Contract manufacturing of printed circuit boards in China. Ordering printed circuit boards from a factory in China

Installation of electronic circuit boards at enterprises in China - robots work hard - a happy person!

SMT custom PCB assembly in China

Electronics in China are improving and miniaturizing very quickly.

users barely have time to get acquainted with the gadget and “run it in” before an even more interesting novelty appears in this regard. But the competition between manufacturers for the thinnest smartphone, tablet or other reliable and convenient device is doomed to failure without the use of the thinnest, lightest and oversized printed circuit boards.

Therefore, the rate of "evolution" of PP is increasing today at times. We can personally observe this process on the example of the Middle Kingdom, the world center of electronics: the assembly of printed circuit boards in China is one of the most demanded industries here. Large local enterprises with the latest equipment that does not stop their work for a minute, and the ability to implement the most modern technologies, quickly and with absolute repeatability fulfill any orders for the assembly of printed circuit boards.

Technological features of the process

The intricate pattern of modern PCBs impresses with the precision of the lines and the clear, neat placement of their elements. The secret of such an elegant soldering of densely mounted chip components lies, first of all, in the use of advanced PCB mounting technologies.

This is the most complex and time-consuming stage of production, requiring both highly qualified personnel and high-quality and productive equipment. A huge number of used electronic components, microassemblies, microcircuits and varieties of their connections on boards of various types, the number of involved sides of the boards determine the choice of the optimal technology for soldering components.

Types of PCB mounting


The task of the manufacturer's masters in each of these methods is to ensure reliable and durable connections and uninterrupted electrical contact. In addition, the chosen technology must be economical both in terms of time and in terms of finances in relation to each specific order. The ability to reduce the weight of the board and make it more compact is not worth mentioning - these are self-evident things.

SMT mounting

Perfectly meets all high quality requirements surface mount printed circuit board. It is a fully automated cost effective process using high speed installers, high performance automatic printers, PCB unloaders that perform all operations accurately and quickly. Such equipment can be quickly and easily reconfigured for the production of boards of various types.

Benefits of Surface Mount PCB

allow us to talk about the effectiveness and prospects of the method, especially in large-scale production. Along with reducing the size and weight of the boards, the possibility of high-quality mounting of small-sized SMT components and dense routing, the technology improves the reliability and accuracy of products by automating the production process and carefully controlling its stages.

Such boards are more durable and are highly sensitive when transmitting even the weakest signals. And, importantly - they are well repaired, thanks to a simple replacement of components. The timing of the release of large batches of orders and the costs of such production are minimized. Naturally, the cost of PP is significantly reduced in this case.

Reflow oven or wave soldering techniques are used to solder components with flat leads directly to the PCB surface.

Reflow technology consists of several stages:

Dot or stencil application of solder paste to pads or glue to the points of placement of elements on the surface of the board. Depending on the volume of the order, the operation can be performed manually, automatically or semi-automatically. It is very important at this initial stage, when the base of the board is laid, to observe the accuracy and uniformity of the application of the paste in order to obtain a quality product as a result;

Installation of SMD components. Unlike the withdrawal method, the surface soldering installation is less laborious and more productive. In the manufacture of test samples or small batches of boards, as a rule, manual or semi-automatic manipulators with vacuum tweezers are used. In serial production at Chinese enterprises, expensive automatic installers are used with the possibility of non-contact centering of board elements, support for various types of feeders, high speed of system readjustment for different types of boards;

Melting of paste in special ovens of cabinet or conveyor types with a different number of heating zones. Complex and critical boards are melted in convection ovens that create identical soldering conditions for all joints without exception. Simpler boards can be processed in infrared and mixed ovens;

Automatic x-ray, optical, in-circuit control to assess the quality of soldering, correct assembly and check the performance of products are carried out at all stages of production;

Washing circuit boards in ultrasonic baths, rinsing with deionized water, etc. to remove residual paste.

When soldering with a wave in an inert medium, the boards, after preliminary fluxing and heating, are placed on a conveyor belt and pass over the solder wave. And immediately with an air knife, the remnants of solder are removed.

Manual assembly of boards

For single orders of prototypes or trial batches of PCBs, Chinese manufacturers use manual assembly. It is more expedient from the point of view of profitability and technical features of the process. But in no way speaks of low product quality or low execution speed.

The technology, by and large, is identical to automatic assembly, but using manual manipulators. Soldering is performed on modern specialized equipment with constant verification and control of all operations.

Lead-out mounting

Until recently, this was the main type of PCB mounting. And although more productive and efficient methods have appeared, the classical technology still finds application. The name itself already speaks about the features of the method: the components are installed in the holes of the board and are soldered to their internal metallized surface or to contact pads.

Depending on the number of installed elements, their size, location on the boards and the complexity of the board layout, various types of pin (pin DIP) mounting can be used:

Wave soldering (used for single-sided mounting. It features high speed, excellent repeatability due to process automation, good quality joints and no oxidation);

Selective soldering (an economical automated method of selective mounting of elements on mixed-type boards. Like wave soldering, it is carried out in a nitrogen environment);

Manual soldering at soldering stations (applicable for installation of varying degrees of complexity, rational in the manufacture of prototypes or small batches of boards).

How to win in price and quality?

In the production of printed circuit boards, one of the most important factors that keep the competitive position of the manufacturing company is always the possibility of reducing the cost of products without sacrificing quality. The most effective solution in this case is contract manufacturing, which also allows you to optimize the financial resources of the customer and reduce the time of the manufacturing process. High-tech manufacturing enterprises in China are in the most advantageous position in this regard, and not only because of cheap labor.

In China, you do not need to look for the necessary components for a long time - hundreds of thousands of various electronic components for PCBs are developed and produced here. And their cost and quality by no means shock the foreign customer. A professionally tuned production algorithm is one of the main features of Chinese enterprises that perform contract assembly of printed circuit boards, and more and more foreign companies prefer to use it.

During the partnership with Chinese manufacturers, EWBC has already helped foreign customers complete dozens of projects for the manufacture and installation of boards of varying degrees of complexity and accuracy, including high-tech PCBs, as well as the installation of SMD components.

We offer individual work with each client according to well-established schemes of mutually beneficial cooperation, regardless of the volume or specifics of the order.

You can find out the details by simply contacting our office in Moscow or China

Integrated production of printed circuit boards in Russia allows us to provide all the necessary services. We can do:

    calculation of the printed circuit board;

    production of photomasks for printed circuit boards;

    PCB repair.

Having decided to turn to us, you are working with a manufacturer capable of producing printed circuit boards of any complexity in a short time. We are also ready to supply printed circuit boards from China. Mass production of printed circuit boards in China is the best option for those who would like to save money, but at the same time get quality products at their disposal.

Over the years, our company has created a high-tech production of printed circuit boards in Moscow. Technical equipment, knowledge of all the nuances of the process of creating our products, as well as our own production of prepregs make it possible to offer our customers modern products on very attractive terms. We have really low cost PCB fabrication. We can also repair electronic circuit boards.

Are you looking for a reliable production of multilayer printed circuit boards? Call us! And City Electronics will make sure that you are not disappointed with the cooperation!

I usually made boards for myself using LUT technology. But in my latest projects, I ran into technological limitations. The need to manufacture at least two-layer printed circuit board forced me to turn to an industrial service for the manufacture of printed circuit boards.

Studying this issue on the Internet led me to the conclusion that it is most profitable to order the manufacture of printed circuit boards in China.

Recently, I managed to try the following services:

At the time of placing the order, allpcb turned out to have the most interesting offer (at the moment, prices could change, so we choose the service where the price is lower), since they had free delivery to Russia when sent by Hong Kong Post.

Here you need to specify the characteristics of your future board.

  • Dimension: Board dimensions width, height.
  • Quantity: Quantity in pieces (minimum 5, but the price depends on the quantity).
  • Layer: Number of layers.
  • PCB Kinds: the number of boards on one PCB (usually, if you have several small PCBs, it is most profitable to place them on one PCB Kinds 100x100mm in size, separating them in a silkscreen layer, and then saw them yourself. Unfortunately, with, this number is I was not accepted. They considered my project as several "PCB Kinds", which greatly increased the cost. Thus, for the allpcb case, I recommend limiting yourself to one board on one piece of textolite).
  • Thickness: Textolite thickness.
  • Min Spacing: Minimum spacing between components.
  • Min Hole Size: Minimum hole diameter
  • Solder Mask Color: The color of the protective mask. The default is green, but you can choose another one for an additional fee (seedstudio has it for free, but the quality of the green mask turned out to be noticeably better).
  • Silkscreen Color: Label color.
  • Surface Finishing: Surface finishing.
  • Via Process: Determine whether the vias will be masked or not (there is no point in setting this, since for gerber, by default, vias are processed according to the files).
  • Flying test: Testing tracks for breaks and shorts (free test).
  • Copper Weight: The thickness of the copper plating.

Thus, for amateur boards, it is enough to set the dimensions, the number of pieces, the number of layers. Leave everything else as default.

In total, the most profitable order option is a board 10x10cm in the amount of 10 pieces, double-sided, green mask. If we have one board (one type, you can place several, but one type), then it will be most profitable to place an order with If you need to place several copies of the board on a piece of textolite, then it is better to use the service, their panelization turned out to be free.

You can learn more about the project itself and download the files of the project itself in the article

I will describe my experience of ordering printed circuit boards in China. I decided to produce a small batch of my devices (DaNetka - an electronic coin for making decisions) in the amount of 200 pieces and the choice arose where to order printed circuit boards? In Zelenograd, they asked for a very horse price, and after a little search, I came across a site where the price of printed circuit boards made me very happy.
many photos!

Having prepared the gerbera files, I began to place an order:

There were no problems with formatting. Everything is intuitive.
Having chosen the necessary options, the price came out 1683 rubles with kopecks. Very good price for a batch of 200 pieces!
By adding an order to the basket, and clicking continue checkout, you will be taken to the section for choosing delivery and payment.
Since I was in no hurry, I chose regular delivery (it is also more budgetary)

I was waiting for the cost of delivery of 1000 with a little.
I paid for the order and waited. After 14 days (very quickly, I was surprised myself) from the moment of payment, the boards were in my hands!

In parallel, I ordered a complete set already in Russia. It seems that all the components are not expensive, but the amount came out to be about 17,000 rubles (taking into account 200 boards)
Got a big box

And now the moment of truth has come! Assembly has begun!
Since the device is one, and there are two versions of DaNetka, 2 firmware for controllers were written.
In the first version, only 2 LEDs work: green and red (yes and no answers, respectively)
In the second version, a yellow LED is added (the answer to the question is set by the user himself)

Here's what happened (small batch) without installed battery compartments.

With battery trays installed but with different buttons

The device turned out to be very tactical and flies like hot cakes.
Yes, I confess, I did it for sale, but I give it at a ridiculous price)))

Wow! the effect is achieved like this: The question is asked, for example, should I order a pizza? and the button is pressed

Everyone has sadness - sadness (((

Should I order sushi?

Wife is happy!!!

The devices are assembled, the wife is happy and I am satisfied!

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