How to open an auto parts store from scratch? How to open an auto parts store and keep profit How to open an auto parts business.

Nowadays, almost every family has a car, and the number of car owners is growing steadily from year to year. This trend will continue, despite the situation in the economy. It is not difficult to guess that in proportion to the growth of cars on the roads, the demand for spare parts will also grow. Thus, opening an auto parts store can be a good investment and a guarantee of a stable income.

Despite the existing competition, there is enough space under the sun for absolutely everyone. Investment in this business can be
the most minimal - to open a business, it is initially enough to have 200-300 thousand rubles, while income can be up to 110%.

Where to begin?

It is desirable that a person who decides to open an auto parts store, well versed in the product and trade features. Otherwise, you will have to rely on suppliers and involved specialists, which is a rather big risk.

First of all, you should analyze the market: find out if there is a demand for spare parts, what is in great demand, and so on. Decide on the specialization of your auto parts store.

It is important to identify the distinctive feature of the store being opened so that it differs from competitors in some way. So, you can specialize in domestic car models. The assortment must be considered in advance at the planning stage.

For cooperation with legal entities (large car depots, taxis). This is also important if you do not want to stop at one store and plan to open branches and other stores in the future.

The next steps are the selection of premises, the order of office equipment, the selection of personnel, the choice of a supplier of goods, and the preparation of a cost estimate (business plan). They are very important, so we will talk about these points in more detail.

If there are financial opportunities and if the premises allow, a car wash, tire fitting and an auto parts store can be combined and opened in one place.

Room selection

The area of ​​the premises should be determined by the chosen store format, as well as the available capital. If finances are limited, you should not look for large areas. For starters, you can open a retail outlet for 15-25 square meters. m. and work by appointment. It makes no sense to create a large warehouse of auto parts with limited capital.

So just allocate an area for storing the most popular product and that will be enough. So, in any store, brake pads, candles, oils, oil filters, light bulbs, etc. are in demand. Other spare parts - by order through the catalog.

Finding a shop next to a service station would be ideal. In this case, there will always be customers, unless the station has its own retail departments. The ideal situation is if even before opening the store you understand who your potential customers are.

Also good places for an auto parts store are shopping centers in crowded places, office centers or detached buildings in a residential area of ​​the city. Do not consider high rent premises, even if they are located in the city center.

At first, the store may operate at a loss, and high rents will only spoil your mood and place a heavy burden on your shoulders. It is important that there are no stores nearby with a similar assortment as yours. And lastly, try to find a place with a parking facility equipped for customers.

Selection of assortment and supplier for the store

If we talk about the assortment, you can only sell specialized auto parts, or you can work with both foreign and domestic spare parts. The demand for domestic spare parts is still higher, since there are more domestic cars in our country. In the case of the Russian assortment, it is easier to calculate the minimum configuration.

When choosing a supplier, compare prices and only then make a choice. Compare prices with your competitors, if they differ greatly not in your favor, look for other suppliers. It is desirable to have several partners, this is the key to the stability of the store.

Official dealers do not offer counterfeit products, so it is better to choose them. In cooperation with official manufacturers of spare parts companies, it will be possible to use on your sign the logos of the cars for which you sell spare parts. Your reputation will largely depend on the reliability of the supplier and his work, so before entering into a contract, be sure to read reviews about him on the Internet.

Advertising and marketing

In addition, you can distribute business cards, print in the advertising pages of newspapers, specialized publications, hold exhibitions, and so on.


It is unlikely that you will be able to work seven days a week seven days a week. Try to find an experienced salesperson who knows the design of cars and is good at selling merchandise. He must not only know the available assortment, but also visually represent it. It is also important to be able to maintain a conversation, help solve problems and find the right detail.

Auto parts store business plan calculation

You will have a lot of expenses, and you definitely need to draw up a business plan. It is needed in order not to miss anything and clearly identify upcoming expenses. An example list of expenses would look like this:

  • registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • the cost of renting the premises;
  • purchase of goods;
  • sellers salary;
  • store equipment;
  • advertising;
  • taxes.

Online auto parts store

Opening an online store will help attract additional customers and simplify the task of finding suppliers.

All that is required is to create a website, add an assortment to a single database and update information daily. If you create a database yourself, you will have to scan manufacturers' catalogs, recognize texts and create a single format.

Opening an online auto parts store is not much different from. You will need a website and advertising.

At first, neither an office nor a warehouse is needed - this is the main advantage over an offline store.

If you already have a store, then you can get additional customers from the Internet.

This material can serve as a model for writing a business plan for an auto parts store when obtaining a loan from a bank, to attract a financial partner, receive government support, and simply to justify the feasibility of investing money in your business.

Project Description

We bring to your attention a sample business plan for an auto parts store opened in a city with a population of 120 thousand people.

Despite high competition, the sale of auto parts is a profitable line of business, as this market in Russia shows an annual growth of 20%. Opening a store with a large assortment of goods for both domestic and foreign cars in our city will be beneficial from both an economic and social point of view.

Socio-economic indicators of project implementation (for state support)

  1. Registration of a new small business entity;
  2. Creation of 3 new jobs;
  3. Receipt in the budget of the city N up to 80 thousand rubles a year.

Economic indicators of the project implementation, according to the calculations of the business plan:

  1. Profit - more than 1 million rubles a year;
  2. The payback of the project according to preliminary calculations is about 2 years;
  3. Profitability - 25%.

It is planned to spend 400 thousand rubles on opening a business. own funds and attract 1,700 thousand credit funds in one of the city's banks:

Which taxation system to choose

The legal form will be individual entrepreneurship. The choice of this OPF is due to an inexpensive and simplified procedure for registering activities. As tax systems the patent system will be applied, while the cost of a patent for an auto parts store for the year will be 36 thousand rubles.

At the moment, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Produced business registration, OKVED code 50.30.2 - Retail trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories;
  2. A preliminary lease agreement has been concluded for the placement of a retail outlet on the street. Lenin house 101 with a retail area of ​​40m2 and a warehouse at the same address with an area of ​​15m2. The rental price for 55m2 will be 30,000 rubles per month. The room does not need renovation;
  3. The search for wholesale suppliers of auto parts and consumables on favorable terms has been completed.

Description of products and services

The range of outlets will include spare parts and consumables for cars of both foreign and domestic production. In addition to the goods presented on the windows and shelves, the store will also work on orders from the catalog. In general, the supply department will work according to the principle: the most popular items should always be in stock. These products include:

  • Engine oil;
  • Wheel disks;
  • Tires;
  • Filters (oil, air, fuel);
  • light bulbs;
  • Candles;
  • wipers;
  • Oil seals;
  • Hardware, washers, self-tapping screws, caps;
  • Clamps, branch pipes;
  • Alternator and timing belts;
  • Tools;
  • BB wires;
  • Autochemistry;
  • Gaskets;
  • grenades;
  • Steering tips;
  • Silencers;
  • Bearings;
  • First aid kits and pumps;
  • and so on.

In this case, the customer will be offered spare parts from different manufacturers at distinctive prices, such as "original" or "non-original" spare parts.

The price level will be slightly lower than the average price level for spare parts in the outlets of our city. And thanks to a well-thought-out logistics system, orders will be delivered as soon as possible.

marketing plan

First, let's define the market capacity. According to statistics, in Russia there are about 270 cars per 1000 inhabitants, that is, every fifth person has his own car. Our city is home to 120 thousand inhabitants, respectively, they account for about 20 thousand cars.

The most popular car brands are: Lada, Chevrolet and KIA.

Of the total volume of the auto parts market, 52% of sales are for domestic cars and 48% for foreign cars.

The ratio of purchased components for domestic cars and foreign cars:

On average, each car owner spends about 15 thousand rubles on the maintenance of his car (without gasoline and insurance). Basically, these are the costs of engine oil, rubber, filters, spare parts.

It follows that the capacity of the auto parts market in our city is: 20 thousand (cars) * 15 thousand rubles (car expenses) = 300 million rubles a year.

It should be noted that the demand for spare parts will only grow in the near future, as the number of car owners and, accordingly, the number of cars is growing. According to statistics, the growth rate of this market is about 20% per year.

Competitors. According to the study, there are about 30 outlets in the city that sell a similar group of goods, of which 10 are large service stations that have their own retail departments (Recommended reading: “STO business plan”.

In close proximity to our outlet are:

  1. Service station with its own sales department. They mainly trade on pre-orders;
  2. Center for motor oils. The main assortment - oils, filters and other consumables;
  3. Retail outlet on 5m2 in a small shopping center. They sell only by catalog with delivery within a week.

We will conduct a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors:

Competitors Characteristic conclusions
Strengths Weaknesses
ONE HUNDREDCar owners who use the services of a service station order spare parts in their storeA low range of spare parts and consumables from the warehouse, basically all goods are made to order. Delivery of the order more than a week. Relatively high pricesCompete with lower prices, wider product range and faster spare parts delivery
Motor Oil CenterA wide range of motor oils at low pricesDue to the specific specialization in engine oil, there are no other types of consumables and spare partsCompete with a wider range and faster delivery of spare parts
Point of sale in the shopping centerLow prices, fast order deliveryAlmost completely out of stock, they sell only by catalogCompete with a wider range of products in stock

Advertising and marketing activities

  1. Advertising in the media, development of a business card site for our store;
  2. Advertising on billboards, distribution of flyers and business cards;
  3. Discount for regular customers, promotions (free oil change);

The level of trade margin on goods will average 40-50%. The sales season is in spring and autumn.

The planned sales volume in monetary terms (revenue) is as follows: The monthly dynamics of revenue is presented in the form of a graph: To reach the break-even point of sales, it is necessary to sell goods in the amount of 315,000 rubles per month.

Production plan

We will work only with large wholesale organizations that have been operating in the wholesale supply of auto parts for more than one year and have proven themselves only from the best side. These are companies such as Part-Kom, Pasker, the Auto-Alliance group of companies, etc. Delivery of goods to the store will be carried out by transport companies. Planned staffing of our organization:Increased requirements will be imposed on the staff, in terms of:

  1. Good knowledge of the device of the car and spare parts;
  2. Ability to communicate with clients;
  3. Sales experience (preferred).

Calendar plan

The list of activities for the launch of the project and their cost can be presented in the form of a calendar plan: It will take 30 days and 2.1 million rubles of initial investments to launch the project.

How much money do you need to open an auto parts store.

To open a retail outlet, investments in the amount of 2.1 million rubles will be required. Of these, own funds amount to 400 thousand rubles and 1,700 thousand rubles are planned to be attracted in the form of a bank loan.

Financial plan

The main expense of the entrepreneur will be material costs, that is, the acquisition of goods for the purpose of subsequent resale. Rather large expenses for an entrepreneur, in addition to wages, will be the payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund: 36 thousand rubles per year for individual entrepreneurs and 30% monthly of the wages of employees. A complete list of all costs, as well as the calculation of gross and net profit, is presented in the table - the forecast of income and expenses of the store:

How much can you earn by opening an auto parts store

Net profit based on the results of annual sales will amount to just over 1 million rubles. The profitability of an auto parts store, according to the business plan, is 25.7%. This figure is higher than any bank deposit. This suggests that the investment in the business will fully justify itself. Return on investment should not be expected before 24 months.

This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

How to start a business

Starting any business requires careful preparation, thoughtful actions and a well-developed business plan. The auto parts store is no exception to the general rule. This business is primarily for men. But even if you have a good driving experience or worked in a car repair service before, it is still worth learning. After all, trading is a new business and requires different skills. First, you need to decide what exactly you will sell: spare parts for foreign or domestic cars, or just covers, rugs, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to competitors: what is sold in your area, at what price, what is more in demand? The competition in this niche is quite high, so you need to think carefully about the business plan and how you can attract a buyer. An auto parts business can be successfully combined with another car-related business, such as a car wash. Or invest in the car in this way which will bring significant profit in 2-3 years.

Many people have their own car. Moreover, in some families there may be several vehicles at once, so various types of businesses that are directly related to cars are profitable and promising. This includes service stations, outlets for the sale of automotive spare parts, car dealerships and other organizations. Entrepreneurs often think about how to open an auto parts store from scratch, which, if properly organized, promises to be very profitable.

Preparing for the opening

For a competent business, an entrepreneur must have certain knowledge in the design of various machines, as well as in the main varieties of their components. In this case, the auto parts business will be understandable and interesting for a businessman, and can become a source of significant profit.

Preliminary stages of work

Before opening the selected case directly, the following steps should be performed:

  • Conduct a market analysis. Opening an auto parts store from scratch is not difficult, but it is important to know what competitors are in a particular region, where these outlets are located, what is the demand for auto parts, etc.
  • Decide on the specifics of the chosen business.
  • Choose the legal form of activity, as well as decide which taxation regime will apply.

Spare parts trading as a business will be successful if all the above problems and issues are resolved.

Choice of store specifics

How to open an auto parts store that will be profitable and interesting for the entrepreneur himself? To do this, it is important to decide which type of activity will be chosen. It is simply impossible to open a retail outlet that will present auto parts for all types and brands of cars, so the following store format is chosen:

  • sale of spare parts for certain brands of vehicles;
  • sale of parts either for foreign cars or for domestic cars;
  • sale of spare parts for special equipment or trucks;
  • sale of used spare parts;
  • trade through an online store.

Opening an auto parts store from scratch in any format is a rather complicated process. In addition, do not forget about the many competitors. That is why the entrepreneur must choose the option that will be interesting for him.

Choosing a place to trade

It is important to decide where exactly the outlet will be located. It is best to choose a separate room, which can be located both in the city center and in a residential area. The premises should have sufficient area to accommodate not only a fairly large trading floor, but also a good storage room.

The requirements for the premises will be as follows:

  • area should not be less than 100 sq. m.;
  • all necessary engineering communications must be connected to the premises, which include sewerage, water supply, heating and electricity;
  • there should be no competitors in close proximity to the outlet;
  • there should be convenient car parking near the building where the store will be located;
  • the store should be divided into several separate rooms, each of which will have its own purpose (there should be a trading floor and a warehouse, as well as a utility room for employees).

Purchase of commercial equipment

To open an auto parts store and start working, you need to install the entire set of necessary equipment on the trading floor. It includes:

  • showcases and racks;
  • shelves and boxes in which it will be possible to store small auto parts;
  • tables and chairs for workers;
  • quality office equipment;
  • cash machine.

Note! Additionally, in the process of work, you will have to purchase many other equipment and elements that simplify the process of doing business.

Formation of the assortment depending on the form of the store

The range is fully selected depending on the chosen specifics of the work.

If we talk about how to open an auto parts store for foreign cars on order, then it’s enough to choose a small room in which one manager will work. He will have catalogs that potential buyers will study. After that, an application will be made, and the selected spare element of the foreign car will be delivered. Shops that sell spare parts for domestic cars work in the same way.

Another format will be a store offering a wide range of auto parts. How to open a spare parts store in this case? Here it is necessary to carefully consider the assortment, since each buyer must find the right item in the store.

Supplier selection

Auto parts should be purchased from trusted and reliable suppliers. Therefore, each company with which cooperation is planned must be checked. It should not have any debts or negative reviews, and the organization should not be included in the list of debtors or insolvent companies.

The best solution is to work with official dealers of various brands of auto parts. In this case, you can be sure that all goods are of high quality, and if a defect is found, you can return the product to the supplier.

When concluding an agreement, it is important to consider the following conditions for cooperation:

  • the possibility of obtaining a deferred payment;
  • payment must be provided, both by bank transfer and in cash;
  • the document must provide for the return of the marriage.

You can open a spare parts store even by cooperating with suppliers located at a significant distance from the store. In this case, all spare parts for cars can be sent by a transport company.


Opening a parts store from scratch is actually not difficult. However, for the optimal operation of the outlet, it is necessary to pay enough attention to the selection of personnel. It is believed that qualified salespeople who are able to advise the buyer are half the success of the activity.

Personnel must have the following qualities:

  • professionalism, since sellers must inform potential buyers about all the goods in the store, and at the same time they must interest and captivate them;
  • experience that ensures the effective work of each employee who knows how to behave correctly in a given situation;
  • the ability to communicate, which ensures the establishment of communication between the store and customers, since silent and gloomy managers do not cause positive emotions among customers.

Advertising and store promotion

Since the outlet will be initially unknown, it is necessary to conduct a high-quality advertising campaign.

Some of the best ways to promote your auto parts store include:

  • create your own official website;
  • make groups in social networks;
  • distribute leaflets on the street;
  • post advertisements on billboards near the entrances of houses adjacent to the store;
  • advertise the store on radio or local television.

Calculation of expenses and income

The auto parts business is quite profitable if you know where to start and how to grow your business. However, to open it, you will have to initially spend quite a lot of money. During work, you will also have to face constant high expenses.

Table. Initial costs (averages)

Table. Monthly costs (averages)

The markup on automotive spare parts can vary from 20 to 100%. The average revenue of a promoted store is approximately 900 thousand rubles, so the net profit can be equal to 200 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the initial investment pays off within a year.


Thus, if you have a well-developed business plan on hand, you can form a profitable and promising business that will be a source of constant income.

The price tag for spare parts in dealer services has always been clearly overpriced in the eyes of car owners. However, this is completely true only for warranty machines. Now almost all dealers offer good discounts for older vehicles. A specific part for a specific model can be noticeably cheaper than other sellers. In addition, in recent years, many dealers have begun to hold seasonal promotions for post-warranty cars. During their validity period, the most popular consumables - for example, batteries, brake discs and pads, filters, oils, wiper blades - are available at very attractive prices. It is unfortunate that all these activities often do not apply to warranty cars.

In general, dealers partly justify the higher price tag for spare parts with some advantages. Many technical centers have their own fairly large warehouses, so you can count on the availability of the part you need. Also, the official dealer guarantees the quality of spare parts, their exact selection and can provide comprehensive information on modified parts.

Network online stores

A more interesting price tag for any car, regardless of its age, is offered by large network online stores, such as Exist, Autodoc, Emex. In addition to original spare parts, they will also please with the widest choice of substitutes. In large cities, such networks have many outlets, so you can choose the store closest to you. These players on the market also have their own warehouses, so you can count on the availability of the most popular consumables. Another advantage of such sites is the ability to freely use spare parts catalogs, as well as detailed diagrams and independently find the number of the part you need. It can be used to find better deals in other stores or on online parts finders such as

If the client has difficulties with the independent selection of spare parts, he can come personally to one of the offices and use the help of a manager. However, this step sometimes does not save you from mistakes. Non-original parts may fit your car according to the catalog, but in reality they differ, for example, in the length of the shock absorber rod or in the seat on the brake disc. Fortunately, in this case, the item can be returned. This works even if it was not the manager who made the mistake, but you when choosing the spare part yourself.

Alas, in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. There is no guarantee that the purchased original spare parts will not be counterfeit. Such cases occur periodically. Also, some of the Internet sites have recently provided inaccurate data on the delivery time of spare parts. Waiting one day easily turns into three, and three into a week. This must be remembered, repairing a car in a service may mean hanging it in anticipation of spare parts or if you simply do not have time to spare. It also leaves its mark on the likelihood that the selected non-original parts may not fit your car.


Another unpleasant surprise is the refusal of the supplier while waiting for the spare part. For example, you need a specific or rare part. Most likely, it will be available only on order with a waiting period of up to a month. You place an order, track the status of the goods in your personal account, and a week or two later, a refusal comes from the supplier. However, he does not inform the store manager about the reasons for such a step. Most often this happens during a period of serious fluctuations in the exchange rate. You order a spare part at one price, and after a couple of days it becomes more expensive, and the greedy supplier cancels your application. However, the new placement of the order will not save you from another surprise. As a result, the wait can drag on for months. You won't lose money, only time. Alas, sometimes even placing an order in another online store does not save. Once I spent as many as two months like this, and as a result, a familiar private seller came to the rescue, who worked only with trusted suppliers. The price of the spare part was slightly higher, but it came the first time and quickly.

Shops specializing in certain brands

Small shops are also widespread, most often they are not even networked and limit their sphere of interest to a narrow pool of car models. However, this also has its advantages.

These stores often have a more moderate price appetite than the big internet players. In addition to original parts, they also offer replacements, although with a less modest choice. But that's kind of a plus. It is unlikely that the replacement you have selected will not fit your vehicle, as these dealers are more familiar with their product line. In addition, they have some kind of experience in matters of reliability and resource of certain non-original spare parts.

Some of these stores provide good discounts for regular customers. An item can be exchanged if it doesn't suit you for some reason. And here everything is transparent in terms of delivery of spare parts to order.

Alas, as in the case of online stores, there is a risk of running into counterfeit goods. In addition, not all such shops are generally respectable. Here, only reviews from other car owners will come to the rescue. Another of the shortcomings is a limited network or a store in general in the singular. Going for the sake of not so significant savings, for example, to the other end of the city is no longer interesting.

club shops

Some stores from the previous example acquire the status of clubs over time. Or people build their business out of the blue. Such stores cooperate with owners' forums and provide good discounts to "tubers".

The advantages of an ordinary store specializing in certain brands in this case are multiplied. After all, the club status obliges to be as friendly to the client as possible. Naturally, it is not without disputes and conflicts, but here they are resolved at a different level. One dissatisfied customer will definitely unsubscribe on the owners forum and, possibly, take a certain number of people with him.

Private seller

One of the branches of club shops are private sellers. Often these are the same car owners who live on specialized forums. These people use factory parts selection programs and deal only with original parts. They have access to supplier partners, and, given the club status, they value their reputation, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of the goods.

The main advantage of such a private trader is lower prices for spare parts compared to all stores. Due to the turnover, the best conditions are provided by sellers oriented towards the models of large concerns. For example, a similar club "shop" for Volkswagens also covers the needs of Skoda, SEAT and Audi owners. The main communication at the same time takes place on the forums of the owners. There you can also find reviews about the seller. But this is usually a very good option, since, in fact, he is the same owner as you. Sometimes he even drives the same car.

In addition to the spare parts themselves, such a seller usually distributes technical fluids: original and substitutes. If you buy from him often and a lot, you can get an additional discount from him.

Private seller for all brands

Private sellers without strict specialization also work on the market. If you like, this is a large network online store with one employee.

This option saves you from almost all problems with large Internet sites. Naturally, delays in terms of delivery are possible, but not so frequent and significant. Moreover, such sellers have access to a larger number of suppliers and prefer to work only with proven options. In any case, the private trader will offer you a choice. If it is important to get a specific spare part on time, then it is better to pay a little extra and place an order with a more reliable supplier. If you are willing to wait, you can save some money by using the option with a higher bounce rate.

Such private traders can be found through acquaintances, on social networks or on automotive portals. As for prices, not in all cases they will be significantly lower than in online stores.

Private individual specializing in a particular group of spare parts

There are also highly specialized private traders, for example, sellers of parts for brake systems. In addition to original spare parts, they offer a wide range of replacements, including sports ones. And due to the fact that these people also value their reputation, they offer high-quality goods, competently select spare parts for your car and are ready to exchange them or return the money, if anything.

You can reach such people again through acquaintances, social networks or specialized forums.

Club car service

Any car service sells spare parts with a markup. However, if we talk about club technical centers, then this overpayment is beaten off by a mass of useful bonuses.

In previous examples, we have already talked about dividends from club status for car owners. In the case of such a service, the client also enjoys the valuable experience of servicemen. Over the years of work, they have found the most suitable replacements for original spare parts in terms of price / quality ratio and know in which cases it is worth abandoning analogues altogether.

Some of these services also have small warehouses of the most popular consumables. And in the case of an order, they are guaranteed to be able to choose a spare part suitable for your car: original or a substitute - experience helps. In addition, such services try to work with reliable suppliers. In any case, reviews about work and spare parts from a particular technical center can always be read on the owners forum.

To whom to turn?

Ultimately, the choice of specific shops or parts sellers largely depends on the model of the car. Not all of them have a complete list of options described above. In addition, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, if you are an adherent of original spare parts, then a private club seller would be an ideal option. If you prefer substitutes, then here you still have to figure it out, the choice is not so obvious in all situations, but usually it is most profitable to work with club shops and services. Their experience with aftermarket parts is most valuable.

If you want to start a profitable and stable business, we recommend that you open an auto parts store. Spare parts are always needed - the number of cars in Russia is growing, and the quality of roads is constantly falling. With the right approach to business, you can quickly recoup all investments made and even create a whole chain of stores.


Despite the outbreak of the crisis, there were no fewer cars on the roads. Few people switched to public transport - people continue to drive private cars as before. Some employees have even increased the number of trips - more meetings and consultations are needed to maintain the desired level of sales of goods.

Even those who have been directly affected by the crisis do not put the car on a joke - they simply reduce the number of trips. But if something happens to the car, they will definitely repair it. And for repairs, spare parts are always needed. Let's figure out what start auto parts business and what is needed for this.

How to start

First of all, study your competitors. Surely in your locality there are shops selling spare parts. Visit them, consider the range of products and prices, opening hours and location. Think about how to get local service stations and car repair shops interested in buying parts from you. Perhaps you can offer them preferential prices or short delivery times.

The auto parts store is a fairly profitable and interesting business. Initially, you will not have many customers - out of habit, people will go to buy spare parts in trusted stores. But if you trade competently, sell only high-quality spare parts and arrange various promotions, then you will quickly fill your customer base. And yet — people buy parts all the time. There will be no such principle as in an electronics store when a person makes one purchase every 2-3 years. The car is constantly in need of spare parts.

Types of spare parts stores

Shops selling spare parts fall into two broad categories:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. classic stores.

Classic stores are also divided into several types. Some are engaged in the sale of spare parts exclusively on order, the second have their own warehouse and showcase, and others sell only parts for certain types of cars.

For a small parts store, it is usually enough to register a regular IP. This will allow you to save on taxes and quickly submit reports without unnecessary headaches. If you want to open a large store, conclude contracts for the supply of spare parts to well-known service stations, etc., then it is better to choose an LLC. This will allow you to get more customers, but will increase your tax rate.

Your store should have everything from oils to tires

Requirements for the premises

Any cost of starting a business can be divided into two types:

  1. Permanent (salaries, taxes, rent, purchase of goods, repairs).
  2. One-time (purchase of premises, equipment, registration and furniture costs).

One of the main expense items will be the building for your store. If you plan to open a full-fledged establishment, then you need to find a room with a size of 50 m2 (preferably at least 80 square meters), which should be divided into a warehouse, a trading floor and a staff room. It is best if the premises are located near a car wash or car services, near garage cooperatives, near a major highway or in residential areas. The building must have running water, sewerage, electricity, ventilation and a fire alarm system. The best option would be a room with two entrances: customers will come through the main one, goods will be imported through the back one. There should be at least a minimum amount of parking in front of the building itself. From the equipment you will need strong racks, showcases and racks.

For accounting, you will need a computer with appropriate software, internet, telephone and furniture.

Online store

An online store allows you to organize a business with minimal investment. To do this, you only need an office (you can even work from an apartment). You will save on:

  1. Rent.
  2. Personnel.
  3. Public services.

Many novice businessmen open an online store and resell spare parts by buying them in classic stores. This is the wrong approach that will not bring you serious profit. It’s more correct to buy the most popular goods on your own and ship immediately after placing an order, rather than running around the city looking for the right part.

An online store can significantly expand the list of your customers.

Some warehouses allow you not to buy goods, but to take them for sale. This is a great option for online stores.

let's consider how to open an auto parts store from scratch and take goods for sale without investing in it.

You will need a website that you can order from freelancers or create yourself on numerous free engines. Then you will need to promote it in search engines for given key queries. After that, you will have real visitors who will place orders, and you will send them goods. To take it for sale, you need to agree with suppliers . Usually they give goods for sale, subject to a monthly return of a certain amount to them. If you go for it, you can significantly save on investments.

But usually an online store is opened not as a separate business, but as an addition to an existing one. When you have an active parts store, you will open your website in order to attract a large number of customers.

Staff and assortment

You will need:

  1. Shop assistant.
  2. Administrator-accountant.
  3. Loader-cleaner.

At the initial stages, you can perform the role of administrator and accountant. In this case, you only need a seller, who can also become a loader. But in the future it is necessary to hire people for this work.

To select an assortment, you need to decide what exactly you will sell. Perhaps you will focus on domestic cars. Or for trucks. Or any specific brand. You should always have in stock all spare parts and consumables:

  1. Motor oils and other technical liquids.
  2. Ball joints, gaskets, various rubber bands, etc.
  3. Optics.
  4. Tires, wheels.
  5. Glass.
  6. Spare parts for chassis repair (shock absorbers, springs, struts, etc.).
  7. Candles, screws, wipers, pumps, first aid kits, etc.

In order to successfully compete with competitors, it is necessary to set prices by 5-10 percent less by organizing high-quality delivery of spare parts on order. You should have both original spare parts and “analogues” in your assortment - people often buy cheaper goods.

A separate building will allow you to open an additional business - a car wash or tire fitting


Where to find suppliers? On the Internet, in newspapers, in the media. You need to select several quality sellers who will not only offer the right assortment, but also guarantee that delivery times will be met. If you constantly miss the deadlines, then the number of customers will drop sharply.


You can promote the store even before it opens. Launch an advertising campaign with flyers, banners, streamers. Focus on a good assortment, affordable prices, discounts, minimum delivery times. Hold various promotions and contests, make yourself a good sign, create groups on social networks and topics on local forums. Offer a discount to regular customers, make small discounts for pensioners and students - you need to bet on regular customers.


In this article, we present only an example auto parts store business plan , since everything is highly dependent on location and many other factors. To open a standard store with an area of ​​80 m2, equip it and fill it with goods, you will need about 2 million rubles. Profit for the year with the right approach will be at least 1.4 million rubles, that is, the store will pay off in about 15 months and after that it will begin to bring you additional profit.

In order to raise income, you can organize a car wash or service station near the car dealership. This business has excellent prospects for development, and the profit will be constant and high!

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