In 1967, French fashion designers offered women to purchase crocheted products. The lists of the most expensive and popular included swimwear and light summer ones like cardigans. There was a furore in the women's world. All the ladies, whose budget did not allow them to purchase an exquisite haute couture item, took up knitting needles and hooks.

Everything is repeating itself these days. The return to fashion offers today's young ladies a huge number of products of different styles and textures, which in itself speaks of the return of the trend for needlework. For beginner needlewomen, everything is just beginning. Knitting is one of the most relevant and profitable types of needlework for women who stay at home with children. If you have a talent for handicraft, then you should not miss the chance to enrich yourself at the time of the rise in hype for handmade products.

Examples of earning needlewomen

Ukraine, 2014. In the country, against the backdrop of several coups of power, constant revolutions and a growing difficult atmosphere, there was a sudden surge of patriotism. Millions of Ukrainians and Ukrainian women began to buy national clothes - vyshyvanka - in specialized stores with wild excitement. Hundreds of needlewomen across the country worked tirelessly. The product has grown in popularity with great speed. Soon, shops demanded women to work for them, who, doing manual work, could provide them with as many shirts with original cross-embroidered ornaments as possible for sale.

Which was offered by most manufacturers, very quickly lost popularity. The people wanted to see in their wardrobe products that came out from under the hands of painstaking embroiderers. No matter how hard it "hit" the buyer's wallet.

Many women, for whom the way to make money on needlework was the main income, could afford to earn a lot of money.

Handmade. Europe

For residents of European countries, handmade products sometimes have a much higher price than store or branded ones. The thing is that Europeans are very fond of the beauty of miniature perfection, for them the creative little things that fill the house and life become more important than standard and generally accepted things.

Many women even become a little crazy about the originality of the interior. Almost all big cities have shops for making truly unique things. Only there you can buy a papier-mâché table, which will also be practical, as a caring designer, having thought through everything, will surely open it with a mixture from soaking. Or, in addition, you can get a strange picture from plastic bags.

And most importantly, no one forbids you to engage in such a business, because there is a buyer for any of your creations.

Embroidery. Questions for beginner needlewomen

Now embroidered panels and paintings are in trend. Of course, they are made for a long time, but they are also expensive. How to implement them? In this case, there are several reasonable ways out of this situation. First you need to understand which of the paintings are your favorite. They will definitely remain on the shelf or wall of your home. Having decided, you can sell all other products by posting ads on the Internet on one of the women's forums (for a start, you should study third-party criticism).

If your work was appreciated, and in the future you would like to turn your hobby into worth considering other ways to make money at home . And this is not only needlework, knitting is also related to this.

Decisiveness is the key to success for young craftswomen

For every girl, of course, the main indicator of the quality of handicraft is the assessment of her work. When, after a long and painstaking work on the next of the paintings, you will be visited by the idea of ​​​​putting it up for sale in a specialized store in your city, you do not need to be afraid that someone will not allow you to do this due to lack of experience.

Nowadays, many girls are no longer afraid of judgments from the outside when it comes to needlework. not ashamed of the moralizing of the older generation, is known to many craftswomen.

Selling your handicrafts in shops and workshops

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to successfully sell their handicrafts on the Internet. And even more so, not everyone has friends who can be contacted on the issue of selling the results of their work.

If you are a creatively liberated person who does not find it difficult to show his offspring to the general public, we advise you to contact professionals on the sale of handicrafts.

In many cities, exhibition centers of handicrafts are now open, where you can see the work of both famous designers and novice craftsmen. You will not be able to refuse to accept the exhibit for the exhibition. You determine the price of the product yourself. Even if the work is not bought, your name will definitely be remembered!

Posting your work on social networking sites

Ways to make money at home for designers and needlewomen cannot always be limited by the lack of popularity of their products. A lot of people were able to advertise their work thanks to groups and blogs on social networks. The Internet helps to turn the way to make money on needlework into an already established fact. You can create your own page on which you will place your freshly created and already “resting” art objects.

Determine for yourself the price equivalent of selling products, and go! The main thing is not to forget to please visitors with new works, this will increase popularity. You can personally communicate with visitors, tell how this or that work was done, what materials were used for it, what prompted you to create it. Live communication with potential consumers will benefit you, soon, having earned the trust of the first buyers, you will be able to give your work to exhibitions without fear of public condemnation.

Mastered needlework. How to earn at home?

The main thing that girls involved in needlework need to know is that it will never go out of style. Handicraft has always been and remains relevant. It always costs many times more than the factory, made according to one sketch, uninteresting and banal products.

It is important that needlework is gaining momentum in the 21st century among the growing fashionistas. Girls strive so hard to be different from others that, in pursuit of fashion, they pick up grandmother's knitting needles and learn to sew on sewing machines.

World designers have proved that embroidery, especially ethnic classification, will always have a place in the wardrobes of fashionistas. And things made of natural wool, knitted by hand, can bring not only comfort, but also the feeling that the thing was really made with soul.

Given the affordability of prices for wool threads and the ability to dissolve old products from such material, it is worth considering the most relevant needlework - knitting. Girls doing knitting at home probably know that this method is not only the most financially profitable, it is also one of the most “lulling” types of needlework. Let's face it: what, if not knitting needles and a rocking chair, can help a woman move away from all worldly worries? And when a hobby brings not only pleasure, but also financial income to the family budget, this is a real pleasure. It is important to note that hand-knitted sweaters can bring very good money to your piggy bank, as they are usually made individually and to order.

Now, if you ask a person if he works where he always wanted, the answer, of course, will be negative. But he has a hobby, and in his free time he pays enough attention to it. The question arises: why not turn your hobby into a real full-time job and not get paid for it. Wouldn't this save a person from unnecessary frustration? Of course it will. People are just used to it: there is work - and there is a hobby, and that, doing what you love, you can also get good money for it, they don’t even have a thought.

Is it possible to make money with your hobby? The question, relevant not only for young mothers or students, can be answered in the affirmative. Getting income from needlework is a relatively new type of income, the success of which depends little on luck, talent or investing a large amount of money. We recommend that the reader avoid downloading hundreds of tutorials, because effective concepts are combined in this material. From it, the reader will learn how to make money on needlework, what preparation for selling includes, and how you can optimize your activities without leaving your cozy home.

What hobby can be monetized?

The answer is simple - any in which you put your soul. Examples of profitable needlework are:

  • knitting (clothes for children or adults, children's toys),
  • sewing of wardrobe items, dolls, clothes for pets,
  • cross stitch,
  • beading,
  • macrame,
  • decoupage (decoration of objects),
  • scrapbooking (production of design postcards, books, photo albums),
  • clay crafting,
  • soap making,
  • drawing,
  • burning out.

Hundreds of years ago, craftsmen, merchants, small traders earned by needlework. They produced useful goods and then sold them. The scheme for making a profit from a hobby is still relevant today, so a novice entrepreneur will succeed. However, you need to consider three rules, thanks to which it will be possible to make money with needlework:

  1. You love your hobby, create with soul.
  2. You have a unique style.
  3. You know how to properly promote your offer.

Selling your products or services is the hardest part. But we will dispel this myth and tell you how to make money with needlework without problems.

Ways to earn income

There are several ways to monetize crafts. These include:

  • sale to the consumer of the created product,
  • conducting paid workshops on needlework for interested persons,
  • sale to websites or online stores of training lessons (courses) on creativity,
  • creation of an online store with subsequent sales, promotion, search for customers.

Direct selling is a classic way to make money with needlework. The first buyers can be relatives, friends, acquaintances who had the opportunity to evaluate your masterpieces. Surely a woman doing needlework in her free time has repeatedly heard rave reviews from her friends. So why not let them know first that you've started a home business? It is very easy to offer them to purchase a valuable exclusive item with a 10-20% discount and earn their first money.

The circle of close people is rapidly shrinking - it won't be a month before all your friends will know about your creations. There is a need to expand the client base. How can this be done? For example, a woman on maternity leave will tell other young mothers about her needlework while the kids frolic on the playground. Or a student who regularly wears homemade jewelry items will arouse the interest of colleagues at the educational institution.

If your friends ask you to tell us about the ways of creating unique things, jewelry, interior items, the secrets of needlework, you should know that this is a recognition of your skill. Here you can go in two ways - keep the secrets to yourself or make money on a home master class for those who wish. The sale of knowledge is highly paid, and learning to needlework will bring more solid profits than a one-time deal. The more people who want to learn a new skill, the more money you will earn.

Of course, inviting loved ones to paid master classes is inconvenient. You can motivate them (and not only) in the following way - for each invited guest, make a 20% discount on the cost of the lesson. A visitor who has brought five new clients is trained for free. He is satisfied, and you are in the black: people who are ready to pay money for it want to adopt knowledge.

If a craftswoman has been creating for many years, has comprehended all the basics of craftsmanship, is in demand among friends, she can try to make money by selling training videos. Clients will be interest groups in social networks or other resources focused on creativity. However, the best way to make money with needlework is to create an online store.

Monetization through social networks

Anyone who wants to feel the principle of leverage (“work less - earn more”) should try selling on the Internet. The main advantages of owning an online business are:

  • unlimited number of potential customers,
  • savings on advertising
  • ease of sale
  • own home office, zero rent.

For a detailed consideration of the issue, below are the steps on how to make money on needlework using the Vkontakte social network.

  1. Creation of a group / store on the Internet.

Technical issues are ridiculously easy to deal with. Next, images of handicraft items to be sold are uploaded to the group, indicating the cost, main characteristics (material, etc.). After completing the initial steps, it is worth thinking about the design of an online store.

  1. Invite friends to the community.

People who have had the opportunity to appreciate your hobby will gladly accept the invitation. It is also worth starting a “Reviews” section and asking loved ones to write a couple of good words about the abilities of the needlewoman. Voila - a small portfolio is ready!

  1. Store promotion.

Instead of inviting all the people in a row, we determine the target audience. Let's say a handicraft product is stylish hair clips. The male half of users is excluded from the list of candidates immediately, and for the fair sex from 15 to 35 years old, this may be of interest.

  1. Delivery service setup.

If the goods are sold within the same locality, you can carry out self-delivery for a couple of hundred rubles. Otherwise, it is worth connecting courier or logistics companies, mail, and other entities.

  1. Set up payment orders.

The easiest way for a consumer to buy a product without leaving home is to pay for it online. For this, there are payment systems Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex.Money and others. Setting up payment methods for goods is carried out when creating a store on the Internet.

What is the maximum profit?

Needlework can earn an extra couple of thousand rubles a month, but stories are familiar with cases when a hobby led people to wealth.

An example is the creator from Japan, in the open spaces of the network, known under the pseudonym Sakae. His activity is the manufacture and sale of unique jewelry. The master does not divulge the secrets of needlework, however, masterpieces cannot be found in the store - they are sold only at auctions on the Internet or live auctions. The amount of money buyers are willing to shell out for Sakae's creations is impressive. A small lilac hairpin, the starting price of which was about 3500 rubles, was transferred to the final buyer for 99 thousand! Seeing the images of the jewelry of the Japanese master in the photo, many involuntarily exclaim: “I can also do something like this and make money on it!”.

Obviously, you can successfully earn money with needlework - it all depends on diligence, hard work and talent. Following the three rules of a successful entrepreneur and the success stories of famous needlewomen will help newcomers to the home-based business overcome obstacles and achieve financial freedom in their hobbies.

Hello dear readers!

If you are reading this article, then you are probably looking for ways to make money on needlework.

In today's article, I will cover:

  1. Is it possible to make money on needlework.
  2. How to start making money on your favorite hobby.
  3. I will share my experience in the field of earnings.

Probably, not every needlewoman, doing her favorite hobby, seeks to make this business profitable and profitable. But if you do not belong to this group of craftswomen, then the article will be useful to you.

So, let's begin.

Is it possible to make money with needlework.

What do you think: “Is it possible to make money on creativity? How much can you earn?"

I will answer you: “You can earn money. And as much as possible. But how much? It depends only on you." Having extensive experience in communicating with needlewomen of various directions in creativity, I can say that some needlewomen, starting to earn money on what they like, never stop.

This is what I know for myself. Isn't it great to do what you love and also get paid for it?

Where to start earning?

I'll tell you about my experience, how I started making money on my work.

Step number 1. Determine the type of creativity.

To each his own: someone likes to embroider with beads, someone likes to sew toys, someone makes paper crafts or draws portraits. You can make money on absolutely everything.

There is supply and there will be demand.

On a note!

Do not choose the type of creativity depending on popularity or demand. On the contrary, the narrower your specialization is, the more likely it is to break through.

I chose a niche for myself - beaded jewelry. A very exciting activity.

Step #2. Define your target audience.

Look at the shelves of clothing stores. What will we see: dresses, blouses, skirts, trousers, sizes, for example, from 40 to 60. What does this say? This means that the store's products are designed for girls and women with clothing sizes from 40 to 60.

So you must determine who can become your buyer. I make beaded jewelry, and my potential customers are girls and women from about 18 to 60 years old.

How did I find out? Only with experience. You can never immediately tell who will be your customer, except for grocery stores. Everyone eats!

Step #3. Make some sample work.

In order to start selling and making money on it, you must first offer something to your potential buyers.

To do this, make three to five products of your direction. Do not do it so that it is, but purposefully for sale. So that later it would not be a shame to look into the eyes of the buyer for the quality of the product.

Step #4: Showcase your products.

You can do this in different ways:

  • wear the products yourself (if you make jewelry),
  • give gifts (give a sewn hare to a friend for her birthday),

  • post ads,
  • hand out business cards (I handed out business cards when I was a novice master, in hairdressing salons, nail services. Often these organizations allow you to leave your business cards on a table with magazines).

Your task is to do everything so that as many people as possible hear about you. The first orders will begin, you can proceed to the next step.

Step #5. Create a store or group.

Finally, you have grown to the point where there are small orders from friends or relatives. You can safely create your own resource for selling products.

The easiest way is to create a VKontakte group. You can read about all the intricacies of creating and maintaining a group in the free book: My VKontakte group: rules for maintaining and promoting.

You can create your site on your own, but if you do not have the skills of a programmer, then it is better not to waste time, but to entrust this matter to knowledgeable people.

We created the site ourselves. My husband has studied a million information on this issue, watched a lot of video courses and lessons.

And I'll tell you honestly - this is a very laborious process - studying, but even more difficult - the very creation of the site.

But having a personal blog or website is very important for every needlewoman. Why? I talked about this in the article Why does a needlewoman need a website. Let's take the topic piece by piece.

Step 6. Replenish the catalog.

The final stage on the way to making money on needlework. Don't forget why you did all the previous steps. Your goal is to learn how to make money on needlework. And for this you need to regularly replenish the catalog of your work.

Perhaps these are the main steps on the way to earning. Naturally, this is not a standard set of steps. This is my experience, which I went through and lived myself. There may be additional steps between these steps: for example, participation in exhibitions, providing products for photo shoots, renting products, etc.

How much can you earn on needlework.

A novice craftswoman, who is at the initial stage of her creative development, can even work at a loss.

And that's how I worked. You buy materials for 600 rubles, and sell the finished product for 500 rubles. Beginning needlewomen often underestimate their creativity. Then, with the acquisition of experience, this feeling will pass.
When I just started taking my first orders, I could earn about 2000-3000 rubles. per month. Not much, but for me, as a beginner, it was already progress.

Now that I have already got on my feet, the net income from needlework has increased significantly. How much can you earn doing needlework? Someone will say 500 thousand rubles. per month, someone 20,000 rubles. per month. Until you try, you won't know.

Work at full strength, try first of all to work not in order to earn money, but because you like it. As they say: "Water does not flow under a lying stone."

All in your hands! Work, work and you will definitely learn how to make money on your needlework. Needlework can become the main source of your income. I wish you, needlewomen, good luck! Don't be afraid of anything! You will succeed! Bye bye!

P.S. Be sure to subscribe to blog updates and learn more useful information. Tell us about your story of making money on needlework in the comments or write a message, and I will definitely write an article about you.