Types of effective advertising. What is the most effective advertising for small businesses? Types of available advertising on the Internet


Stages of an online advertising campaign

  • Informs the consumer about your product, its characteristics and benefits;
  • Trains the consumer to use your product;
  • Entertains;
  • Sells.

Today, entrepreneurs have a wide choice of channels for advertising distribution: television, radio, print resources, billboards. However, the Internet is rightfully considered the most promising channel for distributing communication messages.

let's consider stages of development of online advertising in Russia:

  1. First there was spam. The beginning of the 90s of the last century. We all remember those annoying sales letters in our email inboxes. Senders did not have the opportunity to personalize letters, so they sent them to everyone. As a result, advertisers in most cases received only an angry reaction from users.
  2. 2000s - the emergence and use of social networks to promote products. The development of browsers and search engines has made it possible to conduct personalized advertising campaigns on the Internet.
  3. The 2010s saw the emergence of notifications and pop-ups.

Before moving on to studying the types of online advertising, we will consider the main stages of conducting an advertising campaign on the Internet:

  1. Formulating the goals of an online advertising campaign;
  2. Determining the target audience. Here you need to describe demographic and psychographic factors, interests and preferences.
  3. Development of a promotion strategy and program. Here you need to take into account your target audience and advertising campaign budget;
  4. Implementation;
  5. Control based on performance indicators.

Advantages of online advertising over other methods

Not all companies have huge marketing budgets. More recently, this was the main reason for the failures of small new organizations; their efforts were not noticeable against the background of grandiose advertising campaigns of the old-timers in the market.

With the advent of online advertising, everything has changed. Advertising on the Internet is not as expensive as advertising on television, radio, and print media. Even housewife Masha, who makes homemade soap and then sells it on her social network page, can afford it.

The Internet allows you to customize your message in such a way that it will be displayed only to those users who are interested in it, that is, only to your potential audience. At the same time, you can customize product advertising for each client individually, according to his needs and interests.

Types and cost of advertising on the Internet

In fact, today there are a huge number of types of advertising on the Internet. For the convenience of providing information, we will combine them into groups.

contextual advertising

This is the most famous method of promotion on the World Wide Web.

For example, you sell homemade soap, so contextual advertising of your products will be placed on women's forums and sites with women's advice.


  • Personalization;
  • Focus on the target audience;
  • Saving time and money;
  • Visible effectiveness.


  • Contextual advertising works exactly as long as you paid for;
  • Unstable price;
  • The need to regularly optimize messages to ensure “clickability”;
  • Mistrust on the part of the target audience;

Let's immediately figure out what contextual advertising tools exist and how to place them using each of them.

Yandex Direct– one of the most famous and effective contextual advertising tools. Setting it up is quite simple; we will describe the sequence of actions when placing contextual advertising in Yandex Direct.

  • Register in the Yandex system. During registration, select the professional service interface. Click on the “Advertise” link.
  • Setting up advertising campaign parameters. Here you need to select the name of the company, indicate your first name, last name and patronymic, and date of birth. It's not that important. You need to pay attention to five points: strategy, time targeting, region, setting up on thematic platforms and additional phrases.

Time targeting displays the time of day at which your message will be displayed in the Yandex search engine and the days of the week. When choosing time targeting, we recommend basing it on your product type and budget.

The region depends on where you sell your product. For example, if you offer homemade soap only in Moscow and do not offer delivery services to the regions, then you should indicate Moscow in this setting field.

Settings on thematic sites are needed to limit the resources in which your message will be displayed. Many experts recommend disabling search results on thematic sites so that the message is displayed exclusively in the search engine itself upon the corresponding user request.

Additional phrases are those phrases by which your message will be displayed, in addition to the main keywords. As a rule, these are synonyms and words close in meaning. Experts also recommend disabling this option to make the results more relevant.

  • You need to select the title and text of the ad, as well as select keywords. This stage is the most important.

To select a title and text, you must fill out the “link to site” field. In this field you must copy the link, in our case - the site where we sell our homemade soap. After this action, the title and text will be typed automatically.

Keywords are selected using the Yandex keyword selection service. You will be taken to it by clicking on the “Select words” link next to the new keywords field.

In the service settings, we indicate the region and sequentially type phrases that relate to our task - to sell soap. For example, buy homemade soap, homemade soap as a gift, and so on.

After you have typed a phrase and clicked on the “Select” button, a page will open in front of you with the frequency of the typed query in a certain period of time in a certain region, as well as queries that are similar in meaning and their frequency. Do not select phrases and words with a search frequency higher than 1000; we will suit queries with a frequency of 500 to 1000 per month.

If you want an entire phrase or word to identify your ad only in the form in which you entered it, then enclose that phrase or word in quotation marks. For example, if you do not put the phrase “homemade soap” in quotation marks, then your ad for selling it will also appear with the request “how to make homemade soap,” which is not what we want.

  • In the next step you will see your keywords and their prices. We can filter out overly expensive requests using a setting at the top of the page.
  • Submitting an ad for moderation and paying for clicks. If your campaign has not passed moderation, we advise you to contact the Yandex Direct support service by calling 8 800 333-9639, give the advertising campaign number and find out the reason. Ads are often rejected by mistake.

But here is the sequence of actions:

  • The first step is to register with Google.
  • The second step is choosing the type of contextual advertising, that is, those services in which your ad will be displayed: Google search query page, websites. In addition, at the first stage we indicate the name of the advertising campaign; it will not be displayed to users.

Here we select the platforms on which the ad will be displayed, region and strategy. Everything is the same as in Yandex Direct.

But there are also differences. The first is the ability to set a maximum click rate and budget. The second difference is the ability to add links to additional resources. Finally, the third difference is the ability to specify the start and end dates of your advertising campaign.

  • The third step is selecting keywords. The Google keyword selection service is similar to the Yandex service. The rules are the same.
  • The fourth step is sending the ad for moderation, payment and placement.

Banner advertising


  • Memorability;
  • "Visibility";
  • Wide audience coverage;
  • Increasing company/brand awareness;


  • The user gets bored quickly (needs to be changed frequently);
  • May be intrusive and negatively perceived by the user.

Let's now figure out how to place banner advertising. To do this, you can choose one of two ways: independently search for resources and placement or placement using banner services.

Here is a comparison table of these two methods.



Using banner placement services (take the Rotaban service as an example)

Quality of hosting sites


Low (medium)




Depends on the hosting site

Depends on the hosting site


Time costs

  • Search for sites and resources for posting. In order to find a suitable resource for placing a banner, you need to make a request for the topic in any search engine. In our case, homemade soap. We type “blog about natural cosmetics” into the search engine and follow the first five links.

After you get to the site, you need to pay attention to five elements: site design, presence and amount of advertising, site content, site traffic, audience reach. If all the indicators are high enough, then you can look for the “Advertising” section and negotiate placement with the site owner.

  • Creating a banner. It should be memorable and also relevant to your product. We recommend placing information about the benefits of the product on the banner. For example, homemade soap will relieve you of dry skin on your hands and envelop you in the aroma of ripe peaches. It is also necessary to place your logo and product image. The user will receive the rest of the information after clicking on the link.

When creating a banner, you need to pay attention to the standards. The size of the image is specified by the owner of the site on which the ad will be posted. Discuss this issue in advance. But the format can be jpeg for static images and gif or flash for animation.

  • We pay and place.

Teasers and viral videos

The essence of these tools is to create a video, image or text message that would immediately interest the user and become a kind of “virus”, that is, it would spread on the network independently with the help of the users themselves. It is better to place such advertising on social networks and forums.


  • No need to spend money on distribution;
  • Wide audience coverage;
  • Ease of execution;
  • Personalization.


  • High risk of failure of the entire advertising campaign;
  • High competition;
  • User misinterpretation of message.

Targeted advertising on social networks

Targeted advertising on social networks is the most accessible advertising tool on the Internet. Targeting is a small ad on a social network that, when clicked, will redirect the user to your website or page.


  • High degree of reaching the target audience (targeting);
  • Low cost;
  • Easy to set up.


  • Social networks where targeted advertising is placed are not aimed at sales;
  • Posting is only possible on a social network.

The structure of a targeting ad must contain the following elements:

  • Link to your resource;
  • Headline;
  • Basic information that you want to convey to the consumer (one or two sentences);
  • Image (if your brand is known, then you can place a logo, in other cases it is preferable to use an image of the product);
  • Target audience parameters: demographics, interests.

Compliance with this structure will allow you to set up effective targeted advertising on any social network.

Advertising on social networks

Placing such an ad is very simple. It is enough to agree with the owner of the page or group about placement for a certain price.


  • Personalization;
  • Low cost;
  • Ease of placement;
  • Possibility of establishing feedback with consumers.


  • The need for constant updating;
  • Social networks are not aimed at sales, so advertising on social networks is more of an informational nature.

Bulletin boards as a platform for advertising

Bulletin boards as an advertising platform are often used by small businesses. Such advertising is a simple advertisement for sale with a link to the site. In addition, bulletin boards are a place where you can place advertisements on the Internet absolutely free of charge.


  • Low cost (can be free);
  • Personalization;
  • Sales focus.


  • Small coverage;
  • User distrust.

Popup windows

Popup windows These are windows that pop up on top of a resource and make it difficult for the user to view the site.

Creating Popup windows requires programming knowledge, so we advise you to seek help from IT specialists.

If you don’t have this option, you can use one of the following services for creating Popup windows:

  • Hello Bar– a fairly simple service. When registering, you will be given a special code that must be inserted into your website template. Then you will be asked to configure the service's tasks (collecting user contact information, calling, redirecting to another page, ad), pop-up type, ad text and image. This will complete the creation of the Popup window. The service is paid.
  • GetSiteControl. This service completely repeats the process of setting up a Popup window in the Hello Bar service, so we won’t dwell on it. The service is also paid.
  • Mailmunch has a free version with limited functionality. In addition, this service, in addition to setting the window type, offers you to select a template, design and add additional fields. The sequence of actions when creating a window is similar to previous services.
  • Sumome also has a free version. Setting up the service is identical to the previous ones.


  • High brand recall;
  • Wide coverage.


  • Relatively high cost;
  • Ability to block them in the browser settings;
  • High complexity of placement;
  • Excessive intrusiveness;
  • Mixed user reactions.

Push notifications

But unlike Popup windows, Push notifications also require careful elaboration of the content of the advertising message. First of all, it should interest the user and force him to follow the link.


  • Personalization;
  • Wide coverage;


  • User mistrust;
  • High complexity of placement;
  • Relatively high cost.

Advertising in mobile applications

Advertising in mobile applications based on Android and iOS also consists of pop-up windows. In this case, the user cannot turn off the advertisement until he views it. Only after this, the application itself will be available to the user.

Such a notice can be placed by mutual agreement with the application owner. The technical side of ad development is usually taken care of by the application developer.


  • 100% guarantee that the user will see your ad;
  • Brand memorability;
  • Wide coverage.


  • Ambiguous user reaction;
  • Not aimed at sales;
  • High complexity of placement;
  • Relatively high cost of accommodation.

Promotional videos on YouTube

At the same time, you should strive to ensure that the user “shares” what he sees with friends. This will allow us to get the so-called viral effect, in which potential consumers themselves distribute your advertising.

There are several rules that must be followed when creating a viral video:

  • You need to become “invisible”. According to the author, viral advertising should not impose a product; its task is only to hint to the consumer about the product.
  • Patience, just patience. Viral advertising often takes a long time to become famous and make a profit.
  • “Infect” the consumer! The consumer must want to talk about the advertisement and the product.
  • The virus is the “master” of the situation. The thoughts and actions of the consumer must be under the control of the virus.
  • Exploiting the power of weak ties. In the spread of viral advertising on the Internet, users with a large number of casual social connections are of greatest importance than people who regularly communicate with a certain circle of close people.
  • to reach the turning point. In order for viral advertising to reach a certain scale, it is necessary to invest time, labor and money into it.

An excellent example of a viral video is an advertisement for the Delivery Club delivery service. The company released a series of short videos about stay-at-home Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles using an online food delivery service to solve their problem of fear of social contact while buying pizza. Each video has its own storyline, the center of which is the Delivery Club. One video cost the company an average of 5,000 rubles, and sales doubled.

Another example of a viral video is an advertisement for Cadbury chocolate. The 1.5-minute video features a huge gorilla playing drums and a chocolate bar appears at the end of the ad. This virus cost the company almost a million rubles. However, it did not bring economic results.

Let's look at why a video costing 5,000 rubles turned out to be more effective than a video costing 1 million rubles.

  • Your product should be central to the story;
  • The characters in the video should be associated with your product/company/brand (we all remember the cartoon about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who really loved pizza);
  • The video should not offend the feelings of the audience.

Email newsletters

This became possible largely thanks to the development of browsers and the Internet in general. You can obtain information about the interests and preferences of users based on their latest queries in search engines. And this, in turn, allows you to make personalized newsletters.

In this case, the letter must meet several criteria:

  • Bright, interesting title;
  • Personalized offer (the product must solve a problem for a specific consumer). It is necessary to write an individual letter for each potential client!
  • The letter must include a link to your website;
  • At the bottom of the letter, be sure to attach a button that allows you to unsubscribe from your mailing list.


  • Personalized approach;
  • Sales focus;
  • Ease of implementation;
  • 100% guarantee that the user will see your ad.


  • High labor costs;
  • Difficulty obtaining contact information of potential clients;
  • Excessive intrusiveness.

Expert articles in online magazines

The first thing you will need to do is negotiate with the journal editor to publish the article (for a certain cost or even for free).

You will have to write the article yourself. In this case, the article must correspond to the theme of the magazine and the style of writing.

In an expert article, it is necessary to give the most complete description of your product, its advantages, and indicate its consumer value. It is advisable to confirm your words with scientific or expert research data.


  • High degree of trust of potential consumers;
  • Low cost (usually);
  • Improves the company's image;
  • Informs the consumer;
  • Ease of implementation.


  • Small coverage (depending on the magazine);
  • Not intended for sales.

CPA and Affiliate Marketing

CPA or Cost per Action translated from English means “Pay for Action”. Indeed, CPA is a promotion tool that involves paying for Internet advertising only after your potential client completes a targeted action. The target action can be following a link, registering on the site, or purchasing your product; you set the goal for advertisers yourself.

If the established action was not performed, payment for promotion services is not made. In the case of CPA, both parties, the customer and the performer, are interested in the maximum result of the advertising campaign, since their profit is directly dependent on its success. They become partners, which is why CPA marketing is also called affiliate marketing.

Benefits of CPA marketing

  • You pay only for real clients;
  • Your expenses are fixed (you set them yourself);
  • The interest of advertising platforms in attracting customers;
  • Saving time and labor resources;
  • Wide audience coverage.

Disadvantages of CPA marketing

  • The need to conclude an agreement;
  • High barriers to entry for small organizations: sites do not want to take on “small” orders;
  • High competition for advertising space;
  • There is a possibility of fraud on the part of advertising platforms.

Thus, CPA allows you to pay only for real clients (leads) brought to you by the advertiser. To apply CPA marketing in practice, CPA networks or affiliate programs are used. They are services where advertisers are selected suitable platforms for advertising their products.

CPA networks work as follows: the advertiser enters into an agreement with the network, sets up the parameters of the advertising campaign (price, downloads the advertising materials themselves, sets the target action), replenishes the budget with a certain amount, and then receives its clients.

Native advertising

Native advertising is often used by PR specialists in their activities. This type of advertising represents content of the platform site that is interesting for readers. This is what makes native advertising attractive to PR professionals; Internet resources often publish such advertising for free, and even thank the advertiser for the interesting content.

  • Low cost (possibility of free placement);
  • The ability to delegate the responsibility for writing the article itself to third-party specialists;
  • Lively interest in content.
  • Low degree of personalization;
  • Aimed at informing, not selling;
  • The risk of “losing” the product due to interesting content.
  • Its readers should be your target audience;
  • Its content should correspond to the topic of your advertising article.

SEO + your information website

To do this, select keywords (those phrases and words that users use as queries in search engines) on your topic. It is better to do this in two services at once: Yandex Wordstat and Google Adwords, in order to raise the site in the search results of Google and Yandex. Then write an article incorporating these words and phrases. The article should be interesting and informative. At the same time, its theme should promote your product.


  • Promoting your own website;
  • Positive perception from readers;
  • Lively interest in content;
  • Low cost of the campaign (can be carried out free of charge);
  • Attracting new clients from search engines.


  • Low degree of personalization;
  • The risk of creating too “advertising” content (rejection by sites and negative reaction from consumers);
  • The risk of “losing” the product due to interesting content;
  • The site's sales function may be lost.

Comparison of all types of advertising on the Internet

Average cost of placement Orientation

Implementation complexity

200 rubles/day Sales
Depends on the resource on which it is posted, the size of the banner and the location of the banner on the page.

Can be implemented independently


300 rubles/day. Depends on the resource, calculated based on the cost per click Sales/

Can be implemented independently

200 rubles/day. Depends on the resource, calculated based on the cost of a click (transition)

Can be implemented independently

20 rubles/day. Depends on resource Increasing brand awareness, informing consumers

Can be implemented independently

Notice boards

Free advertising possible Sales

Can be implemented independently

Popup windows

Depends on many factors Sales/Brand Awareness

Help from specialists (programmers) is needed. It is possible to use special services (Hello Bar, GetSiteControl, Mailmunch, Sumome, AddThis, Witget, Picreel, Optimonk)

Push notifications

Depends on many factors Sales/Brand Awareness

Need help from specialists (programmers)

Depends on many factors Increasing brand awareness

By agreement with the application owner

Free placement possible Increasing brand awareness

Depends on the video idea

Free if you have contact details Sales, consumer information

Can be implemented independently

Expert articles

100 rubles/day

Can be implemented independently

CPA and Affiliate Marketing

Sales percentage Sales

Use of services / can be implemented independently

Depends on many factors Informing consumers/improving the image of the organization Can be implemented independently
SEO + your information website Depends on many factors Informing the consumer / improving the image of the organization / sales

You can implement it yourself, but it is better to contact specialists

Calculating the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign

After we have chosen the most suitable online promotion tools for us, we need to begin assessing the effectiveness of each of them. There are three universal ways to evaluate the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign: CPM, CTR and CPC. Let's look at each of them.

Click-through rate (CTR) – click-through rate. It displays the number of users who clicked on the link after seeing your ad.

CTR is defined as the ratio of the number of clicks on your ad to the total number of ad impressions multiplied by 100%.

Example. Your ad was shown 2.5 thousand times, and 200 people clicked on it. Thus, CTR = 200/2500*100% = 8%.

This means that your ad brought 8% of users who saw this ad to your site. Typically, the CTR rate ranges from 1%-2%.

To increase this indicator, it is necessary to carry out the following work with the ad:

  • Personalize as much as possible;
  • Make it brighter and more contrasting;
  • Resize (enlarge);
  • Change the location of the ad (place it in the central area).

Cost per click (CPC) – cost per click. This metric shows the cost of one click on your ad.

Using CPC, you can evaluate your ad in terms of the return on investment of one potential client who comes to your site.

Example. Your banner costs 6,000 rubles per month. During this month, 500 potential clients switched to your website through it. CPC = 6000/500 = 12 rubles. Thus, one transition to the site from a banner cost you 12 rubles.

To increase CPC you need to:

  • Personalize your ad as much as possible;
  • Set up a geographic filter for impressions;
  • Set up a time filter for impressions (the time of day at which your ad will be shown);

Cost per mille (CPM) – displays a fixed cost for 1000 impressions excluding clicks.

It is calculated as the product of a thousand impressions, CTR and cost per click.

Example. Your ad was shown 2,500 times and 200 people clicked on it. Its cost is 400 rubles per day.

CTR = 200/2500*100% = 8%;

CPC = 400/200 = 2 rubles per day;

Thus, CPM = 1000*8%*2 = 160 rubles costs 1000 impressions of your ad.

How to best conduct an advertising campaign on the Internet

Now is the time to talk about how best to conduct an online advertising campaign: on your own or with the help of online advertising specialists from third-party organizations.

This is a rather complicated question. The answer depends on factors such as:

  • Availability of free time;
  • Your education;
  • Selected types of advertising on the Internet;
  • Your product;
  • The target audience.

But still, we compared these two methods of conducting an advertising campaign on the Internet, the analysis data is presented in the table.


On one's own Freelancers
Low (free placement possible) From 1,000 rubles for one type of advertising on the Internet

From 3,000 rubles


High Low

Labor costs

High Average
High High

Width of choice of online promotion tools

Not all tools are available All tools available

All tools available

Frequently asked questions about online promotion

  1. What type of advertising on the Internet is considered the most effective?

There is no such thing as the most effective promotion tool. It all depends on the goal of the advertising campaign, detail, and quality of work. However, from the point of view of economic efficiency, at the moment, contextual advertising can be distinguished.

  1. Is it possible to conduct an advertising campaign on the Internet without spending money?

Yes, you can. But in this case you will need to spend a lot of time and your own labor. At the same time, you will have access to a limited set of tools: advertising on message boards, promotional videos on YouTube and E-mail newsletters.

  1. What is the best way to combine online promotion tools? Can I use only one tool?

You cannot create a universal media plan. The combination of certain tools depends on your goals, capabilities, and product. But at the same time, it can be unequivocally stated that using only one online promotion tool will not lead to significant results.

Today I propose to consider one of the most important aspects of running any business - advertising and talk about how what advertising is the most effective. For an entrepreneur, especially a beginner, advertising is often a kind of “dark horse”: he does not know whether it will work, whether it will give the desired effect, or, on the contrary, will only result in unnecessary expenses.

In this article I will consider the issue from the point of view of a representative of a small and medium-sized business, since large businesses are advertised according to slightly different criteria, posing other tasks for the advertising company.

3 rules for selecting the most effective advertising.

Rule 1. Your main goal is not to “promote yourself,” but to increase customer flow and sales. If a large business can advertise only in order to increase brand awareness, become more popular, and create a certain image for itself, then this approach will not work for a small business - advertising will be unprofitable, which is unacceptable. The most effective advertising for small businesses is the one that will actually increase the number of customer requests (visits, calls, website visits, etc.) and, as a result, the number of sales.

Rule 2. You should think of advertising as an investment. Namely, invest money in an advertising company, immediately calculating when it will return to you and what income it will bring. If, according to forecasts, your income from advertising does not cover its cost, then such an investment is simply pointless. And, conversely, the more you plan to earn thanks to a specific advertising company, the more effective it will be for you.

Rule 3. Consider the 3 components of effective advertising as a whole. The most effective advertising should correctly combine 3 key components:

3. Target audience.

If at least one of these components is selected incorrectly, the advertisement will not bring the desired effect.

Well, in conclusion, one more general rule:

What advertising is the most effective?

Surely every entrepreneur immediately wants to get an answer to the question “What advertising is the most effective?” and invest money in it. But, alas, there is no unique answer here. The choice of advertising company depends on a number of factors:

- The target audience;

However, no matter what type of advertising it is, you can always identify its key features that determine its effectiveness. It’s no longer a secret that the main function of advertising is to influence the subconscious of potential customers, encouraging and motivating them to take advantage of the promotional offer. Based on this, we can identify those components of the advertising offer that best have a psychological impact on people. These components have been determined through numerous studies and analysis of advertising effectiveness, so they can serve as a starting point for developing an advertising offer in any form, be it graphic, text or display advertising.

Next, I will present and briefly describe 5 key points that the most effective advertising should include, and give examples for each of them: in them you will probably recognize advertising offers that you encounter every day.

5 components of effective advertising.

1. There is a problem. First of all, in order to attract attention to advertising, it is necessary to identify the problem. It can even be quite negative in nature, since people subconsciously perceive the negative more than the positive. You can even “embellish” the problem in a certain way, imperceptibly increasing its significance. At the beginning of the advertisement, you need to show that there is some kind of problem that needs to be solved, and this will immediately attract the attention of those people to whom it is close - that is, exactly your target audience.

– Do you have bad breath?

– Tired of constant stress?

- To you ? Are collectors tormented?

A well-formulated problem already means that your target audience will definitely look/listen to your advertising, that is, at least, pay attention to it. This is already good! Go ahead…

2. Option to solve the problem. So, the target audience has been attracted, now it is necessary to competently “process” it. She should get what she actually paid attention to your advertisement for, namely, a solution to her problem. This should be a continuation of your advertising offer.

Friends, I greet you! If you are reading my blog now, it means you are also doing business. And naturally, in order to get a good income, you need effective advertising on the Internet.

Whatever business you develop, today it is most profitable to attract customers and partners via the Internet. People began to spend most of their time on their smartphones and computers and spend all day on the World Wide Web.

Therefore, it is there that you need to set up the flow of people to get acquainted with your offer. But you need to know where exactly to advertise so that it is not expensive and at the same time effective.

Friends, now I will give arguments why it is on my blog that the maximum number of people will learn about your proposal.

I show statistics of site visits for yesterday. As you can see, 662 people came in. The picture next to it shows that there were 4,133 visitors during the week. Click on pictures to enlarge and consider them. At the same time, it is very important to know where the readers on this resource come from.

As you can see for yourself, 75% of people came from search engines, namely, they were looking for something on the Internet and the search gave them my blog.

To make it clear, my blog on the “world wide web” can only be found by queries that relate to earning money and generating additional income. Therefore, if you are looking for business partners, you will not find a better place to place your offer.

Now you understand that if you tell us about your proposal here, about seven hundred people will see it every day!!! Do you think this is effective advertising on the Internet?

To create a portrait of your client, you will need information on the age of my blog visitors. Click on the picture to view, you can see that the most readers (36.7%) are aged 25-34 years old, then (19%) those aged 35-44 years old and in third place (17.2%) 45 -54 years old.

A window will open where you need to click on the “buy banner” button, I show with an arrow where this button is, click on the pictures so that they increase.

Next, a window opens where you can select the days on which you want to show your ads. When ordering more than three hundred rubles, you will receive a 20% discount. This is a very advantageous offer for such a number of visitors to the site.

Just click on the dates and see the amount to pay, as you can see in the picture that in 6 days you will pay only 288 rubles! Take advantage of this offer now because I'm raising prices soon.

Effective advertising on the Internet is almost set up; all that remains is to install your link in the window that opens in front of you. Below write alternative text - these are a few words about what is on the banner, it will be shown when you hover over the banner.

Then enter the captcha and then upload the picture, which should be prepared on your computer. The size of the picture should be 240*400, if this is not the case, then make it yourself. I have an article how to make pictures the right size. As a last resort, contact me on Telegram, login: @starosta74 and I will make you a picture myself for 100 rubles.

After that, click on the “download” button and you will be taken to a page where it will be shown what your banner will look like and below it says that After payment, your banner will immediately begin to appear on the site.

After clicking on “pay for order”, you will be redirected to the payment page. Here you can choose a payment method and pay. At that very moment see your banner on my blog and start receiving visitors via your link on the banner.

There are no budgets, but you need to sell somehow - a typical situation for beginning Internet entrepreneurs. At one time I lived without money for a very long time, so I was forced to master all the intricacies of free advertising. And here I will show you 5 options on how you can make advertising on the Internet for free yourself. The good news is that it's actually real.

#1 - The main option for free advertising on the Internet

From my own experience I can tell you that nothing in this world is completely free. In any case, we will pay for everything we want to get. The only question is what exactly will we pay with - money or something else?

I have already given my “alchemical formula” for creating resources. And here I will repeat it again.

We have only 3 main resources:

  1. Time
  2. Money

And absolutely each of us has limited these resources (even Rockefeller’s granddaughter, and even Apple). To get any of the resources listed above, we will have to add the remaining two together and invest them.

That is, if you don’t have money (and you want you to have it), then you will have to pay for it with your time and effort. And it’s the same with advertising on the Internet.

The scary word starting with the letter C….

There are several main ways to advertise something on the Internet for free. The first and main option is simple SPAM.

If we talk about SPAM, then it also comes in different types. You can send mailings to email databases, or spam links to your resources in the comments of popular blogs, or do the same thing in numerous VKontakte groups.

One of the definitions of SPAM is that you insert your advertising into places where you are not asked to go. That is, the moderators of these sites will make every effort to remove all your links and ban you.

Personally, I don’t blame you, because, let’s be honest, we’ve all spammed at least once in our lives. I even described it in detail here (opens in a new tab). But people who even see your advertising links and follow them to your sites will convert very poorly.

That is, you will need at least 10-20 times more traffic to earn the same money than if you worked through, say, regular legal advertising sources. And this, accordingly, leads to the fact that you will have to visit even more sites and VKontakte groups, posting your links.

Or create another hundred fake VKontakte pages and send invitations and offers from them.

Semi-legal spam method via VKontakte

By the way, about the VKontakte mailing list. Currently, such a free advertising option as “friending” still works. This is when you design your VKontakte page to sell some product or service, and then you simply start adding everyone as a friend.

Your new “friends” will go to your page to find out who sent them an application and (what the hell is not kidding), maybe one of them will buy your product someday. This activity is also very labor-intensive, taking into account all the restrictions and protection mechanisms that VKontakte introduced.

I remember I did this kind of black friending in 2009, when I was just starting to make money on the Internet. Life was easier then, VKontakte was younger and kinder, but still, it took a lot of energy.

I must say that these methods of free self-advertising... really work. Bad, crooked, difficult, long, but they work. Therefore, if your budget is not very good yet, spam is a good option (let’s not be such moralists).

Now let me tell you a terrible secret - how today young businesses and entrepreneurs without money become super-mega popular literally overnight.

#2 - How businesses without money succeed today

There is one interesting way to quickly and freely advertise on the Internet so that absolutely everyone knows about you (and loves you). This method will also require some investment of time and effort from you. And again we are essentially talking about friending.

Only this is a completely different friending. It’s done something like this: you make friends with someone who is already famous and popular in your market, and then after a while he promotes you using his resources.

That is, we are talking about so-called networking. Personally, I never liked or knew how to do such things, but you may well succeed. For such networking, you need to have a certain set of qualities - sociability, willingness to please and admire, the ability to constantly gently remind yourself, and others.

How to properly meet VIPs

Of course, all famous and popular people are under constant pressure in the form of requests to give money for some brilliant product, or to become a partner in some project that will make them rich in the future. If you write to someone famous with the request “don’t teach me how to live, better help me financially,” then they will simply ignore you.

You need to first get to know the chosen object, then make friends with it, and only then, after some time, it will come to partnerships. And a big man only has to say one word, even briefly mention you somewhere in an article or in an interview, and you will already fly from rags to riches.

I would recommend that you first praise the services or products of some famous person yourself. This may seem strange to you, but they really really like it when they are praised and when they are thanked (if you knew how much dirt and criticism is poured on them every day). Therefore, your video review or thank you article about them will probably be republished on their resources.

And then - develop success. Find how you could be useful to a person with a name, never ask him for anything, give him the opportunity to talk to you about what interests him. Well, it’s not for me to teach you how to win friends and influence people.

And after some time, your new great friend will offer you some partnership options. And then you are on horseback. The only disadvantage of this method of free advertising is the instability of your position. A famous partner only needs to say one word to lift you up, and it will also be enough to say one word to bring you down.

Therefore, you will always have to be very careful not to offend him in any way, and so that no one more nimble comes to take your place. All this will greatly limit your freedom. That's why I never used such methods.

Moreover, there is another option - completely free, absolutely legal, and 100% reliable.

#3 – The most effective free online advertising method

If we continue to talk about recommendations, then there are two authorities in RuNet who can give you a lot of constant and hot traffic to your sales pages. These guys' names are Yasha and Gosha (that is, Yandex and Google). They compare favorably with other authorities in that they recommend you for specific merits, and not for your ability to “make acquaintances.”

To get their recommendations, you just need to create a website and fill it with useful content on the topic of your product. Then search engines will bring your articles to the TOP, and you will begin to receive a flow of visitors every day, who will then become your clients.

Of course, this sounds easier in words than in reality. But in reality there is nothing complicated here. The trick is to constantly give people useful and interesting content. Promotion of a young website takes from 6 months of pure time. Good promotion can take 2-3 years.

Yes, as you can see, here you also need to invest time and effort (all according to our “alchemical formula”). But unlike other free methods, this advertising option will probably work. And it’s also nice that this is a constant source of traffic (unlike the same SPAM, for example, which needs to be dealt with every day).

Personally, I like this option the most. But what if you don’t like writing articles, or are you naturally so lazy that you want to do it for free and do nothing yourself? Congratulations, there is such a way.

#4 – Free advertising through someone else’s hands

Imagine how great it would be if hundreds of people in all corners of the Internet were promoting your products and services every day, while you quietly lay on the couch and sip cocktails.

Surprisingly, it is really possible to organize work in this way. This is simply called the “affiliate program”. Of course, no one will promote you for free, but you will only pay your partners based on sales made.

No sales - no money. Someone brings you a client - you pay him an honest percentage of the purchase amount. This promotion option is very suitable for all beginning Internet entrepreneurs (and non-beginners too).

In RuNet there are many half-starved specialists in various areas of marketing - contextual advertising, VKontakte targeting, SEO, YouTube and others. They are half-starved because they do not have their own products to sell. And they are constantly on the lookout for some really good affiliate program that they can direct their traffic to.

And if you provide them with such an affiliate program, then they will love you and will put a lot of effort into making you happy.

Of course, this method also has difficulties. The first difficulty is that you need to build . Affiliates, of course, are ready to drive traffic to you, but only if sales are made from it (and they earn money). If there are no sales, they will quickly forget about you and switch to others.

The second difficulty is the need to constantly motivate partners to work. They are knowledgeable and capable people, but a little lazy. They need to be given some kind of incentive all the time. For example, hold competitions, give out prizes to the best partners, set higher commissions for those who sell more.

And the affiliate program itself also needs to be promoted somehow so that more and more people come to you with new traffic. As an option, you can create a two-level affiliate program. This is when partners advertise your affiliate program, and then receive commissions not only from their sales, but also from the sales of those partners whom they attracted “for themselves.”

Technically, you can organize an affiliate program through various services. For example, I use the service because it is best suited for electronic products.

And finally, let's talk about how to make advertising on the Internet for free for a million dollars.

#5 - How to make advertising on the Internet for free for a million dollars

In the end, I want to reveal the worst “secret secret” about advertising on the Internet. If you want to make money online, the main thing is not to advertise for free. The main thing is to make sure that your advertising is profitable.

Tell me, is spending a million dollars on advertising expensive or not? You just can't say that. The question is whether this advertising will be profitable or not. Spending a hundred rubles and earning zero is unprofitable and therefore too expensive. And spending a million and earning ten is profitable, and therefore completely inexpensive.

And you, too, can spend any money you want, only if you are set up (the same requirement, by the way, also applies to the previous point about affiliate programs).

I hope this article was helpful to you. Add it to your bookmarks and share it with friends. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (a summary from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

Small companies need an effective advertising strategy no less than giant corporations. Properly structured promotion will help you achieve excellent results with minimal costs.

Advertising– this is not a luxury, but an urgent necessity for a budding entrepreneur. It allows you to increase recognition in the market, build a good reputation, and attract paying customers. Neglecting this component of the work leads to a sad outcome. For small business marketing campaigns to be successful, you need to build them taking into account the existing specifics and listen to the advice of experts.

The role of a competent advertising strategy

At the first stages of development, a novice entrepreneur faces serious difficulties. While the target audience and suppliers know nothing about the goods and services, the company is perceived with caution and distrust.

An important impetus for the further development of small businesses is the creation of a good business reputation, which will help to declare the following qualities of the company:

  • reliability;
  • solvency;
  • responsibility.

An indispensable assistant in building a reputation is. It will help create a positive image of the company, emphasize its advantages, form a loyal attitude towards goods and services, and outline advantages over competitors’ products.

Advertising helps small businesses attract the attention of potential customers to the products they sell and announce the appearance of new products on the market. It performs two important functions: it informs about the advantages and features of the product, it allows, and along with them, revenue.

A small business should not refuse advertising due to a lack of available funds. Modern marketing offers tools and methods that produce a significant effect at minimal cost.

Effective promotion is not a spontaneous action aimed at nowhere. He has a clear goal, audience, . To make advertising work for you and not become a waste of money, use five key points:

  • Problem

This is what attracts attention to the message and allows you to “find” the target audience. Often the public is more likely to be attracted to negative-sounding issues. So, the inscription “Tired of constant stress?” will allow you to “select” people who are interested in the product.

  • Ways to solve the problem

When you have captured the attention of potential consumers, offer them a way out of the current situation. For example, spa treatments will help you cope with stress and completely relax.

  • Uniqueness of the offer

Tell the target audience what the “zest” of the product or service is, why it is worth choosing the promoted product. At this point it is recommended to give free rein to your imagination.

  • Restrictions

People tend to put off making important decisions. To overcome procrastination, let the consumer know that there is no time to think. Indicate that the offer is valid for a limited time.

  • Call to action

Clearly indicate to potential consumers how to take advantage of the offer: call the phone number indicated in the ad, book a spa treatment time on the website.

Features of small business advertising campaigns

A key feature of promotion for small businesses is a shift in emphasis from the company itself to the uniqueness of the product offered. An entrepreneur who owns a small grocery store is unable to compete with international giants - Coca-Cola, Adidas and others. Its task is not to increase brand awareness, but to increase sales.

Juicy slogans and memorable logos are bad helpers in increasing the profitability of a small company. The purpose of advertising is to tell consumers about specific offers of goods and services, attract new customers, and retain old ones.

The answer to the question of how to make effective advertising for a small company lies in the rejection of general words and lengthy formulations: “cheap”, “a lot”, “the most”, etc. The "abstract" approach worked 15-20 years ago, but today it is useless. No one will go to a store offering “the cheapest sofas in the city,” but a retail outlet selling a sofa for 10,000 rubles will certainly attract visitors.

Expert opinion - Advertising in the banking sector

Marina Arishchenko, Head of Transaction Business Development Department, Moscow Credit Bank

Under the influence of the development of digital technologies, the advertising market has undergone fundamental changes. Today, most companies receive a tangible effect not from traditional channels in the classical model, such as television, advertising, radio, outdoor advertising, but from the use of incentives and cross-promotions based on issuing coupons for payment. This direction is the most progressive.

The direction of creating ecosystems and marketplaces that revolutionize the understanding of the banking services market has also become widespread. Development towards affiliate programs built on the placement of affiliate offers on the bank’s terminal network is the most effective and not only ensures incoming traffic to the partner’s website, increased sales, increased presence in the media field, but also dynamic development in various areas.”

Specific methods to increase sales

There are three effective tools that can increase sales for a small company:

  • "Stock"

These are special offers that last for a limited time. This way, the company does not leave the potential buyer time to think and minimizes the risk of him leaving for competitors.

If you indicate in the ad that the promotion is valid for one day (week, month), the target audience will look at the offer differently. She will think: trousers are not needed today, but then they will tear and wear out. There is no point in overpaying tomorrow if the price tag is so attractive today.

  • "Special price"

This method has been used for a long time, but remains effective and relevant. Indicate on the label the new “favorable” price and the “old” price, which is 30-50% higher. The greater the difference between the two values, the stronger the “limited supply” effect. Seeing the benefits that the purchase promises, the client will part with his money faster.

  • "Announcement of the enterprise"

If you are opening a small business (dry cleaning, laundry, bakery, pharmacy, etc.), announce the opening before starting work. Hang up a sign, a sign, and distribute leaflets to nearby residents. This way you will arouse interest in the new product in potential buyers, allowing them to get used to the idea that company “N” will be located here.

According to business rules, the amounts spent on advertising campaigns depend on the level of profit of the enterprise. Small business budgets are usually limited, but as they develop and scale up, they grow.

  • accommodation costs;
  • features of the promoted goods (services);
  • place, time of placement;
  • number of contacts with the target audience, etc.

Marketing tools depend on the goals of the small business. It may be interested in:

  • informing potential clients about the existence of the company;
  • forming a positive opinion of the target audience about yourself;
  • attracting attention to new products;
  • informing the population about ongoing events;
  • increasing the influx of customers.

When the goals and objectives are clear, all that remains is to decide on the budget. It can be calculated in two ways. The first is based on business goals, as a percentage of desired indicators. For example, if you want to increase your revenue by 100,000 rubles and are ready to “sacrifice” 20% of your income, you can spend 20,000 rubles on promotion.