Business “with smoke” or how to open a profitable hookah bar. Business plan for a hookah bar. Is it possible to open a hookah bar by law?

The popularity of hookah bars is growing every year. The establishments attract with their atmosphere and exoticism. Sitting on comfortable sofas in cozy rooms with dim lighting, you can have a great rest while enjoying an intimate conversation and leisurely sipping a hookah.

In such establishments, time seems to stand still, which sharply contrasts with the frantic pace of megacities. Some come to try a new taste of tobacco, some visitors are looking for a harmless alternative to smoking - hookahs made with milk or juice, others simply want to relax after a busy day at work.

From this we can conclude that such a business is in great demand, and therefore can bring its owner substantial earnings. Let's look at how to open a hookah bar as quickly and successfully as possible.

We act according to the law

Let's look at what you need to open a hookah bar. Opening a “real” hookah bar, similar to establishments in Muslim countries where this trade flourishes, is extremely difficult. This is due to the effect of the law “On Smoking” (Federal Law No. 15 of February 23, 2013). According to its provisions, smoking in public places is prohibited. At the same time, people come to a hookah bar for one purpose - to smoke.

Of course, you can argue with the law by positioning your establishment as a place specifically designated for smoking, properly decorated and operating under legal conditions.

However, this will take a lot of nerves and time. It is much easier to open a hookah lounge under the wing of a cafe or restaurant.

But there is a nuance here too. In order not to run counter to the law and not to contribute to the imposition of penalties, it is advisable to sell mixtures that do not contain nicotine. Fortunately, there are now a huge number of them (dairy, fruit, wine, herbal, etc.).

You can slowly sell tobacco to “your” clients. However, you need to be extremely careful, have a good lawyer and staff who know how to keep their mouth shut.


In this chapter we will figure out how to open a hookah bar legally. Business must be legal. Only in this case can it function legally and claim success. To open a hookah bar, registration of both an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity is suitable.

You will also need appropriate permits from the sanitary and fire services, as well as a license to sell alcohol (if the establishment provides for the sale of alcoholic beverages).

According to the law, only an LLC can trade alcohol. Therefore, if you plan to combine a hookah lounge with a bar, an individual entrepreneur will not be suitable.

So, a hookah bar can officially operate if it has the following documents:

  • registration certificate;
  • license to sell tobacco products;
  • permission from the fire inspectorate;
  • SES permission;
  • permission to sell alcoholic beverages.

Do not forget that catering establishments (hookah bars are considered one of them) must be kept clean. Therefore, all workers must have health certificates.

Creating any business starts with an idea. In order to calculate how successful your idea is, you need to draw up a business plan. and necessary calculations.

You will find out what are the advantages of opening a franchise production facility.

Perhaps the following topic will interest you. In the article you will find an example of a cafe business plan with the necessary calculations of costs and profitability.

Features of doing business

No special permits are required for such activities, as well as purchasing expensive equipment and obtaining a special license. At the same time, the profitability of an establishment directly depends on its status. A hookah business will be profitable if you concentrate your efforts on a specific target audience:

  • VIP guests. A premium establishment should be “hidden” from prying eyes. It is better to form the assortment from elite varieties of tobacco and high-quality alcohol. Unique ingredients in hookahs and proprietary mixtures are welcome. The service must be impeccable, the atmosphere of the establishment must be luxurious. All this pays off at high prices.
  • Ordinary guests. It makes sense to locate such establishments in walkable places with good transport links. Products should be as diverse as possible and prices should be affordable. Additionally, you can sell alcoholic cocktails, beer, and snacks. Income will be provided through high turnover.

Hookah bar interior

We solve production issues

The hookah bar starts from the premises. It is desirable that it be located in a place with convenient transport links or in the central area of ​​the city. The area of ​​the room must be over 100 m2. This volume will allow you to place 5 smoking areas, a bar counter, a small kitchen, a bathroom and a staff room.

The design must match the theme of the establishment. Furniture should be as comfortable as possible, not flashy colors (spacious sofas, soft armchairs, low compact tables). It makes sense to decorate the walls with oriental motifs. Symbolic figurines, pillows, tents are appropriate.

The musical accompaniment should also be carefully selected. It should be unobtrusive, light and soothing. Everything should feel exotic. This is what most customers go to hookah bars for.

As for equipment, you won’t need a lot of money to purchase it. It will be enough:

  • hookahs;
  • coal;
  • smoking mixtures;
  • tobacco;
  • hoses;
  • cups;
  • tubes;
  • replaceable flasks;
  • forceps;
  • burners;
  • foil;
  • dishes.

The hookah bar equipment cannot be called large-scale, however, it must be of high quality. It is not worth saving on this expense item. After all, cheap analogues are subject to a lot of wear and tear.

The establishment must have a sufficient number of fire extinguishers.

We provide quality service

Personnel must be selected carefully. You will need:

  • hookah workers;
  • bartenders;
  • cooks;
  • cleaners;
  • security guards;
  • accountant.

It is advisable to hire several employees, except the last one, so that they work in shifts. This is due to the operating mode. The establishment should be open around the clock, at least until 3 am. Otherwise, there are unlikely to be many visitors.

Choose employees who:

  • attentive (they are the ones who can notice the fire);
  • polite;
  • do not talk too much;
  • hardworking;
  • responsible;
  • clean;
  • not intrusive.

Hookah bar design

In the hookah business, a lot depends on the employees. They are an important element of advertising for an establishment. After all, it is unlikely that you will be able to advertise a hookah bar using well-known methods (promotional offers, advertising around the city, bright signs, commercials on TV and radio) if you sell real tobacco. The law is on guard. The best advertising in this case is word of mouth.

Investments and income

How much does it cost to open a hookah bar? Experts say that the hookah business is highly profitable. The profitability of a point located in a popular area of ​​the city, if properly organized, is characterized at a high level. Let's try to calculate the amount of start-up capital required to open a hookah bar. Initial expenses will go towards:

  • rent of suitable premises – 10-30 thousand rubles;
  • equipment/components – about 35 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of products (drinks, corners, mixtures, etc.) – 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • design and furniture – up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – from 10 thousand rubles.

Naturally, you should not forget about business registration. If you open it yourself, you will need a small amount (to pay fees, photocopies of documents, etc.). Having entrusted this matter to a specialized company, be prepared to shell out between 8-12 thousand rubles. depending on the urgency and “size” of the mediator.

The approximate amount it will cost to open a hookah bar is 400-450 thousand rubles. It is also worth taking into account monthly expenses, such as:

  • replenishment of the establishment’s assortment – ​​15-20 thousand rubles;
  • employee salaries – up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • rental and utility payments – 20-40 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – 2-3 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of household chemicals and hygiene items – up to 3 thousand rubles.

The total monthly costs will be 130-165 thousand rubles. That is, the future owner of a hookah bar must have the capital to create a business and maintain it for the first time, 530-615 thousand rubles.

Hookah bar Jajir

As for the profitability of a business, much depends on its location and level of organization. In general, the average check is 1.5 thousand rubles. Daily earnings can be about 35 thousand rubles, respectively, monthly profit is about 300 thousand rubles.

The above calculations show that the profitability of the project is 50-80%, which is a very high figure. It will be possible to recoup the investment in six months, or in a “good situation” – in 3 months.

Pros and cons of opening a hookah bar

The advantages of creating your own business (hookah bar) include:

  • ease of doing business due to narrow specialization;
  • financial attractiveness;
  • high demand.

The disadvantages include:

  • availability of impressive start-up capital;
  • “night” operating mode of the establishment;
  • complexity of advertising caused by the Smoking Law.

At the same time, I would like to note that a high-quality hookah bar business plan, hard work and experience of predecessors will help even a novice entrepreneur create an establishment with an indescribable atmosphere that is in demand among residents and guests of the city. After all, the main incentive for organizing this tempting business with a taste of smoke is high earnings.

If you are a true fan of smoking tobacco or aromatic mixtures, and at the same time you are eager to invest money in a profitable and profitable business in a niche with little competition, then it is wise to open a hookah bar. The main component of the success of such an enterprise is to please customers without entering into friction with the authorities. If you can do this, you will get fame and good profit.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A hookah club is a special designated place that is intended for smoking hookah. The main service of a hookah club is providing customers with the opportunity to smoke hookah and spend time.

Since the hookah bar opens in the format of a semi-closed club, access to the establishment is provided after purchasing a club card. To do this, the guest must provide a passport proving that he is over 18 years old, fill out a form, and sign a short form stating that he agrees to join the club and does not mind smoking in his presence.

The guest area of ​​the hookah bar consists of a main hall and a separate booth. The room is fully equipped with an acoustic system; unobtrusive background music is always playing in the hookah bar.

The main form of pastime in a hookah bar is communicating with friends and acquaintances. Guests can choose from the following entertainment options:

  • Use of board games. The establishment presents a collection of the most popular games: mafia, Activity, crocodile, Alias ​​and others.
  • Game console XBOX.
  • Weekly movie screening. To do this, once or twice a week at a designated time, the hookah bar turns into a mini-cinema. The film is chosen by guests by voting.
  • Live music. In the evening, musicians perform in the hookah bar several times a week.

Depending on the chosen work system, payment can be made in two ways:

  • Payment on time. For example, booking a table for one hour costs 1000 rubles. At the same time, no more than 6 people can fit at one table. The maximum number of hookahs on the table when used simultaneously is 2 pieces. Hookahs are served only on a simple bowl. Each hookah comes with a teapot as a gift.
  • Payment for hookah. One hookah can cost from 500 to 1,500 rubles, depending on the brand of tobacco, the chosen bowl (traditional or fruit) and the liquid used as a filter (water, milk, juice). Each hookah comes with a teapot as a gift.
  • In accordance with current legislation, smoking in public places is strictly prohibited. That is, smoking areas should be organized separately from trade and service establishments. For a hookah bar owner, this means it is illegal to sell food and drinks.

However, since in addition to hookah, clients often require food and drinks, the hookah club leaves the client the opportunity to bring snacks with them, provided they keep the receipt for purchasing this product elsewhere. There is also the possibility of cooperation with ready-made food delivery services: you can receive a certain percentage of the amount of orders from your establishment.

In this regard, a kettle of tea is provided in the hookah bar exclusively as a gift when ordering a hookah. There is no separate payment for tea. Moreover, there is no “menu” as such in the hookah club; the choice of tobacco and tea occurs as a result of an agreement between the guest and the hookah operator.

3. Description of the sales market

Many hookah club owners claim that this business niche has been filled, but this greatly depends on the region in question. Of course, in order to successfully run this business in Moscow or other large cities, you will have to thoroughly work on a unique selling proposition, since there are a lot of hookah bars with a standard list of services in the capital. However, in cities with a population of less than 1,000,000 people, you can safely enter this market and take a strong position, focusing on the experience of the capital’s “competitors”.

If we consider the demand for hookahs in general, then the target audience of hookah bars are people of any age category, starting from 18 years old, who love to smoke hookah. However, it is worth noting that people over 35 years of age rarely come to a separate establishment for hookah. As a rule, they order hookah from the restaurants where they dine. The experience of working hookah clubs clearly shows that when determining the target audience, you need to focus on young people from 18 to 35 years old. These are students and working people, full of energy and taking an active lifestyle. They prefer to spend their evenings in interesting company, chatting and playing intellectual games. They do not drink alcohol, do not like noisy places, but love to smoke hookah.

Depending on the time of day, the age category of clients changes:

  • During the daytime (from opening to 18.00) the hookah bar is visited by students (from 18 to 24 years old), as well as freelancers who sometimes come to work.
  • In the evening (from 18.00 to closing) the contingent changes towards increasing age categories. Working people (from 25 to 35 years old) come to the club in the evening.

Since all existing hookah bars have a similar list of services, the main competitive advantages may be:

1. Unique marketing tools used to attract customers:

  • exclusive offers and promotions, use of sweepstakes;
  • special conditions when ordering food delivery and taxi (discount from 10%);
  • use of a mobile application with the ability to order a call from the administrator.

2. The unique atmosphere of the hookah bar: stylish design, comfortable chairs and ottomans, separate places for photographs.

3. Semi-closed club format. Creating an atmosphere of an elite community.

4. Wide selection of different flavors and brands of tobacco;

5. Friendly service. Prompt service, attention to each guest, individual approach to the client;

7. Inviting popular personalities: DJs, musicians, socialites and so on;

8. Availability of a summer veranda.

In a hookah bar, it is necessary to consistently maintain a high level of service and product quality. Thanks to this, the number of regular guests is constantly growing, and seasonality has a slight effect on the establishment’s profit. Although this type of business is characterized by a decrease in demand in the summer months, the veranda will attract even those who are not regular clients of hookah bars.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Before you begin the registration process as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, you need to find a suitable place to open a hookah bar. If you cannot find a place with convenient parking, within walking distance of public transport, and meeting the conditions described below, then you should not start this type of business. The location of the hookah bar is the main success factor.

So, first step- searching for premises for a hookah club.

Premises requirements:

1. Non-residential premises.

For the smooth and long-term functioning of a hookah club, it is necessary that there are no complaints about it to the control and inspection authorities, both from clients and from strangers. If a hookah bar is organized on the first or basement floor of a residential building, complaints may come from residents. That is why, when choosing a location, you need to consider non-residential premises with the possibility of installing a high-power ventilation system.

2. Separate entrance

The entrance to the hookah club should not be from the main street. However, in order for the hookah bar to be recognizable and for clients not to have problems finding it, you need to choose houses on the first line with a separate entrance from the end of the building or from the yard. In addition, the hookah bar must have an emergency fire exit.

3. Availability of supply and exhaust ventilation.

The absence of such a system will lead to smoke in the space, as a result of which the staff will not be able to work normally, and clients will feel uncomfortable staying in your room. In addition, smoke will leak into neighboring rooms, causing discontent from others. You should always keep in mind that at the first complaint the inspection authorities from the SanEpidem Station or the Fire Inspectorate will come to you. And you'll be lucky if you only get a fine. To install a good hood you may need from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles. When purchasing, pay attention to the availability of warranty service and its duration. Due to severe loads, equipment periodically breaks down.

4. Possibility to organize a summer veranda.

Here it is important to take into account the seasonality of demand for hookahs. If you only have indoor space, the flow of customers will decrease in the summer, since most people prefer to spend time outdoors. However, if you have a summer veranda, then revenue from May to August will increase significantly. Especially if you connect a number of marketing tools and create a platform for young people to hang out.

5. Sufficient room area.

For the main guest room you will need about 60-70 sq.m. Another 10 sq.m. will occupy a kitchen for staff, in which hookahs and tea will be prepared, and 6 sq.m. It will be necessary to leave it as a service room - a storage room. It is also necessary to equip two bathrooms: separately for guests and for staff. In total, to start a business you should look for premises of 90 sq.m. The cost of monthly rent is 600 rubles/sq.m. will be 54,000 rubles.

If you managed to find a suitable place, then you can safely move on.

Individual entrepreneur registration

The type of activity is indicated by OKVED 92.72 (“Other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups”). The recommended taxation system is the simplified tax system (6% of income). You do not need any additional licenses for smoking mixtures, but all tobacco must be certified. The cost of registration will be about 3,000 rubles. It is also necessary to purchase cash register equipment and register it with the tax authorities.

Preparing the premises for work

One of the main competitive advantages of a hookah bar is the branded design of the room. In order to make the room cozy and at the same time make the most ergonomic use of every square meter, you need to order a design project from a professional interior designer. This will allow you to save time and money on the selection of finishing materials and their combination with each other. Depending on the choice of designer, you will spend about 50,000 rubles on the project. Construction work and materials will cost from 250,000 rubles. You will also have to allocate at least 200,000 rubles for furniture. Total, 550,000 rubles.

Purchase of equipment and consumables

To get started you will need 15 hookahs. Since your task is to sell the largest number of hookahs, you should choose inexpensive and practical brands. The most popular of them are Khalil Mamoon, AWS, Asmar, Magdy Zidan. The total cost of hookahs will be approximately 100,000 rubles.

In terms of equipment, you need to purchase 5 stoves for heating coal, an electric kettle, a water cooler, and a refrigerator. The costs will be about 40,000 rubles.

To equip the hall, a TV, speaker system, XBOX game console, computer, and projector are purchased. Internet is also installed. The minimum cost will be 100,000 rubles.

Installing an alarm system with a panic button costs at least 20,000 rubles.

As noted earlier, the tobacco you use must be certified. Finding suppliers of excise tobacco is quite difficult, especially in the regions. You will spend at least 50,000 rubles on consumables to get started. Total, at the fourth stage you will need 220,000 rubles.


This factor influences the reputation of the establishment as much as the atmosphere of your interior. Your staff must have an administrator and two hookah workers. The staff should be friendly and sociable. The monthly salary fund is 100,000 rubles.

6. Organizational structure

It is important from the very beginning to build the club’s operating system in such a way that each employee has his own range of responsibilities and is responsible for the quality of the work performed.

To start operating a hookah bar, it is enough that three people work per shift: two hookah workers and one administrator. During the daytime, when the hall is not fully loaded, one hookah man can handle the work.

The manager’s task is to build the club’s operating system from the very beginning in such a way that each employee has his own clearly defined range of responsibilities and is responsible for the quality of the work performed.

Let's take a closer look at the responsibilities of staff.

Hookah man

This person will interact with your guests more than anyone else. Therefore, he must be a sociable, friendly person of good appearance. The hookah man identifies the guest’s taste preferences, takes an order for hookah, makes hookah and tea, and serves the client. It is important for him to make sure that the order meets the client's expectations. If the taste of the hookah seems unsatisfactory to the guest, the hookah man redoes the job. This is possible due to the low cost of the hookah. The hookah man treats each guest as a friend, actively communicates, and remembers the clients’ wishes. In the kitchen, the hookah man monitors the proper functioning of all appliances, the cleanliness of hookahs, and the availability of all types and flavors of tobacco. At the end of each working day, he compiles a list of materials that need to be purchased and passes the list to the administrator. The salary is 25,000 rubles. The work schedule depends on the desired salary and is set individually.


Answers telephone calls, reserves tables, registers guests. Greets each guest, gives a tour of the hookah bar, talks about the possibilities and pricing policy, and escorts them to a table. Then he hands the guest over to the hookah man for service. The administrator monitors the order in the room, the presence of mouthpieces and napkins on the tables. The administrator counts clients at the exit from the establishment. He is in charge of the cash register. The administrator receives the goods, places an order for suppliers, taking into account the list of missing items, which is compiled by the hookah man. The administrator also leads groups on social networks, regularly updates news and reports on new interesting offers. Registers new visitors and issues club cards. At the end of the shift he cleans the hall. If technical problems occur, you must fix them yourself or call a competent specialist. The salary is 20,000 rubles. Work schedule: 2 working days every 2 days off.


At the first stages, the duties of the manager are performed by the owner of the establishment in order to reduce personnel costs. Its functionality includes concluding contracts with suppliers, monitoring the timely opening and closing of the club, and promptly resolving all emerging issues. He also interacts with tax authorities and maintains accounting. Hires and fires staff. Sets and issues wages. Analyzes feedback from clients and makes appropriate management decisions to improve service. Maintains all existing external connections and establishes new ones. Determines the club's development strategy. The manager's salary is 50,000 rubles.

Business plan for a hookah bar: legal aspect + step-by-step opening process + necessary equipment + detailed cost calculations and income forecast.

Capital investments: from 1,010,000 rubles
Payback period: about 1 year

The anti-tobacco law, issued in 2014, prohibiting smoking in public places, gave impetus to the emergence of a new type of business for Russia - the opening of hookah bars.

People go there not only to smoke hookah, but also to relax in a cozy and calm environment.

And for this you need hookah bar business plan, in which all calculations of the costs of opening this case will be provided.

In addition, you should know a number of subtleties related to legislation, which you can find in the article.

Opening a hookah bar: legal aspect

First, you need to understand the law that prohibits smoking in public places where catering establishments are located.

Consequently, the ban also affected hookah, which involves burning tobacco.

Therefore, many cafes and nightclubs offer their visitors hookahs with nicotine-free mixtures and syrups and electronic hookahs.

But a hookah bar is not an establishment where people come to eat; the emphasis here is on smoking high-quality and varied hookah.

The very concept of a hookah bar is not enshrined in legislation, therefore, when registering it, it is necessary to indicate (OKPD 2) 92.7 Other services for organizing recreation and entertainment.

In order not to violate the laws related to the ban on smoking in public places, you can:

Opening optionDescription
Open a hookah bar that offers drinks and snacks in combination with hookah using nicotine-free mixturesThis option cannot be called a hookah bar in its pure form, since this contradicts the main concept, but if drinks and snacks are only an accompanying service, then you will be able to beat your competitors.
Open a hookah bar in its pure form, as a separate establishment, but without the right to sell drinks and snacksThis option will require you to carefully promote and provide customers with only high-quality and tasty hookah, since only true connoisseurs who understand this pastime will come here.
Open a hookah bar in an isolated room with good ventilation on the territory of a bar, cafe, restaurant or nightclubEven if these establishments have the same owner, the hookah bar must be registered as a separate business entity. Also, guests with a receipt from an adjacent establishment will be able to bring drinks and snacks to the hookah bar.

Hookah bar business plan: planning

Drawing up a hookah bar business plan begins with planning.

In many large cities, fierce competition has already formed, so you need to carefully analyze the market and calculate the necessary costs of opening an establishment.

And after this you can begin to implement the project.

Summary for hookah bar

In the summary of the business plan for a hookah bar, you need to indicate who, where and why will open it.

Presumably this will be a large city with a population of 700 thousand people.

You also need to indicate the name of your establishment.

It should be unique and memorable.

The main goals of opening a hookah bar establishment are:

  • organization of leisure facilities among the population;
  • providing visitors with a wide range of hookahs;
  • Receiving a profit;
  • providing people with jobs.

The hookah bar will operate according to the following principles:

    Organization of a closed club.

    To join the club, customers must fill out a form and then receive a club card.

    This can be done after providing your passport.


    • when a separate hookah bar opens: Monday - Thursday, Sunday: 14:00-2:00;
    • when opening a hookah bar on the territory of a cafe / restaurant /: coincides with the work schedule of the adjacent establishment.
  1. Payment for services:

    • payment according to the amount of time spent (the maximum number of people at the table and hookahs at it is indicated);
    • payment for the quantity of hookah ordered.
  2. Additional services:

    • background music;
    • themed parties;
    • Board games;
    • the ability to order food and drinks from catering establishments upon presentation of a receipt;
    • tea/coffee as a gift (will be included in the price of the hookah, so as not to contradict the legislation).

Marketing strategy in a hookah bar business plan

  1. Target audience of the hookah bar.

    As a rule, hookah bars are most often visited by people with above-average income, since the price of a hookah starts from 400 rubles.

    It doesn’t matter whether they smoke cigarettes or not.

    Depending on this, you need to have an assortment of hookahs with tobacco and nicotine-free mixtures and syrups.

    Competitor analysis.

    As a rule, in most large cities there are already several hookah bars.

    It is important to analyze their concepts, work schedules and cost of services.

    Therefore, you need to come up with something new to attract customers.

    It could be:

    • hookah at reduced prices until certain opening hours;
    • loyalty program for regular customers;
    • a wider range of hookahs;
    • holding promotions and sweepstakes such as: “Bring a friend”, “Buy two hookahs, get the third as a gift”, etc.

The premises and interior of the hookah bar

Before drawing up a business plan for a hookah bar, you need to find a suitable premises.

If you want to open an “independent” hookah bar, then you should focus on the city center, closer to restaurants and so that after visiting them, customers will come to you.

You can also enter into a contract with a nearby establishment for the delivery of drinks and food on terms favorable to you.

Sometimes people don’t want to go somewhere on vacation, but are looking for something closer to home.

If you want to open a hookah bar in a cafe/restaurant/nightclub, you will have to negotiate with the owner of the establishment to rent a separate room.

Premises requirements:

    • For a separate hookah bar, the best option would be a room of about 100 square meters. m, this will make it possible to divide it into sections;
    • For a hookah bar in an establishment, 20-30 sq.m. is enough. m.
  1. mandatory presence of supply and exhaust ventilation

Without this system, the premises will always be filled with smoke, which will disturb employees, visitors and neighbors of the establishment.

Complaints from third parties are fraught with inspections by the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate.

Particular attention should be paid to the interior.

For these purposes, it is best to hire a designer who can create the appropriate environment.

Many people prefer oriental motifs, but you can beat them with modern trends.

Equipment for hookah bar

In addition to rent and quality repairs, you will need to equip a hookah bar.

At first glance it may seem that you don’t need much, but in reality this is not the case.

The hall will accommodate 48 people.

Thus, 6 people can sit at one table and on two sofas.

Additional seating can be added using chairs or poufs.

To provide your guests with comfort and everything they need, the hookah bar business plan must include a complete list of everything necessary.

Price per one.,
Total: 590,000 rub.
Supply and exhaust ventilation
1 250 000 250 000
Hookahs and accessories
16 3 500 52 500
Sofas or easy chairs16 7 000 112 000
8 3 000 24 000
Chairs (poufs)
6 2 000 12 000
1 30 000 30 000
1 20 000 20 000
Acoustic system
1 20 000 20 000
Lighting equipment
1 16 000 16 000
Reception desk
1 10 000 10 000
Wi-Fi router
1 2 500 2 500
1 10 000 10 000
Decor1 16 000 16 000
Other1 15 000 15 000

Hookah bar staff

You don’t need to hire a lot of staff to operate a hookah bar.

The main goal will be to find good hookah providers who understand the types of hookah and can advise visitors.

Since the hookah bar will operate on a daily basis, and the main time of the schedule is in the evening and at night, you need to draw up a staffing schedule.

Most often, in such establishments, staff work in shifts.

Waiters in the hookah bar will not be needed, since guests will bring their own food and drinks.

But you definitely need to find an administrator who will greet visitors.

Advertising to promote a hookah bar

In order for your hookah bar to have guests, you need to make yourself known.

To do this, you can use already familiar ways to attract customers:

  • creation of a website with a description of services and the ability to book a table;
  • creating pages on social networks;
  • advertising on city banners and local newspapers;
  • distributing leaflets in crowded places;
  • "word of mouth" radio.

For the opening of a hookah bar, you can organize promotions and raffles, and hold a large party with the invitation of musicians or DJs.

Don’t forget that you always need to promote your establishment, and not just at first.

Therefore, organize themed evenings, competitions on social networks, and think over the optimal loyalty program for regular customers.

Also work on creating a name and logo.

This is how your establishment will be recognized.

Registration of a hookah bar

A hookah bar business plan should include registration costs.

You have two options:

  • individual entrepreneur registration;

If you open a hookah bar selling food, drinks and alcohol, then you only need to register as a legal entity - LLC.

Also choose a simplified taxation system.

After registering a business, you must also obtain:

  • permits from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • licenses for the sale of tobacco and .

Business plan for a hookah bar: project implementation

Calendar plan for opening a hookah bar

With proper planning, the project will take approximately 3 months to complete.

When you find a suitable premises, choose a designer, then proceed to register your business.

At the end of the renovation, you can already look for staff and start actively promoting yourself.

Stage1 month2 months3 months
Business registration
Search for premises
Repairs to the premises and purchase of necessary equipment
Advertising and promotion

Financial aspect in a hookah bar business plan

Interesting fact:
Smoking a hookah does not become a habit and does not make the smoker addicted. If a heavy smoker does not smoke for a couple of days, nothing bad will happen. Moreover, hookah smoking is the safest way to enjoy tobacco known.

Now you can do the calculations, which will include start-up costs, recurring expenses and income forecast.

Expenses for opening a hookah bar

Opening a hookah bar is not a business that requires minimal investment.

Despite the fact that essentially only smoking services will be provided, large sums will need to be invested in the interior and equipment.

Permitting costs also include the purchase of fire extinguishers.

In general, you will need to have about 1,000,000 rubles at your disposal.

Monthly expenses for a hookah bar

In order for the hookah bar to fully function, you also need to spend money within a month.

This will include rent, employee salaries, purchase of hookah supplies (tobacco, mixtures, syrups, coal, flasks, mushtuks, etc.), as well as payments to other companies that provide their services to the establishment.

Income forecast and payback period calculation

The average cost of a check is planned to be 700 rubles.

Number of checks - 20 pieces.

Then the estimated monthly income will be 420,000 rubles.

Sometimes the average cost of a check can increase to 1,500 rubles, and the number of companies per day can approach 50.

But still, at first there may be “empty” days that will only cover expenses.

Calculation of hookah bar profit:

With this progress, the investment will pay off within 12-13 months.

In the video below, the owner of a hookah bar shares his experience of successfully running this type of business:

Thus, opening a hookah bar with the right approach to business and active advertising is a profitable business with a fairly quick payback period.

You are required to provide your guests with high-quality and varied hookah, follow fashion trends in this industry, and also work on a good entertainment program to brighten up your visitors’ leisure time.

And for these purposes, a correctly compiled detailed hookah bar business plan.

Don't neglect this important point.

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Since the 19th century, hookah has been very popular in Europe. The smoking device, which, thanks to its unusual design, cools and filters inhaled smoke, was invented in India and almost immediately spread throughout the Muslim world.

Hookah bars can be found in many cities in Europe and Asia. A special feature of this establishment is that it provides visitors with the opportunity to smoke various tobacco while relaxing. Classic rooms are usually made in oriental style. However, we note that a difference should be made between a hookah lounge and a bar that has a room for smoking tobacco.

A hookah business can become the basis of activity or an addition to an existing bar. The main advantages of this area include the following:

  • Narrow specialization allows you to bring the opened establishment to perfection.
  • To start the project, a small capital is required.
  • High profitability.
  • Quite a quick payback if all rules are followed when organizing a business.

It is quite easy to compete in this area, despite the large number of similar establishments. This is due to the fact that the quality of services provided in many points is quite low.

There are few negative points. These include the difficulty of ensuring work at night (they prefer to smoke hookah after a hard day at the time of rest), as well as the difficulty of creating an atmosphere inherent in real hookah bars.

An interesting story about your own experience of opening an establishment and about the various intricacies of business is in the following video:

What documents are needed

To legalize his activities according to the law, the owner of such a business will need the following documentation:

  • A business registration document, for example.
  • License for the sale of tobacco and .
  • Permission from the fire service and the SES to operate the establishment as a public place.

Particular attention should be paid at the time of purchasing tobacco. The supplier must provide all documents that confirm its non-narcotic origin. In this case, there will be no problems with the upcoming check.

How much does it cost?

Before you start organizing your business and completing paperwork, you should calculate the upcoming costs. The costs to start a new business will be as follows:

  • Renting a building or premises. If it is not possible to purchase a place to locate an establishment, you can pay attention to numerous rental offers. The price of the issue depends on many factors: the area, proximity to transport interchanges, and the technical condition of the building. Particular attention should be paid to the contract being concluded, since there is no point in renting for a short period.
  • Arrangement and repair. An important factor that influences the number of visitors and the popularity of an establishment is the interior design. A properly selected and cozy environment will allow you to create competition with other points already at the time of opening.
  • Purchase of hookahs and consumables(tobacco, coal, etc.).
  • Purchase of fire extinguishers.
  • If the hookah bar is part of a bar, then a separate calculation is made for food, drinks, accessories, and so on.

In addition, do not forget about the monthly costs of consumables, employee wages, lighting and space heating (in winter). On average, creating rooms exclusively for hookah smoking (bar components are not included in the calculation) and renting the premises will cost approximately 250,000 rubles.

Sources of financing are standard: private investors, lending to legal entities by banks and many others. It is important to remember that after the project starts, various types of costs may also arise.

Selection of premises and its furnishings

The profit of the establishment depends on the choice of premises and the creation of the environment. The greatest profit will come from points that are calculated for simultaneous visits of up to one hundred people(with the calculation of one hookah for a company of 5-10 people). This feature will reduce the cost of the service, making it more affordable. Preference should be given to premises or buildings that are located near cafes, restaurants, entertainment centers and clubs. Renting a separate room away from crowds of people in the evening and at night may not pay off.

The design style can be chosen differently. Previously, hookah was associated with the culture of the East, which led to the emergence of a large number of establishments in the Oriental style. However, modern views on what such a vacation spot should look like are somewhat different. In general, we can say that the design should achieve originality, comfort and practicality.

The hookah smoking room must have soft sofas, not chairs. Particular attention should be paid to the music: it should be quiet and slow.

When organizing lighting, spotlights are often chosen, which are combined into a group to divide the room into separate zones.

When considering this issue, attention should be paid proposals from various design studios. Only a professional designer can use all the possibilities of a particular room and make it unforgettable. However, the use of such services is only appropriate when arranging your own building or premises, and not a rented one.

Hookah connoisseurs are strict about mixing the smell with cigarette smoke. It will most likely not be possible to ban cigarette smoking, so you should consider a good ventilation system. A classic option for organizing a room can also be called dividing smoking areas with tents.


The purchase of equipment and consumables is as follows:

  • Hookah and consumables (seals, mouthpieces, cups, etc.). Today there is a huge selection that will allow you to choose a smoking device according to the chosen design style.
  • A wide range of different tobaccos is a condition that will determine the formation of regular visitors. In this case, you should take into account the various methods of refueling a hookah.
  • Coal. When choosing it, you should give preference to environmentally friendly products from trusted manufacturers.
  • Natural coffee and tea will be a great addition.

The rest can be purchased as needed.

Employees of the establishment

The popularity of the holiday destination depends on the quality of the organized service. Considering that many people visit such places quite rarely, the administration and maintenance staff will have to answer various questions and help make a choice. In particular, this concerns the type of tobacco, its taste and aroma. The hookah can be refilled by both staff and visitors (if they wish). Such establishments should have a cozy and quiet environment. Employees should take this into account.

In general, we can say that the service should not be intrusive and pronounced. Selecting service personnel in this case is quite difficult, given the narrow profile. Therefore, the need for additional training should be taken into account.

Advertising and Marketing

  • Brochures, business cards and other less expensive methods should be created by professionals. It is recommended to place them in cafes, clubs and other establishments that are located nearby (such a possibility and cost of placing brochures will have to be discussed with the administration of the advertising location).
  • Your own website on the Internet is a modern approach to organizing a business. An online resource will not only increase popularity, but also add functionality to the work, for example, table reservations will be a useful function of the online resource. However, it is worth considering that only after promoting the site on the Internet will it begin to bring real benefits. An ordinary resource placed without subsequent promotion cannot be called part of an advertising campaign.
  • Radio announcement. Many people spend several hours in the car during the day and listen to the radio at the same time. An announcement on one or more radio stations will be very effective.
  • Posters can also attract the attention of potential visitors.

Is it profitable?

What kind of profit awaits the owner of a hookah bar? In this case, we will consider profit, which does not take into account the possibility of selling alcoholic beverages, other tobacco products in the establishment, as well as kitchen services.

The average cost of such a service is about 500 rubles. The estimated profit per month for the project to pay for itself within a year (the cost of organizing the project without including advertising costs is 250,000 rubles), taking into account monthly expenses of about 100,000 rubles, will be 120,000 rubles(20,000 net profit). The profit for one day should be 4,000 rubles. Thus, we can conclude that for the result under consideration it is necessary to ensure attendance at which hookah will be ordered about 8 times per day. These calculations are made based on the rental of a small premises.


Hello! Today we will look at the question of how to open a hookah bar. Every day there are more and more such establishments, and the demand for them is only growing. In small towns, this area is not very developed, so you can become one of the first businessmen who will bring real “joy” to the population. All in your hands!

What do you need to open a hookah bar?

Opening a hookah business– this is not a simple matter, as it might seem at first glance. First you need to form a general idea of ​​how you see your hookah room. First of all, you should like her. You need to abstract yourself and understand whether you want to return to such an establishment again . If the answer is yes, then it means you are on the right track.

Next is the correct selection of premises. It is best to choose establishments that are popular among wealthy people. A restaurant, bar or cafe must have a good reputation. This guarantees a constant flow of people and good profits.

First of all, you need to figure out how to open a hookah bar legally. It is necessary to study all the laws on running your own business, as well as the laws that regulate the activities of hookah rooms. This is one of the most important factors on which the prospects of your business depend.

The next important fact is the purpose of opening a hookah bar. You shouldn’t think that after opening your own business you will be able to sit back at home and just receive money. Such a business requires, in addition to financial investments, a lot of time and effort. If you yourself really love hookah and are tired of leaving money in other establishments, then this business is ideal for you.

In other words, absolutely everything needs to be thought through to the smallest detail. First, you need to draw up a clear business plan for a hookah bar with calculations, which will indicate all the little things that you especially need to pay attention to. We'll talk about everything in detail below.

How to open a hookah bar legally

As already mentioned, first of all it is necessary to study the current legislation. And all because On June 1, 2014, deputies of the Russian Federation adopted a law banning smoking in public places. This applies to both enterprises and catering establishments.

Anyone can read the text of the law on the Internet ( Federal Law No. 15 “On protecting the health of citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke”). There is not a single word in the text about smoking cigarettes, cigars or hookahs. However, it clearly states that the use of tobacco is strictly prohibited. That is, you cannot smoke tobacco in any form.

Therefore, on June 1, 2014, all owners of cafes and restaurants had to remove hookahs from their menu, but not for long. Businessmen immediately found a way out of the situation. They began to offer their visitors herbal-based smoking mixtures. For the inspection authorities, this became a real test, because they could not accurately prove what visitors were actually smoking: tobacco prohibited in public places, marijuana, or some harmless herb. A thorough examination takes a lot of time, so no one carried it out.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not clearly state what a “hookah” is. Therefore, entrepreneurs find permitted “loopholes” with the help of which they “legalize” hookah smoking. This cost some a pretty penny. The owners had to re-equip their premises specifically for customers who want to smoke hookah. Most often, such a zone is located outside in the open air. A separate corner or room in the room itself is also assumed. You may be asking, is it possible to open a hookah bar in a residential building?

Remember once and for all, hookahs are not allowed in establishments located in residential buildings. Fines for non-compliance with the rules are far from small, and range from 60 to 90 thousand rubles.

Another solution that establishment owners have come up with is delivery of hookah to the client’s home. But, such a service is not particularly popular among the common population, as it is quite expensive.

Switching to special tobacco-free smoking mixtures is another way out of this situation. They are not prohibited by law, and therefore have become an excellent alternative. But many visitors refuse to smoke them. This fact also needs to be taken into account.

Of course, you can always break the law and offer tobacco-based hookahs to customers. But remember that today there is a very strict system of fines for such illegal activities. The amount of fines can be up to 300 thousand rubles. And in case of repeated violation it can reach 3 million Russian rubles. Think about whether the game is really worth the candle.

Franchising and purchasing an existing business

If you still don’t know how to open a hookah bar, no problem. Today, many entrepreneurs operate as franchises. For beginner businessmen, this is an excellent option that does not require much effort. Large companies offer interesting terms of cooperation. Among them:

  • Hookah Place;
  • Smoke House;
  • Nargilia and many others.

Working as a franchise is only profitable if the brand has its own name and reputation. The population should be familiar with this name and evoke only positive emotions. This will help the aspiring businessman earn the respect and trust of guests.

In addition, in this case there is no need to come up with your own original name for the establishment, interior design and way of working. All these conditions are dictated by the company. You are only required to maintain the company's image. The main thing is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of such an establishment and then the number of clients will increase exponentially.

Another option is to purchase a ready-made hookah business. This is the easiest option for a novice entrepreneur. Advertisements for sale can be found both on the Internet and in local newspapers in your city. But remember that no one will just sell a really good, promising and successful business.

Therefore, you need to check everything carefully before purchasing. It is possible that the owner has problems with the premises or with the law. It is best to conduct the audit with specialists with a legal education. They will be able to find all the pitfalls, if any.

There are also cases when a person vitally needs a large amount of money and he has no other choice but to sell his hookah business. But, as a rule, such a case is one in a million. Beware of scammers and unscrupulous sellers.

Opening a hookah bar: do's and don'ts

We have reviewed the legislative framework. Now we need to summarize everything we have learned before opening a hookah bar. An aspiring entrepreneur must clearly understand how to run a business and how not to.

So, smoking tobacco in any form in public places, including public catering places, is strictly prohibited. Accordingly, you cannot smoke hookah with tobacco in a cafe or restaurant. Smoking rooms cannot be created either. It would seem, what is possible then?

If you plan to open a hookah establishment based on a restaurant, bar or cafe, then instead of tobacco you will have to use:

  • smoking mixtures without tobacco content;
  • syrups;
  • special stones, etc.

But, you should remember that not all guests of the establishment will appreciate such a hookah. Most people want to get relaxation from tobacco, and not just inhale and exhale “delicious” smoke.

As they say, every rule has its exceptions. Eg, Smoking tobacco is permitted outside public catering areas and in specially designated areas. Therefore, each person has the opportunity to open his own establishment, which will only have hookahs.

Serving food and drinks there is strictly prohibited. But you can allow visitors to bring their own food. It is advisable that they have purchase receipts with them in case of any audit. And for entertainment, visitors can be offered board games, console games and much more.

How to open a hookah bar from scratch - selecting the premises and design

If you do not have the opportunity to open a hookah room in a thriving restaurant or cafe, then you can safely open your own establishment. Learn in detail how to create a hookah bar business plan. The first step is to find a suitable premises. The area depends on personal preference.

If you follow the recommendations of successful businessmen, then It is best to consider premises of at least 100 - 120 sq.m. It would be desirable to have a separate entrance. The following requirements are practically no different from the requirements for opening a catering establishment.

The room must have:

  • ventilation;
  • utility rooms;
  • sewerage;
  • fire protection.

It is in hookah cafes that special attention should be paid to ventilation and fire protection. The equipment must be of high quality as it must cope with a continuous flow of smoke. Before opening the establishment, the fire inspectorate will carefully check everything, and if there are the slightest deviations, the cafe will not open until they are eliminated.

After choosing a decent room, you need to think about interior design. The atmosphere should be cozy and calming, because people come to a hookah establishment to relax. In order for guests to feel comfortable, it is best to divide the establishment into several zones, which will be fenced off from each other. The approximate size of one zone is 8-10 sq.m. This way, guests will not disturb each other with their conversations and will be able to truly relax. But don't forget about big companies. They also need to prepare several areas for communication.

The walls should be painted in soothing pastel colors and complemented with unusual and beautiful interior items. It is better to choose lighting that is not very bright, but slightly dim. Regarding furniture, it is better to give preference to soft sofas on which clients can relax. It's better not to skimp on the audio system. Background music should not sound too loud, but of high quality. Visitors should feel comfortable talking and not shouting over each other.

Be sure to remember the cash register. All checks must go through him only. Don't skimp on this equipment. The cash register should be easy to use so that employees can easily understand it and not make mistakes.

We select hookahs and other attributes

Purchasing hookahs is one of the most important stages in the process of opening a hookah bar. You should consider high quality hookahs, the cost of which will be in the range of 3000 – 5000 rubles. Tobacco or smoking mixtures must also be of proper quality. Under no circumstances should they taste bitter when smoked or give off an unpleasant odor. Having smoked such a hookah once, a visitor will never return to the establishment.

In addition to hookahs, you should purchase several additional flasks, cups and tubes. This is in case one of these components fails. By the way, in addition to regular smoking pipes, you also need to purchase special cooling pipes. This will make the hookah richer.

The interior can be complemented with various oriental trinkets. Themed pillows with oriental patterns, paintings of this theme and carpets. This is not only for the convenience of visitors, but also to create a pleasant impression of the establishment.


Personnel is another very important factor. The number of customers and their overall impression depend on the quality of service in your establishment. When selecting personnel, first of all you need to pay attention to the person’s appearance and his manner of speaking. If he came to the interview neatly dressed and combed, then he will try to look impeccable at work.

The manner of conversation is also very important, since the employee will constantly have to be in contact with clients: offer services, take orders, explain things that are incomprehensible to the guest. The employee must be polite to the client in any situation. He should always smile, but should not be intrusive. Excessive attention and intrusiveness can only scare away the client.

Employee knowledge is very important. They must have a thorough understanding of hookahs and tobacco. Usually, the client does not know what flavor of hookah to choose, so he describes everything in general terms. The employee must, based on the data received, offer the guest the most optimal option for him.

All personnel must undergo training before starting work. It is best for the class to be conducted by experienced people who have been in this type of business for several years.

How much money do you need to open a hookah bar?

You will need to spend a lot of money on opening a hookah bar if you want to create a truly pleasant place that guests will constantly return to. Next, we will look at how much it costs to open a hookah bar, calculate the approximate costs, this will help you create your own hookah bar business plan.

1. Costs of renting premises

If you do not have your own premises in which to open an establishment, or do not have the funds to purchase it, then you will have to rent it. The approximate cost of renting 100-120 sq.m is 50 thousand rubles.

2. Renovation and design costs

You will need to hire workers who can redecorate the premises. Also, if you cannot come up with an interior design yourself, you will have to spend money on the services of a specialist. These costs also include the purchase of furniture, decor and other attributes. The approximate amount of costs for this item is 500 thousand rubles.

3. Buying hookahs

In this case, it is better not to save. As already mentioned, it is best to purchase high-quality hookahs from well-known companies. Their number depends on the number of tables in your establishment and the expected number of visitors. It is worth purchasing hookahs with a reserve. You should expect that at a small table you may need 2-3 hookahs, and at a large table - up to 6. The approximate amount of costs is 60 – 70 thousand rubles.

4. Buying fire extinguishers

These are mandatory attributes of every establishment. The fire inspector will not allow you to work unless you have several fire extinguishers available. They should be placed in the guest room, in the kitchen (if available) and in utility rooms. The approximate cost is 10 thousand rubles.

5. Purchase of materials (tobacco, smoking mixtures, coal, etc.)

You should not skimp on this article. It is best to order tobacco from imported manufacturers who have been operating in the market for such products for several years. In order to order high-quality consumables, it is best to consult with specialists. They will tell you which tobacco and coal to take, and which one is better to refuse. The approximate cost is 20 thousand rubles.

The total cost of opening a hookah establishment

The amount is 650 thousand rubles . This is the most budgetary real amount. If you have the opportunity to invest more money at once, do not regret it. Then, in the subsequent months of your establishment’s operation, you will be able to spend less.

Remember that you will also have monthly expenses:

  • rent – ​​50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of consumables – 20 thousand rubles;
  • wages for staff and advertising - 100 thousand rubles.

In total, about 170 thousand rubles will be spent per month.

The expenses are not the fun part. All entrepreneurs like to calculate future profits from their business. Now you are most likely wondering whether it is worth opening a hookah bar? The hookah business is a fairly new trend in our country, which is gaining popularity every day. Therefore, if you think through everything correctly, and also invest money wisely, then it will bring good profit to its owner.

Is it profitable to open a hookah bar?

Net profit should be calculated only after you have covered all your monthly expenses. The average bill for a hookah establishment is 1,500 thousand rubles. It’s not difficult to calculate that in about a day you can earn 30 thousand rubles (this is not the most optimistic forecast). Accordingly, you receive about 300 thousand rubles per month. Net profit after all expenses and taxes will be approximately 150 thousand rubles. This project will pay for itself in a few months.

Advertising is another important component when opening a hookah establishment. You should make sure that as many people as possible know that a new trendy place for hookah lovers is opening soon.

The main audience of such establishments are young people and middle-aged people. Therefore, it would be a reasonable decision to launch, in particular on social networks or. To do this, just create your own group or community and simply invite people there. It's free and effective.

In order for people to be more willing to come to the opening of your establishment, you can come up with various sweepstakes and discounts. For example, you can organize a competition for “reposting” information about the opening of a new cafe. As a reward, the winner can be given several hours of free hookah.

On the opening day, you can also invite famous presenters and musicians of the city in order to attract more visitors.

And if you hold themed parties at your establishment every weekend, this will also serve as very good advertising. In other words, show your imagination and creativity, and then your business will flourish.

Business registration and necessary documents for opening a hookah bar

You have thought through all the details of your establishment, calculated the costs and possible profits. Now is the time to start registering your business. First, decide on the material and legal form of the activity.

For restaurants, cafes and bars, including hookah establishments, it is best to choose the form of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Read the information.

The “Individual Entrepreneur” form should be selected only if you plan to trade exclusively in hookahs. The LLC form is suitable only for those entrepreneurs who intend to sell alcoholic beverages in addition to hookahs. The choice is yours alone. But keep in mind that if you plan to sell alcoholic beverages in your establishment, then in addition to all the documents you will need to obtain.

Another mandatory document is permission from the SES and fire service.

Before starting their activities, every entrepreneur is required to inform Rospotrebnadzor of their intentions.

You will also definitely need. Most often, entrepreneurs give preference.

Once you have collected everything and registered your business, you can get to work. Good luck and success to you!