How to open your own individual entrepreneur? Opening an individual entrepreneur: step-by-step instructions What you need to become an entrepreneur.

Greetings, dear friend! In touch is Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and founder of the online business magazine “PAPA HELPED”.

More and more often I hear from my friends and acquaintances that they want to become entrepreneurs and start their own business. But is it as simple as it seems at first glance? Can everyone become an entrepreneur, and what does it take? We'll figure it out together.

The idea for this article was born as a result of my almost 10 years of entrepreneurial experience. It was written by me personally, or rather, suffered to the last comma through great losses and further earnings in the millions of rubles.

Already interested? Then let's go!

Recommendations from the founder of the site “PAPA HELPED” Alexander Berezhnov to beginning entrepreneurs

Are entrepreneurs born or made: an answer to an eternal question from an experienced businessman

I have also been tormented by this question since childhood. And to answer it, I interviewed several dollar millionaires who honestly earned their money in business from scratch. These successful people completely confirmed my opinion on this matter. Below you will find out what they answered me.

But first, I’ll tell you in a few words the story of my youth, since it formed the basis of my entrepreneurial career.

As you can see, I had a hard time in life and this is what I learned for myself.

A person can learn anything and achieve anything, if he has AMBITION . I don’t know where they come from, but I have seen many examples where my peers had much more at the start in their youth. Their families were more prosperous, but these guys remained at the average level, working in ordinary jobs, and only thanks to the help of their parents.

But life is even worse for those who, like me, had a difficult family and financial situation.

That's why…

I won’t say that if you were born into a poor family, you will definitely succeed. Quite the contrary, statistics tell us that more 90% children, born into needy or dysfunctional families, repeat the path of their parents.

Now I’m 30 years old, I’m doing well financially, I have a wife and children.

Yes, I managed to do the impossible in my situation - get out of this s..... But it was so difficult that sometimes you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy. Anyone who has been in a similar situation will understand me. And I managed to “rise” thanks to Internet technologies and projects related to them.

After all the unsuccessful endeavors, my friend and I opened a web studio (we created custom websites), and it turned out to be successful. Later we launched our own Internet project, which brought the main profit. I will not talk about these businesses now, as this is a topic for a separate article.

So, are entrepreneurs born or made?

In my opinion, most people there are no talents or abilities for business , But some have innate ambition , which help you achieve success in entrepreneurship and not give up what you started at the first failures.

If you still believe that some people are born with great entrepreneurial abilities, then I can honestly tell you that you are mistaken. Like any other genius talent, outstanding talent in business is endowed with strength one in a million Human. These are statistics from scientists, but there are thousands of times more average entrepreneurs. And you can become one of them.

Indeed, to reach a level in business Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, you need to have some kind of divine gift. But to earn several hundred thousand rubles a month and adequately support your family, global talents are not required!

Do any business that is in demand by the “market” more than 7 years, and you will be in this business one of the most successful in his city both in terms of competence and income . There is a well-known rule - “ 10,000 hours" If you do something for a long time, you automatically become a powerful expert.

The only point is that you need to “deal with this matter headlong”, love it, care for it and cherish it like your own child.

Who is contraindicated from becoming an entrepreneur and why - you will be shocked!

The main thing that distinguishes an entrepreneur from an employee is scope of responsibility And ability to work in uncertainty.

If you are not sure that business is up to you, it is better to look for another activity!

Think for yourself, if you are an entrepreneur, what are you “cool” at? Are you a great manager, marketer, programmer, designer, accountant, production worker? Most likely no! That is, each highly specialized specialist understands better than you in a particular area. So why will these pros still work for you? What do you have that is unique that they don’t?

The answer is simple:

YOU you can work in uncertainty and take risks, and THEY- No .

Therefore, any “shabby” freelancer is, by definition, an entrepreneur. Because he takes risks, looks for clients himself, accepts payment, negotiates, and is involved in marketing his project and self-PR. And the hired employee only comes to work with everything ready and devotes the lion's share of his time to the tasks that the managers have assigned to him from above.

An entrepreneur also knows how to wait; he is ready to work without receiving anything for weeks, months, and sometimes years. All this time he works 16 hours a day, and even invests his own (or borrowed) money. Are you ready for this pace of life before becoming rich and successful?

My good advice to you is to think 100 times before you rush headlong into the pool. Do you have “certain” organs of steel or will you drift at the first setback?

It is logical that it is impossible to become an entrepreneur if you are afraid of the difficulties associated with instability or are accustomed to doing work on the “shit”.

And now a little about my wife. Now you will understand why I cite her situation as an example.

My wife Alina is currently on maternity leave. Before that, for several years she worked as a call center operator for VimpelCom (Beeline). She is not an entrepreneur by nature (which, frankly, I am very happy about!). Using the example of her work, I will clearly show why she makes money much smaller than me .

To do this, I have compiled a comparison table. It showed what I do like entrepreneur, to earn money, and what does she do? hired employee.

Alina Berezhnova is a hired employee. Alexander Berezhnov is an entrepreneur. Who will win?
Comparison criterion Alina Berezhnova (hired employee) Alexander Berezhnov (founder and business leader)
1. Difficulty finding a job Low. Found a job in a few days High. I've been working on my business for years
2. Organization of the workplace (room, computer, equipment, mentor, “goodies”) Not required. 100% created and financed by the employing company Completely required. It is 100% created and financed from its own (or borrowed) funds, which immediately entails additional risks
3. Work schedule Clear and predictable. Came to work at 9:00, left work at 18:00 Incomprehensible and often very rigid (unstandardized). Especially in the first time (months) to launch the project and bring it to a minimum profit
4. Stability and predictability in income Very stable. You know up to almost 1000 rubles how much you will earn this month Completely unstable. You don’t know whether you’ll earn at least a ruble tomorrow or whether you’ll lose money altogether
5. The need for legal, accounting (tax) and financial literacy in work Almost not required. For this purpose, a large company has specialized departments that have already done everything for you: completed documents, calculated salaries, paid taxes. Required at a high level. You have to figure everything out yourself. Register a company, enter into contracts, carry out calculations and payroll. You need to pay taxes and draw up a budget for the next period
6. Availability of commercial savvy, knowledge in marketing, sales, analytics, management Not required. Highly specialized specialists in a large company have already done everything: attracted clients, planned a budget, analyzed key performance indicators, hired senior managers and trainers who will help and set tasks for you Required at a high level. Without this knowledge there is nothing to do in any business. Large gaps in even one of these areas are almost guaranteed to lead to the failure of the business within the first year after launch
7. Level of responsibility Short. Usually within the scope of work responsibilities. The cost of a mistake for both you and the employer’s company in most jobs does not exceed several tens of thousands of rubles Very tall. You are responsible for yourself, your employees, and the results of financial and management decisions. The cost of error is very high. A wrong decision leads to losses of hundreds of thousands and even millions of rubles
8. The ability to set tasks for yourself and control their implementation Not required in most cases. The company has already decided everything for the employee; all that remains is to scrupulously carry out the assigned tasks. The boss will monitor the quality of their implementation and give feedback Required at a high level. Every day you have to clearly plan and set specific goals in different areas. If there are employees, the process becomes several times more complicated

The table shows that an entrepreneur must have a much larger volume of professional competencies.

I recently watched an interview with Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman, who was asked what quality a successful entrepreneur should have above all. I was very intrigued by this businessman’s answer.

He said that First of all, when starting a business, a person must be able to assess himself, his abilities and experience very accurately and objectively . Everyone wants to be rich and successful, but only a few are able to achieve this through a developed personality.

Dear friend, I urge you, before you take the path of entrepreneurship and start any business, Evaluate yourself in the MOST OBJECTIVE WAY! After all, the success of your commercial endeavors will depend on this.

Why in 95% of cases you will not become a businessman because of your environment: personal experience of parting with pessimists

According to statistics 95% aspiring entrepreneurs fail during the first year and close the business. In the next 5 years, the same number of “survivors” will close. Objectively, your chances of becoming a successful businessman within 5 years are less than one percent. Indeed, among able-bodied and working people, there are approximately 1 in 100 successful entrepreneurs, or even less.

But there is another positive side to statistics. If your business has lasted more than 5 years, then in more than half of the cases it will continue to be successful.

This situation is due to various reasons, but here I want to talk about one of the most important ones - YOUR ENVIRONMENT.

Successful people create the right environment around themselves

Below will be the cry of my soul and my personal experience!

When you are 17-18 years old, most of your peers are definitely not thinking about business. If there have never been entrepreneurs in your family, and conversations about money were limited to, the chances of success are minimal. Only people with an incredibly strong will and powerful creative potential can achieve commercial success in such a situation.

Let me give you a scientific fact called “ crab bucket principle". It clearly illustrates how your environment behaves if you decide to succeed in something. This principle is especially indicative if you decide to earn money or start your own business.

If you put several crabs in a bucket from which it is quite easy to get out, then in the end not a single crab will be able to get out of the bucket. Because as soon as he begins such attempts, his comrades will grab him with their claws and drag him back.

This is how your pessimistic and poor environment acts according to the principle of “neither yourself nor others,” even unconsciously. And I'm not just talking about your friends and acquaintances. This also applies to parents.

It would seem that your closest people will never stop you from becoming successful. In fact, the opposite happens. At a certain stage in my life I had to consciously cut off ties with some “well-wishers” who were dragging me down.

Thank God if all this does not apply to you. You are lucky if your parents, friends and acquaintances admire your ideas and initiatives. They support you in every possible way and give you the right advice. It’s even better if they themselves are successful businessmen who made themselves this way and know the true value of money.

But there are very few such positive examples. The vast majority of people starting their commercial journey have to go to their goal through stress, loss of money, image, and sometimes health. Anyone who knows this will understand me.

What to do if your environment, to put it mildly, is not the best for the development of the future Bill Gates?

There are only 2 ways here:

  1. Get rid of the old environment. This needs to be done gradually, without pretending to be the “right” guy. I see this mistake especially often among people who start practicing. Against the backdrop of severe psychological pressure in some network companies, novice distributors lose friends and spoil relationships with their families, even divorce their spouses. This is especially true for women who suddenly realize that their life partner is a “rogue.” After all, a “real man” should earn at least 5 times more. Do not succumb to such psychological provocations under any circumstances.
  2. Find a new environment. This path is preferable, since your pessimistic friends will eventually stop communicating with you. Your parents will most likely support you at your first successes. Finding a new environment is not that difficult. To begin with, through your friends, try to find existing entrepreneurs who have already achieved some success. From my own experience, I know that businessmen are quite open people and will not refuse you communication or professional advice. Before that, start reading educational books. I personally recommend the following authors: Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad series, Brian Tracy, all books, Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich. Also study information about business on the Internet: YouTube, specialized sites and forums. Our project “PAPA HELPED” is also at your service.

As soon as your environment changes at least half, you will feel a powerful charge of energy and motivation, I know this from myself. In 6-12 months, your occupation will change and your income will increase. For some, these changes will occur earlier, for others later, everything is individual. The main thing is not to turn away from the path of positive changes and not to be afraid of them.

Fun fact:

Your income in the long run will be equal to average income five people , with whom you communicate the most.

I am sure that after reading this article you will gradually begin to look for a new environment.

How to become a successful entrepreneur without money: 5 important principles for beginners

For some, these principles may seem too banal, but I know what I’m talking about, and I share them myself.

What it takes to become a successful businessman: key principles

Principle 1. Strangle a tit in your hands and catch a crane in the sky

Don't be content with little, take risks. Play to win, not to avoid losing.

Imagine a boxing match... One boxer is trying with all his might not to miss a blow, and the other is trying to break through the enemy’s defense and knock him out, constantly attacking. Who has a higher chance of winning the fight? The answer is obvious: the second one.

This was the case in my family. Parents emphasized saving existing funds rather than increasing income and improving their standard of living.

It's the same in business! Don't be afraid of risks and competition. They play into your hands, since more cowardly people will not get into the “meat grinder” of a market economy, preferring a safe haven of stability at work.

In our case, He who doesn’t take risks... doesn’t earn money!

Principle 2. Correctly assess yourself and your abilities

I already wrote about this above and I will repeat it again. Don't overestimate your capabilities!

Ask yourself honestly whether you really have any aces up your sleeve. Or is it just unsupported stupid ambitions bordering on vanity.

Such “trump cards” can be:

  • your practical experience and high results in the area where you are going to start a business;
  • resources: money, information, time, material resources (property, equipment);
  • experienced or influential mentors: parents, friends, relatives, people close in spirit and values.

If you have nothing but desire, get ready to gain your experience through trial and error, losses and disappointments, and large investments of time.

Principle 3: Learn Sales and Marketing

I believe that this is one of the most important skills of any entrepreneur.

Marketing- this is everything that helps you effectively sell the goods and services you offer to customers.

Sale— the final stage of the transaction, which is preceded by marketing.

Nowadays it is difficult to find an area where there is no competition at all. If you are not the best, or at least original, in terms of marketing, your business venture is unlikely to succeed. You need to have an excellent understanding of creating a business idea and proposal, packaging, and product presentation.

You can learn the basics of marketing both in special courses and in practice by working as a marketer in a large company or at least as an assistant to such a specialist. Either way, once you start practicing, your marketing intelligence will become sharper every day. This will lead you to your first money pretty quickly.

I was lucky in this regard. I graduated from the institute with honors in advertising. Since then, for 8 years, all my projects have been in one way or another related to advertising, marketing and PR. Yes, they won’t teach you how to make money at the institute, but my training laid a solid foundation for understanding the basic market processes and ways to promote a business.

I am also quite good at working in Adobe Photoshop, to which I have dedicated 17 years of my life. The ability to design is one of the important components of marketing. I find Photoshop useful whenever I need to design something beautifully: from a presentation or flyer to a website.

I studied Photoshop at special courses in my city of Stavropol and through lessons on the Internet Zinaida Lukyanova. I can confidently recommend it to anyone who wants to learn how to create amazing collages, illustrations and graphics for websites.

Principle 4. Don't piss and make mistakes without regret, because success doesn't teach you anything.

Attention, joke!

As the famous Japanese expression goes: « Do not be scared!" Which means: “be serene like a lotus flower at sunrise.”

World-famous physicist, scientist and founder of General Electric, Thomas Edison, failed about 10,000 times to create the incandescent light bulb.

When the next attempt failed, Edison said that he now knew another way how the lamp did not work. But now with every failure he was one step closer to success.

It’s the same in business, the more unsuccessful attempts you have, the closer you are to a profitable project.

When I started a business and failed several times, I told myself: it’s okay, one successful project will pay off all my failures a hundredfold. This is what happened 5 years later.

To make it mentally easier for you to survive a long and difficult period, read the stories of successful businessmen. You will see that among them there is not a single one for whom everything went smoothly, and the path to big money was like the road to the store for a loaf of bread.

Many went broke more than once, even became homeless or found themselves in other difficult situations before becoming great.

Principle 5. Passionately do what you love and what the market demands.

If you look at top entrepreneurs and simply successful people, they all unanimously say that don't work, but do what they love. The dream of many is to do what they love and still earn a lot of money from it.

Think about what you love to do and think about how you can profit from it. Don’t be afraid to fantasize and combine ideas from your talents and experiences.

Let me explain with my own example:

I like to design on the computer, teach, write articles, do marketing and business, and communicate with entrepreneurs.

It is logical that I have a direct path to creating my own popular Internet project for entrepreneurs with high-quality content and the provision of consulting services.

It is important that your favorite activity is associated with the return of some value, and not with consumption.

Compare two options for your favorite activity:

  1. I like fishing ( value consumption). I love to go fishing and catch fish to have a good time and then eat it. Agree that here you are only consuming resources and not creating anything.
  2. I like fishing ( value production) . I will gather tourist groups, organize holidays and tournaments for fishermen, and then help them prepare the fish, feed them and do photo sessions from these events.

That is, it cannot be said that my favorite thing is to lie on the couch, drink beer and watch football.

A synonym for the word “entrepreneur” in this context is creator. But it’s not enough to create something, you also need to sell it.

Here lies the important point that your favorite thing should also be in demand by the market.

For example, you love to cross stitch, and with that you seem to create value. A beautiful picture of thread appears. You spent a lot of effort and time on this, even spent money on purchasing the necessary materials for embroidery.

For you the final product costs a minimum 10,000 rubles, and for a third-party consumer your “masterpiece” is nothing more than a rag with a picture, the price of which 100 rubles from strength.

Because a beautiful tapestry, measuring one meter by one and a half meters in a factory-made frame, stands 2-3 thousand rubles. Which is much more beneficial for the consumer in terms of price and quality.

Therefore, you will not be able to compete with the plant with your “rag”.

This is where good marketing comes in handy. You begin to position your works as if they were exclusive embroideries by the famous master “Vasya Pupkin” and they cost a lot of money. Another option is to change your field of activity to something more familiar to people: a store, an atelier, a hairdresser.

Which way to go is up to you. If you are sure that cross stitch is your life’s work, then the first option is preferable. And if you just need to start somewhere and you don’t feel much creative potential in yourself, choose a “standard” business to start.

How to officially register your business activity and when to do it

A common mistake of beginning entrepreneurs is to quickly register a company (open an individual entrepreneur or LLC).

No matter how trivial, but it is worth doing exactly at that moment, when NOT to do it is no longer possible .

When you just start, you will not have income on the first day, and you will already spend money on registering a company. Just having a registered company will cost you both money and time.

It’s better to start by testing the demand (market niche) and sales of your products or services. As soon as you understand that people are ready to buy en masse, then it’s worth registering.

In my opinion, one of two design options is best suited for a novice entrepreneur: IP(individual entrepreneur) and OOO (ABOUT society with ABOUT bordered ABOUT responsibility).

I explained which one to choose in the next section of the article.

Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC: what I discovered and why

Individual entrepreneur is more suitable for beginners or a small project. It has a number of advantages over LLC. Most often, people register individual entrepreneurs when they plan to work alone or with several employees.

A limited liability company is suitable for larger businesses with the prospect of hiring a large team and opening branches.

The main advantages of IP are: free disposal of earned funds and ease of doing business .

For my businesses, I have always registered individual entrepreneurs due to these advantages. LLC also has its positive sides.

Below I have provided a comparative table, which clearly shows the features of doing business as an individual entrepreneur and LLC, their pros and cons:

Comparison criterion IP (individual entrepreneur) LLC (Limited Liability Company)
Easy registration Easy and cheap to register Registration is more expensive and more difficult
Responsibility and risks Responsible with all owned property for its obligations Responsible within the authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 10,000 rubles
Kudos Gives the impression of a small company to clients and partners (less prestigious) Prestigious. Creates the impression of a large and serious company
Ease of doing business, the need for accounting. accounting Quite simple, no accounting required Difficult. Lots of legal formalities, accounting required
Profit management Freely dispose of all income (profit) received Cannot withdraw profits without special procedures and reports
Strictness of inspections and attention from regulatory authorities A more loyal attitude on the part of the government. organs Closer attention and more checks
Amount of fines for violations of the law Non-essential Significant (often exceeding individual entrepreneur fines by tens of times)
Opportunity to engage in all types of activities Legally prohibited from engaging in certain activities Can engage in all types of commercial activities permitted by law
Availability of a current account Not required Mandatory required
Ease of disposal Elimination is relatively simple and quick in time The liquidation procedure is more expensive and takes longer

As can be seen from the table, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. But my subjective opinion is that if you are just planning to become an entrepreneur and start a small business, open an individual entrepreneur.

I described detailed instructions on this in a separate article. In it he shared his experience of registering as an individual entrepreneur with explanations and document forms.

If you do not want to independently register an individual entrepreneur, but prefer to entrust this matter to a specialized company, I recommend using a reliable service that I have been using myself for 3 years: online accounting “My Business”. Here they will help you with the registration and further management of an individual entrepreneur or LLC at an adequate price.

What taxes does an entrepreneur need to pay and how to minimize them?

I could not help but mention this important point in this article. It is so voluminous that it was decided to disclose it in detail in a separate publication “what taxes does an individual entrepreneur pay?” It will talk in detail about taxation systems and popular options for reducing the tax burden on an entrepreneur.

How to earn the first 100,000 rubles in your business from scratch - my story

In 2012, my friend Vitaly and I decided to start another entrepreneurial project. I had worked in the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor for many years, understood advertising, and knew how to write articles.

My friend studied website layout, programming and Internet technologies. Combining our talents, we began creating custom websites. By the way, before this we made only one website for the Center for Work with Youth of the Izobilnensky District of the Stavropol Territory. This was our modest portfolio.

Deciding that we could offer our services to the market, we called some entrepreneurs we knew with a proposal to create a website. Some agreed immediately.

We took an advance payment of 30%, signed a contract and left for an agreed period to complete the work. At that time, neither Vitaly nor I had a registered individual entrepreneur, and payments had to be accepted by bank transfer. Then we agreed with our friend on a barter scheme: we give him a website, and he gives us the opportunity to make our payments through his company.


If you don’t have your own company, you can work through someone else’s % or by barter .

Having received an advance payment, we studied materials on website creation on the Internet and worked on the order right at home. We received the rest of the payment after delivering the site to the client. All customers liked our work and in the future we did not look for clients, but they came to us based on recommendations.

Having completed 5-7 orders, we earned approximately 100,000 rubles per person and acquired additional skills in the process. With each new project we got better and better.

I was responsible for working with clients, designing and filling the site with materials, my partner was responsible for the technical part.

From absolute scratch, with only some experience in our fields of activity, we were able to become entrepreneurs in the field of web development.

Services are the fastest and almost risk-free way to start your business. It doesn’t matter whether you provide them yourself or resell them. Of course, they must be provided with high quality!

Where to learn business and entrepreneurship: I talk about my experience and the experience of my friends

Now the topic of teaching business and making money is one of the most popular on the Internet. " Business youth", "Ayaz Shabutdinov", "Transformer", "Synergy", "Vladimir Dovgan", "Alex Yanovsky", Andrey Parabellum and other popular projects are trying to capture your attention and get money from you for training. I personally had the opportunity to work with Alex Yanovsky in the team of his School of Business. It was a good experience.

Therefore, I am familiar with all the above-mentioned entrepreneurial “get-togethers”. My friends also took BM trainings, they liked it. My impression of these business schools is generally positive, but emotionally neutral.

Positive, because there is a lot of information for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs. The founders and leaders of these projects really helped many people get on the path to business or take an existing project to a new level.

And emotionally neutral, because the teaching methods of some of these projects are too dictatorial. There, “dissidents” immediately become outcasts and losers. Although this shouldn't be the case. Each person is individual and has the right to their own point of view.

Personally, what helped me become an entrepreneur the most was my own path of trial and error, communication with the same or slightly more successful guys from our local communities, and not millionaires and “gurus.” After all, they are often not who they say they are. At the same time, every day they appear on stages with statements like “it is better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick.”

I was greatly impressed by the books of Robert Kiyosaki and Brian Tracy. These are my favorite authors. I advise everyone who wants to do business to study them.

Here are real questions people from different cities asked our project team.

Winners look for opportunities to get started, and losers look for reasons to do nothing.

Question 1. At what age can you become an individual entrepreneur? Olga, 18 years old, Perm

In Russia, you can officially become an individual entrepreneur at the age of 18. However, there are exceptions when you can obtain this status from the age of 16. I’ll say right away that until the age of 16, a Russian citizen will not be able to open an individual entrepreneur. Upon reaching 18 years of age, the procedure for registering business activities is the same for everyone. Let's figure out in what cases you can do business from the age of 16.

You can become an individual entrepreneur at 16 or 17 if the person has gone through the emancipation procedure. This legal term means that a teenager became fully competent before reaching the age of 18.

The emancipation procedure can be carried out in the following ways:

  • obtain a decision from the court or guardianship authorities in connection with employment under a contract or agreement;
  • confirm “adulthood” with a marriage certificate;
  • provide permission from parents, adoptive parents or guardians for the teenager to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

You will also need copies of these documents. You can check with a lawyer for the step-by-step procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur before reaching 18 years of age.

To get answers to questions like these, I use the online legal service “Pravoved”.

Question 2. Where to start if I want to open my own business? Ivan, 28 years old, Magnitogorsk

You should start by identifying your strengths and competencies. Next, compare them with demand in the market. As I wrote above, if you know how to do something well and you like it, try to make money on it. Only after receiving the first orders register your activities.

Question 3. How can I make my first money in business without experience? Anatoly, 23 years old, Pyatigorsk

Experience is a flexible concept. If you don’t know how to do anything yourself, the best option for you would be to team up with those who are already selling some goods or providing services and become their sales agent (sales manager). After learning how to find clients for other businesses and earning your first money, you can think about your own commercial project. In this case, developed sales skills will become your main competitive advantage.

Question 4. What do you need to know to become a good entrepreneur? Dmitry, 22 years old, Novorossiysk

Let's first understand what a good entrepreneur is.

Everything is very simple! The one who is considered good is the one whose income is higher than expenses.

The higher the profit for a period, for example a month, the better the entrepreneur. Why am I evaluating only this indicator? Because all others come down to him. The purpose of commercial activity is to make a profit. This is even written in any LLC charter.

The purpose of entrepreneurial activity is to make a profit!

For example, the mission of your business can be anything: to make the whole world happy, to make the best product, and so on, but the goal remains the same.

To answer the question, it turns out that a good entrepreneur is one who knows how to earn more than others at minimal cost in a legal and honest way.

Finally, some trivial advice: study, take action immediately, setting a specific profit goal limited in time. It is this approach that distinguishes a good entrepreneur from an amateur.

Question 5. Is it worth taking out a loan to open a small business? Nina, 36 years old, Krasnodar

Answer: if you're just starting out, NOT WORTH IT!

You can take out a loan only for the development of an already operating and preferably profitable project, and only if you already have sufficient experience in working with borrowed funds. Otherwise, the chances of burning out are almost 99% .

Of course, you may be lucky, your business will take off using the loan funds, you will quickly return them and become very rich. But the exception only confirms the rule, and it’s up to you to decide and live.

Question 6. Where to find successful entrepreneurs and how to make friends with them? Alexander, 20 years old, Kirov

I recommend starting going to events for entrepreneurs. There are quite a lot of them going on now. Each subject of the Russian Federation has Entrepreneurship Support Funds and similar non-profit organizations. They provide FREE training to existing and aspiring businessmen.

I myself have often been a listener and speaker at events of the Stavropol Territory Entrepreneurship Support Fund.

You can find successful entrepreneurs and even future mentors simply through acquaintances and friends. If you have the desire and are ready to adopt third-party successful experience, you will succeed.

When the student is ready, the teacher comes himself.

Question 7. I want to start a business, but I’m afraid of competition, it seems to me that all businesses are already open, what do you recommend? Nikolay, 33 years old, Sevastopol

If you are just starting out, I would advise you to choose existing business niches rather than reinvent the wheel.

Understand that if there is competition somewhere, this tells us that this line of business is in demand. It is for clients in this market that there is a struggle among businessmen. I can say responsibly if you do at least by 5% better than most entrepreneurs, you will quickly win your audience of loyal customers, especially when it comes to providing services.

If you are planning to introduce a completely new product or service to the market, then the chances of success are sharply reduced. This happens because no one knows about your proposal yet.

For example, if a person wants to buy a new iPhone, then the market for this product has already been formed and it will not be difficult for you to find customers. Yes, it is unknown how much you will earn, but you will have sales. But if you are going to send tourists to Mars, then you first need to tell the market about this service.

Summarizing. Starting a business in a standard niche is much easier and you don’t have to be afraid of competitors. You just need to deal with them correctly, and this is a topic for a separate article. Launching in a radically new business niche involves the risk of wasting time and complete failure at the start. But again, everything is individual and it’s up to you to decide.

Question 8. Is it true that it is impossible to do business in Russia: they will be “strangled” by taxes, fines, and bandits will “run over” you? Pavel, 25 years old, Lipetsk

No it is not true. If you do everything wisely and approach business responsibly, the described “problems” will disappear.

The law applies here

“The smaller your business, the less anyone is interested in you.”

We can say that an offline business is more visible than an online project. But in any case, everywhere has its difficulties, and you need to be prepared for them. There are practically no bandits like in the 90s, and checks are now also not carried out uncontrolled. Before starting your business, do some research ahead of time on the difficult issues that could throw you off track.

Question 9. I’m afraid to do business because I don’t know how to “give a hand,” what should I do if I’m not a sneaky person? Vladimir, 42 years old, Vladikavkaz

“Giving on the paw” is a criminal offense. I recommend that you avoid such moments. If you are not doing something illegal, and especially if you have just opened a business, the likelihood of encountering extortions and burglars is low.

Don’t be afraid that you will have to do this at some point; rather, work to minimize the risks of getting into unpleasant situations.

Question 10. What is the difference between doing business in Russia and abroad, is it true that it is harder here or, on the contrary, easier? Zarina, 28 years old, Bratsk

Honestly, I personally have not done business abroad, but I have friends who have had such experience.

Now we will talk about opening a small business abroad. Based on the stories of experienced entrepreneurs, I can only say one thing: in developed countries, where it makes sense to start a business, competition in all areas is very tough, it is much stronger than in Russia.

Bureaucracy is also everywhere. Add to this the language barrier, a different mentality and significantly higher taxes than in Russia. You will understand that everything is not so bad with us.

If you have a successful business and want to develop it abroad, it's worth the risk. If you are just planning to become an entrepreneur and start your first commercial project, then it is better to try here. There will be more chances for success in Russia or the CIS.

Instead of a conclusion

The idea of ​​becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own business is a very noble one and shows that you strive for more than you have. Another thing is that only a very purposeful, strong-willed and flexible person can bring it to life. If you feel such potential in yourself, then go for it. After all, it’s better to try and fail than not to try and regret it all your life.

Remember that according to statistics, your chances of success are only 1 in 10, and if the first project (2, 3, 4 projects) did not bring the desired result, do not stop . The chance that you will succeed precisely after defeat is much higher.

Finally, look at one of my favorite cartoons (a parable), in which the characters Pablo and Bruno chose different paths to making money. See what came of it!

I myself worked towards a successful business for several years and achieved my goal. But the entrepreneurial path is not a panacea and certainly not a get-rich-quick scheme. You will have to work a lot, even more than at a regular job. For some, this method of self-realization is ideal, but for others, the safe haven of a quiet workplace and an understandable salary will be closer. Everyone chooses their own.

If you just want to make a lot of money, consider maybe you have the talents of an outstanding musician, athlete or writer. After all, you don’t have to do business to live with dignity. But if you are sure that commerce is what you will do for the rest of your life and are willing to take risks for the sake of happiness, freedom and your dreams - DO IT!

An individual entrepreneur allows you to conduct business without creating a legal entity. This is a fairly profitable and simple way to organize your own business. Many companies offer professional assistance with legal support for individual entrepreneur registration. This is often justified: their experience allows them to provide qualified services in a minimum of time.

Those who want to try their hand at opening an individual entrepreneur will find the detailed instructions we have compiled useful. By following it, you can easily register an individual entrepreneur yourself.

Individual entrepreneurs have their own characteristics compared to other organizational forms of business activity.

Advantages of IP:

  • the ability to legally engage in several types of activities simultaneously;
  • simplified taxation system;
  • the ability to control income/expenses without an accountant;
  • official registration of employees;
  • low cost of business maintenance;
  • availability of transactions without an invoice/stamp;
  • simple registration process;
  • ease of termination of activity.

Disadvantages of IP:

Individual entrepreneur registration procedure

Prepare in advance

The legislation of the Russian Federation determines that any citizen over 18 years of age who has issued a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs has the right to carry out the activities of an entrepreneur.

Initially, the future individual entrepreneur needs to decide what he will do, that is select types of activities according to OKVED. It is better to specify several codes. Amendments to documents subsequently, if you wish to expand the list of permitted business operations, are carried out on a paid basis. 1st code is the main one. You can find the current database on the website It is worth considering that some of them are tied to a specific taxation system.

The legal address is considered to be the address where the individual entrepreneur is officially registered. Thereby no need to rent premises, confirm the existence of ownership rights to it. It is also possible to operate in another district/city/region.

Prepare 1 copy of the documents required for registration. Application F No. P21001 for state registration of an individual indicates: passport and contact details, types of economic activity, place of registration.

The signature on it must be notarized if it is not the applicant who submits the documents. Also needed: receipt of payment of state duty, copies of passport (basic data with registration on 1 sheet) and TIN.

The state duty is paid at the nearest branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Details must be clarified with the State Tax Inspectorate at the place of registration. You can fill out a receipt and pay on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

It is advisable to optimize taxation. By filling out and submitting an application (in 2 copies) about your intention to switch to the simplified tax system (simplified system), you can reduce your tax burden and simplify your accounting. You can download the application form. It is necessary to decide on the interest rate: 6% of income, 15% of income minus expenses. Explanations from the Federal Tax Service will help you understand the nuances and calculate the rate that suits you.

List of documents for individual entrepreneur registration

After carefully checking the list of documents required for registering an individual for errors and inaccuracies, go to the nearest tax office in your area of ​​residence.

What is needed to open an individual entrepreneur:

  • application for registration of individual entrepreneurs (filled out on 5 sheets and stapled);
  • application for transition to the simplified tax system (if necessary);
  • quarter of state duty payment;
  • photocopies of TIN and passport information (some State Tax Inspectorates require a bound and notarized copy of all pages). Foreigners must additionally provide photocopies of:
  • residence permit;
  • confirmation of the actual address of residence in the Russian Federation.

You must have with you original passport, TIN. Form No. P21001 should be completed only in black ink in capital block letters or in Courier New 18 font on a computer.

Remember! The inspector must provide a receipt that he received the package of documents on a specific date. Sheet B F No. P21001 must be filled out in front of you and then returned.

Documents will be reviewed within 5 days. After its expiration, the individual entrepreneur is registered or rejected due to the presence of inaccuracies or incorrectly specified data, or the provision of an incomplete set of documents.

You can also submit documents:

  • by sending via the Internet (an electronic signature is required);
  • by sending by mail with a mandatory description of the attachment (it is better to declare the value).

You can find out the addresses of the Federal Tax Service in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions by providing some information.

Documents receiving

Do not forget to come back at the specified time to receive your completed registration documents. If desired, you can receive them by mail to your registration address.

A package of documents is issued:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • notice of tax registration;
  • OGRNIP certificate;
  • notification of assignment of statistics codes;
  • notice of registration with the Pension Fund.

What to do after registration


You can order a seal from a special company, they do it within 3 days. You must have a copy of your state registration certificate with you. By law, it is not necessary to have a seal. However, having it will give you the following advantages:

  • reliability when concluding transactions;
  • additional protection of documents. There are also disadvantages:
  • the seal should always be at hand;
  • Sometimes it is necessary to update the stamp pad (additional costs).

Checking account

If you think it is necessary to have a current account, then before opening it, choose a bank. Treat this responsibly - read the services offered and customer reviews.

The procedure for opening an account for an individual entrepreneur is simple. It is enough to provide a set of documents to the banking institution that suits you. The list is established by banks individually. The current account will be ready within the day.

To receive an information letter from state statistics, you need to submit to the relevant authority at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur:

  • a photocopy of the OGRIP certificate (or an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs);
  • original passport.

The procedure is free, the letter is issued within half an hour. It is necessary when opening an account.

Remember! Opening an account requires you to notify the territorial body of the Pension Fund within seven days, otherwise you face a fine of 5 thousand rubles. The notification is submitted in 2 copies, one of them is returned with the date, signature, and seal imprint.

On May 2, 2014, the obligation to notify the tax authority about the opening of an account was cancelled.

Registration with the Pension Fund and funds

By law, an individual entrepreneur must formally register employees. If you are an employer, you must register as an employer with:

    1. Compulsory Medical Insurance (occurs automatically after registration with the Pension Fund).

The deadlines are strictly observed from the moment of signing the 1st employment agreement with the employee:

  • Pension Fund – 30 days;
  • FSS - 10 days in advance. You need to collect the following set of documents:
  • passport;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • agreement with the employee;
  • application for registration of an individual entrepreneur as an employer;
  • license (if there are licensed types of activities);
  • tax registration certificate;
  • certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs.

Individual entrepreneurs are assigned special numbers. Subsequently, they will need to be indicated in some documents.

As an employer, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to:

  • pay employees wages;
  • withhold personal income tax;
  • calculate insurance premiums in favor of employees;
  • submit reports to funds within specific deadlines.

Registration fee

Self-registration of individual entrepreneurs significantly saves the budget. You will not have to pay for the services of a law firm (1-4 thousand rubles) and a notary (about 1 thousand rubles). Total registration cost includes:

Mandatory part:

  • state duty - 800 rubles. + bank commission;
  • a small amount must be spent on making photocopies of passport pages and TIN.

Optional part:

  • cost of printing in companies specializing in this:
    1. regular with plastic equipment - from 200 rubles;
    2. automatic – from 500 rubles;
  • opening a current account in some banks is free, in others it costs about 800 rubles. (in addition, you will need to pay for monthly maintenance and access to Internet banking).

As you can see, registering an individual entrepreneur does not require large expenses or special skills.

Experts advise:

  • fill out forms carefully and accurately;
  • always carry your passport with you;
  • make photocopies of all individual entrepreneur documents without exception;
  • save receipts, registration and current documents of individual entrepreneurs;
  • keep original documents.

After completing these steps, you will receive a package of permits to conduct business activities. By correctly registering an individual entrepreneur, you will open a “clean” path for your business.

Who is an individual entrepreneur and what are its advantages?

A “private owner” is a person who decided to organize his own business without forming a large form. Some don’t want to work for companies, while others have been passionate about one thing or another all their lives. One thing brought them all here - the desire to become a businessman.

What are the advantages of a private company and the main differences from a legal entity?

To open a small company, you don’t need to waste time collecting and filling out paperwork. Contact specialized companies. Trained people will prepare all the documents, tell and show the newly minted “private owner” how to handle them. However, such a service costs money, sometimes a lot.

Register the case yourself if you want to save money. This way you will gain important experience working with higher authorities, learn to understand documentation, and learn which department to pay how much from your revenue.

Yes, this is a difficult task, it will require strength and patience, but at the end of the paper epic you can consider yourself a real businessman who was able to go through all the stages on his own.

What to do first

Let's look at the situation as a whole. Let's look at an example of what and why we will have to do if we want to open our own small shop selling ice cream.

  1. First of all, we decide on the type of activity. Let's assume that you are crazy about ice cream, have completed courses as a pastry chef and are eager to occupy your niche in the food market.
  2. Then we will calculate the budget. Imagine your expected income level. After this, you need to immediately turn your thoughts to taxes - yes, this is not a pleasant thing for everyone, but where can one go? At this step, you need to choose the most favorable tax system of all those presented in our country.
  3. Without papers there is no way in our business, and therefore we decide what documents will be needed in addition to a photocopy of the passport.
  4. We come to a special authority, fill out an application, support it with everything necessary.
  5. We pay the state fee on the State Services website (this makes it a little cheaper).
  6. We also take some of the papers to the INFS. Our formal work with a bunch of documentation is almost finished.
  7. After a certain period of time, we receive a certificate of registration and celebrate with a glass of our ice cream.

Well, the approximate action plan is ready. Now let’s imagine step by step how to become an individual entrepreneur and where a beginner should start.

How to become an individual entrepreneur from scratch in Russia

We will analyze all the details and nuances of creating your own business in our country. To make it even clearer, let’s provide each step with a simple life example.

Choosing an activity

Let's assume that Nikolai wants to open a flower stall next to his house. He knows that the chosen place is empty; he only needs to make one call to sign the lease agreement. But no, Nikolai’s actions do not end with choosing a niche. He needs to refer to the OKVED list.

Why do this? The identification number is important - groups of numbers indicate a class, subclass of activity. And it is important to note at this point that the number in no case can be less than 4 digits.

If Nikolai decides to sell postcards in his store in addition to flowers, then he will have to indicate not one, but two codes. The number of types of activities of an individual entrepreneur extends to 50. But in any case, it is necessary to mark the fact that one of them is the main one.

It should also be taken into account that OKVED provides another important information for Nikolai - whether he needs to obtain a license to work or not.

Types of taxation: pros and cons

At the moment, there are only 4 main types of taxation from which a businessman can choose.

  • OSN – general.
  • Simplified tax system.
  • PATENT – patent.
  • UTII is an imputed taxation system or a single tax on imputed income.

Nikolai is more inclined to simplify things, since this tax system has the simplest accounting, and he will have to give part of the difference between profits and expenses as a contribution to the treasury. Along with the application, the citizen must also submit documents to change the SN, since initially everyone works according to the common system.

In 2014, the president signed a decree stating that the first two years of individual entrepreneurs are exempt from paying any fees. Delighted by this news, our young businessman hurried to the next step, where we collected the remaining important documents.

Preparing the papers

What you need to do to become an individual entrepreneur:

  • fill out the application according to the sample;
  • We take with us our passport, personal identification number and photocopies made in advance;
  • we receive payment of state duty;
  • we fill out a paper about our choice of a certain taxation system;
  • Also, if necessary (depending on the type of activity), we submit a certificate of good conduct.

Application according to all rules

Now Nikolai needs to download an application in form P21001 from the official website of the Federal Tax Service, print it out and fill it out in block letters with a black pen.

This is not the only option possible in this case. You can go to any branch of the Federal Tax Service and get a form. And the downloaded form can also be filled out from a computer - this is very convenient.

It is important to ensure that there are no errors in the application, otherwise inspectors may find fault with any little detail and simply decide for you which type of taxation to choose or, for example, force you to carry a work permit license.

Nikolai must somehow fasten everything brought in: this is done either with a clamp, or simply stitched together.

State duty

Now Kolya takes other forms - this time for payment and sends them to any bank whose services he uses.

State duty is an important element in filing an application to open an individual entrepreneur, since in its absence, the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration may refuse Kolya to open his own flower shop. The payment made is verified by the authorities on the website, and therefore you can pay for this service via the Internet.

A copy of this document will need to be attached to the remaining papers.

Submission of documents

How can you become a budding entrepreneur? We simply take all the collected documents and take them to the Federal Tax Service department at the place of registration. The official website of the authorities will help you find out which institution you are assigned to.

Nikolai decided that he did not want to deal with paperwork: sending a registered letter, waiting for a response. It’s the same with the legal representative - he was not an important person in this transaction. Inspired by his dream, Kolya took all the documents and carried them personally, without forgetting either the originals or copies.

Our young businessman received a receipt stating that all documents were under supervision.

In addition to appearing in person at the department, since 2013 you can open your own business without leaving your room: on the official website of the Federal Tax Service it is easy to fill out an application and send electronic documents.

The final stage

After 5 working days from the moment Nikolai submitted all the documents, he received an extract from the Unified Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a certificate of registration by mail.

A happy businessman, who has learned how to become a good small entrepreneur (and he saw with his own eyes where to start), now with a calm soul goes to draw up his business plan, look for new premises and suppliers.

If you receive a refusal, the basis for it may be:

  • lack of photocopies or originals;
  • incorrectly completed application;
  • unpaid state duty.

We hope that in your case everything will go as quickly and smoothly as it did for our hero.

In conclusion, we will provide some useful tips for new businessmen.

Don't sit still

This is such a simple, but quite succinct piece of advice. The world around you moves and develops almost at the speed of light. You need not only to know how to become a successful individual entrepreneur, but also to take at least the first steps on this winding path. Read books, ask advice from other businessmen, conduct market research and surveys, sign up for some training - take the first step today. In a month you will already be 30 further away than your envious people. Don't be afraid of mistakes - you can always start over.

Change your environment

Our environment defines us. Are your friends full of happiness, positive, immensely proactive and love to work? No? It’s worth thinking about what they can teach you then, what invaluable experience they can pass on. We're not advocating that you completely give up on friends, it's about putting a little spark into your life - getting ignited and constantly being on your toes.

New acquaintances are easy!

Don't be afraid to talk to strangers. It's quite simple. Who knows, maybe right now you are talking with your future business partner. Each person is unique in their own way, and if you look closely, you can adopt something useful for yourself.

Connect with other entrepreneurs

To get an interesting history of the formation of a company or to look into a couple of business ideas, find interesting company leaders. This can be organized by communicating in special clubs and youth parties. The main thing is to start a conversation. If there are no such events in your city and are not expected, then ask for an audience with large and small companies yourself.

Don't be afraid of problems

Don’t run away from responsibility, even if you want to, otherwise troubles will accumulate until a huge avalanche destroys your business along with you. Ask yourself: what do you need now, what problems need to be solved so that you can realize your dream of becoming an individual entrepreneur. Think about it, and then imagine yourself as the head of your own company. He is strong, smart, cracks all difficulties like nuts, he enjoys being in control of the situation - why not become just like that?

Keep track of time

One of the most important tips is the proper organization of your leisure and work. Time management has now developed into a large field: research on this problem helps to optimize labor costs and use leisure time more efficiently. In this case, you need to be able to set priorities correctly - unfortunately, only experience and the development of rational thinking can teach you this.

Don't take loans

Think about what will happen if the business fails, how to repay debts? Therefore, it is best to turn to your friends, relatives and acquaintances - these people will give you money under good conditions and you yourself will be the guarantor of return. IN in the end, you can give everything then you will start making real profits.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Our experiences cannot be based solely on good events. We learn from mistakes. And that's okay. Therefore, you should not be afraid to do them - there is nothing irreparable. Remember Apple, which Steve Jobs literally resurrected from the ashes.

We examined such an important topic for every novice businessman, how to become an individual entrepreneur, where to start, what to pay attention to. Of course, a lot depends on the procedure for state registration of your business, but this is only the beginning of a long journey, since the rest is entirely in your hands.

Individual entrepreneur is a very popular form of business organization in Russia. Having received this status, an individual has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities, hire workers and make a profit. From our article you will learn how to become an individual entrepreneur. We promise that you will receive only the most necessary information in a simple and accessible form.

Features of IP

Unfortunately, there is no single law in which you can learn about all the rights and obligations of an individual entrepreneur. The founders of the LLC are luckier in this sense - they have a special law No. 14-FZ of 02/08/1998.

To fill this gap, we have prepared a list of the main features that you should know about before.

  1. Individual entrepreneur is an individual who has received the right to conduct business. This right cannot be sold, gifted or transferred to another person. An individual entrepreneur bears full property liability for his business obligations, even after he is deregistered for tax purposes. This feature is considered the main disadvantage of this form of business organization, which has a certain amount of truth. Here, however, it must be taken into account that the founders of a legal entity are also held accountable if the property of their company is not enough to pay off debts to creditors and the state. But still, doing this is more difficult than making claims against the individual entrepreneur.
  2. An entrepreneur cannot hire himself, but as long as he has the status of an individual entrepreneur, he must pay mandatory insurance contributions for himself. Every year the amount of contributions grows, in 2018 it is at least 32,385 rubles. This money goes to the entrepreneur’s medical and pension insurance, so he can count on receiving a pension, but most likely it will be small.
  3. Despite the obligation to pay contributions for oneself, the tax burden of individual entrepreneurs can be called gentle. Russia has special tax regimes with low tax rates, which allow contributions paid to be taken into account as expenses. As a result, it often turns out that an entrepreneur pays a lower tax rate on his income than an employee. In addition, in most regions there is a tax holiday program for some types of activities until 2020. Under the program, newly registered entrepreneurs can work for up to two years without paying taxes at all.
  4. Individual entrepreneurs keep fairly simple records that they can easily handle on their own (provided that they have no employees). Before becoming an entrepreneur, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the tax regimes and choose the most profitable taxation option. If there is no particular desire to study this information, you can simply consult an accountant with a request to calculate the tax burden under different regimes. We recommend doing this in advance, because you can make your choice within a limited time after registering an individual entrepreneur. Next time such an opportunity will appear only in the new year.
  5. Unlike the founder of an LLC, an entrepreneur has the right to freely dispose of all the money earned. To do this, you do not need to wait for the opportunity to distribute dividends, which is allowed no more than once a quarter. In addition, when receiving money from a business, individual entrepreneurs do not pay an additional tax of 13% of income. Only company owners have such an obligation.
  6. Entrepreneurs are limited in some activities. Thus, from several dozen licensed areas, transportation, educational and medical activities are available to them. This limitation must be taken into account. Before registering as an individual entrepreneur, find out whether individuals can engage in the chosen line of business.
  7. For violation of working conditions, administrative fines are imposed on all businessmen. For individual entrepreneurs, the amount of sanctions is much lower than for organizations. For example, the fine for not using a cash register will be at least 10 thousand rubles for individuals and at least 30 thousand rubles for organizations.
  8. It is very simple to close an individual entrepreneur, or rather, to deregister. To do this, you need to pay a fee of 160 rubles and submit an application to the tax office. After five working days, business activities will be officially terminated. However, if the entrepreneur still has business debts - taxes, contributions, employee salaries, obligations to creditors, etc., then they will still have to be paid even after closing.

When should you register an individual entrepreneur?

In principle, knowledge of these features of an individual entrepreneur is enough to decide whether it is worth becoming an entrepreneur or whether it is better to create a company. If you want to engage in small trade, provide services, start a small production, or become a sales agent, then the status of an entrepreneur is perfect for this.

In addition, registering an individual entrepreneur does not prevent you from becoming a founder of a limited liability company. At any time, you can open an LLC and conduct business as an individual or as a legal entity.

And now more about how to register an individual entrepreneur, and what documents are needed for registration with the tax office.

Step-by-step instructions for a future entrepreneur

If you want to make an individual entrepreneur through lawyers, then such a service is widely offered on the market. The cost of registration depends on the region and possible legal support, and ranges from approximately 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Our instructions on how to become an entrepreneur are intended for those who want to register their own business. In this case, you save on the services of intermediaries and a notary, plus you gain important experience in interacting with the tax office.

Step 1. Decide what activities you will engage in. Before you become an individual entrepreneur and fill out an application for registration, you need to select OKVED codes that correspond to your business.

OKVED is an extensive list of types of business activities, each of which is assigned its own digital code. For example, the retail trade of clothing has a code of 47.71, and the production of plastering works has a code of 43.31.

The classifier is freely available on the Internet, but select codes only from the OKVED-2014 or OK 029-2014 reference book (NACE rev. 2)). If you select codes from another edition of OKVED, then individual entrepreneur registration will be denied.

You can indicate an unlimited number of activities in your application, but it is easier to enter only those that you will actually engage in. When changing or expanding your business area, you can always add OKVED codes; to do this, fill out form P24001.

Step 2. Fill out the application for registration of individual entrepreneurs. An official form is used for this - form P21001. We looked in detail at how to make sample statements in different formats (doc, pdf, excel) in . Here you will also find the P21001 form itself in the current format and instructions for filling it out.

We took the form for 2018 from the website of the online service 1C-Start, some forms appear there even earlier than on the tax website, examples of filling out were also done using their free application preparation wizard P21001.

Step 3. Pay the fee for registering an individual entrepreneur; receipt details can be found at the tax office. The fee for this public service is only 800 rubles. If you submit documents for registration in person, then this amount will be the answer to the question: “How much does it cost to register an individual entrepreneur.”

If you send form P21001 by mail, then your signature on the application must be certified by a notary. When submitting documents by an authorized person to a notary, you will also need to certify a power of attorney for registration actions. Naturally, notary services will increase the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur.

Step 4. Submit documents for registration. A completed application in form P21001 (it can only be signed in front of a tax inspector or notary), a copy of the passport and the original receipt for payment of the duty must be submitted to the registration authority.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs takes place in special tax inspectorates; you can find out its address at the nearest Federal Tax Service or on the Federal Tax Service website. In addition, the “My Documents” multifunctional center can help you with the question of how to become an entrepreneur. MFCs accept documents and independently transfer them to the registration authority.

Individual entrepreneurs are opened only with the registration of an individual; in this case there is no concept of a legal address. But after registration, an entrepreneur can work throughout Russia, not limited to his place of residence.

Step 5. Get an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. In just three working days, information about you will be entered into the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs. The tax office or MFC will give you an extract from the register, and from that moment you have the right to legally engage in business.

We hope we were able to fully answer the question: “How to register an individual entrepreneur.” Then it’s up to you, just don’t forget to submit your reports on time, pay taxes and insurance premiums for yourself. Good luck in business!

01But I

Hello! Today we’ll talk about how to open your own business and how to become an entrepreneur. As a rule, this is what people who strive for independence want. There are a number of benefits to starting your own business, especially when compared to regular employment. But to get started, you need to carefully weigh everything, evaluate your capabilities and think through the details as much as possible.

Let's analyze where you can start a business if capital is minimal, or how to start your own business without initial capital:

  • If you have knowledge and experience in any field of activity, you can use it as a platform to launch your project;
  • You need to understand that running your own business is hard work. Doing nothing and getting millions will not work;
  • To organize the whole process, you will have to do it 24 hours a day.

Let's compare a business without start-up capital investments and with start-up investments. For clarity, let's present it in table form:

Criterion Business without capital investment Business with capital investments
1. Cost of funds at the start of the project None
2.Costs monthly None Present in significant quantities
3. Complexity of organization Low Medium, high level
4.Presence of competition High level High level
5.Payback Upon receiving your first income Take a lot of time
6. Level of demand High High

The table also makes clear the level of potential risk: if there was no investment of funds, the maximum is that you can lose this time and effort. With significant financial investments, the risks are high: you can lose not only your capital, but also other people’s funds.

How to get funds for business development

  • Invest your savings in the business. By the way, it is considered the safest and most reliable option;
  • Obtaining a loan from a bank. This is possible if you have something to provide as collateral to the bank. Without these conditions, lending will be denied. A loan can be taken for unspecified purposes and for business development. A deposit is required in both cases;
  • Borrow from friends or family. If you are confident of success and the amount required is small, why not. If the matter does not live up to expectations, there will be nothing to repay the debt with, and relationships with loved ones will definitely deteriorate. Based on this, it is easier to get a loan;
  • Find an investor. This could be one person who is interested in your project or the organization as a whole;
  • Find a partner who will invest his money in the development of the business;
  • Start with the minimum (release of one unit of goods or provision of services to only one customer);
  • Apply for a government subsidy (this will be discussed in more detail below);
  • Raise money through crowdfunding. This is the collection of money from the population in any amount. For example, a fundraiser is announced to release a new album for a famous vocal group. Anyone can invest funds.

All the tips given will allow you to get the required amount of money in accessible, and most importantly, legal ways.

Where to start your business

A person who decides to start his own business evokes ambivalent feelings: some consider him desperate and crazy, while others admire his courage and determination.

There are now many sources from which you can get information on starting your own business (take, for example, our website How to Earn, you just need to use them correctly to get the maximum practical benefit.

Let's take a closer look at the steps you need to take to become a successful entrepreneur.

Step 1. Developing a business idea

Any business begins with the fact that someone has an idea to do it. Main - . Experienced entrepreneurs say that to formulate an idea, on a regular piece of paper they write 10 options that appeared in their head. Then they describe the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

But you can just go to the section and find an idea for yourself.

Step 2. Selecting a market segment

Choosing the right niche in the market is very important for a new entrepreneur. At the initial stages of business development, you should not choose services or products that are not widely known. But you need to prepare for big competition. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the market in order to choose your place in it will not hurt.

Step 3. Business plan

Having something carefully thought out and formulated allows you to evaluate your capabilities, as well as analyze what can be obtained in the near future and what in the long term.

Main points of the business plan

  • Description of the main type of activity;
  • Planned result;
  • Possibility of losing money;
  • Economic analysis;
  • Stages of business development;
  • Time allocated for each stage;
  • Calculation of one-time and periodic costs;
  • Planned end result (what is planned to be done when the result is achieved).

Step 4. Business registration

When the decision on the activity has been made, the business plan has been drawn up, you need to go through the procedure or (limited liability company). A slightly more labor-intensive process than opening an individual entrepreneur.

The package of necessary documents includes:

  • Original or photocopy of passport in good quality;
  • Original or photocopy of TIN;
  • Document on registration with the tax authority;
  • Statement of Selection.

You can go through the procedure personally or contact specialists who deal with similar issues.

You may also need it to conduct your business.

Individual entrepreneur is the currently most well-known form that allows entrepreneurial activity. This is mainly due to the ease of registration, which is available to any citizen.

Opening an individual entrepreneur has its advantages and disadvantages, this is normal and is present in any business.

Positive aspects of opening an individual entrepreneur:

  • Simple registration procedure;
  • All activities are under the control of the entrepreneur, and he decides when to stop it;
  • It is not necessary to involve an accountant to keep records;
  • All profits are the property of the entrepreneur, he has the right to dispose of it at will. The main thing is to pay taxes on time.

Disadvantages of IP:

  • In the event of debts arising from obligations, the entrepreneur is liable with all his property. This must be remembered even at the stage of organizing a business. If you plan to develop your business in the trading sector, in case of failure to fulfill loan obligations, forced forms of debt repayment may be applied;
  • Regular inspections by regulatory authorities (tax service, etc.);
  • Lack of profit (it is impossible to predict whether the activity will bring good profit);
  • The entrepreneur's obligation is to make regular contributions to the Pension Fund;
  • A sole proprietor cannot sell the business;
  • Prejudice towards the form itself: many businessmen refuse to cooperate with individual entrepreneurs simply because they consider this form of activity frivolous. It is clear that this is a misconception, but it has its place;
  • Situations often arise when individual entrepreneurs are not allowed to participate in a tender;
  • carried out in accordance with the standards applicable to.

Analysis of the above pros and cons will allow a novice entrepreneur to take a more responsible approach to choosing a registration form, this will save time, nerves and money.

Step 5. Selecting equipment and premises

In order to choose the right premises, we have prepared a number of articles for you:

If you have decided on where to do business, the next step is to purchase the necessary equipment. Costs will directly depend on the chosen area. Eg:

  • If you are opening a retail outlet, you will need trading equipment (refrigeration, scales, etc.);
  • If you plan your own production, you need a whole line of equipment;
  • If the business is conducted on the Internet, everything will be easier. But you need a warehouse to store goods.

Step 6. Advertising and business promotion issues

These issues require serious attention and investment. The main task of any business is to attract as many clients as possible. To expand your customer base, you need competent advertising.

Online business also requires website development and optimization to maintain the business.

Promotion plays a big role. For a client to tell people around you about you, he must be pleasantly surprised; give him more than he expected to receive. For example, a discount on a product or service, or a small gift.

State support for start-up entrepreneurs was mentioned above. Read more about how to get it and how to use it correctly.

Governmental support

In our country there are several types of state support for entrepreneurship. Namely:

  • Allocation of subsidies;
  • Holding exhibitions and fairs;
  • Free consultation on various issues;
  • Assistance in renting a plot or premises for an enterprise.

Let's briefly describe each option.

Allocation of subsidies- the most relevant type of government assistance. Two types of subsidies are issued: to those who have just planned to start their own business, and to those who want to modernize production and develop their existing business to a new level.

In the first case, you have to prove that your business will bring tangible benefits to the region, that all risks have been calculated. In the second case, established entrepreneurs receive compensation for part of the expenses incurred (to pay loans, lease payments, etc.).

In any case, not only the prospects of the chosen direction are taken into account, but also the priority for the entire region. The following are considered priorities: agriculture, medicine, education, new technologies, and the cultural sphere.

Assistance in renting a plot or premises for an enterprise is not free, but it is more financially profitable than renting from private individuals. Preferential conditions are provided that allow you to save money.

Holding exhibitions and fairs— providing free retail space to budding entrepreneurs. Allows you to reduce advertising costs, exchange experiences, and establish business contacts.

Free consultations— assistance in solving specific issues that sooner or later every beginning entrepreneur will face. You can ask questions to lawyers, economists, labor and employment specialists.

Note to entrepreneurs: The state provides support under strict reporting conditions for each amount spent.

How to become a successful entrepreneur

It is unlikely that anyone will answer this question accurately. People become successful businessmen by putting in a lot of effort, working almost around the clock, earning invaluable experience and knowledge. Everyone goes their own way to success.

Everyone makes mistakes, but they are part of the journey. The main thing is to work on preventing them from happening all the time.

Typical mistakes of new entrepreneurs

  • Start a business just because you think your idea is brilliant. Your idea should be evaluated by potential buyers and clients, not by you;
  • Starting your own business without market analysis. Why it is needed has already been discussed earlier;
  • Start without knowledge in the planned area of ​​​​doing business. A good example: opening a workshop for the production of parts for machine tools, without knowing anything about machines;
  • Expect millions in earnings in the first months after opening (business requires patience and time);
  • Doing everything yourself: it’s simply unrealistic to cope with all the tasks alone. If you plan to be in business for a long time, you will have to hire employees. Good employees are not a big expense, but an investment!
  • Starting a business without a clear business plan. To put it mildly, the idea is bad. You yourself will not have a complete idea of ​​your activities and what goals you set;
  • Wrong prioritization. The main priority is clients. If they are there, the whole process will improve;
  • Lack of desire to learn and improve. Study constantly, learn new things, expand your horizons;
  • There is a lack of interest in general in the area in which it is planned to do business. Simply put: don't open a hockey school if you don't like hockey;
  • There is no healthy tenacity. Many companies have collapsed only because management refused to deal with the flow of problems.

Business is a struggle, often with yourself and your shortcomings.

Ideas for starting your own business

This is not a complete list of business ideas that a novice entrepreneur can start. There are many of them. Find your idea and implement it.

Personal qualities of a successful entrepreneur

We figured out the question of how to become an entrepreneur. The idea for creating a business from scratch has already been chosen, a business plan that is ideal in all respects has been drawn up, but in addition to all this, you need to have something else important. Namely, certain personal qualities. We'll find out what they are now.

  • Decisive character. Be prepared to take on the role of a leader who can be held accountable for his words and actions. It is important to learn to make difficult decisions, listen to the opinions and advice of others, but leave the final decision for yourself;
  • The ability to come up with new things and think outside the box. A dose of adventurism is needed, but within reasonable limits. At the same time, do not forget that courage and recklessness are two different things;
  • Love for the chosen business. If your eyes don’t sparkle, you won’t attract other people with your ideas;
  • Reaction speed and ability to act in difficult situations. It will always come in handy, especially in business. It is impossible to predict everything, but if necessary, improvisation can help out;
  • Do not lie. There is no need to deceive yourself, your employees, or your clients. Don’t set unrealistic deadlines, don’t try to sell something that doesn’t exist;
  • Don't do things halfway. But manage your time wisely;
  • Ability to be flexible. There is no need to strictly adhere to the initial plan if the actual situation does not correspond to it. Flexibility is valued more than being too stubborn and wanting to be right about everything;
  • Intuition. There are times when it helps out better than logical conclusions;
  • Tendency to introspection. Allows you to avoid many mistakes, correct old ones and not make new ones.

The above list can be continued. By developing these qualities, you can improve not only your life, but also significantly advance your business. Over time, you will mark the most important ones for yourself and begin to develop them intensively.

Personal qualities are largely responsible for the success of the entire business. Studies have shown that the main driving force for many is the need to realize themselves in what they love. An active life position should become a common feature of those who strive for success in any field.

In general, you need to be able to combine personal qualities with business ones, and benefit from both. Since any entrepreneurial activity is fraught with risks, you need to be firmly confident in the correctness of your actions and future success.

To achieve success in your business, you need to correctly combine acquired experience with natural inclinations. This will allow you to move faster towards your goal and achieve it within a reasonable time frame.

Trainings for those who want to start their own business

Main objectives:

  • Teach business communication skills;
  • Develop the ability to confront competitors;
  • To familiarize those who want to start their own business with the peculiarities of applying economic and legal norms;
  • Present various methods for solving problems that arise during work.

It is often proposed to analyze the market realities in a playful way. Anyone can attend such events, regardless of whether you run your own business or are just planning to open one.

Training courses often allow you not only to gain the necessary knowledge, but also to gain confidence in your abilities, which is so often lacking. Thanks largely to them, you can avoid a lot of gross mistakes in running your business.

Regarding the financial issue, you do not always need to pay to attend trainings. Often free classes are held or the organizers provide bonuses and discounts on attendance.


Now you know how to open your own business! And at the end of the article I would like to say: if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, change your worldview, surround yourself with people who have achieved success in business.

Take action, but don’t completely follow other people’s recipes for success. Only by working on yourself, on your mistakes, can you achieve the desired result. Remember, as the popular wisdom says: “Water does not flow under a lying stone.”

No one is born an entrepreneur. They become, sometimes by trial and error. If the thought of starting your own business haunts you, stop doubting and move forward! And we will help you with this in every possible way on the pages of our website!