How to learn to sell? How to develop the qualities of a good seller? Secret technologies for quick sales of any product on the market How to sell any product, methods and phrases.

It is impossible to learn to ride a bicycle by reading a book, just as it is impossible to learn to sell by reading books and articles. Everything written below is nothing compared to practice. The more you interact with people, the stronger you are as a salesperson.

One way or another, all people are involved in the trading process. Everyone has their own role, but if you have to participate in some process, it’s probably worth understanding its laws and mechanisms. Question: how to learn to sell? It's a given, not for everyone. Although, knowing and understanding sales techniques, you can achieve much more in life. After all, any person has to be in the role of a seller. This article is about how to learn to sell? And why is this necessary?

Why learn to sell?

There is a proverb: “a real man should: build a house, plant a tree, raise a son.” I think most people will agree with this, but have all of those who agreed achieved these goals? Most likely not, the question is why didn’t this happen? Why people often don’t achieve what they want and what they need to achieve. There are actually a lot of reasons, but I would like to highlight one that, in my opinion, is the most important - people do not strive to develop themselves comprehensively. By comprehensive self-development I mean an independent search for knowledge, skills and abilities that can be useful in everyday life.

Very often a person, having achieved knowledge in one area, stops developing further. More than once I have heard the opinion from highly qualified specialists in their field that they do not need other knowledge. But there are skills that are useful to everyone, for example, the ability to sell. The ability to sell does not mean standing at the market counter. The ability to sell is an understanding of human needs, ways to identify them and building a dialogue with a person based on his needs. Any seller must first.

Studying the theory of sales

In order to fully learn how to sell, you need to master a number of theoretical materials. They will give an understanding of the laws by which sales “live.” First of all, you should study - this is the basis of any sale, the peculiar rules of trade that can be broken, but then this process is not called selling, but information. Both are aimed at selling, but do not fit the definition of sales.

In studying the stages of sales, you first need to understand. This stage of sales is of great importance in understanding the sales process. I recommend reading about it and finding out what it is. At first glance, everything seems simple and clear, but try to understand what needs your family and friends have by talking with them for a few minutes. Then practice on people you don't know. This training will help you apply sales skills in stressful situations, such as an interview or when communicating with your boss.

It must be remembered that a good salesperson speaks only 20% of the dialogue, the rest of the time he listens to the client. But don’t forget about such sales stages as:, and. In order to effectively use these stages, you need not only to study the theory of sales, but also to do serious work on yourself.

From theory to practice

In sales it is, first of all, communication, and in any communication it is not so much words that are important as emotions. The better the salesperson is at conveying emotions to the client, the higher his effectiveness. On the one hand, it seems quite difficult how to manage your emotions so that a client buys a product from you. First you need to figure out how people communicate. Accept that when communicating people use 3 tools for transmitting thoughts and emotions:

  • Verbal – words are their quantitative and qualitative expression.
  • Nonverbal - body language, can be divided into facial expressions and gestures.
  • Paraverbal – intonation, timbre and tempo of the voice.

The seller must skillfully use all methods of communication. Scientists have found that the distribution of transmitted information between people is approximately the following: verbal - 7%, paraverbal 38%, non-verbal communication 55%. And if we are taught to develop verbal communication from childhood, then we will most likely need to work with the rest.

Verbal communication

This is the ability to correctly construct sentences and formulate your thoughts. Most people are great at doing this. For sellers, trade organizations create so-called. They spell out verbatim what the seller should say to the client and at what stage.

Non-verbal communication

Nonverbal communication is natural for some people, but most people need to work on this skill. The fact is that the unconscious part of the mind is responsible for, and we take many poses instinctively. Most of the teachings of the so-called NLP are based on this; by the way, they are also actively used. Remember that every word has its own weight, but the more words you say, the less the weight of each individual word. Therefore, the seller should not shake the air in the post, each of your phrases should have a goal - to sell. It is better not to utter all words that are not aimed at this.

The seller must be self-confident and open to communication, so it is wrong to take the so-called “closed poses” and look at the floor. On the contrary, it is important to smile, look into the eyes, and keep your palms in sight. Facial expressions play a very important role in nonverbal communication; up to 80% of nonverbal information is transmitted through facial expressions.


The art of voice control. How well the interlocutor will perceive what you say depends on the chosen intonation, volume and timbre. In order to learn to speak correctly, you need to read more often with expression; this greatly develops. Also look at how great speakers speak: politicians and TV presenters. How well they convey the mood to their listeners with their voice.


A very important stage of sales, which is very often forgotten, is preparation for the sale. Preparation includes: emotional preparation, collecting the necessary information about the client and the product, thinking through behavior patterns.

Emotional mood for selling

The seller must feel like a winner, he must be confident and... People don’t like losers, everyone wants to communicate with successful people, and the seller should be tuned in to exactly this kind of communication with the client. Unfortunately, there are situations in life when it is very difficult to be positive, and if you see that you cannot tune in to selling, then it is better not to try. But remember that it is the ability to tune yourself that distinguishes a strong person.

Collect information about the client

The initial collection of information about the client increases sales performance significantly. If you want to learn how to sell, learn how to collect information. Before communicating, you must understand who your client is? What can you offer him? What benefits should you press for and what arguments should you use? This information is very important when working in, but even in the mass market you should not neglect collecting information.

Improve the quality of your work

In quality management there is the so-called, this cycle is aimed at constantly improving the results of the same processes. Selling is a process that needs to be constantly improved and changes and adjustments made.

Both his income and the earnings of the seller depend on whether an entrepreneur knows how to sell a product. Let's consider the main nuances of marketing in several “projections”.

The advertisement is engine of the trade

It is known from practice that most purchases by people in a store are made impulsively (unintentionally). Of no small importance is the appearance of the product, its packaging or the advice of the seller. Therefore, the role of such a specialist in this field acquires a certain variety.

How to sell a product correctly? Of course, the first point of answer to the question posed should be a friendly meeting of the buyer in the store. The seller must also be able to offer the item he needs. They may also be asked to purchase some related products. So, for example, when purchasing a suit, the buyer also chooses the corresponding tie.

The seller, having decided for himself how to properly sell the product to the buyer, must still use the method of persuasion as the basis. The analysis of sales processes showed that the decisive influence on the buyer is the use of tools such as speech, manners and knowledge of the merchandising qualities of goods.

The advantage of oral advertising over other types is individual communication with customers. In fact, these two trading subjects are independent individuals with different needs, characters, demands and temperaments.

A person’s character and mood determine his desire to buy a product

In order to decide how to sell a product, the seller needs to recognize not only the mood, but also the character of the buyer. The second quality is a set of basic and quite significant personality traits that make a person different from other members of society. By character, all people are divided into decisive and indecisive, strong-willed and weak-willed, passive and active, etc. Often character directly depends on temperament: melancholic, sanguine, choleric and phlegmatic. The easiest way for a seller to determine the buyer’s character is during a conversation with him.

Therefore, the seller, when deciding how to correctly sell a product to a particular person, must choose the appropriate method of approach. For example, inert customers need to be served more actively, and choleric people get irritated too quickly, so you need to be especially attentive with them.

Purchase motivation

Purchasing reasons may include factors such as quality, cost-effectiveness, seasonality and specific dates. The seller needs to find out all this, and only then offer a product that meets the needs of the person. These factors cannot be considered in isolation from each other. Often, several factors influence a purchase at the same time. Sometimes there are motives that are based on emotions. Therefore, the seller, having decided how to sell the product, takes into account information about the person to whom it is intended.

Purchasing motivation is influenced by both external and internal factors. External factors include the store's reputation and recommendations from friends. Internal factors lie in the characteristics of the product itself. Often, the buyer makes a decision to purchase a particular product under the influence of the appearance of the latter.

Sales of foreign-made goods

Today the market is quite diverse and saturated with goods of both domestic and foreign production. At the same time, many copies, unfortunately, cannot “boast” of their high quality. When deciding on a question, for example, how to sell goods from China, the store must have all the permitting documents and certificates for these products. Only in this case is successful implementation and receipt of the desired profit possible.

How to sell a product online?

Studies have shown that about 35% of all buyers perceive a product through vision, 15% through hearing, 20% through sensation, 6% through taste and 4% through smell. It is also necessary to take into account that a person is able to remember only one fifth of what he hears.

Therefore, the seller, when deciding how to sell a product via the Internet, cannot help but take into account these observational results. A prerequisite for online stores should be the availability of high-quality photographs of the product, its full characteristics and, preferably, reviews. Of course, if the buyer decides to call the contact number, then a competent operator should answer him.

Basic trading rules

In the modern trading industry, you can very often come across such concepts as marketing, merchandising and cold contacts. Any self-respecting seller needs to know the basic rules of how to quickly sell a product and get full money for it. So, let's try to understand the listed concepts.

To achieve successful sales of goods, you can try the techniques used by sales representatives (specialists involved in promoting goods at retail outlets). Their work is based on a product catalog, which they bring to the store and subsequently enter into sales agreements.

Modern large companies engaged in the sale of several groups of goods oblige sales representatives on their staff to undergo special training on the topic “How to learn to sell a product,” the main focus of which is to study tools for ensuring sales growth by expanding the customer base.

It is these specialists who later become marketers, that is, professionals in selling goods to consumers.


Today this term will not surprise anyone. In large trading companies there are entire departments whose employees are engaged in merchandising. In the West, the profession of “merchandiser” is acquired through training in more than one year.

So, merchandising is actions aimed at increasing trade turnover. The main tools in these actions are: the presence of price tags, beautiful display and compliance with the standards of a particular company in terms of presentation. As you can see, there is nothing new here. This rule worked in Russian trade before, but did not have such a beautiful name.

An important component in all this is the price tag, which is in some way a document for the product and carries information about the manufacturer and cost. If suddenly a discrepancy between the price in it and the amount in the cash receipt is revealed, then this is a gross violation. In large retail chains, it is the merchandiser who is responsible for this, in small stores - the seller, and in online stores - the administrator.

Cold contacts

This term is also known as “cold selling”. In this case, the same rules apply as for any other sales, but with some additions. Thus, the rules of greeting, presentation and identification of needs must also be observed, but the conclusion of the transaction will take place during a personal meeting (if we are not talking about an online store).

The structure of the conversation has some differences from personal communication. The seller does not see the eyes of the potential buyer, which significantly reduces the likelihood of a successful transaction.

How to sell a product over the phone? This question interests many people today. This type of sales often requires enormous patience and readiness for the fact that the expected success may not come on the second, or even on the fifth call.

One of the important aspects of telephone sales is the ability to conduct a conversation. You need to prepare for the fact that the interlocutor can give a large number of excuses and reasons not to buy the product. Therefore, you need to be one hundred percent confident in the quality of the product and be able to correctly describe its advantages.

How to sell expensive goods?

If a company sells an expensive product, then in this case there are some nuances that must be taken into account.

Firstly, before offering an expensive product, you must first collect information about the client’s solvency.

Secondly, if we are talking about cold sales (by phone), you need to find out how comfortable it is for the interlocutor to talk with the manager. If a potential buyer is currently busy, then you need to find out the time at which you can contact him again.

Thirdly, the manager must know his text thoroughly, literally by heart. That is, have complete information about components, price list, warranty period and possible discounts.

Summarizing the material presented in this article, it is necessary to note the following. In order for a product to be successfully sold, you need to know a few simple rules, have specially trained employees (managers, marketers and merchandisers) and, of course, the desire to work.

The seller should not hide

For successful sales in any store, be it a boutique or just a clothing store, there are certain requirements for sellers.

Dialogue with the buyer

The first and most important requirement is a dialogue between the seller and the potential buyer. When a buyer enters the store, the seller should greet him and offer help; if the buyer makes contact, he must use all his charm and win him over.
If he is unfriendly, you should not insist on help, otherwise the buyer will simply leave the store. Don't follow the buyer's heels.

Ambiguous questions

It is very important to get the buyer to talk. He should feel the atmosphere of friendliness. When selling a product, a competent and well-trained seller must ask questions that the buyer cannot answer unambiguously:
-What color do you like?
-Which style do you like best?

We think about the buyer

When starting a conversation about clothes, you need to think about the buyer, and not about how to sell something. We need to identify his needs, what he wants to buy. Find out why he needs this thing, for what occasion?
-What would you like to buy first?
-Do you need clothes for work? To go to the theater or restaurant?

We force the offer

Proceed to offer the product as soon as possible. You need to offer the product that he needs. If he came for trousers, then there is no need to offer a dress.
Tell him about all the benefits he will receive by purchasing clothes in your store, about the latest collections, discounts and sales. Talk about the quality of the product being offered, the materials from which the clothing is made, and the price. The seller’s beliefs should be non-intrusive and correct. The seller must quietly lead the buyer to make a decision to buy the item.

We close objections

The buyer must receive an answer to all his objections. For example:
-Buyer. This is a very high price for a suit. It's cheaper in another store.
-Salesman. No matter how low the price is, there will always be someone who will set an even lower price. Let's think about how we can reduce the price. You don't have to take a blouse and accessories - then the price will be lower. You can buy one jacket.
-Buyer. Why do I need such a suit? And if you take trousers and a blouse, what will the price be?….
It is necessary to invite the buyer to examine the product more carefully and take everything into account.
Having bought the right item, appreciating the attention and help of the sellers, this buyer will become your regular customer and recommends his family and friends to visit your store.

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They convince not with speech, but with character


Every day, someone tries to sell a product or service to the modern consumer; most clients have a negative reaction to the so-called “cold call.”

This term refers to the first call to a consumer with whom negotiations have not been conducted before. Often, a negative reaction from a potential client is due to the salesperson not knowing how to properly sell a product during a phone call.

1. Collection of information about the client

It is necessary to collect preliminary information about the client’s solvency and who is specifically responsible for the purchase. This makes it easy to overcome the so-called “secretary barrier”.

If you call and politely say: “Please connect me to the HR department (deputy director for housekeeping, chief accountant),” the chance of getting to the right person increases.

You can clarify: “I don’t have the first name and patronymic of your chief accountant written down...” Any person is pleased if they are addressed specifically to him, and you will most likely be listened to if the conversation is conducted on a personal level.

2. Timely call and readiness to talk

It is worth asking whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to conduct a dialogue right now - maybe he has visitors or is holding a meeting. Ask what time you can talk - and call minute by minute, in no case half an hour earlier or an hour later!

Be sure to say: “Peter Sergeevich, you and I agreed that I would call you back.” The potential customer will listen to you.

A manager offering his products must literally learn the text of his appeal by heart - know all the information about the price list, components, warranty period, possible discounts.

If you do not have complete information, say: “Your question is very interesting, no one has delved into this aspect before. I will now write down this and all your other questions, receive the necessary information and inform you as soon as possible. Thank you!”

3. How to sell over the phone correctly using the tactic “Ostap Bender storms the millionaire Koreiko”?

4. How to properly sell a product over the phone, using flattery wisely?

Coachman, don't drive the horses! The “talking out” technique, and even more so the words “I want to offer you”, cause a negative reaction. Therefore, you can slightly “puff out your cheeks” - introduce yourself as the head of the sales department.

Then invite the potential client to a dialogue. Let’s say this: “Viktor Vasilyevich, our company supplies modern office equipment. As far as I know, all negotiations on this issue should be conducted with you.

Could we talk now?" Or a little differently: "Svetlana Petrovna, I don’t want to make commercial offers that are uninteresting to you. I would like to learn more about your company to understand how my company can be useful to you. I have a few questions for you."

That is, you do not set as your goal to immediately sell something, the first call is exploratory. The ideal result is to schedule a personal meeting. There, catalogs, product samples, listing discounts and payment terms will come into play, and it will be possible to talk about the sale of specific goods.

5. Talk to the right people to talk to

How to properly sell a product to a buyer? Don't talk to someone who won't buy it. When making a “cold call,” without ingratiation, we find out from the secretary who exactly makes the decision on this issue.

If the girl on the line asks additional questions, calmly ask: “So, you make the purchasing decision?” Usually the secretary hesitates and transfers you to the right person.

6. Rule of four yeses

It is difficult for a person who has answered affirmatively to several of your questions to say “no” later. Think about what you can ask without risking a negative answer. And only then ask: “Would you like to discuss the problem with me...? When will it be convenient for you to meet with me?”

7. Find out which items interest the potential client

When you hear the words: “Send your proposal by fax,” first confirm: “Yes, I will definitely prepare a commercial proposal for you and send it.

So that it contains only the information that you need, please tell me what is most important to you when purchasing... (office equipment, lighting fixtures, blue hares...)? Then you can prepare your commercial information in the best possible way.

8. Don’t try to fool your interlocutor

It is in your best interest to provide objective information. This, by the way, will affect your voice - it will sound more convincing and relaxed.

Of course, you need to focus on the advantages, but if they ask about a service that your company does not provide, answer: “We will take care of this issue and solve it for you,” without claiming that you have everything.