How to buy goods on Amazon co uk with delivery to Russia is an example of a real purchase. Amazon

During the New Year holidays, the thought came to me: “But should I buy something on the European Amazon?”. You ask what is profitable and what can you buy on Amazon? Yes, whatever you need. For example, you can buy shoes on Amazon. Moreover, I just needed demi-season boots made of genuine leather and a homemade wool sweater. A trip to our offline stores did not give any result. Sweaters were sold exclusively up to size 58 and with a fitted fit, and I needed a classic fit in size 62. Yes, long gone are the days when I had 52 clothing sizes. As for boots, the store had an exclusively winter assortment. As for Russian-made shoes, it must be said that the quality has dropped dramatically in recent years. If earlier, 5-7 years ago, leather shoes could be worn for at least 2 years, now they are made disposable. They barely last a season. At the end of the season, either the sole will crack, or the seams will open, or something will come off. And it would be nice if these disposable shoes could be easily bought. And now everyone has begun to mainly sew on thin youth, shoes have become narrow and with a low rise, my foot does not fit into such shoes. And shoes with classic sizes began to be sewn a little, they quickly run out. In general, the quality is poor, and out of stock. Therefore, it's time to turn to European goods.

How to now buy in foreign online stores. Shopping from Amazon to Russia

In the Amazon online hypermarket, goods are sold all year round, and the quality, hopefully, is better there. And Amazon prices are either the same as ours (for similar products), or even lower (for the same products). This is if you follow all the rules for duty-free importation of goods from abroad into the Russian Federation: 1000 euros and 31 kg per month, 200 euros per day (for courier services).

In December 2016, I already bought the process of how to buy on Amazon the right way. Then everything went quickly enough without any problems, you can say on the machine. By the way, the savings in the price of the goods then amounted to 4000 rubles. regarding prices in Russia. A couple of days after the order, they sent me a tracking code and deducted money from my ruble card Kukuruz. I spent as much money as I expected.

At the beginning of 2017, I expected that everything would go the same by analogy quickly and without problems. This time, the process is somewhat different. First with payment. I made an order on January 7 and expected that in a couple of days I would be charged money in rubles at a known rate. But for some reason they didn’t write off the money, they didn’t send the tracking code. Amazon's personal account indicated that the order was accepted and it would be shipped soon. There was silence for 2 weeks. Then, suddenly, on the 19th, money was debited from me, and on the 20th, I received an email from the UPS customs broker that the package was at customs in Moscow. It is good that over such a long period the rate has not changed much, otherwise it was possible to get into a situation where the price would be unacceptable. We will think that we had to wait so long, because we figured out how to clear goods according to the new customs rules.

The letter said that since 2017, all goods from abroad are subject to mandatory declaration. In order for UPS to be able to clear goods from Amazon, you need to follow the link from the letter to the UPS website, fill out web forms with information about yourself and the product, as well as download copies of certain pages of the passport and confirmation from the store of purchase. I filled out and uploaded everything I needed to the site on Friday the 20th, and on Monday the 23rd they already called me from the UPS office in our city and asked where to deliver the package. So if you are interested in the question: “How much is the parcel from Amazon to Russia?”, Consider for yourself. The order was placed on January 7, received on January 23. It turns out 2.5 weeks with standard courier delivery by UPS abroad and in Russia. Since I was at work at the time the parcel appeared at the UPS office in our city, I said that it was not necessary to deliver, I would come and pick it up myself. After work, I calmly drove to their office and took a cardboard box with the goods. The outer box, as always, was slightly dented, but the goods inside were not damaged.

The outer box with the Amazon package is wrinkled as always

So, I bought 3 products on Amazon:

  • Men's boots 44 (10 uk) in size by Jomos, Germany (for searching on the British Amazon website: Jomos Men’s Feetback Derby Black Size: 10);
  • Men's cardigan 62 (XXXL) size s.Oliver, Germany (for searching on the British Amazon website: s.Oliver Big Size Men's 15.610.64.2607 Cardigan, Blau (Medieval 58w0), XXXL);
  • AA rechargeable batteries (8 pcs.) AA eneloop BK-3MCCEC4BE, classic white with 2 plastic storage boxes from Panasonic, Japan (for British Amazon search: Panasonic eneloop BK-3MCCEC4BE Nickel Metal Hydride AA Batteries, Classic AA 4 -Pack with Box).

I ordered from Amazon: a zip sweater, leather boots and eneloop batteries

How much does it cost on Amazon with delivery to Russia? Boots - £41.65, Cardigan - £49.93, Batteries - £17.26, Packing and shipping to Russia with Amazon co uk - £21.73. The total cost per package was £130.57. My pound was converted at the time of payment authorization (01/21/2017) at the rate of the central bank: 1 £ = 73.49 rubles. For a profitable conversion, you need to use a Corn or Beeline card. If we scatter the delivery price proportionally for all goods, we get in rubles: Boots from Amazon - 3672 rubles, cardigan - 4402 rubles, batteries (8 pcs. + 2 storage boxes) - 1522 rubles. Of course, all this is cheaper than buying in Russian stores. The only thing is that the goods travel from Europe to your home for about 3 weeks.

Those who are on Amazon for the first time, do not be surprised that the prices on the site are higher than what is written here. The price includes VAT for residents of Europe. When delivering to Russia, this VAT will be deducted, but the shipping cost will be added. This applies to Amazon products. If you put goods from second suppliers in the basket, then the tax is not automatically deducted. You need to look for another office that will issue you a tax free for a percentage or enter into additional negotiations with the supplier. Therefore, when choosing a product in a category through a search on the Amazon online store website, do not forget to check the checkboxes of the search form located in the left column of the site: International Shipping: AmazonGlobal Eligible; Seller: That is, international delivery is available and the seller is the British Amazon. This is also the answer to the question of how to buy on Amazon without intermediaries. With international shipping available, Amazon delivers the goods itself. And if international delivery is not available, and the goods are delivered only within the country where the online store is located, then intermediaries will come to your aid. They will receive the goods from Amazon in the country of delivery and send it to Russia themselves. It will be a little more expensive, but you can always buy it (if the goods are not prohibited for import into Russia).

A few words about the goods received from Amazon. Boots are not that very elegant, but sound in appearance, made of genuine leather. The interior lining of the visible part of the heel area is also made of leather, and is quite thick at first glance. We sew either thin leather, or more often leatherette. The insoles are also leather, on a polymer shock absorber. The model is wide with a high rise, similar to the block of wide boots of the Russian Unichel factory from Chelyabinsk. Just what I needed. Size 44 is the same as in Russia. Although, in England (I ordered on the British Amazon) size 10 corresponds to 44.5, but in Germany there are no such sizes, so they send size 44. In general, I recommend to anyone who needs boots for a wide foot for comfortable wearing. Who does not want to translate English sizes (10 uk) into the usual ones (44.5), buy on the German Amazon - there the sizes are indicated as we are used to, but the goods are the same.

The cardigan from Amazon was taken just for home wear. Size 3XL from s.Oliver corresponds to Russian size 62. But with the composition of the fabric, the British deceived. The website says 62% wool, 38% synthetic. In fact, it turned out that it was not wool, but cotton. I'll have to write a complaint to them. Maybe they will give a gift card (Amazon Gift Card). Although in general the sweater with a zipper (Cardigan) turned out to be quite warm and comfortable. So you can wear it.

Enelups (rechargeable batteries) took at the same time, because they were needed. If we compare the price of these batteries in Russia, then I saved at least 500 rubles. Batteries must be taken at the same time, as shipping will be too expensive.

Amazon doesn't care what it delivers. On average, the price of Amazon delivery to Russia is 1,500 rubles per parcel (from the European Amazon). Therefore, if you are going to buy something on Amazon, take no less than 10,000 rubles. and arrange delivery in one package. This will be the most profitable, and the delivery price will be less than the European VAT. That is, in Russia, Amazon sells goods cheaper than Europeans with an average check of 10,000 rubles. But do not forget about the daily limit of 200 Euro for courier services. If the parcel is more expensive than 200 Euros, you will have to pay for customs clearance (30% duty for exceeding the limit). If the order is made on the German Amazon, then the parcel should not exceed 200 Euros, on the British Amazon (taking into account the cross-rate) - 200 * 0.85 = 170 Pounds. In this case, you need to take into account the current euro-pound cross-rate.

Customs declaration of a parcel from Amazon delivered by UPS courier service to Russia in 2017

When I went to the site of the UPS customs broker to provide data on the declaration using the link from the letter, the first thing I saw was a message that since 2017 all goods from foreign stores delivered to Russia are subject to declaration for any amount. In 2016, I did not provide any data for declaration (except for passport data without uploading scans). This was followed by a warning that goods within the limit of 1000 euros per month, 200 euros per day, 31 kg per month are issued (pass through the customs clearance procedure) at the expense of the supplier. Anything above is paid by the consignee. My parcel did not go beyond these limits, so I did not have to pay anything.

Filling out a web form in the personal account of the UPS customs broker for declaring goods from Amazon does not cause any particular difficulties. You send data via the Internet from your home computer in any city in Russia, and the UPS customs broker submits a declaration for you at the Moscow customs terminal. That is, UPS, without your participation, carries out customs clearance of Amazon goods. If you live in Moscow, then you can independently, without contacting a broker, clear goods through customs. Relevant if the limit on the value or weight of the goods is exceeded and additional duties must be paid. But within the limit, everything is processed for free, so there is no point in going to customs yourself.

The UPS web form for filing a declaration is very simple. Let's look at how it was in the case of a cardigan, boots and batteries. First, passport data, residential address, telephone and e-mail are entered. The process of filling out the form is shown in the pictures below. Personal data has been changed, any matches are random.

UPS Declaration Forms: Personal Information

Next, you need to upload a copy of some pages of the passport: a spread with a photo and a spread with registration. To do this, you need to either scan your passport or take a picture of it, for example, on a smartphone. There is a button (blue) to download both spreads of the passport pages. Click on the desired button, specify the path to the file and click OK. The file will be uploaded to the server of the customs broker UPS.

Uploading a scan of the passport pages for the declaration

The next block of data is a description of the package. For SEO purposes, online stores name the product in such a way that they get 2-3 lines of text. You don't need to do this here. The name of the goods must be written in Russian, as simply as possible. I wrote like this: Cardigan; Boots; AA rechargeable batteries, blister. Specify the quantity of each product, cost and give a link to the product page in the Amazon online store. To add a new field for the next product, you need to click the blue Add Product button.

We describe the contents of the parcel from Amazon for customs

After describing the goods, you need to upload one more file: Amazon Order Confirmation (Order confirmation). Where can I get this Order confirmation from Amazon? Immediately after ordering in a foreign online store, you will receive an e-mail that is called: Order confirmation. It contains product images, descriptions and prices. But since 2 weeks have passed since the order, I forgot about this letter. Therefore, I downloaded a printable invoice from Amazon's personal account, and uploaded it, after converting it to PDF format. Customs was fine with that. To upload a file, you need to click on the blue button of the form: "Purchase Confirmation", specify the path to the file and click OK. After uploading the order confirmation file, you need to click on the blue button of the web form: “Save and continue”.

Uploading an Amazon Order Confirmation

Next comes the contract confirmation block with UPS, a statement that the cargo is for personal use, consent to the processing of personal data. All this is confirmed by entering the PIN code that was sent to the cell phone specified when placing an order on Amazon. All you need is to enter the PIN code in the input field and click on the blue "Agree" button next to the input field. After clicking on this button, the data will be sent, and a message will appear on the screen: "Sending the file completed successfully!" As I already wrote, I filled out this form on Friday, and on Monday the parcel was already in the city of my residence.

We sign an agreement with UPS by entering a PIN code from SMS

This concludes our participation in the customs clearance of the parcel from Amazon. The UPS customs broker will do the rest without us.

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And deliver purchases to Russia

Is it possible to buy an American tablet for $50?

If it's on Amazon, then you can.

Andrey Eres

self-taught shopper

What is "Amazon"

Amazon is an American online store of electronics, books, films, clothing, household appliances and chemicals, handmade and auto parts. Americans buy gifts and household goods on Amazon, watch movies through it and read e-books. Amazon even has its own online library, virtual assistant, and drone couriers that deliver packages right to the front lawn.

The online store is organized on the principle of a shopping center: Amazon itself and other trading companies sell goods. Amazon, as the director of the center, checks all sellers and guarantees the return of goods.

Amazon usually resolves problems with purchases in favor of the buyer. The product did not fit, the quality did not suit or the delivery was a day late - the money will be returned to the buyer. For this, users from different countries consider purchases on Amazon safe.

Amazon also produces electronics: Fire tablets and Kindle e-books. The cheapest tablet is $50 and the e-reader is $80.

In Russia, Amazon is not popular: not everyone knows about it, someone is repelled by the English interface, others have not figured out international delivery and are afraid to order. But it's a good way to save on electronics. For example, a Fire tablet with delivery will cost like a cheap Chinese tablet in Russia - 5000 R.

In short: how to buy on Amazon and order delivery

  1. Read reviews.
  2. To buy direct shipping products on Amazon, use the filters.
  3. To order delivery through intermediaries, register with several.
  4. Compare prices for direct and reseller shipping.
  5. Check the notification for electronics so that there are no problems during customs clearance.
  6. If the purchase is delivered by an intermediary, fill out the customs declaration.
  7. If you have any problems, write to support.
  8. Insure parcels.

Alright, Amazon

We also have a sea of ​​fiery articles about savings, buying abroad and consumer rights. Do not miss!

Why buy on Amazon

Safety. Amazon protects buyers from fraud - it solves many issues with a refund.

Huge selection. There are many types of goods on Amazon - in one package you will receive a tablet for a child, a set of tools and a woman's bag.

Real reviews. Buyers leave reviews about products - they make it easier to decide on a purchase.

Low price. Amazon keeps prices lower than other stores - no one knows why.

Selling something that is not in Russia. There are things on Amazon that, by definition, cannot be in Russia: for example, professional literature in English.

I first heard about Amazon in 2012. Picked up an e-book and read about the Kindle. The reviews were good, the price was pleasing - 2800 R. But Amazon did not send Kindles to Russia, and it was scary to send them through an intermediary and risk money.

For the test, I ordered a simple wallet for $10 and sent it through an intermediary. The wallet arrived in the mail without any problems. A month later, I took a chance and ordered three Kindle e-books - for myself and friends. All came, I still read mine.

Buying on Amazon is not scary, but it is important to understand the delivery. The Russians have two options here: hope for direct delivery or send the purchase through an intermediary.

How to deliver to Russia

drop shipping

Amazon sends some goods to Russia. To determine which, when searching, check in the filter "Ship to Russian Federation" - "Send to the Russian Federation".

I specifically chose sneakers as an example to show one feature: some sizes may not be available for shipping to Russia. Look at the screenshot on the right - the shipping cost is indicated next to the price.

Sneakers in size 8.5 D(M) cannot be sent to Russia

The same sneakers in size 14 D (M) - you can, the shipping cost is indicated next to the price

There are two types of drop shipping to choose from: regular and expedited. Shipping cost depends on item and weight.

Minimum shipping cost:

£10.99 (872.78 R ) from UK

18,00 € (1226,16 R ) from Germany

21,99 $ (1417,59 R ) from USA

Usually, Amazon delivers parcels to Russia by courier service.
UPS, but there is always a chance that the parcel will come with another courier service or Russian Post.

All UPS parcels are declared at customs. Amazon pays for the services of a customs broker, so the buyer will only be asked to send passport data.

A message with a username and password for U-P-S-Broker will be sent to the e-mail and phone number specified in the delivery address. The website will ask you to fill out a form.

For the form, you will need scans of passport pages and proof of purchase. Confirmation will be in your personal account on Amazon: go to the "Order Information" - "Order Details" section and download the invoice - "Invoice". Download it to confirm.

Download an account in your account on Amazon

Fill in the data about the goods in Russian, the name of the brand and model - in English. See the cost in the invoice, not on the product page - it may change. Weight can be approximate.

There may be problems with electronics during customs clearance. The FSB monitors that encryption equipment is not imported into the country. All permitted goods are entered in the unified register of notifications.

If you buy for personal purposes, the notification may not be checked for computers, phones, smart watches and other electronics that are not directly intended for encryption. This must be determined according to the approved list, and not at your discretion.

Goods without notification may not be allowed through customs, and in the worst case, a criminal case will be opened. If everything is in order with the notification, there is a chance that they will call from UPC and ask them to come and clear customs on their own. If you refuse, the package will be sent back, Amazon will return the money.

If something goes wrong - immediately write to Amazon support. She is loyal to customers and always ready to return the money.

Drop Shipping Benefits:

  • You don't have to use intermediaries.
  • Amazon is responsible for the package, deals with problems and compensates for the inconvenience.

Drop shipping cons:

  • Amazon does not ship all items.
  • Many discounts are only valid for US customers.
  • Expensive shipping: $22 minimum.
  • Sometimes there are difficulties with the courier service.

How to deliver to Russia

Delivery through an intermediary

If the desired product is not sent to Russia or is sold at a discount only for buyers from the USA, order delivery through an intermediary. Delivery through an intermediary may cost less than Amazon.

Intermediaries are companies that make money by shipping goods from the US to Russia. They maintain a US warehouse where you arrange Amazon shipping. Amazon brings your purchase to the warehouse of the intermediary, the intermediary repackages the package and sends it to you.

To order through an intermediary, register on their website and get the address. I recommend registering with different intermediaries and comparing prices each time.

Here is an example of calculating the delivery of Kindle (550 g) through various intermediaries. The price includes insurance up to $100. The weight of the parcel - "Shipping weight" - is indicated in the product description on Amazon, if not, look on the Internet.

How Kindle is delivered to Russia by various intermediaries

PriceTermWhere will they deliver
polar Express18,2 $ 20 daysby mail
Shopfans21,8 $ 10 daysto the point of issue
Mail.com25,2 $ 16 daysto the point of issue
parcel post29,1 $ 17 daysto the door

How to buy through an intermediary

  1. Indicate in your personal profile on Amazon the delivery address that you received from the intermediary. Pay and get a tracking number.
  2. The intermediary will inform you when the parcel arrives at the warehouse. Some resellers ask you to register a tracking number as soon as the package has gone to them.
  3. When the parcel arrives at the warehouse of the intermediary, fill out the customs declaration, select the appropriate delivery method, pay and wait for the shipment.
  4. Intermediaries insure parcels, but insurance conditions depend on the method of delivery. You can insure the parcel only against non-arrival, against theft and non-arrival, and against everything: theft, non-arrival and damage. Insurance will protect your purchase, so check the conditions before shipping.

    Advantages of delivery through intermediaries

  • Intermediaries deliver any goods from Amazon.
  • For purchases through an intermediary, all discounts for the United States apply.
  • Shipping costs may be lower than direct shipping.

Disadvantages of delivery through intermediaries

  • After the purchase, you will have to tinker on the intermediary website: fill out a declaration, select insurance and delivery method, pay.
  • Intermediaries have different insurance conditions, you need to carefully choose the right one.
  • Expensive shipping for parcels up to 1 kg. It is more profitable to collect parcels of several kilograms.
  • Intermediaries are not Amazon. If something goes wrong, it will take a long time to figure it out.

Which delivery is cheaper

Delivery price for Pebble Round watches to Russia

If you do not chase discounts for the USA and order one product, then the price for shipping is the same. You will choose - compare the price for the goods and the reliability of the sender.

If you order watches from the British site, they will come out cheaper: 11,700 R. How to save money on Amazon, I will tell in the next article.

Amazon divisions, as well as the main site, contain goods on their virtual shelves not only from Amazon itself, but also from sellers who get this opportunity for a certain percentage of sales.

Amazon provides the convenience of accessing its divisions without requiring you to register again each time: the username and password registered on one site are valid on all others. This makes it easier for the buyer to check the shipping cost of the desired product, and then make a purchase where the final price tag will be the most profitable.

European branches have a characteristic feature - the presence of VAT (VAT) in the cost of the order, which, however, is automatically excluded from the final amount for non-residents of the European Union. True, we are talking about goods from the Amazon company itself, while ordinary affiliated sellers may not provide such an opportunity. If this did not happen at the stage of calculating the total cost, then the VAT refund should be clarified in personal correspondence with the seller.

Amazon and all its affiliates, including European divisions, do not work with a service such as Paypal, so payment is made directly (debit or credit cards, gift cards, bank account). - UK division

For fans of European and British brands, it is more profitable to buy goods on, that is, where it is directly produced or where the head office of the manufacturer is located. As a result, the customer benefits from price and shipping costs. The UK division also has fewer restrictions on the shipment of miscellaneous products (manufacturer's ban), which allows you to get unique items that are not allowed to be sent through other sites.

English and American English are very similar to each other and have minor differences that do not affect the work with the site interface. All search methods, as well as on the American Amazon, are applicable to the British version. AmazonGlobal Eligible remains the main filter-assistant, familiar to Amazon customers from the American "big brother".

There are some differences in the menu before the stage of the withdrawal of goods for Checkout payment., when calculating the total cost of the package, displays VAT as a separate line (in Britain it is 20%), which is automatically deducted for buyers living outside the EU.

Delivery is made by Amazon Global Priority (expedited) or Standard (normal). The site has the right not to give the user the right to choose between different types of delivery, for example, an expensive product can be sent exclusively by expedited delivery. - German division

Many buyers like for the opportunity to save money, because most often it is here that you can find the lowest delivery for a similar product.

Other divisions of Amazon

For 2014 there are divisions with own platform in the following countries:

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