Where can I work after graduating from business informatics. What is business informatics

As far as undergraduate studies are concerned,

What is business informatics?
it seems that BI is a mixture of computer science, economics and management, and how exactly the mixing occurs is decided by the university. In some places, the emphasis is on management, in others - on economic theory, in others - on economic matan, etc. If you need a specific conversation, then I think that there is not much point in talking about Russian BI, but you need to talk about BI at a particular university.
If there are graduates of a similar direction here: respond about education and work
2 familiar bachelor students studied with a deepening in economic theory, they like to chat over beer not only on IT topics like nosql or gpgpu, but also on economic topics like hedge funds or GDP. They are IT specialists, using the work of freelancers, make websites on RoR (they didn’t teach rails at the university) for their clients, come up with their own project.
Each university interprets it differently, on different sites they interpret it differently
so as not to get confused in tricky interpretations, there is a simple life hack. In order to quickly find out what exactly they teach at a BI (or any other specialty) at a particular university, you need to look at 1) questions for the state officials on BI at this university (if there are none, then it is most likely impossible to quickly find out what they teach there) and 2) themes of diploma works of graduates of previous years. Ideally, you need to watch presentations from the defense of diplomas, this will clearly show what they practically teach here. Many universities do not post presentations on the Internet, but they are usually stored on the internal departmental file storage, if you ask about the presentations of graduate students on the open day or simply contact the department, these presentations will be sent to you, if any.

Let's try to quickly find the difference in the preparation of BA bachelors using the example of state students according to the first two results that Google gave me
final exam at SibSUTI 2011 - mmbp.sibsutis.ru/docs/Programma_gos_bi.doc ‎
final exam at SUSU 2011 - is.susu.ac.ru/download/diplom/questuion_bi.pdf ‎

In SibGUTI all questions are divided into the following 6 subsections
1. Programming
2. Databases
3. Economic and mathematical models and methods
4. Information systems and technologies
5. Modeling and analysis of business processes
6. Design and architecture of corporate information systems

At SUSU, all questions are divided into the following 7 subsections
1. Computer science and programming
2. Business process reengineering
3. Databases
4. Design of information systems
5. Strategic management
6. Personnel management
7. Data warehouses

Everything is about the same, the main choice in this case is between “Economic and Mathematical Models and Methods” at SibSUTI and “Strategic Management” + “Personnel Management” at SUSU.

The profile subject for admission to a university in the specialty of computer science is mathematics, as well as physics and ICT. On average in Russia, for admission it is enough to score in these subjects, and in the Russian language on the EGE from 35 to 80 points. The passing score depends on the prestige of the educational institution and the competition in it. Sometimes, at the discretion of the university, knowledge of foreign languages ​​may be required for admission.

Specialty "Applied Informatics"

The most modern, progressive and promising direction in the study of IT is applied informatics. This is an innovative direction, involving a creative approach, with subsequent work in the specialty "applied computer science".

Specialty code "Applied Informatics" - 09.03.03. It is also called informatics ICT. The specialty is studied at many faculties - economics, law, management and education, as an additional subject. The specialty involves the study of programming languages ​​and foreign languages, but the emphasis is on the practical application of these skills in various information systems.

Specialty "Business Informatics"

According to the classifier "Business Informatics" has the code 38.03.05. This specialty is quite new and appeared only in 2009. Accordingly, choosing the specialty "business informatics", who to work for a student is an important issue. Business informatics allows you to qualify as a designer, optimizer and administrator of systems and processes for business programs.

In order for a student to receive a specialty in business informatics, universities are trained to conduct analytics, planning and organizing IT projects of various levels of complexity. In addition to logical thinking and a technical mindset, students in the direction of 38.03.05 require analytical skills, communication skills and leadership qualities.

Specialty "informatics and computer technology"

Under the code 09.03.01 in the classification is the specialty "Informatics and Computer Engineering". Everyone decides who to work with such qualifications on the basis of acquired knowledge in the areas of software development, IT design and information security. During the period of study, students master high-level programming languages, and OS and local area network administration skills.

Training in the direction 09.03.01 takes 4 years. Despite the relatively short period of study, the direction of "Computer Science and Computer Engineering" is considered one of the most difficult, since it involves obtaining skills for developing programs and algorithms.

Specialty "Applied Informatics in Economics"

Applied informatics with an emphasis on economics is a subsection "Mathematical support and administration of information systems" on 02.03.03 undergraduate and 02.04.03 in the magistracy. Computer science with an additional specialty "economist" allows you to create, implement and maintain software in the field of economics, analyzing its work and algorithms.

A student who has received an education in the field of "applied informatics in economics" is able to solve functional problems, and operate with financial and material flows, using special software.

"Mathematics and Informatics" - specialty

Applied Mathematics and Informatics - a specialty in universities according to the code 01.03.02 in the bachelor's program and according to the code 01.04.02 in the master's program. As opposed to narrow specialists in the fields of economics, education and law, "Mathematics and Informatics" allows you to apply the acquired skills in any work that is related to the use of software, ICT, communication networks and systems, and the conduct of mathematical calculations. The acquired skills the student will be able to apply in the analytical, scientific, design and technological fields.

Informatics and control systems - specialty

At the department "Informatics and control systems" the directions of the section "Computer science and computer engineering" are being studied 09.00.00. Students gain skills in the areas of 3D modeling, WEB development, information security technology, designing intelligent control systems and developing microprocessor systems.

Informatics and statistics - specialties

The Department of "Computer Science and Statistics" allows students to obtain qualifications in the specialties of the section "Information Security" 10.00.00. The department teaches special disciplines that are aimed at ensuring information security in the specialties 10.05.01-05 and interaction with the relevant software.

"Fundamental informatics and information technologies" - specialty

Bachelor's specialty in the direction 02.03.02 "Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies" has a focus on system mathematical programming, information processing and communication systems management. In addition to programming, the student gains knowledge in the areas of design and sound processing, and can manage telecommunications facilities.

Institutes for the specialty "informatics"

In Russia, there are more than 50 universities offering training for students in the areas of computer science.

In the institutes of Russia, you can get skills to work as a programmer, developer, information systems engineer, designer, and administrator of local and WEB networks. The specialty teacher of informatics is also being studied at universities at the magistracy, in the directions 02.04.01 and 09.04.02.

College - specialty "applied computer science"

The specialty "applied computer science" in the college was not included in the list of specialty codes from 2015. Education in applied informatics on the basis of a diploma gives graduates the right to obtain the qualification "Programmer Technician" without passing the exam. The training lasts 3-4 years and opens up opportunities for working at any enterprise as a programmer.

Who can work in the specialty "informatics"

Computer science is one of the most demanded technical specialties nowadays. Therefore, many graduates who have received high scores in mathematics choose the direction of IT. Specialties related to computer science can be divided into fundamental, applied and additional.

Depending on the choice, the student is trained to interact with various systems at stages from development to administration and practical use in various computing fields.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Business informatics is a completely new specialty for today's students. Therefore, quite a few, having heard the word "business", immediately run to enter there. But don't do it Let's talk about what the Faculty of Business Informatics is. We will also find out what is the use of it.


Business informatics is a specialty that has recently taken one of the leading places among applicants. Of course, because in its description you can see that a person who has studied in this direction will be able to do quite a lot. As for work, this is not discussed at all - of course, such specialists will be very much appreciated, especially in IT technologies. Business informatics has been taught at the HSE for several years. We can say that these are the "pioneers" of this direction.

Having singled out "business informatics" among all areas, the student, of course, will "be led" by a tempting name and apply for admission to it. This is where the huge competition comes in. But is everything as good as it seems? And is business informatics really in demand - a specialty that is still not really known to any of the students?

Difficulties of choice

The Faculty of Business Informatics, as has been repeatedly said, is a fairly new direction. Of course, many students (and parents) want to know what they study in the course of such training. This is where the first problems that the student faces begin.

The first thing that can shock you is the items required for admission. As a rule, business informatics, a new and unexplored specialty, requires the guys to pass the Russian language, mathematics and .... social science. A tempting offer, especially for those who were going to act as a regular economist. Most applicants change their minds towards innovation. But over time, questions begin: "Business informatics, who to work with such an education?" First, let's see what the specialists who are trained in this area are studying.

Math or...

As soon as a student comes to the very first lectures on business informatics, he, as a rule, falls into the category. The thing is that this direction is treated more like an economic education. In reality, things are somewhat different.

From the first lectures, the guys are waiting for a lot of purely mathematical disciplines already in the first year. Here and mathematical analysis, and discrete mathematics, and computer science, and the history of computer technology. A person who is not ready for the fact that business informatics is an unexplored specialty may simply wonder where so much mathematics comes from. But it doesn't end there.

Further, in the same first year, students begin to be taught a lot of information subjects, and they are also taught programming. This also includes the fact that foreign languages ​​(especially English) will begin to be taught under the guise of "business colloquial". In fact, students will be forced all the time to translate texts, retell them and have conversations with the teacher on the topic: "What do I want to work with." From the school level "not far" left. Here, of course, business informatics is important. Business informatics takes a lot of time from students in terms of the number of lectures held per day, which leaves almost no time for rest. Therefore, during classes, the student must work independently (this happens in most cases) in order to understand what is "going on" around him.

A separate place is reserved for computer science and programming. Here the entire history of the development of these disciplines is studied, after which various databases appear, tasks for compiling and using programs, and so on. But, unfortunately, programming is not taught at the proper level. A good study of this area requires at least 4 years of full-fledged work. Business informatics is a direction that overwhelms students with various subjects. And what about the economics and humanities that were so promised? Let's see what else the guys will have to study.

A little humanitarian

Having entered the specialty, which we are now engaged in, the student firmly believes that he will receive a prestigious elite education, and economic sciences will be studied. From the first year, some disappointment awaits those who have chosen the Faculty of Business Informatics. Whom to work, if they teach only mathematical disciplines, is a question of questions. After a while, learning begins to "slide" towards the economy.

Here comes financial mathematics, life safety, psychology, economic theory, 1C-enterprise and so on. Mathematics, after studying differential directions and general systems theory with probability theory, is slowly fading into the background. Students will also be given the opportunity to study management and marketing. Gradually, business informatics begins to push computer science aside. Approximately by the 3rd year, she will completely leave the exhausted students.

So, having not really studied mathematics and information technology, the guys jump to the economy. Here is such an incomprehensible business informatics specialty. "Where will you work after graduation?" - a teacher in any economic specialty can ask a question to freshmen and sophomores. And the students just shrug. Indeed, what to do after receiving a diploma?

I would be a mathematician, but...

Naturally, a mathematician! How did this not immediately come to mind. To unlearn for 5 years in a new direction, which, according to the administration, prepares the elite, so that later they can work at school as a mathematics teacher? Well, it's an option. True, it's too expensive. Education per year in this direction varies from 100 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on the geographical location. So, if you want to work as a math teacher, go for something more "narrow".

In addition, the proper level of mathematical knowledge is not supported here. Full-fledged mathematics, namely mathematical analysis and differential equations, are taught for only one year. The rest of the mathematical disciplines pass through the minds of students one semester, which does not give proper knowledge. Although you can hear a lot of feedback and talk about the fact that business informatics is also elite. This opinion is usually expressed by parents and those who themselves have not yet studied in this direction.

I would like to be a programmer...

Okay, math is on the back burner. What else do they teach? Computer science and programming! Exactly! If you don’t know what to work with, you can go into the field of IT technologies, as rectors promise many students. As soon as students light up with such an idea, their dreams immediately collapse - just two years of studying programming and one year of computer science. Oh, how much knowledge they will give!

In order to become a full-fledged programmer, you need to study the subject for at least 4 years, daily and constantly. The same can be said about computer science. Nevertheless, universities "advertise" business informatics as a specialty, after which graduates will be able to work wherever they want. In practice, things are different. Promises and ideas about the elitism of this specialty are shattered to smithereens. Those who have already studied for some time quite often refer to business informatics as "underspecialty". But why? After all, since mathematics and programming "did not grow together", there is also the economy!


And yet, what will be the future work? Business informatics includes quite a few economic disciplines after studying mathematical ones. But here things are even worse. The thing is that the economy also needs to be "tightly" dealt with in order to achieve a good result. And in this area they teach "just a little bit." A piece is torn off from mathematics, another part - from programming, the rest - from economics.

And chaos begins to reign in my head. A little knowledge of personnel management, psychology, mathematics, programming, economics, marketing, and so on... What happens? It turns out that not a single subject is fully taught. In the labor market, there are already many narrower specialists who have far from the superficial knowledge that they give in business informatics. It turns out that the promised salaries from 35,000 rubles are just a fairy tale for the ignorant. Naturally, there is a chance that you will work, as you are promised, in the field of introducing IT technologies in business, but this can only be done "acquaintance" and "not in your specialty." What remains for business informatics? Who to work after graduation?

hard life

As already mentioned, a graduate expects huge competition in the labor market, and not that they promise so. A person who graduated from the faculty of business informatics will have a really hard time. But what to do?

All that remains are popular areas of work. For example, a manager or sales assistant. This is where students and graduates of business informatics usually work. They will not be able to apply for "elite" places, since the big name of the direction implies that the guys take "a little bit from everywhere." Not the best option. Also, students can work as operators in call centers and various office workers. So, in the end, the guys are in for a huge disappointment, especially if they study on a paid basis.

There is a replacement

What to do for those who want to work in their specialty and miss a little bit from everywhere? There is such a direction as information management. This, in fact, is the same business informatics, only it sounds less "prestigious", and economic disciplines are studied there more and more persistently.

So, having enrolled in information management, a student becomes a full-fledged economist who is able to compete in the labor market. Yes, the likelihood that he will start earning 50 thousand a month and do nothing at the same time is practically reduced to zero. Nevertheless, the graduate will be guaranteed to receive his 25,000 rubles for work in his specialty. For those who have studied business informatics, sometimes they even practice as cashiers, sales managers and consultants. It turns out that business informatics is a rather deceptive specialty, remade from another in order to "pull money" out of students and their parents. However, there are many such examples.

Business informatics: prospects for the development of this area

Hello, dear readers of the Anatomy of Business project! With you, as always, webmaster Alexander!
We live in a truly amazing time. New technologies are developing every day faster and faster. Even 15 years ago, mobile phones were a luxury and something obscure, and now they replace entire libraries and communication centers, without them it is impossible to imagine a full life, pay bills, and quickly contact friends and relatives. And this is just one example, and there are millions of them. What is the Internet worth, because its invention and implementation marked a new era in the development of all mankind. Information technologies dictate the reality of the modern world. A few years ago, good lawyers, economists, managers, sales agents were in demand on the labor market. Now the palm has been taken by IT specialists, system administrators, web builders and designers, and, by the way, all those who are connected with the field of Internet technologies.

The education sector is also undergoing transformations, trying to meet the needs of the market and the interests of the younger generation. In institutes there are areas of study that were previously unknown. One of these areas is business informatics. According to Yandex Wordstat statistics, more than 10,000 users per month make a request for “business informatics”

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Such a direction in the curriculum of universities as business informatics is relatively new. For admission to this direction, in fact, the same subjects are required that are also taken in the case when an applicant submits documents to the Faculty of Economics.

This includes the Russian language, mathematics and social studies. So after all, what is meant by business informatics?

Business informatics, what kind of profession is it and who to work with

In simple terms, business informatics includes several disciplines at once - computer science, economics and management. During the training, the student acquires knowledge in economics, mathematics, statistics, information management and computer science, as well as practical skills in programming and design.

Whom to work

After graduating from a university, a very difficult question arises in front of a former student regarding employment. And this is indeed a serious problem in many cases. Despite the good advertising about training in the direction of "business informatics" and the wide opportunities that will open up after graduation, in reality it turns out that a person knows everything and nothing. How is this possible? Very simple.

How much to study

In the first year, the student takes mathematics, which is supplemented by the study of foreign languages, in particular English. Along with mathematical disciplines, by the third year, the student masters macro and microeconomics, accounting, network advertising, economic theory, management, marketing, and more.

In total, only 2 years are allotted for studying programming in business informatics, and even less for computer science - a year. Thus, the graduate turns out to be an under-economist, and it will also be difficult to call him a programmer, since this requires studying programming for at least 4 years.

As a result, it turns out that a person who graduates from a department in this area receives a little knowledge in the field of personnel management, marketing, economics, and so on.

Therefore, if you have such a diploma, it will be quite difficult to get a job in narrow areas in the field of IT technologies or in narrower specialties. Just like becoming a full-fledged business analyst, which is promised while studying at a university, will not work either.

But even with such a disparate list of knowledge, if you can’t get a job in your specialty, you can try your hand at creating your own Internet-related business as an alternative. For example, to develop and create websites and blogs with subsequent sale, and so on.


Thus, when the question “business informatics, what kind of profession and who to work with” arises, as you can see, although it sounds good, it’s actually not the best option for investing money in your own education.

Since most often this direction in universities is paid. Even if you invest in education, it is better to do it in an alternative option - information management.

Upon graduation, the graduate becomes a full-fledged analyst in the economic and information sphere. In any case, the choice of where to enter and the diploma in which specialty to receive remains solely with the applicant.

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