How to open a manicure parlor: step by step instructions. Manicure parlor at home - step-by-step instructions for launching Does a manicurist need to open an IP

When a girl decides to start her own business, she often finds it difficult for her to make a choice in favor of this or that business. When the choice is made, the business very often turns out to be too expensive or difficult to implement.

However, there are a number of opportunities available mainly to beautiful ladies, easy to implement and giving a good income. Among them is a manicure business at home. Manicure is the very thing that brings girls not only money, but also pleasure and creative self-realization, and you can organize it literally at home. If you are interested in this idea, then now we will tell you how to start a manicure business.


Before opening a nail salon at home, you need to calculate the pros and cons. And decide what you need to open a manicure room and.

Let's start with the positive:

  • Popularity among men and women;
  • Opportunity to develop creativity;
  • Availability and ease of implementation;
  • Profitability.

The disadvantages of this business also lie on the surface:

  • Huge competition;
  • The need for special education: at least courses;
  • The problem of competition can be solved either at the expense of quality, or with the help of interesting offers and discounts.

Business plan

Even if you plan to work at home, it is simply necessary to draw up a business plan for a manicure parlor with calculations. In this way, you can spend your funds in the most wise way. Proper distribution of finances is very important, because if you do not plan to take large loans or sell an apartment, then you are unlikely to have a very large budget.

In addition, a business plan for a manicure parlor is needed in order not to miss a single detail. Start by registering your business. Some craftswomen work from home without registering. Most often, before that they worked in the salon, and now they host former clients and women / men who came by acquaintance.

If you still want to collect all the necessary documents, you will need to obtain a certificate of private enterprise and a certificate of completion of the relevant courses. It is good if you also have the necessary permits and a medical book. Not for reporting, but simply to increase customer confidence in you.

The space is the most important part of the business plan, but you won't need to write it out since you're working from home.


Equipment for a manicure parlor is not very numerous and expensive.

First of all, you need furniture:

  • Table for direct manicure;
  • Two manicure chairs - for you and the client;
  • Armchair and coffee table - for guests waiting in line;
  • Cabinet or shelves - two storages of varnishes, washes, lamps and other equipment.

Then, you should have all the necessary tools:

  • Manicure set;
  • Sterilizer;
  • UV lamp for quick drying gel polish;
  • Fraser;
  • Special brushes for drawings on nails and French manicure;
  • Acrylic, gel polishes, ordinary varnishes of different colors, foundations, cuticle softeners, manicure and shellac removers and other cosmetic chemicals;
  • Tips, false nails, nail stickers, etc.;
  • Baths.
Of all the above, furniture will be the most expensive purchase. A table, for example, can cost between $70 and $200. The lamp will also cost you up to $200. Although, in online stores it can be bought starting from 3 USD. e. The Fraser will cost between $10 and $150. If you do not really understand the difference between equipment for 3 and for 300 USD. e. - find a consultant and ask him to help with the selection.

It is good to buy consumables in bulk. Try to negotiate mutual advertising and discounts, look for good and cheap options on websites and in stores. Hint: last season's collections or almost sold out lines are the most discounted.

Don't save. A half-dollar lacquer from the market will peel off in a day, and your reputation in the eyes of the visitor will fail. And the instruments, in general, should be crystal clear: no one has canceled the introduction of unpleasant diseases.


It is clear that in the home salon you are the master. Appearance and behavior should be appropriate so that the client does not doubt for a second: this specialist is a real professional.

For starters, your appearance and especially your nails should be very well groomed. This serves as an additional advertisement for the services, because you most likely do the manicure yourself. If you have at least one (or rather several) courses and a couple of certificates on the wall behind you, this will also raise the prestige of the manicurist. In addition to all of the above, the master must be polite and creative. If the client does not know what pattern she wants to see on her nails, it is you who will have to come up with it and execute it so that the girl is satisfied.


In addition to the master, you may also need an administrator. This person will answer calls, negotiate with clients, record them, keep records, control the financial part of the issue, maintain Internet resources, constantly update them and communicate with users.

It is good if this person is your relative, whom you can trust. This will save you several thousand rubles a month. The administrator is, first of all, a responsible, attentive, accurate person. He must be "on you" with a computer, be able to work on the Internet, enter clients into the database, know all the necessary information and be able to answer questions.


It makes sense to launch advertising when everything is ready to receive visitors. Make yourself a website and groups on social networks, create a page on Instagram. The main thing that should be on all these pages is a portfolio and a price list. There should be a lot of photos so that clients can fully imagine how professionally the craftswoman works.

Establish partnerships with other craftsmen or shops. If an advertisement of their services is displayed on the website and pages of your manicure parlor, they will respond with mutual advertising. It has recently become very popular to offer their services almost for free in order to develop a portfolio.

The client girl pays only for consumables, gets a free manicure, and you get a photo for presentation and advertising. This always works flawlessly and soon you will line up with this girl's friends. If the manicure, of course, is good. A very interesting type of cooperation is with photographers.

If your name appears under a photo of a girl with cool nails, this will again serve as an attracting factor. Make yourself business cards, give yourself a link on special forums. In principle, you can even write reviews for yourself (or entrust this to copywriters). Just be careful.

  1. Follow the trends in the fashion world. You must have a few options from the latest trends that you can offer to the client. If at the same time you can say “But Angelina Jolie had such a manicure on the red carpet last week”, then even the most expensive design will be approved unconditionally;
  2. Always keep a lacquer chart and a couple of glossy editions or photos with examples on the coffee table. Have your guests leaf through them while they wait their turn;
  3. Before you open a nail salon at home, work in the salon. Experience in the beauty industry is always greatly appreciated;
  4. Create a system of bonuses and rewards.
  5. Provide additional services, for example, you can offer clients, in addition to manicures, also haircuts.
  6. A home beauty salon is a profitable business, if only because you don’t have to share the proceeds with anyone. It is easy to organize such a business, and it is pleasant to do it. Competition can destroy your business only if you are not good enough in your profession. If you are truly a master, then no one and nothing will prevent the business from flourishing. About others


Ask a Question

Apply for IP or not? Provision of make-up and manicure services

Good afternoon, I was offered to rent a room where I will provide makeup services, they will be free, but I want to put a girl on this square who will do manicures. She will work on my equipment that I will provide to her, and she will give a percentage of the proceeds to me for using the equipment, what should I do, issue an IP or is there another way out?

Lawyers Answers

Oleg Eduardovich(01/20/2017 at 14:28:47)

Good afternoon.

Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Relations regulated by civil law

Civil law regulates relations between persons engaged in entrepreneurial activity, or with their participation, based on the fact that entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons, registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law.

As you can see, if you engage in any activity SYSTEMATICALLY and it will bring profit, then it is mandatory to register as an individual entrepreneur.

Sutormina Elena Alexandrovna(01/20/2017 at 14:32:02)

Hello, if your intentions are serious, and you will be engaged in this activity in the order in which you described, you need to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur, according to the current legislation, a citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity without education from the moment of state registration as an individual entrepreneur, according to Art. 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at systematically making a profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law. Since your activity involves making a profit, even by renting equipment, working to provide services in your rented premises and receiving interest. If an individual has repeatedly provided services and receives profit from this, while carrying out entrepreneurial activities without state registration, or this activity does not comply with the declared OKVED, this person can be brought to tax, administrative, criminal liability. Art. 116 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: Violation by the taxpayer of the deadline established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for registration with the tax authority on the grounds provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation entails a fine in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. Conducting activities by an organization or an individual entrepreneur without registration with a tax authority on the grounds provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation entails a fine in the amount of 10 percent of the income received during the specified time as a result of such activities, but not less than 40 thousand rubles. Administrative responsibility, art. 14.1. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation: Carrying out entrepreneurial activity without state registration as an individual entrepreneur or without state registration as a legal entity - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to two thousand rubles. I wish you good luck and success in your endeavors.

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Anatoly K.(01/20/2017 at 14:32:42)

Hello, on the merits of your question, I can explain the following: Sign with the landlord, and with this girl you can conclude a sublease agreement, but in principle you may not conclude it. I understand that the contract between you and this girl will be in the nature of an oral agreement for the use of your instrument? Have you decided on the amount in percentage terms that she will be obliged to pay you? How will you control the flow of her clients? Or is the amount already agreed and fixed? Since this girl will perform cosmetic services, her activities must comply with the standards and Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules, there are a lot of nuances here, of course it would be better if she, and not you, registers herself as an individual entrepreneur, you do not have to.

Timofeev Ivan Alexandrovich(01/20/2017 at 14:37:33)

Good afternoon

According to par. Clause 3, Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates relations between persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities, or with their participation, based on the fact that entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at systematically making a profit from the use of property, the sale of goods , performance of work or provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in accordance with the procedure established by law. A citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity from the moment of state registration as an individual entrepreneur (clause 1, article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The activity you describe is entrepreneurial and is aimed at systematically making a profit from the use of property. In my opinion, you need to issue an IP for further activities in order to avoid problems with the law in the future. I would be grateful for your assessment of the answer

Sigula Anna Valentinovna(01/20/2017 at 14:38:10)

Good afternoon. In order to provide makeup and manicure services, a license is not required, so a girl can apply for an IP.

Bagalova Tatyana Konstantinovna(01/20/2017 at 18:05:05)

Good afternoon Let's take it in order. The lease agreement is concluded with you as an individual. For how long, I think up to a year, so as not to register, in the contract, the item is the cost of rent. You write that you will provide a service for free. You want to cover the rent at the expense of the manicurist. On what basis and on what rights will the manicure master serve the client in the premises owned by you on a leasehold basis. The landlord will give you consent to conclude a sublease with a manicurist. How will the relationship be between you? It is not difficult to register an individual entrepreneur, only you must understand that, if suddenly you do not succeed, it will be much more difficult. I give an example: "Due to the increase in insurance premiums in Russia in 2013, about 300 thousand individual entrepreneurs officially closed in just three months." And almost everyone who tries to close an IP has a lot of problems with the FIU. Fines and penalties drive entrepreneurs into a dead end. So, my advice to you is to calculate everything, think it over, take your time, weigh the pros and cons, and only then register the IP. Write a business plan for at least the first 6 months. But if you decide you better choose a patent form of taxation. Learn more about this form.

An individual entrepreneur submits a patent no later than 10 days before the start of application of the PSN.
An individual submits an application for a patent simultaneously with documents for state registration as an individual entrepreneur, if an individual plans, from the date of his state registration as an individual entrepreneur, to carry out entrepreneurial activities on the basis of a patent in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in whose territory such person is registered in tax authority at the place of residence. In this case, the validity of a patent issued to an individual entrepreneur begins from the day of its state registration (state registration is carried out within no more than 5 working days from the date of submission of documents to the registering authority).
The application form for a patent N 26.5-1 was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 18, 2014 N ММВ-7-3/589@.

Good luck to you! Regards, Tatiana!

Lily(01/20/2017 at 18:54:21)

Hello, before applying for a sole proprietorship, consider whether you have enough profit from business activities to cover expenses. An individual entrepreneur for 2017 must pay 27,990 rubles. This is regardless of whether the activity was conducted or not, or you submitted zero tax returns. When registering as an individual entrepreneur, you can choose a simplified taxation system, for example, 6% of all income (from this amount you can deduct the amount paid to the Pension). If you do not care about covering expenses, then register as an individual entrepreneur. If you are a physical a person will rent a non-residential premises to a girl for regular income from renting it out, there is a risk of recognizing such actions as entrepreneurial activity and bringing you to administrative responsibility on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with the imposition of a fine in the amount of 500 to 2000 rubles. When you need to fill out R21001, pay a state duty of 800 rubles, submit documents to the tax office, on the 4th working day you will pick up the USRIP record sheet stating that you are an individual entrepreneur.

Sergei Zubkov(01/21/2017 at 04:05:28)

Hello. If you plan to provide make-up services personally, on an ongoing basis, but free of charge, then it is not necessary to register an IP, because. Entrepreneurship involves making a profit. If, under these conditions, you accept a girl who will provide paid manicure services, then you are required to pay insurance premiums for her, regardless of whether you are an individual entrepreneur or not. Therefore, it is hardly advisable to do so. She works independently, you provided her with part of the premises under a sublease agreement and you are not responsible for her financial activities. If you provided her with part of the premises for free, then indicate this in the sublease agreement. Also enter into an equipment lease agreement, which states that the percentage for use is rent. It is better to have these contracts separately, because part of the premises is real estate, and the equipment is movable property. If you do so, then registering an IP is optional. You will only be liable to pay tax on rental income. Its size is disproportionately less than the payments that an individual entrepreneur is obliged to make. Unfortunately I am late with my answer, but I hope it will be useful to you.

This service cannot be provided in the absence of a license to carry out medical activities.

So, according to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2011 N 1664n “On approval of the nomenclature of medical services”, the Minister of Health approves the nomenclature of medical services, according to which dermapigmentation (permanent tattooing, service code A17.30.001) is included in section “A” and refers to medical services .

2) For carrying out entrepreneurial activities without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such a license) is mandatory (mandatory), administrative and even criminal liability is provided.

3) An applicant for a license can be either an organization or an individual entrepreneur with a higher medical education. Accordingly, depending on this (if you do not have your own company yet), you choose the legal form you need.

4) A license is not required for the provision of aesthetic services (manicure, pedicure, decorative make-up).

5) At the same time, you say that “She will work on my equipment, which I will provide to her, and she will give a percentage of the proceeds to me for using the equipment,” which means that civil legal relations arise between you and the girl , which should be formalized in the appropriate way - by the relevant contract.

If you become an individual entrepreneur, you can draw up an employment contract with the girl.

6) In any case, you are going to provide services, so you must comply with the law "On", because each of your clients or clients of a girl is a consumer of your services. And the fulfillment of all sanitary and hygienic requirements is mandatory: the risk of harm to health when applying, for example, paint under the skin, has not been canceled.

Thus, you need to clearly understand what you are going to do, draw up documents accordingly and organize work in accordance with applicable laws and regulations: ignorance of the laws does not relieve you of responsibility.

Good luck!
I would appreciate your feedback on my answer.

Self-realization is the most important part of any person's life. Only by finding a thing to your liking and constantly working towards achieving your goals, you can feel happy. Many girls who have barely completed courses dream of opening a small manicure parlor at home. You will not argue, such employment is very, very attractive. You do not have a boss who gives out his instructions, and you form a work schedule depending on your free time. That's just the reality is somewhat different from this idyllic picture. ProstoNail has prepared detailed, step-by-step instructions for making dreams come true, taking into account all the pitfalls and small business nuances.

How to open a nail salon - from dream to action

Every person needs self-realization: someone finds it in the family, someone - in children, and someone devotes half of his life to a career. Our article is intended for beauties who want to start their own business, which is very commendable and exciting. So, you have accumulated hard-earned money and invested it in education, successfully completed specialized courses at the most popular school in the city, received a well-deserved diploma and are ready to break into the nail business like a whirlwind. But it was not there. The slightest failure and the whole plan goes downhill, the mood drops, and after it the motivation disappears. So that such excesses do not unsettle you, it is important to weigh all the pros and cons of your home-based business in advance.

Advantages Flaws
The demand for manicure and pedicure in modern society. The condition of the handles is a visiting card not only of a woman, but also of a man, by which you can determine the degree of grooming You must be prepared to take responsibility. Yes, in the case of hired labor “for an uncle” or work under a franchise agreement, all obligations are placed on the shoulders of the boss, but when you open a personal manicure parlor, you are solely responsible
Manicure is relevant for different age categories of the population. And this means that you will have schoolchildren, students, office workers, and grandmothers Big competition. Since it is quite easy to get a diploma of a new qualification, the scope of the nail business is growing by leaps and bounds. Accordingly, the competition is simply prohibitive.
You yourself regulate the degree of saturation of your schedule, the density of records and, accordingly, do not have a boss, which is very attractive to many lovely ladies An irregular schedule can also be a minus. The problem is that due to the excessive flexibility of nature, many masters work "overtime", extending their day by 4-5 hours
You have the opportunity to realize your creativity by applying the skills of an art school in practice You must initially invest in at least special courses, after which you need to get a diploma that officially declares a certain skill
Profitability of the business in the case of taking into account all the "pitfalls" and strict adherence to the business plan When opening your nail salon, be prepared for constant paperwork, which will not be limited solely to the stage of starting a business.
The availability of all materials and the relative ease of implementation of the idea itself. This makes the nail business a great option for start-up beginners. Although you can open your own manicure parlor with a minimal budget, you need to constantly replenish your collection of materials and tools.
A home manicure parlor does not require large financial investments, which would require the opening of a full-fledged beauty salon The choice of developing a business related to nail care imposes serious requirements on the entrepreneur in the field of compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. Remember that the requirements of the ses are the law for you
For clients of a manicure master, often the binding goes not to the place, but to the master. This definitely plays into your hands, because even after leaving the stationary salon where you worked before, most visitors will follow you. Readiness for constant learning and improvement of acquired skills. Of course, the acquisition of new "chips" is not free.
The problem of strong competition is also solvable: you can not be inferior in price, but at the same time significantly exceed the quality of your opponents, or you can regularly come up with interesting promotions and discounts that attract customers

As you can see, there are a million positions that can be written down in the line of "merits" and "disadvantages", but in fact, you determine the attitude to certain points yourself. Therefore, we recommend that you sensibly assess situations, understanding and accepting the pros and cons that exist in any field of employment.

What you need to open a nail salon

The first and most important thing you can do before opening an office is to analyze the niche. Of course, the beauty industry is the most voluminous and promising business area. In order to competently join the competitive environment, you need to initially take into account several important factors:

  • profitability. In order to make a profit year-round, you need to regularly receive clients, without making a special bet on seasonality. Of course, on the eve of holidays, graduations and Christmas, the flow of clients will increase rapidly, but women tend to want to always be beautiful, regardless of the calendar period;
  • collect all available information about the work of competitors, carefully analyze the niche, possibly using the latest market research. Only in this way will you understand the profitability of opening a particular line of business;
  • consider the location of the premises in which you will receive clients. A nail salon in an apartment is a great option for beginners, but unfortunately it is not suitable for the long term. In the future, sooner or later you will have to rent a separate building or just a room in the salon;
  • use the services of a lawyer so as not to miss a single document with the execution of which you will encounter;
  • even equipping a manicure room on the balcony, you need to have the necessary amount of start-up capital. Therefore, accumulate a basic amount of money in advance in accordance with your business plan;
  • make a detailed list of the necessary equipment and materials, so that later you do not rush about in search of reliable online stores and wholesale or retail suppliers;
  • take the time to develop promotional offers, think over and analyze the schedule of discounts and promotions that can attract new customers.

After going through all these steps, you will outline for yourself the main goals that will show you the right direction and accelerate your movement towards success.

What should a home manicure parlor look like?

This question is relevant for every girl who dreams of organizing her own business "on the job", that is, at home. First of all, learn one thing - when planning to host clients at home, you must somehow delimit the family space. Therefore, you need to allocate a separate room for a mini-studio or equip a manicure room on the loggia. True, only if it is glazed.

Do not try in every possible way to save money and accept customers right at the dinner table or in the nursery, this type of meeting is doomed to failure from the very beginning. Firstly, it will create a lot of inconvenience to the household itself. Secondly, the client girl will feel no less embarrassed and uncomfortable, and every now and then you will have to apologize for your child’s scattered toys or your husband’s randomly lying socks. An equally important point is also to maintain the cleanliness of not only the workplace, but also the premises as a whole. In addition to the need to regularly wipe the table, there is a need to re-paste the wallpaper or paint the walls if they have traces of dirt and mold. And yes, do not forget about the fresh air coming from the window. A gloomy, musty room is unlikely to force even one nice lady to return there.

Cabinet plan

So, all issues with the household have been settled, a whole room has been solemnly allocated to you for professional implementation, and a thousand and one ideas are swarming in your soul about how crowds of beauties leave you with a satisfied smile and a promise to return again. In order for these dreams to come true without fail, it is necessary to draw up a clear plan for the workplace, according to which all preparatory repair modifications will be made.

Decide on the color scheme and commercial interior of the office first. After that, analyze the dimensions of the manicure table, because it is the center and base around which all other elements will “line up”. Be guided by the most banal rule of proportions, the more space - the larger the manicure table and vice versa. It is advisable to place the table towards the window, so that daylight can easily replace artificial lamps. Also, do not forget about the outlets, the more, the better. Most electrical outlets should also be placed near the table so that you do not get up every time to turn on the dryer or fan. Shelves are of particular importance. So uncomplicated and, most importantly, inexpensive, the attribute of the interior will significantly save space. Shelves can also be used to showcase your extensive collection of gel polishes and shellacs.

Nail salon design

Initially, decide what the interior of the office will be like. Fortunately, the faithful ProstoNail guide will help you decide on this issue. The interior initially clearly affects the functionality of the space. Zoning will help you with this (the most banal example: recreation area VS. work area). Try to use the free space as ergonomically as possible, especially for manicure rooms in living rooms or on loggias. Consider personal positioning and don't forget that a manicure at home does not mean the typical "home comfort". This is the provision of a service for which you hope to receive a decent payment. We have prepared for you a brief overview of the advantages and disadvantages of different types of interior, read more carefully:

  • constructivism. It will appeal to those who love the play of geometric shapes, calm "basic" colors, conciseness and restraint. The great advantage of constructivism is that against a minimalist general background, you can easily experiment with decor items;
  • vanguard. Non-trivial combinations, external flashiness and eccentricity - this is it, avant-garde style. A definite plus is that he combines simple, understandable details into completely original mixes. Thus, using household items and furniture, you will become the creator of a trendy interior;
  • art deco. Ideal for those who love luxury. Art Deco color scheme: gold, brown, beige and black. And objects with ethnic motifs will help to decorate this style;
  • minimalism. The best option for those who are going to turn the loggia into an office. Due to the lack of free space, a feeling of “overcrowding” with details is created, so simply removing them from sight, as well as eliminating unnecessary pieces of furniture, is the task of every minimalist;
  • high tech. A fairly popular style for decorating commercial premises. Many complain about his "coldness" and detachment, but with the help of a couple of bright accents, the first impression is completely erased;
  • eclecticism. The combination of incongruous in the style of color block. This does not mean that all the rubbish carefully accumulated over the years can be called eclectic. On the contrary, this type of design involves a very careful, filigree juggling of each element;
  • Scandinavian style, which gained great popularity in 2016. Hygge is created extremely simply: a couple of candles, a few fluffy blankets on an armchair and a space filled with light and homely warmth - that's the whole secret of Scandinavian comfort.

In fact, there are a million more stylistic varieties of interior that can sink into your soul. We have analyzed only the most famous ones. Inspiration and good luck in creating your working "nest".

Equipment for a manicure cabinet

Equipping a manicure parlor is not so difficult if you use our tips and follow the instructions clearly:

  • manicure set. And preferably several of them, which will include all the basic tools necessary to complete the trimming manicure procedure. For example, a box with cuticle scissors, nail files, pushers and polishing buffs, standard scissors and nippers, as well as orange sticks will be needed by everyone;
  • plastic tubs. Again, it is better to have two copies at once, so that the “water procedures” for the client take place even more comfortably and pleasantly;
  • gel varnishes, gel paints and other materials for making a high-quality coating. Gel polish is different from shellac, so make your choice more boldly and start collecting your personal collection of favorites, proudly showing it to visitors;
  • elements for decorating nails, which include: and, and stickers, and, as well as many other little things that in a matter of seconds transform a boring plain varnish;
  • brushes that come in handy for translating the craziest art ideas into reality: a hair brush, a barrel brush, a fan brush, a flat brush and a dot brush-"pen";
  • cuticle softener, nail polish remover, base and top coats with a glossy or matte finish, as well as oil and cream for the care of delicate ladies' hands;
  • fraser for hardware manicure and pedicure procedures;
  • sterilizer. There can be several types depending on the type of sterilization and the quality of the disinfection itself. The autoclave is considered the most advanced mechanism, but its cost varies from 10 to 60 thousand hryvnias, the simplest device is a quartz cabinet and regular treatment with bacillol;
  • UV lamp for drying gel or acrylic material;
  • additional expense is needed for spa products such as paraffin therapy, aromatherapy, massages, etc.

Actually, the items from this basic list are enough to start actively accepting clients and making your first profit.

Furniture for a manicure cabinet

To provide manicure services at home, you must first properly equip the workspace. Furniture plays an important role in this matter. ProstoNail experts have prepared a short but most informative list of what you need to pay attention to first of all:

  • manicure table. Do not save on this point, because tables made of chipboard and fiberboard tend to accumulate bacteria, and their uneven lid relief can “absorb” pigments from varnishes, which will visually create an effect of untidiness;
  • 2 standard armchairs with backs for sitting the master and the client;
  • pedicure chair or couch if you plan to perform pedicure or depilation procedures;
  • a small sofa or a comfortable armchair in combination with a coffee table will help to comfortably while away the waiting time, but this is only if there is an abundance of free space;
  • lockers and shelves are needed in order to place all the materials, tools and appliances of the master and create a clean workplace.

How to equip the workplace of a manicurist

The perception of the clients of the master and his professionalism partly depends on the external surroundings of the premises, so this issue cannot be neglected. In addition, for the master himself, the comfort of carrying out all manipulations is important, so we decided to put together a few life hacks that help you competently equip your work area:

  • more light. At what not only artificial, but also day. To do this, the table is placed towards the window, and the blinds are raised, allowing the flow of sunlight to the place where the magic happens;
  • possibility of ventilation. Often, in creating one or another attractive design, when building up or removing a gel coating, chemical components with a characteristic, pungent odor are used. Ventilation will help remove it from the room;
  • free access to the mains and a large number of outlets. Do not place great hopes on "carrying", because they tend to fail at the most inopportune moment, but a sufficient number of outlets will allow you to easily perform all the manipulations;
  • do not litter the desktop with an abundance of tools and materials so that it does not look like a dump. A set of basic tools, a lamp, a liquid remover and a few varnishes - that's the minimum necessary for each procedure.

Required documents

There is an opinion that in order to register a manicure parlor, you need to go through all 9 circles of hell. In the CIS countries, and not only in them, bureaucracy and paperwork are literally flourishing, but it is better to close this issue anyway, so as not to face problems of taxes or fines in the future. As of 2018, you need to declare the following number of documents:

  • certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurship (IP);
  • sanitary book with a current medical examination;
  • list of services (does not require notarization);
  • price list, which will be available to each client.

This is the easiest and most affordable option to start your small business. True, it should be remembered that the form of IP imposes some obligations on the entrepreneur, in particular, he will have to report to the tax service in accordance with the chosen form of taxation. If the owner of a home nail salon still prefers to issue an IP for pretentious clients, then it is more profitable to issue a patent, since it does not require reporting and paying additional taxes.

How much does it cost to open your own nail salon. Sample business plan

You so persistently and for a long time went to your goal - the opening of a manicure parlor at home. No less long and persistently did you accumulate start-up capital, which in just a few days will be involved in a million working moments. The point is small - to draw up a competent business plan that helps to skillfully allocate financial resources, taking into account the costs of primary needs:

  • drawing up a detailed summary of the project called “manicure parlor at home”, which will take into account the main advantages and disadvantages of the business, its relevance, analysis of the common niche and choice of format;
  • a description of the services of a manicure parlor and the preparation of a price list, taking into account the peculiarities of the cost of a particular material;
  • registering a business is the first and most important point. We talked about it in more detail above;
  • purchase of furniture and equipment (the cost of this item varies depending on the quality of the purchased goods. So, a manicure table alone can cost $ 70-100, but if you wish, you can find domestic-made items for $ 50);
  • marketing and advertising costs: can vary from 5 thousand hryvnia and above. We have already described the most banal ones in the article earlier, the main thing is to decide on the desired direction or develop several types of advertising at once (contextual, targeted, etc.);
  • draw up a production plan for a manicure room;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of the manicure room, a short period after the opening of the studio;
  • weigh the possible risks, minimizing the damage from them. For example, a well-thought-out marketing strategy will help reduce the high competitiveness of the market, and a drop in effective demand will prevent discount promotions;
  • if your manicure parlor continues to develop, then consider the cost of paying employees. So, the average salary of a beauty studio administrator in Kyiv is 200-250 UAH per shift.

An example of a business plan structure:

Chapter Main components
Summary the name and address of the enterprise; founders; the main goal of the project; project cost; approximate financial costs of the project
Niche analysis current situation and development trend within the niche; directions and main tasks of the project
The essence of the proposed project services; technology; licenses, patent rights
Market analysis potential consumers or potential clients; potential competitors; the size of the market and the level of its growth; estimated market share
Marketing plan prices; price policy; sales channels; advertising; forecasting new products or services
Production plan manufacturing process; selection and plan of production premises; equipment; elaboration of channels of wholesale and retail suppliers; alternative sources (online stores)
organizational plan ownership and legal form of the enterprise; information about partners, owners of the enterprise, number of employees
Risk assessment business weaknesses; the likelihood of innovations and competitors; alternative strategies and ways to reduce risks
Financial plan necessary investments; plan of income and expenses; plan of financial receipts; expected balance; break even
Applications copies of contracts, certificates, licenses; copies of documents with source data; supplier price lists

How to decorate an office with style

A beautiful nail salon is the key to a good first impression. To create a cozy, inviting atmosphere indoors, you need to make a number of efforts that are guaranteed to lead you to success:

  • lots of light and air. It is not necessary to equip a studio in a basement or closet, even a loggia will become the lesser of two evils. Light space a priori disposes to productive work;
  • the prevalence of several colors in the interior. Do not think that beige or white is boring and uninteresting, adding a couple of bright accents to them can regularly refresh the look of your mini-salon, but at the same time do not repaint the walls every time;
  • cleanliness in the room. Perhaps the most important rule of any master providing services in the field of beauty. Unpleasant smell, dust, dirt, or running cockroaches are unacceptable things for a professional;
  • add a few paintings, handmade panels or soft pillows, guided by the appropriateness in your particular interior. This perfectly disposes and pacifies the client, creating an emotional attachment to the place.

How to name a manicure and pedicure room There is a proverb among the people: as you call a ship, so it will float. The name of your salon should not be standard or, even worse, outdated. Forget about options like: "Svetlana manicure studio", "Irina's" or "Charm". Otherwise, you risk acquiring a reputation as a person with bad taste. There are several rules that you can use to come up with a good naming for your small business:

  • use a direct entry with the word “manicure” in the title, which will simplify promotion in social networks and the Internet;
  • write down the entire associative array that arises when you think about a manicure. Perhaps your pearl is hiding among this chaotic stream?
  • use the title with name elements, but modifying them;
  • original or provocative names, something that is guaranteed to stick in your memory and set you apart from your competitors.

Tips for beginners in the manicure business at home The requirements for a nail master are extremely high, but even they do not guarantee a stable income and a constant influx of customers. In order to realize yourself in the field of beauty and finger care, use the life hacks carefully collected by the ProstoNail guide:

  • Turn social media like Instagram into an inspiration for your customers. We have already told you, it's up to you to make Mecca for aesthetes out of your profile;
  • stay up to date with all the trends and news. Regularly leafing through glossy magazines, professional publications and watching TV shows about style, you can not only get a couple of ideas for neil art, but also attract new clients who also want to be "at the peak";
  • before investing all your hard-earned money in starting your own home business, work in a stationary beauty salon. Hired labor is not so terrible, but the client base gained over this period of time and invaluable experience are your main points in the personal development plan;
  • create a system of bonuses and rewards, and the promotions should be aimed not only at attracting a new audience, but also at retaining the old one;
  • learn new things. Refresher courses are relevant not only for teachers, but also for employees of the salon business;
  • experiment and develop your own style that will distinguish you from your competitors.

Never rest on your laurels and do not give up in the face of difficulties, because every dream is just a collection of small steps on the way to the cherished goal. Let everything work out.

We decided to open an individual entrepreneur for a manicure master, and understand that it is not advisable to understand the procedure on your own?

That's right- Trust the professionals!

Choose a package of services that suits you and send us the data by e-mail ().

Our advantages

IP registration period

7 working days

We accompany you
at every stage

5000 ₽ 0 ₽

Open an account for FREE
at Promsvyazbank

Plastic bag "Base"

Plastic bag "Base" implies self-submission of documents for registration with the IFTS, while saving on notary services (2800 ₽). Convenient for those who live in close proximity to the tax.

The service is provided on a prepaid basis.

4900 ₽

For all regions of the Russian Federation

The package includes

  • Oral consultation
  • Selection of activities
  • Preparation of a full package of documents for opening an IP in the Federal Tax Service
  • Clear and step-by-step instructions for further opening of IP
  • For free, verbally consulting at all stages of registration of IP

Scheme of work

Pay for our services

We are preparing documents

We send you the prepared documents by e-mail, with detailed instructions on how to proceed.

Verbal advice at all stages of registration

The package includes

  • Oral consultation
  • Selection of activities
  • Selection of a taxation system
  • Preparation of a full package of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur in the Federal Tax Service
  • Submission of documents for registration with the IFTS
  • Obtaining registered documents in the IFTS
  • Receiving notifications from the FIU (for the Moscow region - additional service)
  • Making a seal

Scheme of work

Send us information by email

Pay for our services

We are preparing documents

Sign documents, including at the notary

We submit documents for registration with the IFTS

We receive registered documents

We do printing

We receive documents from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (for Moscow region - additional service)

We send you documents and seals

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is carried out within one and a half weeks from the date of contacting us

Additional services for opening an individual entrepreneur for a manicure master

Additional services for opening an IP IP for a manicure master Moscow Moscow region Regions
Preparation of documents on the day of application * + 5 000 ₽ + 5 000 ₽ + 5 000 ₽
Preparation of documents, certification by a notary and submission of documents for registration on the day of application* (costs for a notary are not included in the price) + 10 000 ₽ + 20 000 ₽ -
Submission of an application for the transition to the USN Included in the price Included in the price Included in the price
Patent taxation system (Patent) 5000 ₽ 3000 ₽ (in the Basic package)
5000 ₽ (in the Standard package)
3000 ₽ (in the Basic package)
Registration of individual entrepreneurs with the FIU Included in the price 3 000 ₽ -
Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (with the stamp of the Federal Tax Service) 2 000 ₽ 2 000 ₽ 2 000 ₽
Opening a settlement account in Promsvyazbank
Promotion -100%
5 000 ₽ 0 ₽ - Free
Promotion -100%
5 000 ₽ 0 ₽ - Free
Promotion -100%
5 000 ₽ 0 ₽ - Free
Opening a settlement account in Alfa-Bank
(a meeting with a bank employee is possible at our office or at your office, it is not necessary to visit a bank branch)
5 000 ₽ 5 000 ₽ 5 000 ₽
Opening a settlement account in SBERBANK
(a meeting with a bank employee is possible at our office or at your office, it is not necessary to visit a bank branch)
7 500 ₽ 7 500 ₽ 7 500 ₽
Making additional seals or security seals from 1 000 ₽ from 1 000 ₽ -
Courier services (we will pick up or deliver documents) from 500 ₽ from 1 000 ₽ -

* when applying after 12-00 of the current day, the service is transferred to the next day

Overhead costs when opening an individual entrepreneur for a manicure master

State duty for state registration

800 ₽

Notarial expenses for certification of the application to the Federal Tax Service

1 200 ₽

Notary fees for power of attorney
(when choosing the "Basic" package, there are no costs for a notary)

1 600 ₽

Notary fees for certification of a copy of the passport
(when choosing the "Basic" package, there are no costs for a notary)

660 ₽

Documents and information we need to work

Please send all information in one email.
Photos or scans need high quality. This will avoid unnecessary mistakes.

  • Contact phone and email (for us to contact you)
  • Phone and e-mail (for indication in registration documents)
  • Copy of passport (title page with photo and registration)
  • TIN (can be just a number)
  • SNILS (you can just number)
  • Types of activity (in your own words or OKVED codes)
  • Taxation system (simple, USN 6%, USN 15%, patent)

Documents of a registered individual entrepreneur that you will receive in your hands

  • Notice of tax registration
  • Extract from USRIP
  • Notification of the assignment of statistics codes
  • Notification from the FIU (additional service)
  • Application for the transition to the simplified tax system with the IFTS mark (if you have chosen the simplified tax system)
  • Printing (for the Standard package)

Open an IP for a manicure master

An experienced and skilled manicurist is a rarity today, since very often unpleasant situations arise for novice masters, such as improper cuticle removal or infection, which entail serious problems for both clients and the master himself.

If you seriously decide to provide manicure services, then you need to legalize your activities, for successful work you need to fulfill the following requirements:

If there is no necessary education, you need to get it, there are courses that teach all the subtleties of this case and give a certificate of their passage;
. Open an IP for a manicure master;
. Find a suitable room and fully equip it (the room for procedures must be separate, there must be a sterilizer for working tools);
. It is especially important for a specialist to have a valid medical book on hand.

How to open an IP for a manicure master?

Of course, this work can be entrusted to a specialist, but it is more interesting and cheaper to do it yourself.

1. It is necessary to contact the state registration service of citizens, where you will need to fill out an application for the activity of an individual entrepreneur, which indicates personal data and codes of economic activity, this will further help develop and improve your business.
2. Pay the state duty.
3. After receiving the document on registration as an individual entrepreneur, you must contact the tax authority, where you will need to choose a taxation system.
4. Open a bank account.

This whole procedure takes only five working days of waiting and does not require large investments, after which all the documents will be on hand and you can safely get to work.

Of course, the city center will be an excellent place, as they say - in front of everyone, but a sleeping area (where there is no nail salon yet) will also be a good option. It is very important to keep a distance from competitors, since this business is well developed in every city.

After the place is chosen, it is necessary to evaluate the building - it must not necessarily be residential according to sanitary requirements. To do this, you can find non-residential premises on the ground floor in an apartment building or transfer them to non-residential premises based on the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. This room can be quite small, if only the master and his clients are comfortable, but always separate.

In order for your salon to be known, you need to advertise it, this can be done in different ways: signs, banners, leaflets, the Internet (ads on social networks, on forums).

Useful information for the future individual entrepreneur

And we also have a transparent pricing policy, we try to post on the site not only the cost of our services, but also related costs. Do not hesitate, with us the closure or registration of IP, as well as other legal services for a manicurist will be predictable in value. Call the indicated numbers! We like to expand our horizons, so we are glad even to those clients who do not let us relax!

Having decided which method of doing business suits you best, you need to decide on the location of the future nail salon and the types of services that are most needed in the area.

For example, next to the business center of the city, a nail bar is more in demand, with an accelerated mini-format. After looking at the premises for rent and agreeing with the owner, conduct a survey of the population and research competitors for negative and positive aspects in this area. You need to conclude a lease agreement after registering and registering your business.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

The place most suitable for rent is selected. A meeting is held with the landlord and further cooperation is discussed. The most popular types of manicure and hand care are studied. There are quite a few of them, and the choice of a master in the selection of personnel will depend on what is in main demand.

For example, a salon next to a student dormitory or university should focus on creativity and trendy youth manicure. If there are many administrative and medical institutions nearby, the emphasis will be on classic and French manicure. When choosing prestigious areas, you need to be prepared for a lot of VIPs, respectively, choose staff capable of doing top-quality manicures and be able to work with this category of clients.

After that, you need to issue registration, permits, correct the license and make repairs to the premises. It should be stylishly decorated and furnished with comfortable and beautiful furniture. After that, you need to purchase materials, tools and equipment, and do not forget to take the appropriate certificates so as not to have problems with the SES.

Equipment and materials

  • Paraffin furnace.
  • UV or LED lamps.
  • Frasers with nozzles.
  • Chairs for a pedicure.
  • Armchairs for manicure.
  • Plastic baths.
  • Manicure tools (nail files, sticks, brushes, tweezers, spatulas, scissors, brushes, etc.).
  • Towels, napkins, cotton pads.
  • Rollers under the arms.
  • Sterilization container.
  • Gloves.
  • Slippers, packages, separators for a pedicure.
  • Hanger for outerwear.
  • Varnishes, gels, acrylic, rubbing, degreasers, foil, rhinestones, stickers, etc.


When everything is ready to receive customers, you need to recruit employees. At the beginning of your business, it is worth saving on staff, as revenues may still be small. In a nail salon for 2 jobs, 2 masters, an administrator, a cleaner and an accountant are required. You can hire 2 good craftsmen and a cleaning lady, the novice entrepreneur himself will be able to hold the position of administrator. It is easier to entrust accounting services to a third-party company. For a certain fee, its specialists will keep your accounting and tax reporting, and you will not have to deduct contributions for an extra employee. The duties of a cleaning lady are often taken over by the masters themselves for a surcharge. Thus, the number of employees is reduced to 2 people. The salary for the masters is charged as a percentage of each client (from 30 to 50% by agreement).

If you decide to open a manicure salon in a rented area, it should be characterized by good traffic, and you need to focus on ladies and girls who are used to taking care of themselves. The building must have good access roads, public transport, parking nearby or the ability to park the car near the entrance.

A hairdressing salon or a shopping center should be well-known and promoted themselves, so as not to fill bumps and not engage in promotion yourself, since this is quite costly and time-consuming.

It is desirable that there is a cafe, restaurant, tea shop, coffee house or, at worst, a pizzeria nearby. If there is no catering company, you need to consider the option of treating your customers with coffee or tea. This is an additional expense item, but also a big plus for your competitiveness. The expectation of clients can also be brightened up with bright topical magazines about fashion, manicure and stylistic novelties. Suitable for opening a salon: sleeping areas; places near business centers; marketplaces, where there are many shops and boutiques.


To open a nail salon from scratch, you need to register a business and open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most often, they open an individual entrepreneur and use a simplified taxation system (STS) or a single tax on imputed income (UTII). You will need to open a bank account and pay the state fee. List of documents and permits:

  1. Certificate of registration of sole proprietorship or LLC.
  2. License to carry out this activity.
  3. Permission from SES.
  4. Permit from the fire department (if the landlord does not have one).
  5. Registration with the tax office.
  6. Registration with the FSS and the PFR as an employer.

The last point concerns hiring under an employment contract - this is the best option. Unlike most types of business activities, opening a nail salon does not require a large number of documents, but you need to be prepared for SES checks, control the passage of medical examinations by employees, and have certain conditions in the salon.

According to the existing standards, the requirements for nail salons are as follows:

  • At least 6 sq. meters.
  • All masters must have medical books and marks on the regular passage of medical specialists (once every six months).
  • The cabin requires a sterilizer and a sink or cooler.
  • At the end of the reception, the master must disinfect tools and furniture.

If the landlord did not take care of the execution of contracts for the disposal of fluorescent lamps, solid waste, garbage disposal, etc., you will have to do this. As a rule, such documents in hairdressing salons, shopping centers or beauty salons where you will rent an office, these contracts are concluded by the owners, these worries will not fall on the tenant. This circumstance is another advantage of renting versus buying your own premises, at least for the first 2-3 years.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

For a month, the salon will bring an income of 130-180 thousand rubles. Expenses: taxes, payment for craftsmen, utility bills, security, periodic purchase of materials, less often tools. The net profit of a nail salon is 60-70 thousand rubles a month, the costs will pay off in less than six months. In the course of their activities, you can expand the scope of services by adding eyebrow correction, makeup, massage, solarium. In addition, in such establishments it is convenient to offer customers various care products (creams, masks and other cosmetic products), having their own percentage from this.