What is a neodymium magnet for? Neodymium magnets

Hello! To begin with, great reviews of such magnets
have already been to the site. It is thanks to this that I also decided to become the owner of miniature and powerful magnets that are useful for the household.

Their price, at the time of order, was about 160 rubles.
Description of the order: 10 magnets, diameter of each 2 cm, weight of 10 pieces - around 40 g.

The parcel arrived in 44 days. They were packed in a standard yellow envelope and wrapped with 4 layers of pimples and adhesive tape. Apparently, the seller was trying to protect the outside world from the magnetic field of his product. Although we may be talking about the fragility of the products, which, therefore, the seller clearly informed me.
The force required to detach metal parts from the magnet turned out to be much higher than that of conventional household magnets.
You can come up with a variety of applications - for storing keys in a suspended state (whether the magnetic field of the key will affect the chip of the tablet key from the intercom and credit cards, that's what worries me), for storing cutlery (knives) in the kitchen (the aesthetics are still I would like to implement it at the same time), tricks, fixing various devices in a car, to a refrigerator and other metal surfaces, searching for and extracting metal objects from hard-to-reach places, etc. I also met sellers with magnets with a hole in the center for fasteners, it would probably be better for me to order them. And how to fix these - 3M adhesive tape or glue - has not yet decided, and whether the adhesive and adhesive tape can withstand the force applied to detach the key (knife) is also not clear.
What magnets were bought for, they did 100% - freely, obviously with a reserve of power, kept keys, knives, etc. on the weight.

Here are just a number of stainless steel objects (spoons, for example, a stainless steel kitchen sink) do not possess magnetism and are not attracted by any magnet at all. This must be considered before buying. You can practice with an ordinary magnet - what attracts it, the same will attract those discussed.
Data on neodymium compounds can be found from
Thus, everything is very worthy, but here's what confused - the composition of these magnets did not contain the notorious neodymium (Nd) at all, although the force of attraction of the magnets is really great. I was very surprised by this fact. To determine the composition of the alloy from which the magnets were made, the Titan S1 device was used. Features of the device are highlighted by me in the review
The device itself

The composition of the resulting neodymium magnet (%)
Ni - 71.76
Fe - 24.06
Cr - 3.87
V - 0.13
Ti - 0.08
Mn - 0.08
For comparison, the composition of the magnet "singing magnets" or "Rattlesnake Eggs", bought in a stall with every little thing for 30 rubles, which has a weaker magnetism:
Fe - 93.44
Ti - 5.02
Mn - 0.88
Co - 0.25
Cu - 0.17
W - 0.13
Zn - 0.04
Mo - 0.02
As you can see, they differ in the basis - Ni and Fe. This is understandable, but it’s not clear, where is the neodymium promised by the seller as part of the magnets?
For those who are especially curious:
The composition of the spoon, absolutely unresponsive to any magnet:
The composition of the knife blade (pictured) is perfectly held by a neodymium magnet:

Summing up, I can say that the magnets do their job well, so I can recommend them for purchase. The seller has received positive feedback. Well, neodymium - and you can live normally without it. Maybe even better for health.

Addition - crash test results.

For the sake of truth and curiosity, I sacrificed one magnet. I cleaned one side of it with a file, by the way, the surface layer is removed very easily. In the process, the magnet fell onto the porcelain stoneware floor and proved its fragility by breaking into several pieces.

After re-evaluating the composition. The components are the same. There is no neodymium. But the proportions have changed. By 8 percent there was more iron, and nickel, respectively, less. In other words, under a coating layer based on nickel, the magnet itself, with a high iron content. I associate this fact either with the fact that I removed part of the nickel during processing with a file in the form of chips (thus violating the ratio of elements in the sample), or with a measurement error (most likely not). The used device has it, because. it shows the mean value of the measurement and the confidence interval.
Next, the pieces of the magnet were placed in boiling water for 2 minutes, and also heated on fire. Cool down naturally. The boiled piece completely retained its magnetic properties, the calcined one completely lost it and turned into unnecessary garbage. In the process of calcination, I observed several sparks (like "New Year's sparklers").

Magnetic properties can be applied not only in the space sphere or in scientific installations, such as the hadron collider. Magnetism can be successfully used in everyday life.

Neodymium magnet 40x20 is the most common and popular. In addition to it, small magnets are used. Mainly for the organization of easily dismantled screens in the bathroom.

One of the main problems of almost every magnet is its demagnetization, which occurs over time. But with the invention of the neodymium magnet, this negative feature was leveled.

The benefits of using neodymium magnets are displayed below:

  • wide availability;
  • a huge variety of different sizes;
  • adequate price.

The scope of neodymium magnets is incredibly wide. For example, magnets can even be used as ordinary toys. They can be assembled from magnets in various configurations.

Some even say that neodymium has healing properties and is able to heal the body from all sorts of problems. Although the majority agrees that the healing properties of neodymium are exactly the same as the miraculous effect of a zirconium bracelet (absolute zero).

As mentioned above, neodymium magnets have incredible magnetic power, which the scammers decided to turn to their advantage. Today, the indicated type of magnets is used to brake various kinds of counters.

In most cases, a neodymium magnet is used to brake the water meter. The more magnets will be "sticked" on the device, the higher the probability of its complete stop.

Needless to say, the use of magnets for the intended purposes is a scam. If the controller detects the use of a magnet, at best, you will have to pay a substantial fine.

However, this does not stop everyone. Strong magnets continue to be used for selfish purposes with enviable constancy.

The video demonstrates the unusual properties of a magnet that stabilizes itself based on the Earth's magnetic field:

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Neodymium is a powerful permanent magnetic material. It is available to all people, so it can be used for different purposes. This is a rare earth magnet, which includes an atom from lanthanides or actinides. Unlike a ceramic magnet, this design is quite strong and magnetized.

Scope of use of neodymium magnet

Neodymium magnets are inexpensive designs that are often used for industrial and domestic purposes. Researchers and hobbyists can also use these materials to create their own projects and scientific research. All hard drives that modern computers are equipped with have a small neodymium magnet. He directs the needle to correctly read the necessary information.

A neodymium magnet can be found in an expensive speaker system, furniture fasteners, a variety of fittings, and many other things. Presented magnets can be used to create souvenirs. There is only one drawback of this material - at high temperatures, a neodymium magnet can lose its original properties and energy. It is for this reason that experts do not recommend the use of these designs in electronic and electrical devices, where a large amount of thermal energy is generated.

Advantages of neodymium magnet

The main advantage is incredible strength. Large magnets can withstand a weight of 10 kilograms. If you connect two magnets together and do not take into account the correct angle, then you can get a skin injury, such a strong attraction between them. Therefore, magnetic fasteners are often used in furniture production to create a reliable fastener.

Often, the presented designs can be found in an entertainment or educational project. A large number of people have already been able to estimate the duration of operation of such magnets. For a hundred years, only 1% of its own magnetic energy is lost. Ferrite magnets were most often created in the form of a horseshoe to complete the magnetic field line. Thus, manufacturers tried to increase the service life of such a design. Now it is best to buy and use neodymium magnets, which can be of any shape and will not lose their magnetic energy.

What are neodymium magnets made of?

During the production of this design, manufacturers use a unique alloy of neodymium, iron and boron. It has a high magnetizing power, so it rarely loses its properties. This permanent rare earth magnet can be found in generators, oil filters, and medical equipment. Neodymium magnet 50x30 is most often used in modern devices that are designed for magnetic resonance imaging.

Boron is the hardest element. It is inferior in its physical properties to diamonds, boron nitride and an alloy of silicon and carbon.

Iron is a metal that is grayish or white in its free state. It is used in a variety of admixtures to increase brittleness and hardness. It has pronounced magnetic properties. Neodymium has a silvery-white color, with a slight golden hue. It can easily oxidize in air. Most often, this metal is used as an alloy component.

Almost everyone is familiar with a magnet, because they often played with it in childhood or used it at school to attach thematic materials to the board. Today, magnets are used almost everywhere, it is an essential component for various electronic devices, motors, generators, transformers. Very often, magnets are used to create clips, holders, souvenirs and toys.

The most powerful are neodymium magnets, which are made of a special alloy, the structure of which includes boron, iron and neodymium. It is these elements that predetermine their advantages and disadvantages in comparison with magnets made of other materials. It is neodymium magnets that today are replacing standard ferrite magnets everywhere, finding increasing use.

Neodymium magnets are extremely powerful magnets that are made from rare earth metals. Also known as Neo magnet, NIB or NdFeB. In most cases, it is an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron, which forms Nd2Fe14B tetragonal crystal structure.

Neodymium magnets:
  • They are distinguished by high resistance to demagnetization.
  • They have a high attraction power.
  • They have a metallic appearance.
  • Extremely in demand, they are used in various fields of electronics, industry, medicine and in everyday life.

The first countries that mastered the production of neodymium magnets were Japan and the USA. It was the actively developing potential of these countries that stimulated the emergence of new technologies for creating permanent magnets. The neodymium magnet was first developed by General Motors in cooperation with Sumitomo Special Metals in 1982. At the moment, these are the strongest permanent magnets from a whole list of commercially available ones. The magnets have a magnetic energy value that is more than 18 times the energy of conventional magnets.

The composition of the new magnet had the following composition:
  • Iron.
  • The metal of the lanthanide group is neodymium.

The last element in the composition of the new alloy belongs to the rare-earth ones, it performs the functions of the main link in the composition of the alloy. Boron in the alloy is present in negligible amounts, while iron is a binding element.

Thanks to this composition, the magnets have an incredibly high adhesive force. With them, ferrite magnets in this indicator simply cannot be compared. For example, if you connect two powerful ferrite rings to each other, then with a certain effort, you can separate them with your hands. With neodymium magnets, this simply will not work. Two neodymium magnets, connected to each other, will be impossible to unstick with bare hands without the use of devices.

The price of the first neodymium magnets, which appeared in the mid-90s of the last century on free sale, was quite high. At the moment, their cost has decreased somewhat, but it still remains high. This is explained by the relatively large rarity of neodymium, including the patent struggle of various manufacturers and developers of magnets.

There is a wide variety of brands and shapes of neodymium magnets. The diverse form of neodymium magnets is caused by their various purposes. So they can be in the form of cones, cylinders, rings, spheres, balls, rectangles, disks and the like. Using the ingredients of neodymium magnets, plastic materials are also created that have magnetic properties. For example, it is magnetic vinyl.


Magnets can be classified by:
  • magnetic energy.
  • operating temperature range.
  • Dimensions.
  • Strength of adhesion.
Depending on the brand, magnets differ in operating temperature ranges:
  • Grade N (Normal) - up to 80 C, that is, at normal temperatures.
  • M (Medium) - up to 100 C, that is, at elevated temperatures.
  • H (High) - up to 120 C, that is, at high temperatures.
  • SH (Super High) - up to 150 C.
  • UH (Ultra High) - up to 180 C.
  • EH (Extra High) - up to 200 C.

The numbers that are indicated in the designation of the class of magnets: 40UH, 38SH, 33M, N30, and so on, indicate magnetic energy, it is measured in kJ per cubic meter. This criterion is responsible for the power, that is, the "peel force", that is required to be applied to the magnet in order to produce a lift from the surface. The higher the magnet designation, the higher the pull-off force will become.
At the same time, the "pull force" will also depend on the weight and size of the magnet. For example, magnet 25 20 mm will be an order of magnitude easier to tear off, for example, from a steel sheet than a magnet with an area of ​​40 5 mm.

Magnets are also differentiated into classes, taking into account the magnitude of their magnetic moment per unit volume. Classes of neodymium magnets:
  • N35-N52;
  • N33M-N48M;
  • N30H-N45H;
  • N30SH-N42SH;
  • N30UH-N35UH;
  • N28EH-N35EH.
Applications and Features
When using neodymium magnets, their features should be taken into account.
  • The service life of neodymium magnets is at least 30 years, if properly used and stored, it can be an order of magnitude longer. But under certain conditions, they can be easily disabled, as well as irrevocably spoil them. Neodymium magnets are completely inflexible. They can break under a certain load and even crack, including losing their properties.
  • Dropping or hitting the magnet may cause the magnet particles to break off, which may result in poor traction. In addition, a sufficiently strong impact can lead to the loss of the properties of the magnet. Therefore, you should avoid falling neodymium magnets, including where parts and parts may hit each other or fall.
  • The magnetic properties of the magnet when exposed to high temperatures are lost irretrievably. Depending on the current brand of magnet, the heating limit can be in the range of 80-250 degrees Celsius. If the magnet is heated above the standard temperature, all properties are lost. Self-demagnetization of neodymium magnets is about 1% in 10 years. This figure is quite high.
  • Machining a neodymium magnet is nearly impossible. When creating serial samples of magnets after purchase for some purpose, it will be practically impossible to give the magnet any other shape. This is due to the fact that drilling the alloy, cutting with a cutting tool or grinding can cause the alloy to ignite. Including the high temperature that will be released during friction will cause a harmful effect on the magnet itself, as well as its properties.
Neodymium magnets are quite widely used in industry, they are used in various experiments and experiments in the field of electrical engineering and physics.
  • Powerful magnets are equipped with filters that trap small metal particles in liquids or gases.
  • Neodymium alloy magnets also find use in the manufacture of souvenirs and toys.
  • Magnets, due to their high adhesive force, are used to search for metal objects that lie underground. Today they are actively used by search engines engaged in the restoration of wartime equipment.
  • Neodymium alloys are used to create magnetic fasteners, with which various objects are fastened.
  • For connecting parts of metal structures: strong, but easily detachable if necessary.
  • For fastening blinds, curtains and other elements associated with windows.
  • Creation of levitating interior items, furniture. Recently, many designers, and even ordinary creative people, use neodymium magnets to make their tables, coasters, trays, beds truly soar.
  • Creation of free energy generators, Tesla generators, magnetic valves, Searl generators, magnetic tunnels and Hall sensors. High grade magnets are used in the Large Hadron Collider.
  • Magnets are very widely used in medicine, for example, in magnetic resonance imaging machines, as well as to eliminate pain in arthritis.
  • Neodymium magnets can be widely used in everyday life, ranging from plumbing, as well as ending with attaching photos or a calendar to the refrigerator.
  • Magnets are used in the creation of computer hard drives.
  • Smoothing out small scratches and dents on musical instruments and parts. It is enough just to attach a powerful neodymium magnet on one side of the part, as well as a large steel ball on the other.
  • Purification of technical fluids and motor oils of a car from foreign metal particles and impurities leading to engine wear.
  • Magnetization of water. A number of doctors recommend drinking water that has been treated with a magnetic field in order to increase immunity and improve well-being.
  • Magnets are used to create light, compact, but very powerful electric current generators, for example, hydroelectric power plants, as well as other alternative energy facilities.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of neodymium magnets include:
  • The power of attraction is tens of times greater than the force of a conventional magnet.
  • They are in demand from large manufacturers, but they can also be purchased for domestic use. Magnets are sold in special stores and regular online stores.
  • Due to the rather high power, demagnetization does not occur for a long time. For 10 years, only 1% demagnetization occurs.
  • Possibility of wide application in various industries.
  • Light weight and compact dimensions compared to other magnets with the same adhesive force.
The disadvantages of neodymium magnets include:
  • Neodymium magnets can be dangerous to health and surrounding products in inexperienced and inept hands. They can damage the upholstery of metal furniture, cars, and even walls. They should not be given to children.
  • The magnets are very difficult to disengage, which in certain cases is a big drawback.
  • Negative effect on the operation of electronics.
  • Neodymium magnets do not withstand strong drops and shocks.
  • Lose their properties at relatively high temperatures.

It is considered the strongest at the moment stable permanent magnet, not to be confused with a niobium magnet or magnets that include an element (the latter also has strong magnetic properties). A magnet can be of different sizes and shapes, the larger it is, the greater its magnetic properties. Like other magnets, its magnetic fields are axial, diametrical and radial.

Consists of neodymium magnet from an alloy of the rare earth element () from the lanthanide group and iron, boron Nb-Fe-B. Also, depending on the place of application, they are added with cobalt. It has a color from light gray to almost black due to the different composition, so a layer of another metal is always applied to it (mainly,)

Got its name from the name of the element, and for its very high strength and properties exceeding other magnets, it has the 2nd name super magnet. Like other magnets, it is resistant to demagnetization, and this is only 10% in 100 years. The disadvantage of such magnets is considered to be a very low effect; heating above 70% leads to demagnetization of the magnet, to eliminate this and increase resistance to temperature, additional elements are added to the composition.

Usage. The neodymium magnet found its main application in computers in which there is a hard disk (in a PC, disk C or D is an information carrier), in mechanical engineering it is used for the production of current generators as a magnetic exciter. In the manufacture of mobile phones and their accessories, as well as the use of electric motors with high efficiency (quadcopter, drones) all possible mechanical toys, etc. On its basis, craftsmen make home-made electric motors and generators, and also use it as a magnetic fuel activator to save fuel in cars. Its principle is based on the ordering of gas molecules into one chain; gas savers are made on this basis.

It is widely used in agriculture to magnetize water, this phenomenon has a positive effect on the yield of fruits and vegetables.

Where can I buy neodymium magnet, in almost all large cities there are stores such as the Supermagnet Company or many others, a neodymium magnet is sold in almost any territory of Russia, Ukraine, Europe, etc. It is better to purchase a magnet in special stores or via the Internet. beware of fakes.

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