What advertising is most effective for small businesses. Methods of advertising on the Internet - overview and examples of effective Internet advertising Internet advertising types and examples of placement

Advertising is necessary for promotion and promotion of a website, brand, or services on the market. Therefore, it is useful to know what types of advertising on the Internet exist in principle, so that if necessary, there is plenty to choose from.

Advertising as an engine of trade has existed for a long time. And it appeared on the Internet when the Internet became accessible to the masses. The Internet, along with newspapers, television and radio, has become a very promising advertising niche.

At the moment, many real firms and enterprises have an Internet presence. The purpose of such a corporate website is to attract more potential clients and give them additional information about the work of the company and the list of products or services provided.

In addition to corporate ones, there are many other sites on the Internet: informational, personal, entertainment, etc., for which advertising can greatly help in the difficult process of website promotion.

1. Display advertising

There is also advertising in the media (mass media). There is a difference between online advertising and media advertising. It lies in the fact that on the Internet you can not only look at an advertisement with your eyes, but also click on an advertisement, go to an Internet page and get additional information there, which is not available in the media.

Now let’s take a closer look at links and banners in display advertising. Everyone is used to links on the Internet. We can say that the entire Internet consists of links. Links on websites may, among other things, be advertising. The advertiser pays for an advertising link to his website, service or product, and the webmaster places this link on his website.

The word “banner” is borrowed from the English language: “banner”, which means “banner”, “transparency”, “flag”.

Rice. 1. Banner on the website advertising the “Optimization 2016” event.

Webmasters, on a paid basis, publish on their websites not only links to other sites, but also banners (Fig. 1) that advertise a company, product or service.

Money is charged either for a one-time publication of a link forever (the so-called “eternal” links), or for the publication of a link or banner for a certain period of time (“temporary” links for a week, a month, etc.).

2. Contextual advertising: what is it?

The word "context" means the presence of such a part of the text that represents a complete thought. Moreover, all words and phrases in this text are interpreted and understood unambiguously. For example, the word “key” in the context “he put the key in the door to open it” means “the door key.” In the context of “he found the key to the program,” the word “key” means “to enter the program.” If the context is “go to the spring for water,” then the word “key” means “spring.”

Context allows you to understand more precisely what we are talking about. Likewise, contextual advertising allows you to show the user advertising specifically on the issue that interests him on the Internet.

For example, a web page about making ice cream at home might show ads for blenders, refrigerators, frozen fruit, etc.

  • text in the form of links,
  • banners,
  • video advertising (placed in the video).
  1. next to search results in search engines,
  2. or on various partner sites.

Contextual advertising is characterized by increased relevance and clickability from users, since ads (usually in text form, less often banners or videos) are shown only to those people who enter a similar search query.

Search advertising as part of contextual advertising

When a user enters a query, it usually responds with contextual advertising first, and then the rest of the information.

For example, below in Fig. 2, the query “colored lenses for eyes” was entered into the Yandex search bar. The search engine displays the first advertisement marked “Advertising” (1 in Fig. 2). This is due to the fact that the search engine itself makes money by placing advertisements and receives income from displaying advertisements in its search results.

Rice. 2. Example of search advertising in Yandex

Upon entering a query after advertising, the search engine also returns “regular” sites, and not those from advertising, that is, those sites that honestly managed to reach the TOP (number 2 in Fig. 1). Such sites are numbered starting with the number 1 and further in the order in which they were built by a particular search engine.

Contextual advertising of Yandex and Google

On the one hand, Yandex has an advertising network for advertisers called Yandex Direct. Advertisers place their advertisements there and pay Yandex to display them. Yandex displays paid advertising either in its search results in response to a user request or on webmasters' websites.

On the other hand, the advertising network for webmasters is called YAN (Yandex Advertising Network). To display Yandex advertising, the webmaster submits his site for moderation to Yandex. If the site undergoes moderation and is accepted into YAN, then the webmaster enters into an agreement with Yandex and becomes its partner, and the webmaster’s site is called a Yandex partner site. Then the webmaster installs advertising blocks on his website and, under certain conditions, receives a reward from Yandex for this.

Thus, the Yandex search engine acts as an intermediary between advertisers and webmasters:

  • Yandex.Direct is an advertising network for advertisers,
  • YAN – for webmasters.

Not only does it act as an intermediary.

  • for advertisers – Google Adwords,
  • and for webmasters - Google Adsense.

3. Geo-contextual advertising

Also related to search engines. The peculiarity of this advertising is that it provides a regional connection of the user to a particular company that provides certain services in his city or region.

For example, a user from Khabarovsk enters the phrase “buy building materials” into a search engine. In the results, he sees the websites of companies selling building materials, which are located in his region. This is the result of geocontextual advertising.

Geo-contextual advertising works well on mobile phones. Some users are not even aware that geolocation is enabled by default on their mobile phones, allowing them to accurately determine the user's location. If in Yandex. Maps or in Google Maps from your smartphone, enter, for example, a request about canteens or cafes, then the nearest cafes to the place where the user is located will be given.

Rice. 3. Geocontextual advertising in Yandex Maps

In Fig. Figure 3 shows that in the right column, two advertising blocks of geo-contextual advertising are first shown, and then sites from the TOP of search results are shown.

4. Viral advertising

Viral advertising also includes various electronic courses, checklists or books, for example, in . If the information there is extremely important, interesting and necessary for users, then they will be happy to share such materials with each other. In this way, viral spread of information will occur. In the work of viral advertising, one can see an analogy with the spread of flu in a school or in a big city.

More often there is such useful content, but it contains links to other materials, including paid materials.

5. Advertising in online games

A company's brand or logo can fit harmoniously into the gameplay, for example, as a background.

Gently and unobtrusively, it will be remembered by the user who plays the game, and subsequently this user will be more likely to purchase the products of this company.

6. Advertising on social networks

Rice. 4. Advertising on the social network Facebook

In social networks, you can set up targeting - this is when an advertisement is set up to be shown on a social network to a certain circle of users, selected according to some criteria: geographical location, gender, age, interests, etc.

About the cost of advertising on the Internet

As for the cost, here you need to look at different advertising options and choose the one that suits you.

You can independently try different types of advertising on the Internet, based on the minimum amount required to run advertising. For example, in Yandex.Direct the minimum cost of advertising is 300 rubles, in the social network VKontakte - 500 rubles.

Small companies need an effective advertising strategy no less than giant corporations. Properly structured promotion will help you achieve excellent results with minimal costs.

Advertising– this is not a luxury, but an urgent necessity for a budding entrepreneur. It allows you to increase recognition in the market, build a good reputation, and attract paying customers. Neglecting this component of the work leads to a sad outcome. For small business marketing campaigns to be successful, you need to build them taking into account the existing specifics and listen to the advice of experts.

The role of a competent advertising strategy

At the first stages of development, a novice entrepreneur faces serious difficulties. While the target audience and suppliers know nothing about the goods and services, the company is perceived with caution and distrust.

An important impetus for the further development of small businesses is the creation of a good business reputation, which will help to declare the following qualities of the company:

  • reliability;
  • solvency;
  • responsibility.

An indispensable assistant in building a reputation is. It will help create a positive image of the company, emphasize its advantages, form a loyal attitude towards goods and services, and outline advantages over competitors’ products.

Advertising helps small businesses attract the attention of potential customers to the products they sell and announce the appearance of new products on the market. It performs two important functions: it informs about the advantages and features of the product, it allows, and along with them, revenue.

A small business should not refuse advertising due to a lack of available funds. Modern marketing offers tools and methods that produce a significant effect at minimal cost.

Effective promotion is not a spontaneous action aimed at nowhere. He has a clear goal, audience, . To make advertising work for you and not become a waste of money, use five key points:

  • Problem

This is what attracts attention to the message and allows you to “find” the target audience. Often the public is more likely to be attracted to negative-sounding issues. So, the inscription “Tired of constant stress?” will allow you to “select” people who are interested in the product.

  • Ways to solve the problem

When you have captured the attention of potential consumers, offer them a way out of the current situation. For example, spa treatments will help you cope with stress and completely relax.

  • Uniqueness of the offer

Tell the target audience what the “zest” of the product or service is, why it is worth choosing the promoted product. At this point it is recommended to give free rein to your imagination.

  • Restrictions

People tend to put off making important decisions. To overcome procrastination, let the consumer know that there is no time to think. Indicate that the offer is valid for a limited time.

  • Call to action

Clearly indicate to potential consumers how to take advantage of the offer: call the phone number indicated in the ad, book a spa treatment time on the website.

Features of small business advertising campaigns

A key feature of promotion for small businesses is a shift in emphasis from the company itself to the uniqueness of the product offered. An entrepreneur who owns a small grocery store is unable to compete with international giants - Coca-Cola, Adidas and others. Its task is not to increase brand awareness, but to increase sales.

Juicy slogans and memorable logos are bad helpers in increasing the profitability of a small company. The purpose of advertising is to tell consumers about specific offers of goods and services, attract new customers, and retain old ones.

The answer to the question of how to make effective advertising for a small company lies in the rejection of general words and lengthy formulations: “cheap”, “a lot”, “the most”, etc. The "abstract" approach worked 15-20 years ago, but today it is useless. No one will go to a store offering “the cheapest sofas in the city,” but a retail outlet selling a sofa for 10,000 rubles will certainly attract visitors.

Expert opinion - Advertising in the banking sector

Marina Arishchenko, Head of Transaction Business Development Department, Moscow Credit Bank

Under the influence of the development of digital technologies, the advertising market has undergone fundamental changes. Today, most companies receive a tangible effect not from traditional channels in the classical model, such as television, advertising, radio, outdoor advertising, but from the use of incentives and cross-promotions based on issuing coupons for payment. This direction is the most progressive.

The direction of creating ecosystems and marketplaces that revolutionize the understanding of the banking services market has also become widespread. Development towards affiliate programs built on the placement of affiliate offers on the bank’s terminal network is the most effective and not only ensures incoming traffic to the partner’s website, increased sales, increased presence in the media field, but also dynamic development in various areas.”

Specific methods to increase sales

There are three effective tools that can increase sales for a small company:

  • "Stock"

These are special offers that last for a limited time. This way, the company does not leave the potential buyer time to think and minimizes the risk of him leaving for competitors.

If you indicate in the ad that the promotion is valid for one day (week, month), the target audience will look at the offer differently. She will think: trousers are not needed today, but then they will tear and wear out. There is no point in overpaying tomorrow if the price tag is so attractive today.

  • "Special price"

This method has been used for a long time, but remains effective and relevant. Indicate on the label the new “favorable” price and the “old” price, which is 30-50% higher. The greater the difference between the two values, the stronger the “limited supply” effect. Seeing the benefits that the purchase promises, the client will part with his money faster.

  • "Announcement of the enterprise"

If you are opening a small business (dry cleaning, laundry, bakery, pharmacy, etc.), announce the opening before starting work. Hang up a sign, a sign, and distribute leaflets to nearby residents. This way you will arouse interest in the new product in potential buyers, allowing them to get used to the idea that company “N” will be located here.

According to business rules, the amounts spent on advertising campaigns depend on the level of profit of the enterprise. Small business budgets are usually limited, but as they develop and scale up, they grow.

  • accommodation costs;
  • features of the promoted goods (services);
  • place, time of placement;
  • number of contacts with the target audience, etc.

Marketing tools depend on the goals of the small business. It may be interested in:

  • informing potential clients about the existence of the company;
  • forming a positive opinion of the target audience about yourself;
  • attracting attention to new products;
  • informing the population about ongoing events;
  • increasing the influx of customers.

When the goals and objectives are clear, all that remains is to decide on the budget. It can be calculated in two ways. The first is based on business goals, as a percentage of desired indicators. For example, if you want to increase your revenue by 100,000 rubles and are ready to “sacrifice” 20% of your income, you can spend 20,000 rubles on promotion.

In recent years, there has been a high growth in the volume of advertising placed on the Global Network. This is due to the rapid development of the Internet, as well as the increase in the number of its users. Today, there are a variety of advertising formats. They come in text and graphic, animation and video. However, not only owners of laptops and computers can now see advertising on websites. The reach of the user audience has expanded significantly with the development of the mobile Internet. Advertising placed on websites today is quite accessible to users of tablets and smartphones. But you can see advertisements not only here.

Quite effective advertising on the Internet is found on social networks, as well as on YouTube in the form of videos. The last two methods are the most promising in terms of attracting the target audience, as they have flexible targeting. The latter’s settings select from the entire user audience only that part of it for which this particular ad will be relevant, as well as those goods or services mentioned in it.

Effective online advertising can take many forms. These are pop-up (aggressive) pop-under and pop-up windows, animated and graphic banners, media ads in videos, teasers, contextual text ads, individual lines, as well as information in mailing lists. Let's take a closer look at the types of most effective advertising on the Internet.


This type of advertising refers to a regular image. Most often it comes in the form of animation and has an active link to the page that requires promotion. But sometimes banner advertising on the Internet is represented by a static image. The main purpose of such advertisements is to increase brand awareness of the company.

The banner has strictly fixed dimensions. The most popular of them are 240 x 400, as well as 468 x 160. A static image is made in png or ipeg format, and animation is in flash or gif.

Banner advertising on the Internet can be seen in the most successful places on the site from a marketing point of view. It is usually located to the side of the main text or in the header of the resource. Sometimes this type of advertising is located between logical sections of information located on the site.

Banner advertising on the Global Network is published on sites with similar topics. Such a marketing move allows you to attract to the ad exactly the audience of users who are most interested in the product or service being offered.

If we consider the technical side of banner advertising, then it is nothing more than HTML code. It is built into the structure of the web page and then reproduced in the form of a poster that provides the necessary information.

The launch of advertising on the Internet occurs at the moment when the user opens a particular information site. At the same time, he sees a banner presented in the form of an interesting and profitable commercial offer. Such effective advertising on the Internet allows site visitors to solve their life problems. And do it at a professional, fairly high level.

For those who do not know how to place advertisements on the Internet, intermediary services offer their services. They are special platforms for advertisements. The main point of such banner units is that webmasters go through the registration procedure and then receive a certain list of advertisers for use. From this list, you can select the topic of the resource that interests the customer, and then submit an application to the advertiser to post the necessary information. Anyone who has successfully completed this procedure is given HTML codes, which can be used to place banners on the site.

Such advertising on the Internet brings significant profits to website owners, sometimes reaching up to 80% of the cost of the advertised product or service. However, it is worth noting that the process described above is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that you can get a decent income only as a result of intensive work with site traffic, which will increase your reach of the target audience.

It is also worth noting: despite the fact that today banner advertising on the Internet is effective, sometimes it does not produce results as quickly as we would like. Nevertheless, the impact of such information is very effective from a psychological point of view. The fact is that a user can visit this or that network page for a long time, especially without paying attention to the additional information indicated on it. Gradually, the banner begins to be perceived by the person’s subconscious as an integral part of his environment. After this, the user begins to wonder whether the information that is constantly nearby is unknown to him. The interest that arises can play a decisive role in the perception of banner information. The commercial offer indicated in it will most likely seem very attractive to the user, and in the future he will most likely become a regular client of the company.

Banner advertising on the Internet is considered very effective. However, recently it has begun to lose its position somewhat. After all, the rapid development of information technologies and marketing techniques continues, currently offering more advanced teaser and contextual ads. Despite this, many advertisers continue to use banners that provide high and stable income.

Contextual information

Such ads are included in the list of the best advertising on the Internet. This is information that corresponds to the content of the content of the page on which it is displayed. It is a powerful tool that allows you to attract new customers within the shortest possible time.

Can free advertising provide effective results? Where is the best place to place free advertisements? What is the difference between good free online advertising and why is it beneficial for business? How to competently create advertising for free and increase company profits? What are the advantages of a flash mob for creating awareness about a brand throughout the country? The answers to these questions are in our article.

What are the benefits of free advertising

The obvious benefit of running free advertising is that it doesn't cost you anything. For business, such cost reduction will be very useful. Today, many buyers are starting to get annoyed by overly intrusive (and also very expensive) advertising. Therefore, to find the necessary information, they are increasingly visiting free classifieds sites.

An interesting and proven fact is that users perceive free advertising as more objective. At the same time, free advertising confidently competes with paid advertising in terms of its effectiveness. Over time, as the company grows, it is not always a good idea to use free advertising. But at first, or even in the work of a medium-sized business, free advertising becomes a reliable tool for powerful promotion and justified savings.

Stickers and billboards with inverted alphabet in the subway

Elena Kolmanovskaya,

editor-in-chief of Yandex company, Moscow

We decide to launch an advertising campaign when a great idea appears that meets 2 conditions - we like it and it is useful to people. So, for example, we decided to place stickers in the subway: “The driver does not give information, all questions should be addressed to Yandex.” Or street advertising - placing billboards on which the first word in the company name was an inverted “I”, this way managed to attract attention and provoke discussions.

What should free advertising be like?

You should carefully consider the issues of professional and competent preparation of free advertising. An advertising message can be delivered in different ways - graphically or using text, or it can combine both options.

The main condition is that you need a laconic, catchy and succinct ad. Modern users do not have the desire or time to get acquainted with the huge offer. Therefore, the best option is graphic images with a minimum of text, which should accurately reflect the meaning and essence of its message. Learn to create effective advertising for your company in the course."

Guerrilla marketing as a way to advertise yourself for free

Companies spend 5 million rubles. annually to attract new customers, and consumers no longer pay attention to product advertising, as they see 2 thousand advertisements a day. One solution to the problem is guerrilla marketing, which sets brands apart from competitors at a minimum cost. The editors of the Commercial Director magazine have prepared a review of two examples where guerrilla marketing worked perfectly.

40 free advertising options

1. Newspaper advertisements. In the print media market, only newspapers with commercial and private advertisements remain among the free ones. If you manage to disguise your commercial ad as a private message, you can get a free advertising tool. Nothing bad will happen if the editors detect your attempts at such a trick - at most they will block the submission of advertisements from the current number.

2. Social stands. They are located on the territory of almost every yard. It is not forbidden to pin charges on them, but this method is unlikely to be particularly effective. After all, such stands are studied mainly only by people of the older generation.

3. Stamp printing with a memorable and distinct logo and information about the company. This option will not please you with its special aesthetics. Although we have been using such free advertising for more than 7 years, it confirms its fairly high effectiveness, especially in the areas of repairs, household services, etc.

6. Competent and understandable form of signature in the work e-mail. You should indicate not only contacts, your full name, and area of ​​activity. You can supplement the information with a short advertising message.

7. Mailings. You can organize your newsletter on your website, or use a specialized service or programs. You should be quite careful, since such advertising is often regarded by recipients as spam. Therefore, for proper effectiveness, it is important to correctly compose an ad by contacting a professional copywriter.

9. A business card is like free advertising. You should place a brief summary of your business proposal on the back of your business card. There is no need to provide contact information in a foreign language - it is better to prepare a separate business card for foreigners.

10. Online auctions. An effective tool for organizing sales and attracting new customers.

11. Conferences and forums on the Internet for free advertising. There must be a message that is relevant to this conference or forum, otherwise it will soon be deleted.

Start a blog secretary

Inna Alekseeva,

General Director of PR Partner, Moscow

Savvy users usually notice hidden advertisements right away. In particular, when the company’s brand is spelled too correctly (Ecco, not Ekko - after all, the second option is easier to write), intrusive advertising.

An excellent alternative to hidden advertising is to directly indicate the interest of the user for whom the product is being promoted. For example, a blog secretary will officially lead discussions on behalf of the company, defending the brand's reputation and conveying information about new products.

12. Joint marketing. Several companies are engaged in mutual advertising - 8-9 organizations, for more than . Joint advertising efforts allow you to distribute advertising more effectively, distributing brochures of your company and partners, placing logos and signs with each other, and cooperating in sales organization. As a result, advertising effectiveness increases at lower costs.

13. Aggregators of goods and services. Specialized catalogs for posting your products with prices and photos - similar to an online store. Typically, news publication and other features are allowed here. Such examples are the resources tiu.ru, pulscen.ru, etc.

14. Forums for advertising. Moderators and administrators of such resources are not very fond of free advertising - they delete information almost immediately. A more flexible approach is needed here. We select all thematic forums and the largest forums in your area. We read the topics and respond meaningfully. Only after understanding who you will be communicating with can you unobtrusively convey information about your product. Sometimes you can agree with the moderators to create your own separate topic in which you will act as an expert. For example, “Everything you wanted to know about buying laptops” if you are selling computer equipment.

15. Questions and answers services. Here you need to answer the user’s questions in a detailed, relevant and simple manner. In this case, the information in the message will solve someone's problem and convey information about your product. Examples of such services are otvety.google.ru and otvet.mail.ru.

16. Advertising with videos. You can also think about creating educational videos, or prepare an unusual advertisement that attracts attention. We post any recordings made on video hosting sites - for example, Youtube. The main rule is to provide the most detailed description of the video so that users of video hosting and search engines can find it.

17. Article in a magazine. Free magazines and online publications. If you consider yourself an expert in a certain field and have useful information for readers, you can agree to write an article for free. But such free advertising pays off - you get an additional way to communicate about your company.

Useful content is more effective than direct advertising

Natalia Radchenkova,

Marketing Director of the Alfa Content service

Publications in industry magazines, media, blogs, and social networks about what concerns consumers always meet with a positive reaction from the target audience. If you provide useful information and a solution to a problem, you will get many more loyal customers than if you simply introduce yourself with an advertising slogan. However, independent searches for really good sites that will provide free placement often lead to nowhere.

Today, for very little money, content marketing can be ordered from specialists, and every ruble spent will be repaid with interest. We recently made placements for a spare parts store on a popular auto portal and auto YouTube channels. More than half a million people saw the materials, store sales doubled, and referrals continue to this day without any financial costs. The bonus from useful articles and for business development is obvious.

19. Barter with banners. There are many providers on the Internet who are willing to provide space for your website on their server for free, but will only place a banner. Free hosting is acceptable for hosting a website for a start-up business.

20. Start a blog. Recently, the popularity of blogging has increased significantly. An advertising offer can also be published here, but only if you can keep an online diary yourself.

21. Free advertising in conjunction with another company. You agree with an interested company to produce advertising leaflets at its expense - advertising for both the partner and yours will be placed on them on different sides. You will distribute such leaflets.

You can avoid advertising costs with the help of partners

Andrey Khromov,

General Director of the company "Aristos", Moscow

For example, a company in the automotive components supply market agrees to place advertising on taxi cars (or on seat headrests). And the supplier will recommend this taxi to its clients. Costs in this case are limited only by the price of printing leaflets.

Such symbioses are most common in the field ecommerce. Most often, we come to an agreement that the online store includes our advertising leaflets with a promo code in each order to receive an additional bonus or discount. We do the same when delivering our orders.

Here it is important to choose a suitable partner for cooperation. You can work effectively even with conditional competitors, which are other online stores. Although it is better to look for more suitable options - for example, for a shoe seller it will be a shoe care company, for a tour operator - a beach accessories store, etc.

22. Advertising in public pages through articles. You can find thematic groups on social networks - study the content of one of the public pages, write a new article suitable for this community. The group should also be mentioned in the text. Then we publish the article in our public page and report it to the moderator of the selected community. At a minimum, he will post a link to your community, and at most, he will publish the entire article in his group, indicating the authorship and link.

23. Become your own advertisement. If there is not enough money for advertising, become one yourself. Inform everyone about the company - including relatives, friends, acquaintances, casual interlocutors, etc. Put a sticker indicating the company on your car, wear a T-shirt with the logo, etc.

Provide information about the company on review sites

Alexey Shtarev,

Executive Director of SeoPult System

An excellent and completely free way for a company to promote itself is to communicate with people who write reviews. If they write about you well, thank them and promise goodies; if they write badly about you, show your participation and help them understand the situation. It will only cost you time, but the effectiveness of such work is difficult to overestimate. There are many services for searching reviews, in our system these are: free SERM module, which is used by many businesses.

24. Communicate and tell about your product/ company/service. Do not forget to participate in all public events where there will be an opportunity to convey information about advertising - including press conferences, seminars, exhibitions, fairs, forums, etc.

25. Participation in various competitions to receive grants, subsidies, or the status of the best company in its field. There is always a chance to win here, especially since the media usually writes about the event participants, providing free advertising for you.

26. Word of mouth– is considered the most effective advertising option. After all, people trust the advice of friends and acquaintances more. Even though you still have rare clients, you should inspire them through small incentives. You can even promise a percentage of the profits for referring friends.

27. Offer potential buyers a discount on products. You can sell at cost or dump - we need to attract the attention of the target audience, luring them away from competitors. However, you need to know when to stop so as not to make your business unprofitable.

28. Search engine optimization of the site. Internal work – optimization of the content and structure of the site. An external factor is working with the link mass on the site. Here you get an advantage over commercial sites - because you publish unique, original information. Therefore, users link to non-commercial sites more often.

29. Exchange articles with other sites. Advertising in the form of links to your website placed in articles from various resources. Special articles should be prepared that can be shared with other resources. That is, you prepare articles for advertising for free in the form of a link or banner to your website. But the articles must be of high quality so that the site owner wants to publish them.

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31. SMS mailing. An effective tool for advertising existing and new company clients about news and promotions. Today, various free mailing services are available on the Internet, although they usually become paid after the test period.

32. Making memes– in the form of pictures with a funny caption. Such advertising is based on viral spread, effectively declaring itself on the Internet.

33. Organize flash mobs. A pre-planned mass action. The more creative and original the planned scenario is, the more potential clients will be attracted. Moreover, such events are actively covered by various media, and people tell them to their friends.

34. Live advertising– a cheap but very effective advertising tool. If properly organized, such advertising can be very successful. The basis of such advertising is that a person wears suits, accessories, clothes, signs with advertising on himself, sometimes even corresponding tattoos, etc.

35. Souvenir products– company advertising is applied to office supplies. Such products are distributed free of charge. A very effective tool when the client uses your souvenirs in everyday life - pens, notebooks, notepads, etc.

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36. Unidentified urban object. Strange objects are put on public display that may not be related to your products. For example, in different areas of the capital, cars covered with advertising leaflets were placed to advertise the film “Fool”.

37. Street performance. The UMMC-Agro company accompanied the launch of the new brand to the market with a street event in the city. The green elves took part in pagan dances, invoking summer and mentioning Mr. Green (brand name).

38. Graffiti, with an image of a company logo or product. Suitable for application to walls and sidewalks.

39. Intriguing news that can interest people and motivate them to forward them to their friends. For example, on large banners of a pharmacy chain there was a message “Clip this coupon and get a discount.” News appeared in various media that he cut out a 2-meter banner, for which he received a discount at the pharmacy.

40. Go for a trick. The director of a costume store hardened a thousand coins, each coated with a layer of gold and silver. When purchasing, the seller discreetly placed such a coin in his jacket pocket. The buyer was delighted with this find and was sure to tell everyone he knew about it at every opportunity.

Free seminars for clients

Vladimir Sizykh,

Marketing Director, Smart Business Technologies, Moscow

The number of participants in one seminar is 15-30 people, half come to the office, half prefer online classes. Among the costs for the company is payment for employee time, and about 5-10 thousand rubles are spent on tea, coffee, and catering. With the help of seminars, 2 serious problems are solved:

  • informing customers about services;
  • establishing feedback with customers.

It is unlikely that it will be effective to sell services at seminars. After all, the event is usually attended by people who do not have sufficient authority to make the final purchasing decision. But they can tell you what their companies need, and the information they receive can be an important tool for successful marketing efforts. Another aspect is that seminars become a successful option for working with clients, but only if you have a reputation as an expert. Otherwise, such an event will be too small.

  • Trigger emails: how to achieve good conversions with almost no effort

3D drawings are an inexpensive way to advertise

Maria Zborovskaya,

business analyst at Prozbor, Yekaterinburg

The return obtained usually significantly exceeds the investment - approximately 3-4 times. For example, street artists painted several cups of coffee with the company logo in front of the Loft Cafe in Donetsk. The costs amounted to 10 thousand rubles - they paid off in the form of revenue in a few days. Even at the stage of creating such advertising, the number of visitors increased by 30%. Moreover, many took photographs and published pictures on the Internet, posted information and city newspapers, thereby increasing the recognition of the cafe and the number of visitors by 40%.

What to do before launching a free advertising campaign

Step 1. You should decide on the target audience of your product. If possible, you need to get the most detailed and detailed portrait of the client. With what emotions, where and under what circumstances does he make a purchase? You need to assess whether your products meet the expectations and needs of your target audience.

Step 4. We calculate options for the development of events. We need at least two scenarios for possible developments - optimistic and pessimistic.

Information about the author and company

Elena Kolmanovskaya, editor-in-chief of Yandex, Moscow. Yandex is a Russian portal that offers users key Internet services, including Internet search, website directories, a payment system, maps, encyclopedias, email, a spam filtering system, free hosting, a catalog of store product offerings, and much more. etc. The company makes money from the sale of advertising, 80% of the turnover comes from contextual advertising. According to research companies TNS Gallup Media, FOM and Komkon, Yandex is the largest resource on the RuNet in terms of audience size.

Inna Alekseeva, General Director of PR Partner, Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and the Faculty of Philosophy of Novosibirsk State University. Trained in the field of sociology, PR and journalism in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany. Since 1999, she worked in various positions in PR agencies, then as PR director at the DOKI real estate agency, and headed the PR service at DeltaCredit Bank. Took first place among heads of PR agencies in the ranking of Profile magazine (2012). Entered the top 10 most influential women in Russian business, published by The Moscow Times (2012); won the “Impeccable Reputation” category at the international award “Business Women – 2014”. Author of trainings and seminars “Training top officials to work with the media”, “Marketing top officials”, “Secrets of effective PR”, “100% PR: reboot”, etc.

Vladimir Sizykh, Marketing Director of Smart Business Technologies, Moscow. CJSC "RDTEKH - Smart Business Technologies". Field of activity: management and technological consulting, development and implementation of information systems. Number of employees: 286. Annual turnover: 2.029 billion rubles.

Andrey Khromov, General Director of the company "Aristos", Moscow. Aristos LLC. Area of ​​activity: management of the Philips branded online store (www.shop.philips.ru). Number of staff: 80

Maria Zborovskaya, business analyst at Prozbor, Yekaterinburg. Prozbor LLC. Field of activity: information and consulting support for commercial and financial activities of the organization. Main clients: manufacturing and trading companies of the Ural Federal District operating in the b2b and b2c markets (sales automation projects, calculation of investment efficiency, etc.)

Greetings, dear readers of the InternetTips blog! This article will discuss different types of advertising on the Internet and their characteristics. Knowing the features of each type of advertising will help you effectively spend your budget on promoting your products or services.

From the article you will learn not only what types of online advertising there are, but also how much online advertising costs and where it can be placed. Get recommendations for effective advertising online to increase the popularity of the project and increase sales of goods and services. Thanks to different setting criteria and the ability to make changes to posted ads at any time of the day, online advertising is constantly increasing its market share.

What is advertising on the Internet?

With the development of the Internet and an increase in the potential audience, the online advertising market has been growing exponentially in recent years. There are many ad formats available today: text, image, video and animation. Thanks to the development of the mobile Internet, the reach of the user audience has expanded. Now not only owners of computers and laptops can see advertising on websites, but also users of mobile gadgets (tablets and smartphones).

You can place advertisements not only on specialized bulletin boards, but also on many websites through special services. Special mention should be made of advertising on social networks and in video clips on YouTube, as the most promising ways to attract the target audience, thanks to flexible targeting. Targeting settings allow you to select the audience of users who will be interested in this advertisement and, accordingly, the offer in it.

Analytics services for the effectiveness of advertising companies allow you to track such a parameter as conversion. For an ad, it means the ratio of the number of clicks to the total number of impressions. In statistics it is displayed as CTR. Additionally, you can analyze further user behavior on the advertising site - subscription, registration, filling out an application, placing an order and other actions.

Internet advertising and its varieties

There are different forms of advertising on the Internet - aggressive (pop-up and pop-under windows, teasers, media advertising in video clips), graphic and animated banners, text contextual ads, advertising line, advertising in mailing lists.

Banner advertising

One of the main goals of placing banner advertising on the Internet is to increase brand awareness of the company.

A banner is a static or animated graphic image of a fixed size. As for formats, a static image is jpeg or png, and an animated one is gif and flash. The most popular sizes are 468*60, 240*400.

Payment is made for displaying a banner for a fixed period of time (day, month). You can select sites manually and negotiate with site owners about placement. Or through a specialized exchange Rotaban .

contextual advertising

What is contextual advertising on the Internet? These are advertisements that are shown based on the content of the page on which they are displayed. Keywords are analyzed and the most relevant advertising is shown. The visitor is offered a product or service in which he has expressed interest.

Recently, ads have started to be shown based on your interests. For example, you searched the Internet for information about choosing a tablet, and now all day long you see advertisements for tablets on the pages you visit later.

The market leaders are Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. I think you have heard about the two largest search engines: Yandex and Google, and from the names of the contextual advertising systems listed above, you can guess who owns which.

To get a good return from your advertising campaign, you need to choose the right keywords for which your ads will be displayed. In the settings, you must specify the geographic location and region of the target audience, and device types.

The cost of payment for each click on an ad depends on the topic and competition. The cheapest clicks in non-profit themes cost from 5 cents, while in competitive commercial themes the average price is several dollars. It is worth noting that the higher the ad is placed on the page, the more expensive the cost of clicking on it.

Teaser advertising

Teasers are pictures, often animated with an intriguing title. With their appearance, teasers tease the visitor, forcing them to click and see what is hidden behind the flashy headline.

Teaser advertisements are most often placed on entertainment and news sites. Such advertising is effective on women's websites for selling health and weight loss products. Women willingly click on advertisements and take further actions on the advertiser’s website (subscriptions, orders).

Aggressive pop-up advertising

An example of aggressive advertising is a pop-up window that blocks the viewing of information on the site. To remove it from the screen, the user needs to click to close. Often, when closing, the user is forcibly redirected to another site or a new page with a promotional offer opens in a separate window.

Even earlier, another type of intrusive advertising was widespread - when, along with the desired site, a window with advertising opened. But lately, pop-up advertising has rarely been found on high-quality websites, since search engines have imposed sanctions for its placement.

Banner, contextual, teaser and pop-up advertising are mainly placed on websites and forums.

Targeted advertising on social networks

The classic format is an ad block. On VKontakte it is placed in the left column, and on Facebook on the right. An example of such advertising on a VKontakte page:

Special mention should be made of advertising in communities. The target audience is identified based on their interest in a particular topic. An advertising post in a public post is no different from a regular post, due to this there is more trust in it. If we compare an advertising message and an ad, the first one is more informative and carries more information for the user. As for the return, it is higher for a paid post.

It should be noted that the audience on VKontakte is younger than on Odnoklassniki.

Payment format is either per 1000 impressions or per 1 click.

You can place an advertisement on the Internet on a specially created profile page on a social network. A fake page is created specifically to promote a specific service or product and filled with the necessary information. This is what owners of Internet projects or small businesses do.

Constantly developing and growing businesses should create their own group or public page. Interact more effectively with users within social media. network rather than redirecting them to a separate site. Of course, some investment will be required to set up and administer your own community.

YouTube Ad Formats

  1. Video advertising that plays before the video for at least 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, the user can click on the “Skip ad” button and start watching the video for which he came to the page. This is the most effective way of YouTube advertising to attract user attention to a brand or a specific product. Payment is taken per view.
  2. The following ad format charges you per click. The advertisement itself is shown in the right column above the recommended videos, as well as in the form of a translucent block that is superimposed on the bottom of the video. This type of advertising is ordered through the Google Adwords display network.
  3. The third type is a 300*250 banner in the right column above similar videos. Most often this is a media block with an animated picture.

Thematic sites

This group includes various blogs, forums, message boards, portals and communities. The audience of such Internet platforms is narrowly thematic.

In terms of time and labor costs, this is one of the most difficult methods, but as for the cost, you can place advertisements on many resources for free. On many forums you won’t be able to simply register and post advertising messages; administrators will ban you for blatant advertising. In order to advertise as unobtrusively as possible, you first need to communicate with the audience, so to speak, on a disinterested basis.

Advertising in E-mail newsletters

Information businessmen use email newsletters to sell their information products or provide services. To attract users to your subscriber base, they are first offered a free product for their subscription. And then each subscriber receives a series of letters pushing him to buy a paid product.

Various online services or stores use mailing lists to inform their customers about new products, promotions, and discounts. Typically, subscribers are those who have already made a purchase or used services, so such letters do not irritate them.

Efficiency and cost

The most inexpensive types are: contextual, teaser and mailing advertising. Thanks to the targeting settings, contextual advertising will be seen by interested users; the return on such advertising is high. As for teasers, they are not suitable for serious commercial projects, but they are perfect for entertainment ones.

You will have to spend the most on banner advertising, but its effectiveness is quite low in terms of sales. But it is ideal for image advertising. Additional funds will be needed to create a high-quality banner by a professional designer.

I hope this article helped you understand the main ways to advertise on the Internet. Write reviews in the comments and share your experience of what advertising helped in promoting your business.