Event Mannequin Challenge: Spread your ideas virally. The largest flash mob

About 40 people took part in the production with stopped time. The conditional name of the dummy challenge is “5 minutes before the New Year”. The location was a hall decorated with New Year's paraphernalia with Christmas trees, balls, tinsel, deer, and a red-billed rooster painted on glass doors.

The mannequin challenge fashion, a new Internet flash mob, broke out this fall in the States and swept the world like a tsunami wave. The task of the participants is to depict a frozen moment in life, as in the children's game "Freeze-wither", film it and put it on the network, challenging new participants. Of course, the more unusual, the better.

Politicians, athletes, top models, police officers, strippers, social rights activists - no one stayed away from the Internet marathon.

To shoot a successful mannequin challenge you will need:

Ready for all participants, able to get together in time, look sexy, improvise in moderation and, most importantly, freeze on command at the right time, like mannequins from a shopping arcade.

Nice bar, with snacks and drinks, where the actors can draw energy and inspiration before the action.

A creative team consisting of a venerable director who will generate the idea of ​​the production, distribute the roles and supervise the filming; a budding cameraman who shoots non-stop all the scenes and an experienced editor who evaluates the epic picture on the spot and then embeds various 3-D effects into the resulting video for more believability.

A prerequisite, without which the holiday will not take place, is a respected person who will command the parade in time to help the hoarse director calm down the broken company.

It is no coincidence that he will play the main role of a “super-star” in the production, since someone has to order music and pay for the production of video products.

If children suddenly appear in your adult company, they may not really fit into the party scenario. This often happens in life. But in fact they will be the most sincere performers. Because children always play for real.

Finally, the characters of the mannequin challenge take positions according to the director's intention and work out their mini-scenes on the spot. The command “We shoot, do not move!” and shooting begins, which takes from 3 to 10 takes.

The most amazing thing in the mannequin challenge is when frozen, like wax figures from Madame Tussauds, in an instant, from inanimate matrix dolls, they again turn into living people. At this moment, it is as if the Creator's secret switch turns on and the game takes on some deeper meaning than a simple party with a cheerful ending.

While the directors are sculpting the video, and the participants of the mannequin challenge are languishing in anticipation of the Oscars, we present to your attention pirated footage stolen from the pasteboard


Forget about owling, planking and Harlem shaking! Now there is a whole new fad on the Internet! Freeze like a store mannequin, upload the result to YouTube and your video could go viral!

10. The song most strongly associated with "dummy" madness

Thanks to the Mannequin Challenge, the song "Black Beatles" became the No. 1 song in the United States. The track by the American hip-hop duo Rae Sremmurd was released in September this year, but its premiere was more than modest. However, the song made a lot of noise after it became the soundtrack in most of the viral videos posted on social networks.

The band staged their own flash mob during their own performance on November 3, 2016.

9. The U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Team Staged a Flash Mob "Dummy Challenge"

American medallist athletes including Simone Biles, Anastasia Liukin and Danell Leyva took part in a flash mob while preparing for Kellogg's Tour of Champions.

Some of these poses are pretty hard to hold for milliseconds, so imagine what it's like to stay in that position long enough to film this video.

8. 11 thousand basketball fans froze during the flash mob "Dummy Challenge"

The Perth Wildcats basketball team from Perth, Western Australia may have lost to the New Zealanders in overtime, but that didn't stop the 11,000+ spectators at the Perth Arena.

The video, posted on the club's official Facebook page, immediately set the standard for this flash mob. The team convinced a crowd of 11,000 to take part in the Mannequin Challenge, and the Red Army did not let the club down: the spectators remained completely still for more than one minute.

7. The Kardashians took on the challenge in the delivery room.

This Mannequin Challenge is going to be hard to beat: Rob Kardashian and his fiancee Blac Chyna took on the challenge minutes before Chyna gave birth to a baby girl, Dream Renee Kardashian.

In this video, Chyna poses in a birthing position, surrounded by Kris Jenner and Tokyo Toni, mothers of Rob and Chyna, on both sides. Rob sits at the edge of the bed with his arms outstretched, as if ready to receive a newborn baby. China's best friend Paige (Paige) "registers" the birth, and Corey Gamble (Kris Jenner's boyfriend) pretends to read the test results with a specialist. Take a look at this video:

6. 'Dummy Challenge' Flash Mob Video Highlights Black Lives Matter Movement

Check out this powerful freeze-frame look at police brutality, civil rights and the Black Lives Matter movement. In the short video, directed by actor and producer Simone Shepherd, the camera pans across several frozen scenes while heartbeats play background music.

Scenes showcase key moments from previous years and months, including gunfights and deaths (including the murder of Philando Castile, Sandra Bland, Alton Sterling and Trayvon Martin in hooded and with the Skittles), football player Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers kneeling during the national anthem, and Black Lives Matter protesters with their fists raised.

5. The Beatle wins the Mannequin Challenge

It was only a matter of time before Paul McCartney would take part in the Mannequin Challenge, as the Beatles were mentioned in a song by Rae Sremmurd.

In a video posted on his Twitter and captioned "Love those Black Beatles #MannequinChallenge", Paul McCartney is standing at his piano with one hand touching the keys and the other thrown up. As the camera pans around him, you can guess which lines are accompanied by: "Black Beatle, bitch / We and Paul McCartney are connected!"

4. Football star Cristiano Ronaldo accepted the challenge in his underwear

Ladies, pay attention! Cristiano Ronaldo showed his perfect abs in the negligee during the Mannequin Challenge, which was attended by the national football team of Portugal, arranging it in their dressing room.

3. "Dummy Challenge" made it to the White House

The reigning NBA champion, the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team, visited the White House after their victory, and what they did in the Oval Office has now gone viral. The team, along with US First Lady Michelle Obama, took part in the Mannequin Challenge flash mob.

2. A popular children's show focused on the Mannequin Challenge.

In the adorable video posted to Twitter, the camera pans up and down quiet Sesame Street, showing all kinds of frozen moments between puppets, actors and crew members.

The peak of the popularity of mannequin challenges came in the fall of 2016, but it's too early to push the idea into a distant box. On the contrary, it will not take you much time to explain to the guests of the event the essence of such a flash mob. Everyone has already seen vivid examples on the Internet, they imagine how it can be organized as interesting as possible, and they actively help you with creating spectacular images.

What is a mannequin challenge

For the first time I read about the mannequin challenge in Andersen's fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". Naturally, the storyteller did not know the name of this Internet flash mob, but he was the first to describe the impression that the frozen heroes of the fairy tale made on the prince:

“The prince looked to the right, to the left, and the blood went cold in his veins. Around him lay, sat, stood, leaning against the wall, motionless people in ancient clothes. They had goblets in their hands, and the wine had not yet dried in the goblets. Sleep must have overtaken them at the moment when they were about to drain the cups to the bottom.

And in childhood, we all played "the sea worries once." To amuse each other, we tried to take emotional motionless poses and hold out like that for a couple of minutes. I also remember the famous scene “the auditor is coming to us”.

So. Some American schoolchildren launched a flash mob, during which a group of participants had to freeze in some kind of usual pose for a couple of minutes, while the operator removes the “dummies” from all sides. This is a frozen still image that is taken on camera. When recording the challenge mannequin, only one person moves - the videographer. The success of the flash mob depends on his skill. Everything should be smooth, with a clear picture, interesting angles.

Here is one of my favorite videos shot in an educational institution:

At what events can such a flash mob be held?

A rare success for the organizers... The idea is suitable for any format of private, business and corporate events.

We all understand that no one does this just for fun. The time when people spent precious minutes for the sake of the Internet relay race is irretrievably gone.

In each case, a specific goal is pursued.

Open day in educational institutions

Young people like this fun the most. They are ready to freeze in the most awkward poses, dreaming of collecting a bunch of comments that appreciate their humor and sense of balance. If I were the owners of children's developing clubs, private schools, art schools, theater studios, colleges and universities, I would definitely shoot such a video to advertise the open day. Imagine how you can show all the services of an educational institution without unnecessary noise and fuss.

For example, an art school... Here someone is drawing, here someone froze with his mouth open while singing, there are dance steps, a theatrical performance, etc. Periodically, you can point the camera at a sign with the name of the school, the schedule of consultations, and contact numbers. Limitless advertising opportunities in 3-4 minutes, given the endless love of teenagers to post videos of themselves in social networks. Cool!

corporate event

Believe me, ladies of Balzac's age will much more like to freeze for a few minutes in a spectacular pose with a glass of wine than to worry while waiting for the edited video from the invited videographer, who often forgets about beautiful angles. He tries to show the scope of the event, treats and shows - all this, by the way, looks great during the mannequin show.

In a few minutes, you can ask guests to make the most of the space of the banquet area, rent a welcome zone with master classes and photo zones, show a toast at the table, incendiary colleagues on the dance floor, thoughtful faces of quest players, etc. All this with great music... I think it's great. The flash mob itself, led by a good host, is fun, so feel free to write down the mannequin challenge as an additional activity at the event.

business event

Naturally, it is most effective to record a video during a coffee break. At this moment, people get to know each other and exchange contacts, take pictures and record their own videos for social networks, look at advertising stands and elegantly hold canapes in each hand)). Business events last 2-3 days, so you can attract new participants to the event.

city ​​festival

What attracts me most in such a flash mob is the reach of the audience. People will play the video 100 times, trying to find themselves at the city holiday. Naturally, the organizers need to set goals in advance and focus, for example, on new cafes and entertainment areas of the park.


A beautiful, sincere or playful video that captures close friends and relatives is a beautiful “frozen” memory with many little things and pleasant details. The most difficult thing is to organize the kids, but the smallest ones can complete the shooting. As a rule, in the finale, the mannequin challenge “explodes” with cheerful laughter and festive noise.


Ah… Photography from all angles. Look into each other's eyes. Long. The admiration of the guests, mother's smile, frozen musicians. Only bubbles in champagne move.

High school graduation

Probably every videographer dreamed about it. So that for at least one second all this unbridled fun stops ... So that he can shoot not only the backs of graduates dancing in the twilight, but capture at once the whole gamut of emotions of young girls and boys, the excited faces of their parents and teachers, the thoughtful look of the headmaster and the stern eyebrows of the guards at the entrance.

What you need to shoot a mannequin challenge

It just seems that you can clap your hands three times and ask everyone to freeze for a couple of minutes, and in the end you will get a masterpiece that you want to review for years. Alas.

For such a video, you also need a script, the choice of "actors", the distribution of roles. You need to find spacious rooms with good light, a beautiful and sensible background (the operator often needs to capture advertising signs with contact information). All this is thought out by the director.

The host of the event places everyone, inspires and gives commands to the groups of “dummies”.

The videographer should have a good camera with a stabilizer, as he is the only character on the set who moves a lot and actively.

The most important thing, of course, is the IDEA: a clear understanding of the audience of viewers who will evaluate the video, a clear informational message, an endless sense of humor.

Mannequin Challenge is a new flash mob that has taken over all social networks, as the Ice Bucket Challenge did (when participants poured buckets of ice water on themselves). Now the task is simpler - the participants freeze in place during any action, like dummies, and the operator films it all on camera. The effect of "stopping time" under the hit of the duet Rae Sremmurd "Black Beatles" made a splash.

In Russia, the Mannequin Challenge has gained crazy momentum - videos are being filmed in the subway, post offices and even in the State Duma. The flash mob did not bypass hockey players either. We present you the Mannequin Challenge performed by KHL clubs.

Time stopped. Top 10 Mannequin Challenges in Football

Hazard, Ronaldo, Vardy and other football stars who took part in the largest flash mob of our time.


The immobile goaltender, the forward about to take the take-off, preparing the stick, the hockey player warming himself by the fan - everyone on the Finnish team is busy. And most importantly, everyone is in hockey uniforms - they even go to the sauna in sweaters!

Pause in the game

One flash mob was not enough for the “jesters”, and at the home match with Kunlun they decided to arrange another Mannequin Challenge. At one of the moments of the meeting, hockey players, fans, a support group and journalists froze for several minutes, like statues.


Yekaterinburg residents decided to arrange their flash mob, as befits athletes, in the gym. Squats with dumbbells, stretching, exercising on an exercise bike - this is how Avtomobilist's victories are forged.


In the locker room, the Nizhny Novgorod residents have their own atmosphere - someone is carried away by the conversation, and someone is helped to unlace their skates. The victory over Magnitogorsk was hard for Torpedo.


Khabarovsk showed what happens in the locker room immediately after the team's training. Apparently, the lesson was not too difficult, since there was still strength left to take a selfie.


In the locker room of "Siberia" you will not get bored - here they dance with the talisman-snowman, and read books, and write posters. Artyom Voroshilo digs in the trash in general!

Support group "Salavat Yulaev"

Hockey players of "Salavat" still do not dare to arrange a flash mob in the locker room, only Andrey Gavrilov tried to do it in the match with Moscow "Dynamo", but the girls from the Ufa support group picked up the baton. There is something to admire!

Support group "Spartacus"

The red and white angels competed in the Mannequin Challenge. How many emotions on the face of girls!

SKA support group

Before the arrival of the "soldiers" to the arena, SKA Sisters had time to look at the hockey players in the locker room. Ilya Kovalchuk liked the flashmob so much that he posted it on his Instagram and offered to take over the baton to Alexander Ovechkin and Evgeni Malkin. How will the Enkhaelians respond?

Mannequin Challenge. Vardy

Let us briefly recall what we are talking about. "Mannequin Challenge" is a new large-scale Internet flash mob, the essence of which is that a person freezes in one position (like the children's game "The sea worries once"), and it is filmed. Schoolchildren from the United States of America became the pioneers, and then, as they say, off they go. And, surprisingly, football players became one of the main popularizers of the Mannequin Challenge flash mob. In addition to the Portuguese national team, Leicester and England forward Jamie Vardy made his contribution to this story, who, with the help of this challenge, marked the goal scored against Spain in a friendly match.

Mannequin Challenge. Song

Like the old Harlem Shake, the Mannequin Challenge video flash mob has a signature song that is usually used in videos. We are talking about the composition Rae Sremmurd - Black Beatles ft. Gucci mane. The musicians themselves also supported the flashmob at their concert. Famous artists and politicians have already participated in the Mannequin Challenge: Hillary Clinton, Jon Bon Jovi and so on.