We open a cocktail bar. Business selling oxygen cocktails Own business oxygen cocktails license

Capital investment: 175,000 rubles.
Payback: 6 months.

Earning on the air is not only possible, but also necessary.

This was proved by business owners on oxygen cocktails.

Despite the fact that this is a fairly new field of activity, you can make good money on it.

This type of business has advantages, disadvantages and features that you need to consider when drawing up a bar business plan. oxygen cocktails.

What is an oxygen cocktail?

Today it is fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle.

More and more people are starting to think about proper nutrition, trying to saturate their body with enough vitamins and oxygen.

Carbonated sweet drinks, tea, coffee, alcohol are relics of the past, but oxygen cocktails are a look into the future.

Oxygen cocktail is the healthiest drink, the main ingredient of which is oxygen foam.

And, in general, you can use this tasty and healthy drink for everyone, without exception, and in any quantities.

And, if earlier oxygen cocktails were prepared only at sports bases where Olympic champions were formed, or in special sanatoriums, today this drink has become available to everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle, wants to delay the aging process of the body, and simply - takes care of your loved one.

The history of the appearance of oxygen cocktails

For the first time, people started talking about an oxygen cocktail back in the 1960s, when the Soviet scientist N.N. Sirotinin prepared an original and tasty drink based on berry syrup and many air bubbles.

Studies have shown that through the digestive tract it is possible to saturate the cells of the body with oxygen, and such oxygen infusions are much more effective than, for example, walking in the fresh air or constantly airing the room.

For a decade in the USSR, the provision of oxygen procedures to the population was in full swing.

Cocktails were prescribed to everyone: pregnant women, schoolchildren, athletes.

An order was given: to equip each sanatorium with an oxygen plant.

And then quite suddenly the process of "oxygenization" of the Soviet population was suspended.

Sanatoriums with oxygen plants had to obtain a special permit to operate and be registered.

Unlike the USSR, other countries (Japan, the USA, some European countries) began to encourage the opening of establishments that served oxygen cocktails.

In the 1970s, bars began to appear where you could have a glass or two of an oxygen cocktail.

Those who were the first to orient themselves were able to make good money selling "health elixirs".

Today, the business of oxygen cocktails is starting to conquer Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.

Benefits of an oxygen cocktail business

Any business project can be made profitable, but the more advantages your undertaking had initially, the greater the chances of success.

The oxygen cocktail business has many advantages:

  1. This niche is practically not occupied by anyone, so you can stand at the origins of the development of this business.
  2. It does not require large capital investments to start working.
  3. Opening an oxygen cocktail bar does not require any special permits or lengthy registration procedures.
  4. To prepare oxygen cocktails, you do not need to have special knowledge: a special installation will do everything for you.
  5. The profitability of this type of business is undeniable: you can have 300–500% profit on one oxygen cocktail.
  6. Large areas are not required (a few square meters are enough) to open an oxygen cocktail bar.
  7. If you do everything right, then in six months your investment will pay off.
  8. You can make money on oxygen cocktails not only in the capital or large cities, but also in relatively small towns.

    Despite the fact that in the regions the number of consumers is smaller, and the cost of finished products will be lower, here you can save on renting premises, wages for employees, etc.

Business options for oxygen cocktails

This area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity is also good because it involves the use of several options:

    Opening of a stationary bar.

    You open a bar in one place, give it a name and win loyal customers.

    You should choose walk-through places in the city center with a large crowd of people, since the oxygen cocktail bar does not require too much space, then a separate building may not be rented, a corner in a shopping or entertainment center, cinema, university, etc. is enough.

    Opening of a mobile bar.

    You buy a rack, the necessary equipment, dishes, get transport and service parties, presentations, premieres, exhibitions.

    You do not work in one place, you constantly move.

    Combined method: you have a stationary bar, but you do not miss the opportunity to serve various events on the road.

    This method is the most promising and profitable, but requires a team / partners, because it is impossible to cope with the volume of cases on your own.

Oxygen Cocktail Bar Business Plan: Planning


This business plan describes how to open an oxygen cocktail bar.

This bar will be located in a large shopping center on a rented area.

The project does not involve a complete re-equipment of the leased area, so no major work will have to be done.

A few interesting design decisions are enough.

To cover the basic expenses for starting and developing a business, you need to have from 175,000 rubles.

Pursued goals:

  • Opportunity to earn good monthly income.
  • A chance to occupy a free niche in a new type of business.
  • Satisfy the needs of the city's population who need oxygen cocktails.
  • Become the owner of a profitable fast-payback business.

Marketing plan

Despite the economic crisis that we have been witnessing since 2014, the population has not stopped caring about their health and, accordingly, investing in it.

The level of competition in the oxygen cocktail business is difficult to analyze, since this is a fairly new type of activity with a large number of unoccupied niches.

Low competition in this area is directly proportional to the amount of income.

Competitive advantages

Despite the large number of free niches in the oxygen cocktail business, you should initially protect yourself from existing competitors and those companies that will appear on the market after you.

To do this, use the following methods:

  • The original interior of the oxygen cocktail bar.
  • Delicious and healthy appetizers on the menu.
  • Catering for events outside.
  • Flexible system of discounts for wholesale and regular customers.
  • Friendly and highly qualified staff.
  • Bright dishes, for example, cups with good wishes or predictions on them.
  • Different payment methods: cash and bank transfer.

The target audience

One of the main advantages of this business is an unlimited target audience.

You can attract clients regardless of their gender, age, profession, social status.

The main emphasis should still be placed on attracting children, youth and young audiences: from 10 to 45 years old.


In order to attract the target audience, the following advertising moves will be used:

  • outdoor advertising: on billboards, poles, etc.
  • distribution of leaflets on the streets of the city;
  • distribution of business cards to customers who bought products from you;
  • print ads in free newspapers;
  • popularization of oxygen cocktails in social networks (writing posts about their usefulness, uniqueness, etc.).

It is also important to create a cozy atmosphere in the bar so that customers want to come back to you again and again.


It is impossible to build a successful business in the service sector without qualified personnel.

For an oxygen cocktail bar, you will need to hire a person who will prepare oxygen cocktails, a waiter, a cleaner.

The qualities that your employees should possess are punctuality, neatness, friendliness.

In addition, people working in the service sector must look attractive, have a coherent speech and perfectly know the range and benefits of the product you offer.

Total: 80 000 rub.
Bartender2 15 000 rub.30 000 rub.
Waiter2 15 000 rub.30 000 rub.
Cleaning woman2 10 000 rub.20 000 rub.

In order for the oxygen cocktail bar to bring maximum income, it must be open seven days a week.

This can be done by organizing the work of staff in two shifts.

Shopping centers are usually open until 22.00–23.00, which means that there is no need to take care of the delivery of personnel to their homes.

see in the video:

Oxygen cocktail bar business plan: implementation

Calendar plan

A new business requires the creation of a calendar plan for each month of work.

After a year of successful work, you can limit yourself to drawing up a calendar plan for each quarter, after three years - for each year.

Stages of opening an oxygen cocktail bar

The stages of opening this type of business can be found in the following table:

Company registration
Premises for rent
Room decoration
Purchase of equipment
Obtaining the necessary permissions
Running ads
Start of operation

That is, in order to launch the project, you need no more than 4 months.

Opening cost table

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:220 000 rub.
Company registration20 000
Decorating the room to your liking20 000
Rent of a trading place10 000
Procurement of oxygen equipment30 000
Advertising10 000
Purchase of disposable tableware2 000
Purchase of a cash register10 000
Bar counter, chairs for employees,
2-3 small tables for visitors
50 000
Additional expenses20 000

In total, about 175 thousand rubles will be needed to open an oxygen cocktail bar.

Calculation of consumption for one oxygen cocktail

The selling price of one cocktail is 50 rubles and more.

That is, you get 41.5 rubles or more from one cocktail.

If you also cater for outdoor events, your income will increase.

Calculation of revenue and profit

Source of profitMayJunJulAugsenOct
Sale of cocktails60 000 75 000 90 000 105 000 120 000 135 000
Add. sources
(sale of snacks)
15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000 35 000 40 000
Revenue75 000 95 000 115 000 135 000 155 000 175 000

As you can see, with the right business development, you can return the money spent on opening an oxygen cocktail bar in 6 months.

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The desire of people for a healthy lifestyle and for the organization of proper nutrition is the profitable trend of recent years, which opens up wide opportunities for resourceful entrepreneurs to implement a wide variety of ideas. One of them is the purchase of equipment for oxygen cocktails and the production of healthy drinks that are equally loved by both children and adults.

How an oxygen cocktail is made

Before considering starting your own business, it makes sense for an aspiring entrepreneur to learn how an oxygen cocktail is made. The production technology is quite simple. Oxygen is supplied under pressure to a mixture of juice, herbal tea or mineral solution with a foaming agent or to a special concentrate.

As a result, an air mass is obtained, which is a dense foam that can be eaten with a spoon or consumed through a straw for cocktails or juices.

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Business organization

To organize a business selling oxygen cocktails, you need to select a room, select equipment and purchase the necessary ingredients and consumables.


Oxygen cocktails are in demand among visitors to the following establishments:

  • shopping centers;
  • sports clubs;
  • medical and educational institutions, etc.

In all these places you can establish a successful sale.

Most often, oxygen cocktails are sold from special racks that make it convenient to serve customers. Customers come up, choose the desired taste from the menu, buy a drink and leave.

Cocktails can be sold in a special room, the so-called cocktail bar. In this case, you will need at least 20 square meters. m. area. In the room, in addition to the bar where cocktails are prepared, it is necessary to place small tables or arrange comfortable seating, such as sofas or bean bags.

The choice of a specific option depends on the capabilities of the entrepreneur, as well as on the specifics of the place of sale. For example, in a small shopping center there may simply not be a separate room suitable for a cocktail bar, so a counter or a small island becomes the only possible option.

It must be said that the sale of oxygen cocktails deprives the entrepreneur of the need to resolve the issue with the format of work, since the proposals of franchisors most often provide for the provision of a ready-made model of placement and design. All a businessman needs is to find a place and hire employees. Otherwise, you just need to carefully follow all the instructions that the franchise contains.

Advice: in order to avoid unnecessary problems, it is advisable to coordinate the location of the point for the sale of oxygen cocktails with Rospotrebnadzor, and only hire sellers who have personal medical books.


Modern equipment for oxygen cocktails allows you to get several portions of the drink in a matter of seconds, which greatly facilitates the work of the seller. Buying equipment is easy. Now there are many options on the market from small ones designed for home use, costing 4-7 thousand rubles, to professional equipment for cocktail bars, the price of which ranges from 40-80 thousand rubles. Such a low cost makes this business very attractive, as it makes it possible to start your own business at minimal cost.

The standard set of equipment for preparing oxygen cocktails includes:

  • oxygen concentrator;
  • oxygen cocktail;
  • mixer.

In addition, the set can be supplemented with an automatic cup dispenser.

Most of the models of equipment sold are now of Chinese origin. However, as noted by entrepreneurs working in this area, almost all manufacturers offer fairly high-quality equipment. You should not buy only equipment that was in use, especially since the price for it is not much lower than for new.

Ingredients and Consumables

Oxygen is required to make an oxygen cocktail. It is sold in special cylinders, and these can be small containers with a volume of 8 liters, and industrial vessels containing 40 liters of oxygen. By the way, for the preparation of cocktails, medical oxygen of high concentration is mainly used.

Also for a cocktail you need syrup or juice. To make a delicious and beautiful cocktail, you need to use only natural juices, including freshly squeezed ones. The more different juices and syrups there are, the more customers you can attract with a variety of flavors.

To obtain foam, a foaming agent is needed, which is most often used as special compositions based on egg white.

To prepare one glass of oxygen cocktail you will need:

  • foaming agent - 5 ml;
  • fruit juice or syrup - 30 ml.

The cocktail is packaged in disposable plastic cups with a volume of 250 ml, so the point must be equipped with the required amount of containers.

Profit calculation

Oxygen cocktails, the business plan of which provides for a small scale of activity, can bring a stable profit. For example, for a point in a shopping center, it is enough to purchase a set of equipment worth 60,000 rubles. Equipping the place of sale and purchasing raw materials will cost another 20,000 rubles. Rent 5-6 sq. m will not exceed 15,000 rubles. Thus, the cost of opening a business selling oxygen cocktails will be approximately 95,000 rubles.

The cost of one serving of a cocktail does not exceed 5 rubles. The cost of selling a finished cocktail ranges from 30 to 70 rubles. For a shopping center, the average cost is 50 rubles. Depending on the traffic, from 50 to 100 cocktails can be sold, i.e. daily revenue will be from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles, and profit - 2,250 - 4,500 rubles.

If the outlet works every day, then in a month it will be able to bring from 67,500 to 135,000 rubles.

With this amount it will be necessary to pay wages to sellers and taxes. For information, for such an activity, or may be the most profitable.

The average payback period for the organization of the project is from 3 to 5 months.

Examples of original ideas from American entrepreneurs at this address: . What is worth learning from overseas businessmen.

How to attract customers

As a business, oxygen cocktails are characterized by a certain instability, the demand is influenced by the season, the mood of visitors, etc. Experienced entrepreneurs note that in order to be successful in this business, it is necessary to show some ingenuity. For example, to produce cocktails from the juice squeezed out at the client, and to sell the drinks themselves in multi-colored bright cups.

As they say, everything new is a well-forgotten old. We all remember licorice root cocktails that were given at school and kindergarten. Today, oxygen treats are once again at the peak of popularity. A novice entrepreneur should pay attention to the given oxygen bar business plan with calculations.

Where to begin?

Before drawing up an oxygen bar business plan, all initial data must be entered.

  • Type of activity: oxygen bar.
  • Area: 8 sq. meters.
  • Premises: rent in a shopping center.
  • Number of seats: 4 seats.
  • Opening hours: from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • Form of ownership: IP.
  • Taxation system: UTII.

Menu includes:

  • Oxygen cocktails on different bases (juices, tea, milk, herbal preparations).
  • Teas and herbal preparations.
  • Healthy snacks.
  • Inhalations through a headset.

Organizational moments

In the case of the oxygen bar, there is no need to create a limited liability company. It does not provide for the sale of alcoholic beverages, there are no large areas and numerous staff. In addition, an individual entrepreneur has the right to apply “preferential” taxation systems (patent system).

Accounting will be maintained independently through an online service.

To open, you must go through the following steps:

Event Type Price, rubles
IP registration (state duty) 800
Ordering and making a seal 1 000
Registering a cash register
Opening a current account 2 000
Registration with the tax office
Lease agreement for premises for a year* 40 000
Notification of Rospotrebnadzor on the commencement of activities
Coordination with Rospotrebnadzor of the production control program
SES permission
Development and approval of recipes for dishes

*The rental price is indicated for the first two months, including the deposit, then the rent is paid monthly.

The cost of registering a business and initial documents will be 43,800 rubles and about two weeks of time.

Technical equipment

Consider the necessary equipment and furniture to fully equip the oxygen bar:

Name Quantity, pcs. Price for 1 piece, rubles Total, rubles
Oxygen concentrator (volume 5 liters) 1 25 0000 25 000
cocktail mixer 1 5 000 5 000
Fridge 1 15 000 15 000
bar counter 1 40 000 40 000
Bar chairs 4 10 000 40 000
Chair for OxyJay 1 5 000 5 000
Washbasin 1 5 000 5 000
Tap 1 5 000 5 000
Electric kettle 1 5 000 5 000
Cash machine 1 20 000 20 000
Headset 4 5 000 20 000
kitchen utensils 5 000
Bar accessories (shaker, dispensers, etc.) 5 000
TOTAL 190 000

Raw material

To make one cocktail you will need:

  • Base (fruit juice, tea, herbal infusion, milk) - 40 ml.
  • Foaming syrup - 10 ml.
  • Disposable tableware - a glass, a spoon and a plastic tube.

At the very beginning, for the specified assortment, you need to buy the following ingredients and consumables.

Name Quantity Price for 1 conventional unit of the product, rubles Total, rubles
Orange juice 10 l 100 1 000
Apple juice 10 l 100 1 000
Cherry juice 10 l 100 1 000
Other types of juices on request 15 l 100 1 500
Green leaf tea 1 kg 2 000 2 000
Black leaf tea 1 kg 2 000 2 000
herbal collection 1 kg 1 500 1 500
Milk 2.5% fat 10 l 70 700
sugar syrup 5 l 200 1 000
vanilla syrup 3 l 250 750
chocolate syrup 3 l 300 900
Spoom mixes for foam formation 15 packs of 100 pieces 400 6 000
Oxygen for the headset 4 bottles of 5 liters 500 2 000
Muesli bars 150 pcs. 30 4 500
Disposable cups with logo 1 500 pcs. 5 7 500
plastic spoon 1 500 pcs. 1 1 500
plastic straws 3,000 pcs. 0,7 2 100
TOTAL 36 950

In the early stages, it will be difficult to determine the range of fruit juices, teas and herbal infusions. Only with experience will you be able to determine the desired proportions of purchases. However, monthly the purchase of raw materials will require 36,950 rubles, provided that you sell 40 cocktails, 15 inhalations, 5 bars, 1 glass of tea, 1 glass of juice daily.


To sell cocktails, at first it is necessary to hire 2 bartenders, who will become oxygen jets in the oxygen bar. They will work in shifts, 15 days a month each. It is mandatory for bartenders to have a valid sanitary book.


Without a competent PR campaign, it is unlikely that you will be able to launch a successful business. Here is an example of how you can form a marketing strategy.

Also, do not neglect participation in exhibitions and presentations. As a rule, the organizers of these events pay the contractor for the number of hours worked, and not for the products sold. However, there are some advantages here: at such expositions, you can get working contacts and advertise your bar for free.

The volume of capital expenditures

Project launch schedule

Planned performance indicators

One of the main advantages of opening an oxygen bar is the lack of seasonality. The launch of the project can not be tied to the time of year. It is possible to reach the break-even point within 3 months after opening.

To increase the flow of customers, it is planned:

  • Offer a 10% discount on the entire assortment an hour before the bar closes.
  • Make discounts on the cocktail of the day.
  • Offer sets of inhalation and oxygen cocktails at a lower price.

The income of the institution will consist of the following items:

  • Oxygen cocktails - 70%.
  • Inhalation through the nose - 20%.
  • Healthy snacks - 9%.
  • Tea and juices - 1%.

Expenditure part

This section can be divided into 2 parts:

The 1st part is the cost of production. If you plan your purchases correctly, it will always pay off, as markups of about 300% will apply. With the planned capacity, about 37,000 rubles will be spent monthly on raw materials.

Part 2 includes general business expenses:

  • Rent of premises and utilities - 16,000 rubles.
  • Salary with deductions - 97,650 rubles.
  • Other consumables (cleaning products, napkins, garbage bags, air flavors) - 5,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 5,000 rubles.
  • Taxes - about 6,000 rubles per quarter.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

The largest share in the structure of expenses belongs to the wage fund (about 57%), raw materials (21.5%) and rent (9%).

Now let's calculate the yield.

Product name Average market value of 1 piece, rubles Number of sales per day Number of sales per month (30 business days) Total amount, rubles
Oxygen cocktail 150 40 1 200 180 000
Oxygen inhalation 100 in 5 minutes 15 450 45 000
Muesli bar 60 5 150 9 000
1 glass of tea 50 1 30 1 500
1 glass of juice 90 1 30 2 700
Oxygen set (oxygen cocktail + inhalation) 200 3 90 18 000
TOTAL 65 1 950 256 200

Thus, the monthly revenue will be 256,200 rubles. Net profit - 83,550 rubles. Profitability - 33%. It will take several months to reach such indicators, so it is worth having a reserve of funds for 2-3 months in advance.

Financial plan

Index 1 year 2 year 3 year
Revenue 2 437 200 3 072 000 3 457 200
net income 669 300 1 000 200 1 257 840
Efficiency 27,5% 33% 36%

Thus, the initial investment will pay off in less than one year.


  • Project start: any month.
  • Opening of the bar: in 4 months.
  • Operating break-even: third month after opening.
  • Exit to projected income: the fifth month after opening.
  • The payback period for a cafe-bar is 11 months.

A few nuances

It is worth noting a few details that are worth paying attention to:

  • Install equipment in a conspicuous location.
  • Give the client the opportunity to see the process of making a cocktail.
  • Of great importance is the ability of OxyJay to anticipate the desires of the visitor and create unique taste mixes.
  • Bright leaflets with introductory information on the counter will attract additional attention.


If you decide to open an oxygen bar, you can not dwell on a detailed analysis of competitors (check only their presence). This niche is still free. Already a year after the opening of the “air shop” in a good place and under favorable circumstances, you will be able to open another outlet or create an exit bar. The target audience is extremely wide: children, teenagers, athletes, people leading a healthy lifestyle and watching their diet. Even if an oxygen cocktail has a minimal therapeutic effect, it certainly does not harm the body. And no one canceled the placebo effect. Pleasant taste, bright signboard, smiling oxydge - this is what customers come and return for.

Also, before opening an oxygen bar, research all small business support programs in your area. This project falls under a socially significant cluster, so you may have the opportunity to repay part of the initial investment through government grants and subsidies or receive tax holidays.

Nowadays, you can earn money on almost everything, and even on the air, that is, on oxygen cocktails. This one brings a good profit and pays off in a short time, which is quite important. The most important thing is to find buyers who will be happy to buy your product.

Modern people have begun to think more about their health, so oxygenated cocktails have become in great demand. They are an oxygen-enriched drink that is recommended for athletes, pregnant women, and people with a lack of oxygen in the blood. During the Soviet Union, such cocktails were offered in sports complexes and various medical institutions, for example, in. Now such drinks are served in restaurants.

Where to begin?

If you are interested in an oxygen cocktail as a business, you should know that the demand for this drink is constantly growing. Today it has become more in demand than a few decades ago. To make a profit, you need to sell about 30 servings per day. This business does not require large investments, and the profit will be decent.

Healthy drinks can be sold in restaurants and malls. Oxy-bar is better placed in places with a large flow of visitors, but at the same time, customers should be comfortable and cozy. You can prepare a portion of the drink in just 5 minutes.

Price policy

Entrepreneurs implementing an oxygen cocktail business plan develop it taking into account other services that they offer in a complex way.

To prepare one cocktail you need to spend:

  • Fruit juice - 30 ml;
  • Special syrup - 5 ml;
  • Disposable tableware - spoon and glass.

All this will cost 2.22 rubles. For the year, the costs will amount to 35 thousand rubles a year. The salary for implementers is 6 thousand rubles. If two retail outlets operate, 144,000 rubles will go to the salaries of salespeople per year. Renting a retail outlet will cost about 36 thousand rubles. The total expenses will amount to 245 thousand rubles a year, and the sale of oxygen cocktails will bring 780 thousand rubles, provided that 50 drinks are sold per day for 50 rubles. Such a business usually pays off in just 4 months.

It is advisable to sell cocktails in places where there is a mass congestion of people. The highest profitability in entertainment and shopping centers. You don't have to spend a lot of money on raw materials. The biggest expense is the purchase of equipment. It pays for itself in just six months.


To sell drinks saturated with oxygen, you need a retail outlet with an area of ​​​​1-2 square meters. meters.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  • Apparatus for making cocktails - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Bar counter - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Chair - 2 thousand rubles;
  • Cash register - 15 thousand rubles;

Menu with prices

About 55 thousand rubles will have to be spent on equipment for oxygen cocktails. Another 5 thousand rubles will be spent on paperwork. This money needs to be in your hands right away.

To prepare cocktails, you will need an oxygen concentrator and a cocktail. All equipment is powered by electricity.

Where to sell oxygen cocktails?

It is best to sell in health-related institutions, as well as in places with high traffic, such as in.

You can sell these drinks at:

  1. in hospitals;
  2. pools;
  3. On playgrounds;
  4. In shopping centers;
  5. in sports schools.

Profit largely depends on the patency of the point and the cost of one cocktail. For example, in elite fitness clubs, beauty salons, there are few visitors, but the cost of one drink is high here, so the profit will be decent.


No certificates will be needed to sell health drinks, as the equipment is certified by government agencies as household appliances.

To get started, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. It is better to pay taxes according to a simplified system. You will not need permission from the SES, since all ingredients for making drinks are certified.


In a bar that sells such drinks, the main person is an oxyj. He communicates with clients and offers them "oxygen sessions". He must be able to create the right bouquet and mix different flavors. In addition, the seller must correctly select the appropriate cocktail, depending on the age and condition of the client.

Finding workers in such a bar is not difficult, since this is an elite profession that pays well.

Before you open an oxygen bar, you need to familiarize yourself with some simple rules:
  1. Do not save on buying a cocktail. It should be comfortable, productive and attractive. The equipment should be placed in the most visible place so that customers can see how their order is being prepared. A solid installation inspires trust and respect.
  2. It should be remembered that making an oxygen cocktail is not an easy task that requires certain knowledge and skills. It is important to know how to properly create different compositions and use special ingredients. The new mixtures have a pleasant taste and balanced composition. They are designed for the mass buyer.
  3. A friendly Oxygen should work in the bar. He talks about the benefits of drinks and communicates politely with customers. Hire only open, friendly employees. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase sales.
  4. Of course, you can make an oxygen cocktail at home without equipment. To do this, use an oxygen mixer or cocktail. But many people don't do it. They go to oxygen bars to relax and also enjoy a cozy and healthy atmosphere.

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The largest profitability of the cocktail business in the regions. Usually in small towns, the prices for renting retail space are much lower. In addition, wages are low here. Despite the fact that the attendance of outlets in the regions is lower, the profit can be much higher. This niche is free in many cities. Therefore, it is necessary to think, maybe it is worth doing just that.

You can negotiate with the administration and sell drinks in schools or kindergartens. The state provides subsidies for this social work. If the business develops successfully, the profit from one school will be 21 thousand rubles. One set of equipment can be transported to different schools and kindergartens on certain days. Thanks to this, your income will increase by 1.5 times. The initial investment will pay off in just 2-3 months.


Selling cocktails with oxygen foam is a simple and understandable business in which there is no seasonality factor. In addition, this is a very useful thing that gives people health.

Thanks to the educational activities of fitness clubs and sanatoriums, the demand for such products is constantly growing. With minimal investment, the oxygen bar will pay off in a few months.

The business of producing and selling milkshakes is a small but consistently profitable business. It also attracts entrepreneurs with its high payback, despite the clearly seasonal nature - the main sales of the drink are in the summer. If you correctly build a plan for the implementation of the idea, choose an assortment, equipment for it, you can get a good source of a small but stable income. The advantage of the direction is that the business can be started both from scratch and through the purchase of a franchise.

First steps to start a business

First of all, you should study the market in which you are going to work. Go around the area where you plan to open a business, study the number of similar points, their range, pricing policy. Don't be afraid of a lot of competition. A niche is interesting because even in a dense competitive environment, you can find something that will make you stand out from the crowd. These can be cocktails with different tastes, original serving, additional services, and more. But to find your chip, you need to know what others offer.

Having decided on the direction, you can register the enterprise. Since the business is small, aimed at retail, it is quite possible to get by with the registration of an individual entrepreneur. It will cost only 800 rubles. state duty. The paperwork process itself will take no more than five working days.

As for the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station, it does not require certificates for equipment. But the sanitary book from the seller may well be asked. Therefore, it is best to arrange it in advance.

When registering, it is recommended to switch to a simplified taxation system, which will allow you to independently maintain accounting records. Also, when registering a business, you must specify OKVED 56.10.19 Other catering services.

Business Format

The choice of the sales format largely determines how you will be able to level the seasonality factor. The largest sales of milkshakes are observed in the summer, so many decide to stop at street trading. Indeed, the device, installed in a busy place near recreation parks, entertainment centers, cinemas, brings a significant income. But only in the period from late spring to early autumn. For the rest of the year, sales go only if production is moved to shopping or entertainment centers, cinemas.

But, firstly, there the price of renting a square meter is much higher. Secondly, as the season approaches, it becomes more difficult to find a free place. Initially, it is unprofitable to place a point of sale of milkshakes in a shopping center - in the summer the sales plan cannot be fulfilled there.

In order to somehow even out the situation, it is possible to organize exclusively the production of milkshakes, and sell them through various cafes. In this case, you do not need to organize a retail outlet, respectively, you do not need the cost of renting and paperwork for the sale.

If the business interests you exclusively as an accompanying one, it is quite possible to limit yourself to a summer point of sale on the street.


The advantage of the business is that the required equipment does not take up much space. As a rule, an outlet can quite comfortably fit in an area of ​​1.5-3 sq. m. depending on what range you will offer.

To organize the work of a point for the sale of milkshakes, you will at least need the following equipment:

  • mixer or freezer;
  • refrigerator;
  • optional equipment.

Any equipment of this type can be found both domestic and imported. Of course, buying any domestic device, you can save a lot on starting funds. But you need to understand that you lose a lot in performance. For example, a domestic mixer beats a portion of a drink in three minutes, and one is enough for an imported one. When you have a high flow of visitors, this difference is very noticeable. In addition, domestic equipment breaks more often.

Choosing a mixer

A mixer is a key device in the preparation of milkshakes. Your entire business depends on its quality and speed of preparation of the drink. Domestic equipment at 12 thousand revolutions per minute, which prepares a drink in 3 minutes, costs an average of 5 thousand rubles.

An Italian mixer can not only whip up a milkshake in a minute, but is also capable of preparing three drinks at the same time. American equipment can run at 20,000 rpm. At the same time, its warranty period is 5-7 years. Such equipment costs from 12 thousand rubles. and higher, depending on how many glasses the machine is designed for. By the way, even if you took the equipment for one working cell, it is recommended to purchase a couple more glasses. So you can quickly prepare the desired mixture. The cost of one glass for an imported mixer is about 500 rubles.


Such equipment helps to fully automate the process of production of milkshakes. A mixer and containers for supplying syrups are built into the apparatus. Depending on which button was pressed for preparation, a certain type of syrup is mixed into the milkshake. Standard freezer models can produce four different drinks at the same time.

They also differ in the type of saturation of the drink with air. It depends on how the cocktail will be whipped. With natural air supply, it is whipped by a maximum of 40%, and with forced air, this figure can reach 100%. Another difference between a freezer and a mixer is that the latter prepares a drink at temperatures from 0 to -3 ° C.

Accordingly, milk drinks prepared in a freezer differ in taste more favorably. They are richer in texture and more like melted ice cream in both appearance and taste. Therefore, these cocktails are often called "soft ice cream". But such equipment costs a little more than a mixer. Depending on the model and manufacturer, its price starts from 15-20 thousand rubles. The productivity of the freezer costs from 2.5 kg per hour. But experts recommend taking it only if at least one hundred servings can be sold per day.

Raw materials for cooking

To prepare milkshakes according to the classical technology using a mixer, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk;
  • syrup;
  • ice cream.

All this is desirable to purchase from wholesale suppliers. Ice cream and milk must be stored in refrigerators. For syrups, this condition is optional. By the way, syrups must be purchased special for cocktails. They are sold in liter plastic bottles with a convenient dosing cap.

To prepare drinks in a freezer, you will have to include in the business plan the purchase of special powdered milk mixtures and special syrups intended exclusively for the freezer.

The volume of purchases of raw materials is calculated from the fact that 300 milliliters of a cocktail requires 7 grams of syrup, 15 grams of ice cream and 75 grams of milk. Please note that 2/3 cup of the finished drink is occupied by foam, which is why it is so important to have good equipment that can beat it to the desired consistency.

The most popular syrups are vanilla, chocolate and fruit.

Submission of services

As already mentioned, in order for a business to flourish, you need to find something to stand out from your competitors. First of all, it is necessary to present a wide range of flavors. Usually the line expands due to the fruit variety.

Pay attention to the container. You can come up with an original shape or color of cups, tubes, lids, accessories for them. To increase profitability, include related products in your sales plan: nuts, cookies, chewing gum, and more. A new trend in the assortment of cocktails is oxygen cocktails, the foam of which is formed using oxygen.

You can also organize the supply of alcoholic cocktails, but this dramatically increases the number of requirements for the outlet. It should not be located near educational and children's institutions or places where children gather. You will also need to obtain a special license for the sale of alcoholic beverages. In addition, the sale of such cocktails is strictly limited in time by law.

Point staff

At the start of a business, it is quite possible to manage on your own, preparing and selling cocktails on your own at your point. But if you plan to open several outlets and keep selling all week, it is better to hire salespeople. For smooth operation, it is better to have two sales assistants for each point for shift work. Please note that each of them must have a sanitary book. If the future seller does not have it, you must issue it at your own expense.

Financial plan

A mandatory section that any business plan should contain is the financial plan of the enterprise. It calculates in detail all the costs at the start and in the production process, and then compares them with the estimated income. So you can calculate the profitability of the future business.

Expenditure part

If we talk about expenses, then the plan for the cost part will look something like this:

Please note that the cost plan does not include salaries for cocktail vendors. Usually it is formed from an agreed percentage of daily earnings.

Revenue part

The revenue plan is formed on the basis of the estimated sales volume. According to statistics in the summer, a sales plan can be set for about 250 portions of a milkshake per day at a busy point. The cost of one regular serving of 300 ml is an average of 35 rubles, a half-liter - 50 rubles. In this case, the margin on the drink is not less than 200%. As for soft ice cream (a cocktail made in a freezer), its cost is 3.5 rubles. and it is sold at a markup of about 100%. But the final cost of the product depends on the region of sales.

After all the necessary payments have been made and the cost of raw materials has been deducted, the profit, according to various estimates, can range from 200 thousand rubles. per month up to a million rubles. It all depends on where the point is located, and what additional services you offer on it.

Assessing the indicators that the financial plan demonstrates, we can say that the business will pay off in about a year or a little more.

Conditions for business success

Of course, the success of a business depends on many factors, but there are additional specific factors that will ensure the success of milkshake sales. These include the following:

  1. Stable high quality drink. In no case should you save on equipment and ingredients that provide the taste and quality of the drink. After all, it is for the sake of taste that buyers come to you. Therefore, the equipment and raw materials must be of the highest quality, the ingredients are added exactly according to the technology.
  2. Constantly expand the range. The competition in this area is quite high, so you constantly need to keep the attention of buyers at your point. But keep in mind that the tastes of cocktails buyers are quite conservative. Chocolate, vanilla and fruit flavors are always the most popular. Of the latter, banana, strawberry and raspberry are most often taken. Exotics are best taken in small quantities, checking the preferences of customers. It is recommended to expand the range by offering additional products. For example, oxygen cocktails, freshly squeezed juices, ice cream and more.
  3. Some experts recommend turning the drink into a show. This means not only offering it in an original glass and with an unusual tube, but also making the cooking process itself exciting, for which people will come back to you again.